Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/7/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/7/19


Episode #13674 ~ Nikki plays hardball; Billy is haunted by his dreams.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Adam: $15 million. Cash upfront. Surely you know someone with that kind of money. Well, someone you haven't managed to piss off.

Billy: I'm hearing dee's voice. She's calling out for me. I don't know what's happening.

Rey: It's over. Sharon, we are done.

Nick: You will never, ever change his feelings for me.

Adam: No, I will rip him away from you so fast and hard, you won't recognize him, nick --

Sharon: Nick! Nick!

Nick: Come on! Come on!

Sharon: Stop!

Adam: I need you.

Adam: Yes, hi. I need to report an assault.

Phyllis: Hey, devon! Yeah, okay, well, I know you're a busy guy, so I'm just gonna cut right to the chase. How you would feel if, uh, i were to tell you that would like to give you an opportunity to buy a new hotel? I mean, you did such great things with the club, and when this deal came across my desk, i thought, "this is perfect for devon hamilton," and I think with your money and my magic we -- oh! Okay, well, that's -- that's fantastic. That -- that sounds like a big project. Well, I know you'll make it great, um... sure. Good luck!

Billy: [ Exhales sharply ]

Rey: Hey.

Billy: Hey.

Rey: Coffee that big should come with warning label.

Billy: Yeah, well, the fashion business doesn't sleep.

Rey: Yeah. I know all about the insomnia thing.

Billy: Nothing I can't handle. I know all about you and sharon. Sorry about that.

Rey: Yeah, that's kind of --

Billy: It's none of my business, I get it, but I will say that adam is a one-man wrecking crew. Everything he touches turns to crap.

Rey: He's not making too many friends, I will give you that.

Billy: No. He finds your weakness and he goes straight for it. That's what he did with sharon. Sharon will give you the shirt off her back. He knew that, and he took it, okay? He also knew how much you love sharon, and he did everything he could to destroy it. Look, I should probably shut my mouth, but I won'T. I think you might have given up on sharon a little too early because the sharon that I was talking to was not pining over adam. She was pining over you, detective. See ya.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Rey: Yeah. Rosales. An assault? Where? W-wait a minute, did you -- did you say adam newman?

Chelsea: Oh, I love you so much. I can't wait to see you. Okay. Okay, I love you. Bye.

Nick: Who was that?

Chelsea: Connor. He and anita will be here tomorrow.

Nick: Well, that's awesome. How come you seem like you're in low-key panic mode?

Chelsea: Well, I just -- I have no time. I have to finish setting up his room, I have to get his school and medical records transferred up here. Oh! Oh! And I also have to come up with the right words to explain that the father that he thought died several years ago is actually still alive.

Nick: Yeah, none of the parenting books have a chapter on that.

Chelsea: Nope!

[ Sighs ] They certainly don'T. He's gonna be floored when he hears the news. But, you know what, after dealing with calvin's death, it'll be nice to be able to tell him some good news, for once.

Nick: I mean, it is news. Is it good?

Chelsea: Stop. No jokes, okay? No insults, not in front of connor.

Nick: You're right. You're right, I am going to ease up on the kid.

Chelsea: Thank you. Although... I know it's hard for you to control your dark side when adam pushes your buttons...

Nick: I tried.

Chelsea: Try harder.

Nick: [ Scoffs ] I don't know how. I mean, he told christian that he's his father and said he's gonna keep telling him and do everything he can to poison him against me.

Chelsea: I know. It's awful, but you just have to try to let it go.

Nick: How? He knows how to get under my skin.

Chelsea: Yeah, and adam is gonna continue to use that angle. He is gonna try to discredit you in front of connor the same way he did with sharon. What you have to do is take the high road.

Billy: Okay, adam says he can't walk through walls. So whoever it is talking to me from the other side... I'd like to find out who it is. Delia?

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Rey: No. No, no. It's no problem at all. Like I said, I'm free, and I am more than happy to get adam newman's report on the assault. Yeah. And when I meet the assailant, I'm gonna shake his hand.

Nick: You think it might be a good idea to hold off on the big reveal for, like, a few weeks, you know, just to let connor get really used to being back in genoa city.

