Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/13/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/13/19


Episode #11678 ~ Chelsea exposes a con; Lola dodges an invite; Victoria is caught in a lie.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victoria: You say one more word to christian about being his father, and I will make sure you never have another visit with that child.

Adam: You can't block my access.

Phyllis: I need a little more time to get to the money together to buy the grand phoenix.

Adam: I offered the place to devon.

Phyllis: You did what?

Chelsea: Calvin was very generous to me in his will. I plan to pass along that generosity to you. How does $1 million sound?

Anita: I don't want your money.

Chelsea: Excuse me?

Celeste: Every girl dreams of having her father walk her down the aisle.

Lola: The only father that i have ever known, he will be walking me down the aisle -- rey.

Celeste: Lola, that --

Lola: I am not gonna change my mind, mama.

Rey: I know you bake when you get anxious, so when you called asking to see if I would be a taste-tester... well, lola, you wouldn't be the first bride who gets cold feet before the big wedding day.

Lola: Cold feet? Rey, that's hilarious. I mean, I am so excited, I can barely see straight.

Rey: Yeah?

Lola: Yes. That's why I'm baking -- to calm myself down.

Rey: Okay. Well, is there anything I can do to help? Run some errands, make some phone calls, schlepp things from point "a" to point "b"?

Lola: You'll have to ask kyle. He's in charge of all of that. Except my wedding dress.

Rey: I know that's what you said. I'm just surprised you stuck to it.

Lola: Really?

Rey: My perfectionist kid sister let someone else plan her big wedding day? I mean, the bachelor party went so great. What could possibly go wrong?

Lola: Oh, come on! That wasn't kyle's fault.

Rey: I know.

Lola: Look, rey... our wedding day is every bit as important to him as it is to me. And I have total faith that my fiancé will come up with something incredibly gorgeous and romantic.

Phyllis: Hi, elena.

Elena: Hi. And bye.

Devon: Going on your run?

Elena: Yeah.

Devon: Yeah? Have a good time.

Elena: Thanks.

Devon: So. [ Sighs ] What brings you by?

Phyllis: I hear you're in talks to purchase the grand phoenix. I don't understand. When I asked you for a loan, you gave me all the reasons why it wouldn't be feasible. What changed?

Anita: I just heard connor stomp up to his room and slam the door.

Chelsea: [Sarcastically] I'm so sorry that he disturbed you.

Anita: Oh, will you stop? The poor guy's really upset, and I have a good idea why. He knows you and adam aren't getting back together, and it breaks his little heart.

Chelsea: Wow. Such incredible insight, mom. Or were you eavesdropping again?

Anita: A-all right. The point is, you've got a problem on your hands. And I'd be happy to talk to him if you think it would help.

Chelsea: No, actually, I'd rather you stay here so we can continue our conversation from the other day.

Anita: What conversation is that? I-I don't know what you're referring to.

Chelsea: Huh. Well, let me refresh your memory -- I was saying I knew you were up to something, and you were on the verge of fessing up.

Anita: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Billy: Is he answering?

Victoria: Something tells me that he's gonna respond in person.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, when he does, we'll be ready.

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Phyllis: So, why'd you tell me that you weren't interested in the grand phoenix? Were you actually planning to make a deal with adam and cut me out of it?

Devon: I think you know better than that. I don't operate that way.

Phyllis: So enlighten me.

Devon: I'd be happy to, phyllis. I turned you down because you brought me a lousy proposal. You had agreed to pay over-inflated prices on a risky project. It's a brand-new hotel not connected to any established chain, run by someone with zero experience in the hospitality industry.

Phyllis: Right. That someone is me?

Devon: That someone is you, yes. And even though I was able to negotiate a better deal under market value, I've decided to pass on the whole thing.

Phyllis: Seriously?

Devon: Yes. I decided that the potential return on the investment doesn't justify the amount of time I'd have to put into the whole project. So...

