Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/28/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/28/19


Episode #13689 ~ Devon receives unsettling news about Katherine Chancellor; Abby seals the deal; Nick and Chelsea turn up the heat.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Billy: Delia.

Bella: Mommy!

Chloe: Bella?! Billy, what is going on?

Nick: You're dropping your petition for custody?

Adam: I don't want to take on just one or two of you. It will be far more gratifying to destroy the myth of the newmans once and for all, and you're never gonna see it coming.

Adam: That's mom's handkerchief.

Chelsea: I was saving it to give to connor, you know, when he finds the person he wants to marry, but I thought maybe you could give it to him instead.

Adam: Uh-oh. Oh, look at that. Look at that. Oh, this is gonna be a good game.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

Adam: [ Chuckles ]

Adam: I have had the best time today.

Connor: Me, too, dad.

Adam: Yeah? What was your favorite part?

Connor: Everything!

[ Both chuckle ]

Chelsea: Hi, guys!

Connor: Mom, hey!

Chelsea: Hi!

Adam: Hello, there.

Chelsea: How's your day been? What have you been up to?

Adam: Well, we hung out at the park for a bit, until it got too hot. Then we went back to my place, ate a snack, and played some games.

Chelsea: That sounds like a really good time.

Connor: It was awesome! Wish I could stay with dad longer.

Adam: Hey. We'll see each other again soon, okay? But right now I need you to go with your mother. That was the agreement. And you know she misses you when you're not around.

Chelsea: I sure do.

Connor: Ugh. Okay.

Adam: Hey, I think our order's up. Why don't you go check to make sure it's all there? He wanted a brownie with his lemonade, but I thought it was too close to dinnertime, so...

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: ...I bought some for you all for dessert later.

Chelsea: How thoughtful. Well, thank you for that.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: And thank you for making this so easy.

Adam: Yeah. I mean, this impromptu visit with our son means a lot. And I know I need to prove to you that you can trust me with him again, so... that's what I'm gonna do. Matters even more after what i gave up today.

Connor: All there, mom. Let's go!

Chelsea: Okay.

Adam: Bye. So long. I will see you soon, okay?

Connor: Bye, dad.

Nick: Hey.

Adam: If you're, uh, looking for chelsea, she just left.

Nick: Yeah, I saw. I waited 'cause I didn't want to get into this in front of your kid.

Adam: Get into what?

Nick: The hearing today --& it's official. I was granted full custody of christian.

Adam: Look, nick, you got what you wanted. I did what was best for that little boy. And I hope that you can appreciate that. So... let's discuss what comes next.

Abby: Good to see you.

Devon: What are we, uh -- what are we celebrating?

Abby: Well, I have wonderful news. Adam dropped his custody suit. Nick brought his son home today.

Devon: Nice.

Elena: That's amazing!

Devon: Nice. I'm very happy to hear everything worked out for him and christian.

Nate: Yeah. Your whole family must be ecstatic.

Abby: Yes. It was what we were all hoping for. It was a huge relief. But now let's congratulate elena -- or should I say dr. Dawson? -- On your brand-new residency.

Nate: To fresh starts.

Devon: That's right. Hear, hear.

Abby: Hear, hear.

Elena: Thank you. Thank you.

Abby: And last but certainly not least, the grand phoenix and my pet project, the lobby lounge, where everyone will go to see and be seen.

Devon: That's right. Everything you said about it so far sounds amazing. I just can't wait for it to open, finally.

Abby: Neither can I.

[ Chuckles ]

Nate: And, uh, here we are -- same old, same old, no big new accomplishments to announce.

Devon: Yeah, that's very true. We'll have to live vicariously through our ladies.

Elena: Oh, stop it, boys. We both think you're very special.

Abby: Mm-hmm. And you will feel better soon thanks to a little surprise i have in store.

Chloe: Oh, yeah. Ohh. Oh, baby, you know how to make me feel so good. Whoo!

Kevin: Mm.

Chloe: Ahh.

Kevin: If I'd known it was this easy...

Chloe: [ Chuckles ]

Kevin: [ Exhales sharply ]

Chloe: Oh, you are making this heat wave bearable -- almost.

Kevin: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: Ohh.

Kevin: I say we sleep out on the balcony tonight -- see if we can catch a breeze.

Chloe: Yeah, or we can just go right back inside and crank up the a/C.

Kevin: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: Ohh. You know, I just can't believe... that this is our life now... living here... all of us together again, with mom... living this perfectly normal life.

Kevin: I think mrs. C would approve. She would love for this place to be filled with people again -- the sound of bella laughing and playing.

