Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/21/19
Episode #13684 ~ Victor learns a dangerous secret, Billy lashes out at his family, and Theo undermines Mariah.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Adam: Marry me.
Sharon: What?
Devon: How would you like to run power communications?
Mariah: You're actually serious?
Devon: I first heard about this guy when he was in music back in new york. I made it my job to keep tabs on talented people.
Abby: If you have some sort of ownership stake in the enterprise -- let's say 20% -- I'll know our interests are aligned.
Billy: Why did you drop nick's custody case and file a petition for adam?
Michael: Stay out of this.
Billy: I smell a rat, michael.
Michael: Watch it. You may find yourself the cheese.
[ Billy sighs ]
Victoria: Hey. Are you on your way to pick up johnny from day camp? Because they called and said that no one had come to get him.
Billy: I'm prepping for this stupid jabot merger meeting, and I totally got distracted. Can you just call them and tell them that I'm on the way?
Victoria: Well, it's really unlike you to forget. Are you -- are you still thinking about delia?
Billy: No. I lost -- I lost track of time.
Victoria: Like you did last night after kyle and lola's wedding?
Billy: I told you why I had feelings about that, okay? I'm -- I'm fine.
Victoria: Billy, I can see that you're not. I mean, are you still having the nightmares?
Billy: All right...
Victoria: Any incidents like what happened at the chancellor house?
Billy: No, victoria.
Victoria: I just want to help you. I want to be able to give you some relief. Maybe you need to go back to the therapist.
Billy: That is not gonna help, so just please stop, all right? Look, you're right -- I am having trouble sleeping. And it's putting me on edge. And I've got to get to this meeting, and I've got to go pick up johnny, so --
Victoria: I'll -- I'll go pick up johnny.
Billy: Okay. Thank you.
Sharon: Marry you? On what planet --
[ Sighs ] Why -- why are you doing this?
Adam: You know why.
Sharon: No, I really don'T. I-I -- I don't want anything to do with you. I thought that I was really, really clear.
Adam: Okay, I heard what you said. But those are just words.
Sharon: Then you're not listening to the words.
Adam: Sharon, I'm hearing what's in your heart. Everything else is just noise. The things that you said after rey found us together, they were a defense mechanism. Because you want to see yourself as the good girl that dates the cop. But you don't have to hide who you really are and what you want.
Sharon: I know who I am. What makes you so sure that I want you?
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Doorbell rings ]
Abby: Oh, do you have something better to you?
Summer: Do you? I mean, 'cause, my iced tea could use a little more ice. Thank you.
Abby: Oh.
Jack: Okay, uh... we are here to discuss the abbott exchange/jabot merger and the introduction of the new company. Abby, I'm glad you're here, as a board member and a loyal daughter.
Abby: Well, I think this is a fantastic idea, and I would love to offer any insight or support that I can.
Jack: Summer is here as part of the marketing and influencer team. We are counting on them big time when it comes to our social-media rollout.
Ashley: Yeah, jack told me all about your growing online presence. I can't wait to hear your ideas.
Theo: I have to say, I was intrigued by your call.
Devon: Well, uh, aside from what happened at kyle and lola's party, I, uh -- I got to say that I've been impressed with your instincts and your knowledge of the music industry. So, with ana gone, I'd like to offer you a full-time role at lp.
Theo: Wow. Um... I'm flattered. You know I love the music industry.
Devon: But?
Theo: But [Sighs] I see myself as more of an image builder. For musical artists, but also for other creatives -- influencers, business moguls. Anyone who needs to be shaped or reinvented for public consumption.
Devon: Okay. So you turning me down?
Theo: No, I -- I was gonna suggest I might be a better fit at power communications.
Devon: At power communications? In what capacity?
Theo: I know you recently put mariah in charge, however...
Devon: However what? You can say what's on your mind.
Summer: So, I was thinking that we could send our top influences to the brick-and-mortar stores to, you know, interact with customers and then demonstrate our new product lines, and maybe even live-stream it.
