Y&R Transcript Friday 8/16/19
Episode #11681 ~ Kyle and Lola's wedding day arrives.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Ashley: If anybody can convince your mother to come to the wedding, it's jack.
Jack: I'm not coming back alone.
Kyle: He's your father.
Lola: Yes, but he's also a stranger. He wants his family back. The problem is, is he's not family.
Kyle: It might be weird for you tomorrow.
Summer: Super weird.
Kyle: I hope that doesn't make you stay away. Next time I dance, it'll be with my wife.
Lola: Oh! You know, I was that girl who imagined her wedding, who pictured her groom.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: You have given me a fairy tale, kyle abbott.
[ Cellphone rings ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Lola: Thank you so much for sending your glam squad, abby. This is incredible. You guys are the best.
Mariah: You look amazing.
Abby: Well, I better put emergency services on standby, because you are a knockout!
[ Abby and mariah giggle ]
Lola: I don't know about that.
Abby: Take the compliment.
Tessa: I mean, lola could walk down the aisle in her chef's uniform, and kyle would still think that she has moonbeams in her eyes and starlight in her hair.
Abby: Very true. I have never seen my cousin more in love with anyone. I always thought the love of his life was going to be his sports car.
Mariah: And now he's micro-managing a wedding. I mean, it's adorable how deadly serious he is about keeping this wedding venue a secret.
[ Both chuckle ]
Lola: Uh, spoiler alert. I already saw it.
Abby: [ Gasps ] No!
Mariah: What? How?!
Lola: I was taking a walk, and then I was there, and so was kyle, and he was there putting on the finishing touches.
Tessa: Oh, did he freak out? I mean, he's been planning this for, like, literally ever.
Lola: He was perfect.
Abby: So, what'd you think?
Lola: [ Sighs ] That he walked around my dreams, took every wish, and made them all come true.
Abby: Mmm. [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: Okay. A toast. To the bride.
Abby: And the groom.
Mariah: To love, laughter, and happily ever after.
Abby: Aww! Cheers!
Victoria: Hey, nick. I just wanted to let you know that everything thing is all set for your supervised visitation. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, monique will be there the entire time. Oh, and do me a favor -- please don't forget to bring christian's dinosaur. You know how kids get when their favorite toy goes missing.
[ Exhales softly ] Okay. Bye.
Billy: Sorry. What'd you say?
Victoria: What did you get the kids for dinner? Did you get them pizza or chinese food?
Billy: Uh, I got them both. I couldn't decide.
Victoria: Are you okay?
Billy: Yeah. Never better.
Ashley: Well, hello.
Traci: Hi. Oh! I can't believe kyle's getting married.
[ Chuckles ]
Ashley: You know, to the woman he was made for.
Traci: Sort of restores your faith in the universe, doesn't it?
Ashley: Yeah.
Traci: The abbotts have been through so many tribulations. It's time for some celebration.
Ashley: Well, your upcoming book, traci!
Traci: [ Chuckles ] And abby's unqualified success running society. And -- oh, there's that little merger between your company --
Ashley: Well, that's still in the early stages, but yes.
Traci: Well, it's coming together, though.
Ashley: True.
Traci: Just like the abbotts are finally unifying again. We're working together in harmony.
[ Laughs ] And today, we're unified in welcoming a new member into our beautiful family.
Ashley: Lola and kyle are so sweet, aren't they? They're so young. They have the world at their feet. They're so optimistic and totally fearless and --
[ Front door opens ] And there he is! Hi.
[ Keys clatter ]
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Traci: Kyle? What's the matter, honey?
Kyle: Yeah, we've got a problem.
Traci: Well, don't worry. We'll solve it, whatever it is.
Ashley: Did you lose your ring? Please say no.
Traci: Did the bartender over-serve himself?
Ashley: Lola, the dress -- nothing happened to the dress?
Kyle: Hmph. If it were only that simple.
Summer: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey.
Summer: I was hoping I'd find you here.
Phyllis: Well, it is your lucky day.
Summer: Mm. No, it's actually kyle's day.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, yeah. The wedding. That's right. Uh, so what do you have planned?
Summer: Uh, undecided, but i know what I'd like to do.
Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Say no more, say no more. I know what it is. Let's have a superhero-movie marathon. Get in our jammies, and we can order pizza and eat ice cream.