Phyllis: Well -- well, why don't you do this? Why don't you just flip the building? Buy it from adam and then sell it to me and make a quick buck. I mean, the deal that you're gonna give me is definitely gonna be better than adam'S.

Devon: Did you win the lotto when I wasn't looking?

Phyllis: You're right. I-I don't have limitless funds, for sure, but --

Devon: Right. That's why you came to me in the first place, so...

Phyllis: Right, right. You're right. I would just -- I would give you a healthy -- a healthy sum, and you just -- you -- you -- you got to give me time --

Devon: I'm not interested. No. I'm not.

Phyllis: Okay, listen. Listen, devon... [ Sighs ] This building is way more than just an investment to me. It's my way to redeem myself in the eyes of everyone in this town. And I know you understand that, because I know you know about redemption, because a lot of neil's life was about redemption, and I know that you're trying to honor that right now.

Devon: All right. Let's slow down. 'Cause it sounds to me like you're trying to exploit my late father's memory to make a buck, and that'd be really disrespectful of you to do that.

Lola: You just ended things with sharon, and here I am going on and on about my wedding.

Rey: Mnh-mnh.

Lola: Rey, I'm sorry if I've been insensitive --

Rey: No, no, no. Don't -- don't do that. Don't, don'T. I don't want you going there. I don't want you worrying about that stuff. Seeing you this happy cheers me up beyond belief.

Lola: I'm glad.

Rey: I'll check in with kyle, see if there's anything i can do to pitch in.

Lola: Just so you don't think I'm a total lazy bones, you know, I actually am helping plan the honeymoon.

Rey: Oh, yeah?

Lola: Yeah. Kyle picked the location, and I have been appointed activity director.

Rey: Ahh. Where you headed?

Lola: Samoa. This really cool resort where everyone has their own little bungalow right on the beach.

Rey: Wow. That's nice.

Lola: I know! And there's a wonderful spa, and diving and snorkeling. And you can even rent a sailboat, rey! And go deep-sea fishing. Oh, my god, and the scenery, it just looks -- I mean, it looks fantastic. And the sunsets in the middle of the pacific -- [ Sighs ] And the stars at night -- oh, my god. I mean, I can hardly even wait. You know kyle said he would take a cooking class with me? What?

Rey: I just -- when you were in the hospital, it -- it got to me... how little of life you'd had a chance to experience. Now...you're gonna see some of the world. In style, no less. I love it.

Anita: Before you go accusing me of anything, I suggest you think about all I have done for you.

Chelsea: Yes, and i appreciate your support. So much so that I offered you a big chunk of my inheritance from calvin.

Anita: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: And yet you turned down the money, which is completely unlike you, and you have still yet to give me a believable explanation.

Anita: I just wanted to do the right thing.

Chelsea: Aha! Exactly. And that is what set off the alarm bells for me.

Anita: You are always so quick to judge.

Chelsea: Oh, enough with the guilt trips, mother. You have been pestering me about calvin's will practically since the moment he took his last breath. And then all this money comes through, and nothing. No interest. You didn't even ask me how much I inherited.

Anita: I didn't need to ask.

Chelsea: Because?

Anita: Calvin's friend told me, daryl.

Chelsea: What? So -- so much for attorney/client privilege.

Anita: Does that still apply when your client's dead and buried? I was so relieved to find out that your husband had provided for you and connor. And that's all I cared about.

Chelsea: You are so full of it.

Anita: Hey, now.

Chelsea: I mean, come on, mom! All of these denials are just making me more determined to figure out what your angle is, because I know damn well there is one.

Anita: Think what you like. My conscience is clear.

Chelsea: Okay. If you don't want to spill, I'll ask daryl. And if he doesn't want to talk, I'll hire a lawyer. I will start digging. I am not going to stop until i get some answers.

Anita: Fine!

[ Huffs ] You never could leave well enough alone, could you? All right. The fact is that [Sighs] Calvin left me a little bequest of my own.

