Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/8/19
Episode #11675 ~ Chelsea receives a special delivery; Rey and Sharon share a tense moment; Kyle and Lola's bachelorette party takes an unexpected turn.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Billy: Delia, it's daddy. Just tell me what you need, okay? I'm here for you. Just tell me what you need. Or am I just losing my mind?
Kyle: I've changed.
Theo: Nobody's buying this squeaky-clean act of yours, bro.
Kyle: Keep your mouth shut about new york.
Abby: If a stupid co-ed bachelor/bachelorette party is what they want, with goofy songs, then fine.
Sharon: I guess it would be nice to celebrate two people in love. And, you know, a ladies' night out could be a-a good way to ease back into the social scene.
Chelsea: Mom. It's time. Bring connor home.
Connor: Mom!
Chelsea: [ Squeals ] Hi! Oh! Ohh! [ Laughs ] Oh, my little man is back! Oh, I missed you so much!
[ Giggles ]
Mariah: It's go time.
Tessa: Everything looks incredible.
Mariah: Yeah.
Tessa: You can add party planning to your list of talents.
Mariah: Thank you very much. Okay. Uh, one last thing. We got the deejay, got the photo booth. We have fruity drinks with flamingo straws. I'm gonna need one of those very, very soon.
Tessa: Well, kyle and lola are gonna be blown away. It was a great idea to combine the parties.
Mariah: I don't know if it was a great idea to let sharon think this was a women's-only bachelorette party. But is it crazy to think that she and rey could see each other across a crowded room, and then -- bam! It's the last scene of a rom-com?
Tessa: Are you okay? 'Cause you don't watch rom-coms.
Mariah: I know. I know. No. Wh-what is wrong with me? In all likelihood, this is going to blow up in my face, and then they're both gonna blame me.
Tessa: Well, is it too late to warn them?
Sharon: What made you think you could pull this off?
Mariah: What?
Sharon: You threw together a& miami-themed bachelorette party in two days? I came by here early to see if i could help, but obviously you don't need it. The girls are gonna love this!
Rey: Yeah, no, I'm usually up for beers after work. But, uh, I got something for my sister tonight. It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing if you're doing it right. Yeah. Yeah, I'll catch up with you guys later. All right.
[ Sighs ] Oh! Sorry.
Billy: Yeah.
Rey: You okay?
Billy: [ Clears throat ]
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
Delia: Daddy? I'm so cold!
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Lola: Whoa.
Kyle: Oooh, back at ya.
Lola: I am so excited about tonight. Sometimes I can't believe it's really happening.
Kyle: Mm. It's happening.
Lola: Mm. And mariah was so sweet for doing this for us.
Kyle: She was. Not gonna lie -- I'm a little nervous, though.
Lola: About what?
[ Sighs ] Me inviting summer. Kyle, I just feel like she's a part of our lives, and she probably always will be. Apart from saving my life, you guys also work together. We see her all the time. And she really stepped it up at my bridal shower. Said she wanted to put all the drama behind us. So I thought I would try and do the same.
Kyle: Mm. Not sure she would if the situation were reversed, but that's what makes you...you.
Lola: So you're not upset?
Kyle: [ Snorts softly ] No. Mariah and abby aren't gonna be thrilled when they see her, though.
Lola: They can handle it. There will be plenty of people there to defuse any tension. And, besides, all I will be focused on is you.
Kyle: I can get on board with that.
Lola: Mmkay.
Kyle: How do you feel... about being... fashionably late?
Lola: How late?
[ Zipper pulls ]
Theo: [ Scoffs ] Hello, gorgeous.
Summer: Oh, hey. I thought maybe you changed your mind about meeting me.
Theo: Oh, and miss out on this? No way. And I suppose this is the social event of the...week.
Summer: Oh, what, so you're not mad at kyle anymore?
Theo: Nah. Over it.
Summer: All right. 'Cause lola went out of her way to invite me, so I don't want to cause any problems.
