Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/1/19
Episode #11670 ~ Devon and Nick join forces; Mariah and Tessa celebrate a new chapter; Abby keeps Nate on his toes.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Nate: What are we celebrating?
Elena: Devon and I are officially living together as a couple.
Phyllis: Dark horse has divested itself from most of its properties and projects in development, with the exception of the grand phoenix. They're owned by a shell company, which is being financed by newman enterprises. Those projects and properties are waiting to be transferred into your hands. Victoria set up the shell company.
Nick: I'm going back to the beginning of my quest to find myself.
Victoria: I'm not exactly sure what you mean.
Nick: You'll see.
Rey: It feels like you're using me to hide your feelings for adam, and I am not interested in being your safety net. Sharon, we are done.
Sharon: Hey, mariah.
Mariah: Hi.
Sharon: I was just gonna text you.
Mariah: Oh, well, I hope it's not an emergency, because I am supposed to meet tessa.
Sharon: Oh. Okay.
Mariah: And for the first time in a long time, I don't need an intervention or a pep talk. Who'd have thunk?
Sharon: Good. Glad to hear it.
Mariah: Wait. Something is wrong.
Sharon: [ Clears throat ] No, um... I'll be fine.
Mariah: Did you sleep last night? Because, no offense, you kind of look like patient zero of the zombie apocalypse.
Sharon: My life's just a little upside down right now.
Nick: Can I get you a cocktail or some water?
Maybe after you've feasted your eyes.
Nick: All right. Let's see what you got. I hope this is close to what you wanted.
Nick: Whoa.
Live up to your expectations?
Nick: It surpasses them. This is... I mean, it's outstanding. It's exactly what I was looking for.
Abby: Whatever you're cooking smells heavenly.
Nate: Is that your way of trying to figure out what's on the menu here?
Abby: I'm just paying some early compliments to the chef.
Nate: Mm.
[ Chuckles ] You won't find any takeout containers in there.
Abby: Because you already washed them?
Nate: They don't exist. What you're about to experience has been prepared by these 10 talented fingers.
Abby: Mmm...
Nate: Ah! Oh. You're incorrigible.
Abby: [ Laughs ] I'm intrigued. And I haven't eaten since breakfast.
Nate: Well, we can't have that. Close your eyes.
Abby: Seriously?
Nate: My meal, my rules. It will enhance the experience, okay? Trust me.
Abby: [ Sighs ] You better hope I don't end up regretting this.
Nate: Open.
Abby: Wow. [ Laughs ] I need more immediately.
Nate: Patience.
Abby: You made that?
Nate: A man of many talents.
Abby: I'll say. A doctor who is easy on the eyes, good with his hands, and can cook like that? I believe that's what they used to call a keeper.
Lola: Did devon add a special rider to your contract at lp that says you have to eat at least a meal a day at society?
Tessa: Okay, well, how else are mariah and I supposed to check in on you, okay? You're either cozying up with kyle in the love shack or you're working here.
Lola: Well, what can I say? I love my job. You know how it is.
Tessa: [ Sighs ] It's not work if you love what you do.
Lola: [ Chuckles ] You know what's the coolest thing ever?
Tessa: What?
Lola: That we knew each other when I was slinging sandwiches on my food truck and you were a barista at crimson lights.
Tessa: I mean, and look at us now. Society's a hit.
Lola: And your music is taking off.
Tessa: I didn't know life could be this good.
Lola: So, what are you and mariah celebrating tonight?
Tessa: What?
Lola: Yeah, she sent me a text saying that she was gonna be a few minutes late, and to put some champagne on ice.
Tessa: Oh. I-I hope I'm not forgetting an anniversary.
Devon: Thank you.
Elena: You think uncle jett's gonna be okay?
Devon: Yeah, I do. He's got ana there with him 24/7. She's not gonna leave his side. It took her forever to find her father, so she's not gonna do anything to let him go.
Elena: Yeah. I guess I just miss them already. What is that?
Devon: What is what?
Elena: That thing you're hiding.
Devon: Well, I would have hid it just fine if you weren't so --
Elena: Perceptive or intuitive? It's part of my charm.
Devon: Yeah. A long with a million other things, babe. But you've gone and ruined the surprise now.
Elena: Show me!
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Elena: Surprise? For me?
Devon: It's not a surprise anymore, is it?
Elena: Let me see it.
Devon: No.
Elena: Come on! I want to see it.
Devon: Unh-uh. I'm not gonna show it to you.