Chelsea: No way. It's too risky. I mean, what if somebody slips? What if he overhears somebody's conversation? Or what if adam just shows up unannounced? He loves doing that.

Nick: I wish there was another option.

Chelsea: It's gonna be hard enough explaining to connor why I didn't tell him sooner. The last thing I need is him finding out by accident.

Nick: What's the worst that could happen?

Chelsea: Uh, he makes me the bad guy and he decides he wants to go live with his dad?

Nick: That's a good point. You know, at least connor is old enough to understand what's going on. I mean, poor christian. He's been ripped away from me and his family, and this guy who he barely knows is telling him he's his father.

Chelsea: I can't believe he did that.

Nick: Just when you think he can't get any lower than he already is...

Chelsea: If he tries pulling that stuff with connor, oh, so help me...

Nick: No, we are gonna work together and make sure connor feels, you know, like he's surrounded with love and security and understanding. Are you sure you won't come with me tonight to dinner with my mother? You are definitely invited.

Chelsea: It's very sweet, but I'm sure she's looking to having a night with you alone.

Nick: All right. Just call me if you need anything.

Chelsea: Have fun.

Billy: Okay. Delia, or whoever it is who's trying to talk to me, you got something you say? You got something you want to show me? It's a good time to start talking! Delia?

Nikki: Oh, my god. And then you hit him?

Nick: Yeah. Shouldn't have happened.

Nikki: After what he said to you, I'm surprised you didn't put him in the hospital -- not that I condone that sort of thing.

Nick: Well, part of me wishes I could take it back.

Nikki: Oh, the part of you that knows that your brother orchestrated the whole thing and will try to use it to prove that you're an unfit father?

Nick: Well, adam's not coming out of this smelling like roses, either. I mean, the stuff he was saying about trying to turn christian against me, against the whole family, it's reprehensible.

Nikki: To say the very least.

Nick: I mean, it's just proof that he doesn't view christian as anything more than a pawn or a weapon.

Nikki: [ Scoffs ] I wish you had a witness to that.

Nick: Well, adam has sharon. Yeah, she shows up just as i clocked adam.

Nikki: Will somebody please tell me what is wrong with that woman? I mean, falling for adam's sick version of charm -- again!

Nick: The problem is, she doesn't seem adam as a threat. She sees him as somebody that she can help save. But the problem is... she's not equipped to deal with someone who is this manipulative.

Nikki: Yeah, well, who is? I mean, your sister had no idea what he was up to when he used her money to take over dark horse and then start this custody suit. And your father was caught completely off guard with all the subterfuge. But then there are people like phyllis who have no moral compass and are just in it for the money.

Nick: Phyllis is actually trying to make amends, to undo some of the damage she helped cause.

Nikki: Phyllis? Oh, this I got to hear.

Nick: She agreed to sell the bulk of the dark horse properties to victoria who is then going to give them to me.

Nikki: Mm. What's it in for her?

Nick: Nothing.

Nikki: No, no, no, no, son. We are talking about phyllis. There has to be a catch.

Chelsea: Nick isn't here at the moment.

Phyllis: Oh, hot date?

Chelsea: Yeah, with his mom.

Phyllis: Mm, you weren't invited? That's too bad. Yeah. Was there a kerfuffle?

Chelsea: No, actually, I was invited. I just have other things I need to attend to, so...

Phyllis: Well, isn't it time that you sashayed yourself down south. I'm sure that connor's summer camp is over soon.

Chelsea: Why do you care, phyllis? And why are you here? Did adam send you as, like, his private investigator, or something?

Phyllis: Uh, no. I work for adam. What he does with his kids is his problem.

Chelsea: Okay, well, I've been hearing what you've been up to. Moving those properties out of adam's possession, and right under his nose.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm, best thing i ever did.

Chelsea: He must have been furious.

Phyllis: Never met a man I couldn't handle.

Chelsea: Is that why you're here? I'm guessing you did all of that to get back on nick's good side, and now you're gonna want something in return. Am I right?

Billy: Come on, you got something to say. It's just the two of us, okay, sweetheart?