Jack: I like it. I like it. It's great.
Abby: And during each live stream, we can tease the announcement of the new company.
Ashley: That's fantastic. That's how you attract more followers and create anticipation. Nice --
Billy: Sorry I'm late.
Jack: We, uh, waited as long as we could, and then we had to get started.
Ashley: Is everything okay?
Billy: Yeah. It's fine. I'm just not sure what the point of this meeting is. I think it's a little too early to be discussing social-media strategy. The merger hasn't even gone through yet.
Ashley: But it is going to go through.
Billy: Which is why we need to pump the brakes and rethink this.
Ashley: Okay, I don't understand why you're still doubting something that is going to be demonstratively good for jabot.
Billy: Actually, ashley, I'm not doubting that it makes business sense. I'm doubting you.
Summer: Um, why don't I just meet you back at the office?
Abby: I need to check on some things in the kitchen, so, um...
Summer: Okay.
Abby: Yeah.
Ashley: So it doesn't matter to you that this is what our father would want?
Billy: Oh, really? With the dad card already? Look, our dad cared about our family, but he was a shrewd businessman, and he wouldn't tolerate somebody that betrayed him. Unlike jack, I'm finding it difficult to ignore that.
Jack: No one's ignoring anything. A lot has happened since --
Billy: Jack, she tried to burn our company to the ground and take us with it.
Ashley: You're taking this too personally.
Billy: 'Cause it's only a matter of time before you turn your back on us and stab us again. You expect us to believe that you come into town and you're a different person? I don't buy it. People don't change, ashley.
Jack: Okay. What's really going on here?
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Billy: I don't trust her, jack. And you shouldn't, either.
Ashley: Billy, everything that happened back then at jabot, it was a very complex situation. You know that.
Billy: So you're gonna make excuses for yourself now, ashley? Is that what you're doing?
Ashley: No, I'm not. I did some things that I regret. I'm trying to make it right.
Billy: Well, some things can't be fixed.
Ashley: You know, I am not the only one sitting at this table that made mistakes, am I? As I recall, billy, you decided to shred the patent documents.
Billy: You're so typical. You just turn it back around on me.
Ashley: That's not what I'm doing.
Jack: Let's all take a deep breath --
Billy: Do not patronize me, jack!
Jack: No one's patronizing you. I am suggesting that perhaps there is more here than meets the eye. Could your reaction have something to do with what we discussed the other day?
Billy: I told you that in confidence. I'll just add you to the list of people that I can't trust.
Ashley: What is going on with him? Is he gambling again?
Jack: No. [ Sighs ] I -- look, I need to respect his wishes and not discuss it any more.
Ashley: Okay. Whatever it is, though, you've got to fix it, because this merger could be so beneficial not just to the company, but to our family. Billy has the power to put the whole thing in jeopardy.
Jack: Okay. I will talk to billy.
Theo: I like mariah. She's smart and enthusiastic. But she's still green. Kind of like ana.
Devon: You saying that I made a mistake by hiring her?
Theo: No. Well, I mean, maybe for that particular job. Look, this isn't personal. But the fact is, mariah was talk-show host before you put her in that position, and she's still learning the pr business. Now, from what I can tell, she's done good by a handful of clients, but tessa gets most of her attention, and she's content on letting a lot of things coast on cruise control. Now, I can name a dozen ways I would have grown power in the same amount of time. And I don't play favorites.
Devon: Okay. Well, I'm gonna stop you right there, theo. I get that you're hungry. But there is something that you need to know about me if we're gonna work together.
Summer: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. I didn't expect you back so soon.
Summer: Yeah, I know. The meeting was cut short after it went off the rails.
Phyllis: Oooh!
[ Sighs ] Trouble at jabot? Ohh.
Summer: Mm. No, I wouldn't know, because i left before I could find out. But, actually, I do have a question for you. So, as soon as the meeting started, I got this text from theo, and I don't know if he was really busy, or if this was just a not-so-subtle message.
