Y&R Transcript Friday 8/9/19

Y&R Transcript Friday 8/9/19


Episode #11676 ~ Jack takes matters into his own hands; Victoria backs Adam into a corner; Nate sees Abby in a new light.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on  "the young and the restless"...

Connor: This is a nice place and all, but... when are we going home?

Chelsea: Maybe it would be nice if we lived in genoa city again.

Sharon: Nick! Nick! Nick, stop!

Nick: There's a part of me that doesn't regret it, given my brother what he deserves. Just lets him know what's gonna happen if he keeps messing with my son.

Kyle: Mariah is throwing a joint bachelor-bachelorette party for us.

Theo: Are we good?

Kyle: The only way we'll be good is when you are gone from my life.

Abby: You blackmailed a guy into marrying you! You knew he didn't love you, and you new, deep down, that he never would!

[ Screams ]

Mariah: No! No! We are not doing this! Stop!

Abby: [ Screams ] You nasty little cow!

Summer: Oh, you look in the mirror much, abby?

Abby: Oh, really?

Summer: [ Gasps ] You are gonna regret that.

Mariah: No! Hey! Cut it out!

[ Screaming ]

Hey! Hey!

Mariah: This is ridiculous. You guys, stop!

Kyle: I think you know where you can shove that.

Theo: Yeah, right up your --

Kyle: Leave! No one wants you here!

[ Shouting ]

Rey: Hey! Stop it!

[ Shouting continues ]

[ Screaming ]

Lola: Everyone needs to cut it the hell out now!

Nick: Hey, thanks for meeting me.

Victoria: Oh, my gosh. Thank you for being patient. Mm.

Nick: I know you're swamped at newman.

Victoria: Well, today's been a little crazier than usual. For you, too, from the sound of things. You told me on the phone -- you punched adam?

Nick: Yeah. Glad I'm not a surgeon.

Victoria: Oh, nick, I hate how this has gotten so out of control.

Nick: Not as much as I hate the fact that I have let adam get under my skin this way.

Victoria: So... how badly did you hurt him? Do I even want to know? Oh, never mind.

Nick: Yeah, you don't need to say it. I've made a bad situation worse. And it's just gonna get a whole lot messier.

Chelsea: Connor, listen to me. I know you'll miss your friends in louisiana, but genoa city is a wonderful place. This was our home for years. And I just think we've both had so much upheaval in our lives lately. Maybe it's time we come back.

Connor: For a visit, not to live.

Chelsea: Most of your family is here. The newmans. Yeah, it'll be good for you to spend some time with them. Oh, and grandpa victor -- oh, he loved visiting you at camp. He would not stop talking about it. He talked about it for days, and everybody's really excited to see you. Oh, especially nick. Remember how much you loved living with him and christian?

Connor: Yeah.

Chelsea: Nick has been very kind since calvin passed away, and he offered to let us stay here with him. Wouldn't that be nice?

Connor: I like uncle nick just fine, but it won't be the same as it was with calvin. Nick's not my dad. I don't have a dad anymore.

Chelsea: Sweetheart. There's something else I need to tell you.

Lola: Thank you for listening. You know, tonight isn't just about my marriage to kyle. It's about the people who are a part of our lives, who have shared in our crazy adventures together, to get to where we are today. And I know certain things are complicated, certain relationships, history. And I don't expect things to always be perfect. But surely we can set our differences aside for a while and remember what's important. So what do you say? Maybe we can get back to having some fun?

Mariah: Lola's right! Tonight is about romance and love and hope, and, yes, I did just say all of those very sentimental things because they're true. I don't have a glass, but, if i did, I would lift one up, so let me just say to kyle and lola's happiness. Now let's get back to the party.


[ Cheering ]

Right on! Right on!

Mariah: Thank you!

Traci: Amen to that.

Elena: Yes, can we get the music back?

Devon: Yeah. Hey, dj! Turn it up!

[ Music plays ]

Traci: There we go.

