Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/14/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/14/19


Episode #13679 ~ Victor delivers an ultimatum; Abby confides in Ashley; Jack sets out on a mission.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Nate: Maybe it's time to think about completing your residency.

Elena: No, I'm taking this one baby step at a time. The last thing I need is to get in over my head.

Adam: Christian deserves to know he's my son.

Nick: Did you tell him that again? I ought to break you in half. Son! Where are you? Christian!

Adam: Christian!

Nick: Christian? Hey, buddy.

Christian: Daddy!

Nick: Oh! Come here, man.

Jack: You know what, I'll give you guys some privacy, all right?

Victor: Thank you, jack. Thank you.

Kyle: I'm flying down to miami to convince celeste she has to be here.

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're in the middle of preparations. Now, I'll tell you what, I will go.

Ashley: We're going to merge abbott exchange with jabot.

Traci: You're gonna be one company?

Jack: And one family. At long last.

Ashley: Oh!

Abby: I thought you were taking a later flight.

Ashley: Well, I was, but then jack told me that he's going out of town.

Abby: Miami. He's going to try to convince lola's mom to come to the wedding.

Ashley: Oh! Well, I need to speak to him about some business things before he leaves.

Abby: Is everything okay with the merger?

Ashley: Yeah. Just have to iron out a few details.

Abby: Mm, well, that's a relief.

Ashley: Mm-hmm! So, where is he?

Abby: He had some errands to run.

Ashley: That's interesting. I mean, he knew I was coming. So I guess it must be pretty important.

Victor: [ Sighs ] Well... are you lost?

Jack: No, I dropped by to see victoria. I promised kyle I'd find out if katie and johnny were gonna be at the reception.

Victor: Oh! Well, now, I can add "errand boy" to your list of talents.

Jack: Best man!

Victor: Yeah. Well, well, well. Victoria's in meetings all day.

Jack: Well, I'll just text her.

Victor: Which you could have done in the first place, yet you chose to drive all the way out here.

Jack: Well, nice day for a drive.

Victor: Yeah, let's -- why are you really here?

[ Cellphone rings ]

Jack: That your phone, or -- it's not mine.

Victor: Yeah? When? All right, it's done. So...

Adam newman?

Adam: Yes.

You've been served.

Adam: Michael. I just got served papers saying that I'm no longer allowed visitations with christian, and there is a restraining order against me. No. No, I'm not -- no, I'm not going to calm down! You need to fix this right now!

Devon: [ Sighing ] Oh! That was a fun run there.

Elena: Yeah, and drama-free, like a morning run should be, without some little kid getting lost and scaring his parents half to death.

Devon: Glad everything worked out for christian.

Elena: Yeah. Me, too. My heart was pounding. I can hardly imagine what nick must have been feeling.

Devon: Yeah. Or adam.

Elena: Yeah, I still can't believe I was in the middle of an ugly custody battle.

Elena: Thanks.

Devon: There's a lot of bad blood between those two guys. Yeah.

Elena: Yeah, great, and now adam lives right across the hall from us.

Devon: He sure does. You can thank nate for that. But if he gives you any problems, baby, I'll take care of him for you.

Elena: Aww, my hero.

Devon: Yeah. Yeah. I know -- I know you're an independent woman, though, who can take care of herself.

Elena: But it's nice to know you have my back.

Devon: Yes, I do.

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Devon: And I have your front, too.

Elena: Yeah?

Devon: And your lips.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Elena: Oh! It's nate.

Devon: Nate.

Elena: Hey, what's up?

Nate: Hey, I wanted to, uh, talk to you about something. Can you meet me at crimson lights?

Elena: Uh, yeah. I just need a shower and change.

Nate: Good. See you soon.

Elena: Cool.

Devon: What was that about?

Elena: I don't know. Guess I'll find out.

Kyle: Morning! How long you been up?

Lola: A while. Um, I made coffee.

Kyle: Oh. Thanks! Want any?

Lola: I'm good.

