Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/31/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/31/19


Episode #13669 ~ Jack dishes out some tough love, Paul supports Christine, and Phyllis stuns Nick.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Phyllis: I like the way your mind thinks. Which is why I decided to hire you to help me with the opening of the grand phoenix.

Theo: The grand phoenix.

Kyle: You tried to cause trouble for me with lola's mom. You are dead to me.

Billy: I'm hearing dee's voice. She needs me. I don't know what's happening.

Victoria: As C.E.O., You have the power to negotiate the sales of all assets belonging to dark horse.

Phyllis: Yes, I do, if the price is right.

Victoria: I'm doing this for nicholas. I just haven't been able to get ahold of him to let him know that I'm transferring ownership of his properties back to him.

Phyllis: I'd like to do that, if you don't mind.

Michael: You suggested that I run for district attorney. Per your advice, I've reconsidered. I don't want to wait till november. I want to take office right away.

Adam: Jack! How's it going? It's been a while.

Jack: Yeah, it has. You care to join me? We've got a lot to catch up on.

Adam: You almost sound ticked off at me.

Jack: I am ticked off at you. And you damn well better listen to what I have to say.

Victoria: You barely slept again.

Billy: Sorry if I kept you awake.

Victoria: No, I stayed up so I could watch over you.

Billy: To make sure I didn't sleepwalk into oncoming traffic?

Victoria: Well, you know, maybe you can joke about this, but I can'T.-I'm -- I'm a little worried about you.

Billy: Don't do that. Okay? You -- you told me that we're gonna get through this together, and we will. It was just a-a -- a bad night. But knowing that you were sleeping next to me made me feel better.

Victoria: I don't want you to comfort me.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: I just want to be there to help you. And... I just -- I wish...

Billy: What? Say it.

Victoria: I really wish you would have confided in me from the beginning, billy.

Billy: I just didn't want to dump this on you. You know, dredge up all the old pain. To be honest, I was embarrassed that it was even happening.

Victoria: You weren't too embarrassed to tell sharon. I think there's more to why you kept this from me as long as you did.

Billy: You're right. There is.

Rey: How's christian doing in his temporary home?

Nick: Want some coffee?

Rey: No, I'm good. Thank you.

Nick: Uh, you know, it's hard for both of us. He has his cousins around, so that really helps. And billy and vick are doing a great job of taking care of him.

Rey: Hopefully this all gets resolved soon, since you're clearly the one he belongs with.

Nick: Thanks, man. Uh... you know, I'd feel a lot better if we could prove he's an unfit parent, though. Have you learned anything new about vegas, if he and chance were up to anything criminal?

Rey: No, I haven'T. And, unfortunately, I won't be able to.

Nick: How come?

Rey: I'm quitting the investigation.

Nick: What? Why?

Rey: Nick, ever since you put me on adam's trail, my life here has slowly turned to hell. The man's toxic. I'm sorry to do this to you, but I'm out.

Michael: So, how are things since you announced you're not running again?

Christine: Ugh. Hectic.

Michael: Yeah. There's no surprise there.

Christine: And a little weird at times. I suspect certain people in the political realm will not be shedding any tears when I leave office.

Michael: Well, that's practically a given.

Christine: Well, between us, before that press conference, I was even considering bowing out.

Michael: Really? I thought you loved being the district attorney.

Christine: Well, I-I did. It's just... it's been nonstop for years. And if you repeat this, I'll deny it, but I'm sort of burned out.

Michael: So what's the plan?

Christine: Lately, I've been staring out the window at the sun, and imagining what it would be like to just sit by a pool with a mojito and read anything besides a pre-sentence report.

[ Sighs ] The summer is slipping by, michael, and I'm literally counting the days until the general election, and I can just turn this caseload over to whoever's next.

Michael: Hmm. Well... here's a thought. Why wait? You could walk away now.

Christine: You mean resign?

Theo: Knock, knock.

Phyllis: Oh! Hey, theo. Did we have a meeting scheduled?

Theo: I hoped you wouldn't mind my dropping by.

Phyllis: Oh, gosh. I really don't have time.

Theo: Just a few minutes, and then I will get out of your hair. But I think you'll be very interested in what i have to share with you.

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Theo: This launch party has got to be spot-on.

Phyllis: Uh, okay.

Theo: I'm talking no loose ends.

Phyllis: Yeah. Great.

