Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/15/19
Episode #11680 ~ Sharon and Rey make amends; Summer learns Kyle's secret.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Theo: You know, you want to pretend like I don't exist, along with the rest of your past, but I won't let you forget who you were.
Tessa: Her name was lola, she owned a food truck
his name was kyle, he loved a good
Abby: You know, wedding are supposed to be about the bride and what she wants.
Kyle: I'm going to give her the wedding of her dreams.
Rey: Lola, you wouldn't be the first bride who gets cold feet before the big wedding day.
Lola: That's hilarious. I mean, I am so excited I can barely see straight.
Lola: Kyle abbott! It's like I don't even know you anymore.
Kyle: It's one night. Less than 24 hours.
Lola: Mm.
Kyle: And I packed accordingly.
Lola: That's not what I'm talking about, and you know it.
Kyle: Mm. What, then?
Lola: You. You're superstitious.
Kyle: What? No.
Lola: Leaving me tonight so you don't see me before the wedding? That's not superstitious?
Kyle: It's respectful. I'm honoring tradition.
Lola: Yeah, right. Because you're totally traditional. I mean, the groom always plans the wedding.
Kyle: Well, he does if he loves his bride with a burning-hot passion, and wants to give her the wedding of her dreams. It doesn't hurt he can always play the wedding card every time he screws up for the rest of his life. "Hey, was that wedding amazing or what?"
Lola: Or... this is all just a cover story, and you're bolting. Run-away groom, never to be heard from again. Is there a fake passport in there that I don't know about?
Kyle: You're serious. Not about the running, but... about something. What is it?
Lola: I'm nervous. Okay, thing is... I really like you.
[ Kyle chuckles ] A lot. And I would really love to keep you around.
Kyle: Well, that's good. Because you're stuck with me. Forever. Nothing can stop us now.
Summer: All right. Abby's not waiting around with a pitcher of sangria, is she? Because my hair looks way too good to get wet tonight.
Theo: I scoped it out. You're in the clear.
Summer: Oh, good.
Theo: That was a hell of a party, though.
Summer: Yeah. Thank god there were no influencers around, though, otherwise that insanity would have wound up all over the internet.
Theo: Come on. The buzzword is authenticity. Your followers don't want you to be perfect. They want you to be so awesome that the aspire to be you. But too awesome, and they want you to crash and burn.
Summer: God! You sound like my mother now. "The haters just want to watch you fail."
Theo: Phyllis is a smart lady.
Summer: Okay, you are only saying that because she hired you to help with the opening of the grand phoenix.
Theo: You want to talk about work, or do you want to talk about play?
Summer: All right. Such as?
Theo: Our after party in the elevator.
Summer: Thank god there were no cameras there. That I know of.
Theo: I wouldn't mind a copy of that tape.
Summer: Right, well, don't worry. There will be many more nihts, and many more parties to come. Maybe.
Theo: What? You bored? Ready to toss me aside?
Summer: Okay, I just have to ask -- what was that speech that you gave about you and kyle and all the fun times in new york?
Theo: That was the bachelor party. That was me giving a eulogy to kyle's single days.
Summer: You freaked him out. On purpose.
Theo: Look, if he can't handle reality --
Summer: What is the secret, theo?
Theo: There is no sec--
Summer: I'm sorry. Did I make that sound like a request? 'Cause it really wasn'T. Unless you're counting on never riding another elevator with me ever again.
Sharon: Whatcha watching?
Mariah: Oh, uh, watching tessa be brilliant and funny and adorable.
Tessa: Mariah snuck a videographer into kyle and lola's pre-wedding party -- the co-ed thing.
Mariah: Yeah. And I should have said that it was co-ed from the beginning. It would have made it a lot less awkward for some of my guests.
Sharon: It's okay. I've recovered from the shock of walking smack into rey.
Tessa: Mariah really did feel terrible.
Mariah: I did.
Sharon: We all recovered. It's okay. Now, tell me about this video.
