Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/20/19
Episode #11683 ~ Adam shares shocking news with Sharon, and Lauren questions Michael's decision-making.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Adam: You're launching a campaign?
Michael: I'll convince christine to step down so we can hold a special election.
Adam: Don't deny yourself a chance to be truly happy. I'm what you've wanted all along.
Kyle: What the hell are you doing here?
Theo: I brought you a present. You remember zoe from new york.
Lola: What are you doing here?
Adrian: I wanted to see my little girl on her big day.
Sharon: Uh, it's okay. I'll take care of this.
Adrian: My lucky day.
Sharon: What can I get you?
Adrian: I'm thinking something hot. What do you recommend?
Sharon: That depends on what you like.
Adrian: What's in front of me looks pretty good.
Sharon: To drink.
Adrian: Surprise me.
Rey: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Sharon: Rey.
Adrian: You know my son?
Sharon: Is this your dad?
Adrian: He gets his good looks from me.
Rey: All right, all right, all right. Excuse me, let's go.
Adrian: Nice meeting you.
Rey: Come on.
Adrian: Hey, hey!
Adam: Hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, you're welcome.
[ Scoffs ]
Lola: It is close?
Michael: Ha, ha. Very funny.
Lauren: Well, the way you keep checking the results, i thought maybe there was a last-minute write-in that was giving you stiff competition.
Michael: I know the election is just a formality, I know.
Lauren: So then why are you nervous?
Michael: I'm not nervous. Okay, I'm a little nervous. I guess I didn't realize how much I want this job.
Lauren: I'm marveling at that myself. I seem to remember you telling me how much you love private practice because of the freedom it gave you.
Michael: It had its advantages.
Lauren: Yes, it did. Like being able to take off whenever we wanted to go see our son.
Michael: The last time we saw fenmore, he barely had time for dinner, and that was months ago.
Lauren: Mm-hmm. Well, who knows when we're gonna see him now.
Michael: I'm sure our son will understand that duty called.
Lauren: Duty or... something else?
Michael: Like what?
Lauren: I just can't help wondering why your sudden urge to "defend justice"... and I'm wondering if it has anything to do with adam.
Michael: [ Sighs ] I suppose, in a way, you're right.
Lauren: Oh, so you admit that adam is behind your decision to run for da?
Michael: I did not say that.
Lauren: Then what are you saying?
Michael: If I am district attorney, I can no longer provide legal services for him.
Lauren: That's what motivated this?
Michael: I thought that would make you happy. My impression was that you didn't like our legal involvement.
Lauren: Adam's whole family doesn't want to be involved with him, yet you were willing to take him as a client.
Lauren: If I chose my clients based on likability, I'd be out of work.
Lauren: There were always lines that you wouldn't cross.
Michael: There still are. What?
Lauren: I don't know. Just something feels very off about you and adam.
Michael: I wish there was something I could tell you to make you feel better.
Lauren: Yeah. Me, too.
Michael: Hey, there's phyllis and summer.
Lauren: Oh, hi!
Phyllis: Hey!
Michael: Hey, you guys!
Phyllis: If it is not the past and future district attorney.
Summer: Hi, michael! Hi!
Michael: Hey, honey. Mwah! Mmm!
Phyllis: Want you to know, um, we voted, and we voted for you.
Michael: You probably put me over the top.
Phyllis: Is this where you're having your victory party?
Michael: Yeah. A little overkill?
Phyllis: No, never diminish the significance of winning.
Summer: Who said that?
Michael: Mm, it's a phyllis original, of course.
Phyllis: Yeah, no one likes a loser. Ask christine.
[ Laughter ]
Lauren: Oh, hey! Michael! It's the mayor.
Phyllis: They're calling already?
Michael: Oh! Oh, okay, I'll see you two -- thank you! Thank you for your votes!
Summer: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: Well, I would like to celebrate your victory.
Summer: Mm, what did I win?
Phyllis: You get first prize for the way that you handled yourself at kyle and lola's wedding.
Summer: Oh, okay, well, you must have missed the finish because lola won that race, and, just like michael, she was running unopposed.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm, yeah, lola may have won kyle. But you -- you kept your dignity and self-respect.
Summer: Yeah, whatever that's worth.
Phyllis: Baby. That is worth everything. Okay?
Kyle: You awake?
Lola: No.
Kyle: Married less than 24 hours, and you're already lying to me. We're doomed.
Lola: Mm, shh!
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I'm shushed! Now I know we are.
Lola: Baby, I'm just trying to memorize this moment.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Lola: The soft breeze, the sound of the waves, the scent of the flowers outside our window.
