Y&R Transcript Monday 9/9/19
Episode #11697 ~ Victor's condition takes a turn and trouble looms for Abby and Chelsea as The Grand Phoenix hotel opens its doors.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Abby: I want this place, this lounge, to not only be for out-of-town guests but a hot spot for locals, like an exclusive club.
Zoe: I'm, uh, zoe hardisty. Theo invited me. I'm part of his social-media quad. We could get coffee or go shopping.
[ Gasps ] We could have a spa day -- post it all for our followers.
Summer: Oh, my god. Okay. Um, you are being beyond clingy right now.
These look exactly like the medication victor's taking -- the same size and markings. Doubling the dosage will increase his side effects greatly.
Nikki: Oh, thank you, joan. I'll let you know if I have any changes.
Adam: Goodbye, dad.
Nikki: There you are.
Victor: Thank you, sweetheart. It's not decaf, is it?
Nikki: Oh, perish the thought.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: But I was thinking, uh, maybe we should just take our drinks to go and head home.
Victor: Why?
Nikki: Well, we've been out for a while, and pretty soon we're gonna have to get ready for abby's big night.
Victor: Oh, we have plenty of time, darling. I mean, I'm enjoying this day. Let's stay a little while.
Nikki: I just think maybe that...you should relax a little bit before tonight. You haven't quite seemed yourself.
Victor: Oh, baby, I'm -- I'm -- I'm -- I'm alright.
Nikki: Are we really gonna do this?
Victor: [ Sighs ] Okay. I'm a little off. Okay? But that, I think, has to do with the fact that I was upset by adam's visit.
Nikki: Are you sure that's all it is?
Victor: Yeah. I mean, otherwise, I-I feel much better. I think I'm making progress, you know? What else could it be?
Adam: Listen. So...the minute their backs were turned, I switched the medication in dad's pocket. The labels are identical. And the pills are twice as strong now, which, according to my pharmacist friend, can lead to some interesting complications.
Phyllis: I'm just curious. I'm curious --
Adam: What? Are you gonna lecture me now?
Phyllis: No. I'm on board. I told you that. I just want to know, are you having second thoughts, any nagging feeling in the back of your mind that maybe you're going overboard?
Adam: Victor tried to run me over with a car. Is that not enough?
Phyllis: I was just checking. I need some coffee.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Not out here.
[ Sighs ] I can't find it anywhere! Should I wear the blue one-instead?
Lola: I know what's bothering you, and it's not your tie going missing.
Kyle: Oh, yeah?
Lola: It's theo. You're dreading seeing him. Just ignore him.
Kyle: Easier said than done.
Lola: I know that you have it in you. You ignore me when I bug you about leaving your wet towel on the bathroom floor. Go on, kyle abbot. Ignore me.
Kyle: Looking like that?
Lola: It'll be good practice.
Kyle: Uh...this is... monumentally unfair.
Lola: What, this is difficult for you?
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Try impossible.
Lola: Come on, baby. You can do it. Pretend like I'm not even here.
Kyle: Mm.
Devon: Hey, there.
Elena: Hey!
Devon: I thought you were gonna be home hours ago.
Elena: I know, but something really cool came up.
Devon: Oh.
Nate: I, uh, had an emergency surgery and invited elena to observe, so if she's late, blame me.
Devon: Ah, I see. That's okay. That's okay. It sounds like he gave you a great opportunity, huh?
Elena: He did. Thank you for understanding.
Devon: Yeah, of course.
Sharon: Thanks again for letting faith stay here while i go on my trip. Oh, and she insisted that she's fine with just her father dropping her off at boarding school.
Nick: Yeah, it's not a problem, although I cannot believe our little girl is old enough to go off to boarding school.
Sharon: I know. Me, neither. And that's part of what I want to work through, you know, on my trip, which I would have been gone by now already, but I'm going to abby's opening-night big gala.
Nick: Abby's opening-night big gala? You know, it's chelsea's, too. Kind of glided right over that.
Sharon: Oh. I-I-I guess I did. No, you're right. Um, and I'm honestly happy for her.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] That almost sounded sincere.
Sharon: Well, I'll have to work on my presentation.
Nick: I guess I was, uh, you know, kind of hoping that you and chelsea could be friends. We're all part of this big, messy, blended family. Is that too much to ask for?
Sharon: Yeah. Probably too much to ask for.
