Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/29/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/29/19


Episode #11690 ~ Billy hits Adam where it hurts; Kevin confides in Victoria; Lola urges Rey to forgive Sharon.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Adam: That's mom's handkerchief.

Chelsea: I was saving it to give to connor, you know, but i thought maybe you could give it to him instead.

Billy: Don't worry about me. Worry about what adam's up to.

Victoria: Since when do you chew gum?

Billy: So, explain to me again why you're in semi-hiding.

Chloe: Michael just wants me to keep everything quiet until everything is finalized.

Billy: You don't have to worry about me. I know how to handle my issues with adam now.

Chloe: Meaning what, exactly?

Lola: I guess that smile means you had some luck?

Kyle: No, no luck needed, because I've got skills.

Lola: Oh, is that so?

Kyle: Mm. Not every man can install a brand-new air-conditioner.

Lola: No?

Kyle: Mnh-mnh. No. This took finesse... and brute strength...

Lola: Mm.

Kyle: ...And... some physics... and... 1, 2 big guns just happens to be one of my many talents.

Lola: Wow. You have come a very long way since assembling that bookshelf.

Kyle: You want to know what's next?

Lola: You know, I'm really actually afraid to ask.

Kyle: You should be, 'cause first... I'm gonna heat you up... and then... I'm gonna cool you down... because nothing is going to get you cooler than 10,000 B... T... us. Perfect comfort control with cooling... and dehumidifying.

Lola: Wow. You know, I really love it when you talk btus.

Kyle: Mm, and a toe-curling energy-efficiency rating. Oh, yeah. Perfect part? You never even have to get out of bed to turn it on.

Lola: [ Gasps ] Wow. Really?

Kyle: No. Remote... control.

Lola: Mm.

Kyle: Just press that pretty little button right there and wait for the sweet, cool air to work its magic.

Lola: Can I press the button? Pretty please?

Kyle: Mm. Nothing would make me happier.

[ Both chuckle ]

Kyle: I'm on it!

Lola: Kyle!

Kyle: I got this! I got this! I got this!

[ Thud ] Ahh! Ahh! I'm fine! Never fear! I can do this! Ow. Ahh.

[ Door bangs ]

Kevin: What the -- adam?

Adam: In the flesh.

Kevin: What are you doing here?

Adam: I was just about to ask you the same thing. What, you come back to town and you don't even tell me? You're breaking my heart. I thought we were closer than that, kevin.

Kevin: How did you even know I was here?

Adam: Come on. Nothing happens around here without my knowing about it. You know that.

Kevin: I am the last person you need to be worried about.

Adam: Oh, don't sell yourself short, kev. You are as big an irritation as the rest of the miscreants. I got to say, though, it takes a lot of nerve to come back to genoa city after everything i did for you and all the personal sacrifices I made so you could fly off into the sunset with chloe and bella. And this is how you thank me?

Kevin: I don't know what you want.

Adam: I want your honesty and your trustworthiness, okay? You should have left well enough alone, but now you're here and you're trying to get your revenge. Hmm?

Kevin: I didn't do anything.

Adam: Are you trying to mess with my head? Didn't I tell you when you come for me, kevin... you better bring a damn army.

Kevin: I didn't come for you. What the hell are you even talking about?

Billy: You're not gonna like this, but I got to go out of town for a minute.

Victoria: Why?

Billy: Duty calls. I don't like it any more than you do.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, when do you have to leave?

Billy: Tonight.

Victoria: That soon?

Billy: It can't be helped.

Victoria: Where are you going?

Billy: With the jabot merger and the relaunch, jack needs me to help with the branding, and i go where he tells me.

Victoria: Why you?

Billy: Who else?

Victoria: I don't know. Kyle.

Billy: Kyle just got married. You think I'm gonna send a newlywed on the road?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] You have a non-wife and kids. What about jack? Why not let him handle it? It's not as if he has anyone that needs him at home.