Phyllis: Why do you care? You said you broke up with him yesterday.
Summer: Well, yeah, I mean, I thought that things were over. We got into a fight over the girl that he brought to the reception.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. The one who could be your little sister?
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: What's up with her? What are the details?
Summer: Uh, so, she used to party with kyle and theo back in new york, and theo decided to bring her to kyle's reception to piss him off, which was a crappy move. But then I got to talking to her, and she's actually kind of nice, so it changed my perspective on why they were even there, and... I don't know. I figured that I should at least give theo a chance to explain himself.
Phyllis: Sounds like you're just making up an excuse to see theo again.
Summer: Mom, I'm not d--
Phyllis: I don't care what you do. It's your life. But if you want to see him again, you do it on your terms. You understand that?
Sharon: What happened to make you come over here like this? Did chelsea turn you down again?
Adam: You know that I tried to reclaim my family when i first came back here, but that is not happening. Okay? They're gone.
Sharon: So you just ran over here and proposed to me?
Adam: Chasing chelsea was a mistake. She doesn't see me the way you do. You know me in a way that no one else does. It is the same way that I know you, sharon.
Sharon: You don't know me anymore.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] That is not true. The way we connect, it is deep. And it's undeniable. And no matter how many times you try to reassure rey, you couldn't stay away.
Sharon: I hurt someone that I really, really loved because of you.
Adam: Because you had some misguided idea that being with him was the right thing to do. It looked good to other people. But your heart and your mind, they were with me. Why are you -- are you so afraid to admit that?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Maybe... I'm afraid of you.
Adam: No, you're afraid of your feelings. But you don't have to be anymore. You and rey, you're finished. And I don't want to waste time inching towards each other out of the fear of what other people might think. I don't give a damn about that. Okay? I'm here because we belong together. I need you. And you need me, too. The only difference is, I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Sharon: You don't know what it was like for me in the years that you were gone. My life fell apart. I-I made mistakes, I -- I drove people away. I-I had gotten to a low point that I didn't know if I was gonna come back from it or not.
Adam: I don't judge you, sharon, for the things that you've done. I actually understand you more because of them.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] I tried to take the bad things that happened to me and turn them into something positive. And you know what? That worked. It really did. It gave me new purpose. It made me a better mother, which is what's most important to me.
Adam: Yeah. As it should be. There's nothing -- nothing on this earth that is more important than being a parent.
Sharon: I have tried my best to give faith a safe and stable environment. You know, that's part of the reason why this breakup with rey is just killing me. You know, I asked him to move in too soon, and I just -- I hate that I did that to her. You know, I-I -- I may not be a mother that she can be proud of, but I'm not going to be one that she's ashamed of.
Adam: Sharon, sometimes relationships don't work out. Nobody's to blame. You're being too hard on yourself.
Sharon: No, I'm not. When you came back into town, I just started backsliding, making mistakes. I just -- I don't want that to get any worse. That's why I'm drawing a line in the sane. I -- I can't just throw away everything that I've worked so hard for the last few years on a -- on a whim. And I refuse to put my life back into chaos.
Adam: Sharon, I admire the mother that you are to faith. And I'm sure that you were a wonderful mother to christian, too. Is that the time period that you were referring to, when you were told that he was your baby? Okay, I hate the idea that you felt like you had to make amends for something that wasn't your fault.
Sharon: Well, when I found out the baby was sage's, I lied.
Adam: I would have done the same thing. Okay? I hate the idea that you had to go through that alone. I wish that I would have been here to comfort you and help you. That's what I'm trying to do. I want to move forward and start a new life. Together.
Sharon: Words. Right? They're so easy to say. But the truth is just so much more complicated.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] You and I aren't complicated, sharon. The other night, when we were together, that is as simple as it gets.
Sharon: The other night was a mistake.
Victoria: I'm surprised that billy's not with you. He said that he had a jabot meeting.
