Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/27/19
Episode #11688 ~ Nick pleads his case; Mariah receives an interesting proposition; Chelsea encourages Adam to do the right thing.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Kyle: I can't wait for our honeymoon to start.
Mariah: It would be a shame if power came in and decided to get in the agency business, as well, stealing all your clients so we could service all of their needs, making you obsolete.
Theo: This could be fun.
Nick: You're dropping your petition for custody?
Adam: You're all my witnesses. I am giving up the right to raise my own son. Nick is his father in almost every way that counts.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I wish you'd let me go to court with you.
Nick: I just don't want anything to set adam off. If he sees you with me --
Chelsea: I know. I know. I just wish you had someone there with you for moral support.
Nick: Well, brittany did ask summer to come and testify about my parenting skills.
Chelsea: Which is ridiculous that you need somebody to do that.
Nick: Well, once the judge signs off on adam's petition, then this is all gonna be over.
Chelsea: Well, the custody battle will, yeah.
Nick: Judge sanders won't have any reason not to let christian come home with me, where he belongs.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Kyle: Home, sweet home.
Lola: I guess this means that our honeymoon is officially over.
Kyle: Not quite. There's still one more thing left to do.
Lola: Oh, mr. Traditional strikes again.
Kyle: Well, breaking the rules can lead to seven years of bad luck.
Lola: I think you're confusing carrying your bride over the threshold with breaking a mirror.
Kyle: Just in case, I'd prefer to err on the side of caution.
Lola: [ Giggles ]
[ Door unlocks ] Oh, my god, kyle. What have you done?
Mariah: Absolutely. You have an amazing media presence, that's for sure, but i can leverage that into new relationship that will just blow up your brand. We can start today, yes. Just make an appointment with my assistant. All right, I look forward to seeing you soon. Bye.
Theo: I'm impressed.
Mariah: I can die happy.
Theo: I know we got off on the wrong foot.
Mariah: What do you want, theo?
Theo: A do-over.
Mariah: Let's see, I am juggling about 1,000 things. I'm turning power communications into a kickass company, I'm working 24/7. Letting you into my life so you can steal my job, that seems like an awesome idea.
Theo: Well, you're too smart for that. You saw right through me the other night.
Mariah: And right now.
Theo: If we find a way to work together, there'd be something in it for both of us.
Mariah: Yeah, the unemployment line for me and massive bonuses for you.
Theo: I was thinking more obscene paychecks for both of us. Look, at least give me a chance to tell you what I have on my mind.
Mariah: [ Inhales sharply ] All right, theodore, dazzle me.
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Nick: [ Exhales sharply ] Brittany should be here by now.
Chelsea: I know, just try to relax.
Nick: I just need this over with.
Summer: Hey. Look who I found outside.
Nick: Thank god.
Chelsea: Uh, brittany! Hi!
Brittany: Hi.
Chelsea: It's so nice to meet you. I'm so glad you're representing nick in his case.
Nick: We both are.
Brittany: It should be a simple, straightforward hearing.
Nick: Well, as long as I get my boy back.
Brittany: I don't see why you wouldn'T.
Summer: Well, once I tell them what an amazing dad you are, it should be a no-brainer.
Brittany: Now, everybody needs to be on their best behavior today.
Nick: We will be.
Brittany: Good. We should get going.
Nick: Uh, can I just have a minute with chelsea?
Summer: Yeah. Sure.
Chelsea: You got this.
Nick: I just, uh... wanted to say thank you, for everything. I know this hasn't been easy on you, either.
Chelsea: Adam is connor's father. You are christian'S.
Nick: I just love him so much.
Chelsea: I know, I know. And he loves you, too.
Nick: I have to bring him home.
Chelsea: You will. Okay, go. Go. I don't want to be the reason you're late.
Nick: Thank you. Let's do it.