Mariah: Well, uh, a cameraman from "gc buzz" did me a favor.
Tessa: He, uh, recorded my song for kyle and lola.
Sharon: That's a really lovely gift, mariah.
Tessa: Yeah.
Mariah: I mean, tessa's song was the ultimate present. But I just thought I'd kick in a bonus of them being able to re-live the memory whenever they want.
Tessa: You are so sweet, you know that? And thoughtful. And romantic.
Mariah: Or maybe I'm just making up for my other hosting failures.
Sharon: [ Scoffs ] It's okay. You can stop. I forgive you. I wasn't even mad when I left the party. I mean, not at you.
Mariah: Thank god. And I give you my word -- nothing like that is ever going to happen again. I promise.
Sharon: Okay, good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some caffeine addicts waiting for me on the patio.
Mariah: Heh.
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Rey: Hi. [ Snorts softly ] I was just --
Sharon: Can I get you --
Rey: Go ahead.
Sharon: Uh... what can I get you?
Rey: Some of that would be fine.
[ Sighs ] You gonna make me drink alone?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Um... mariah and tessa are in there. They've got some footage from the bachelor party. I think it's the part where they were showing photos of lola and kyle when they were kids.
Rey: Yeah. Yeah. That was, um...
Sharon: It was adorable. And, um... you were the one who gathered all those photos of lola, right?
Rey: Yeah.
Rey: Swear, the kid's always been such a ham. Wouldn't be surprised if she gets her own cooking show.
Rey: How's faith?
Sharon: She's doing well.
Rey: I'm sorry I didn't reach out to her before moving out. It just hit me, and by then it was, uh...
Sharon: I explained it to her. The general idea. In age-appropriate terms.
Rey: I'm sure. If you think that I should reach out to her and talk to her --
Sharon: That's really sweet. But she understands.
Rey: Right.
Sharon: You know, the sad thing is -- and I own this -- um...it's all on me. Faith has been through this situation many times, and i always promise myself that I'm not gonna bring someone into our lives if it's just gonna fall apart later. But somehow...
Rey: Well, she's -- she's tough, you know.
Sharon: Life with a flawed mother.
Rey: What mother isn't?
[ Scoffs ] Have you heard what, uh, went down between mom and lola?
Sharon: Some of it, yeah. Celeste might not end up going to the wedding. That would be a real shame for everyone.
Rey: Yeah. Lola and I have both left messages. Jack abbott is trying to get her to come back.
Sharon: Are you serious? Jack went to miami?
Rey: Yeah. Father of the groom is trying to talk some sense into the mother of the bride. I don't think he knows what he's walking into.
Sharon: Well, jack can be very persuasive. And clearly he would do anything for kyle.
Rey: Yeah. Looks like kyle would do anything for lola.
Sharon: Are you really surprised? I mean, I know you didn't always trust him in the past.
Rey: I miss those days. I mean... you know, when I hated the guy. It was -- it was cleaner.
[ Sighs ]
Sharon: You don't mean that.
Rey: Okay, yeah, maybe not. But still. The risk that lola's taking. Not with kyle, but with -- with marriage. Any relationship, really.
Sharon: You might end up with a broken heart.
Rey: The thought of lola going through something like that...
Sharon: But maybe she won'T.
Rey: Yeah. Come on. How couples you know who make it...50 years? Or 20? Even -- even 10?
Sharon: I believe in forever. I believe in promises kept.
Rey: Even now?
Sharon: Yeah. I have to. It comes with the territory. Because I believe in love.
Kyle: This is me going.
[ Grunts ]
Lola: [ Sighs ] Already? It's still early.
Kyle: I have some last-minute details to take care of.
Lola: What? Like errands? Because I can run them with you. You know, divide and conquer. Get it all done in half the time.
Kyle: I would love that. But you can't come.
Lola: [ Grunts ] Wait! Is it...wedding-related? Like, food or decor? Because, I mean [Scoffs] I can really help.