Kyle: You're amazing.

Lola: I know.

Kyle: I'm so sorry.

Lola: Shut up and kiss me.

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Theo: Here. Guess you made the party memorable.

Summer: Oh, yeah.

Mariah: There are so many things that I could say to you right now, snowflake, but i won't because lola asked us to behave, so that's exactly what i am gonna do.

Summer: Well, don't worry, theo and I promise that we're gonna play nice, okay?

Mariah: Fantastic, because, if you don't, i swear I --

Tessa: Okay, we're done here.

Mariah: I'm serious.

Devon: Lola, good job taking the mic like you did and saving things from getting out of hand.

Lola: If that was a save, I would hate to see what "totally out of hand" looks like.

Abby: Well, I -- I just wanted to apologize for getting into it with summer. It won't happen again. Tonight, anyway.

Elena: Stay strong, abs.

Abby: I will try. So, um, you know what, I'm gonna go freshen up.

Devon: And, you know what, I'm gonna go talk to the deejay and the staff and make sure no one discusses this or posts anything about it on social media.

Lola: Oh, my god, I hadn't even thought about that.

Kyle: Thanks for the damage control. That little display is... not how I want to remember tonight.

Devon: Yeah, I'm right there with you, man. I'll be right back. See ya.

Kyle: [ Exhales sharply ]

Lola: So, how about we start making some new memories to replace that one?

Kyle: Ooh! You're on.

Chelsea: I know how hard it was on you when we lost calvin. Just like it was so painful before that when we lost adam.

Connor: My real dad.

Chelsea: We were both so sad when adam died. Um... and now...

Connor: Mom. It's okay. I'm a big kid. Whatever it is, just tell me. I can take it.

Chelsea: My little man.

[ Chuckles ] Um... well, it turns out we didn't really know... what happened to your dad when he was in that explosion. He was hurt very badly. He didn't remember who he was or that he had a family. Um... he moved far away, but... he's better now.

Connor: Are you saying...?

Chelsea: Your father is alive, connor. Daddy's alive! [ Chuckles ]

Connor: [ Gasps ] Come here.

Victoria: Connor's in town?

Nick: Yeah. Anita brought him back from camp today.

Victoria: Wow, that's huge. Does adam know?

Nick: No, chelsea needs to tell him about his father. Um, figuring out how to do that, that's the hard part.

Victoria: Yeah, I'll say.

Nick: I told chelsea I'll support her no matter what she decides.

Victoria: Well, I don't envy her at all. Having to deal with adam, she's gonna need as much help as she can get.

Nick: Chelsea's had a much cooler head than I've had lately.

Victoria: Yeah, when are you gonna learn to control this temper of yours?

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: I bet you wish you had a nickel for every time someone said that to you. Well, what am I saying? You'd just give it all away.

Nick: Funny. Or maybe I could use it to just ship adam out of the country.

Victoria: Look, I understand why you lost it with him, going to the judge without any warning, forcing the visit with christian...

Nick: Yeah, I was freaking out.

Victoria: What about michael? How could he leave you in a lurch on the day of the hearing like that, and then immediately go to work for adam? I've never known him to be so disloyal. Do you think he's being blackmailed or coerced somehow?

Nick: That's what I thought, originally, that adam had something on michael that nobody else knew about.

Victoria: Well, at least that starts to make some sense.

Nick: But if it wasn't michael, it would have been brenda or any other lawyer he would have used. I mean, petitioning the court? He was unwilling to wait any longer to get his time with christian.

Victoria: Because he's trying to drive a wedge between you and stake his claim by telling that poor, scared little boy that he's his father. I am still so livid about that.

Nick: Join the club.

Victoria: I just wish I was there instead of monique. I could have put an end to this whole ugly situation.

Nick: Adam was determined to tell christian. There wasn't anything anyone could have done about that, not even you.

Victoria: How did christian react when adam did that? Was he upset?

Nick: Not in the slightest. It was amazing. He said "I'm his daddy," and that's that.