Nick: It's too much.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] But you know what? I am glad that you two are back together, for your sake. You really deserve a fresh new start, nick. And now it's my turn.
Abby: [ Sighs, chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Are you ready?
Abby: Oh, I'm ready.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
Chelsea: Ohh.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Chelsea: Tonight is going to be magnificent.
Abby: A dream come true.
[ Both squeal, giggle ]
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[ Knock on door ]
Rey: Lola!
Kyle: [ Groans ]
Rey: Kyle! Anyone home?!
Lola: [ Sighs ] Coming!
Kyle: Uh -- mnh. Mnh.
[ Door opens ]
Lola: Hey! What's up?
Kyle: Come on in!
Rey: Thanks.
Lola: I am so glad that you are here.
Kyle: [ Groans ]
Rey: You sure about that?
Lola: Hey. Rey... tonight is gonna be superfun. This party is going to be packed, and maybe you'll meet someone.
Rey: Let's not get carried away.
Lola: Making it a challenge, huh? You're on.
Rey: [ Sighs heavily ]
Tessa: Can I help pick some of the shots this time?
Mariah: Of course. I want you to be comfortable with whatever decisions we make.
Tessa: You know I always am.
Mariah: Hi, guys.
Theo: Hey, ladies! What's up?
Mariah: Not much.
Theo: You remember tallulah and indio, right?
Mariah: Of course. Are you guys ready for the grand phoenix event tonight?
Tallulah: Yes. Theo has been prepping us.
Indio: Did you just come from a performance?
Tessa: Huh? Oh. Oh! No, not really.
Mariah: We just came from a photo session. We took some publicity shots for tessa.
Theo: Hey, I wish you'd let me know. I've been to tons of shoots. I know all the ins and outs.
Mariah: Are you implying that I don't?&
Theo: Not at all. Just pointing out that my experience might be useful. I want you to feel free to take advantage of me.
Tessa: Sure you don't mean the other way around?
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] You know, I'm actually working on tessa's campaign personally, so no outside contributions necessary.
Theo: Hey, whatever works. Right now we're off to the hotel.
Mariah: Is that what they're wearing to the event?
Tallulah: Why? Is something wrong?
Mariah: Well, let me just put it this way -- uh, you're gonna fit in much more at a gala cocktail event with, uh, some cocktail dresses, so... I want you to go to fenmore'S. You're gonna ask for alex. Tell her I sent you, and she will dress you, and then power communications will pick up the tab.
Indio: Free clothes?
Mariah: Yeah.
Indio: I'm down!
[ Laughter ]
Theo: You two go on ahead. I'll catch up.
Tallulah: Okay.
Theo: See what I'm talking about? We make a great team! I hustle the talent, you put on the finishing touches.
[ Chuckles ] Anyway...I'm off. I'll see you later. Oh. And in case you're wondering... I will be appropriately attired.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Tessa: You still don't trust him?
Mariah: No. It's different now.
Tessa: It is?
Mariah: Yeah. Now I trust him less.
Abby: Whoo!
Chelsea: Whoo! Ha ha! Well done!
Abby: Thank you!
Chelsea: So, now that the pool table is broken in...
Abby: Let the festivities begin. I cannot wait for all of genoa city's movers and shakers to arrive and see their new jewel.
Chelsea: I know. Man, I just -- I can't believe how much my life has changed since I came back to genoa city. I mean, I-I-I couldn't have predicted anything that's happened.
Abby: I know, right? A few weeks ago, owning a hotel wasn't even on my radar, and now look at us. We are business partners -- a real team.
Chelsea: Yeah. I'm so grateful and thrilled you let me invest in the grand phoenix and manage the place.
Abby: Well, there is no one else I'd rather have running the show.
Chelsea: Well, let's hope you still feel that way after tonight.
Abby: Oh. Well, if it doesn't work out, I predict phyllis would be more than happy to step in.
[ Clicks tongue ]
Chelsea: [ Inhales deeply ]
[ Squeals ]
Phyllis: The grand phoenix opening is tonight.
Adam: Yeah, and whatever it is you're cooking up to get even with the new owner.
Phyllis: [ Inhales deeply ] I'm just going for the free food. But abby and chelsea will be so unnerved that I'm there, and that's gonna be fun to watch.
Adam: God, that sounds extremely boring.
Phyllis: So, I assume you're not gonna be my plus-one?
Adam: Well, I do enjoy showing up to places where I'm not wanted, but... once you come waltzing through the door, no one will even notice me, so...