Summer: Mm. Yeah. That sounds like some serious fun. Really. Um, as much as I'd love to do that, I don't really think I'm gonna do that today.
Phyllis: Okay. I have another idea.
[ Summer groans ] Retail therapy. And then we can go to a spa. Then we'll get tattoos. Henna tattoos. No, no. Permanent tattoos. Like A...
Summer: You know, I was thinking something a little more radical than that.
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Mariah: How do you feel?
Lola: Like cinderella.
Tessa: But you get to look this good all day.
Lola: This still feels like a dream.
[ Chuckles ]
Mariah: What, the fact that you're getting married?
Lola: That I have three best friends. You know, I haven't felt like a part of an actual friend group since I was, like, in middle school.
Tessa: Yeah, that makes two of us.
Mariah: Actually, that makes three of us. Yeah.
Tessa: But now we have each other.
Lola: And I can't tell you how much that means.
Abby: Well, without us, you would have given up on kyle months ago.
Tessa: Yeah, and missed out on one of the greatest adventures of your life.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Lola: And you gave me the job that I always wanted, and the friendships I never had.
Abby: And you have given us so much in return.
Lola: Just promise me that you guys are still gonna be there when kyle and I are just another boring old couple.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Tessa: Oh, you couldn't even get rid of us if you tried.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Tessa: We're your shoulder to cry on.
Abby: Your alibis, should you ever need one.
Lola: Oh, I really hope I don'T.
Mariah: The girls that knew you when, and will love you forever.
Abby: Your squad for life.
Mariah: Forever friends.
Tessa: [ Giggles ]
Abby: Wait, hold on. Who is in charge of the time?
Tessa: I thought it was you.
Mariah: No, I thought it was you.
Tessa: Oh.
Lola: It's okay. We have time.
Abby: Great. Because we have something super important that we need to do.
[ Women chuckle ]
Kyle: I can't do this.
Ashley: Wh-- are you --
Traci: Honey, it's perfectly natural to have the jitters.
Ashley: Yes, absolutely.
Kyle: This is way beyond cold feet.
Ashley: I'm sure whatever you've planned, lola's gonna love it.
Kyle: I don't mean the ceremony. That's nothing. One fairy-tale day where she's the happiest she's ever been? I-I can do that with my eyes closed.
Traci: Fabulous. So what is the problem?
Kyle: It's the marriage part that's got me scared to death.
Ashley: Why?
Kyle: Divorce is our dna! The abbott family tree is full of nuts. Broken branches. Doomed marriages. Infidelity. No one in this family has ever had a happy, healthy, long-lasting marriage. Not that lola's family is a shining example, either, but -- but she's different. She's the best, most loving person I know. And she deserves real happiness. The kind that lasts. A forever kind of love with a guy who will treat her like she's the most wonderful person to walk the earth. A guy who's only goal is to make that extraordinary woman feel like she has everything her heart desires. Who will try to make every day -- every day -- an adventure, who will always put her first and be careful with her heart. That's who she deserves.
Ashley: I agree with you. Unequivocally.
Traci: He's absolutely right, isn't he? Yeah.
Ashley: Kyle. You are that man.
Phyllis: You know I'll support you through anything. I mean, you know I always have your back. But this...
Summer: Yeah, I know it sounds a little crazy --
Phyllis: It's certainly a surprise.
Summer: But I've thought about it, and I think that it's the right thing to do.
Phyllis: For you or for kyle?
Summer: Look, for whatever reason, kyle and I have this special connection. And as much as I might hate him sometimes, I'll always care about him. And I'd like to think that I'll always want what's best for him no matter what's going on. So that is why I'm going to the wedding.
Phyllis: Are you sure going to the wedding is the right thing to do? I mean, it wasn't long ago that you were exchanging "I dos" with him.
Summer: No, I know. But --
Phyllis: Have you forgotten how much he hurt you?
Summer: Look, I know. But... look, recently, I found out how much I hurt kyle a few years ago when I broke up with him. And I'm not saying that it's even. But I just think that, when you love someone, and you let them into your life, you run the risk of them breaking your heart. You know, and I don't know. Maybe it's this constant act of forgiveness between kyle and I. I forgive him. He forgives me. And somewhere along the way, we find happiness. And maybe it's not together this time, but, you know, it's out there. It has to be. I know that it is.