Billy: I don't think jack would like your saying that.

Victoria: Well, you know what I mean. You were never for this merger in the first place. Why didn't you just say no?

Billy: You're right. I could do that. But it's gonna happen anyway, so I got one or two choices. I can either support the company 100%, or I can go look for another job.

Victoria: Well, I don'T...

Billy: It doesn't mean that I'm gonna trust ashley after everything she did -- all the tricks that she pulled. She almost single-handedly ruined our family company twice. I'll try to forgive her, but i won't forget.

Victoria: Well, I've never been able to give ashley the benefit of the doubt.

Billy: I have to give her a chance [Sighs] For the future of the company.

Victoria: I know, billy, but it's just the timing.

Billy: I understand.

Victoria: With everything that's going on and adam waging war against the newmans, I want you here. You belong with us.

Kevin: I'm here because esther wanted me here to take care of some stuff and help her out.

Adam: Oh, poor thing. I hope she's okay.

Kevin: She is now.

Adam: I'd love to look in on her, offer my services. I mean, why fly you halfway across the country to lend a hand when she has people here who will gladly do the job? Huh? Esther?!

Kevin: She isn't here -- not now.

Adam: I never thought she was.

Kevin: Look, adam, whatever it is you think I've done, I really don't know wha--

Adam: This. Are you denying this, kevin?

Kevin: "I have something that belongs to you. Meet me at the curve in the road on route 7. You know where I mean." I didn't send that.

Adam: You swear?

Kevin: Yeah, I swear. Route 7 -- that's where de--

Adam: You know damn well what happened there, kevin.

Kevin: So why would I ask you to meet me there?

Adam: You tell me.

Kevin: Look, adam... do I hate you for what you did to delia? Absolutely. Do I hate that you held chloe's freedom over my head and forced me into indentured servitude? Yeah, I do. But that is not worth the momentary satisfaction of screwing with you, and I sure as hell wouldn't use my dead stepdaughter's memory to do it!

Adam: Give me one reason why I should believe you.

Kevin: Because I have my family back! That's all I ever wanted! I wouldn't jeopardize that to play some mind games with you!

Adam: What about chloe?

Kevin: No. There is no way. She knows how close she came to losing everything. She loves bella and our life together, and there is no way she would risk that. We have both done everything you have asked of us, so whoever is playing these games with you, it isn't me, and it's not chloe. So leave us alone. Get out of here.

Adam: Okay, but if you're lying to me, kevin...

Kevin: Never.

Adam: ...I can still make your life very difficult in the blink of an eye. Don't ever cross me.

Kevin: Chloe, please. I need to hear you say it. Tell me it wasn't you. There's just no easy answers...

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Lola: [ Gasps ]

[ Chuckles ]

Kyle: All hail the conquering hero. I have given you light. I've called sharon to let her know what happened, but crisis averted.

Lola: Not quite.

Kyle: Uh, what now?

Lola: We need to have a funeral.

Kyle: What? For who?

Lola: Our dearly departed fridge.

Kyle: [ Sighs heavily ] What happened?

Lola: I don't know. Maybe when the circuit got overloaded, there was a short in the wiring.

Kyle: All of your food is going to spoil. Why aren't you freaking out at least a little bit?

Lola: Because I have got a plan.

Kyle: Oh. You called a legit repairman?

Lola: Better. I just invited rey and mom over for dinner here.

Kyle: But the whole idea was that you wouldn't have to cook tonight.

Lola: But I love cooking, especially for my family, and it just feels right that we have my mom's bon voyage party here.

Kyle: Well, as long as you're up for it. What's on the menu?

Lola: Everything that's in the freezer, 'cause tonight we eat like kings.

Kyle: Mm.

Lola: Let's go see what's in there.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: No, you have to believe me. I didn't send that text to adam.

Kevin: I-I hated having to ask, but I needed to know. I-I needed to hear it.