Phyllis: Mm.
Nikki: Darling, I'm sure these repeated encounters with adam have taken a toll on your energy level, but maybe we should just call nate to be sure, hmm?
Victor: I-I just don't want to run to the doctor every time I... feel...
Nikki: Victor?
Victor: [ Breathing heavily ]
Nikki: Victor.
Victor: I-I can'T...
Nikki: Oh, my god. No. No. What -- what can I do? What can I do for you? How can I help you?
Victor: [ Breathing heavily ]
Nikki: Darling.
Victor: Get me some water.
Nikki: Oh, my god. Please, um... I need a glass of water very quickly. Thank you. Thank you.
Victor: [ Whimpers ]
Adam: Hey, what is going on?
Victor: [ Whimpers ]
[ Breathing heavily ] Get out. Just go away.
Nate: Thanks for the beer, guys.
Devon: Yeah, of course. You taking off?
Nate: Abby won't be too pleased if I'm late.
Devon: I hear that. I should probably change myself. It won't take me long to change.
Elena: Must be nice. You guys get to throw on a suit and you're ready to go, but i have to rush to get halfway decent.
Devon: That's not true at all, honey. You could wear exactly what you have on right now and still be more beautiful than anybody at the party.
Elena: Ohh.
Devon: You know that. Right?
Nate: Yeah, every woman... except abby.
Elena: Good answer. Abby's got some boyfriend material on her hands.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Catch you folks later.
Devon: See you there.
Elena: So...
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: ...If you like this...
Devon: Mm-hmm?
Elena: ...I cannot wait for you to see what I have for tonight. You're gonna love it.
Devon: Really?
Elena: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Oh, sheesh.
Elena: Yeah.
Devon: Yeah. Can't wait.
Elena: Can't wait?
Devon: No, I can'T.
Abby: Zoe? What are you looking for?
Zoe: Uh. Um --
Summer: Oh, my god. You guys, this place looks amazing. The flowers are gorgeous -- everything.
Abby: Oh, thank you. That was all chelsea.
Theo: Great job with the decor. Wow!
Chelsea: Thank you.
Theo: Zoe, I see you beat us here.
Zoe: Yeah. Lots to do before the party starts.
Summer: Abby, are you excited about tonight?
Abby: Yeah, just a little bit.
Theo: Well, everything's in place social-media-wise to make this an unforgettable event. Shall we check out the party space?
Summer: Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Break a leg, you guys.
Nikki: Alright. We are going home. I'm gonna have the driver bring the car up, and I'm calling nate.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: This is all your fault.
Victor: I told you to get out.
Nikki: This is mrs. Newman. Please hold. You came over yesterday to stir up trouble. This is the result. So just go. Don't make things worse. Yes. I need you to bring the car up around the back right away, please.
Adam: Sorry you're not feeling well.
[ Clears throat ]
Phyllis: That was fast.
Every little movement
Abby: Hi! Welcome!
Every little thing you do
is it sleight of hand that commands my heart to love you?
Every little movement
every motion of your hips
I feel the compulsion to pull you to my sweet lips
see the black magic spell you put me under
Chelsea: Thank you so much. I'm so glad. Oh, and be sure to check out the ballroom. If you want to rent it out for a personal event or a work --
Nick: Excuse us for just one second. I am so sorry.
Chelsea: Excuse us.
Every little movement
Nick: I mean, look at what you did with this place! I am thrilled for you!
Chelsea: Well, I mean, I came in late, and I had help. Abby should get most of the credit. It's her vision. I'm just -- I'm just happy to be along for the ride.
Nick: Oh, okay. Did you forget that we live together? I saw the energy and creativity you put in this place. I'm so proud of you.
You are the magician
Nick: You're amazing.
I've been wishing for
Sharon: Congratulations! This place, this lobby, is fabulous!
Abby: Well, it was a labor of love. Please enjoy your evening.
Sharon: I'm sure I will.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
[ Camera shutter clicking ]
Sharon: Rey!
Rey: Hi.
Sharon: I didn't know you were gonna be here.
Rey: I wasn't expecting to run in to you, either.
Lola: You know, if people stop coming to society to hang out here, I am gonna be one ticked-off executive chef.
Kyle: Mm.
Theo: Excuse me. I hope this party isn't too wild for you. I don't want to offend your wholesome sensibilities.
Kyle: Actually, it's perfect for the jcv brand. And since jabot is a major sponsor for tonight's event, I'm counting on you to pull it off without a hitch.