Theo: I have a list of 50 people who could be the next big thing on the influencer scene, all with different audiences, levels of potential, very personal brands and interests. Now, with some grooming, the right music, clever hashtags, your humor, a dozen could be breakout. I mean, major money-makers. All I need is someone to help them grow their brand.
Mariah: Someone like me.
Theo: Who better to teach them how to maximize their raw talent?
Mariah: So, basically... do your job for you.
Theo: Well, I thought, together, we could work our magic and secure the back. And you could show devon you're the "power" in power communications.
Mariah: I don't need to prove anything to devon.
Theo: Dude's loyal, but, eventually, he's gonna want something in return for that loyalty. Making bank is one of the qualities a boss looks for in his top managers.
Mariah: Okay, no bull. How many people do you have with real potential?
Theo: Five. Maybe six.
Mariah: Show me two, and I'll
think about putting them on a trial.
Theo: You choose.
Mariah: Okay. Interesting. All right. Indio and tallulah. I want to meet them today.
Theo: They're based out of chicago.
Mariah: Then what are you still doing here?
Chelsea: Why aren't you at the courthouse?
Adam: Uh, because being in two different places at once isn't my superpower.
Chelsea: Adam, you need to get over there.
Adam: No, actually... I don'T.
Kyle: Now that we are a mature, stable married couple, I figured it was about time we had our own furniture instead of rey's hand-me-downs.
Lola: Look at this amazing sofa, and these pillows! I love these pillows almost as much as I love you!
Kyle: Oh, glad I still rank number one.
Lola: Not even close. This is the most amazing surprise, and you are the best husband ever. You've thought of everything.
Kyle: Yeah. Except for leaving a note for the delivery guys to turn on the air conditioner. I wanted our apartment to be our oasis, not a sauna.
Lola: It's okay. We can handle the heat for a few minutes.
Kyle: Yeah, well, till the ac kicks in, I have an idea of how to cool off.
Lola: [ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
Kyle: Less clothes equals less heat.
Lola: Hmm, really? You know, I find the opposite to be true.
Kyle: Well, it's a working theory.
Lola: Based on a faulty premse.
Kyle: I -- I just need a little more time to refine it.
Lola: Mm. Well, I am sorry I have to cut your experiment short today. You need to leave.
Kyle: What? Did I do something wrong?
Lola: You've actually done everything right. But I'm so tired of you showing me up, and I want to do something for you. So just let it be a surprise, please.&
Kyle: Well, great. Surprise me.
Lola: I need time to prep!
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: So can you just give me a couple of hours, please? Find something to do.
Kyle: Won't be easy, but i guess I can manage a few hours away from you. But for what I'm giving up, this better be good.
Lola: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Oh! [ Laughs ]
[ Door locks ]
Chelsea: Are you trying to screw this up for nick?
Adam: God, even when I'm ding the right thing, I am still the bad guy.
Chelsea: If you are serious about giving up your fight for christian, you wouldn't be sitting here.
Adam: I dropped my suit. The petition that I filed with the court made it official, chelsea. I'm not gonna waste my going to court.
Chelsea: I honestly thought you wanted what was best for christian.
Adam: Look, I did my part. If nick wants his son back so badly... tell him to do the rest.
Chelsea: You could so easily help them both.
Adam: It's not my problem.
Nick: Where the hell is adam?
That's a very good question, mr. Newman.
Brittany: Good morning, your honor.
Ms. Hodges.
Brittany: My client and i appreciate you making room on your calendar for us today.
Nick: Yes, I can't tell you how grateful I am.
Well, I was very clear about wanting all parties present.
Brittany: Yes, we are aware of that.
Well, then why isn't the plaintiff here? I don't like to be kept waiting.
Brittany: Which is why we were here early, your honor.
Nick: Yes, sir. The last thing I want to do is waste your time.
Well, I wish your brother was as considerate. If he's not here soon, I'm gonna have to move on to my next case.
Nick: But --
You can reschedule with my clerk.