Theo: When people walk out of there, I want them blasting on social media about what an epic night they just experienced. Better yet, I want them posting while they're there.

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, for what I'm paying them, they better.

Theo: Right? Strong out the gate, keep the momentum going.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Right.

Theo: Here's what we've got so far -- menu's still a work in progress, but I've got a set of deejays I'd like to book, with your approval.

Phyllis: Mm.

Theo: Oh, and an updated V.I.P. List. Just wait till you see who I've gotten commitments from.

Phyllis: Um...

Theo: Uh, if you have a minute to go over it now.

Phyllis: I actually don'T.

Theo: Uh, okay. Not even a minute. 20 seconds.

Phyllis: I was on my way out when you arrived.

Theo: 10 seconds.

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh.

Theo: Okay, I threw myself into this project because I know how much this hotel means to you.

Phyllis: Oh, it does. Uh, I mean, listen, I appreciate your efforts, theo. I appreciate it. But I-I just have a couple deals closing today.

Theo: More important than this event?

Phyllis: They could change everything for me.

Nick: I said a long time ago I was worried this might be hitting too close to home for you.

Rey: Yeah. I tried to convince sharon that the guy didn't deserve her sympathy. That what we had was too special to let adam get between us.

Nick: But he was able to worm his way into sharon's head yet again.

Rey: Yeah, it's obvious she still has feelings for him. She takes what she learned in her psychology classes and uses it to justify his behavior. And hers. It's like she's setting the groundwork up for their reunion, and she doesn't even realize it. So I ended things.

Nick: I'm sorry, man.

Rey: Yeah. Me too.

Nick: Adam's like this svengali to her. And sharon doesn't see it. It doesn't matter what adam does or who he hurts. There's still that pull.

Rey: After I had it out with sharon, I ran into adam. And I didn't mention a word about breaking up, but it's like he sensed it. And he started taunting me. Bragging how sharon will just come to him, that he didn't have to lift a finger. And the worst part is, I know he's right. That's why I moved out. Why I have to find a different job. I cannot get consumed by this. I'm sorry. I know I'm leaving you in the lurch, but it's --

Nick: Rey, no, no. We're good. I'm sorry you're going through this. You don't deserve it.

Rey: Thanks. See you around?

Nick: Yeah. Take -- take care.

Rey: Yeah.

Adam: So you're on nick's side, then.

Jack: No, no, no. I'm on christian's side. I think he belongs with the father that made him the center of his universe. And that doesn't mean that you can't still have a relationship with that little boy.

Adam: As "uncle adam," if I'm lucky.

Jack: I thought you were awarded visitation. Maybe if you stop sulking, and stop pointing fingers, you could take advantage of that.

Adam: Victoria hasn't exactly rolled out the red carpet for me.

Jack: There is a court order giving you regular access to your son.

Adam: Yes.

Jack: Then assert yourself. Pleasantly but firmly inform victoria she has to abide by the judge's order. Then, when you have time with the boy, establish a rapport with him. Get to know him. Find out what he likes, and what he doesn't like. Then, whoever gets custody, you'll at least have a connection with him.

Adam: You're not the first person that has said that to me.

Jack: I'm probably not gonna be the last, either. Listen to me. I am convinced this judge is hoping that, by appointing a guardian, he might lead you and nick to some kind of compromise. A compromise that puts christian first.

Jack: This kid has had his life turned inside out more than once. Your job is to step up and do right by him. If you can't do that, you have no business calling yourself a father.

Billy: Listen to me. I trust sharon. But your opinion is the only one that matters to me.

Victoria: Were you concerned that I would think less of you? Because I wouldn'T.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I -- it's a feeling of being powerless. And, to be frank, I was ashamed that it was happening, because I told you that I would always take care of you, and never let you down.

Victoria: You haven't, billy. You haven'T. I swear. You're looking for help, and that's all that i care about.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: But I do think that you need to see a professional.

Billy: Yeah, sharon said the same thing.

Victoria: Then you'll do it?

Billy: I am giving it serious consideration. I just need a little bit of time, okay?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Okay.

Billy: Thank you. I love you.

Jack: The house has been a bit empty without you.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Maybe I'll swing by one morning.

Jack: Door's always open.

Kyle: I have been missing one of mrs. Martinez's home-cooked meals.

Kyle: Are you kidding? She's still trying to replicate that frittata.

[ Both laugh ]

Jack: Be that as it may, it must be good to be back home and with your fiancéE.