Elena: Okay. What if I show you my sad face?
Devon: Aww. I don't buy that.
Elena: Oh, come on! Okay, what if we rewind.
Devon: Uh-huh.
Elena: And I go back outside, and you hide that beautiful bag of love.
[ Devon chuckles ] And then we pretend like this never happened.
Devon: Okay.
Elena: And then I will come back in, and I will even show you my excited face.
Devon: Show me your excited face.
Elena: Right now?
Devon: Right now.
Elena: Okay.
[ Gasps ]
[ Exhales heavily ]
Devon: That's not bad.
Elena: It's pretty good, right?
Devon: It's not bad at all.
Elena: See?
Devon: I think you earned this, babe.
Elena: [ Gasps ] Oh, devon! For me?!
Devon: [ Laughing ] Stop it. You are very good.
Elena: [ Giggles ] Thank you.
Devon: You're very good. I found that at a boutique shop a little while ago, and I had it sent here to the building so the manager would put it behind the front desk. But he obviously didn't do it.
Elena: Hmm. I'm intrigued. I wonder what's in here? Let me guess. I think it's a box of perfume. From the airport gift shop.
Devon: If you think I bought you something from the airport gift shop, then I'll take it right back, because you don't know me at all.
Elena: No! Look, I know it's from you, so whatever it is, ' I'm going to love it.
Devon: Okay.
[ Gasps ]
Devon: Do you like it? How did you know?
Devon: 'Cause you told me that you love toni morrison, and that's your favorite novel.
Elena: Yeah, but... I told you that in a side story in a bigger conversation. That was months ago.
Devon: I know. Open it up. Autographed. First edition.
Devon: What do you think?
Elena: I think this is the most thoughtful, generous gift anyone's ever given me. And thank you isn't enough. What did I ever do to deserve you?
Devon: Babe, what did I ever do to deserve you?
Elena: Mmmmm! You can't kiss me like that when you know I have to go to work.
Devon: Why? You really have to go?
Elena: Yes. [ Sighs ] But...
Devon: But?
Elena: I think you should try to stay up so I can show you just how grateful I am.
Devon: I don't have to try. I'll stay up forever, baby.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: For you.
Elena: And I think that we are empty-nesters for the first time. Huh. Could be fun.
Devon: Could be fun.
Elena: Yeah.
Devon: Really fun. Fine. Go.
[ Elena giggles ]
Devon: [ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone rings ] Hello?
Nick: Hey, devon. It's nick. You in town?
Devon: Hey, nick. Yeah, I am in town, actually. What's going on?
Nick: You got time for a, uh, business proposition?
Devon: Sure. Sure. Why don't you, uh -- why don't you stop by? We'll -- we'll have a chat.
Nick: Cool. I'll be there in a few.
Devon: Sounds good. See ya.
Mariah: So, are you gonna tell me what's rattled the unshakeable sharon, or am I gonna have to pull out teeth in this scenario?
Sharon: It's rey. He moved out.
Mariah: When?
Sharon: Last night.
Mariah: I don't understand. I thought you -- what happened?
Sharon: Just... irreconcilable differences. We just haven't been seeing eye to eye on things.
Mariah: Things? What things?
Mariah: Adam-related things? Mom, you told me that you wouldn't let him get in between the two of you, that you had this under control.
Sharon: I said that I would keep my distance, and I did.
Mariah: Until?
Sharon: Adam came to me for help getting custody of christian.
Mariah: And you told him no.
Sharon: He didn't have anyone else to turn to.
Mariah: How could you turn your back on nick like that?
Sharon: Adam is that little boy's father. He has the right to raise him.
Mariah: Biology does not make someone a parent. There are plenty of kids out there that are raised by people, good, stable people that aren't blood relatives in any way. And guess what? Those kids, they turn -- turn out to be happy and healthy and well-adjusted. But you know that, because you've seen it firsthand. So what in the world has adam done that makes him a better father than nick?
Sharon: [ Sniffles ] This is pointless. You know, you sound like everybody else.
Mariah: Okay, well, maybe if people are telling you that you have done something wrong, you need to listen.
Sharon: The judge ordered christian to be placed with a third party -- somebody who isn't nick or adam. So adam asked me to step in. I was just helping a friend.
Mariah: And that's why rey walked out. Pyeah. Well, mom, after hearing all of the details, I got to say... I would have done the same thing.
Nate: What'd you think?
Abby: Well, here's my foodie review of dinner at chez nate. The oysters were out of this world. And that fresh peach salad with feta cheese -- very inventive.