Kyle: You don't look good.

Lola: I'm sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind.

Kyle: If this is about your mom not coming to the wedding, my dad has it handled.

Lola: That's part of it.

Kyle: What else?

Lola: I got this letter in the mail yesterday. It's from my dad.

Kyle: What'd he say?

Lola: "Congratulations, best wishes. Your mom and I are no longer together." Shocker.

Kyle: That it?

Lola: No, he wants to come to the ceremony.

Kyle: Are you kidding -- I'm sorry. I can't imagine what you're feeling.

Lola: You know, I have read this letter a million times trying to figure out what to do. It's like my head's going to explode.

Kyle: And have you?

Lola: Yes. I have. [ Sighs ]

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Lola: If you had asked me before I got the letter how i would react... I would have said I didn't want to hear anything my dad had to say. But, kyle, after reading his words... it brought up a lot of feelings. Not all of them bad.

Kyle: He's your father.

Lola: Yes, but he's also a stranger. And it's so messed up because, at the same time, he's strangely not.

Kyle: There's no right or wrong here. Only what you want. I'll support whatever you decide.

Lola: This is the biggest day of my life.

Kyle: It's probably why he reached out.

Lola: He wants his family back. The problem is, he's not family. You know, rey, arturo, mom, they are. You, jack, the rest of the abbotts -- that is who I want with me when I marry you.

Kyle: You sure?

Lola: I don't want to be pulled back into the past by a man who has done nothing but disappoint me. I want to focus on the future with one I know never will. Yeah, no pressure.

Kyle: Eh, piece of cake.

Lola: Well, I wrote it in your vows, just in case.

Kyle: Oh! Maybe I should practice.

Lola: Oh.

Kyle: [ Clears throat ] I promise that I will never, ever disappoint you.

Lola: You may kiss the bride.

Elena: [ Sighs ] I will let you know what nate says.

Devon: Okay, baby.

Elena: Mwah.

Devon: I'll see you later.

Elena: Okay. Bye.

Devon: All right. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Mwah.

Adam: Oh! Hey, devon. I was, uh, just on my way over to see your girlfriend.

Devon: For what?

Adam: Uh, I wanted to get her take on what happened in the park yesterday. I thought her perspective might be helpful. Is she home?

Devon: No, adam, she's not home, but I'd be more than happy to shed light on things for you.

Adam: Well, I wouldn't want to take up any of your time.

Devon: No, no. Really. It's not a problem. Do you want to talk in my place or yours?

Victor: For someone who knows his way around the building, you can't find your way out, can you?

Jack: Oh, just giving victoria a few more minutes.

Victor: All right, jack, i don't have time for this, okay? I know why you're really here. We both know. You want to find out if I am suffering this side effects of the medication I'm taking. Well, you're out of luck. I'm on top of my game.

Jack: Of course you are.

Victor: Right.

Jack: How would you let a little disease get in the way of being a thorn in my side?

Victor: You bet. Now that we have settled that, don't you have a company to run, a wedding to plan?

Jack: Actually, I am thrilled that you're feeling better. I understand your family's been through a good deal of turmoil lately. That, on top of your disease, it can't be easy.

Victor: Nothing I can't handle.

Jack: As a father, I know seeing nicholas and adam fight over christian must really hurt. Seeing a family torn apart like that is not easy. I've been there. It's one of the greatest disappointments in life.

Victor: That, you and I can agree on.

Ashley: You bought the entire hotel?

Abby: The opportunity came along, and it was too good to pass up.

Ashley: Honey, isn't that taking on a lot, on top of society?

Abby: Well, I will have phyllis manage the hotel and hopefully take some of the financial risk.

Ashley: Couldn't you find somebody else to work with, i mean, anybody else to work with?

Abby: Mom, I can handle phyllis.

Ashley: I'm sure you can. Are you a little worried, though, that maybe your plate's gonna be so full that your personal life might suffer? I just don't want you to short-change your relationship with nate.