Chloe: Yeah. I don't know if she was laughing so much when billy scared the wits out of her. I mean, he was acting really bizarre.

Kevin: Well, it wasn't the first time. I had a couple of strange run-ins with him before I left to meet up with you and bella.

Chloe: What happened?

Kevin: Well, he -- he showed up here under obviously bogus pretenses. But his real motivation seemed to be that he was... preoccupied with memories of delia. More like obsessed. He started to believe that she was trying to contact him from the spirit world.

Chloe: Are you serious?

Kevin: Yeah. I told him that it was just his mind playing tricks... the pain of delia's death being dredged up, which makes sense with adam being back.

Chloe: Well, what did he say to that?

Kevin: He admitted that he'd been struggling, and I told him that he had to find a good therapist and get some help. I'd hoped he would be doing better, but I hate to think...

Chloe: That... he might be even worse now?

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Abby: So, what do you think about my new signature cocktail?

Nate: Delicious.

Elena: And refreshing.

Devon: This is very nice. It's the perfect kind of drink for a warm night like tonight.

Abby: I think so, too. My bartender is a genius with inventing new drinks.

Devon: Yeah? Tell me you're gonna add it to the regular menu.

Abby: I definitely think i will. Um, if you'll excuse me for a second, I'm gonna let him know.

Devon: Good idea. Ohh. So, baby...

Elena: Hmm?

Devon: ...You ready to jump in to things at work after orientation today?

Elena: I cannot wait.

Devon: Yeah?

Elena: Yeah.

Devon: Not surprised. What exactly are you gonna be doing?

Elena: So, today I'm gonna have my first full day of rounds, so I'll be able to meet with the patients and --

[ Cellphone rings ]

Devon: Hang on one second. One second. Sorry. This is the call I've been waiting for all day. It's for work. Can you hold that thought...

Elena: Sure.

Devon: ...Please? Thank you. Sorry. Harry, how you doing?

Elena: Looks like I really know to clear a table, don't I?

Nate: [ Chuckles ] Why didn't you tell devon you did more than just orientation? Didn't you want to brag about how much you knew about how to treat that kid's humerus fracture?

Elena: Oh, I didn't want to bore a non-doctor.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] I get it. I get it. Abby's always willing to hear about my day, but, uh, she's way more into P.R. Than O.R.

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Footsteps approach ]

Chloe: Here.

Kevin: [ Sighs ]

Chloe: Poor billy. I feel sick about what you just told me.

Kevin: Yeah. My heart breaks for the guy, and I hope that, somehow, he can find a way to pull himself together, not just for his own sake, but he can't keep showing up here and freaking out bella.

Chloe: I'm gonna go talk to him.

Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, babe, no, no, no. You have to lay low. You can't be seen yet. Michael got the gag order so that nobody would know you're alive.

Chloe: Don't worry about it. I'm gonna be careful, but i can't just sit here and not do something. He needs my help now and not a couple weeks from now, when it's more convenient for me.

Kevin: Oh, you are making me nervous with this. You know that?

Chloe: Babe, I am worried. Adam has caused so much chaos. He has hurt so many people. He doesn't get to ruin billy's life again -- not if I can help it.

Nick: What do you expect from me now?

Adam: I really have to spell it out for you?

Nick: Yeah. I think you're gonna have to.

Adam: Okay.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Nick: You gonna get that?

Adam: No. Whoever it is can wait. This is more important. Okay. Because I dropped the custody suit... I am hoping that you will get rid of the restraining order barring me from seeing christian.

Nick: Nope. Restraining order stays in place. It's not like I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt when you basically declared war on my entire family -- that is, unless you're willing to drop that, and then we can attempt to live in peace. Is that what you're saying, adam?

Adam: Look, whatever my issues are with you and the others, christian isn't part of that.

Nick: Not good enough.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Nick... please?

Nick: Are you gonna continue to obey the restraining order?

Adam: Yes.

Nick: Good. See ya.

Adam: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone rings ] This is adam newman. What? When? Alright. I'm on my way. I'm just a normal person

Billy: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Adam: Alright. Well, I will run a test and make sure the system's functioning properly, but everything seems to be working fine. Alright. Thanks for the call.

Billy: So, I take it the reason why you risked coming over here was to tall about what happened yesterday with bella. Let me just apologize again. I-I didn't mean to frighten her.

Chloe: I know. I just hope there's not a repeat performance.

Billy: It won't happen again. I promise you. And it shook me, too. I-I didn't expect anyone to be home, especially not you and your daughter.

Chloe: I know. I know.

Billy: So, explain to me again why you're in semi-hiding.