Theo: Hey.
Kyle: Zoe better not be an issue here tonight, if you catch my drift.
Theo: Dude, I told you -- not everything's about you. Huh? I need to get back to work. Nice seeing you, lola.
Lola: Oh, I love this song! Will you dance with me?
Kyle: How could I resist?
Lola: Well, you can'T.
Kyle: We must go find the dance floor.
Lola: Hey. Um, there's more room here. Why don't we just stay?
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: [ Chuckles ]
Theo: Alright. Now some of the two of you together.
Summer: Okay.
Theo: Get closer. Pretend you like each other. Smile!
Nate: Blood pressure's good.
Victor: Oh.
Nate: Heart rate's a bit elevated, which I'll chalk up to some mild anxiety about the issues you described.
Victor: Well, I'm feeling much better now.
Nikki: Well, I'm not. You were in a great deal of distress, darling.
Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.
Nikki: I want to know what nate thinks happened.
Nate: Well, the weakness, shortness of breath, and dizziness can be caused by any number of things -- not necessarily tied to the illness. I want to see the test results of the blood samples I took before I venture an opinion.
Victor: Well, that's fair enough.
Nikki: We've been dealing with some family issues that have been very stressful. Do you think that could have been a factor?
Nate: I can't rule it out. But the fact that he bounced back so quickly is a good sign.
Victor: And, doc, one other thing. Um... you know nikki and I would very much like to go to abby's opening tonight just to cheer her on, you know? Is that alright?
Nate: Yeah, as far as I'm concerned.
Nikki: No. This is my call. We're not taking any chances. You and I are gonna be right here.
Adam: I mean, I'm not a doctor. Could doubling the dosage kick in that fast? I don't have a clue. I mean, would victor's little episode be because of the pill switch? Maybe. Maybe not. I mean, nikki implied it was just stress.
Phyllis: You almost sound like you're hoping that's all it is.
Adam: Come on. Please. You know me better than that. Regrets are for other people. I made a decision. And it was the right decision. So, I am just trying to figure out where I stand.
Phyllis: You saw your father weak and vulnerable. You're human. Adam, you're human. It is natural for you to have second thoughts.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nikki: I'll get you some more water.
Victor: Sweetheart, I really wish we had gone to abby's opening tonight, you know? But I do understand why you put your foot down.
Nikki: Happy to hear that.
Victor: Okay. You've been so protective of me, so supportive of me ever since you knew about my condition. And in spite of my grumbling here and there, you know... I'm grateful.
Nikki: Darling, there's nothing I wouldn't do to protect you... just as you have done for me so many times. And since we're skipping the party, I asked the chef to serve your favorite meal to us tonight.
Victor: Ooh! We haven't had that for a while.
Nikki: Well, actually, we had it last week.
Victor: What do you mean, last week?
Nikki: Darling, do you know what your favorite meal is?
Victor: Well, no. W-- [ Sighs ] I'm -- I'm drawing a blank.
Nikki: It's cornish game hens, but don't worry about not remembering it. I'm sure it's all the stress you've been under.
Victor: Oh. Well, I-I'm not that hungry anyway right now. What -- what I would love to do is I'd -- I'd love to dance with you.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ]
Adam: Why do you continue to keep bugging me about this, phyllis? I gave you my answer at the coffeehouse. I am fine with what I did.
Phyllis: I don't believe you.
Adam: More than fine.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
Adam: You don't believe me. You know, not that long ago, you went on a rant about how unjust the world has been to you, reminding me how much we have in common. That day, you were right, okay? But today you are wrong, because my family has treated me like something you would scrape off the bottom of your shoe. And for that, I want to see my father completely incapacitated.
Phyllis: Completely?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Alright. I don'T... have any judgment. Just -- I'm all for burning the house down. Adam, this is a little different than you described the other day.
Adam: You don't think I have what it takes to go through with it?
Phyllis: Well, time will tell.
[ Chuckles ]
Adam: Bet me.
Phyllis: Adam, I'm not... okay, fine. I will bet you. I will bet you. If you continue to allow victor to suffer now that you've changed his medication, I will grant you a-a wish of your choosing. But... if I win -- if I win -- I want something more tangible from you. Excuse me.
Adam: Okay. How many zeroes are we talking about here?
Phyllis: It's not about money. I want you to really sacrifice something.