Theo: I'm gonna put my best foot forward. Let's just hope kyle does the same, or I might have to knock him on his holier-than-thou butt.
Summer: [ Chuckles ]
Theo: Would that be a problem?
Summer: Uh, not with me, no. Just not today. Okay?
Theo: Okay.
Summer: Okay. Mm. Thank you.
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Chelsea: Ooh!
Connor: You're squeezing me too tight.
Chelsea: That's too bad. Now that I have you back, I'm never letting you go. Oh.
Connor: I'm too old for that.
Chelsea: Okay, fine. I'm just so happy to see you. Oh, and I have quite the spread for you -- all of your favorites. Are you hungry?
Connor: I'm always hungry.
Chelsea: [ Laughs ] That's true. Okay. Well, the kitchen's right through there. I'll be right behind you, okay?
Anita: Oh.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Thanks for bringing him, mom.
Anita: Well, you didn't give me much of a choice, baby.
Chelsea: How does he seem to you?
Anita: He's okay so far. But you are throwing a lot of changes at him.
Mariah: I'm so glad that you got here before everybody else, because there's something that i wanted to talk --
Sharon: Ooh, if there's something that you want me to do, just let me know. Anything. I'm on it.
Mariah: No. I don't need you to go to work. I don't need you to do anything.
Sharon: Nonsense. Nonsense. There's always something. You know what, why don't I, um...
Mariah: No --
Sharon: I'll do a lap. I'll check on the bartender.
Mariah: Mom. Mom. Mom! Rey's coming. Hi!
Abby: Hi!
Devon: Hey, guys. What's going on?
Tessa: Thank you so much for coming!
Devon: Yeah, of course.
[ Indistinct conversation ]
Nate: Should we, uh, be those people? First on the dance floor?
Abby: I think we should.
Nate: Mm.
Elena: Uh, you might have to compete with us for that title.
Devon: Ooooh.
Mariah: Would you, uh -- would you guys excuse me for a second?
Jack: Yeah.
Traci: Sure.
Mariah: Yeah? Thank you.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] So, um, did you talk to billy today at all?
Jack: I texted him, told him to meet us here, but I haven't heard back from him. I'll try again.
Traci: Oh.
Mariah: Hey.
Rey: Hey.
Mariah: Rey. It rhymes.
Rey: That's me. And you did.
Mariah: Yep.,
Rey: I'm glad I caught you alone. I wanted to thank you for letting me be part of lola's surprise tonight.
Mariah: Absolutely. Of course. And, um... I have a feeling there's gonna be a few surprises tonight.
Rey: Well, I'm just grateful you could see past my breakup with sharon.
Mariah: I know that it's a complicated situation. But for what it's worth, I thought that you were very good for my mom.
Rey: Yeah --
Mariah: And, actually, I have to, um -- I have to tell you something else --
Sharon: Hon, the bar needs more champagne flutes --
Both: What are you doing here?
Sharon: Boy, there sure are a lot of men at this bachelorette party.
Mariah: I'm so sorry. But I decided to combine it into one big party for kyle and lola.
Sharon: Mm. Well, thanks for letting me know. Would have been better to find that out any time besides, uh, right now. Can I talk to rey alone for a second?
Mariah: Yes. Of course. Uh, but, in my defense, if this ends up being the moment where you guys decide to get back together, then maybe this wasn't such a bad thing, right? No? No. No. Okay. Roger that.
Sharon: Sorry about this.
Rey: Well, I-I had no idea you were gonna be here, either.
Sharon: Yeah, I got that. This was all the work of my daughter, the matchmaker. Um, you know, it seems like it's a big enough party. So if you don't mind me staying, I'm sure we can manage to keep our distance.
Rey: Works for me. Uh, sharon, I was just wondering, if you knew the party was gonna be co-ed, would you have brought adam?
Sharon: Rey, don't --
Rey: What, I can't even say his name, but you can --
Sharon: No. Okay, okay. I-I'm done. You know, my daughter worked very hard putting this party together, and I'm not going to ruin it by fighting with you.
