Y&R Transcript Monday 7/29/19
Episode #11667~ Michael shows his dark side, Rey challenges Adam, and Chelsea and Nick discuss their future.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Kevin: I can't abandon you to deal with him on your own.
Michael: Sure you can. Look, the only reason I agreed to do adam's bidding was to take the heat off of you so you could get back to your family.
Lola: What about my wedding? You'll come back for it, won't you?
Celeste: All that I know is that I love you. I love you enough to say goodbye.
Phyllis: Work with you?
Victoria: Well, yeah. If you're making moves to cut adam down to size.
Nick: This is gonna be a huge patio, and there's gonna be a huge window overlooking the sun deck. It's for us. I want to build our dream home. Now I got to go and pack up christian's things. I mean, him going home with you is a lot better than with adam, but I still can't believe I got to do this. He should be here with me, with his father.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Sighs ]
Chelsea: Thought I might find you here.
Nick: Yeah. I needed to get away.
Chelsea: I'll -- I'll go if you want me to.
Adam: Hey, I need more copies of the photos you took. I am sending someone over right now, so have them ready.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Michael: Good morning.
Adam: Well, you're in a weirdly good mood for someone who was summoned by his blackmailer.
Michael: Oh, I like to think of us as equally matched adversaries.
Adam: Oh. Well, whatever helps you get through the day.
Michael: What's up?
Adam: I need you to run an errand for me.
Michael: Mm. A few days ago, you wanted me to run for D.A. Now I'm your gopher.
Adam: Mm. Well, the election's in a few months. Might as well put you to use until then.
Michael: [ Chuckles ] Makes sense, in an adam-ish sort of way.
Adam: I need you to pick up a package from someone. Here's the name and address. Okay?
Michael: Oh. The P.I. Who took the not-so-flattering photos of judge sanders.-Adam: Yes, everyone's a critic.
Michael: Sorry. Can't meet him.
Adam: Excuse me?
Michael: He left town. Actually, he left the country. Indefinitely.
Adam: And how do you know that?
Michael: Because I am the one who told him to go.
Phyllis: Yes, that's exactly what I want to do. Roger -- can I call you roger? I'm calling you roger. Make it happen.
[ Sighs ]
Billy: It's both physically and mentally exhausting to corral three children at one time.
Victoria: I know. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you get them off to camp.
Billy: It's all right. I know that I'll have my fair share of morning meetings, and you'll be on your own.
Victoria: Yes, that's true. But you didn't sign up for this.
Billy: Please refer to my prior comments on the subject.
Victoria: I know you're okay with christian living with us.
Billy: I'm more than okay with him being with us.
Victoria: And i appreciate that. But I just wish I had been able to reach you before i offered to help nicholas.
Billy: Well, if you did, I probably would have went to the judge's chambers and told him what an idiot I think he is.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] Well, he hopes that he's gonna be able to convince the judge to reverse his decision.
Billy: Yeah. Meanwhile, I'm just glad the kid has a safe place to land.
Victoria: Me too. But, billy, would you please keep your phone on from now on? Emergencies are bound to come up, and I have to be able to reach you.
Billy: Yes. Absolutely. I'm sorry about that.
Victoria: It's okay. I know you have a lot on your mind now that jack and ashley are merging the two companies.
Billy: Yeah, that. I wouldn't have sent jack to paris if I knew that was gonna happen.
Victoria: Are they really gonna go ahead with this?
Billy: Full steam, as far as I can tell.
Victoria: Look, I know you've been under a lot of stress lately, which is why I'm even more grateful to you for stepping up to help my family.
Billy: It's all good.
Sharon: Hi.
Rey: Hi. I wasn't expecting you.
Sharon: Um... I held off as long as I could. But, um... well, you know, I just wanted to give you some time to --
[ Clears throat ]
[ Sighs ] I missed you last night.
Rey: I missed you, too.
Sharon: Can I come in?
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Kyle: [ Claps hands ] The toothbrush has landed.
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: I'll hold off bringing the rest of my stuff in case your mom comes back.
Lola: [ Sighs ] No. I chased her off for good this time.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] She'll realize it's crazy to lay this all on you. Rey and arturo are the ones who kept your accident from her.
Lola: There is no way you're gonna convince my mom I'm not responsible.
Kyle: Well... she's wrong.
[ Chuckles ]
Lola: Please don't ever say that to her face.
Kyle: Noted. However, I still think not telling her what happened was the right call.
Lola: She's never gonna see it that way, kyle. But I'm sure rey will appreciate that, uh, you've got his back.
Kyle: Got a lot of respect for the guy.
Lola: He's been torturing you for months.