Victoria: Do you think he understood what was happening?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Not really.

Victoria: I agree. You know, when I asked christian about the visit, he said that adam was nice and silly.

Nick: Well, that's great to hear, but I'm sure every time adam is with christian, he is gonna tell him that he is his father, and it's just gonna confuse him. He's too young to understand what a biological father is.

Victoria: Maybe we should talk to a child psychologist and find out what the best thing to do would be. We both know that adam is not gonna do the right thing, which means you're gonna have to step up, especially now that you've given him more ammunition to use against you.

Nick: Yeah, I hear you. I just wish more than anything christian never had to find out the truth.

Victoria: Look, we can't control adam or his impulses, but maybe we can convince him to keep his mouth shut for now.

Nick: Well, that sounds great, vick. Do you have any idea how to do that?

Victoria: I just might. You wouldn't do only half

Connor: My dad's really alive?

Chelsea: Yes.

Connor: And he remembers us now?

Chelsea: He remembers everything.

Connor: Why didn't you say anything before?

Chelsea: Um, well, I didn't find out until recently, and with calvin passing away, i didn't want to overwhelm you.

Connor: Where's my dad? You said he moved far away.

Chelsea: Well, he's back now.

Connor: Back?

Chelsea: Here, in genoa city.

Connor: He's here? I want to see him!

Chelsea: Oh, well, uh, connor -- connor, hold on.

Connor: Let's go right now!

Chelsea: Uh, I don't think that that's a good idea.

Connor: Why not?

Chelsea: Because it's late, and I think you need time to process all of this.

Connor: I don't want to wait.

Chelsea: Well, why don't we just talk about how you're feeling, and then after you a good night's sleep.

Connor: Mom, no! You can't do that to me. You have to take me to see him, please!

Adam: Uh-oh. Should I duck? You gonna punch me out, too?

Victoria: I'm putting you on notice. You say one more word to christian about being his father, and I will make sure you never have another visit with that child.

Adam: Mm, well, the judge has ruled, victoria. You can't block my access. Try it, and the judge might appoint another guardian who won't defy his direct order.

Victoria: I'm sure that the judge will see things differently when he learns that you're not looking out for christian's emotional welfare. Telling a child about his paternity without any preparation or support in place is disgraceful, not to mention harmful, considering the stress and anxiety that might be induced in a boy christian's age.

Adam: That is a little dramatic, victoria.

Victoria: I'm also gonna let his honor know that you did all of this just to get a rise out of nicholas. You used that little boy with a wanton disregard for his well-being.

Adam: No, nick is an adult who should be able to control his own behavior. Instead, he went the assault and battery route. And, you know what, I think our brother should hear this part, too.

Nick: What?

Adam: I told the police that you attacked me. In fact, the officer that took the report was none other than your good buddy rey, who is once again a proud member of the genoa city pd.

Nick: So?

Adam: Well, given the fact that you are here instead of in a jail cell, I assume your detective friend is dragging his heels on this case. But I'm not worried because i have date-stamped pictures of my battered face. You can't erase what you did, nick. And I promise to do everything in my power to make sure you serve some jail time. Enjoy your night.

Kyle: I can't apologize enough for causing a scene. I let my anger get the best of me, and it's totally unacceptable.

Rey: Yeah, well, listen, I've seen worse. I may have caused a scene or two at certain get-togethers.

Kyle: Seriously?

Rey: Yeah. When I learned about arturo and mia's first affair back in miami, there was this christening, and... well, that's a story for another day. Do you want -- do you want a piece of advice?

Kyle: Yeah. Absolutely.

Rey: I can't tell this theo guy is a royal pain.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Rey: But the more attention you give him, the more you let him push your buttons, the more of a problem he becomes, for you and lola, and I don't want that to happen. Life's too short to spend on losers like him.

Kyle: You're right. I have got to get it together where he's concerned. Last thing I want is to disappoint lola.

Rey: I know. So do what you got to do. You got it?