Kyle: Mm-hmm. You think I'm gonna break now? Spill all the details?
Lola: Well, maybe if i look up at you like this...
Kyle: Phew... I will avoid eye contact.
Lola: Then I'll resort to other methods.
Kyle: Come on! We got this.
[ Sighs ] We had practice waiting.
Lola: Low blow.
Kyle: I didn't mean that. I waited a lot of years to meet you. It was torture.
Lola: Mm. Poor baby. We have the rest of our lives. Does that help?
Kyle: You have no idea how much. I really am going.
Lola: [ Sighs ] Are you sure you have to go? I mean, we could put a curtain in the middle of the bedroom.
Kyle: What's wrong? Is this about your mother?
Lola: Kyle, she won't come. No matter what jack says. But I really do love him for trying.
Kyle: Don't count my dad out just yet. Is that the only thing bothering you?
Lola: Feels like enough.
Kyle: Hey, hey. How 'bout this -- I'll call you as soon as I get to the pool house. We can stay on as long as you want. Sleep with the phone line open.
Lola: No. No, no, no. [ Sighs ] You go. I can manage one night without you. I mean it.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] The next time I see you, it'll be at the end of an aisle.
Lola: [ Snorts softly ] Well, I'll wave. You know, just in case you forget my face by then.
Kyle: I won't forget. I'll never forget. I'm going.
Lola: Mm-hmm. Yes, please.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I'm going...now... mm! Um... I love you, lola rosales.
Lola: I love you, kyle abbott.
[ Sighs ]
Theo: Look at you, all tough and threatening. I kind of like it.
Summer: Okay, this is not foreplay, theo. Why are you making it seem like something awful happened in new york? Meaning something more than just, I don't know, a ridiculous bar tab and an endless string of women?
Theo: You don't want to know.
Summer: Oh, my god. Yes, I do want to know. I am not lola, okay? There is pretty much nothing that you can say that will shock me. But you know what, I don't know. Maybe this is your version of a power trip. You hold onto this secret so tight so you can jerk kyle and me around. And at first, it was entertaining and a little cute, but now it's just really annoying.
Theo: Okay, well, let me find some other way to keep your attention, hm?
Summer: You know what, maybe I'll just figure out your secret some other way, and find a way to use it against you. Does that sound like fun? 'Cause I think it does.
Theo: You're not gonna let this go.
Summer: Now you're catching on.
Theo: Okay. One stroll down memory lane coming up.
Rey: I think what sent lola over the edge was mom going back to our dad. He's this old-school charmer. Always finds a way in with -- with a smile, a compliment.
Sharon: All of this because your mother has a weakness for her ex?
Rey: Yeah, our family doesn't have the best track record of picking mates. That wasn't meant to be a dig.
Sharon: No, I know. But thank you for clarifying.
Sharon: Lola is gonna be a beautiful bride. And tomorrow will be a day you'll never forget. Nothing else will matter. Just love and hope.
Mariah: Here comes the bride.
Tessa: Why are you out?
Lola: I have all this energy.
Mariah: Are you okay?
Lola: Yeah. Basically. I mean, yeah. No. No, I don't think so.
Tessa: Wow! Is it nerves?
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Tessa: Wow, that's a real thing -- pre-wedding jitters.
Mariah: Which is normal. It's totally normal.
Tessa: Oh, yeah, no. It's just surprising, because you're, like, the most confident and calm person I know.
Lola: Okay, tessa, I am...
[ Sighs ] I was up until an hour ago.
Mariah: Okay, sit and -- and talk. Tell us things. Please.
Lola: The party was so beautiful and sweet. And [Sighs] Tessa, that song... it was really perfect. But then...
Mariah: Summer and abby, theo and kyle.
Lola: Guys, the event before my wedding, and four people want to murder each other.
Mariah: No, no. They didn't want to murder each other. They...just wanted to maim each other slightly.
Lola: And how is that not an omen?