[ Laughter ]
Devon: Hey, all right. I think we should do a dance in honor of nate's new yard.
Elena: Ooh!
Devon: Does anybody know the, uh -- the lawnmower?
Elena: Actually, I do. Okay.
Devon: Got to crank it.
Nate: [ Laughs ]
Devon: Then you got to walk it.
Abby: Walk it.
[ Laughter ] Okay, but after he mows his lawn, he's got to turn on his sprinklers.
Devon: Hey!
Nate: Ohh, okay. You guys are corny.
Abby: [ Mimics sprinkler ]
[ Laughter ]
Nate: And you're not even doing it right. All right. All right.
Devon: Show us how to do it.
Abby: Okay.
Devon: Hey!
Elena: Ayye!
[ Laughter ]
Nate: [ Mimicking sprinkler ]
Abby: Oooh!
Devon: That was better.
Nate: Ahh. Whew! Think I might have pulled a hamstring. You mind if we, uh, sit this one out?
Abby: Uh, sure. Yeah.
Devon: Uh... would you like to sit this one out, too?
Elena: I'm just getting started. But if you're tired, I can find another dance partner.
Devon: No, I'm not going anywhere.
Elena: [ Giggles ]
Abby: It's a little soon, don't you think? I mean, I just saw your dance moves.
Nate: Oh, ho, ho. Okay. Okay. Fair enough. So, you thinking, uh, more "happy for another couple of weeks," or "happy through the weekend"?
Abby: I mean, we're happy right now. Isn't that what counts? That we're happy today?
Nate: Maybe it's the surgeon in me, but I like to plan ahead.
Abby: And I like to be spontaneous. So, here. Let's see this one... uh-huh. We're at an impasse, so this one looks perfect.
Nate: [ Laughs ]
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Nate: Okay.
Abby: Cheese!
Tessa: So, how'd it go with sharon and rey? It looked kind of tense.
Mariah: Yeah.
Tessa: Well, you had good intentions. But maybe it's just not meant to be.
Mariah: Yeah, maybe you're right.
Tessa: One thing was bound to go wrong tonight, so now the rest of the night is just smooth sailing.
Mariah: Well, I would really like for the bride and groom to show up.
Tessa: Okay, well, two things.
Mariah: Three strikes. You're out.
Tessa: Huh?
Mariah: Hey! You guys just gonna crash every single one of kyle and lola's wedding events? Are you planning on popping up at the honeymoon?
Summer: Uh, well, lola invited me.
Mariah: [ Scoffs ] Really?
Summer: Yep.
Theo: [ Grunts ]
Mariah: So, she extended an olive branch to you, god knows why, and you decided to invite him.
Theo: Hi. Standing right here.
Mariah: This isn't gonna go over well with kyle, but you already know that, don't you?
Kyle: It's okay, mariah. Theo was just leaving.
[ Remote beeps ]
Anita: All right.
[ Remote beeps ] Hmm.
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Connor's in heaven. He's loving nick's sports court.
Anita: Wonder how much one of those costs?
Chelsea: Okay. Focus, mom. We're talking about your grandson here. How did he seem on the way up?
Anita: He's still missing calvin. Such a wonderful, generous man. Looks like you're having no trouble rebounding.
Chelsea: Excuse me. Nick offered us a place to stay during a very difficult time.
Anita: Uh-huh. And what does he want in return? Everything has a price.
Chelsea: No. Not with nick.
Anita: Did you ever consider adam as an alternative to help you through this difficult time? I always thought that you and he had more in common. And the man is connor's father.
Mariah: Is everything good?
Kyle: Yeah. Yeah.
Summer: Okay, kyle, no. Please do not do this.
Theo: Hey, I'm just here to help you celebrate, man. Of course, the party I wanted to throw you would have been a little different.
Kyle: Yeah. Don't care.
Lola: What's going on?
Kyle: Theo's just on his way out.