Phyllis: And you're absolutely positive that going to this wedding is the right thing to do?
Summer: Yeah. Look, if I don't go, I'll feel like I'm hiding. So I'm gonna go. And, yeah, it's probably gonna hurt. And I might hate every second of it. But I want to be there. And I'm gonna be on my best behavior.- And I'm gonna look pretty darn good while I'm doing it.
Phyllis: Okay. That's my girl.
Summer: Mm-hmm. But I really -- I really could use some moral support while I'm there, so... would you go with me as my plus-one, please?
Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Um... nothing would make me happier than being by your side.
Lola: Guys, what is this all about?
Abby: We just have a few gifts for you.
Tessa: Things that you can't get married without.
Mariah: So, this is something old. And I really hope you like it.
Lola: Wow!
Mariah: Yeah?
Lola: This is so beautiful.
Mariah: That's amazing. We saw it at this little antique shop, and it just screamed "lola's wedding."
Lola: It's perfect.
Tessa: Mm.
Abby: Okay. This is something new. Very excited about this. This is brand-spanking-new. It's my mother's new fragrance for her new company. It is so new that it doesn't even have a name yet.
[ Atomizer puffing ]
Tessa: Oh, that's so nice!
Mariah: Yeah, I love it. That's incredible.
Lola: Wow. It's my new favorite thing.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] Well, my mom will be very happy to hear that.
Tessa: Okay, now let's not forget something blue.
Lola: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: Ohh!
[ Laughter ]
Lola: It is so pretty. I can't wait to wear it. Thank you guys so much for everything.
Abby: Wait. Hold on. There's one more.
Abby: This is something borrowed.
[ Giggles ]
Lola: [ Gasps ]
Abby: When you want your own, be sure to drop a few hints to your husband, and I will make sure he gets it right.
Lola: You guys have already made this the most incredible day of my life. Thank you so much. I -- I really love you guys.
Mariah: Don't you dare cry. Because I cannot replicate whatever the glam squad did.
[ Laughter ] Come on.
Ashley: Look, you have a point. I know you've seen a million examples of how to make a marriage go wrong.
Traci: Yes. And not just in our family. It's everywhere.
Ashley: Yeah.
Traci: So, you take all of those mistakes, and you learn from them and do the opposite.
Kyle: [ Scoffs ] Easier said than done.
Traci: Okay. Okay. Look at it this way -- you and lola have already survived events that would destroy most relationships.
Ashley: That's true. That's true. I mean, you've already loved her through sickness and health.
Traci: Through overprotective brothers, through a marriage to someone else.
Ashley: And she's been building an empire since the very first day you laid eyes on her, right? I mean, crazy hours. You lived through that.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Traci: And the two of you flourished in the process. You've been together through sunshine and rain.
Kyle: But -- but how do you make that last forever?
Traci: Well, you take it day by day. Marriage isn't something that's set in stone, kyle. You can't neglect it or ignore it and expect it's just gonna work itself out. Marriage is a living thing, and your love keeps it alive.
Ashley: And you already know this, but, obviously, commitment, right? Marriage takes commitment and -- and attention. And you're -- you're definitely gonna have your challenges.
Traci: Plenty.
Ashley: And you're gonna have your disagreements.
Traci: Yes.
Ashley: But I would advise that you just meet them head-on. And if you've got a choice between being right and being happy, please, please choose happiness.
Kyle: [ Snorts softly ]
Traci: And if you get invited to an argument, don't show up.
Ashley: [ Laughs ] Yes, don't show up. You need to learn to let things go. Forgive and -- and move on.
Traci: And always remember -- remind each other that, out of all the people that ever were and ever will be, you have chosen each other. You belong to each other. Cherish it.
Ashley: And talk to her. Right? About everything. I mean, the good, the bad, everything in between. And, of course, you need to listen to her, 'cause --
[ Traci laughs ] Well, you're gonna be her rock.
Traci: And she will be yours.
Ashley: Yeah.
Traci: Oh, honey. You're both so young yet. You're going to change in ways you can't even imagine. So create memories that will last a lifetime, and traditions you can pass down to your children.
Ashley: Not that you have to have children.
Traci: Yes, they do.
Ashley: Well, I mean, in case they don'T. But, I mean, you don't have -- kyle, you don't have to rush it, because you and lola both have dreams, and you're gonna help each other reach them. You're gonna be encouraging each other.