Kyle: I got it.

Rey: All right.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Traci: Honey, you handled it beautifully.

Lola: Thank you.

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Rey: Hey. Bad news. I got to go. Duty calls.

Lola: Aww.

Jack: Aww!

Rey: Mwah! You enjoy the rest of your night, okay?

Lola: I will, now that I know how to keep everyone in line like my brother, the big, bad cop.

Rey: Oh!

[ Laughter ]

Rey: I'll see ya.

Jack: Good night.

Rey: Good night.

Traci: Be safe, honey. Mwah!

Rey: Thank you, sweetheart. Bye.

Rey: Well, that's a bummer.

Jack: Well, I haven't had my chance to say how impressed i was with how you handled that chaos earlier. You were commanding but level-headed.

Lola: Well, thank you, jack.

Traci: I think maybe you have now qualified to be at every abbott family dinner.

[ Laughter ] And maybe we could appoint you the official referee.

Lola: Wow, I'd be honored, I think?

Jack: Well, I will be very proud to call you my daughter-in-law. I know it's been a long and very difficult journey for you and for summer, but I honestly believe that you and kyle belong together. So if there's anything we can do at the wedding, or after, you let us know.

Traci: And that means the whole family. Anything at all.

Lola: It means so much hearing you both say that. I only wish my mom felt the same way, but...

Jack: Oh, come here. Come here.

Traci: Oh, sweetie, we're gonna work that out.

Lola: Thank you. -Guys, I want you to meet someone.

Nick: Well, I appreciate you coming down to hear my side of things.

Rey: Adam tells me you let your fist do most of the talking, although, I doubt his statement's the whole story.

Nick: He provoked me.

Rey: Deliberately?

Nick: Yes.

Rey: How?

Nick: He went to the judge and complained that he wasn't getting to spend any time with christian and that he was being treated, you know, unfairly -- blah, blah, blah. So the judge ordered a visit. He then proceeded to call me to tell me he was gonna tell this little boy that he barely knew that he was his real father.

Rey: And did he?

Nick: Yeah. I got there just in time to hear it, and as soon as christian's nanny got him out of there, he threatened me. He told me that he was gonna try and do everything he could to turn my son against me and the rest of my family.

Rey: Son of a bitch.

Nick: He is callous beyond belief.

Rey: But, still, you know you crossed the line by going after him the way you did, don't you?

Nick: Yeah.

Victoria: How do you intend to handle things?

Rey: Look, I had to beg paul for my job back. And I swore that I would do everything by the book. So as much as I'd like to, i can't just ignore adam's report. However, it is buried beneath more pressing cases piled on my desk. You got some time to prepare yourself, but I can't pretend he didn't file a complaint.

Victoria: So this counts as a follow-up, right?

Rey: It does, although dismissing it is not entirely my call.

Nick: [ Clicks tongue ] Well, I appreciate you doing this much. Hey, did -- did adam tell you to talk to sharon to corroborate his story?

Rey: Yeah, she confirmed she witnessed the fight. If it's any consolation, I think it pained her to do so.

Nick: Still, he called. She came running. Let herself be a part of his plan.

Rey: Yeah. Look, uh, it's been a long day. I'm gonna take off. I'll keep you updated.

Nick: Thanks, rey.

Victoria: Good night.

Rey: Night.

Victoria: Are you feeling any better?

Nick: If rey has to arrest me for what I did, I'm prepared to argue my side in court. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect and fight for my family. I will not let adam win.

Chelsea: I'm gonna try to reach your dad now.

Connor: Hurry!

[ Cellphone rings ]

Chelsea: He's not answering. We're gonna have to try tomorrow.

Connor: Why didn't you leave him a message?

Chelsea: Because I need to talk to him in person. This is very important.

Connor: What if he doesn't --

Chelsea: Connor, don't worry. We will see him first thing tomorrow morning, okay?

Connor: Mom...

Chelsea: Yes, sweetheart?