Adam: Huh. Name it.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] No more vendettas. I want you to stop going after your family.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Phy-- why would you care?
Phyllis: Because I like you.
[ Scoffs ] Don't ask why. Because it's for your own good.
Adam: Is this about nick? Are you worried about how big a hit your ex is gonna take, phyllis?
Phyllis: No, this is about my daughter. It's about summer. I don't want my daughter caught in the crossfire. Please stop your family feud with the newmans. Stop it. I don't want my daughter hurt.
Adam: I have no beef with summer. You know that. But are you sure you want to waste your wager on her?
Phyllis: Okay. [ Chuckles ] I have a party to go, alright? I don't want to deal with this I-- do we have a deal or not?
Adam: Sure. What the hell? Okay? And because I'm going to win... I will have to think very carefully about what I will ask from you... when the time comes.
Rey: If I didn't say it before, you look very nice this evening.
Sharon: Ah, thank you. That's a nice suit.
Rey: Ah. Well, if I don't get dressed up every once in a while, I'll forget how.
Sharon: I doubt that.
Rey: This place is impressive.
Sharon: It is breathtaking!
Rey: Abby did a fantastic job. I'm glad I came. I was thinking about skipping, but my little sister would have been pretty upset if I was a no-show.
Sharon: Well, I don't blame her. She wants her big brother around, right?
Rey: She wants me to get out and start meeting people.
Sharon: Well, that's probably good advice -- for both of us.
Mariah: Hey!
Devon: Hey, guys! What's going on?
Mariah: Elena, your dress is killer!
Elena: You two look amazing, and I love, love, love your whole outfit, tessa.
Tessa: Oh, this old thing?
Mariah: She means that literally because it's vintage.
Elena: Oh!
Devon: I think we all clean up pretty well, yeah?
Mariah: And it's a good thing, too, because look at this lobby. Talk about fancy. Do you want to explore a little bit?
Tessa: Oh, yeah.
Mariah: Okay. See you, guys.
Devon: See you. Yeah.
Elena: Drink?
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: Hey. It looks like we beat nate.
Devon: Yeah, which is fine 'cause he got to hang out with you at work all day. It's my turn now.
Elena: Really?
Devon: Yeah.
Nick: You know, it is crazy to think that this started out as my project.
Abby: It's gone through a few changes along the way.
Nick: Yeah, but you're the one who got it across the finish line. People have been underestimating you for far too long, abby.
Abby: Thank you. But I do have to give some of the credit to phyllis. She did some of the early hard work.
Nick: As true as that may be, no matter how many "a"-listers are walking around, sipping their cocktails, as far as I'm concerned, you are the true shining star tonight, abby.
Theo: Hey. What are you doing?
Indio: Uh, sorry to interrupt. We need you to introduce us around.
Tallulah: The more bold-faced names we can get photos with...
Theo: The better. I hear you. But you're both more than capable of approaching people on your own, so go for it. It's how you're gonna build your reps online. Uh, zoe! Hey. I expect you to dive in, too. Now, I'll do my best to steer people your way for some shots and some quick interviews, but you're gonna have to keep your eyes peeled. Okay? Let's get crackin', okay?
Tallulah: Okay.
Theo: Hey. Hey, you've been quiet all evening.
Zoe: I'll do my best. But it'll be a challenge not coming off as clingy.
Summer: Okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that last night.
Zoe: It's okay. You both...had a point. Now, I have a job to do. I'll leave you both alone tonight and do my own thing. Deal?
Theo: [ Chuckles nervously ] She's fine.
Mariah: Okay. So, I think next I want to get some shots with you at the swag table, maybe at the guest check-in, getting a bellini. And I am gonna make sure that you are in all the write-ups about this tomorrow.
Sharon: Tonight's not all about work, is it? Come on, you guys! Have some fun! Join the festivities!
Mariah: Wow. Listen to you, already in vacation mode.
Tessa: Ugh. Road trip? I'm jealous.
Mariah: Without a destination yet -- just point the car and set off.
Sharon: That's me, the madcap adventurer.
Tessa: Well, having done it myself a few times, or six, I recommend lots of snacks and a full canteen.
Sharon: Sounds like an excellent plan.
Mariah: Is, uh, rey and the uncomfortable run-ins of the things that you're running away from?
Sharon: I'm not running away from anything. I'm running toward something -- whatever's next for me.
Abby: Thank you.
Nate: Hey. Sorry I'm late. Couldn't be helped. Man. You look good.