Nate: Okay.
Abby: And let's not forget the main course. Perfectly suited for this intimate setting.
Nate: "Perfectly suited." I'll take it.
Abby: All in all, this diner was left wanting more.
Nate: Mm. How many stars?
Abby: All of the stars. I can only assume that you went to culinary school before you got your md?
Nate: Autodidactic.
Abby: No. There is no way you learned to cook like that on your own.
Nate: Well, you'd be surprised what a man can do if he's inspired and driven. I like a challenge.
Abby: Do you?
Nate: Keeps me on my toes.
Abby: Mm.
Nate: What about you?
Abby: Well, I am not gonna comment any more until after dessert.
Nate: Mm.
Abby: There is dessert, yes?
Nate: Got to end the meal on a little bit of sugar.
Abby: How many stars would you rate that?
Nate: All of them.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Nate: Speaking of, um, have you ever seen a meteor shower?
Abby: Mm, I can't say that I have.
Nate: Tons of shooting stars.
Abby: I'm just imagining all the wishes I could make.
Nate: I've got some vacation time coming up, and all I want to do is get out of the city. Go somewhere where I can see miles and miles of open sky. Breathe again. I was thinking the grand canyon.
Abby: That sounds nice. You should do that.
Nate: It'd be a lot nicer if you were to come with me. Now, flawless coverage
Nate: You've been running society single-handedly for months now.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Nate: You deserve a break.
Abby: And I get one. Every night, when I close and go home.
Nate: You know what I mean.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Look, going away for a few days, it would do nothing but stress me out. Society is my baby.
Nate: Not even if your doctor prescribed it?
Abby: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry.
Nate: Is it something with the grand canyon? Or is it me? Because I wouldn't want to pressure you into anything. But I thought we had something special going on here.
Abby: We talked about this. I-I'm not ready for a commitment.
Nate: But you had no problem inviting me to a family dinner.
Abby: You're my father's personal physician. If I had known you were gonna make such a big deal out of it --
Nate: I'm not. It's just -- guess I'm confused.
Abby: Okay. Heh. Let me make it perfectly clear. No romantic trips for two. We're just two people having fun together, getting to know each other. Let's not make more out of this than it is, okay? Can we just let it drop.
Nate: As you wish.
Abby: I-I have to get back to society and make sure everything's still on track.
Nate: What about dessert? I mean, coffee, or a-a nightcap?
Abby: [ Sighs ] Thank you for dinner. I'll see you around.
Devon: Can I get you something?
Nick: No, thanks. I'm good.
Devon: You're good? Seems like you want to get straight to it. What do you got for me, man?
Nick: Yep. Uh, this has nothing to do with dark horse. That is a thing of the past.
Devon: That's cool.
Nick: Yeah. Uh, strangely enough, though, some of those properties fell back into my lap. Perfectly legal.
Devon: It's funny how life works out sometimes. It takes something away, and then gives you something back you never expected.
Nick: It has been a roller-coaster ride. But a good friend of mine reminded me recently, it's important to live the kind of life you're proud of. One that means something, you know? Where you, uh -- where you can touch some people.
Devon: Neil taught me that lesson about a million times.
Nick: Well, the most important thing we can have and give is love. And... hope.
Sharon: I was not putting adam's needs above rey's, nor punishing nick.
Mariah: What do you call it, then?
Sharon: Trying to do the right thing?
Mariah: How is any of this right? Look, mom, I-I know that you just want to help. But you cannot save the world. You have to learn how to say no.
Sharon: I just wanted to save this one little corner of it.
Mariah: Last time we had a mother/daughter confab, you said something about having unwanted feelings for adam.
Sharon: That -- that was weeks ago.
Mariah: Has anything changed? Have you guys gotten any closer? Is that why you're being so protective?
Sharon: I-I don't want to have a relationship with adam.
Mariah: Well, it certainly looks that way. Because every time he needs something, you go running, even though it's put your relationship with a pretty great guy in jeopardy.
Sharon: Yeah. Rey is a good guy.
Mariah: Yh. He is. And he loves you, and I see how happy you are when you're with him.
Sharon: What am I suppoed to do?
Mariah: Adam is plenty capable of taking care of himself. So you need to let him fight his own battles and deal with the consequences of his actions.
Sharon: That is what I tried to do.