Connor: I do have one question.

Chelsea: What is it? You can ask me anything.

Connor: Why did my dad stay away so long? Why didn't he try to find us?

Chelsea: Well, I explained, connor, your daddy lost his memory.

Connor: Really? The whole time?

Chelsea: What's your real question?

Connor: Did he let us believe he was dead because he didn't want to be my dad anymore?

Chelsea: No. Connor, no. Sweetheart, no way! No way, not for one second.

Connor: How can you be sure?

Chelsea: You'll know when your daddy sees you, okay? You will see that that's the truth. Your daddy is going to be... over the moon.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Nick: It's chelsea.

Victoria: Take it.

Nick: Hey, uh, I've been anxious to hear from you. How's it going? Uh, how's connor?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] It's so good to be with him again.

Nick: Yeah, I can imagine.

Chelsea: I missed him so much, and things were going fine... until he said he doesn't have a dad anymore.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: You told him about adam?

Chelsea: I felt like I didn't have a choice.

Nick: How'd he handle it?

Chelsea: Surprisingly well, although, I -- I think he's still in shock.

Nick: Yeah. So what are you gonna do next?

Chelsea: Well, I was hoping to wait a little while before they got together, but connor's desperate to see his dad. I mean, it's -- it's breaking my heart to see him hurting like this, so I feel like I need to make it happen. Tonight, if at all possible.

Nick: You need some backup?

Chelsea: I appreciate that, but we know how that would end. I need to focus on connor right now and not worry about what might happen between you and adam.

Nick: Yeah, I get it. I just had to offer.

Chelsea: Well, thanks anyway.

Nick: Well, listen to me, if adam says or does anything that makes you uncomfortable...

Chelsea: We'll be out the door in a heartbeat. I'm just hoping he acts like the father he used to be, you know, the father my son remembers.

Nick: Well, for connor's sake, I hope so, too. But, chelsea, I wouldn't count on it. I wish you luck.

Chelsea: Thank you. Um, and, listen, I don't know how late we'll be.

Nick: Yeah, uh, do what you got to do.

Chelsea: I'll talk to you soon.

Connor: Who were you talking to? Was it dad?

Chelsea: No, sweetheart. Unfortunately, I -- I haven't been able to get ahold of him.

Connor: Figures. Guess I'll go to bed.

Chelsea: Well, uh, not yet. I know how important it is for you to speak to your dad.

Connor: But you didn't reach him.

Chelsea: Yeah, but, you know what, I shouldn't have let that stop me.& I don't want you worrying yourself sick or losing sleep, so... I promise, we are gonna see your daddy tonight, no matter what.

[ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Okay, now do a goofy one.

[ Laughter ]

Lola: Oh, my god. I love that song!

Tessa: Me, too! Come on, come dance!

Kyle: I'm gonna sit this one out.

Mariah: Uh, same. Sorry.

Lola: Okay, can you --

Tessa: Come on!

Mariah: Oh, my gosh.

Devon: Hold on. Hey.

Elena: Good news?

Devon: Well, there's this artist I've been trying to sign.

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Devon: And we've been playing phone tag. The only time he has available to talk to me is tonight.

Elena: Ah! I see.

Devon: Yeah.

Elena: Well, go handle your business.

Devon: Are you sure? Yeah?

Elena: Mnh-mnh. As long as you promise to wait up for me.

Devon: Oh, I guarantee it. Bye, babe.

Abby: It wasn't my finest hour.

[ Chuckles ]

Traci: You think?

Abby: It's just -- summer was looking for a fight.

Traci: And you seemed happy to oblige.

Abby: I was defending kyle and lola!

Traci: Honey, from here on out, why don't you let them handle their own matters, okay?

Abby: Okay, okay. Yes, you are right. I overreacted, but... summer just brings out the worst in me. But, you know what, now, I am here, I am enjoying the party.

Traci: Hear, hear.

Abby: Hear, hear. Well, it looks like I could use another piņa colada. Can I get anyone else anything?