Chelsea: This makes no sense. Calvin was civil to you, yes. But he had your number. He knew you were on the grift. So the idea of him remembering you in his will in any significant way --

Anita: Fine. He didn't technically leave me anything, but there are certain assets that I've been safeguarding.

Chelsea: That you stole?

Anita: What an ugly word.

Chelsea: I am so disappointed in you right now!

Anita: Now who's laying on the guilt? Listen, kiddo, there are certain things that you must not have known about your husband's business dealings. The fact of the matter is, calvin had some rather... complicated enterprises.

Chelsea: Go on.

Anita: Daryl felt strongly that we shouldn't burden you with the convoluted details while you were in mourning.

Chelsea: Oh, yeah. And naturally you agreed.

Anita: I am your mother. Believe it or not, I try to look out for you.

Chelsea: Okay, well, I'm ready to be burdened with the details now, mom. So start talking.

Anita: While calvin's business dealings were legit, there were some that weren'T. They could have easily been misinterpreted by the authorities.

Chelsea: The irs? Fbi? Sec?

Anita: All of them. Calvin thought it would be more prudent to keep those particular transactions off the books, and the proceeds in a storage unit rather than a bank. And let me guess the rest. You and daryl confiscated the profits from calvin's more questionable dealings, and you kept the cash for yourselves. So the documents you showed me were fake.

Anita: Baby, I swear, we were only thinking of you and connor.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Whew...

Anita: There were bound to be questions about your inheritance, especially with adam hinting to the cops that you had something to do with calvin's death. We didn't want anything even the least bit shady around you.

Chelsea: How much did you take? It had to be substantial. Otherwise you would have taken the million dollars I offered you.

Anita: [ Sighs ] I-I don't know the exact figure.

Chelsea: Okay, well, you know, just ballpark it for me.

Anita: It's not like we stayed up all night in the storage locker with green eyeshades on, counting fat stacks of hundreds.

Chelsea: Well, that's a charming visual, mother. And I bet that's exactly what you did!

Anita: Sweetheart --

Chelsea: Tell me the truth. Stop hedging and tell me the truth.

Anita: [ Sighs ] Fine. The total off-the-books assets probably came to another $5 million or so, give or take.

Chelsea: You took half my husband's estate?

Anita: The dirty half! The half that could have gotten you into some serious hot water if anybody paid close attention.

[ Huffs ] I took an incredible risk for you, for your sake.

Chelsea: No, you cheated your daughter and your grandson out of millions.

[ Scoffs ] Wow. Well, I really hope you enjoy splashing around in your fat stacks, mom, but you can't do it here. I want you out of my sight.

Phyllis: I was not trying to disrespect your father. Um... I'm sorry if it sounded like that. I was not trying to manipulate you in any way. I just -- I wanted you to know how important this project was to me, that's all. It has [Voice catches] Been a really tough year. I've been through a lot.

Devon: I know you have. But if we're being honest, phyllis, I think you brought a lot of it onto yourself. Um... and if I'm being frank, I just don't want to work with you.

Phyllis: What?

Devon: You're not on good terms with any of your previous employers, whether it be abbott or newman, and that says a whole lot to me when I work with somebody.

Phyllis: Oh, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let's be fair -- I got caught up in all of their sibling rivalry. And that's why it's so important for me to get this project going and to give this hotel a go. I mean, I need it for my reputation, my credibility. And -- and I -- I just want you to know -- I want you to know, I will give this project everything I've got.

Devon: I know. And I have no doubt that you would. But I literally don't know another way to say this, but the answer is no.

Victoria: I don't really understand what you're doing here. Didn't you get my text about christian? He's not feeling well. That's why I canceled the visit.

Adam: Well, I figured I'd visit him here instead of in the park. Could sit by his bedside, read him some stories, or watch a video together -- whatever he's up to.

Victoria: Well, at the moment, he's not up to any of that.

Adam: How sick, uh, is he? What's wrong with him?