Summer: Okay, look. I'm sorry. We're both sorry. You're sorry, right?
Theo: I'm sorry.
Kyle: Not good enough.
Lola: Just hold on. Can I talk to you for a sec? Yeah.
Theo: Don't worry. We're in. He'll do whatever she says.
Lola: Kyle, look at me. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. I'm sorry. I may have made a mistake by inviting summer. But I really do think she was earnest about wanting to come.
Kyle: She invited theo specifically to get under my skin.
Lola: I mean, they're dating. And they're already here. So let's just not make a scene out of this. For mariah. Because she worked incredibly hard on this party. And for our guests. We have so many people to talk to. Let's not give them another though. Okay?
Kyle: [ Sighs ] If theo says one word to me, he's out.
Lola: Absolutely. Hey. I love you.
Kyle: I love you. Have fun.
Theo: Intend to. Thank you.
Summer: What was that?
Theo: Oh, just a little harmless ribbing.
Mariah: I don't know what i was thinking. Maybe if you and rey saw each other unexpectedly --
Sharon: No, it's okay. Rey was right. Too much has happened.
Mariah: What does that mean?
Sharon: I'll tell you about it another time. There's billy. Um... I need to talk to him about something. I will catch up with you later, okay?
Mariah: Okay.
Traci: Well, honey, we were worried you weren't gonna show up.
Jack: I sent you a few texts.
Billy: Yeah, no, I know. I, uh -- it's just been a busy day.
Jack: Busy? Hi.
Sharon: Hey. Great party, right? You must be a proud papa tonight.
Jack: I am indeed, as you must be very proud of mariah for pulling this off on such short notice.
Traci: Yes, it's just amazing. These beautiful, colorful drinks. What do you think about getting one?
Jack: Uh, yeah. Lead the way.
Sharon: You okay?
Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I'm just, uh, not up for this tonight.
Sharon: Yeah, me neither.
Billy: Well, then, we should stick together, just in case any of these pesky partygoers get a little close to us.
Sharon: Mm. I have a better idea. You want to get out of here?
Lola: Doesn't everything look fantastic? Mariah did a great job.
Kyle: Uh-huh.
Rey: Feels like home.
Lola: Minus a few people. I guess it was too hard for arturo to travel last minute with the baby coming.
Rey: Yeah, and I'll take the blame for mom.
Lola: Rey, that's not your fault.
Rey: No, I should have told her when the accident happened.
Lola: I get why you didn'T. There was nothing for her to do except worry. I could have called her, too, you know. Once I woke up. But I didn'T. It took abby to invite her to genoa city, and then i drove her away.
Kyle: Hey.
Rey: No.
Kyle: You didn't drive her away. But I am sorry she isn't here.
Rey: Me, too. How 'bout we distract ourselves with a little dancing, hmm?
Kyle: Mmm. Mm-hmm.
Lola: Ewww! Dancing with my big brother?
Rey: What -- what's wrong with that?
Lola: Well, as long as it's not a replay of my eighth-grade dance.
Rey: Oh, when that little punk jorge stood you up? I had to fill in as el papicito.
Kyle: [ Laughs ]
Rey: You scared all the kids away with those dance moves.
Rey: Come on. Come on. Let's go get scary. Come on.
Abby: Ohh! [ Laughs ] How you doing, groom-to-be? Huh? Any pre-wedding jitters?
Kyle: Nope. Not one. Well, I couldn't help but notice the commotion earlier when summer walked in with her man-candy.
Kyle: Yeah. My old friend theo and I aren't such good friends anymore. He's part of ht reason lola's mom isn't here tonight.
Abby: And summer brought him here knowing that you were mad?
Kyle: Yep. [ Sighs ] Pretty messed up.
Abby: You got that right.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Billy: You were awfully quiet on the way over here.
Sharon: Yeah, I wasn't expecting to run into rey at the party. Kind of ruined my night.
Billy: I actually ran into rey yesterday. Um... he seemed like he was open to you two getting back together.