Mariah: An omen of what?
Lola: Drama. Chaos. Doom!
Tessa: Okay, this took a turn.
Mariah: Look, heh... theo and summer, they are the king and queen of the drama prom. That has nothing to do with you and kyle.
Lola: How is that not a sign?
Mariah: No, it's not a sign. It's an excuse. For you to not focus on what tomorrow is really about.
Lola: Well, tomorrow is about --
Tessa: Marrying the love of your life.
Lola: No, it's the part about where you turn from a girlfriend into a wife. Look, I was the smart aleck who smack-talked kyle when he was being an obnoxious customer... and now I'm not her.
Mariah: Okay. I think I'm -- I'm getting it. So, you've changed. And you're getting married. And kyle isn't gonna like the new you.
Lola: You see? She sees it, too.
Tessa: No, no. That's not what she was saying.
Mariah: No. L-listen, lola. Listen. Are you listening?
Lola: Yeah.
Mariah: I think you're going a little crazy.
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Tessa: Just a little.
Theo: It's no secret kyle and I had wild times in the city.
Summer: Yeah, wild by new york standards, not genoa city, right?
Theo: Well, we knew when to reel it back in. Usually. No major laws broken, as a rule.
Summer: Okay, so you're telling me that there was an exception to the "try not to get arrested" rule?
Theo: Well, there was one night.
Summer: Finally.
Theo: Well, trust me, the last thing we were looking to do was break the law.
Summer: Okay. I guess I believe that. It does kind of ruin a good time by getting arrested and booked.
Theo: Yeah. There was a girl. Zoe hardisty. Party girl. Always around. Cute. Blonde. Looked a lot like you.
Summer: All right. Go on.
Theo: Kyle and i throw a party. Somehow, she hears about it. Shows up. Gets wasted. Like, go-to-the-er drunk.
Summer: Oh, wait, you mean like literally go to the er?
Theo: Well, she couldn't exactly get there on her own.
Summer: Okay, so who took her?
Kyle: [ Grunting ] All right. Easy, easy! Get her in. Pull her.
Theo: [ Grunts ] I got her.
Kyle: All right. There we go. Here, sit her up. I'll get in back here.
[ Grunts ] Oh! Oh, okay. Hey. Hey. Hey, hey. Can you hear me? We're gonna get you some help, okay? Can you drive already?!
Theo: You have her purse? They'll want some id at the er. Insurance, whatever.
Kyle: Yeah. Hey, hey! This way. You stay here. Okay. Um... yeah, I got it. I got it, I got it. Oh, god.
Theo: What? What, is she puking? Lean her head out the door.
Kyle: She's 17.
Theo: No. No, no!
[ Stammers ] I mean, look at her! She's 22 at least.
Kyle: She's underage. And she got loaded at our party. It's gonna be okay.
Theo: What the hell do we do now?
Summer: Well? What did you do?
Sharon: Oh! Lola's in there.
Rey: What? Does she look okay?
Sharon: She's just talking to the girls. Probably some pre-wedding jitters.
Rey: Well, is that -- is that -- is that a bad sign?
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Look at you, going into big-brother mode.
Rey: Should I go check in on her?
Sharon: Oh, only if you want her to think you're hovering. Just let her do what she has to do, rey. I mean, I'm sorry. You -- you know your sister best.
Rey: Yeah.
Sharon: If you think you should go to her...
Rey: Oh, no, no, no. She'd drop-kick me. You're right. Thank you for holding me back.
Sharon: So, you ready for tomorrow?
Rey: [ Inhales ] Yeah. Got my speech in my head. My suit picked out. As well as my own pre-wedding jitters. That is my little sister, and I am giving her away.
Sharon: She'll always be your sister. And you're going to be wonderful tomorrow. I'll have mariah send me some pictures, and some video.
Rey: [ Snorts softly ] This -- this wasn't the plan. You were supposed to be there. With me. [ Sighs ] I thought things were gonna be different.