Chloe: I know, and it is adam and he is dangerous and he keeps his promises, but so do I, and I swore to you that I was never going to hurt adam again.

Kevin: I'm sorry. I-I believe you. I-I do. It's just he -- he swoops in here out of the blue, making all these accusations. He has got that text. I don't know what to think.

Chloe: I do. It was billy. Billy sent that text.

Kevin: No. He would never.

Chloe: Yes, he did. Think about it.

Kevin: I-I know he's been a little out of sorts. You told me about the nightmares he was having.

Chloe: And what happened with bella. I mean, she was pretty freaked out.

Kevin: Yeah. It freaked us out, too.

Chloe: And that's why I took the risk to go see him again. And did he tell you that he's been waking up in these strange places and not knowing how he got there?

Kevin: What else did he say?

Chloe: Well, he's having these dreams about delia -- that she's lost and afraid and she needs him to protect her. I mean, he is in pain. I could hear it in his voice. I could see it in his walk. He's haunted.

Kevin: I know he's been struggling.

Chloe: No. He is falling apart, and I know what that looks like. I mean, that look in his eyes, the thoughts that you can't shake, the feeling there'S... that you just can't make it go away. I hate that I'm even thinking this, but I am afraid that billy is going to do something to really hurt adam.

Kevin: Well, that would be... unfortunate, but --

Chloe: We have to help billy. We have to stop him before he does something that he can't take back, and we need to stop him now, before it's too late.

Kevin: Look, I-I hate that he's going through this, but there's nothing we can do. We have too much to lose.

Victoria: If you want to get more involved at jabot, I am all-in. I'm right there with you.

Billy: Thank you.

Victoria: And I'm very proud of you for having this positive attitude about the merger, because what's good for jabot is ultimately good for you.

Billy: It's a quick business trip.

Victoria: No, I know.

Billy: It's not forever.

Victoria: No, I know. I know.

Billy: And if things go... like I'm hoping, it'll change everything.

Victoria: Yeah. And maybe it would be good for you to get out of town for a while, have a change of scenery and just decompress.

Billy: Can't hurt.

Victoria: No, it can'T. I'm just -- I wish I could go with you, and I feel completely mortified that I'm making it sound like --

Billy: Like you need me?

Victoria: Yeah, that.

Billy: I need you, too. But I also know how brave you are, and adam knows how brave you are. Quick trip to cali and I'll be back before you miss me.

Victoria: It's too late! I already miss you.

Billy: Don't worry. I have a feeling adam won't be waging war on anyone while I'm gone.

Kevin: We barely dodged a bullet with adam. He knew that I was in town. If he finds out you're here, too, before michael lines everything up to take care of your legal problems, adam will find out what we're up to and blow it out of the water. Then you go to prison and bella loses her mother. I'm sorry. I'm not gonna let that happen.

Chloe: When I went back to portland after I was held hostage by adam, I asked billy to look out for you and to make sure that you were safe, and he did that for us. And it only made things harder for him. He is suffering.

Kevin: Are you willing to sacrifice your freedom for his?

Chloe: I think that we can help him without getting ourselves into trouble. We have to. Look, I know what he's going through because I deal with that pain and suffering every day, and it is never-ending, an overwhelming battle of trying to keep it under control.

Kevin: But you found a way through.

Chloe: Yeah, because of bella and you. But when you are in that dark place... you don't even know how to ask for help. It is impossible to see the light. We have to help him. Think about -- think about johnny... and katie and victoria.

Kevin: Well, did billy say something -- anything -- that made you think he was gunning for adam?

Chloe: I told him that any amount of energy he spent on adam was a waste. It wasn't worth it.

Kevin: And how did he respond?

Chloe: [ Sighs ] He said that when I pulled the trigger and shot adam, I should have aimed higher.

Kevin: [ Sighing ] Ay. That's dark, even for billy.

Chloe: And then he came later, and he told me that I was right, that he had -- he had found a way to deal with his issues with adam.