Chloe: Yeah. Michael just wants me to keep everything quiet until everything is finalized.

Billy: Which is good when it comes to adam.

Chloe: Which is why i actually... came to see you. You know, I talked to kevin, and he --

Billy: Apparently, he told you about my problems.

Chloe: Well, you know, I was hoping that -- I don't know -- you could tell me a little about it.

Billy: I don't really want to talk about it.

Chloe: I'm sure you don'T.

Billy: Good. So we can leave it at that.

Chloe: Billy... you know, what you're going through... it's sucking your life dry. And you lose control of your thoughts. You lose control of your actions. You start to hate yourself. You don't know who you are anymore. And it's exhausting... and humiliating... and you just don't know when it's ever gonna end.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Chloe: Nobody knows this better than I do. So if you need some relief to talk about things, I just want you to know that I'm here.

Nick: Oh, man. That's a pretty big hug right there, buddy. It feels so good to see you where you belong. I've missed being with you so much.

Christian: I missed you, too, daddy.

Nick: Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore, do we? I know your aunt victoria and your uncle billy -- they took really good care of you -- but it's got to feel so good to know that you get to be in your own bed tonight, with your own books and your toys. They're all gonna be right there. And I'm gonna be there, too, to kiss you good night and when you wake up in the morning.

Christian: Good.

Nick: Good. And you know who else is gonna be there? Chelsea and your cousin connor. Remember how I told you that they're back in town?

Chelsea: Hey! Who wants dinner?

Christian: Pizza! Yay!

Nick: Oh, yay! I was wondering where you guys were.

Chelsea: I was just telling connor about christian being home.

Nick: Yep.

Chelsea: And even though you haven't seen each other in a long time, you still love the same things, like baseball and soccer and video games, especially that car-racing one.

Christian: You like that game, too?

Connor: Yeah. I can show you the fastest way to win.

Nick: Cool! Let's do that -- after dinner. We'll wash up, dig in, and get this party started. What do you say? Yeah! Go wash those hands.

Chelsea: [ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ]

Nick: [ Sighs ] My son -- he's home. He's finally home.

Abby: How was everything?

Elena: Delicious.

Nate: Yeah. Really, really good.

Abby: Good.

Nate: The kitchen just keeps getting better and better.

Abby: Well, can I tempt anyone with dessert, an after-dinner drink?

Elena: Actually, I have to pass. I have to be to work early at the hospital.

Devon: Yeah. But everything was really, really good. It was fantastic, and I'm gonna say thank you for arranging all this, abby.

Abby: Of course. It was my pleasure. It was so good to see you guys.

Devon: Of course.

Abby: Bye.

Elena: Thank you.

Abby: Good to see you. Of course. Anytime.

Nate: Good to see you.

[ Sighs ]

Abby: So... how 'bout you?

Nate: I have the morning off.

Nick: Yeah! Attaboy, christian! I mean, he's getting better already.

Chelsea: You're such a good teacher, connor.

Connor: Thanks.

Chelsea: Oh. Alright. But it's time to get ready for bed.

Connor: Do we have to?

Nick: Yeah. I mean, it's pretty late. Plus it's already past christian's bedtime.

Christian: Please? Just one more game?

Connor: Please?

Chelsea: Boys.

[ Clicks tongue ]

Connor: I bet dad would say yes.

Chelsea: Okay. Um, I'll make you a deal. I'll make you a deal. You can stay up late if you want to throw away all the pizza boxes and you want to clean up all the plates and all the glasses, hmm?

Connor: Uh, ithink I'm gonna say no to that deal.

Nick: Good call. You know what? We're gonna have a lot more fun tomorrow. Here's the deal. I'm gonna give you a head start, but I bet you that chelsea and i can still beat you upstairs. You ready? Set...

Christian: Go, go, go.

Chelsea: What?!

Nick: You little cheaters!

Chelsea: Cheaters!

Nick: I mean --

Chelsea: Wha-- I mean, that was pretty slick, though.

Nick: Yeah. Oh. Oh. Pretty smart.

[ Laughter ]

Billy: I talk to victoria. I talk to a therapist.

Chloe: And it hasn't helped at all?

Billy: I'm functioning. I go to work. I take care of the kids.

[ Exhales sharply ] Inside, I'm a wreck. I have terrible insomnia. I don't remember the last time i slept well. On the odd occasion that I did fall asleep, I woke up in some... random location with no recollection of how I got there.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Billy.

Billy: At first, I blamed it on sleeping pills, but I haven't taken any since. But it still happens. And the nightmares... very consistent.

Chloe: What do you see in these nightmares?