Sharon: I did, too. But I'm working hard to understand myself. Because... sometimes I look at my life, and I don't know how I got here.
Rey: I know the feeling.
Kyle: Heh... hey, thanks, guys. This is great. I'll see you all tomorrow.
[ Sighs ]
[ Chuckles quietly ]
Mariah: Tomorrow, when you wake up --
Tessa: Next to the person you love.
Mariah: ...You will still be you. You're not gonna be a brand-new you. You will be the same person that you were the day before. Which is to say, slightly different.
Mariah: You just said --
Mariah: Ah, you -- you're changing. We all are. Constantly. All the time.
Tessa: Change is growth. And I know it can hurt. And it can be scary and tense, and you never really know what's around the corner, but... you have someone to hold your hand and take the future head-on. I mean, how -- how amazing is that? Doesn't it feel like a miracle sometimes?
Lola: What if I hadn't parked my food truck in front of jabot? What if I hadn't met kyle?
Tessa: No, see, that's what fate looks like. And, yes, I do believe in fate.
Mariah: [ Scoffs ]
Tessa: I believe in the energy of cosmic spears guiding us where we need to be. You were always gonna park your truck where you did. And kyle was always gonna see your face and fall madly in love with you.
Lola: Okay, so this is what people do, right? They get nervous before their wedding. They worry.
Mariah: You know, I generally don't care about most people.
Tessa: This is true.
[ Laughter ]
Mariah: But I do care about you. And there's probably some voice in your head right now saying, "I'm in love, and this is great and wonderful, and everything is sunshine and roses. Something must be wrong." And, to be fair, there's not a second of your courtship that has been drama-free.
Lola: Yeah, that is very true.
Mariah: I think it might be time to face it -- some things just happen to be perfect. For real.
Lola: I like the sound of that. Perfect. Heh.
Summer: You guys are insane! Look, I get it that things can get messy at a party, but having an underage girl passed out in the back seat is not messy. That's -- that's a disaster, theo.
Theo: Let me be very clear -- there was no contact. None.
Summer: Okay, but she was still blacked out on your booze. What did you guys even do?
Theo: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: She needs her stomach pumped or something.
Theo: Okay, so we're -- we're agreed -- the er.
Kyle: Yeah. And they'll want to know how much she drank.
Theo: I wasn't tending bar. A-and we won't be there to answer any questions.
Kyle: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're just gonna dump her?
Theo: She needs medical assistance. That's not us. You want to take the fall for this? Because I'm not interested.
Kyle: Yeah. Fine, fine. Just... we'll leave her. We -- just -- just drive, already!
Summer: Man, that is cold. Look, good for you guys for getting out of a jam while still being able to help her, but still. I mean, that'S... that's cold.
Theo: There's more.
Summer: She didn'T...?
Theo: What? No, she was fine. I assume.
Summer: Oh, my god.
Theo: But the next day, some guys shows up, banging on the door. Says he's zoe's father, and he's gonna have us arrested for endangering a minor, because it was our party and our open bar.
Summer: Oh, my god.
Theo: I freaked out. But kyle? He was the man. He knew just what to do.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Summer: Okay, so, you guys didn't do any jail time, so kyle must have talked the dad down.
Theo: Talk? No. He did crack open his trust fund and hand over $100k. Then everything went away. Like it never happened.
Summer: Okay, I'm sorry. So, the dad took a payoff after his daughter could have died? That is so sleazy.
Theo: And then life went semi back to normal. Kyle and I toned it down a little, started keeping an eye on the guest lists, you know, checking ids when we had to. And kyle left new york. Came back to be the golden boy of genoa city. Or at least fake it. Like new york was a distant memory.
Summer: [ Scoffs ] Okay, uh, let me be really clear about something here -- kyle saved your backside.
Theo: He saved both of our asses, yes.
Summer: And he made it all go away.
Theo: Absolutely.
Summer: Okay, and you're -- and you're sitting here holding a grudge because you didn't go to jail?