Nick: No, your honor.
[ Cellphone rings ]
That is another thing that annoys me.
Nick: Sorry. Can you handle this?
Summer: It's summer.
Chelsea: Summer, I need to talk to your dad.
Summer: Well, he's kind of busy.
Chelsea: It's important.
Summer: Okay, well, what is it?
Brittany: Your honor, you have adam newman's petition stating he's relinquishing all claims to christian newman.
Yes, and given his adamants at the last hearing, I'd like him to explain why he's going to do that. Let's just say I'm surprised at his sudden change of heart.
Nick: What, you think he was coerced?
I'd like to speak to your brother before I make any decisions.
Summer: What do you mean, that he won't come? Make him come, drag him here if you have to! Um... adam says that he won't come.
Well, no sense in us being here, then. This hearing is canceled.
Theo: Aww, you got to stay, zoe. There's gonna be tons of people at the opening you'll want to meet. It'll be a great opportunity to build your brand. Oh. Got to go. I'll put your name on the vip list. Look who's back from his honeymoon! The boring married guy.
Kyle: Buzz off, theo.
Theo: What's the matter? Wedded bliss not all it's cracked up to be?
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Theo: Is that why you're here in this park, alone?
Kyle: Don't start. It's too hot for a fight.
Theo: Well, speaking of hot, you'll never guess who I was just talking to. Actually, I'll give you a hint. Booze is not her friend.
Kyle: You better not mean zoe.
Theo: Is there another underage girl you had to rush to the hospital with alcohol poisoning?
Kyle: Leave her alone, theo.
Theo: She wants to catch up with you, man.
Kyle: Are ou kidding me? She's still in town? What the hell do you want from me?
Theo: Dude! Chill. Hey, not everything's about you.
Kyle: And what does that mean?
Theo: Well, I know you've been all about wedding plans and settling down, but the rest of us are still living life.
Kyle: Yeah, what does that have to do with zoe?
Theo: Well, the opening of the grand phoenix is coming up. It's gonna be huge for anyone in the social media biz. I invited zoe and summer.
Kyle: Yeah, zoe's not an influencer.
Theo: She's working on it. It's gonna be a great opportunity for her to see and be seen. And can you think of anything hotter than pics of summer and zoe with me right in the middle of them?
Kyle: It's messed up, and you know it!
Theo: Is the guy with the new wife jealous? Bring lola. We'll get group shots.
Kyle: I'm warning you, theo.
Theo: Great catching up. I got to go. Lots to do before the opening.
Kyle: Drop this game, or you'll be sorry.
Theo: Welcome back. I missed you.
Brittany: Your honor, in addition to the petition adam newman filed, he also submitted a sworn affidavit which clearly states his desire to drop all matters regarding the custody of the minor in question. I also have statements from the social worker and the psychologist assigned to this case, and those reports give glowing accounts of nick's ability to parent.
I would still like to speak to adam newman. I made that clear, and he defied my order.
Brittany: But my client is here, your honor.
Yes, but I don't know if he put undue pressure on his brother.
Nick: Whoa, you think I'm the reason adam's not here today?
I have no way of knowing that until I speak to him.
Summer: Look, you can't blame him. Adam is just a selfish jerk who loves watching people's lives blow up.
Brittany: Summer.
Summer: No, it's true. He's doing this to hurt my --
And who are you, young lady?
Nick: This is my daughter, your honor. She came today to be a character witness for me.
Summer: Look, my dad would never do these things that you're accusing him of. He is a good, honest, decent man, and he's an amazing father, and christian should have never been taken away from him, and if you can't make this right, then you are no better than adam yourself.
You are one word away from a contempt charge, ms. Newman.
Nick: Sweetheart. It's okay. Thank you. You can go. Your honor --
We are done here.
Chelsea: No, you are not leaving unless you are going straight to the courthouse.
Adam: Chelsea. It is funny that you think that you can stop me.