Kyle: Mm.
Lola: The feel of waking up in your arms.
Kyle: Mm.
Lola: You know, if heaven isn't like this, I'm going to be extremely disappointed.
Kyle: Well, angels better be working overtime because I can't imagine anything close. Except... maybe this.
Lola: Oh. With bipolar I disorder,
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Rey: What are you still doing here? Don't you have a job to get back to?
Adrian: I'm between gigs.
Rey: Of course you are.
Adrian: Happens to the best of us.
Rey: Yeah, and you just had this sudden urge to reconnect with the daughter you never knew before.
Adrian: The thought of my baby girl getting married stirred up all kinds of feelings.
Rey: [ Chuckles ] I'm sure your heart was bursting when you found out she was marrying into a rich family.
Adrian: I don't like what you're implying.
Rey: Oh, my bad. I meant to be straight-up. You're here to cash in.
Adrian: When did you become so cynical?
Rey: The day you bailed on our family.
Adrian: That was a long time ago! I was young and irresponsible. I'm a different person now!
Rey: Please. Please. You are still the same, only now I see right through you.
Adrian: Oh. Think you're a big man now?
Rey: Big enough to put you on notice. You are not going to hurt this family again.
Phyllis: Have you spoken to theo since the wedding?
Summer: Uh, nope, and I do not plan on it.
Phyllis: Yeah, bringing that girl who sort of looked like you to the reception was really crass.
Summer: Zoe?
Phyllis: Zoe. What's up with that?
Summer: Who knows?
Phyllis: I wonder if lola knows the story to that.
Summer: Okay, mom, please, i do not want to talk about lola or kyle or the wedding right now, please.
Phyllis: Okay. All right. Sorry.
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Michael: Yes. Yes. I'm looking forward to working with you again, too, mr. Mayor. I agree. Uh, together, we can do great things for the city. Yeah. Thank you. Yes, all right. Goodbye.
Lauren: And so it begins.
Michael: I wish you wouldn't say it that way.
Lauren: Well, do you want me to hide my feelings?
Michael: I want you to trust me.
Lauren: You've been keeping something from me, and you have for a very long time now. Are you trying to protect me?
Michael: [ Chuckles ] Would that be so terrible?
Lauren: Depends on what it is.
Michael: You know there's certain things I can't tell you.
Lauren: I know, I'm not asking you to cross any lines. I'm just asking you to explain to me why you take on adam as a client and then you suddenly decide you're gonna run for da.
Michael: You make it sound like those two things are connected.
Lauren: Oh, I believe that they are. And I believe it's all tied to kevin. Now, what aren't you telling me, michael?
Michael: There are too many people around.
Lauren: All right, then let's go somewhere else.
Michael: No, I -- I told some of my bigger donors that I would be here when the election results were certified.
Lauren: Oh, come on.
Michael: And you need some more iced tea.
Lauren: Are you -- michael.
Michael: Hey, hey. Hey! Here's some folks. Listen. Look, I know it was unopposed, but I so appreciate you showing up. Not everybody does that, and it's some important to be involved. Thank you. Thank you so much, man. Thank you. Hi, I'm dave. I supply 100% farm-fresh milk for lactaid.
Lola: [ Gasps ] Oh! That's so sweet.
Kyle: Mm.
Lola: Oh, my god.
[ Both laugh ] What are your aunts doing?
Kyle: Mm, dancing?
Lola: Yeah, is that really what they're doing?
Kyle: Uh, best guess.
[ Laughs ] There it is. Best shot of the day.
Lola: Could you tell how nervous I was?
Kyle: Mnh-mnh. I was too busy trying not to faint?
Lola: You?
Kyle: I was shaking all over. Till I saw you at the end of the aisle looking amazing in that dress. Then it all went away. Because I knew I was doing the right thing.
Lola: So lucky I wore that dress. If not, you would have bailed.
Kyle: I know, right?
Lola: Hey!
[ Both laugh ]
Kyle: Oh... look at that. Mother of the bride, father of the groom. Ow, ow!
Lola: I still can't believe jack was able to get my mom to the wedding.
Kyle: Mm, I have a family charm. It's genetic. If we have boys, watch out. They're gonna use it to get their way.
Lola: Huh, like you did? Ropa viejas?
Kyle: Kind of was setting the tone for who was boss.
Lola: Oh, so you thought that you could just flash these baby blue eyes at me and get what you wanted?
Kyle: Mm, blame my dad.
Lola: Can't diss my own father-in-law. He is the best.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Lola: Mm. And then there's my dad, who ghosts me my entire life, and then shows up at my wedding uninvited.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Hey. I hope he didn't ruin the day.