[ Sighs ] There's nothing you can't tell me, okay? You hear me? To be honest, I'd prefer meeting you here. I get to see you running around, jumping on the furniture and sliding down the banister. Sometimes when I listen really hard, I can hear you laughing. Sometimes it even feels like if I ask you a question, you're gonna answer me. See? Yes, I know. It sounds crazy, right?

[ Chuckles ] It still doesn't make sense that you're gone. Because it feels like you're still here.

Rey: Ouch. That had to hurt.

Adam: What are you doing here?

Rey: You called the station, asked for an officer to take a statement about your assault.

Adam: And they sent you.

Rey: Guess it's your lucky day.

Phyllis: So, uh, just a few days ago, you accused me of working at dark horse just to hurt nick.

Chelsea: Yeah, and I stand by everything I said.

Phyllis: All right, well, just so you know, I used my position there to help him. All of those properties that were transferred into his portfolio, that was me. I did that. So I would think that maybe you would be happy or --

Chelsea: What, you want -- I should be happy or cut you some slack or throw you a arade.

Phyllis: Wow, no matter how many times I stick my neck out there, you're just there to chop it off, aren't you?

Chelsea: So defensive.& I just asked a simple question. Are you here because you want something from nick?

Phyllis: Ah, a supposition only made by a con artist. That criminal mind...

Chelsea: Oh, well, find a new song to sing, phyllis. That one is getting old and tired.

Phyllis: Oh, god, I should have waited until I added all those zeroes to nick's net worth. That's probably very appealing to a gold digger.

Chelsea: I don't want or need any of nick's money.

Phyllis: You don't say. Well, how much did you rake in after calvin's death?

Chelsea: Wow. You never fail to disappoint, do you? Disgusting, insulting, and completely inappropriate, not to mention a pathetic attempt to change the subject.

Phyllis: "So defensive! I'm just asking a simple question."

Chelsea: Calvin was a loving, loving man and a great step-father to connor.

Phyllis: And an easy mark.

Chelsea: He accepted me for who I was, loved me scars and all. Have you ever been able to say that? About anyone?

Phyllis: Tell nick I stopped by, please.

Chelsea: Count on it.

Nick: You know, I can think of one clear way that phyllis benefits by selling those properties. Puts her back in summer's good graces.

Nikki: Oh, more bad blood between those two? What happened this time?

Nick: Well, summer wasn't thrilled that phyllis sided with adam, and she let her know that.

Nikki: Good for her. I'm proud of her, standing up for you.

Nick: It wasn't easy, you know, for either one of them, but I'm glad phyllis did what she could to make things right between them.

Nikki: So, um, what about your relationship with phyllis? Is that mended, too?

Nick: Somewhat. I mean, I appreciate the gesture, even though I didn't want all of the properties in the dark horse portfolio.

Nikki: But would you say the two of you are friends again?

Nick: I don't know, mom. A lot's happened. Probably too much to go back.

Nikki: I'm glad to hear that, although I'm sure phyllis is disappointed.

Nick: Look, I told phyllis exactly where things stand between us. She seemed okay with it.

Nikki: Seemed being the operative word.

Nick: All she asked for was a clean slate, and I gave her that, so I guess we're even.

Adam: Uh, no offense, but i would rather someone else take my statement.

Rey: Yeah, I was in the vicinity, so I took the call. Mind if I come in?

Adam: As a matter of fact, I do. Mm-hmm.

Rey: Well, if you change your mind about what happened, we could always...

Adam: Oh, no, I'm -- I'm definitely filing charges.

Rey: Then let's get to it. Where did the assault occur?

Adam: It's chancellor park.

Rey: Chancellor park. And when did this happen?

Adam: Just a few hours ago.

Rey: What took you so long to report it?

Adam: Well, I was otherwise occupied. Does that matter?

Rey: Everything matters. Tell me what happened.

Adam: It was during a court-ordered visitation with my son christian.

Rey: Did you know the assailant, or was it a stranger?

Adam: Oh, I'm very familiar. It was nick.

Rey: Nick newman?

Adam: Mm-hmm, the one and only.

Rey: He punched you?

Adam: Exhibit A. Attacked me.

Rey: In front of the kid? I mean, that doesn't sound like the nick I know.

Adam: No, he sent christian away first with the nanny. Okay? That is everything you need to know, so go arrest him before he hurts somebody else. He's out of control.