Kevin: Well, that's good, right? Maybe he's gonna go get some counseling or try yoga. Maybe he was just venting and he realized he went too far.

Chloe: No. It scared me... even more because he was calm and detached. It was like he had made a decision that he was already going to do something that would hurt him or someone else. And if adam retaliates, does more damage, if he ruins more people's lives, that is a burden that we are going to have to carry.

Kevin: What about our lives?

Chloe: Look, I know that i took a risk going to see him, and I know that if I go back out there and if someone sees me, then all of the work that michael has done -- I mean, it is going to be ruined, and our plans are gonna come crashing down, but we have to help him.

Kevin: How? Wh-wh-what do you want me to do?

Chloe: I need you to go out there and prove me wrong. Make sure that billy is safe and that adam isn't going to do anything to hurt him. Please? Will you please do this for me? Do it for delia. It's what she would want.

Celeste: Oh. That's good.

Rey: So, you decided to fix the air-conditioning all by yourself, huh, big guy?

Kyle: Not one of my best ideas.

Rey: Next time just call the professionals -- or me. I'll give you a hand.

Kyle: Thanks, man.

Rey: No problem. And just so you know, now that you put a ring on it, you don't have to try so hard to impress her.

Kyle: I'm not so sure.

Lola: Hey, kyle has nothing to prove. He has worked very, very hard.

Celeste: Mm. Has your father never taught you to build anything or do any household fixes or...?

Kyle: None of the above, actually, which is why I was so determined to try to repair it myself. I could have called sharon, have her pay someone to fix it. That's how I was raised, how i lived my whole life. But when I look back on the things I've done, the stupid stuff I pulled...

Rey: Rich, entitled, privileged pipsqueak?

Lola: Rey, not fair.

Kyle: No, no, no. He's right. He's right. But... I used to make fun of people who said they were trying to live their life with intention, but that's what I'm trying to do now -- embrace the aspects of life that I used to avoid -- become a well-rounded person. And I know I've got a long way to go before I'm as handy as the rosales crew, but --

Lola: Why don't you reach a little higher than those two, will you?

Rey: Excuse me. If it weren't for me, that food truck of yours would have never made it around the block.

Lola: I fixed it myself.

Rey: Because I taught you.

Lola: You know what else rey is really good at?

Rey: Everything?

Lola: Rewriting history! Mama?

Rey: Whoa, whoa. There you go running off to mom. You need to fight your own fights.

Lola: Oh, okay. You want to go? Let's go.

Rey: Did I ever tell you i taught her to box?

Kyle: Yeah.

Lola: Oh, okay. There he goes again, you know, making up stories. Is it the heat? Don't worry. Don't listen to him, baby. He's hallucinating. Look. Oh, look. A glass of water. Rey, do you need a glass of water?

Rey: Mom, can you please --

Celeste: No, no, no. You got to leave me out of this, you two.

[ Laughter ]

Lola: Why are you smiling like that? What's wrong?

Kyle: Nothing...at all. I've just never been part of a family that's so...

Celeste: Crazy?

Rey: Loud?

Lola: Out of control?

Kyle: ...Full of life and excitement and fun. I'm glad our kids are gonna grow up in a family as big and happy as this one.

Celeste: Kids? Whoa. Wait. Wha-- do you have some good news you want to share?

Mariah: Before you came back to genoa city, my mom was happy. So why did you have to take a wrecking ball to her life?

Adam: Mariah, I have a -- I have a lot on my mind, so, uh,now's not a good time to get on my case about sharon.

Mariah: You know, I wish you would just do her and everybody else a favor and go back to vegas.

Adam: Wait a minute. You are not above using the memory of a dead girl to manipulate people. Did you send me that text?

Mariah: What text? I don't have your number, nor do I want to.

Adam: Never mind.

[ Clears throat ]

Kevin: [ Sighing ] Ah, yeah.