Abby: Nate is just as busy as I am. He practically lives at the hospital.

Ashley: Sounds like his mom. I can't help it! When I think of olivia's son and my daughter together, it makes my heart so happy.

Abby: [ Chuckles ] Okay.

Ashley: I mean, how could it not?

Abby: Don't get too excited.

Ashley: Why, did you have a fight?

Abby: No, more of a misunderstanding.

Ashley: About what?

Abby: We're in different places in our lives, and after the way our last date ended... I'm just -- I'm not sure where things stand between us.

Ashley: Well, I hope it's gonna work out.

Abby: So do I. But, no matter what happens... I will be just fine.

Ashley: Yes, you will, because you're a strong, independent woman, right? Just like my mom. [ Chuckles ]

Ashley: [ Giggles ]

Nate: Thanks for meeting me here.

Elena: Of course. I assumed it's about you and abby? Any updates on your sitch?

Nate: Uh, she texted me a few times.

Elena: And you're keeping it cool, right? Not super anxious to hang out?

Nate: I haven't had a chance to get back to her.

Elena: Perfect. It'll only make you miss her more.

Nate: I'm not purposely avoiding her. I've just been --

Elena: Just been busy. It's all good.

Nate: I didn't call you here to discuss my personal life.

Elena: No? Sorry. Uh, what did you want to talk about?

Nate: You. An opportunity popped up in memorial, and I think you have a real shot at it.

Jack: Talk about strange bedfellows.

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I hope you're not under the mistaken impression that you and I have bonded.

Jack: Oh, heaven forbid, no.

Victor: Exactly. You saw, you came, you -- okay, you can leave now.

Jack: Before I go, I want to say something.

Victor: What's that?

Jack: It wasn't that long ago that kyle and I were at odds. He came back to town, I barely recognized him. Everything he did seemed to be

Victor: Kyle is not in the same league with adam.

Jack: My point is, no matter how bad things get with your children, there is always room for hope. If you won't take my experience as an example, take your own. At one time or another, you have been at odds with every one of your children, and yet, somehow, you've been able to rebuild those relationships.

Victor: This unfortunately is different. Neither nicholas nor victoria nor abby have done what adam's doing.

Jack: Adam's drowning, victor. He's trying to save his life.

Victor: He's going about it the wrong way.

Jack: So throw him a lifeline.

Victor: You don't think I've done that? I've done that several times. Nothing is enough for him. He wants me to choose between the rest of family and him. Well, I've chosen.

[ Door closes ]

Adam: All right, let me have it. Don't hold back.

Devon: I won'T. Stay away from elena.

Adam: Oh, wow. Wow, you don't bring a knife to a gun fight, huh?

Devon: Well, she already told me about what happened yesterday at the park.

Adam: Well, christian is fine, in case you were wondering.

Devon: That's cool. I'm very happy to hear that. But I don't need my girlfriend dragged into the middle of your custody battle with nick. Okay? I don't want you talking to her or having her talk to your lawyer or picking sides or anything like that. Please.

Adam: That's because "big, bad adam."

Devon: No, it's not because of that. I just don't need her hassled because she chose to do the right thing.

Adam: Oh, that must be nice, having someone see your motives as pure and good.

Devon: It's easy when they are.

Adam: Look, I am not the bad guy here. Okay? Even though nick has convinced the judge to issue a restraining order to keep me away from my son.

Devon: Really? He did that because of what happened yesterday?

Adam: It wasn't my fault. Victoria lied to me. She told me that christian was sick during our scheduled time with each other so nick could see him instead. And you know I wasn't gonna let him get away with that crap.

Devon: Mm, so, what did you do, you followed them to the park?

Adam: I had every right to see my son.

Devon: Okay. And that's why he ran off?

Adam: [ Sighs ] I just wanted to talk to him. Okay? But he sees me as some kind of monster.

Devon: Have you looked in the mirror, adam?

Adam: [ Sighs ] Nick is filling his head with lies about me. All I want is a chance to be with him. He and victoria thwart me at every turn.