Jack: Oh, he was there, all right.
Victoria: Oh, no. What happened?
Jack: He was on edge from the moment he got there. Went into attack mode against ashley, and -- you know, it was mostly about his not sleeping. These nightmares he's having about delia, and his obsession with adam.
[ Sighs ]
Victoria: He told you?
Jack: Yeah. And what did I do with it? I mentioned it in front of ashley, and he felt totally betrayed.
Victoria: Well, he has been trying to cover this whole thing up.
Jack: It's obvious he's struggling.
Victoria: That's why we left kyle and lola's wedding last night. The thought of never being able to walk delia down the aisle was really too much for him.
Jack: That makes sense. And, of course, I'm telling him how great it is to see your child get married.
Victoria: No, jack. It's not your fault.& It's just one more thing in a long line of incidents. Showing up at the chancellor house without knowing how he got there. Finding words scribbled on the wall in delia's handwriting.
[ Sighs ] Look, I'm glad he told you. And, honestly, it's nice for me to have someone else to confide in.
Jack: Billy said that you and sharon tried to talk him into seeing a therapist.
Victoria: Yeah, we did. He went to one session. But he says he doesn't see the point in going back.
Jack: Well, if it's not the right person, he can find the right person.
Victoria: I honestly don't think that the therapist is the problem. I'm worried. I'm worried that billy doesn't want to get better.
Jack: I'm not sure i understand that.
Victoria: I just think that, on some subconscious level, billy wants to keep having these nightmares about delia because it makes him feel closer to her.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Well, you're the last person i expected to get a text from.
Billy: I figured my day couldn't get any worse, so why not?
Phyllis: Thank you. Uh, summer told me there was some drama at the jabot meeting. She didn't give me specifics.
Billy: I don't think jack should trust ashley, that's all.
Phyllis: Oh, you're not gonna get an argument from me. I mean, ashley is as cutthroat as they come when it comes to business, even with her family. But you're an even match for her, aren't you, billy? You can be pretty ruthless when it comes to revenge. I know from personal experience.
Billy: You're not gonna forgive me for what happened with summer. I understand that. The investment money I gave you notwithstanding.
Phyllis: No amount of money can ever buy that. So... why did you want to see me? What do you want?
Devon: Now, I know that running a business does require making some difficult decisions, and sometimes removing people when they don't work out. And it's true, I've had some tough conversations with ana at one point. But I've always treated her the way I would treat anybody else, and that's with honesty and respect. So, if you'd like to approach mariah about working under her, that's cool. You can do that. But down-talking her to me is not the way you're gonna get what you want.
Theo: Look, I-I'm sorry if that's the way it came off. I-I meant no disrespect to you or her.
Devon: Okay. Well, I appreciate that. And I'll leave it up to you two.
Theo: Okay. Uh... thanks again for the job offer, and for giving me a chance to prove myself.
Devon: For sure. I am curious, though, man -- you got a lot of stuff going on with your agency and your freelance work, so why are you interested in power?
Theo: Because I can envision its true potential. I'm seeing a place where I can integrate all the different entities I'm involved with. Expand power's breadth and reach. I also have some personal reasons for staying in genoa city, so, if possible, I'd like to make my base here.
Jack: Billy, it's me. Uh, I was way out of line, bringing up our private conversation in front of ashley. Give me a call, will you? Hello.
Celeste: Hi. Oh!
Jack: I hope this will do. I asked for a table with a view.
Celeste: Oh, this -- this will do.
Jack: The bride and groom get to have a honeymoon. Seems to me the least the parents could do is have a little rest and relaxation.
Celeste: I am so glad you convinced me to come. If I had missed lola's wedding, I would -- I would have regretted it every day of my life.
Jack: Apparently your ex-husband felt the same way.
Celeste: Oh, I'm so, so sorry about that. I apologize.
Jack: No, no, no. There's nothing to apologize for. At least he waited till after the ceremony to let lola know he was there.