Rey: Yeah. I wonder why.

Adam: How long will it take before he's behind bars?

Rey: Well, I'm gonna have to question nick, get his side of the story, which no doubt will differ from your version of the events, and since you don't have anybody to corroborate what actually took place...

Adam: There was a witness.

Rey: Yeah? Somebody you know?

Adam: Yes.

Rey: Who is real, imaginary? Somebody you paid off to step up and bolster your side of the story?

Meredith: Look, rey, I think we both would feel more comfortable if another officer handled this case.

Rey: You are so right about that.

Adam: Mm.

Sharon: Adam? Do you have any food in your fridge? I'm starving.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Rey: I take it sharon's your witness to this alleged assault?

Adam: I called the police to file a report, but I had no idea they would send rosales. How was I supposed to know you were back on the force?

Rey: Yeah. The world's full of miracles. Sharon, I need to know for the record what you saw.

Sharon: Rey, I'm --

Rey: No, just the facts. That's all I need to know. He says that you saw nick assaulting him. Is that true?

Sharon: Uh... yes.

Rey: That's all I need to know. Somebody else will be in touch.

Adam: I didn't set that up. I swear to you, okay? I tried to get the guy to leave before he even knew you were here, sharon.

Sharon: You can't fix this, adam! All you have done is set my whole world on fire! This has got to end! Now!

Nikki: Connor's coming tomorrow?

Nick: I thought you'd be excited.

Nikki: Well, I am. Does adam know?

Nick: Not yet.

Nikki: Well, honey, aren't you worried about what he might do when he finds out that the son he's dying to see is in town?

Nick: Well, of course, mom, but chelsea's missing him like crazy, and she doesn't want to leave. So it's better that she stands her ground in a place where i can help and keep her safe.

Nikki: Oh. I see.

Nick: You see what?

Nikki: Chelsea and connor will be living with you.

Nick: That's the plan.

Nikki: I know your father will be thrilled to know that connor is within spoiling distance.

Nick: How is dad doing these days?

Nikki: Very well. The experimental treatment seems to be working.

Nick: Oh, great. Dad must be excited.

Nikki: Actually, he's been too preoccupied to care.

Nick: Preoccupied with what?

Nikki: Well, you, of course. He is so worried about this custody case, and he's torturing himself over what he could have done differently.

Nick: Well, maybe I'll invite him to christian's next soccer match.

Nikki: That's a lovely idea.

Nick: Maybe I can bring connor, too.

Nikki: That would be fantastic. It would mean the world to your father.

Billy: Delia, it's daddy. Just tell me what you need me to do, okay? Just -- just tell me what you need, okay? I'm here for you. Just tell me what -- tell me what you need! Or am I just losing my mind?

Nick: I love you.

Nikki: Love you. Thank you.

Phyllis: Hey! Just the man I'm looking for.

Nick: What's up?

Phyllis: I need a favor.

Nick: Tell me you're kidding.

Nikki: Yes, my love. Would you like me to bring you something to eat? Okay, um, I'll be home soon. I think the floor show is just starting to warm up. I'll tell you later when I get there. Bye.

Nick: Didn't I tell you that I don't trust you?

Phyllis: When did a little suspicion screw up a lucrative business deal? Okay, listen, just give me five minutes of your time. I promise you -- I promise you, you will not regret it.

Phyllis: Okay, well, um, this is a golden opportunity. It just fell into my lap. But I can't do it alone. I need help, and that's where i thought of you. With your money and my expertise, we would be fire.

Nick: Are you asking to partner with me?

Phyllis: Yes, but not because you owe me, because you definitely do not owe me. But I was thinking, since this is -- well, it was your baby to start with...

Nick: Yeah, the only babies I'm focusing on right now are my actual children.

Phyllis: And that is admirable. That's -- that's admirable. Come on, just hear me out before you turn me down, please.

Nick: Look, I don't even need to. I'm starting a new project on my own.

Phyllis: Well, you wouldn't even need to do anything. It would just be a simple loan, maybe some collateral.

Nick: Not within the realm of possibility, even if I wanted to.

Phyllis: Okay, come on, listen. I know that a very large portfolio just dropped into your lap.