Chelsea: Well, it's so simple! Just go and tell the judge that you're dropping the case. I mean, what is stopping you? There is no reason that you -- oh. Oh, it's not that you won't do it, it's that you can't do it. It's too hard to see the dream of you raising christian slipping away, isn't it?
Adam: God, you think you know me so well, don't you?
Chelsea: Because I do. Yeah, everybody thinks that you're using christian to hurt nick, but, really, there's -- there's so much more than that. You want your son to be a part of your life, of course. You want to see him grow up. You want to teach him how to play soccer and navigate high school and girls and college applications. So you let that all go, and it's killing you. But you did it for christian, and that's why you don't want to go to the hearing. Because it's too painful. Hurts too much.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] Well, that was -- that was beautiful, but it is completely false. Okay? I am fine with this. The newmans are right. I don't give a damn about christian. He was simplyjust a means to an end. Nothing more. Sometimes, bipolar I disorder
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Kyle: Whoa! What lit you up besides this heat?
Summer: Nothing. Nothing.
Kyle: Hey. What's going on?
Summer: Uh, nothing, I'm just, uh -- I'm an idiot.
Kyle: Says who?
Summer: Um, says my dad and his lawyer and the judge at the custody hearing.
Kyle: Whoa, what happened?
Summer: I tried to help my dad get christian back, but i just made things a lot worse, so.
Kyle: Oh.
Summer: Yeah.
Kyle: You want to talk about it?
Summer: Um, you know, I would literally rather talk about anything else than that right now, so. How, uh -- how was your honeymoon?
Kyle: Honeymoon was sweet. But it's definitely over. I just got home, and I've already run into theo. That guy's a major jerk. I don't know how we ever became friends. I -- I shouldn't trash him. You two are close. You'd never get why I'm so pissed at him, anyway.
Summer: Um... you know, I -- I know a lot more than you think I do. About you and theo and zoe.
Kyle: What'd he tell you?
Summer: Uh, he told me that you guys got zoe super wasted when she was 17, and that you had to take her to the er, and then you had to pay her dad off to keep quiet.
Kyle: Bastard.
Summer: Okay, well, I'm never gonna tell anybody, and that includes lola.
Kyle: Thanks.
Summer: Well, I can't really say the same thing for theo, though.
Kyle: Yeah, his favorite pastime is taunting me with it.
Summer: Okay, well, maybe you could just, you know, tell lola yourself.
Kyle: No way! She freaked out when I gave her the pg version of my life in new york. If she ever found out about this, she would --
[ Sighs ] I got to hope she never does.
Summer: Okay, well, isn't that kind of like waiting for the bomb to go off rather than diffusing it?
Kyle: I know what I'm doing.
Summer: Okay. Look, it's your call, but things could end up a lot worse in the end.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Theo: Now that everyone's been introduced, let me break it down for you.
Indio: This better be good, theo. We had all-access passes to the north coast music festival.
Theo: Trust me, you ladies won't regret coming to this meeting. No, if you let power communications guide your careers, you'll level up in record time.
Indio: We've done okay so far, calling the shots for ourselves.
Tallulah: Do we really need a big company like this?
Mariah: No. Absolutely not. Theo's just playing you. You guys are just pawns in this little battle between the two of us. My suggestion would be to get out while you can. If you hurry, you can still make the opening acts of the music festival.
Theo: [ Laughs ] That -- oh, man. You almost had me.
Mariah: You should have seen the looks on your faces. It was classic.
Tallulah: Oh, my god. I was totally freaking out.
[ Laughter ]
Theo: Well, now we can get to work. Who's doing shots?
Mariah: Shots?
Theo: Yeah, we're all about the business, but the business is all about fun. That's just how we roll. You in?
Mariah: Four shot glasses and a bottle of your best tequila!
Tallulah: Ooh! [ Trills ]
Indio: Yes! [ Laughs ]
Theo: There we go! That's what I'm talking about.