Victoria: Oh, with the fever that he has, he's just wiped out. I checked on him a few minutes ago. He's sleeping.

Billy: And imagine him waking up to your busted-up face. So come back tomorrow when he's feeling better, and you don't look like something the cat dragged in.

Adam: [ Sighs ] I'll be in touch later to, uh, reschedule.

Victoria: Thank you for understanding.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Can you believe he actually took "no" for an answer?

Billy: Can't count on that continuing. Every time we come up with an excuse for him not to see christian, he's gonna feel it, and he's gonna have michael run straight to the judge.

Victoria: Look, I know it's not a permanent solution. But it's all that I could come up with. Every day that I can keep adam from confusing my nephew feels like a victory.

Anita: Well, I'm ready to go back to baton rouge. But [Sighs] I hope you're gonna reconsider.

Chelsea: I don't know how I'm ever supposed to trust you again.

[ Anita sighs ] You chose money over family. And the irony is, you could have had both. I was all set to share calvin's estate with you. But instead, you and daryl have been plotting against me the whole time?

Anita: Baby, I was just trying to protect you.

Chelsea: Stop, mom. I don't want to hear it. Just go. We're done.

Billy: Next one.

[ Clears throat ] What do you get when you cross an elephant and a fish? Swimming trunks.

[ Kids laugh ] See? That was a good one, right?

Victoria: Hey, guys. I've got yogurt parfait!

Billy: There she is.

Victoria: Who wants one?

Johnny: Me!

Katie: Me!

Christian: Me!

Billy: Who wants a parfait?

Victoria: Okay. Here you go. What were you all laughing about so hard?

Billy: Oh, you know, digging into my trunk of elephant jokes.

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: I got a million of them.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. I know you do. So, are things going -- going well out here?

Billy: Everything is excellent. Yeah, we're having a good time.

Victoria: Where's the spoons?

Billy: Right there.

Victoria: Oh, you know, if you need to get to the office, you can. Nick texted me. He's on his way.

Billy: You sure?

Victoria: Yeah, I'm sure.

Billy: Okay, cool. All right. I'll do that. Here you go. Take these. And I'm gonna take off, and I'll see you guys later, all right?

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: Have fun.

Victoria: Bye.

Billy: Bye.

Victoria: Mwah! What do you guys want to do after you're done with the snack? We could go on a playground. Oh, I know. We can ride the carousel if you want, or we can walk over to the children's museum. Does that sound fun?

Katie: Yeah.

Christian: Is it close?

Phyllis: Hey. Do you have a minute to chat?

Abby: Are you serious right now? The lunch rush is about to hit.

Phyllis: I just wanted to apologize for snapping at you this morning, that's it.

Abby: Yeah, yeah. As you should. But now is not a good time.

Phyllis: Okay, I-I realize that I was wrong. And I just get a little protective when it comes to my daughter, and I shouldn't be. I mean, summer can clearly take care of herself. And I-I just didn't want that little bit of friction to create problems with us going forward. You know, 'cause I think that we'd make an amazing team -- hey! Hi.

Abby: Hi. Hi, welcome. Two for lunch? Amazing. Um, joey. Joey, can you please show these lovely people to table six? Thank you. Enjoy. What part of "I'm busy right now" is not registering with you?

Phyllis: I'm sorry. This is just very important.

Abby: Oh, really? Well, was it important to you when you were being so hostile to me earlier? Yeah, it's really given me second thoughts about partnering with you.

Phyllis: Okay, well that's -- that's what I thought was gonna happen, and --

Abby: See, I had thought that maybe you were gonna be able to put aside your resentment towards the abbotts. But clearly ya can'T.

Phyllis: No, I can.

Abby: Mm.

Phyllis: I can. I have so much respect for you.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] Respect? Yeah. So you don't think I, uh, "peaked too soon"?

Phyllis: Heh... you know what? Come on. That -- I -- I-I don't even know why I said that. I don't even mean it.