Mariah: Try again. And harder. Please. Like your future and your happiness depends on it. I just can't see you like this. You know, I-I don't know what's gotten into you. It's like...you're under his spell, or you're addicted to him or the drama. I don't know what. But you need to cut yourself loose, because if you keep going like this, he is just gonna drag you down with him.
Sharon: I know. You're right. But --
Mariah: No. No "but." I'm right. End of sentence. Listen, you know I love you. No matter what. But you're making it really hard to stand by and watch you make these choices, because they don't just affect you. They impact faith, rey, and me. So I am asking you to choose better. Choose love. Listen, you... you know what the right thing is to do. You just need to have the courage to do it. I switched to miralax for my constipation.
Devon: New hope, huh?
Nick: Yeah. Ring a bell?
Devon: It's the affordable housing that fell by the wayside when you launched dark horse, right?
Nick: Yeah. [ Sighs ] Sorry I let that happen. Uh... but I'm trying to do something to recapture that momentum and that -- that magic. It doesn't feel right turning my back on people. I want everyone to have a place they can call home, you know? A sanctuary where they can relax and make new memories. They can sit at a table, have some coffee. A garden out back where they can grown their own vegetables. Someplace they can be proud of, and they know that nobody's ever gonna come and take it away from them. I don't know. What do you think?
Devon: Where do I sign up for it?
Nick: So you're in?
Devon: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely I'm in, man. This is -- this is exactly what hamilton-winters is all about. I think that if -- if dad were still here, he'd be very proud of it. I think it's really good stuff.
Nick: Oh, man. Uh...
Devon: Yeah.
Nick: You think there's a way we could include neil's name? You know, as a way to memorialize him?
Devon: Yeah. Absolutely, I think we could. That's -- that's a great idea. To be honest with you, when you called today, this is the last thing that I thought you wanted to talk about?
Nick: Heh... yeah, I need to put some good back out in the universe. I've been focused on my own life for so long. I'm just sick and tired of being angry. It stains everything I do.
Devon: Yeah. Hey, I heard what went down at the custody hearing, too, and I'm sorry about all that.
Nick: Yeah, well, I want to be the kind of father that christian looks up to, you know, and leave something good and decent to be remembered by.
Devon: You're doing it. Doing it right here. This is just icing on the cake. Just keep paying things forward.
Nick: I'm trying. I also want to have the kind of home that christian deserves, you know?
Devon: Yeah, I do. I do. And if you keep putting good stuff into the world, good stuff is gonna come back to you.
Nick: I hope you're right.
Mariah: Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Tessa: I have been racking my brain trying to figure out why you ordered champagne.
Mariah: Do we need a reason to celebrate?
Tessa: No.
Mariah: But we have one.
Tessa: Okay. E-- enough with the suspense, okay? You're killing me!
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Tessa.
Tessa: Yes.
Mariah: Your video has hit a major milestone. It officially has 1 million likes.
Tessa: We -- no way! Are you serious?
Mariah: I knew you could do it.
Tessa: Oh, my god. This is unbelievable.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Okay.
Tessa: Um...
Mariah: To you. To us. To everyone that said that we couldn't do it... and we did.
[ Chuckles ]
Tessa: Heh...
Mariah: So, how do you feel? Come on!
Tessa: I don't know. I don't know. There's just so, um -- there's so many things. Um... but first of all, I just r-- I want to say thank you. For believing in me and supporting me and letting me be myself, which is a huge leap of faith. But we did it.
Lola: Did what?
Mariah: I just told tessa that her video has 1 million likes.
Lola: What? Congratulations! That's fantastic!
Tessa: Oh! If this is a dream, please do not wake me up.
Mariah: [ Laughs ]
Lola: This is your life, girl. Get used to it. Can I get you anything from the kitchen?
Mariah: I don't think so. But you could answer a riddle for me.
Lola: I don't follow.
Mariah: I was, uh, just wondering about rey. How's he doing?
Lola: He's fine, last time i checked.
Mariah: When's the last time you talked to him?
Lola: A couple days ago? Why? What did I miss?
Mariah: He moved out of sharon'S.
Lola: Wait, what? Why? What happened?
Mariah: I-I don't know. You know what, you -- you should probably just speak to him.
Lola: But they were so happy.
Mariah: I know. Sharon was very much in love with him.
Lola: Wow, this is awful. But I'm sure it's just a bump in the road, and they'll get back on track, right?
Devon: I got a great feeling about this, man.
Nick: I do, too. Thank you so much. I'll be in touch.
Devon: Absolutely.
Nick: Oh, hey.
Nate: Hey. Didn't know you had company.