Traci: Honey? Do you love her?
Kyle: [ Sighs ] With all my heart. More than I ever thought I could love anyone. From the moment we met, it -- she's everything.
Ashley: Just tell her that all the time. The things you say. The things you do for her.
Traci: Give her your best, and you'll get so much back in return.
Ashley: And just remember -- you're always gonna have the love and support of your very flawed family.
[ Traci and kyle laugh ] Forever. Both of you.
Kyle: Ohhh, what would I do without you?
[ Laughs ]
Traci: Oh, honey, that is something you'll never have to worry about.
[ Laughs ]
Ashley: You've got this.
Traci: You're gonna be great.
Devon: Oh! Hey, you guys.
Billy: Hi. How are you?
Devon: Good to see you.
Victoria: Good to see you. Likewise.
Devon: Yeah. Everybody ready for this wedding?
Elena: Yeah. I can't wait to go inside. Can we?
Devon: Yeah, let's take a look. Let's see. Wow.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: Oh, my goodness!
Elena: This is incredible.
Devon: Yeah. Are we sure that kyle did all this, or did he have a secret wedding planner we don't know about?
Billy: He's got secret talents, I think that much is clear.
Devon: Sheesh. I'd say he nailed it.
Elena: It's so romantic. I love it.
Devon: It is. It's beautiful, right?
Elena: Yeah.
Victoria: Gosh, this is like a dream.
Billy: The best kind.
Victoria: This is gonna be a beautiful ceremony.
Billy: Who needs weddings, anyway?
Victoria: What's it like being here knowing that we are blissfully un-married for the rest of our lives?
Billy: It means that I will be front row to catch that garter so I can not marry you all over again.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh. You say the sweetest things.
Billy: I try.
Abby: Today is a day that you are going to remember for years to come. And it's gonna feel like someone hit the fast-forward button. But just enjoy every minute. Take it in and tuck those moments away somewhere safe, because it all goes by so fast.
[ Chuckles ]
Rey: Uh, big brother of the bride. Can I come in?
Lola: Yeah, come on in.
Rey: Lola...
Lola: Okay, stop. Don't make me cry.
Rey: [ Chuckles ] There's a million things I want to tell you right now, but I don't know what to say.
Mariah: Okay, you can say anything you want, just please don't make her cry or you're gonna be redoing that mascara. Just saying.
[ Abby laughs ]
Rey: Little lola's getting married.
Lola: Can you believe it?
Rey: [ Chuckles ] Feels like just yesterday you were 6 years old, stomping around the kitchen, cooking up a storm, making your own recipes.
Lola: I was unstoppable.
Rey: That hasn't changed a bit.
Lola: And then there was the day that you told me that my paella was so much better than mama's --
Rey: I told you never to repeat that.
[ Chuckles ]
Lola: [ Laughs ] That was the day, rey. That I knew there was nothing I couldn't do. I had the best role model. You believed in me. Taught me the importance of having a dream, working hard, keeping my word. Never giving up. Uh, not to mention, you know, tuning up a car and changing a tire.
Rey: [ Chuckles ] You were -- you were my best student. Quick learner.
Lola: Well, without you, i wouldn't have had the courage or confidence to reach for the stars. Start my food truck.
Rey: La vida lola.
Lola: Without that truck, i wouldn't have had the things and have met the people who changed my life.
Rey: I'm so proud of you.
Lola: It's been a crazy ride, huh? I mean, oh, god, and you have made me want to pull my hair out so many times, rey. Talk about overprotective. Geez.
[ Sighs ] But you helped to make who I am today. And, you know, I know that I'm crying and probably ruined my makeup already. But, uh... I know that it wasn't easy for you. Stepping in for papa. You gave so many things up. And I knew that because not for one minute did I feel alone or less than anyone else. And if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be here in genoa city. With these amazing people, marrying this incredible man. There isn't a word big enough to say thank you for being the best brother that a sister could have, rey.
Rey: [ Sniffling ]
Traci: [ Gasps ] Oh, kyle! [ Chuckles ] Oh!
Kyle: [ Exhales heavily ]
Ashley: This is magnificent.
Kyle: It's a labor of love.
Ashley: You have completely transformed this place. I never would have recognized it.