Abby: Oh, is that a habit of yours, saying things that you don't mean?

Phyllis: No. I just overreacted. And I'm upset at myself for doing it. Honestly, I-I just want to work with you. I think that you are just so smart and gutsy, not to mention so incredibly creative, abby. In fact, I don't think you've gotten the respect you so richly deserve.

Abby: Okay, this is really weird. What's really going on?

Victoria: Honey, wait. Hold on. I need to wipe your hands. They're gonna be all sticky. Hold on a second, babe.

Adam: Hey, there, christian. How you doing, buddy? Do you remember me? Oh, no, hey, it's okay. It's okay. Daddy probably looks scary right now. I got a little -- little bruise on my face.

Nick: Hey, vick. What is it?

Victoria: Adam. He's over there. He must have followed me.

Adam: Let's go have some fun, okay? You want to go check out the merry-go-round? Wait! Christian! Wait, don't run awa--

Nick: Hey! Leave him alone.

Victoria: Johnny, come here. I'll go get christian.

Adam: I had a visit scheduled, but victoria canceled it.

Nick: Because she knows you were planning to go too far.

Adam: No, because she's a conniving witch who has no intention of obeying a court order.

Nick: The judge never would have allowed a visit if he knew what you were planning to do.

Adam: Nick, I'm gonna say this -- and listen to me so you can get it through your thick skull -- christian deserves to know he's my son.

Nick: Did you tell him that again? I ought to break you in half.

Adam: Why don't you try it, nick? Try it. See what happens.

Victoria: Christian? Christian, where are you? I can't find him.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Lola: Okay, these should be cool enough to eat now. Tell me what you think.

[ Exclaims ] Wait, really? That good?

Rey: Mmph.

Rey: Better than good. I can taste the cinnamon. Mmm! Mmm!

Lola: Yeah. Mmm.

Rey: Mmm!

Lola: Mom's secret ingredient.

Rey: Hmph. Have you heard from her?

Lola: Not a word. I've had to make peace with the fact that our mother may not come to my own wedding.

Rey: I know it hurts.

Lola: It's awful. But I've done all that I can, so...

Rey: I feel like I'm responsible.

Lola: What? No. Rey, why would you think that?

Rey: Because I insisted we not tell her about the transplant surgery.

Lola: [ Sighs ] Rey, please don't put this on yourself. Mom and I have had so many issues that have had nothing to do with my medical situation. I wanted to make my own decisions. Be independent. So I pushed her away. She didn't feel welcome, so she left, okay, and that's -- that's on me.

Rey: Well, look, look. There's still time. She could -- she could change her mind.

Lola: Yeah, I haven't completely given up hope. You know, kyle's dad said that he would go to miami and try to get through to her. But I'm still not gonna get my hopes up.

Rey: Wow. Well, that was kind of him to do that, but I wouldn't count on that salvaging things. If mom won't listen to her own kids, what are the chances jack abbott could persuade her?

Lola: I mean, come on. You never know. Mom has always had a soft spot for smooth talkers -- like our dad.

Rey: Mm-hmm. And that is a silver lining. If she doesn't come to the wedding, that means she doesn't bring adrian as her plus-one.

Lola: Oh, my god.

Rey: What?

Lola: Look at the return address.

Rey: "Adrian rosales." Holy crap. We were literally just talking about him.

Lola: I know. Can you believe it?

Rey: After all this time, why would our father be writing to you?

[ Door slams ]

Abby: How?! How do you run out of chicken? How is that even possible?

Phyllis: Chicken? Excuse me?

Abby: [ Stammers ] Someone in the kitchen -- you know what? Never mind. It's handled. But what's -- what's the story here? Why are you being so freakishly nice to me?

Phyllis: Because I realized there's a lot of truth to what you said this morning. I am very, very lucky to get the chance to work with you. But you should know that you're very lucky to get the chance to work with me.

Abby: Ugh.