Jack: Yeah, we had a great time last night talking about the wedding.

Jack: Listen, I know you've been sweating a lot of the details there. Maybe this close to the wedding, you should back off a little bit. Let it be the wedding you two have always dreamed about.

Kyle: Actually, it won't be. At least not for lola. And I don't think there's anything I can do to fix it.

Paul: Oh, great. Thank you.

Rey: Paul?

Paul: Rey.

Rey: Guys at the station told me I could find you here.

Paul: What can I do for you?

Rey: I miss being a cop so much. I want to come back to the force.

Paul: [ Scoffs ]

Michael: The mayor gave you every reason not to want to work with him. And we both know victor's lawsuit wasn't just about seeking vindication. He tried to soil your reputation. Probably because he's backing his own candidate in the fall.

Christine: The thought crossed my mind.

Michael: He's looking for a D.A. He can throw a truckload of money at, who will be at his beck and call. So why not cut him off at the pass? Force a special election with a candidate you feel good about passing the torch to.

Christine: Meaning you. That -- that's what this get-together is about.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] Li-listen, I really did want to know how you're doing.

Christine: Pff!

Michael: But yes. Yes. I was also very eager to pass this idea by you.

Christine: Okay, but why would you want this? When you were interim D.A. Before, you chose to serve for a very short time.

Michael: A lot of things have changed since then.

[ Sighs ] I've been thinking about the future. And I find myself drawn to the idea of prosecuting again. And wanting to give back, serve the community, maybe have one more shot at making a difference.

Christine: And I -- I understand that.

Michael: In short, if you decided to step down while it's still mojito season...

[ Christine chuckles ] ...I'd be thrilled to step up. We'd both be getting what we want. What do you think?

Christine: Hmm. Let me think about it. I'll get back to you.

Phyllis: When I heard about christian, I just -- I couldn't believe it. I'm so sorry, nick.

Nick: Not interested in hearing any sympathy from you.

Phyllis: Would you be interested in hearing some good news? It's about dark horse.

Nick: Oh, you mean my company? The one that was snaked out from under me, which you are now running? Yeah, not interested in that, either.

Phyllis: I think you might be interested in this. I just came to tell you that dark horse has divested itself from most of its properties and projects and development, with the exception of the grand phoenix.

[ Sighs ] Um... they're owned by a shell company, which is being financed by newman enterprises.

Nick: Who authorized the sale?

Phyllis: I did. Adam's unaware. Those projects and properties are waiting to be transferred into your hands. That's where newman enterprises comes in. Victoria set up the shell company. It's called amends. Uh, victoria came up with the name, but it speaks for both of us. And... I felt I owed you. I don't want anything in return. Just a clean slate.

Adam: Just the woman I wanted to talk to. Victoria [ Sighs ] Some other time. I need to get to the office.

Adam: I suggest you make time. Because I know what you're up to.

Victoria: Meaning?

Adam: Your attempt at trickery. Okay? It is obvious that you will do anything to undermine me. It's got to stop.

Paul: I gave you the opportunity to prove that you deserved your shield back.

Rey: And I blew it.

Paul: You did.

Rey: I was in an impossible situation, caught between you and mia. You admitted as much.

Paul: You know what, rey, that still doesn't change the fact that you chose to deceive me instead of coming to me with the truth.

Rey: Paul, I swear, I learned my lesson. I'd give anything if you just give me another chance.

Paul: Why now? You decided you don't want to be nick's P.I.?

Rey: Sharon and I broke up. That's part of the reason.

Paul: I'm sorry.

Rey: Yeah. I can't do that job anymore. I need to put some distance between me and sharon. I can't get sucked into all that -- that newman drama.

Paul: Would one of the problematic newmans happen to be adam, by any chance?

Rey: Look, paul, I have been through so much with sharon with my own family. I need to get back to being who I am. Being a cop. Fighting for the values I believe in. Helping people in need. If you just give me another shot. Please.

Paul: [ Sighs ] Okay. All right, rosales. You're back. But this is it.

Paul: No more infractions. No rule-breaks. No going rogue. Is that understood?

Rey: Understood. This means the world to me. I am not going to disappoint you.

Paul: All right.

Rey: Thank you.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: You agreeing to work with victoria means I get my company back.

Phyllis: You're welcome.

Nick: I figured part of the thrill of running dark horse was you getting to lord it over me.