Tallulah: Best business meeting ever.
[ Laughter ]
Brittany: Your honor, can we at least request that christian be returned to his home until this matter is resolved?
I still have very serious concerns about whether or not your client is the appropriate person to parent this child.
Nick: Because of that video that adam leaked?
Mr. Newman, I almost charged your daughter with contempt. You keep it up, and I will go through with it this time.
Nick: I don't care. You do whatever you need to do. My son can't speak for himself, so I have to do it for him. So if that means you got to throw me in jail, then you do it. But I will be heard.
Lola: Are you ready?
Kyle: I've been ready since you kicked me out.
Lola: Are you sure? Okay, here goes! It's time for brewers baseball!
Kyle: [ Laughs ] What is all this stuff?
Lola: Well, do you remember that time that you, um, bought us these tickets and you had to sell them because there was a conflict with a certain type of honeymoon?
Kyle: Yeah, easy call.
Lola: Well, turns out, baby, that you get your honeymoon and the game, too.
Kyle: What --
Lola: I taped the entire home stand, all four games, and...
Kyle: Whoa, whoa, whoa. There's more?
Lola: Cheese fries, brats, peanuts, popcorn!
Kyle: Ooh! I thought I was getting a gourmet feast!
Lola: Wait, are you disappointed?
Kyle: So not. This is the best surprise ever.
Lola: Take a seat. Two cold brews.
Kyle: Oh! Just the thing to beat the heat!
[ Air conditioner rattling ]
Kyle: What was that?
Lola: The ac's been making weird noises, but it's probably from working overtime. It's no big deal.
Kyle: Good! I don't want anything else to ruin the post-honeymoon vibe.
Lola: [ Sighs ] Anything else? Did something happen while you were out?
Kyle: I, uh -- I ran into theo.
Lola: Yeah, and what did that creep have to say?
Kyle: Nothing worth spoiling this private stadium experience over.
Lola: Are you sure?
Kyle: Positive.
Lola: Okay, then. Let's play ball!
Tallulah: Mm!
Indio: Whoo!
Mariah: Ugh! All right, uh, where were we? Oh, uh, yes, building your online presence. Obviously, it needs to be strong.
Theo: But it's important to be selective about the platforms you choose. You need to think outside of the followers box.
Theo: Yes, it's easy to get obsessed with that number, but other metrics are just as important.
Mariah: It's very, very important to build your brand the right way, and that starts by honing in on your goals.
Theo: Yeah. They need to be specific, measurable, and achievable.
Mariah: Zero in on what you like, what you know. You're never gonna engage with your audience if you're not authentic.
Theo: Once you've established your base, power communications can help you take things to the next level.
Mariah: Absolutely. We'll handle all of your bookings, your sponsorship deals, media strategy.
Theo: You'll never have to wait in line at a club again. At premiers, you'll own the red carpet.
Mariah: Power will make you the shining star of the influencer world.
Theo: And all you have to do is sign a contract and watch your careers explode.
Mariah: So, girls... what do you say?
Indio: It's a lot to take in.
Tallulah: Yeah, we'll need some time to think about it, but... we're excited.
Mariah: I'm not gonna lie, so are we.
Summer: Oh! Hey.
Tessa: Hi.
Summer: I'm just here to see theo.
Tessa: Mariah.
Summer: Well, hopefully when the grand phoenix opens, we won't have any more awkward run-ins like this.
Tessa: Yeah, I call dibs on the phoenix lounge.
Summer: Oh, okay.
Indio: Thank god we ordered a car.
[ Laughs ]
Tessa: Well, um, I, uh, guess we should go in.
Summer: Yeah. Okay.
Theo: That was a good meeting.
Mariah: It was amazing! I -- I can't believe it! Cheers.
Theo: Mm!
Mariah: Yay, us! We did it. [ Laughs ]
Mariah: [ Laughs ]
Chelsea: How about we go get something cold to drink?