Sharon: He -- oh. That must have been before.
Billy: Before what?
Sharon: Before he found me with adam.
Billy: Please don't tell me that's true.
Sharon: Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
Billy: Well, I guess it's my fault for thinking you were smart enough not to get tangled up with him again.
Sharon: Okay. If I want to be judged, I'll just go back to the party.
Billy: What are you thinking, sharon?
Sharon: Billy...
Billy: I'm worried, okay? And I'm judging you. What do you possibly see in him? I mean, does he have some sort of spell over you where you can't see his evil?
Sharon: Oh, that's enough. Okay. I'm done talking about it.
Billy: Yeah, you want me to move on, then?
Sharon: Yeah. Move on. And I expect you to keep that to yourself, because I consider us friends. Let's talk about you. What's going on with you? Why were you so antsy to leave the party?
Billy: 'Cause I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of fakers who think everything's all right.
Sharon: Did you go see that therapist i recommended?
Billy: I did. She's really good. It's just, what's going on with me seems like it might be even too much for her to handle.
Anita: You have no interest in the man that was once the love of your life and is the father of your boy?
Chelsea: Yes, adam is connor's father. But the adam I knew and loved is gone. He's been replaced by someone i don't even recognize. Sometime between the explosion and when victor found him, all of adam's worst traits have resurfaced.
Anita: And what's really going on with you and nick?
Chelsea: We're just good friends who can count on each other. He's forgiven me for what I did, and he's really been there for me.
Anita: You sell that line well.
Chelsea: Because it's the truth. And, you know, I know where all these questions are coming from. You're worried about where you stand with all of these changes. Well, don't worry, mom. I'm gonna make sure you're taken care of.
Anita: I-I am not asking you for money.
Chelsea: Calvin was very generous to me in his will. I plan to pass along that generosity to you. How does $1 million sound?
Anita: $1 million?
Chelsea: I'll have it transferred into your account today.
Anita: I don't want your money.
Chelsea: Excuse me?
Anita: Put it towards connor's future.
Chelsea: Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?
Anita: Ha, ha, ha. I am right here. And I'm embarrassed that my own daughter thinks she has to buy me off.
Chelsea: Oh, well, I'm sure a million bucks will help you get over the humiliation of being rich.
Anita: [ Laughs ] I'm serious. Money isn't everything.
Chelsea: It is to you. So what's your angle here?
Anita: I just want to be a good mother to you, and grandmother to connor.
Chelsea: Okay. Something is not right. I want you to tell me what's going on. Mom.
Anita: Uh --
Connor: That court is awesome!
Chelsea: Oh, yeah. It's -- it's fun, right?
Anita: Uh-huh. I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about, so I'm gonna give you your privacy. Oh!
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Connor: What does grandma mean, we have lots to talk about?
[ Music playing ]
Jack: Have you seen billy?
Traci: Um... well, the last time I saw him, he was over there talking to sharon. Huh. Um... let me see.
[ Music stops ]
Kyle: Uh, what's going on?
Lola: I have no idea.
Mariah: Hi, everyone! I just wanted to welcome you all here tonight to celebrate our guests of honor, kyle and lola.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Mariah: So, if you guys wouldn't mind, would you please be seated? So, I personally like to think of kyle and lola as genoa city's very own romeo and juliet. Except for the part with them killing themselves. That'S... oh, or like, uh, marc antony and cleopatra. No. No, not that one. That had the same, uh, outcome. Yeah.
Kyle: Nice speech.
Mariah: Okay. Point is, these two have had to do a lot to overcome their obstacles. And their long and sometimes arduous journey has proven their strength to overcome the forces driving them apart. So, to celebrate that love and them tonight, we have a very special presentation for the two of you. Jack? Rey?
Kyle: Uh-oh.
Rey: Thank you, mariah.
Lola: This isn't good.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Rey: And you thought my dancing was embarrassing.