Kyle: Looking after his little sis. Same way he looked after sharon when he got fired. Guy's not afraid to stand up for what he believes is right.
Lola: Even if it kills him sometimes.
Sharon: Thank you. For hearing me out.
Rey: [ Sighs ] I should have done that yesterday.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] You know, we've both been dealing with so much.
Rey: Yeah, but walking out on you didn't help.
Sharon: You were upset. I understand.
Rey: Do you?
Sharon: You were right about getting involved in christian's case. I-it -- it was unnecessary. And the judge ended up placing him with victoria. But still, you know, I don't see how wanting to help was a bad thing. You always said that's what you loved about me. How much I care about other people. It made me great at my job.
Rey: Yeah, and the work you were doing was amazing. But we're not talking about those people. Even christian.
Sharon: How is helping adam any different?
Rey: Do you really need me to answer that?
Sharon: [ Scoffs ] I go out of my way to help a stranger, and you expect me to turn my back on a friend?
Rey: Oh, wait. We both know that adam's a lot more than just a friend.
Sharon: No, that's not true.
Rey: Sharon, if you can't be honest with me, there is no point in having this conversation.
Adam: You better have a damn good reason for sending my P.I. Out of the country.
Michael: I thought an extended vacation would benefit all parties.
Adam: Look, I need those photos. For kevin and chloe's sake, I hope you got them.
Michael: And the negatives.
Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, you're not as dumb as I thought.
Michael: I am smarter than you ever expected.
Adam: Where are the pictures?
Michael: Gone.
Adam: Okay. This is getting tedious. Gone where?
Michael: Destroyed.
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Michael: Yes, all of them. All of them.
Adam: Those --
[ Exhales sharply ] Those pictures were going to guarantee me custody of my son!
Michael: And you call kevin stupid.
Adam: Sanders would have done anything to keep those from going public --
Michael: You know what happens to people who try to blackmail judges? I'll give you a hint -- they grow very fond of orange.
Adam: No, no, no. My plan --
Michael: Stood a high chance of blowing up in your face. You're welcome.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] Oh, what, you -- you expect me to think that you did this for me, michael?
Michael: I did it for me. Thanks to this unholy alliance of ours, if your life implodes, I go down with you. And that, my friend, is not gonna happen.
Nick: How'd you know where to find me?
Chelsea: I remembered how much you loved this property.
Nick: I was gonna build our home here. Ours and our boys'.
Chelsea: That was a long time ago.
Nick: Doesn't feel like it to me.
Chelsea: You said this place spoke to your soul.
Nick: [ Chuckles quietly ] Still does.
Chelsea: Did it help?
Nick: What?
Chelsea: Getting away from everything.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. It did.
Chelsea: I'm glad.
Nick: Doesn't mean I'm giving up. I will get christian back. Just needed to put some distance between me and my brother or I was gonna hurt him.
Chelsea: You don't have it in you.
Nick: I didn't think so, ither. But the only thing stopping me is knowing it could cost me my son.
Adam: So, this is the michael baldwin you were telling me about.
Michael: I warned you he was in there.
Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, welcome to the dark side. It suits you.
Michael: Don't get any ideas. I'm not on team adam by choice.
Adam: Mm. Yeah. That "brotherly love" thing still escapes me.
Michael: Well, just go after kevin and chloe, and you'll find out just how powerful it can be.
Adam: They are lucky that you are so valuable to me.
Michael: Mm. And just remember that my value decreases if I go to prison or lose my license or if my reputation is besmirched in any way.
Adam: Is that so?
Michael: It is. Which means it's to your benefit to protect my public persona. So no more clumsy attempts at blackmailing judges.
Adam: You make a strong case, counselor.
Michael: Good.
Adam: I agree to cease and desist any and all besmirching.
Michael: All right. Moving on.
Adam: [ Snorts ] Oh, there's more?
Michael: You suggested that i run for district attorney. Per your advice, I've reconsidered.
Adam: You're launching a campaign?
Michael: I don't want to wait till november. I want to take office right away.
Adam: And how do you plan to get rid of the current D.A.? I assume you don't want me to take care of that.
Michael: I'll convince christine to step down so we can hold a special election.
Adam: Why the sudden urge to take office?
Michael: Mutually beneficial means there's something in it for me.
Adam: Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?
Michael: I'll be in touch.
Adam: Michael. Screwing with me would be a mistake.
Phyllis: You sure no one knows you're here?
Victoria: If the transactions had gone through on time,. We wouldn't be meeting.
Phyllis: Well, you can thank mcnally for that.
Victoria: Mcnally? Mcnally is a top-rate C.F.O. We were all very disappointed when nick lured him away to dark horse.