Lola: No. Thanks to my brothers. For once, them being overprotective was a great thing.
Kyle: Yeah, rey's not gonna let your dad hurt you.
Lola: Yeah. I just really worry what that looks like.
Adrian: I never wanted to leave my family.
[ Sighs ] Your mother threw me out.
Rey: Oh, my god. Shut up! I am -- I am so sick of your excuses. Everyone knows what a crap husband and father you are.
Adrian: Who the hell are you to judge me? Your wife's having a baby with your brother.
Rey: Oh, you bastard.
Adrian: I thought honesty was your thing.
Rey: I am this close to an assault charge.
Adrian: Bring it!
Rey: You want to do this?
Adrian: Let's go.
[ Grunting ]
Celeste: Hey, hey, hey! Stop! Stop it. Stop it right now. Rey, let me take care of this, please.
Rey: I won't be far.
Sharon: Is that your mom?
Rey: Yeah.
Sharon: Are you okay?
Rey: I'm fine.
Adam: Congratulations.
Michael: Little premature.
Adam: Oh, come on, michael. Even you can't screw this up.
Adam: Look, thanks to me, you're gonna be the next district attorney.
Michael: I need to get back to my wife.
Adam: Wait. Not yet.
Adam: What are you, paranoid much?
Michael: Shh. It is called being smart. One of us has to be.
Adam: Mm. Well, I was smart enough to make sure nobody ran against you.
Michael: Tell me you didn't contribute to my campaign.
Adam: Not officially.
Michael: I really don't want to know what that means.
Adam: Just that I persuaded a couple potential candidates it wasn't in their best interest to enter the race.
Michael: Stop, stop, stop. Do not elaborate on that.
Adam: Michael! Michael! Would you relax, okay? You're gonna give yourself a stroke.
Michael: Might I remind you a disbarred attorney is of absolutely no use to you whatsoever.
Adam: Oh, the last thing i would want to do is for you to have a sullied reputation.
Michael: Then I suggest you keep your distance.
Adam: Hey, I am just another citizen offering my congratulations. To your long and illustrious political career.
Phyllis: Hear, hear! Am I intruding?
Michael: Not at all. Excuse me.
Adam: Was there something else?
Phyllis: Actually, there is.
Adam: Okay, well, make it quick because I have some things I have to get done today.
Phyllis: I heard you sold abby the grand phoenix.
Adam: [ Sighs ] You know, since I am in such a great mood, I will let you ream me out for that.
Phyllis: No reaming. Thank you.
Adam: Wow, I can't imagine what I did to deserve that.
Phyllis: Well, I was actually the one who told her that she should buy it, and s was so excited by the tip, she offered to make me her partner -- in fact, she insisted.
Adam: Mm. Your lucky day.
Phyllis: Yeah. I'm exactly where I wanted to be, at a fraction of the cost I would have paid you. Wow. It's so wild how the world works, isn't it?
Michael: You were right, let's get out of here.
Lauren: Sure, uh, but why? Okay. Let me pack up my things. Let's go.
Zoe: Hi! Summer, right? I'm zoe. Hardisty.
Summer: Hi! You were at the wedding.
Zoe: You were the main reason I was there.
Summer: Oh, well, for most people, it's the bride or the groom.
Zoe: [ Giggles ] I only accepted theo's invitation because he told me you'd be there.
Summer: Oh, uh, well, I'm -- I'm flattered.
Zoe: I follow you on social media.
Summer: Oh!
Zoe: Like a gazillion other people.
Summer: Oh, maybe a few less than that.
Zoe: Your fashion choices are totally on point. I bought this after you posted about it.
Summer: Oh, hey, looks cute on you.
Zoe: Thanks. I was hoping to talk to you yesterday, but... then things got kind of weird.
Adrian: Rey was always even-tempered. Got to wonder.
Celeste: What?
Adrian: He and arturo want to take my head off. Lola didn't want me at her wedding. Did you turn them against me?
Celeste: [ Scoffs ] They are adults, adrian. They formed their own opinions.
Adrian: A lot of years, just you and them. You must have said something about me.
Celeste: Well, I told them that they inherited your charm. And your sense of humor and your big heart. All the things that I loved about you.
Adrian: I'm still charming. And funny. And... loving.
Celeste: I know.
Adrian: If you give me a chance, we could put our family back. Help raise the grandchildren. Grow old together.
Celeste: No. Adrian, you're not a family man. I've accepted that. It's time that you did, too.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Adam: Oh, put that on my tab.
Phyllis: Generosity. That's a nice look on you.