[ Ukulele playing ]
Tessa: Her name was lola, she owned a food truck
his name was kyle, he loved a good buck
who knew he wouldn't be just waiting in line
I know you're worried 'bout what I'll bring up
like the first time you took a bite of
the greatest sandwich he had ever dreamed of
who knew that waiting in line would take so much time?
But in the end
that bite would start a new life
just around the bend
but he would have to wait
and wait, frustrated
and wait
and wait and wait
[ Laughter ]
But love is worth the wait
[ Song ends ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Applause ]
Summer: Okay, I swear I am trying to go with the flow tonight and be the bigger person here, but that was...
Theo: Cloying? Manipulative?
Summer: Yes. And not to mention dishonest. I mean, trying to sell them as some great love story? Just give me a break.
Theo: Right?
Kyle: Looks like somebody's been raiding the family photo albums.
Mariah: Way to go, traitors.
Mariah: You know, if you guys weren't thoroughly embarrassed, I wouldn't be doing my job right, okay? So everybody give it up again for lola and kyle!
[ Cheers and applause ] All right, now, without further ado, I'm going to hand the mic back to rey.
Rey: So, I would like to welcome kyle to the family. As many of you know, I haven't always been his biggest fan. Actually, in the beginning, I was -- I was down right skeptical.
Kyle: How 'bout now?
Rey: Uh, actually, I'm still skeptical.
[ Laughter ] But you have really come through when it counted, and I can tell that you love my sister with all your heart. Growing up, I was not only lola's annoying big brother. I was also somewhat of a surrogate father. And it has been the great joy of my life to see you grow up into the beautiful, confident woman you are. Okay. Well, enough of that. Nobody wants lola getting a big head.
[ Laughter ] You, kyle -- you be good to her. Or else.
[ Applause ]
Abby: Summer and her plus-one were full on mocking that sweet video.
Nate: Are you sure?
Jack: Everyone want to grab a drink, please?
Nate: Are you sure that's what they were doing?
Abby: I am so sure. Yeah, lola invited summer here as a kind gesture. And what does she do? She shows up with "human coachella," and they have the nerve to be snarky.
[ Stammers ] The fact that summer is even here is cringe-worthy. It's like she thinks she has a shot with kyle. So, it's like, move on already.
Summer: Uh, pretty sure i have moved on. Sounds like someone else is the one that's obsessed. Look, abby, if you have something to say, just say it to my face okay?
Abby: Oh, no problem. Let's do this.
Jack: I'll be brief. Uh... kyle, I want to say to you, watching you find love and happiness with lola fills a father's heart with pride. And to lola, I want to say, I know that rey has been somewhat of a father to you, but I want you to know, starting this day, you have a backup in me. To kyle and lola.
Rey: Hear, hear!
[ Cheers ]
Theo: I couldn't let the night go by without making a little toast of my own. Excuse me, jack. Pardon. I'm one of kyle's old friends from new york. One of his best, if you ask me. We had a lot of great times back in the day. But don't worry, I'm not gonna get into any of those. I just wanted to say how proud I am of my buddy. He's grown up a lot since he moved back home. Been transformed through love. You know, it's almost as if kyle's life began the day he met lola. As if there was no him before her.
Kyle: Yeah, thanks, man. Let's get back to dancing.
Theo: No, no. Thank you. You know, for what were the best days of my life. Truly epic, unforgettable days. Oh, and a few unspeakable nights.
[ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Okay. Let's wrap this up.
Theo: No, I just wish lola and everyone else could have seen the kyle I knew in action. Because, well, it was something to see.
Kyle: Ohh. What I remember is, you could never finish a toast. So let me do it for you. Thank you, everyone, for coming. Uh... lola and I are truly grateful to have you all in our lives. Cheers.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Kyle: Come on. What's the matter with you?
Theo: You're acting like there's something you didn't want me to say up there.
Connor: I'm not hungry.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Connor: What was grandma talking about before?