Phyllis: Come on. You know me better than that. When do I not have an angle? I mean, I loved bringing adam down a notch. Plus trying to make up the damage I had done to you. That's two angles. I'm good. So... are we copacetic?

Nick: You trying to undo your actions means you regret what you did. That means a lot to me. I don't want any animosity between us. You're summer's mother. You'll always be a part of my life. So I guess, for today, we can start over.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Nick: But you exposing my finances to adam, it hurt me. It hurt me bad. I can't just forget it happened.

Phyllis: I betrayed your trust. Yet again.

Nick: Yeah, you did.

Phyllis: Fair enough. I have a lot of work to do. But for now, in my eyes, this is a win. For both of us.

Adam: You're ignoring my calls so you don't have to discuss when I can have time with christian. Need I remind you that these visits are court-mandated? Look, there is no reason for things to get ugly if you follow through on your end. Because I intend to see my son, and the judge expects you to work with me to find a schedule of regular visits. So when might that work best?

Victoria: You know, I'm just really swamped at newman. I-I can't say for certain.

Adam: Okay, well, you don't have to be present as long as monique is there to supervise.

Victoria: I-I just would rather be the one overseeing things. You know, to help christian adjust. He's just a little uncomfortable around you, adam. I think he would be much more at ease with his aunt there, don't you you?

Adam: Mm. Stop playing around, victoria, and make this happen.

Victoria: I'll review my calendar, and I'll get back to you.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh. I'm gonna let you take that. So long.

Adam: What?

Michael: Somebody's having a bad morning. Mm-hmm. I just had a very productive talk with christine, and she seems willing to consider resigning now. In which case, the job of interim district attorney goes to little old me. Logistics permitting.

Adam: I'm impressed. Sounds like you're enjoying this. Embracing the possibilities of our arrangement.

Michael: Let's not get hysterical. I'm just making the best of a bad situation -- dealing with you to protect kevin and his family.

Adam: Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Michael: Goodbye, adam.

Kyle: Lola keeps blaming herself for driving her mom away, and celeste is making noises like she won't be coming back for the wedding.

Jack: Wow. I understand she's upset. You think she might not show?

Kyle: She hasn't returned any of our calls.

Jack: Okay. Don't lose faith here. She's a parent. Eventually she'll realize she's making a mistake and turn the whole thing around.

Kyle: Mm, let's hope so.

Jack: In the meantime, your job is making your bride-to-be as happy as is humanly possible. Hey.

Billy: Hey. Uh, sorry to interrupt. Do you mind if I talk to jack for a second?

Kyle: Uh, sure. We just finished.

Billy: Thanks.

Kyle: Yeah.

Jack: Can I assume this is about these mid-year sales figures?

Billy: Uh, actually, no. This is personal. I could really use my brother.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: Wow. This sounds like some wicked case of insomnia.

Billy: It's been going on for a while.

Jack: What has you so tense that you can't sleep at night?

Phyllis: It is your lucky day.

Billy: Phyllis, we're in the middle of something.

Jack: This is a private meeting, phyllis. I don't appreciate you just waltzing in here.

Phyllis: Oh, you're about to appreciate me real soon.

[ Giggles ] Um... I'd like to make jabot an offer that you won't be able to refuse.

Jack: What kind of offer?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I'd like to sell you the jaboutique properties so you can own them outright.

Jack: I just was with adam. Why didn't he mention anything about this?

Phyllis: Uh, I don't think you want to know the answer to that particular question.

Jack: Is that supposed to reassure me?

Billy: I think you should hear her out, jack.

Phyllis: Um... I'm making this offer in good faith. Um, but there's not a lot of time. I need an answer before I leave this office.

Jack: Okay, what's your asking price?

Phyllis: A little above market value. Um, but not so high you can't swing it.

Jack: Wait, you're serious about this.

Phyllis: Yeah. Um, my proposal is right at the top, right there.

Billy: It's too good to pass up.

Phyllis: You can have your attorneys review that, but it's basic boiler plate. There are no surprises.

Jack: So -- so what's the catch?

Phyllis: There's no catch.

Jack: I still have a lot of questions.

Phyllis: Tick-tock. Do we have a deal or do we not?

Jack: We do.

Paul: So, um, what did you want to see me about?

Christine: I was thinking of handing in my resignation, effective immediately.

Paul: [ Exclaims ] What brought this on?