Billy: Delia. She's calling to me. She's crying for me to protect her from adam. And it's dark and it's murky, and I try to go to her, and she's gone...

Chloe: Okay.

Billy: ...Every time.

Chloe: Okay, stop it. Stop. Stop it. Our daughter is not lost or afraid...and frightened. She had a beautiful soul, and she is at peace.

Billy: I don't mean to upset you, chloe.

[ Both sigh ]

Chloe: No, no, no. Please don't apologize. I asked you to open up. I just hate that you are torturing yourself because of him. You know, I know what it's like to see that man, knowing that he is alive and our little girl is gone, but you can't go down that rabbit hole. You cannot change things, and you can't even the score.

Billy: So, what do you expect me to do?

Chloe: You need help -- serious help.

Billy: I just told you that i already saw a therapist.

Chloe: Okay. Well, then go see some more. Interview a dozen if you have to until you click with someone, and then when you do, you schedule more sessions and you put in some real effort.

Billy: Effort?

Chloe: Yeah. You know, where you actually try to make things better. Okay. Fine. If that's not going to work, then you need to find something else. Find religion or yoga... meditation.

[ Chuckles ] How 'bout you go back to the 12 steps?

Billy: I'm not addicted to adam, chloe.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Okay. You don't understand. You need to find something that works.

Billy: Do you not think that I have tried? Do you not think that I wish i had a magic wand to make this all go away? Do you not think that?

Chloe: Okay. All I know is that taking your rage out on adam is only going to make things worse for you, not for him. Trust me. Billy, you need to find a way to make peace with him, and I'm not just talking about lip service to forgiving him. I'm talking about really coming to terms with what happened. And I know you can really do it. I know you can because I finally have.

Billy: I don't believe that for one minute.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nate: I am really digging this drink.

Abby: I think it's gonna be a hit.

Nate: Oh, I'm sure of it.

Abby: Should I make this exclusive to society, or should I add it to the menu at the grand phoenix? I want each space to have its own identity, but if the drink really is that special, why not offer it at both locations? I mean, I ultimately want all of my properties to have some similarities so that way I can build my brand.

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: Okay. What prompted that reaction?

Nate: Joy. I like listening to you, seeing the way your mind works, watching your passion and excitement.

Abby: Aren't you sweet?

Nate: Just being honest.

Abby: Adam.

Adam: Evening.

Abby: What are you doing here?

Adam: Stand down. I come in peace.

Abby: I'm sorry. I just -- I-I wasn't expecting to see you, and here you are.

Adam: Well, once you hear why I dropped by, I think you'll be glad that I did.

Chelsea: Ah. Perfect timing.

Nick: I'll say.

Chelsea: Mm. Cheers.

[ Glasses clink ]

Nick: Cheers.

Chelsea: So happy the boys get along so well. They really bonded over that video game.

Nick: As a fellow gamer, i have to say I could not have been more proud.

Chelsea: How was christian when you tucked him in?

Nick: Threw some jammies on him. He didn't even make it through half a story and he fell asleep. So I just... watched him for a while, took it all in.

Chelsea: I'm so glad he's back to stay.

Nick: I just want to thank you again for... all your support. I never could have made it through this without you and the rest of my family having my back.

Chelsea: Cheers to that.

Nick: Yeah.

Chelsea: And, um... I actually have some good news, too, about... connor's visit with adam.

Nick: Yeah? How'd that go?

Chelsea: Great. Really great. They had a wonderful day together, and when I went to pick up connor, adam couldn't have been nicer or more respectful.

Nick: Wow. Hallelujah.

Chelsea: And what connor said before about adam letting him do whatever he wanted -- adam didn't act like that earlier. In fact, connor asked to extend their visit, and adam said we needed to stick to the plan.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] That is a first.

Chelsea: Adam said he was determined to earn my trust again where connor is concerned.

Nick: Yeah. I saw adam earlier, too, and he insisted... that I could trust him with christian, but I shut that down quick 'cause he might be on his best behavior right now, but there's no guarantee it'll last. Adam is a threat to all of us.

Chelsea: Trust me -- my eyes are wide open. I'm just... thankful for today, is all.

Nick: Yeah. We have a lot to celebrate. Let's not let adam derail that.

Chloe: When kevin arranged for me to get away from adam and get back to bella, when I held her in my arms, I realized I was finally through letting adam have power over me. I had no choice. I can't put my future on the line because of rage to him.

Billy: Well, it's a nice sentiment...except he got away with kidnapping you.