Celeste: Well, I think that he knew better than to spoil her day -- or, at least, her brothers, like, helped him see the light.
Jack: I imagine rey can be very convincing.
Celeste: Yes, but unfortunately he wasn't convincing enough to keep adrian from taking another run at me.
Jack: Oh? Did he --
Celeste: He asked me to take him back again. Oh, yeah. He did. And, um... I mean, I-I shut him down before he could get all the words out of his mouth. I -- I have to admit that seeing lola and kyle together has really helped me realize that I deserve a man who treats me as well as he treats her.
Jack: I agree. You do.
Celeste: I am so embarrassed that I was even tempted to let that man back into my life.
Jack: Nothing to be embarrassed about. You two have a lot of history. He's the father of your children.
Celeste: Still.
Jack: I appreciate that you're willing to give him a second chance... to set things right. Forgiveness is often the hardest choice.
Celeste: How did you get so wise?
Jack: I've taken a few trips around the sun.
Celeste: Yeah. Well, I think sometimes it's easier to forgive a family member than it is to forgive a romantic partner.
Jack: Let's see... kerry...phyllis... I think I'll stop there. What do you say we agree to just agree?
Celeste: [ Chuckles ]
Sharon: I allowed myself to fall into old patterns with you because I do care about you. Okay?
Adam: Wow. Well, thank you for admitting it.
Sharon: You know, all this talk about moving forward, though -- you're not ready to do that. You're still fixated on the past. Old slights and settling scores.
Adam: Well, while you keep trying to deny our past. You are lumping me in with the rest of your exes because you refuse to acknowledge that our love was unique. It was powerful.
Sharon: It was really passionate. And deep.
Adam: So you have been thinking about our time together just as much as I have.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] What we had was just too explosive to sustain. You know, maybe it just -- it flamed out 'cause it ran its course.
Adam: Well, we can get it back.
Adam: Sharon, I have lost so much. Okay? I've lost years of my life, my children, every relationship that I have ever had. Except for you. I keep coming back to you because you are the only one that I can see a different future with. And I think that if I got you back, I could...
[ Sighs ] I could let everything else go.
Sharon: Is this some kind of twisted ultimatum? If I take you back, then you'll stop hurting all the people that I love?
Adam: No, that's not what this is, sharon.
Sharon: You're manipulating me to get the answer that you want.
Adam: You found me, sharon. Yes, victor asked for your help because he knew that you had the best chance of getting through to me, and you agreed because you knew he was right. And you wanted to feel this again, what is happening right here in front of you. All you have to do is let yourself have it.
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"The young and the restless"
will continue.
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Jack: Yeah, I got pulled back into a relationship with phyllis more than once.
Celeste: What finally ended it for good?
Jack: She slept with my brother.
Celeste: Oh! Tsss... that'll do it.
[ Sucks teeth ] I have a little familiarity with that situation. I'm just hoping that someday arturo and rey will be able to get past it.
Jack: Oh, with them they will. Because they're brothers.
Celeste: It's so hard to know [Chuckles] You know, whether to give your family space and when to smother them. And I let -- I -- I think I learned my lesson. So I'm gonna leave and go back to miami as soon as lola and kyle --
Jack: Oh, no, no.
Celeste: Yeah. ...Come back from their honeymoon.
Jack: I hate to think you're leaving town so soon.
Celeste: It's not gonna be easy to leave lola and rey. It's just that hovering also doesn't work for our family, so... and arturo and mia, they're gonna have a baby soon, and they'll -- they'll definitely need my help.
Theo: Uh, hey, there. Shouldn't you be working?
Mariah: Shouldn't you?
Theo: Oh, I'm always working.
Mariah: Same.
Theo: Listen, I, uh, heard that power is losing the real world renegades to another firm. I wish I would have known. They're friends. I could have helped you keep them as clients.
Mariah: We decided that it wouldn't be a good fit. But if you have any other clients that you'd like to send my way, I'd be happy to look at them.