Nick: He's all yours. I was just leaving. Talk soon.
Nate: Take care, nick.
Devon: So, what's up? I thought you were busy tonight.
Nate: So did I. My, uh, date with abby turned into an unmitigated disaster.
Devon: What's that mean? What happened?
Nate: Everything started out great.
[ Sighs ] Uh...
Devon: Did you cook?
Nate: Perfection.
Devon: At least you're modest.
Nate: [ Scoffs ] So, uh, we're trucking right along, and as soon as I try to get close, she's out the door. I-I don't know what to tell you. She's -- you know, she may seem happy on the outside most of the time, but maybe she's dealing with something she's not talking about. Just give her some time. Some space. And if it's meant to be, she'll come back to you.
Nate: Things are going good with you and elena so, uh, now you're the relationship guru, huh?
Devon: Ah, I don't know about all that, but... she has changed my life, though, man. It's just... I never thought that I would be this happy again.
Nate: I'm glad for you, man.
Devon: Thank you.
[ Lock turns ] Hey, babe.
Elena: Hi.
Devon: What's the matter?
Nate: Something happened at work. I'm phil mickelson.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Elena: We got a call about an accident at a construction site. It was a welder who fell four stories. When we got there, he was conscious and talking. He actually grabbed my hand and asked me to please not let him die because he had a family. And I promised him that we would do the best that we could, because I thought we had a chance, you know? And I knew that I would do my damnedest to keep him alive. Anyway, he went into cardiac arrest. We tried cpr. Didn't work. We tried to shock his heart into a normal rhythm. Nothing. We worked on him the entire way to the hospital. And the whole time, I just kept telling him to just hold on. You know, stay with me. But... his heart never... by the time we got to the hospital, he was gone.
[ Snorts softly ] There was nothing more we could do. I hate those words! "Nothing more we can do." I promised him.
Devon: Babe, you did. You did your best. I'm sorry that that happened, though, to you.
Nate: Sometimes, no matter what we do --
Elena: I know. It's just... I failed. And now he's dead.
Tessa: We did it.
Mariah: No, you did it, and your talent.
Tessa: No, no. This never would have happened without you in on it.
Mariah: You never would have needed us if you hadn't written such a beautiful song.
Tessa: Well, I never would have written it if I wasn't in love.
Mariah: To us. What's next?
[ Both chuckle ]
Tessa: Well, um... I got some ideas.
Mariah: You do?
Tessa: Yeah. All I need is the right inspiration.
Mariah: Actually, I've gotten e-mails from some stars on the horizon who are interested in collaborating.
Tessa: This is unreal.
Mariah: No. This is your life. Cheers.
Tessa: Cheers.
[ Knock on door ]
Sharon: Lola.
Lola: Sorry to drop by without calling.
Sharon: If you're looking for rey, we've --
Lola: I heard. Mariah. But she didn't tell me why, which means you found out my big brother is a neanderthal. And I should have warned you sooner, I know. But whatever he did, sharon, I am positive you guys can fix this.
Sharon: Actually, I'm the one to blame.
Lola: Oh. I thought --
Sharon: I made some decisions that he didn't agree with. I...tried to support someone, and I just should have left well enough alone.
Lola: Do you mind if I ask, is this about abby's brother adam? I heard that there's some history.
Sharon: There's just a lot going on.
Lola: I get it. You don't want to talk to me about it. So talk to rey.
Sharon: I don't know. He was just so hurt and angry.
Lola: Because he loves you.
Sharon: [ Sighs ]
Lola: And you made him happy -- happier than I have ever seen him in years. Do you want me to chat with him? I'm used to knocking some sense into that guy.
Sharon: Thanks. And thanks for coming by. It was very sweet of you. But you've got a lot on your plate these days. You're getting married!
Lola: Can you believe it?
Sharon: Have fun. Enjoy all of these moments. The -- the planning, the anticipation, all the special times you two will share in this. And revel in your happiness, that you found the person who was meant for you. Don't let anything spoil the magic.
Nick: Hey, vick. [ Sighs ] How's my boy doing? Can I talk to him? Thanks. Hey, dude! Guess who this is?
[ Laughs ] Who told you?
[ Laughs ] Are you being a good boy for your aunt victoria and uncle billy? I knew you would be. I'm proud of you. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah, I miss you. I miss you, too. Every minute. When do you get to come home? Uh... I don't know. Um... I don't know. But hopefully soon, man. I love you, too. Big as the sky.