Kyle: Kind of like what lola did to my heart.
[ Traci and ashley exclaim ]
[ Chuckles ]
Nate: Kyle.
Ashley: Hey, nate. How are you?
Kyle: Hey. Glad you could make it, nate.
Nate: Oh, I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Kyle: Ohh.
Nate: Big day.
Kyle: The biggest.
Nate: You've, uh, certainly raised the bar.
Ashley: Right?
Kyle: Eh, go big or go home, right?
Ashley: [ Laughs ]
Nate: Yeah.
Devon: Kyle! Yo.
Kyle: Oh, man! Devon.
Devon: How you doing, man? Looking sharp.
Kyle: What's going on?
Elena: Hey! Mwah.
Kyle: Just trying to keep up with you.
Devon: Oh, get out of here. Dude, when, uh -- when abby told me that you were in charge of the wedding arrangements, this is the last thing i expected.
Kyle: Yeah, well, when you find the right girl, I guess everything just falls into place. But, uh, I need to talk to the priest. So mix, mingle. I'll catch up with you later.
Devon: Do your thing, man.
Elena: Congrats.
Kyle: Thanks.
Devon: Yo.
Elena: Hey. So, I wonder, when this renaissance man gets married, are you gonna hire a planner, too, or are you gonna do it yourself? Because, I mean, you already cook like a four-star chef, and you do organ transplants.
Nate: It'll be a good long time before I'm even ready to consider taking that step.
[ Laughter ] See ya.
Devon: What's, uh -- what's going on with, uh, him and abby? Are they on again? Off again?
Elena: Oh, definitely on.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: He is her plus-one.
Devon: Really?
Elena: Mm-hmm.
Devon: I didn't see that coming.
Elena: I know.
Abby: Wow! Hey, groomzilla.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: You did a phenomenal job. I guess I never should have doubted you.
Kyle: Well, I knew you'd see the light...eventually.
[ Sighs ]
Jack: Good to see you, father.
Jack: Uh, could I borrow the groom for just a moment?
Kyle: What's wrong? Did something happen?
Lola: My entire life, you've been there.
Rey: No place I'd rather be.
Lola: [ Chuckles ] Father/daughter dances, teaching me how to drive, always the first to try my new recipes.
Rey: And now here you are. About to take your first steps on another huge journey.
Lola: It just makes so much sense that you'll be the one to --
Celeste: Lola?
Lola: Mom?! Oh, my god! You're here! I can't believe it! You made it!
Celeste: [ Laughs ] Oh!
Rey: [ Chuckles ]
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Lola: I can't believe that you're here!
Celeste: I couldn't miss my baby's wedding.
Lola: Rey, did you know that this was happening?
Rey: No! I had no idea. Can I get one of those, please?
Celeste: Yes. Oh!
Rey: Aye, yi, yi!
Celeste: Ohh! You two have no idea how much I missed you.
[ Sighs ] And I'm so sorry, um...
[ Sighs ] For the way I left.
Lola: No, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm the one who's sorry for making you feel like an outsider. Mom, I never should have shut you out.
Rey: What finally convinced you to change your mind? Was it the half million e-mails I sent you? The flowers?
Celeste: [ Laughs ] No, it was -- it was a very wise man who reminded me how precious these moments are, and that my place is really here with you.
Lola: Jack?
Celeste: Yeah, well... your father-in-law-to-be adores you.
[ Laughs ] And he understands what it's like to be cursed with such beautiful and brilliantly stubborn children. But if a man who has known you a fraction of the time that I have loved you cares enough about you to put your happiness first, what --
[ Scoffs ]
[ Voice breaking ] What kind of mother would I have been to stay away?
Lola: Mom!
Celeste: [ Laughs ]
Lola: I love you so much.
Celeste: I love you. Heh. Look, we're -- we're not perfect. And we make mistakes. But we, um... we forgive. And we move on.
Lola: Agreed.
Celeste: Yes. [ Laughs ] I just want you to know one thing, baby. My love, I am so happy that you found someone who adores you. Someone who [Sniffles] Doesn't just appreciate you, but celebrates you. Celebrates your -- your independence and your strength and that confidence. It's such a testament to who you truly are.
Lola: I got it from you, mom.
Celeste: [ Laughs ]
Lola: You're an incredible mother. I don't know of a luckier girl.