Adam: It's a gift to abby. With my sympathy. You are about to become her headache.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Adam: Wait a minute, you still have a friend left in this town?
Phyllis: Yes, my best friend. My daughter. We're spending the day together.
Adam: Oh. Must be nice, having that closeness with your kid.
Phyllis: It is nice. It's better than a million hotels and a multi-million-dollar real estate company.
Adam: Well, that is what i wanted with christian, except my whole family is fighting to keep him away from me.
Phyllis: Even victor? He's the one who brought you into town.
Adam: Oh, dear old dad is leading the charge against me. He got a restraining order preventing me from seeing my son.
Phyllis: Victor did that?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: That's amazing. And awesome. Good for victor. Great news!
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Adam: I hope sensitivity training isn't part of your new job.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry, did i hurt your feeling?
Adam: Oh, cheering for me to lose my son is a real mood-lifter, phyllis.
Phyllis: The only interest you have in that child is hurting nick. Victor was right to keep him from you.
Adam: Oh, yeah, because he's father of the year.
Phyllis: He does suck as a dad. And as a human being. I think when it comes to christian, he has that boy's best interest at heart.
Adam: Well, you think i don't?
Phyllis: Adam. It's like dark horse. You don't want it, but you don't want nick to have it.
Adam: Okay, well, thanks, dr. Freud.
Phyllis: And trying to win chelsea back, it's your sick desire to best your brother.
Adam: You know, it is no wonder that your daughter is your only friend you got in this town.
Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna win any popularity contests with you by telling you the truth, but someone has to.
Adam: Mm. Doesn't mean I have to listen.
Phyllis: Adam. I get you. I do. I know what it's like to want to hurt people who've wronged you.
Adam: Yeah, it's called& justice.
Phyllis: It's called revenge, and it gets you nowhere. Really. You just have haters right now. Tell me one thing that you're proud of in your life right now. What are you proud of? I know. Felt the same way about myself. So I stopped hurting people.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Well, yay for you, phyllis.
Phyllis: You can laugh at me if you want, I don't care. I turned my life around, and this is a new beginning for me. I decided to put my energy into things I love.
Adam: Well, that is beautiful, phyllis. Really.
Phyllis: What happened to you? All you have in your life right now is hate. It's like all the goodness was sucked out of you. And I think that's sad.
Adam: You know what, buy your own damn drinks, phyllis.
Zoe: It was theo's idea for me to come to the wedding.
Summer: Mm, yeah, shocker.
Zoe: And when I realized that kyle wasn't happy to see me, at all, I was so embarrassed. And theo felt terrible.
Summer: Really? You think so?
Zoe: Oh, 100%. And that's why he got me out of there so fast.
Summer: Okay, I'm just surprised that theo had you there at all.
Zoe: Well, he thought kyle would be relieved to see that i was okay.
Summer: I mean, no offense, but that's just a little interesting since kyle's never mentioned you before.
Zoe: Theo said he's been really worried about me, ever since the night I, you know...
Summer: Got wasted?
Zoe: I was such an idiot. I wasn't used to drinking that much, and, well, I was trying to keep up with the older kids.
Summer: Yeah, that was a big fail.
Zoe: If kyle and theo hadn't gotten me to the er... I'm super grateful to them.
Summer: Okay, so you don't hold what happened against them?
Zoe: Oh, my god, no. No, they're both really sweet. Especially theo. Sorry. You guys had a thing, right?
Summer: No, that's -- it's okay. We went on a few dates, we had some fun, but it wasn't anything serious.
Rey: You okay?
Celeste: Yeah.
[ Chuckles ] No. No.
Rey: It's for the best. He would never be faithful.
Celeste: I know, I just -- I just feel bad for him, that he's all alone.
Rey: He did it to himself.
Celeste: I -- but... it just makes me sad that he will never find happiness, and I just wish that there was something I could.
Rey: Yeah, well, it's not your job to fix things for him.
Celeste: You know, yesterday, when I was watching kyle and lola exchange vows... I -- I couldn't help but remembering the day your dad and I got married. We were so in love and happy. And I thought it would always be that way. And, I mean, he threw it away.
Rey: Yeah, well, he -- he doesn't deserve you.
Celeste: Look, he's flawed, but he's not a bad man.
Rey: You still love him.
Celeste: No -- well, it doesn't matter because it's over.
Rey: Mom --
Celeste: I -- you know what, I am finished talking about me. I -- let's just -- tell me about the pretty blonde you were just talking to. Is that sharon?
Rey: Yeah, but I don't want to talk about her any more than you want to talk about dad.