Traci: This is perfect.

Abby: Nate?

Nate: I'm good, thank you.

Abby: Okay.

Traci: [ Chuckles ] Oh, that niece of mine. She's something, right?

Nate: Sure is.

Jack: Hello, you two.

Summer: Um, theo, I'm kind of hungry. Could you make me a plate, please?

Theo: Sure. Uh, jack?

Jack: No, thank you.

Summer: Okay, I know, I know, but abby started it.

Jack: I'm not letting you or abby off the hook. I'm glad things finally simmered down.

Summer: Yeah. Me, too.

Jack: Look, I know you're trying very hard to live and let live where kyle and lola are concerned. But this guy theo? He's looking for trouble.

Summer: Okay, look, I know that he and kyle have history, and not all of it is great.

Jack: I'll well aware of that. I'm talking about you now. Honey, that man can't be trusted.

Summer: You know, you're not the first person that's warned me about him.

Jack: Okay, then maybe you'll listen.

Summer: Look, I appreciate it, but I know what I'm doing, okay?

Jack: Famous last words.

Summer: Look, theo and I are not getting in too deep. We're just having fun, and it's really nothing to worry about, okay? I promise you.

Elena: You always have this much fun at parties?

Nate: [ Sighs ] I'm, uh, mystified.

Elena: Mystified? By what?

Nate: I tried to talk to abby about planning something, anything, and she shut me down. Then she gets in a fight with summer, which is a side of her I have never seen before.

Elena: Sounds uncomfortable.

Nate: It is. I don't know what's going on with her or us. I want to ask because I like abby, but, uh... it's clearly not where her head is right now.

Elena: Seems to me like she's just been burned pretty badly.

Nate: I'm not one of those guys.

Elena: Of course you're not. But it's not about you, nate. It's about abby and how she feels, and right now, it seems like she's just kind of all over the place.

Nate: So, what should I do?

Elena: I'll tell you what you shouldn't do.

Nate: What?

Elena: Chase her. It's not gonna work. If you're smart, you'll pull back.

Nate: Playing games isn't my style, elena.

Elena: It's not about playing games, nate. It's about giving the woman some space. Give her a chance to miss you for a change.

Nate: And if she doesn't?

Elena: Then that's her loss. Come on. Follow my lead.

Theo: Sure I can't get you back out there?

Summer: Um... not feeling it.

Theo: How come?

Summer: Well, um, for a tropical theme, it's feeling a bit chilly in here.

Theo: Yeah.

Summer: No one is exactly falling over themselves to come and socialize with us.

Theo: We smiled pretty, did the apology thing. What would you think about leaving? I mean, this party's kind of dead anyway, and I can think of a lot of better ways you and i can entertain ourselves.

Summer: All right, I'm sold.

Theo: Let's go.

Summer: All right.

Theo: Hey! No looking back.

Summer: [ Squeals, giggles ]

Theo: Off we go!

Jack: Hey.

Mariah: All right, well, I am gonna take some photos of our favorite singer and chef to post on the social media page for power communications.

Kyle: Go for it.

Jack: Great job, mariah.

Mariah: All right. Okay, ladies. Can you smile? All right! One more. All right, now my turn. Okay.

Kyle: Look how happy she is right now.

Jack: Lola?

Kyle: I want her to be that carefree on our wedding day. So... I've made a decision. No more waiting for her mother to come around, worrying whether she's gonna show up to the ceremony. It's tearing lola apart inside. I can't handle it.

Jack: Okay, so what's your plan?

Kyle: I'm flying down to miami to convince celeste she has to be here.

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Your wedding is just around the corner. You're in the middle of preparations. No, I'll tell you what, I will go.

Kyle: Dad. Thanks, but no, you have a company to run.

Jack: No, no, no. It's settled. I will go. And, I promise you, I will not come back without lola's mother.

Chelsea: Look, chelsea, whatever this is about, I'm really not in -- connor.