Chelsea: Just that... a lot has happened in a short amount of time. I wanted to sit down with you and go over a few things.
Connor: Like what?
Chelsea: Like if you wanted to talk about calvin. I know you miss him a lot.
Connor: You keep asking me that.
Chelsea: I know. I know. And you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
Connor: I guess... I wish I could have said goodbye.
Chelsea: I know, baby. I wish you could have said goodbye, too. It's not fair.
Connor: I'm also wondering what we're doing here. This is a nice place and all, but when are we going home?
Chelsea: Uh, that's a good question. Um... I had grandma bring you here because I've been doing some thinking, and I thought maybe it would be nice if we lived in genoa city again. Instead of louisiana.
Connor: I think all my friends are back in baton rouge. What's so special about this place, anyway?
Billy: And her doll's just sitting there, on the bed, clear as day.
Sharon: How do you think it got there?
Billy: I don't know. That's what I keep banging my head against the wall trying to figure out. And, speaking of my head, I am... I'm hearing delia's voice. And I'm seeing her writing on the wall at the chancellor mansion.
Sharon: You mean you think you saw her writing --
Billy: No, it's there, sharon. Just like the doll.
Sharon: Okay, but I don't see a logical explanation.
Billy: No, neither do I. So that's why I'M... [ Sighs ] This is where it gets a little bit weird.
Sharon: Here is where it gets weird?
Billy: I -- it's got to be some sort of, uh... supernatural.
Sharon: Billy, you don't actually think that delia's ghost is...?
[ Music plays ]
Jack: Okay. That was, uh, kind of odd. You think kyle's all right?
Lola: Yeah. I -- I think so.
Kyle: This isn't happening. Not tonight.
Theo: I remember you saying almost those exact words on a certain night a few years ago.
Kyle: What is wrong with you?
Theo: I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of your sanctimonious crap.
Kyle: Okay, what do you want?
Theo: How 'bout a little respect? How 'bout some acknowledgement that you and I are actually friends.
Kyle: We're not, really, anymore.
Theo: You know, you want to pretend like I don't exist, along with the rest of your past, but I won't let you forget who you were. Or treat me like something you scraped off your shoe.
Abby: Don't you have anything better to do than hover around kyle and lola?
Summer: My god. Why do you even care?
Abby: Because lola is my friend.
Summer: No, I think it's because you are a control freak with an ego so big that you cannot help but pick a fight with me.
Abby: Why don't you have a little bit of self-respect and just leave? Kyle doesn't want you. You're not getting him back. It's done. Over. You lost.
Summer: You know, I think you're the perpetual loser here, abby.
Abby: I'm what?
Summer: Yeah, you're a bitch princess who can't keep a relationship going.
Abby: Ohhh! Pot, kettle.
Summer: Oh, my track record doesn't even come close to yours. You plow through men like they're bowling pins. Let's see. Where do we even start, abby? There was, uh, tyler, stitch...
Abby: You need to stop talking.
Summer: Arturo. But I guess you couldn't be plowing through him since he was plowing mia --
Summer: Shut up!
Summer: Let's not forget about austin.
Abby: Ow! Get the hell out!
Summer: I'm not going anywhere.
Theo: Look, man, it happened. It's time to get over it.
Kyle: Get over it? She was 17. She could have died.
Theo: Relax, okay? It turned out fine.
Kyle: Yeah, you weren't the one who had to pay off her father.
Theo: Is that what this is about? Look, I'll send you the money right now. Are we good?
Kyle: The only way we'll be good is when you are gone my life.
Tessa: Uh, I think we have a problem.
Mariah: Yeah, I know.
Tessa: No, no. Not there. There.
Abby: You don't get to talk to me like that! You blackmailed a guy into marrying you! You knew he didn't love you, and you knew, deep down, that he never would!
[ Screams ] Oh, my god!
Mariah: Hey! Hey!
[ Abby screaming ] Stop it! Are you crazy?! Break it up! Stop!
[ Abby gasping ]
All right thank you jack.
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