Celeste: Can I say something?
Rey: Any way I can stop you? Mm.
Celeste: What I --
[ Chuckles ] You deserve to be happy, rey. And you will be one day.
Zoe: Genoa city's got a really cool vibe. Thought I'd spend a few days here, take in the action.
Summer: Yeah, there's actually a lot to see and do around here. Especially at this time of year.
Zoe: Maybe we could hang out.
Summer: You know, I would love to, but, um, I'm actually super slammed at work, and today is my only day off, so I'm spending it with my mom.
Zoe: Yeah, yeah. No worries.
Theo: Hey, ladies! What's up?
Zoe: Hey, theo!
Theo: I see you met summer.
Zoe: Finally! You were right, we have tons in common. -Theo: I had a feeling you'd hit it off.
Zoe: So good.
Theo: Well, since you guys are besties now, why don't we all go to lunch? My treat.
Zoe: Aww, summer can'T. She's hanging with her mom today.
Theo: Mm, fun.
Summer: Uh, yeah, you and zoe go ahead, though.
Zoe: You wanna?
Theo: Yeah. Absolutely. We'll make our own fun. Say hi to phyllis.
Lola: I'm still trying to wrap my head around theo crashing our wedding.
Kyle: Don't waste your time.
Lola: Who does that? And bring a date?
[ Gasps ] Oh, do you think he was trying to make summer jealous?
Kyle: Probably.
Lola: Zoe seemed a little too young for him.
Kyle: Have you seen my shoes?
Lola: Uh, yeah, they're right there.
[ Sighs ] Oh, geez.
Kyle: What?
Lola: My dad hitting on your aunt ashley.
[ Scoffs ] I hope he wasn't a complete jerk.
Kyle: Ashley can take care of herself.
Lola: Still, I feel like i need to apologize to her.
Kyle: You're not responsible for adrian's actions. I mean, you didn't even invite him to the wedding.
Lola: Yeah, but I didn't ask him to leave.
Kyle: I was kind of surprised about that.
Lola: I just feel bad for him.
Kyle: He must have other family, friends...
Lola: Rey says he has a couple drinking buddies and women, but no one close.
Kyle: Man. That sucks.
Lola: Yeah, but that's the life he chose, so.
Kyle: Do you have any idea how glad I am that you came into my life?
Lola: Mm, as glad as I am that you came into mine?
Kyle: Times infinity.
Lola: Wow.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Lola: Are you hungry?
Kyle: Starving.
Lola: [ Laughing ] Good! Let's go get some food!
Kyle: [ Groans ] That's cruel!
Lola: [ Laughs ]
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: I love spending this time with you.
Summer: I know. There is no one else I'd rather spend time with.
Phyllis: So sweet. You're a liar, but sweet all the same. You get an a for effort.
Summer: What? No. I love our mother-daughter time together.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, hold on. Oh, shoot. No, it's jack. He's calling a meeting about the merger.
Phyllis: No! Don't go!
Summer: [ Groans ]
Phyllis: Tell him you're -- you're, um, testing some products for the sun care line.
Summer: I can'T.
Phyllis: Sad face. I have a very sad face.
Summer: I know. I will be back as soon as I can.
Phyllis: All right.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Sharon: Adam. What do you want?
Adam: I need to talk to you.
Sharon: I don't think that's a good idea.
Adam: Please, sharon. All right? This is important.
Sharon: All right.
Adam: Where are you?
Sharon: Chancellor park.
Adam: Okay. Stay there. I am on my way.
Sharon: Wait, adam. Five minutes. That's all.
Adam: That's all I need.
Lola: We really are in heaven. Those crepes were divinely inspired. Did you know that this place had a four-star restaurant?
Kyle: Yeah. Why do you think I chose it?
Lola: Uh, gorgeous beaches? Beautiful scenery? The 24-hour full-service spa?
Kyle: Nothing but the best for my wife.
Lola: Wife. Wow, that's gonna take me a while to get used to.
Kyle: You have a lifetime.
Lola: Meanwhile, why don't we figure out what we're gonna do today?
Kyle: Hmm. What's on the schedule, wife?
Lola: Let's see. Okay, well, there's this beautiful waterfall we can go to, take a hike. It'll take a couple of hours, but I bet it's totally worth it.
Kyle: We could do that.
Lola: Oh, my god, or we could go parasailing.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Lola: I've always wanted to do that, soar over the ocean like a bird.
Kyle: Mm. Sounds amazing.
Lola: Or, if we really wanted to fly, we could take a helicopter ride around the island and land on a remote beach for a private picnic.
Kyle: Mm. Romantic.
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