Connor: Dad!

Adam: Hey, buddy. Come here. Hey. You're here, buddy. You're really here. God, you must have so many questions. Huh? Come on, come in.

Connor: Are you okay? What happened to your face?

Adam: Oh, nothing. It was just a little accident. You know, I'm fine. No, I am fantastic being with you again. God, I can't believe this is real.

Connor: Neither can I.

Adam: Yeah, you've grown. You're not my little peanut anymore.

Connor: Sure, I am, dad!

Adam: Look... I know one thing hasn't changed. That I love you. So much. Okay? I've been saying,

I'm fine.

Summer: [ Groans ] Thank you for getting out of there. That party was such a drag.

Theo: My pleasure.

Summer: [ Sighs ] All right, so what should we do now? Should we go to that new club on chestnut, or should we go to that cute bar in lake geneva?

Theo: Oh!

[ Elevator shakes ]

Summer: Oh, my god. Seriously? Am I not allowed to have any fun tonight?

Theo: Well, who says we can't have some right here? Oh, yeah?

[ Both giggle ]

Tessa: Time for a break!

Mariah: I got you some water because you look so hot out there.

Tessa: [ Laughs ] You're such a cornball.

Mariah: I know. But you love it.

Tessa: I do.

Abby: [ Sighs ] It is so beautiful out! I would love to stay longer. I thought maybe we could squeeze in another dance, and then you could give me a ride home.

Nate: Uh, actually, I just offered to take elena home. But, uh, I'll text you tomorrow.

Abby: Yeah. Yeah, um... okay, sure. Yeah, um... have a good night.

Elena: Bye, abby.

Abby: Bye.

Elena: What did I tell you? Easy as pie. Now let's see how abby reacts when you're not in hot pursuit.

Kyle: Tonight was a huge success because of you.

Lola: You're exaggerating.

Kyle: Hardly.

Lola: I may have smoothed things out, but mariah and a lot of other people worked very hard to make this night special. I'm so grateful. I had an incredible time.

Kyle: So did I. But our wedding is gonna be even more special. The best day of your whole life.

Lola: If you're standing there waiting for me at the end of the aisle, how could it not be?

Victoria: Are you feeling any better?

Nick: No.

Victoria: You know, if anyone can hold her own where adam is concerned...

Nick: Yeah, I know chelsea can handle herself., I just can't stand the idea of another innocent child being under his influence.

Victoria: I understand how you feel, but you have to admit, when he was with chelsea, adam was a good father to connor.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: And, personally, i think that chelsea has the right idea, taking their son to see adam on his first day back in town. It's quite the good will gesture. And, you never know, maybe with connor back in adam's life, he'll have less time to obsess about christian.

Nick: That's a nice dream.

Victoria: You don't think it's attainable?

Nick: I predict whatever warm fuzzies adam gets from hanging out with connor, it won't last. Worst case is he's more determined than ever to get full custody of both boys.

Adam: Tell me everything.

Connor: Like what?

Adam: What grade are you in? What sports do you play? You know, everything.

Connor: I'm going into the 3rd grade, and I like soccer and baseball, both to play and to watch. Lionel messi's the bomb.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] You got that right.

Connor: What about you?

Chelsea: Guys, uh, come on. There will be plenty of time for that all that later.

Connor: I want to do it now.

Chelsea: Connor, it's late. You have a lot to process. We'll come back in the morning.

Connor: I don't want to leave. I can spend the night, can't I? Please...

Chelsea: Another time, connor.

Connor: But I just got here. My dad and I haven't seen each other in forever. It's not fair to make me go.

Chelsea: All right. All right. You deserve this time with your father. But if you're staying... I'm staying, too.

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Adam: I was served with a restraining order this morning.

Abby: So now that you and uncle jack are merging companies, any chance you're moving back to genoa city?

Nick: You told me that you weren't gonna run again because things have changed.

Chelsea: I can't lose my son.

Rey: After all this time, why would our father be writing to you?

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