Abby: Thank you. So do you.
Nate: This is easily one of the most elegant hotel lobbies i have ever laid eyes on. And it's all in genoa city.
Abby: Oh. Well, you are very sweet.
Nate: Hey, now, you know what you achieved here, right? Perfection.
Abby: I hope so.
Nate: Everything okay? I seem to be the only one talking.
Abby: Yeah. I'm just, um... I'm wondering who would send my flowers in the middle of my event.
Nate: You know who it's from?
Abby: I'm afraid to look.
[ Sighs ] It's from my dad and nikki. I guess they're not gonna make it.
Nate: Ah. That's the reason why I was late. Victor had a minor setback.
Abby: What? Is everything alright?
Nate: Your father's resting. He'll be okay after a good night's sleep. Okay?
Abby: Promise?
Nate: Yes.
Devon: Hey, abby. This is a hell of a party!
Elena: Hi!
Abby: Hi!
Devon: Hell of a party. Good job, my dear.
Elena: Beautiful.
Abby: Oh. Well, I can't take all of the credit.
Devon: Oh. Well, you can take about 90% of it. I know how hard you worked on this place.
Nate: Elena...you look...
Abby: "Fabulous" will work.
[ Laughter ]
Elena: Thank you both.
Nate: My dear, you are truly the second most stunning woman here tonight.
Abby: Awww.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Camera shutter clicking ]
Theo: Hey. Let her have this.
Phyllis: Hello. Um...I know I didn't make the guest list, but I just had to come and... congratulate you on your... epic achievement.
Abby: Did you?
Phyllis: You don't think i mean that?
Chelsea: Can you blame us?
Phyllis: No. Of course not, chelsea. But now that the two of you have willed the grand phoenix into a reality, it is time for me to be the better person and... tell you that you both did better... than I ever could. Ahh. To your success.
Nikki: Oh. Are you alright? Darling?
Victor: Maybe. Oof. Um... I'm gonna go upstairs and... lie down, okay?
Nikki: Um, o-okay.
Victor: Sorry, my sweetheart.
Nikki: Alright.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Nick: Drink later.
Lola: Look at you, mr. Eligible casanova, so smooth, so suave. Look at this turtleneck, speaking to all the beautiful women.
Rey: Yeah, yeah, not before you chatted 'em up a bit on my behalf.
Kyle: Ooh, busted.
Rey: My kid sister's looking to start a second career as a matchmaker?
Kyle: Mm.
Lola: Okay, look, if you're looking for an apology, you're in for a very long wait. Besides, it didn't look like torture. Why stop now? The night is young. Liz seemed really nice.
Rey: [ Sighs ]
Lola: Recently divorced. No kids, and just don't let her love and obsession for cats scare you away. Go talk to her again, yeah?
Rey: Mm-hmm.
Lola: Good luck!
Devon: You know, I reached out to jill regarding that lawyer that contacted me about katherine's will.
Elena: Yeah? She have any theories?
Devon: Well, yeah, we both do, kind of. Through the process of elimination, we both settled on her grandson chance chancellor, who I think had some reason to contact that lawyer and mess around in something that's been settled for such a long time, which just doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Elena: How come?
Devon: Oh, 'cause when I knew him, he was a good guy. He's in law enforcement, and i just -- I don't understand why he or anybody would want to challenge katherine's will after so much time has gone by.
Chelsea: Excuse me. I'm sorry. I cannot tell you how many people have been coming up to me gushing -- gushing! -- Over what you've created. If you're not careful, you are gonna become one hot commodity -- designer, developer, real-estate mogul all wrapped into one... the ultimate hyphenate.
Abby: Ooh!
Nate: Ooh! Looks like you've found your calling.
Abby: Actually, I think that's exactly what happened. It was a lot of hard work and stress and sweat, but I can't wait to do it all over again.
[ Laughs ]
[ Crash ]
Theo: Uh...okay. Alright. Sorry. That was not great, but that's how we know we got a party. S-sorry, abby. Uh, I'm getting this clea-- hey, here's the cavalry! See? Look! Here we go. Party's still going. Get this cleaned up in no time. Still have a great night tonight, right? Hey! No? Hey! Okay. We got one. We got one, alright, in the back.
[ Chuckles ] Okay. Getting it all cleaned up there. Fantastic. Now we got a party, right? Absolutely. Hey. Hey. Dj, kick it! Dj, are you there? No? Okay.
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