Devon: Well, they love the boy.

Adam: So do I. I mean, I was scared out of my mind when the kid went missing. I wasn't gonna leave the park until I found him, and I did. And when it was just us, with nobody else interfering, I got him to trust me. You know, we were kicking the soccer ball around, and we were bonding like father and son. Till nick came along and whisked him away, like I was some random stranger.

Devon: Dude, nick was probably just as worried as you, you realize that?

Adam: Oh, I had every right to stop him, but I didn'T. I put christian's needs first, and now there's a court order against me. I mean, all you guys make me out to be the bad guy, but I am the one that is following the rules because I know what it's like. Look, all I want is my son to know his dad, and I want to know him. That doesn't seem like too much to ask.

Devon: If it was anyone else asking, I'd probably agree with you.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Wow. That's what I get, huh, for opening up a vein.

Devon: I just don't buy this "poor me" act that you're putting on. Because the only victim in this whole scenario is christian, and if you gave damn about him, you'd be doing everything you could to make things right for that kid.

Adam: You don't know what you're talking about, devon.

Devon: Really? I actually do know what I'm talking about, adam, and you can listen to me, or I can leave.

Elena: General surgery resident.

Nate: You're perfect for it.

Elena: I don't know what to say.

Nate: I explained to the head of the program that you dropped out of your last residency because your mom died.

Elena: And she still wants to meet with me?

Nate: People who work with you at memorial, they speak very highly of you.

Elena: Yeah, I was just getting used to being an emt.

Nate: Okay, I know you wanted to ease back into your medical career, but I couldn't let this opportunity just pass and not at least let you know about it.

Elena: And put my name in for it and talk to the head of the program.

Nate: Hey, if you want to pass, I get it, all right? Totally.

Elena: It's just -- I didn't see this being on my radar for at least another year. It was such an abstract thought, so far out in the future, and now... here it is, right in front of me.

Nate: I've never een a big believer in fate, kismet, that sort of thing. But I have to wonder...

Elena: The universe is sending me a message.

Nate: Dr. Dawson. There's a lab coat at memorial with your name on it.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] The universe is not subtle.

[ Both laugh ]

Nate: Seriously, I am not trying to pressure you. I had to step back from medicine myself not too long ago. It took a while to decide I was ready to return. It's a big decision.

Elena: I appreciate that.

Nate: Take all the time you need to think it over.

Elena: Actually, I don't think I need any time. I think I've made my decision.

Ashley: Welcome to the abbott family. Enter at your own risk.

Abby: Oh, you're gonna scare her away before she's officially a member.

Lola: No chance.

Kyle: If she can put up with me, she can put up with the rest of you.

Ashley: Now, I heard that you're letting him plan your whole wedding. You must trust him an awful lot.

Lola: With my life.

Abby: Aww!

Ashley: Oh!

Jack: Hey, everybody! I'm sorry.

Ashley: Hello.

Jack: I'm running late. I wanted to be here when you arrived, but...

Ashley: Mwah.

Jack: I know you wanted to talk business.

Ashley: I did.

Abby: If you guys needs some privacy, we can --

Ashley: No, actually, I want your input, we both. And kyle'S.

Jack: Ashley and I are having trouble coming up with a name for the new company.

Kyle: What?

Abby: What?

Kyle: I thought it was gonna stay jabot.

Abby: Ditto.

Jack: We're just exploring some ideas for a new name.

Ashley: Something that honors dad's legacy that he left us...

Jack: ...And marks a new chapter in the abbott family history.

Abby: Have you come up with anything?

Jack: We've been knocking around a few ideas, but we're open to suggestions.

Ashley: I thought of "excellence," but I don't know.

Jack: Abbott aromatics. Legends by john.

Ashley: Mm, no.

Abby: Uh, what about "heritage" or, um... ooh! "Heaven sent."

Ashley: That's not bad.

Jack: Yeah, that's not bad, but it's still not quite right.