Phyllis: Well, you can have him back. He asks too many questions.
Victoria: Oh, well, maybe he noticed that most of the assets you're selling off belonged to newman at one time.
Phyllis: Uh, he said he was afraid that my lack of experience might make someone want to take advantage of me. That is a typical man.
Victoria: Well, let's just hope he didn't raise those concerns with adam.
Phyllis: Of course he didn't raise those concerns with adam. Of course not. And, by the way, adam is a ghost here. People don't see him, let alone talk to him.
Victoria: So, are we good to go with this?
Phyllis: Check your phone. Everything should be finalized.
Victoria: Sale complete.
Phyllis: Now you just need to hold up your end of the agreement.
Victoria: I'm doing this for nicholas. I just haven't been able to get ahold of him to let him know that I'm transferring ownership of his properties back to him.
Phyllis: I'd like to do that, if you don't mind.
Victoria: Yes, by all means. Be my guest. A word of warning, though -- if you're hoping that this will win nick back --
Phyllis: Um...
[ Clears throat ] Victoria, I need your advice as much as I need roger mcnally'S.
Victoria: Good luck.
Phyllis: Luck is for suckers.
Sharon: Can we just agree to disagree?
Rey: About adam? Not a problem.
Sharon: About how we view him. You know, you're never gonna stop being a cop. You look at adam, and you see a rap sheet.
Rey: Yeah. Says a lot about a man.
Sharon: Okay, well, I have a different perspective. I see adam, and I see what shaped him.
Rey: Yeah. So he's a toxic jerk because of daddy issues?
Sharon: Partly, yeah. Did you know that his legal name is victor newman jr.?
Rey: Oh, wow. Did he spend his whole life trying to live up to that title?
Sharon: He didn't know who his father was growing up. He didn't know who he was. When he found out, it -- it turned his whole world upside down.
Rey: Oh, it must be rough finding out you're the son of a billionaire.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] He was lied to, rey. His whole life. By everyone. Including his mother, who he idolized. And that's what made him who he is. It's what motivates everything he does.
Rey: Yeah? Including this custody fight?
Sharon: Yes, especially that.
Rey: [ Sighs ] Explains a lot.
Sharon: So now you understand why adam acts the way he does.
Rey: No. Not about adam. About you. You don't love him in spite of how screwed up he is. You love him because of it.
Sharon: I came here to apologize for offering to take christian in.
Rey: Yeah, well, so far, all you've done is made excuses for you and adam.
Sharon: I was awake all night thinking about this.
Rey: How much time did you spend thinking about us? Our future? As much time as you spent thinking about adam's tragic past? That's what I thought.
Sharon: My concerns are valid.
Rey: Sharon, a lot of people grew up without a father. We don't all turn out to be sociopaths.
Sharon: Okay, so now you're the psychologist.
Rey: No more than you.
Sharon: You know what, neither one of us are qualified to diagnose adam.
Rey: No. No. But I have spent years listening to felons talk to their girlfriends and wives, and it is always the same thing -- "you're the only one that understands me, baby. I can't do this without you." Does that sound familiar?
Sharon: I have pity for adam, not love.
Rey: Yeah, well, it's a fine line, sharon.
Sharon: You're being paranoid.
Rey: Yeah.
Sharon: I have no intention of going back to him.
Rey: Yeah. Yeah, right.
Sharon: Okay, this is not about adam.
Rey: You keep telling yourself that.
Sharon: This is about mia. She betrayed you, and you don't trust anyone anymore, and now you're taking your anger for her out on me.
Rey: What I'm feeling is not anger. It is frustration. And fear. I'm scared for you, sharon.
Sharon: Why?
Rey: Because I can't save you from this. Only you can. But you don't want to. You're defending a man who's dragging you down. And you won't -- you can't stop yourself from letting him.
Sharon: I will -- I'll cut adam out of my life if you want me to.
Rey: You've said that before.
Sharon: I will!
Rey: You have said that before.
Sharon: I don't love him. I love you! Only you.
Rey: The first time you said that, it felt like my heart was gonna explode. But now it feels like you're using me to hide your feelings for adam. And I am not interested in being your safety net.
Sharon: You're not.
Rey: It's over, sharon. We are done.
Chelsea: It really is beautiful here. So...secluded and peaceful.
Nick: It's the perfect place for a dream home. You know, I offered to build summer and kyle a place up here. But they split up before I could even get the plans drawn. I guess it is the land of broken promises.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I don't know. Found what I was looking for today.
Nick: Yeah? What was that?
Chelsea: A reminder. Of what's possible.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Lola: Mama, it's me. I, um... I miss you. I hope we can talk soon. Heh. I love you.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] I could call her. If you think it would help.