[ Exhales sharply ] Okay.

Kevin: Victoria?

Victoria: Hey, kevin!

Kevin: Hey!

Victoria: I was wondering when I was gonna run in to you again.

Kevin: Well, I guess tonight is your lucky night.

Victoria: I guess so! Have a seat.

Kevin: Oh, thanks.

Victoria: I heard you were back.

Kevin: Yeah. I was, uh, just taking care of things for esther.

Victoria: Oh, well... it's good that she has you.

Kevin: Well, there's nothing I wouldn't do for my girls.

Victoria: Yeah. How is bella?

Kevin: She's a handful.

Victoria: Yeah?

Kevin: She is too smart, too funny, too beautiful for words. Makes me wonder who's really in charge -- me or her.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] I guess she has you wrapped around her little finger.

Kevin: Mm. She's the love of my life. You know how it is, with katie and johnny.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. It's an adventure every day.

Kevin: Uh-huh.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ]

Kevin: Well, at least you have billy to balance things out.

Victoria: Yeah.

Kevin: How's he doing?

Victoria: Well, between work and the kids, he's very busy.

Kevin: So, things are going well at jabot? I mean, he's happy?

Victoria: Why do you ask? I'm phil mickelson.

Lola: Yeah, no babies.

Celeste: Ever?

Lola: Not never, just... not now.

Celeste: Well, kyle said --

Kyle: I was only talking about one of our possible futures when we're ready.

Lola: We're just starting out. I want to enjoy this part of our lives together, being a couple, doing couple things, and sleeping in when we want.

Kyle: Going out when we can.

Lola: And there are still so many things that we want to do.

Rey: That's smart. You both are still so young. There's no need to rush. As long as you know what the other one wants, what you believe in, where you stand, that's a -- that's a good foundation.

Celeste: Well, I am just happy that you have so much love for each other and that you are gonna start a family.

Lola: Eventually.

Celeste: Oh, well, alright. Until then, I will just have to spoil my other grandbaby. Oh. I am sorry.

Rey: No, please, mom.

Celeste: I didn't mean to bring that up.

Rey: No, listen. Listen. This kid is going to be my nephew or niece... the soon-to-be newest member of our loud, crazy, beautiful family. I'm happy for arturo, and I'm gonna welcome this kid with open arms and all the love in my heart.

Celeste: You are a good son.

Rey: Don't forget handsome.

Celeste: You are a handsome son.

[ Laughter ]

Rey: All I'm saying is that everything feels like it's finally the way it should be.

Celeste: Mm-hmm. Well, 'tis a mother's duty to overstep... so I'm gonna take my chance.

Rey: Oh, boy. Here we go.

Lola: Ooh! Here comes the lecture.

Rey: This one's going straight to you.

Lola: Oh, no, rey. This one is coming straight at you, so duck and cover, because she's gonna read you like a book.

Sharon: So, after I turned down adam's proposal, he saw me with nick, and he misinterpreted what was just an innocent hug.

Mariah: I hope he thinks you're having a torrid affair with nick. It serves him right.

Sharon: I don't know how i messed things up this much.

Mariah: Mom, this was not you. This was all adam. He had no reason to think that you were into him, much less wanted to marry him. Oh, no.

Sharon: That's not entirely true. We had this...interlude...

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: ...A few weeks ago. I mean, well, he had gotten into a fight with nick, and he was in no shape to drive, so i just took him back to his place. And then one thing led to another.

Mariah: No. You didn'T. You didn'T. Please tell me that you did not.

Sharon: Well, I -- it was, you know, just a moment of weakness. I completely regretted it afterwards.

Mariah: Thank god. But it's obvious that you're still attracted to him.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] What we had between us was... it was just all about our past, and, you know, but being with him made me realize that the man that I used to love is gone now, so... I told adam that I don't want to be with him.

Mariah: Well, it's just a shame that you didn't boot him out of your life before he drove away the one guy that was actually good for you -- rey.