Connor: I need to work on my footwork.
Chelsea: Ah. So this is my life now, huh? Soccer mom.
Connor: Yeah! Cool, huh?
Chelsea: Yeah, it's very cool. I'll enjoy it a lot more when we're not in the middle of a heat wave.
Connor: Dad said real soccer players don't let the weather bother them.
Chelsea: Did he?
Connor: Mom? Dad! We were just talking about you!
Adam: I heard.
Connor: I've been working on the moves you taught me.
Adam: Yeah? Oh, look at that! That's great!
Chelsea: Yeah.
Connor: Hey, if you're not busy, you want to hang out?
Adam: Well, that's up to your mom.
Chelsea: Yeah. I don't see why not.
Connor: You're coming with us?
Chelsea: No, why don't you spend so time with your dad?
Connor: Want to play video games?
Adam: Do you mean "do I want to get my butt kicked in galaxy warrior?"
Connor: [ Chuckles ] I'll give you a handicap.
Adam: Oh, yeah, a handicap? All right. You got it.
Connor: The console's in the car. I'll get it!
Adam: All right, bud.
[ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: You've given up enough.
Adam: Look, I told you, i don't --
Chelsea: I heard what you said, but I know how much losing christian has cost you.
Brittany: Nick, we should go.
Take your attorney's advice, mr. Newman.
Nick: Not till I've had my say. You know, today was the day i thought this nightmare was gonna finally be over. No more waking up... not seeing my little boy's face at my breakfast table... not getting to drop him off at camp for the day or read him stories at night... or give him a hug before he goes to bed. Because he was home, you know, where he belongs. And as much as I wanted it, I know christian wanted it 100 times more. That boy has been shuttled from one to another so many times, it'll make your head spin. I gave him the stability he deserves, and you took that away from him, again, because you were concerned he was being used as a pawn in this stupid battle with my brother, but thank god adam woke up and realized he was wrong. He did the right thing. I mean, this hearing should be a mere formality. Adam did everything he needed to do. For you to say he's got to be here is ridiculous.
Brittany: Nick.
Nick: It's true. You're keeping me from my son over a technicality. You're not letting him go back to his home for one minute longer is wrong! And it's cruel. And you need to remember why we're doing this. It's to do what's best for this little boy. And some arbitrary rule is keeping you from doing that.
You should advise your client that insulting the judge is not the way to get his son back.
Nick: Your honor. I am sorry that I'm worked up, it's just -- my son can't speak for himself, so I have to do it for him. And if I could just tell you a little bit about him, I mean... he's such a good boy, you know? He's got the biggest heart in the world. He's so quick to share all of his toys with his little buddies, he genuinely feels bad when his team beats the other one. He's perfect, and I wish I was a lot more like him. He has so many good traits. And despite my many flaws... he loves me. So I beg you, please, do not punish this little boy because i lost my cool again. And just... just let him come home.
Kyle: [ Groans ] It's like an oven in there. The air conditioner's blowing out hot air.
Lola: Oh, forget about it. It's gonna -- [ Gasps ] Oh, my god, he's stealing home!
Kyle: Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Lola: Go, go, go, go, go!
Kyle: Yes, safe! Brewers win! Brewers win!
Lola: Yes! Whoo!
Kyle: Oh! [ Laughs ]
[ Panting ]
[ Chuckles ] They're gonna find us here, happy...
Lola: Yeah.
Kyle: ...And dead of heat stroke. Unless... mmm.
Lola: I thought we were watching baseball.
Kyle: Oh. Seventh-inning stretch.
Lola: But the game is over.
Kyle: This one's just getting started.
Lola: You know that it's over 100 degrees in here and the ac's broken.
Kyle: Ooh. Fortunately, our shower's still working.
Lola: What about the game?
Kyle: Mm. That's why god invented "pause" buttons.