Phyllis: I have the drive and determination to make the grand phoenix into an iconic hotel. You know that. And I think that together, abby, we can accomplish really great things.

Abby: I still think there's more to this.

Phyllis: Okay. [ Sighs ] Adam is furious with me because I did something really, really amazing for nick. I'm sure you heard.

Abby: No. I haven'T. But, no, all of this -- this is starting to make sense. Adam fired you, didn't he?

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no.

Abby: And you -- you are sucking up to me because you need a job.

Phyllis: Okay, um, I did not get fired. I maneuvered myself out of a job. It's a bit different. On purpose, I did that.

Abby: Mm.

Phyllis: Long story. Anyway.

[ Sighs ] You should know this -- adam put the grand phoenix up for sale. So you know we're out when some big chain comes along and buys it and turns it into some cookie-cutter business hotel. And this great idea you had for the lounge, all of our hard work developing this great idea, that's out the window. Unless...you decide to buy it yourself.

Nick: Son! Where are you? Christian!

Elena: Hey, nick. You okay?

Nick: Yeah, just looking for my son. Something spooked him and he ran off.

Elena: Can I help?

Nick: Yeah, please.

Elena: Okay.

Nick: Christian!

Adam: Christian! Christian? I see you.

Christian: Go away!

Adam: You know, I'm sorry that I scared you before. I was just really happy to see you, and I got a little too excited. Does that ever happen to you? You get too excited, too bouncy? People have to tell you to calm down?

[ Chuckles softly ] Yeah. You're kind of like me, then, huh? Hey, I brought the soccer ball with me. You want to play? Huh? You been practicing that footwork I taught you last time? Well, that's all right. We can just kick it around instead. You want to see a cool trick? Yeah? Look. All right, ready? Bah! All right. You try. Yeah! Oh! Yeah! All right. Kick a big -- big goal like last time.

[ Chuckles ] Nice.

Christian: Finally!

Adam: Nice job. Nice job!

Nick: Christian! Where are you? Come out where I can see you!

Adrian: Dear lola, on the eve of your wedding, I am writing to wish you and kyle all the best as you start your new life together. Your mother has expressed her concerns to me, but I don't share them. I know rey and arturo, who are incredibly protective of you, would never have allowed you to get close to anyone who didn't deserve you. I have no doubt that your fiancé is very special, as it would take an exceptional young man to get past your brothers' scrutiny. You should also know that celeste and I have decided not to reconcile, after all. Some things just aren't meant to be. But before we went our separate ways, your mother informed me that you don't want me at your wedding. I can understand why. I have never been the kind of father to you that I should have been. I haven't earned the right to walk you down the aisle. I accept that with a heavy heart at my own failings, and no bitterness toward you. Whatever you decide is best, lolita, I will respect your wishes. However, it would give me great joy to be there to witness your happiness, and to dance at my daughter's wedding. I hope you can find it in your heart to allow me that. But if not, know that I'll be there in spirit. Your loving father, adrian.

Rey: You okay?

Lola: [ Sniffles ] I honestly don't know what to do with this.

Phyllis: Abby, think about this. If you own the place, you don't have to get anybody's approval to put your best ideas to work. And, um... I can run the day-to-day. It's no big deal.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: You could concentrate on what you do best -- the creative vision.

Abby: Yeah, that sounds great. But there's one big problem. I don't trust you. Yeah, you talk this big game. You did the same thing when you were C.E.O. At jabot, and look how that turned out.

Phyllis: Oh, wait a second. Great things happened when I was C.E.O. At jabot. Namely, the launch of jaboutiques. And I will put the same buzz and energy into the grand phoenix. You know that. Abby, come on. It's what you want, too.

Abby: Fine. I'll buy the place from adam. And I might even keep you on as manager. Under one condition.

Daryl: Thank you, I know the way. Ah! Hello, there.

Chelsea: Daryl?

Daryl: I'm sorry to disturb you, but [Grunts] Housekeeper said, "come on in," so I did.