Kevin: I ran in to billy.

Victoria: Uh, yeah, I heard.

Kevin: He seemed a little... unhappy, maybe. I was just hoping everything was okay.

Victoria: Yeah, everything's okay. It's just with adam being back, it stirred up some painful memories for a while.

Kevin: For a lot of us.

Victoria: Yeah.

Kevin: Seeing him get a second chance after everything he's done -- adam gets to move on with his life, like nothing has happened, leaving the rest of us to pick up the pieces. It'S... impossible... especially after the death of a child. I can imagine what billy is going through. Not sleeping, distant.

Victoria: And the nightmares.

Kevin: About delia? I can't be easy on you, being worried about him all the time.

Victoria: I-I am. I-I-I was. I mean, he's just doing so much better now.

Kevin: Oh. Is that so?

Victoria: Did you hear about the jabot merger?

Kevin: No.

Victoria: Ashley left to start her own venture, but now she's back, and she and jack are joining forces again.

Kevin: So, billy must have a lot on his plate these days.

Victoria: Yeah, but it's good, you now, to have something meaningful to focus on, something that he can contribute to, and it couldn't have come at a better time.

Kevin: You think? I mean, you're not concerned he's taking on too much?

Victoria: No, not at all. In fact, he just left for a business trip.

Kevin: Oh, good for him. Where to?

Victoria: California. Why do you want to know where he's going?

Kevin: I, uh -- you know what? Actually, I have to run, but I'm really glad to hear that he's turned a corner, and it's great to see you, victoria.

Victoria: You, too.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Celeste: I mean, maybe you're right, rey, that this was the way things were supposed to be with arturo and mia, because i truly believe that there is something better for you. I do. Maybe it just needs time to fall into place. And maybe that's with sharon.

Rey: Mom, sharon and I are --

Lola: No. [ Sighs ] I agree. Rey, you know, I have been thinking the same thing, and maybe you should give sharon a second chance

Rey: I don't know if that's ever gonna happen.

Lola: Hey, look, we know that things have gotten really messy between the two of you. But she made you happy, rey -- happier than I've ever seen you.

Rey: Lola, listen --

Kyle: I'd like to propose a toast.

Rey: A toast. That's a great idea. What are we -- what are we toasting to, hmm?

Kyle: To celeste for creating this terrific family.

Lola: To family.

Celeste: To family.

Rey: To us all. Salud.

Celeste: And even though some of our loved ones are missing from this dinner table tonight, they are always with us in our hearts. So many beautiful memories, so much laughter.

[ Laughter ] But, I mean, don't get me wrong. There have been hard times. It hasn't always been easy. We've had obstacles that we've had to overcome, but... we have always been there to help and support each other, and we've been there to celebrate each other's triumphs and to help through all the rest. And you two -- you've grown into adults that other people look up to and love. I just -- I wish I didn't have to go.

Lola: We're gonna come visit you.

Celeste: I know you're gonna come visit, and often, but I was really glad that I got a chance to see you blossom here in your new homes and in your new lives. It fills my heart to see, after all these years, the two of you are still taking care of each other. That -- a mother's dream come true.

[ Chuckles, sniffles ]

Rey: [ Smooches ]

Lola: Aww.

[ Glasses clink ]

Sharon: Rey and I are through. There's no point dwelling on it.

Mariah: But the only reason that you guys broke up is because he thought that you had feelings for adam, so maybe if you explain to him that you don't, it could work out?

Sharon: Mm, that would be a hard sell. Unfortunately, rey knows that i slept with adam. That's why things were so tense between us at kyle and lola's party.

Mariah: I would like to double down on my earlier apology for engineering that awkward scenario.

Sharon: Oh, no. Don't feel bad. Rey and I -- we've just, you know, come to terms. We're fine.

Mariah: That's very zen of you. But be honest. If there was a multiverse in which rey wanted to reconcile with you, would you take him back?