Lola: [ Giggles ]
Kyle: [ Grunts ]
[ Laughter ]
Tessa: Hi.
Summer: Hey.
Mariah: Hi! I didn't see you come in.
Theo: Hey. You want to grab a table?
Summer: Uh, I thought it might be fun to check out the roof deck at the club.
Theo: Sounds good. Uh, as long as you drive.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: Yeah, of course.
Theo: Been real.
Mariah: Yeah, let me know when your clients get back to you.
Theo: Yeah, of course. Later.
Mariah: Bye.
Tessa: Well, that is definitely not what I expected to see when I walked in here.
Mariah: Snowflake?
Tessa: No, you and theo acting like bffs.
Mariah: Is that what it looked like?
Tessa: Yeah. Exactly.
Mariah: Good. Then that means I have him exactly where I want him.
Summer: What's going on with you and mariah?
Theo: Jealous?
Summer: No. Ha, ha. I don't think that you're her type.
Theo: Oh.
Summer: But, I mean, you guys are pretty friendly.
Theo: Well, it wasn't easy, but totally worth it because now I have her exactly where I want her.
Chelsea: I know how much connor means to you. How could christian mean any less?
Adam: He doesn't, chelsea.
Chelsea: You know, there's this story in the bible about these two women fighting over a child. When the king threatens to give them each half, the real mother offers to let the other woman have him.
Adam: As I recall, solomon gave the boy to her.
Chelsea: The point is, you did a beautiful thing.
Adam: Well, I did it for christian.
Chelsea: Even though you didn't go to court, you showed what an amazing father you are.
Adam: Mm. Well, some people wouldn't agree with that.
Chelsea: Well, connor does, that's for sure. That kid has you on a pedestal. He thinks everything you do is amazing. He came home a few days ago saying you were -- what was it? You're the best card-shuffler in the world?
[ Both laugh ]
Adam: Well, I showed him a little razzle-dazzle.
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]
Adam: Don't worry, I'm not taking him to vegas any time soon, I promise.
Chelsea: I know. I know you would never do anything to hurt him.
Adam: Yeah. Look, I, um... I haven't led the best life. You know, some of the things that I've done have been... well, let's just say that "a lot of regrets" should be my personal slogan. But, I promise, that part of my life will never touch connor.
Chelsea: I'm really glad to hear you say that. I think it's important for you guys to be close, for your sake, for connor's sake. There is still good in you, adam.
Adam: Do you really believe that? After everything that's happened.
Chelsea: I do. And connor -- I mean, that kid's got really good instincts, and he thinks you're pretty awesome, so... actually, um... someone else saw the best in you. You told me so when you gave me this.
Adam: Mom's handkerchief.
Chelsea: I was saving it to give to connor, you know, when he finds the person he wants to marry, but I thought maybe you could give to him instead.
Connor: Got it!
Chelsea: Hi! Oh, you got it!
Connor: Check this out. We can play anywhere.
Adam: Yeah? Like even if we want to get ice cream?
Chelsea: Oh!
Connor: That's a great idea.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: [ Laughs ] Kid's smooth.
Chelsea: Yeah, well, he learns from the best.
Adam: All right. Double scoops if you can score on me, okay?
Chelsea: [ Laughs ] Let's see.
Adam: All right, we got to go this way.
Chelsea: Oh, this is a competition. [ Laughs ]
Adam: Okay. Whoa! Who is this? Uh-oh.
Chelsea: [ Laughs ]
Adam: Oh, look at that! Look at that! Oh, this is gonna be a good game.
Chelsea: [ Laughs ]
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Oh! Stay away from that.
Christian: Daddy!
Nick: Hey, buddy.
[ Chuckles ]
Christian: What's wrong?
Nick: Oh, nothing. I think I just got a little something in my eye.
Christian: I thought you were sad.
Nick: No. Not sad at all. In fact, I couldn't be happier. You know why? Because you're coming home with me, for good.
[ Sighs ]
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