Christine: I had -- I had coffee with michael, okay, and I was describing to him how ready I was to walk away, and he suggested that I do it now. So he can step in.

Paul: Okay, so -- so you're telling me that michael's gonna shutter his practice, go back to the public sector, and make a small fraction of what he's making?

Christine: Yeah, I-I know. I know. It doesn't seem logical, right? But I think he's just trying to reevaluate what to do with his time, just like me, and I think he's ready for this change. And, look, presuming he wins the special election, he can run in november with an incumbent's advantage. And, paul, I can walk away now and start living my life the way I want to.

[ Sighs ] What do you think about that?

Paul: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: Bad time?

Victoria: No. No, no. Come in.

Nick: [ Sighs ] How's my boy doing?

Victoria: Christian's doing okay. Monique took him to camp this morning. I know that he's really anxious to see his daddy.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I can't wait to be with him, too.

Victoria: Well, I have a few times in mind, but don't say anything to adam. I just ran into him in the park, and he demanded to set up a visit. Too bad I just couldn't commit.

Nick: Well, thanks for the update, and I really appreciate the way you're looking out for both of us. In more ways than one. I just had a very surprising conversation with phyllis.

Victoria: Are you referring to the dark horse properties?

Nick: Why didn't you tell me?

Victoria: Phyllis wanted to be the one to share the news.

Nick: I cannot believe you guys were working on this together.

Victoria: I know, I can't believe it, either. But I guess miracles can happen when you share a common cause.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] What are you doing here?

Adam: Hmm. Have you forgotten, I own this company?

Phyllis: Not for a minute.

Adam: Is there anything you want to tell me?

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. I mean... you don't care about the day-to-day. I don't want to bore you.

Adam: Oh. I assure you, I will be anything but bored. Come on. Come on. Fill me in on the latest.

Phyllis: All right. Well, now that it's done, I'll say it to your face -- I sold most of dark horse. You own a real-estate company with no real estate.

Adam: Mm. I know. You know, I may not be involved in the minutiae of the company, but I'm not an idiot. Those transactions were too big to hide. I mainly just wanted to see if you would cop to it.

Phyllis: You think you know everything I'm up to, but you have no idea. You also have no idea how much i love sticking it to you.

Theo: Oh! See you got my text. Wasn't sure you'd come.

Kyle: Only because you're at society. What do you think you're doing here?

Theo: Food is excellent.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] It's a good thing lola isn't in yet. Because she doesn't need to see your face after all the problems you've caused. And what part of me saying, "you're dead to me," did you not understand?

Theo: I understood perfectly. But unlike you, I'm not ready to throw away our friendship.

Kyle: Are you serious right now? You destroyed it.

Theo: If you were smart, you'd reconsider things.

Kyle: Heh... is that a threat?

Theo: I just think it'd be best if you took a seat and we talked about this.

Paul: Okay.

Christine: Yeah, I can -- I can see all these thoughts spinning around in your head. What it would be like for you having to work with michael and not me.

Paul: I can handle michael. That's not a problem. And... whatever you decide, I will support you.

Christine: I was hoping you'd say that.

Paul: Just promise me you won't rush into anything. This is too big a decision to act on impulse. And, although I understand why this would be tempting -- the thought of all that free time is enticing -- imagine if I were to follow suit.

Christine: I don't have to imagine. I know it would look something like this.

Paul: Oh.

Jack: For phyllis to come here like that and make my day...

Billy: It's a miracle. And we'll take it.

Jack: We have full control of the jaboutiques now. Not to mention some prime commercial real estate.

Billy: Good job, big brother.

Jack: Well, I mean, I can't take credit for this. It was dropped in our laps.

Billy: No, I mean, you know, jabot's done a 180 since you've been sitting in that chair again.

Jack: Well, with the help of some very dedicated people. Two of whom brought the company to near bankruptcy. But there's no irony there.

Billy: No. If you're talking about phyllis and ashley --

Jack: I could not have done this without them. I know you're not exactly in favor of us merging with abbott exchange.

Billy: I still think there's a lot of problems. But, you know what, I'm gonna give you this moment today.

Jack: I appreciate that. This is testament to the power of fortitude. Proof, a reminder that forgiveness and reconciliation are always possible.

Billy: Yeah. I mean, not all the time. Because I'm never gonna get past my hatred of adam.

Jack: Wait, is that what you wanted to talk about? Have you two been getting into it again?