Chelsea: What, uh -- what are you doing here?

Daryl: [ Chuckles ] Anita told me to bring you these -- oh, ho -- as a peace offering. Ha! Peace offering.

[ Laughs ]

Lola: So? What do you think?

Rey: That our dear papa has a lot of nerve. He is no position to be asking for any favors, lola, and you don't owe him a damn thing. His estrangement from his children is the result of his own rotten choices. If he wanted things to be different, he should have -- should have chosen differently.

Lola: I agree. I told mom that if adrian showed up at the wedding, I would call it off and elope. And I meant it.

Rey: Yeah. Has that changed?

Lola: You know, I've learned how it feels to have someone you love shut you out completely. I mean, I have tried to call mom, rey, over and over and over again to apologize, but she doesn't even pick up the phone. If I ignore this letter, am I doing the same thing?

Rey: No, lola, there's -- there's no comparison. He had over 20 years to apologize. And, what, he gets in contact with you a few days before your wedding?

Lola: I wonder what mom would want me to do? You know, she did ask me to invite him to the wedding, but that was when it seemed like they were getting back together. And, well, it sounds like it's fallen apart now, so...

Rey: No surprise there.

Lola: If I let him come to the wedding when mom isn't there, is that gonna be a slap in the face to her?

Rey: Again, it's all about choices. They have made theirs. Now it's up to you to make your own. It doesn't matter what anyone else wants. This is your wedding, lola. So do you want adrian there or not?

Abby: If you and I are gonna work together, you need to have some skin in the game. I can't be the only one taking a financial risk. If you have some sort of ownership stake in the enterprise -- let's say 20% -- I'll know our interests are aligned.

Phyllis: Great. I'm all for it.

Abby: Great.

Phyllis: I'm gonna need some time to come up with the money.

Abby: You have one week.

Phyllis: Oh, come on. Abby, that's a lot of money.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] If you can't come up with it, I'll find someone else to manage the hotel. Someone with experience. And, most importantly, someone I can trust. Those are my terms. Take it or leave it.

Phyllis: I'll come up with the money.

Abby: Mm. Super. Once you have cash in hand, come find me. Now I have to get back to work.

Daryl: There may be some confusion with the previous document --

Chelsea: The fake one?

Daryl: Mm-hmm. But I think you'll find the revise version more agreeable. My bequest now includes the contents of calvin's storage unit, as well as the money that was previously transferred into my account.

Daryl: As well as the boca raton house, all its contents, and every vehicle. Only thing it might exclude are the expenses incurred for the sale should you decide to put it on the market.

Chelsea: Um... thank you.

Daryl: My pleasure.

Chelsea: So, um... this boatload of cash you just wheeled in here...

Daryl: You might want to wash it once or twice, just to be safe.

Chelsea: This is so like my mother.

Daryl: [ Laughs ] You have my card from my previous visit. Feel free to call with any questions.

Chelsea: Wha-- uh, daryl, hold on a sec. For you and my mother to share.

Daryl: How -- how thoughtful.

Chelsea: And I'm gonna text anita about this, so don't just go running off with it.

Daryl: How could you even think such a thing?

[ Sighs ] This is... oh, terribly, terribly generous of you, chelsea. Thank you.

Chelsea: You're welcome. Safe travels.

Daryl: Okay. Mmm!

[ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: Bye.

Daryl: Bye.

Chelsea: Whew...

Adam: We're over here!

Elena: Hey! Is your name christian? I think your daddy's looking for you.

Nick: Christian? Hey, buddy.

Christian: Daddy!

Nick: Oh! Come here, man. Ohh! My man! What you got there?

Christian: A new ball.

Nick: Oh, man. It's a pretty good one. Let's see that thing.

Adam: Yeah, christian's fine. He was just playing hide-and-seek.

Nick: Thank you so much for your help.

Elena: Yeah, of course. I'm glad it worked out okay.

Nick: All right. Let's go.

Adam: See ya, buddy.

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