Ashley: Yeah, not quite there.

Kyle: Yeah, none of them are.

Jack: You have a suggestion?

Kyle: John abbott created a brand that's recognizable around the world, still, after all these years because of his vision and a dream. One you and ashley nurtured your whole lives. You brought in billy, then me. Abby and traci sit on the board, and hopefully, one day, I'll bring my kids in, too, to be a part of something that's special and amazing.

Jack: I had no idea you felt so strongly about this.

Kyle: Jabot isn't just a name. A brand, even. It's us. And nothing else we call this company will ever feel right.

Jack: What do you think, sis?

Ashley: I think we found the perfect name for our "new" company.

Jack: Jabot it is!

[ Laughter ]

Adam: Us, twins? Yeah, this I got to hear.

Devon: Well, like you, adam, I didn't know my father the entire time I grew up, okay? And I never had a role model in my life until I met neil.

Adam: The dad jackpot. Yay, you.

Devon: I also never thought that I would ever need another father figure in my life until my biological dad showed up.

Adam: Uh-oh. Three's a crowd.

Devon: Well, no, it wasn't a crowd because I had enough room in my life for both neil and tucker, and, in fat, having love and support from both of those guys made me strong, made me a better man.

Adam: It's a great story. Thank you.

Devon: You're not hearing what I'm saying. A child can never have enough people who love them in their lives, okay?

Adam: Even if those people hate each other?

Devon: Yes, adam, even if those people hate each other because part of loving a child, and probably the most important part, is putting their needs first and figuring out how to compromise because nobody's gonna win if you guys keep fighting.

Adam: Well, tell that to nick.

Devon: Right, but somebody has to back down first.

Adam: And, by somebody, you mean me.

Devon: Well, you drew first blood, did you not?

Adam: What, are you looking at this?

Devon: No, you filed a ustody suit that got christian ripped from his home.

Adam: I might have been willing to compromise with my big brother, but he went too far with this restraining order.

Devon: [ Sighs ] To be honest, I don't even understand how he made that happen because didn't the judge rule that neither one of you get custody? So why is he siding with nick?

Adam: No, you're right.

[ Sighs ] He doesn't have the power to pull off something like that.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, but I know who does.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: To jabot and the abbott family, may they both have long and happy futures.

Ashley: Hear, hear.

Kyle: Hear, hear!

Abby: Hear, hear!

Lola: Hear, hear!

Abby: So now that you and uncle jack are merging companies, any chance you're moving back to genoa city?

Jack: I have not said a word to her.

Abby: Oh, so you guys have talked about it?

Jack: Your mother knows how i feel.

Abby: That's two votes for you to stay.

Ashley: You're gonna be seeing a lot more of me.

Jack: Uh-huh.

Ashley: But I am keeping the lab and the offices in paris. That will be our european headquarters, and I'll be in charge of those operations.

Abby: So you are staying in france.

Ashley: For now.

Abby: Mm.

Ashley: Yeah.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Kyle: Oh! I'll get it.

Abby: No way I can change your mind?

Ashley: Honey, you are gonna be so busy and have so much on your plate, you're not even gonna miss me, you know it.

Kyle: Nate! Come on in, man.

Ashley: Mm.

Nate: Uh, sorry to interrupt.

Ashley: Hi!

Jack: Hey!

Abby: Um...

Nate: I wanted to talk to you about something, but it can wait.

Abby: No, no, actually, um... I wanted to talk to you, too.

Ashley: Go ahead, you guys. It's all right. Go talk.

Abby: Okay.

Ashley: Bye. Anybody want a refill or top-off, anything?

Jack: You can top this off.

Ashley: Yeah? Okay.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Ashley: All right, how about that?

Jack: Too much orange juice in there.

Ashley: Oh, yeah. Okay.

[ Door closes ]

Nate: I, uh, thought we should get a few things straight.

Abby: Well, I think you made your feelings pretty clear when you left me at kyle and lola's party. Since then, your radio silence has spoken volumes.