Theo: I might. You know, I-I really admire what you're doing over there.
Mariah: Except for the one client that I lost.
Theo: Oh, that's no biggie. You're doing great things. And I was thinking, I would love to work more closely together.
Mariah: Really.
Theo: I was just talking to devon about it.
Mariah: Aren't you an eager little helper.
Sharon: I don't know what to say.
Adam: Whatever's in your heart. Forget about all the rules that you have imposed on yourself, and what other people are going to say.
Sharon: You are the man who loved me and protected me during one of the worst times of my life -- the darkest. But you're also the man who lied to me and cause me a lot of pain. And why would I throw myself back into that?
Adam: [ Sighs ] Look, I'm not going to pretend that I am someone I'm not. I am the same guy, with the same flaws. But that is what has always worked between us, sharon. That we accept each other and we -- we love each other and we fight for each other with the same intensity.
Sharon: Okay. Don't pretend that some of the terrible things that you've done and continue to do are just a personality quirk that I'm supposed to put up with.
Adam: Okay, look, I'm not -- I'm not trying to pressure you into anything. Okay? I'm just asking you to think about what I said. Be honest with yourself. And you'll have your answer.
Billy: I want to know what's going on with adam.
Phyllis: W-well, my first answer is, "I don't know." My second is, "why would i tell you?"
Billy: Because he royally screwed you over on that hotel deal. Publicly humiliated you. You don't work for him anymore. And an enemy of your enemy is a friend.
Phyllis: Uh, well, we had a misunderstanding, adam and I. Uh... a falling out. It's business. I have my big-girl pants on.
Billy: Yeah, but he's dangerous, phyllis. On a much larger scale than some business deal, okay? He destroys everybody that he comes in contact with. And when you join forces with that, you become complicit.
Phyllis: So many people in this town have done so many horrible things. So why is it that adam and i are the only ones who get labeled and judged?
Billy: All right. Okay. So you're just gonna sit here and defend adam?
Phyllis: No, I'm not defending him. I'm not defending him. It's just a double standard. I mean, kyle screws my daughter over, yet he sashays through his wedding. And -- and nick impersonates J.T. For months to terrorize victor, which I don't have a huge problem with, and it's "no harm, no foul" for him. And then chelsea comes into town, and everybody forgets that she defrauded fenmore's and she put sharon in the hospital. Her husband dies, and nick drops everything. Makes sure that she's staying right with him, even though she dumped him and left town. I mean, there are skid marks on the road from her leaving.
Billy: Chelsea's not gonna be at nick's for much longer, considering the fortune that calvin left her.
Phyllis: What? Wait a second. Her husband suspiciously dies and leaves her everything? Wow! This is rich. This is just like chelsea. And, of course, there's no investigation.
Billy: Why would there be one? He died of natural causes. But congratulations on your ability to hold a grudge.
Phyllis: A grudge? Am I holding a grudge? You called me here because of adam, right?
Billy: Don't ever compare those two. Adam killed my daughter. He stole her life from her. And he continues to wreak havoc on every single person that he comes in contact with. And he has never, ever been held accountable for his actions. And it's long overdue.
Phyllis: I feel like this conversation took a turn. That wasn't a threat, was it?
Billy: Consider it a warning, phyllis. Get on the right side of this. Or you may end up collateral damage.
Sharon: I don't want anything to do with you. I thought that I was really clear.
Adam: But you don't have to hide who you really are.
Sharon: And I refuse to put my life back into chaos.
Adam: All you have to do is let yourself have it.
Mariah: How exactly do you think we should work together?
Theo: Open a line of communication, see what happens. Let me help you in ways that make sense. Like, you know, a call to my friends, that would have taken two seconds.
Mariah: Okay. I mean, this is a big company, and I could use some backup every now and then.
Theo: Well, I am here and at your service.
Mariah: Thank you. Running this company is a lot. And, to be fair, the only experience I have before this is hosting a tv show.