Theo: No. He treats me like garbage, and I'm the guy's only real friend.
Summer: Oh, yeah. Totally, right? Besties. Especially after that time that you spilled all of his business to lola's mom. That was really friendly of you.
Theo: Okay. My bad on that one. But I-it's still all a part of the same thing. I mean, kyle walks through life pretending like the past never happened, acting like someone he's not. I mean... I'm the only one keeping him honest.
Summer: Yeah, you're trying to make him look bad.
Theo: How -- how is the truth an attack? I'm not concocting lies. I'm honest about everything that I've done. And that's the difference between us -- kyle's trying to erase his whole past.
Summer: No, he's just trying to erase you, right? I mean, that must be what you think. That must be why you're so pissed off at him.
Theo: We went through war together.
Summer: Oh, my -- you partied.
Theo: Kyle and I made the exact same choices. You know, not all of them good. So him acting all white knight and pure of heart, it gets old. I mean, dead to him? Give me a break.
Summer: Okay, yeah, when you threaten his relationship, he has the right to get protective, theo.
Theo: His relationship? You're making excuses for a guy who literally promised to love and honor you just to get you into a hospital bed.
Summer: Okay, look, I get it. I was there. I lived through it. I know. But then we moved on. Like adults. And I really think that you should try it.
Theo: You know, you -- you just like that kyle fixated on women that reminded him of you.
Summer: [ Scoffs ] Well, this was fun. We're done here.
Lola: Well, this was good.
Mariah: We just gave our first premarital pep talk.
Lola: Well, if things get crazy and I forget -- and crazy in a good way, and we're eating cake and dancing --
Tessa: Oh, yeah. That's what I'm there for.
Lola: [ Laughs ] I love you guys.
Tessa: Oh, lola.
Lola: You know, coming into genoa city, it changed my life. I found kyle. I got a new career. And I got a new family. And I'm not just talking about the abbotts. I'm talking about you guys, too. You know, and I really miss my mom, and I can't even think about my dad right now, but what I know is that, tomorrow, there will be people who I love, and who love me, and that's what's important. So...
Tessa: [ Tearfully ] Okay, stop.
Mariah: Yeah, you're gonna make me cry.
Tessa: She hates to cry.
Mariah: I really hate to cry.
[ Sniffles ]
Lola: Okay, fine. I am done.
Mariah: Yeah.
Lola: Uh, so, I'll -- I'll leave now. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
Tessa: Wait, stop!
Mariah: We love you, too.
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: [ Exhales heavily ]
[ Clears throat ] Hey. Looking good, abbott.
Kyle: I-I am not obsessing on chair placement.
Summer: Oh, no. Not at all. Just making adjustments.
Kyle: Very minor adjustments.
Summer: Yeah... 'cause you want it to look perfect for the woman of your dreams, right?
Kyle: Yeah.
Summer: Look, I really am happy for you both. And I know that that might not sound convincing, um, but... I am.
Kyle: Yeah, well... it might be weird for you tomorrow.
Summer: Super weird.
Kyle: I hope that doesn't make you stay away. Lola wants you there. So do I.
Summer: As the life-saver.
Kyle: And as the lifelong friend.
Summer: I'll be there.
Kyle: But maybe not with theo as your plus one?
Summer: Not an issue. Okay. Now, please, get back to, uh, your adjusting.
Kyle: Heh... I got to stop.
Summer: Yeah.
Kyle: I got to stop.
Summer: You really do. 'Cause it -- it looks perfect, kyle.
Kyle: Thanks.
Summer: Uh, kyle... um...
Kyle: Yeah?
Summer: About theo...
Kyle: Still not invited.
Summer: No, I know that. Um... I think that he might have some anger issues.
Kyle: And he's a jerk.
Summer: Well, yeah. That, too. Um... I just think that maybe you should watch your back. He hasn't said anything. I just don't really trust the guy.
Kyle: Yeah. I'm right there with you.