Nate: You sound miffed.

Abby: Look, I know -- I know that I have no right to be upset. I am the one who said I wasn't interested in getting serious.

Nate: And I wanted to --

Abby: You're a great guy, nate. I like you. I mean, what's not to like? But... I -- I can't do what I do every single time I meet someone new. Which is go from zero to all-in after the first date. All that's done is left me with a string of broken engagements and a marriage that ended in divorce. I just -- I need to focus on having fun and building my business, and... well, you -- you... you are established in your career, and you bought a house, so, look, I understand if you would want to be with someone who's ready for a serious commitment.

Nate: You finished? Good. Now I have something to say.

Elena: Hey!

Devon: Hey.

Elena: I thought you were going to work.

Devon: Well, I ran into adam.

Elena: Oh.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Elena: Did he mention anything about what happened at the park?

Devon: He sure did, yeah, and we won't have to be worrying about him anymore.

Elena: Oh, that's a relief.

Devon: Yeah. What did nate have to say to you?

Elena: You're not gonna believe it.

Devon: What?

Elena: A position opened at memorial for the residency program, and I am interviewing for it. Today.

Devon: Really? Today?

Adam: I was served with a restraining order this morning.

Victor: Really?

Adam: Mm-hmm. You know, at first, I thought it was nick. Then I realized he doesn't have the bandwidth or the connections to pull off something like that.

Victor: You gave me no choice, son.

Adam: What is the going rate for a court order these days, pops? Did you have to pay a little extra to make sure I couldn't get it reversed?

Victor: I did what I should have done a long time ago.

Adam: And what is that, is that take nick's side?

Victor: It's taking christian's side. I will no longer tolerate watching that boy suffer because of you.

Nate: I have been thinking a lot about the other night. There is a lot I don't know about you. Like why you're so driven. What makes you so afraid of getting involved with me? We've all been hurt and disappointed, but there's something more that you're holding back. Is it tied to the fight you had with summer or your relationship with your dad? Maybe, deep down, you just don't like my taste in music. I have no idea. You're a mystery. The thing is... I want to get to know you. I realize there's no need to rush. I tried that, didn't work because we have different approaches to life. I'm a solid game plan kind of guy, you're more spontaneous. Maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle.

Abby: Wait, so... you're not breaking up with me?

Nate: Let's take it a day at a time, you know, wing it.

Abby: Okay, mr. Spontaneity. Come to kyle and lola's wedding with me.

Nate: You got yourself a date.

Devon: So a residency? Wow.

Elena: I know. I know I said that I wasn't ready yet.

Devon: Yeah, you did. But now you are? I only ask because you were so upset when you lost that patient the other night.

Elena: I know, but nate reminded me that I can't save everyone. So I've been trying to focus on the people that I can save, and I -- I just haven't been able to get it out of my head how many people I could help if I got back into practicing medicine.

Devon: Oh. Yeah, that makes perfect sense, baby, and I think that you'd be an amazing doctor, that's for sure.

Elena: I don't even know if I'd make it into the program. But I know if I let this opportunity pass me by, I'll regret it.

Devon: Okay. Well, then you don't let the opportunity pass you by. You go for it.

Elena: Wish me luck?

Devon: No, because you don't need any luck, honey.

Elena: Oh, you're biased.

Devon: No, I'm not biased. I'm a little bit biased. But nate isn't, so.

Elena: That's a good point.

Devon: Right? You got this, baby.

Elena: Oh, I should go.

Devon: Okay. I'll be waiting to celebrate when you get back. Go get it. Drive safe.

Adam: You hate me because i am doing what you didn't do. Okay? I am going after my son. You left me to be raised by another man, dad.

Victor: You stop that B.S., Son. That was your mother's decision to raise you in kansas.

Adam: You are victor newman. Okay? There is nothing on this earth that would stop you if you wanted to raise your son!

Victor: I did not want you to be subjected to a long, drawn-out custody battle, son!