Nick: Yeah, about that...

Phyllis: Well, you could borrow against it, or sell one of the properties.

Nick: No, actually, I can'T.

Phyllis: Give me one good reason.

Nick: Because I didn't take vick up on her offer.

Phyllis: I'm sorry, what did you say?

Nick: I turned her down, with the exception of a couple properties I'm flipping into the new hope portfolio. Devon's providing most of the funding, but...

Phyllis: Wait a second, you win all those millions from victor, and then you basically gave it all to charity, and you pretty much shrugged when adam took dark horse away from you. And I'm offering you a golden opportunity, and you're telling me it's not the realm of possibility? Do you have some moral objection to being wealthy?

Nick: It's not my priority. All right? When I think about what makes me happy, money is not in the top ten.

Phyllis: Coming from a man who's never had to make rent.

Nick: Look, you do you. Okay? And you're gonna do great. If this opportunity is as great as you're making it sound, then I have no doubt you're gonna find the right person to back you.

Phyllis: Do you know anyone who would be interested?

Nick: Good luck.

Phyllis: Thank you. For nothing.

[ Sighs ]

Sharon: I got to go!

Adam: Stay.

Sharon: I can't! My purse, please.

Adam: After we talk.

Sharon: I have nothing to say!

Adam: Okay, then just listen. I had absolutely nothing to do with what just happened with rey. I swear to you.

Sharon: I don't know what's true and what's not. How am I supposed to believe you?

Adam: Because you know me, sharon. You see past all my walls and my defenses.

Sharon: No. No, I am not gonna go back to being the person I used to be when I was with you -- always uncertain, always on shaky ground. People looking at me the way that rey just did.

Adam: Look, rey is heartbroken because he loves you, and he knows you don't love him back!

Sharon: I do.

Adam: Then what were you doing in my bed?

Sharon: People make mistakes!

Adam: Sharon, that wasn't an error in judgment. That was pure, unadulterated --

Sharon: No, rey and I were building a life together.

Adam: The guy will get over it, I promise.

Sharon: He won'T. I don't know how I'm gonna fix this.

Adam: Sharon, you don't have to figure everything out right now. Okay? Just let me help you.

Sharon: The only thing I need from you are my things. My purse, please.

Adam: We both know that is not true.

Sharon: Can I have my bag? Now.

Adam: What you really need is the truth, but it terrifies you. Because when you admit it to yourself, you know your life will never be the same again. So, okay, I will be the bad guy. I will say the words -- I want you, sharon. I have always wanted you. There is nobody else for me but you. It isn't a wish or conjecture, it's a fact. And the sooner that you come to terms with that, the happier that you will be. Because all I want to do is make you happy.

Billy: Delia! Delia! Delia! Delia! Delia! Delia! Come on, sweetheart! Just tell me something! Come on, baby, just tell me anything, okay? Just give me a hint. Just -- just help me out here. Tell me something! Come on, baby, anything.

Delia: Daddy, I'm so cold!

Phyllis: Mm. My night just gets better and better.

Nikki: You know what you need to do, phyllis? You need to flip the script. Try looking at your demons as if they're angels in disguise. That's what I did.

Phyllis: I don't follow.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] I want to thank you for what you did for nicholas. I just heard about it this evening.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] It has been a night of revelations because I just heard that he did not take the entire portfolio, only a part of it. I put my job and my life at risk to do that for him, and... victor is the one who's benefiting.

Nikki: Oh, well, I wouldn't look at it that way.

Phyllis: I'm sorry, but i cannot afford the cost of those rose-colored glasses you're sporting.

Nikki: I have a lot of experiencing in making amends. There's a lot to be said for redeeming oneself. It's good for the soul, good for others, great for the universe. Then you'll be more worthy of good things that come your way and less likely to sabotage yourself when they do.

Phyllis: Sounds pretty.

Nikki: Making amends is never a mistake, phyllis. In a way, it's karmic. Do good, get good in return.

Phyllis: Uh, yes. Listen, nikki. Yes, of course. It's just I'm up a tree because I thought that nick would be able to back me in this amazing business venture, and he does not have the capital nor does he have the collateral to do it since he did not take those dark horse properties back.