Celeste: Okay. No crying. Don't cry.
Lola: What are you talking about? I'm not crying. You're crying.
Celeste: I am not crying.
Lola: How's my makeup? How's my makeup?
Celeste: Your makeup is perfect.
Lola: Okay, great.
Celeste: Gorgeous.
Abby: Sorry to interrupt -- oh, my gosh!
Celeste: Hi!
Abby: Hi! You made it!
Celeste: I did.
[ Both laugh ] I am finally where I'm supposed to be.
Abby: Well, I am so glad that you are here. So, we have a mom, rey, and a groom who can't wait to get this show on the road. So what do you say? You ready to get married?
Lola: Beyond.
[ Laughter ] Well... mama... would you do me the honor of walking me down the aisle? With rey?
Celeste: I'd love to. I'd love to.
Lola: The two people responsible for making me the woman that I am today.
Celeste: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: This is perfect. So let's get you in that dress. And, everyone, take deep breaths and prepare yourself for utter magic. Come on!
Kyle: Thanks for convincing celeste to come.
Jack: I wouldn't have it any other way.
Kyle: Best wedding gift you could have given us.
Jack: Does that mean I can take the other one back?
Kyle: Ooh. Nice try.
[ Mendelssohn's "wedding march" plays ]
Celeste: You have a lot of nerve showing your face here.
Adrian: Heh.
Good evening.
Adrian: Did you really think I'd miss our daughter's wedding?
We are gathered here in this glorious setting, in the presence of god, family, and friends... humira patients, you inspire us.
Marriage is an honorable estate, not to be entered into lightly, but reverently. We rejoice that these two people have chosen to commit themselves to a life of loving faithfulness to each other. We praise you for the ways you have touched our lives with such a loving relationship such as lola and kyle'S.
Celeste: You have no business being here after everything you've done.
Adrian: I've made many regrettable mistakes, you're right. But I don't want to add missing lola's wedding to the list. Did you see her?
[ Celeste scoffs ] She's beautiful! Perfect!
Celeste: Yes, because of me, and because of my sacrifices and my love and my guidance.
Adrian: And I am forever grateful.
Celeste: Oh, as if -- as if you know what either of those words means. Why couldn't you just respect her wishes? She doesn't want you here. If -- if you have anything left resembling a heart, you will not ruin this day for my daughter. Have that much decency.
Today we celebrate the creation of a new home and new family for you both. May you be fulfilled in each other's love and friendship, and may the promises and commitments you make today be lived out everyday hereafter. Lola, kyle, do you, with your family and friends as witnesses, present yourselves willing and of your own accord to be joined in marriage?
Together: We do.
Will you promise to support, encourage each other in the joys and sorrows of life, come what may?
Lola: We will.
Kyle: We will.
Do you, family and friends of this young couple, promise to help lola and kyle in their marital journey, to love and support them in their quest to sustain their marriage and commitment to each other?
All: We do.
Phyllis: Almost there.
...Please take lola's hand and repeat after me.
Kyle: I, kyle abbott, take you, lola rosales, to be my wife.
"I will share my life with yours"...
Kyle: I will share my life with yours, and we will build our dreams together. Support one another in times of trouble...
Lola: ...And rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you love, respect, loyalty. This commitment is made with love, kept in faith, and lived with hope. And made every day of our lives.
Kyle: Every day of our lives.
Lola: [ Chuckles ]
The rings. These rings are an outward and visible sign of the bond which already unites your hearts in love. Place this ring upon lola's finger and repeat after me. "I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy."
Kyle: I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy.
Lola: As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.
Lola and kyle, I offer these good wishes on your special day -- be patient, be kind, rejoice, and persevere. You have found your person. May the years to come be filled with moments to celebrate and renew your love. By the power vested in me, it is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may now --
[ Laughter and applause ]
[ Mendelssohn's "wedding march" plays ]
[ Cheers and applause ] It is my pleasure to introduce to you kyle and lola abbott.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Kyle: What the hell are you doing here?
Theo: You remember zoe from new york?
Arturo: Abby -- abby, you need to know how sorry I am about everything --
Nate: Is there a problem here?
Lola: I'd like to talk to adrian alone, please.
Billy: I smell a rat, michael. Do you know what a rat king is? It's when two rats get their tails intertwined.
Adam: Marry me.
Sharon: What?
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