Chloe: Well, I did try to kill him first. I decided that I am finally choosing to end this vicious cycle, because it's not just about me. I mean, I have to think about bella and kevin and my poor mother and michael. I mean, look at everything that they have -- that they have suffered because of me. And they are putting their faith in me one last time, and i refuse to disappoint them. This is my last chance, and I will be damned... if I let adam take that away from me... because he is not worth it. He has taken so much from me already, and he doesn't get to take any more.

Billy: Seems like you've really gotten to the other side of this.

Chloe: And you can, too, billy. I know that you can. You just have to make the decision to stop suffering over this swine and -- and really do something about it.

Billy: It's that easy, huh?

Chloe: No. [ Chuckles ] No. Actually, it's not -- it's not easy at all. But it's the only way that you're gonna get your life back. And on that note, I should probably go, because your kids are gonna come home...

Billy: Yeah, I think that's best.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

Chloe: Well, I hope I got through to you.

Billy: You gave me a lot to think about. I still wish you aimed a little higher when you pulled the trigger on adam.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles softly ] Dollar for your thoughts.

Nick: I mean, isn't it supposed to be, like, a penny?

Chelsea: Well, these thoughts look especially deep. They're more expensive.

Nick: I know a couple months ago... your family looked a lot different. You had this whole other life in louisiana.

Chelsea: We lost calvin way too soon.

Nick: And I hate it, what you and connor went through. But... it's been incredible... having you back in my life again. I absolutely love sharing this night with you. And I hope there are a lot more like it.

Chelsea: I feel the same way. I know it's been... strange living here together as friends... not knowing what the future holds, and, you know, we had to think about the kids.

Nick: Yeah. Of course.

Chelsea: But... I know what I'd like to happen next.

Nick: Tell me.

Adam: These are the final contracts for the grand phoenix. Congratulations on your purchase.

Abby: Thank you, although you do know you could have just had them messengered.

Adam: Well, the lawyers are happy, I'm happy, so I figured i would conclude our transaction with a personal touch.

Abby: And why is that?

Adam: Because I know how eager you are to jump in as the new owner. And I am just as anxious to take your money and be done with the deal. The hotel is the last remaining property of dark horse, so once it's gone, it'll sever my last tie with -- with nick.

Abby: I see.

Adam: Yeah. I'm sure that your team will go over the documents again, but they'll find everything as we discussed. There's no secret clauses in the fine print. It is a legit done deal... just like the one nate made when he sold me the penthouse.

Nate: Under the circumstances, you can see why abby would be cautious.

Abby: Nate's right. I can't just ignore the threat you made against the family.

Adam: You're an exception.

Abby: Why?

Adam: Well, unlike the others, you haven't done anything to screw with me since my return. So as long as you continue to stay above the fray, I won't mess with you or your business. Should that ever change, I will be happy to add you to my list. So, consider this both a truce and a warning.

Delia: Poor daddy.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Echoing ] Daddy? Help me, daddy! Help! I need you! Where are you?! Daddy, help me! You have to stop adam now -- please, daddy! -- Or I'll never be free!

Billy: [ Exhales sharply ]

Elena: Mm. You are making it impossible for me to get up.

Devon: [ Chuckles ] Good.

Elena: Mm. But... I guess it's time to go to bed.

Devon: Are you tired, honey?

Elena: No.

Devon: Oh.

[ Doorbell rings ] Ohh. Stay right there, please/

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Devon: Don't you move. Hurry.

Devon hamilton?

Devon: Yeah.

I have an envelope for you. Sign here, please.

Devon: Okay. There you go. Hang on one second. Hang on. There you go.

Thank you.

Devon: Yeah.

Elena: Is that about your call earlier? Did they send you something?

Devon: I wasn't expecting anything tonight.

Elena: Hmm.

Devon: What the hell is this?

Elena: What's the letter say?

Devon: It's from an attorney. It says that they want to meet with me to discuss discrepancies that have come to light regarding the will of my late grandmother katherine chancellor.

Elena: What discrepancies?

Devon: I have no idea. It doesn't anything else. It just says that she's gonna be in town the week of september 16th and her assistant will be in touch with me to arrange a meeting.

Elena: Huh. That's got to be shocking. Your grandmother died years ago, right?

Devon: Yeah. It's like six years ago now. I have no idea what this could be about.

Elena: Hmm.

Billy: You alone?

Chloe: Um, everyone is upstairs. What are you doing here?

Billy: You're right.

[ Sighs ] I'm gonna take your advice. You don't have to worry about me. I know how to handle my issues with adam now.

Chloe: Meaning what, exactly?

Billy: Good night, chloe.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Adam: [ Sighs ]

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