[ Sighs ] And I... would you be interested?

Nikki: Oh, my god.

[ Laughs ] Oh, phyllis, do hang on to that sense of humor.

Phyllis: No, no, no. I mean it. We were very good partners, nikki. Remember when we ran nvp retreats?

Nikki: Our recent history is a bit more complicated.

Phyllis: I know, but this is my chance to make amends to you. See?

Nikki: That's gonna be a hard no, but I do admire your resilience.

Phyllis: All right, well, thank you. I don't need admiration, I need cash.

Nikki: I'm sure you'll think of something. You always do.

Sharon: Everything just happened really, really fast. You know, if you think about what you just said --

Adam: I know it doesn't make sense right now, but --

Sharon: No, it doesn't! Of course it doesn't make sense! Because the first thing that you did when you got your memory back was try to reunite with chelsea!

Adam: No, with connor. She was just a means to an end, sharon. You are the one that matters. You are the one that I wanted. But I was trying to be respectful of your relationship with rey. I didn't want to be the one to cause friction between you two. Not to mention, I had just had all the memories of every horrible thing I had done to you come back. It seemed like a future between us was impossible. But the more time that we spend together, it seemed like that future was just inevitable.

Sharon: Stop talking like that. Stop.

Adam: Okay. Fine, we can stand here in silence. But when you look into my eyes, you know it's true, sharon.

Sharon: This is not what i want.

Adam: You are denying the fact that every time you look at me, a part of you that feels dead comes alive. All right? And no matter how much we tell ourselves we're gonna stay away from each other, something always brings us back together, sharon. Just like right now and tonight. Because that's how it's supposed to be. It is time that we just accept the truth. We belong to each other.

Sharon: Maybe a long time ago, we did, but not anymore. I am a different person now. I am not the same. You know what, I have gotten healthy, I went back to school. I got my degree.

Adam: I know. And it doesn't change the fact that when we locked eyes in vegas, our connection was still there, and we both felt it. I didn't know what was going on at the time. I didn't know what was happening. But you did.

Sharon: Okay, stop putting words in my mouth.

Adam: Sharon. That is why you brought me back here. Because we are a part of each other. And, look, no matter what we say or do, nothing is gonna change that.

Sharon: That's not true. It's just -- I... I just wanted to help you. I wanted to help give you back what you lost.

Adam: That was you.

Sharon: This was just a mistake, tonight. You know what, I was upset about losing rey, and I felt bad for you.

Adam: No. You needed me. Just as much as I needed you, and it was only a matter of time.

Sharon: Tonight, it was wrong. I promise you that this will never happen again.

Adam: Don't do that, sharon. Don't deny yourself a chance to be truly happy. This is what you've been waiting for. I'm what you've wanted all along.

Sharon: I can'T. I can'T.

Adam: Sharon...

Sharon: No, I --

Adam: Sharon.

Sharon: I have to go. Listen, don't -- don't follow me, and don't -- don't call me. Just stay away. Stay out of my life, and -- I have to go.

Chelsea: So, did phyllis find you?

Nick: How'd you know she was on my trail?

Chelsea: She stopped by looking for you. What'd she want?

Nick: To pitch me a business deal.

Chelsea: Anything interesting?

Nick: Don't know. Didn't let her get that far.

Chelsea: Ah! You shot her down?

Nick: Well, if I could trust phyllis -- and I can't -- I just have too much on my plate right now with the custody case and the affordable housing project.

Chelsea: New hope?

Nick: Yeah. I mean, you should have seen the look on her face when I told her I wasn't interested in making a killing in real estate. I've just spent and wasted too much of my life trying to turn a profit, and what I'm focusing on right now is making a difference. Making sure everyone has a place to live, you know, someplace where they can raise their kids and build memories. What could be more important than that?

Chelsea: Nothing.

Billy: No, no, no. No, no, no, no. Come on. Come on, man. No, no, no, no, no, no. Come on. No, no, no, no, no. Okay, this just a dream. This is just a dream. You're gonna turn around, and everything's gonna be exactly the way it was before, okay? This is -- [ Exhales sharply ] Oh...

[ Cellphone chimes ] Message received, delia. Loud and clear.

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