Adam: I would never do anything to hurt christian. Ever.

Victor: You already did. You took him away from nicholas! And you told him you were his father!

Adam: Because I am his father!

Victor: Listen to me! Then the final straw -- you scared him so much that he ran away! He could have been lost, or worse!

Adam: Oh, yeah?

Victor: You don't give a damn, do you? You don't give a damn! You never did!

Adam: No, I do, okay? And you knew who I was when you brought me back to this town!

Victor: And, you know something, son, I thought you might have evolved into a human being we could have been proud of!

Adam: Oh, yes, yes, but i fell short like I always do.

Victor: You're not even close!

Adam: You know, I am so sorry that I such a disappointment to you, dad. Maybe if you were there for me, we could have changed that.

Victor: Really?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Victor: No chance, son. Okay? I gave you a second chance.

Adam: What are you saying, now you regret that?

Victor: More than I can tell you.

Devon: Hey.

Elena: I got the job!

Devon: Of course you got the job, baby! Yes! [ Laughs ]

Elena: [ Squeals ] You are looking at memorial's newest resident.

Devon: Aww, baby. Congratulations! Yes!

Elena: Thank you.

Devon: We have to celebrate now!

Elena: Okay.

Devon: Where do you want to go? You want to go society or the club or to top of the tower?

Elena: I don't know.

Devon: You don't know? We'll go to all of them, how about that, baby?

Elena: Okay.

Devon: [ Chuckles ] Hang on. First -- first, hang on a second. I have something for you.

Elena: [ Sighs ]

Devon: Hold on.

Elena: My old lab coat.

Devon: That's right. I found it in your closet when i was putting away your dry cleaning.

Elena: How do I look?

Devon: I mean, I think you look perfect. But I have a problem.

Elena: What's wrong?

Devon: I -- it's my chest. I'm having -- it's like my heart is beating super fast, and it won't slow down, and I think I need to see a doctor for it.

Elena: Yeah, actually, your heart rate is elevated.

Devon: Right?

Elena: But, lucky for you, I have just the remedy for that.

Devon: You do?

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Devon: Mmm. Let's take this back off.

[ Chuckles ]

Elena: Mmm!

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Nate: To the happy couple.

Ashley: The world could certainly use more of those.

Kyle: Hear, hear.

Abby: Yes.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh, uh, dad, the car's here.

Jack: I just saw it.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I can't thank you enough for doing this.

Jack: I want this to be a perfect wedding for both of you.

Lola: Warning. My mom can be very stubborn. When she digs her heels in, jack, she's downright impossible.

Jack: I'm very good at brokering peace agreements. Ask my sister.

Ashley: If anybody can convince your mother to come to the wedding, it's jack.

Lola: I'm not sure you know what you're dealing with here.

Jack: Oh, believe me, difficulty is my specialty. I've been dealing with victor newman half my life.

Lola: I just want you to know I won't blame you if you can't change my mom's mind.

Jack: I want you to know I'm not coming back alone. You have my word. See you later, everybody!

Ashley: Bye!

Lola: Bye.

Kyle: See ya.

Ashley: Champagne?

Abby: Yeah. I'd love some.

Adam: Do you think withholding your approval is gonna make me see the errors of my ways?

Victor: You're incapable of remorse, aren't you?

Adam: Yeah, I hear it's genetic.

Victor: Go back to your old life. There's nothing for you here.

Adam: No, I strongly disagree.

Victor: Well, I don'T. And I will make sure that you do. Whatever it takes!

Adam: I'm not going anywhere. Okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here in genoa city.

Victor: You'll live to regret it.

Adam: That hate in your voice... it is downright inspiring, and I'm gonna use it as motivation to get both of my kids back. And I'm gonna take everything from you, dad. I'm gonna take everything from my repulsively entitled siblings. You guys will be the ones that are left with nothing. So I hope you're ready for a fight. Because you haven't seen anything yet.

[ Door opens, closes ]

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