Sharon: You've been hitting the sci-fi too hard.

Mariah: Indulge me.

Sharon: Okay. If I could bend the laws of time and space, I'd take a mulligan on a lot of things. And my relationship with rey would be right at the top of that list.

Victoria: Jack, hi. It's victoria. I'm great. Thank you. I just had a question about billy's business trip. To california. For jabot. Oh. Um...well, maybe it was ashley's idea. No, it's not a big deal. We probably just got our wires crossed. I'll track her down. No, no. It's nothing serious. It's -- it's fine. We'll talk soon. Okay. Bye.

Adam: What the hell is going on with billy?

Victoria: I have no idea what you mean. Billy is just fine.

Adam: I ran in to him in the park awhile back, and he accused me of planting an old doll of delia's in your bedroom.

Victoria: Well, who else would do something that twisted?

Adam: Okay, I would never use her memory that way. Despite what everybody seems to think, I would never do something --

Victoria: ...That you use your past as an excuse to lash out at innocent people, that you inflict as much damage as possible just for fun?

Adam: Ouch.

Victoria: But I know the truth, adam. You love creating chaos so that you can watch the fallout. It is fun for you.

Adam: Actually, all I have done is try to reunite with my sons once I have moved back.

Victoria: I am so sick and tired of hearing your pathetic explanations for why you've declared war on the rest of us newmans, but you should just watch out because we're ready for you. You leave billy out of it, though. You've hurt him enough.

Adam: Billy came to me.

Victoria: Do you know our lives were so much greater before you came back? All billy wants is to focus on his family and his job. In fact, that's what he's doing right now. He's out of town, working on the jabot merger. So, that is what's going on with billy. You leave him and the rest of us the hell alone. Do you understand?

Rey: I'll see you down there in a few. Watch out for the rosales waterworks.

Kyle: Ohh.

Lola: What waterworks? I'm not going to cry.

Celeste: Me, neither. This is not goodbye.

Lola: No. It's a "see you soon." Whenever I find some time off, we will come visit you in miami.

Celeste: Kyle hasn't met the rest of the rosales clan.

Kyle: The more, the merrier.

Celeste: He doesn't know what he's in for, does he?

Lola: No. Mnh-mnh.

Celeste: [ Chuckles ] I'm so proud of you, baby. So proud of all that you've accomplished. You have just grown into such a strong, fearless woman.

Lola: Well, what can I say? I am a rosales. I got it all from you.

Lola: I wish you didn't have to go.

Celeste: I know. So do I.

Lola: And no more fights, okay? Because it killed me not being able to talk to you.

Celeste: Never again. My daughter... a married woman.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: And us married ladies -- we share our opinion no matter what.

Celeste: Oh, why am I afraid of what might come out of your mouth?

Lola: Mom, just promise me that you won't fall for dad's empty promises ever again.

Celeste: I am a charter member of aa -- adrian's anonymous -- so, no, I'm not gonna ever make that mistake again.

Lola: Great, because I will be checking up on you.

Lola: Okay. I'm gonna hold you to that.

[ Chuckles ] Take care of my girl. She means everything to me.

Kyle: Always. You have my word.

[ Both chuckle ]

Celeste: [ Sighs ]

[ Chuckles ] I will miss you so much.

Lola: Mom, I am going to keep you so up to date that you won't even have time to miss me.

Celeste: I know. Cherish each other. You're gonna have such a blessed life.

[ Smooches ] I love you.

Kyle: You okay? I love you.

Lola: I love you, too.

Victoria: Billy... I talked to jack. He doesn't know anything about a trip.

[ Sighs ] Listen to me, okay, please? I love you so much, so whatever is going on, whatever you're thinking about doing, don'T.

Adam: Alright, you wanted me. You got me. Now show your face.

[ Engine revs ]

[ Engine revs ]

[ Tires screeching ]

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