Nate: You can't beat yourself up over this, elena. It's sad, and it's hard. But you do your job to the best of your abilities. But you got to find the strength within yourself to move on.
Elena: I know. I just -- I wish there was more I could do.
Nate: That's good you care. But if you don't find a way to rise above the sorrow, then the darkness is gonna overtake you. And you're not gonna be good to anyone, including yourself.
Elena: Okay. What do you do?
Nate: I cook. Travel when I can. Listen to music. The key is to find a balance.
Elena: I don't know. Sometimes I just feel like maybe I'm not cut out for this.
Nate: No, you are. I see it in you. You're gonna get back out there tomorrow and give it your all. Try your best to save lives, and never give up.
Elena: [ Sighs ] Heh. [ Sniffles ]
Nate: Stubborn. Dedicated. Fearless. The world needs more people like you.
Elena: [ Exhales softly ]
[ Sniffles ] That's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you.
Lola: I thought you had dinner with dr. Handsome tonight.
Abby: Why do people have to slap labels on everything? It was just a dinner.
Lola: Oh.
Abby: He's a great cook.
Lola: I mean the part where you weren't dining. Conversation, witty repartee. Are you guys going to have "dinner" again?
Abby: I don't think it's meant to be.
Lola: That bad?
Abby: We were having a great time. Everything was perfect. We were having fun.
Lola: And then?
Abby: [ Huffs ] And then -- [ Sighs ] Look, I don't want to talk about me right now. Let's talk about you. Have you heard from your mom since she left town?
Lola: [ Inhales deeply ] I call, she won't pick up. I text, I get nothing back. When my mom puts her walls up, nothing can knock them down.
Abby: Well, she has to come around, right? You're her baby, and you're getting married.
Lola: From your lips to god's ears. Why do relationships have to get so complicated?
Abby: [ Sighs ] What I wouldn't give to know the answer to that one.
Sharon: I guess I'm the last person you wanted to see.
Nick: Something like that.
Sharon: I'm sorry about what happened. That christian isn't with you.
Nick: It's a temporary problem. We're gonna get through it.
Sharon: I know you're angry with me for showing up in court with adam.
Nick: No. No, I'm not angry. I am disappointed. I'm completed fed up.
Sharon: It wasn't some act of vengeance on my part against you.
Nick: You could've fooled me.
Sharon: You're not looking at this the right way.
Nick: How else am i supposed to look at it, sharon? You showed up in that courtroom standing next to adam, supporting him, coaching him to remain calm in front of the judge.
Sharon: I was worried for christian.
Nick: Oh, okay.
Sharon: He was part of our family, too. I read him to sleep every night. I fed him, I clothed him like he was my own child for months. He spent a lot more quality time with me than he has victoria.
Nick: Just because something looks right on paper doesn't mean it's right.
Sharon: I was trying to do what I thought was best for everyone.
Nick: You want to side with adam, then do it. But you stay out of my way.
Sharon: Is that some kind of a threat?
Nick: No. No. I am trying to forge a positive path in my life. I'm not stooping to adam's level anymore. When I see the way he manipulates you...
Sharon: I'm not being manipulated. I make my own decisions.
Nick: Well, I'm very sorry to hear that. Because deep down, sharon, i still care about you, and i worry, and I know what this is costing you.
Sharon: What are you talking about?
Nick: Rey. If he could tell after just meeting the guy that he is a liability, all those years you spent in his orbit, shouldn't that have taught you something? You let adam under your skin, you are the only one who's gonna get hurt.
Nate: Well, I guess I'll take my leave.
Devon: Appreciate you coming by, though.
Elena: Yeah, thanks. Again that was exactly what I needed to hear.
Nate: Yeah. If you ever need to talk to somebody after a rough shift, you know where to find me.
Elena: I might actually take you up on that.
Nate: All right, guys. Have a good night.
Devon: Thanks, man. You, too. See ya.
Elena: [ Sighs ]
Devon: Honey... what can I do for you? You're already doing it.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Sharon: I can take care of myself. I don't need protecting.
Nick: We all do.
Sharon: Okay, if I were in any real danger, I would be the first to know it.
Nick: Under any other circumstances, I might believe you. But this is adam we're talking about.
Sharon: He's not the monster you think he is.
Nick: You keep telling yourself that.
Sharon: Just because you don't like some of the choices he's made --
Nick: No, it's your choices that are indefensible. I'm telling you, sharon, someday, you're gonna have to make a decision. You gonna be on adam's side? Or everyone else's?
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