Summer: Okay. Just wanted you to know.
Kyle: Thank you.
Summer: Well, break a leg tomorrow. Or just good luck.
Kyle: Let's go with that one.
Summer: Yeah.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: Yeah. You and lola really are meant for each other.
Mariah: Okay, just one more?
Tessa: [ Groans ]
Mariah: Please? One more time.
Tessa: Okay.
Mariah: Please?
Tessa: Ugh, I'm such a dork.
Mariah: [ Laughs ]
Theo: Looking good. Can I have a listen?
Mariah: It's a private moment, so that's a no.
Theo: I was thinking we could put it on the lp site.
Tessa: Well, it's a special song for kyle and lola, so...
Mariah: A sweet, funny, very private song that wouldn't mean anything to a stranger. So I'm thinking you're not as good at this as you think you are.
Theo: Well, the personal always goes public eventually.
Tessa: Why does that sound like a threat?
Mariah: Because it sounds like the other night. Your garbage toast to kyle? It was all about getting a rise out of him.
Theo: I went to that party to make things right. You know, I miss the guy. Part of the reason I moved to genoa city is I figured we'd get the chance to hang out. But it didn't work out as I planned.
Tessa: So you trashed their celebration?
Mariah: Better that than the wedding.
[ Inhales sharply ] You know... I have a feeling that new york really misses you. Maybe you guys should reconnect.
Lola: [ Laughs ] Wow!
Kyle: You can't be here!
Lola: I know, but I am.
Kyle: Why? I-I mean, why did you come this way? Why...
Lola: I was home, and then I was walking...
[ Laughs ] And then...
Kyle: Here. To the wedding site?
Lola: I know i shouldn't be here. I'm sorry. I really am. But wow! I mean, this is perfect, kyle. It's like you read inside my head and my heart and... you made my dreams come true.
Kyle: [ Snorts softly ] Is it too late to tell you to close your eyes?
Lola: I really am sorry.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] You don't have to keep saying that.
Lola: Well, good, because I'm not sure that I really mean it. Seeing this [Sighs] Here
[Laughs] Now, no one else, just you.
Kyle: And you. That part is key.
Lola: I should probably go.
Kyle: No, no. Not now. You have to stay.
So if I ask you to stay
Lola: [ Laughs ] What?!
Would you say yes?
Lola: So, maybe I did know where I was going, after all.
Would you say yes?
And if I aim for your lips, would you say yes?
Say yes
Sharon: Lola and the girls are gone, so the coast is clear.
Rey: Uh...
Sharon: I can get you something else.
Rey: I should head out.
Sharon: Right. Yeah. Oh, don't you even dare do that. It's on the house. God...
Rey: What? What's wrong?
Sharon: I-I almost forgot. It's been so long.
[ Sighs ] That was how we became friends. When you first came to town, you pretended to be, what, a debt collector?
Rey: Yeah, something like that.
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: And you did me so many favors. So I told you from then on...
Rey: Coffee was on the house.
Rey: Well, can't really hold you to that anymore.
Sharon: I think you can.
Rey: No. So much has changed since then.
Sharon: Not everything. Tell you what -- why don't you just let me comp you this one time for old times' sake?
Rey: I'll take it.
Sharon: Good luck tomorrow. I know it'll be lovely.
[ Song ends ]
Kyle: Next time I dance, it'll be with my wife.
Lola: [ Snickers ] Oh! You know, I was that girl. Who imagined her wedding, who pictured her groom...
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Mm.
Lola: You have given me a fairy tale, kyle abbott. But so much better, because it's real, and you're real.
Kyle: Mm. And a fairy tale, this is the time you'd run off and leave me with an empty shoe.
Lola: Mm, well, I have to go, but I will never leave you.
Kyle: Last dance and last kiss.
Lola: Before a million firsts. And tomorrow, when I see all of this with the people who love us, it'll be like the first time, too. I promise.
Kyle: [ Chuckles softly ]
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