Billy: No, but after what he did... the pain of losing my daughter... it's just as strong today as it was the day she died. Actually, with everything I'm going through, maybe it's even worse.

Victoria: You know, when adam took the money that I gave him to leave town and used it to buy dark horse, I was furious. And then, when he tried to use the company as leverage to take christian away from you...

Nick: It's pretty appalling. Even for him.

Victoria: I said that i wanted to make it up to you, and thanks to phyllis, I found a way. So now you have nearly all of your entire business back. You're just gonna have to come up with a name. Then, once I transfer the properties over, you'll be all set. So, what's your first move gonna be?

Adam: Well, I hope you enjoyed the exhilaration of thinking you bested me. Because that's all you'll be getting out of this. The profits and the proceeds from the sales you arranged still belong to dark horse. A.K.A., Me.

Phyllis: I didn't do this to steal property from you or to fatten my bank account. I did this to right a wrong. But guess what? I don't leave empty-handed. The grand phoenix is mine.

Adam: Mm.

Phyllis: It was acquired by summertime, inc., Which is controlled by me.

Adam: Well, I hate to break it to you, slim, but the deed you transferred wasn't for a hotel on lakeshore drive in genoa city. Check the fine print. Summertime, inc., Owns a hotel on lakeshore drive in detroit. And it's set for demolition at the end of the month.

Theo: You know, you used to be my closest friend and ally.

Kyle: Yeah, key words -- "used to be."

Theo: You can't erase the past.

Kyle: That's where you're wrong.

Theo: You cleaned up the mess after a certain incident that could have taken us down.

Theo: We both know which one. I owe you for that. Always will. Then again, back then, you weren't such a choirboy, the way you are now.

Kyle: [ Chuckles softly ] Don't try to hold what happened over my head.

Theo: Dude, relax. Look, what happens in new york stays there. Right?

Kyle: Yeah. And it better not change.

Jack: Billy, you can't go on like this. No sleep, terrible dreams.

Billy: Don't forget sleep-driving. Waking up on my mother's living-room floor, that was a trip.

Jack: It's dangerous as hell. Seriously, what are you gonna do about it? Well, victoria and sharon think that I should see a therapist.

Jack: Along with a complete physical. I think this is an excellent idea.

Billy: I know what I should do, I just don't think that it's gonna make a difference.

Jack: Why do you say that?

Billy: Because no matter what I learn about myself, adam is still here. He's still alive.

Jack: Billy --

Billy: And my daughter's not.

Jack: Billy. Billy. Adam is here, yes. So are victoria and katie and johnny. You finally earned a place back with your family. Delia would not want you to risk that. She'd want you to hold on to the happiness that you found. I want to help you. But you need to talk to a professional. Someone who's trained. Someone who will understand this despair you feel. For god's sake, don't make this about adam. This is about you. You getting what you need for yourself and the people you love.

Nick: Vick, I can't tell you how moved I am by what you've done. I mean, I am beyond grateful.

Victoria: You are most welcome.

Nick: So I really hope you're not offended by what I'm gonna say next.

Victoria: Ohh. What?

Nick: Look, I just -- I want to keep a few select properties and projects from dark horse. The rest of them... I just don't want them. So you keep them.

Victoria: I don't understand. I mean, why would you --

Nick: I know. I'm looking at things in a different light these days. A lot of those properties I took from newman, I got with some pretty shady tactics, and I'm not proud of it. So now that you got them back, I feel like they're where they belong. And I'm really hoping you and mom can use them to restore newman's real-estate division back to its former glory.

Victoria: Are you sure about this?

Nick: Absolutely sure.

Victoria: All right. I won't argue. But since you did ask for a few small properties, I'm guessing that you have a plan?

Nick: I'm going back to the beginning of my quest to find myself, before things spun out of control.

Victoria: I'm not exactly sure what you mean.

Nick: You'll see.

[ Glasses clink ]

Phyllis: Detroit.

Adam: [ Snickering ]

Phyllis: Interesting.

Adam: You know, the minute you brought up that particular hotel here in town, I knew you were planning something. But I-I like what you're doing with the place. And I like the name phoenix, 'cause it reminds me of, well, me.

Phyllis: Naturally.

Adam: Uh-huh. So, to prove I am not a bad sport, I'll let you keep the penthouse you designed. What do you say? No hard feelings?

Phyllis: You won. You won. Let me tell you something. The game isn't over. And I cannot wait to wipe that smirk off of your face.

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