Theo: Well, you are great at certain things. And my expertise can help fill in the gaps.
Mariah: Yeah, I could see that.
Theo: I can fortify us in areas where you're weak. I can step in when you're not quite up to the task. You know, I feel I can take this company to new heights.
Mariah: So that's what you said to devon.
Theo: Uh... uh, maybe something like that.
Mariah: You know, I'm wondering how you have the time. Running around trying to steal other people's jobs, ruin their marriages. It seems like you should be focusing a little bit on your own business.
Theo: My business.
Mariah: Yeah. Your -- your little agency.
Theo: Sure.
Mariah: It would be a shame if power came in and decided to get into the agency business, as well, stealing all your clients so we could service all of their needs under one roof, making you obsolete. Thanks for the idea. You were a big help.
Theo: Yeah, I did not see that coming. This could be fun.
Mariah: He's all yours.
Summer: Wow. Looks like you're losing your touch.
Phyllis: Hey, adam. Hey! It looks like I may get the money to buy my 20% stake in the grand phoenix.
Adam: Really?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Adam: It has only been a few hours.
Phyllis: I'm resourceful. You know that.
Adam: You are going through a lot of trouble to get a minority stake in abby's hotel. You realize you're not gonna have any real power, right?
Phyllis: This is just the beginning. You see, abby is naive and inexperienced. It's not gonna be long until i take over and squeeze her out.
Phyllis: Hey, chelsea. It's phyllis. I'd like to talk to you about something that might be mutually beneficial. Call me back.
Summer: All right. So, are people starting to see through that signature charm of yours after the stunt that you pulled at the wedding?
Theo: Okay, it wasn't a stunt. It was a gift to kyle.
Summer: Okay, well, I don't think that he really appreciated having you bring some blonde that you guys used to party with to his reception.
Theo: Then he missed the point. Zoe was there to let him know she was doing well, and that she doesn't hold any grudges.
Summer: Hmm.
Theo: I did it so that kyle could stop beating himself up over it. And stop beating me up, too. Literally and figuratively.
Summer: You know, I warned him that you might pull something.
Theo: Heh... of course you did. And I knew you'd tell him that's why we make such a good team.
Summer: Okay, no. No. We are not on a team anymore. We are on opposite sides now.
Theo: Are we?
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Theo: You took me to that bachelorette party for a reason. Because you get bored as easily as I do. And because, secretly, deep down in the recesses of your mind, you wanted some kind of revenge against kyle and lola.
Summer: No, I told you that you had to behave.
Theo: I did exactly what you wanted me to.
Summer: No.
Theo: Maybe you can't admit it to yourself, but I knew what you needed, and I got it for you. And it was very satisfying.
Summer: Okay, well, now you're sounding crazy.
Theo: It feels good to blow things up. Doesn't it?
Victor: I just overheard phyllis tell adam that once she has a stake in the grand phoenix, she will boot you out and take over herself.
Abby: Well, that's -- that's not unexpected. But I would like to see her try.
Victor: Don't take her lightly.
Abby: Dad, I'm not. But she is underestimating me. Look, I have structured the hotel deal very carefully. It will be impossible for her to get a majority stake.
Victor: Mm-hmm. If you say so. But let me ask you something -- why would you want to work with someone you know is trying to undermine you?
Abby: Because she'll be good at the job. And I will enjoy the hell out of being her boss, watching her try to out-maneuver me, and squashing her every attempt. Dad [Laughs] This is right out of your playbook. I'm surprised you're not on board.
Victor: Let me tell you something, sweetheart. If you are bringing her in to prove a point to me, don't do that. She's a dangerous lady. She's toxic. She almost managed to send nikki and victoria to prison for years to come to save her own skin.
Abby: I understand. Thank you for telling me what she's planning.
Victor: [ Sighs ] Now, why do I feel I'm not getting through to you?
Abby: You have. You have given me a lot to think about.
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