Lola: After what theo told my mom about you?
Kyle: [ Sighs ] I could kill him for what he did.
Lola: Might reinforce her opinion of you.
Kyle: I care more about yours.
Lola: It wasn't easy hearing about your life in new york.
Kyle: I'm not proud of some of the things I did. Most of them.
Lola: I'm not judging you. It's just...knowing... about the intense relationship that you had with summer, and how it caused you to go out of control when she broke up with you --
Kyle: I was stupid.
[ Sighs ] I've grown up a lot since then.
Lola: And I love the man that you've grown into. Eventually, my mom will, too.
Kyle: Said no daughter ever to her fiancé.
Lola: I never said when it would happen.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Let's -- let's fly to miami. Talk to her face-to-face.
Lola: What? No. Babe, we're -- we have jobs. We're getting married. And I already took time off for the honeymoon. I can't just take off to miami.
Kyle: I'm sure abby will understand.
Lola: Even if I could square things at work, pushing mom will just make it worse.
Kyle: What if you don't work things out before the wedding?
Lola: Then she won't be there. It's my own fault. I shouldn't have shut her out.
Kyle: Nothing justifies punishing you like this.
Lola: How would you feel if we had our own daughter and she was in a life-threatening situation?
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Lola: And she didn't mention it to us. Don't tell me you wouldn't lose it. Hello?
Kyle: Hm? Mm. Sorry. Got caught on the thought of having a mini-lola.
Lola: [ Scoffs ]
Kyle: Oh, my god. She would be so cute! And stubborn. Mmm!
Lola: You have no idea what you're in for.
Kyle: It's gonna be amazing.
Lola: As long as you like your family hot and spicy.
Kyle: The spicier, the better.
Chelsea: Well... this is really nice, but i should probably get going. Are you gonna stay or come home? What?
Nick: You called my house home.
Chelsea: Oh. [ Stammers ] I didn't mean to presume --
Nick: Is that the way you feel? Like you're home here in genoa city?
Chelsea: I mean, I guess i always kind of consider this home. I lived here longer than I lived anywhere.
Nick: You had your son here.
Chelsea: Yeah. And now he is settled in baton rouge, so --
Nick: He will be happy anywhere that you are, chelsea. And he's got a lot of people here who love him.
Chelsea: Yeah, including adam.
Nick: You can't let him dictate your life.
Chelsea: Look what he's done to your life. And christian'S.
Nick: So, what are you gonna do?
Chelsea: I just need to figure out my next move.
Nick: Well, in the meantime, let's go home.
Billy: Sharon. Hey.
Sharon: Hey.
Billy: How's it going?
Sharon: Uh, I'm -- I'm good. You?
Billy: Uh... yeah. I'm -- I'm okay. You know, crazy at work. Crazy at home now that we have another kid at home.
Sharon: How's christian doing?
Billy: He's good. You know, he misses nick. But he's a trooper.
Sharon: I feel bad for the little guy, caught up in the middle of all this.
Billy: Yeah, well, that's adam's specialty, right? Trashing innocent lives.
Sharon: Are you still having dreams about delia?
Billy: A few.
Sharon: Is it still causing you anxiety and insomnia?
Billy: Sleep's overrated, right?
Sharon: Have you thought about what I said? Maybe finding a good therapist?
Billy: I've thought about it, yes.
Sharon: I could help you find someone who specializes in grief counseling.
Billy: Or I could just, you know, continue talking to you. I'm more comfortable that way. Of course, unless you, you know, don't have time.
Sharon: Um, I'm actually about to have a lot of time.
Billy: Is that right? You sending faith to boarding school or what?
Sharon: Rey and I broke up.
Rey: Thank you.
Adam: I'll, uh -- I'll have what he's having.
Sharon: I knew that rey had trust issues because of what happened with mia and arturo. From his perspective, I was crossing boundaries. But from mine, I was just helping a friend.
Billy: A friend yea high, chiseled jaw, carrying a pitchfork?
Sharon: Adam isn't --
Billy: Please. You don't have to explain that S.O.B. To me.
Sharon: I just don't want you to have the wrong idea. I love rey.
Billy: And yet that demon seed was trying to ruin your relationship every step of the way.
Sharon: Nothing happened between adam and me.
Billy: My thought never went there. But I will say, if I was in rey's shoes, I would be worried, too. Not that you're cheating on him, it's just -- you know, it's -- it's adam. I wouldn't want you anywhere near him, either.
Sharon: I'm all he has, billy.
Billy: Well, that's because he's poisonous, sharon. He ruins everything he touches. And the most insidious, most disturbing part of it is, he doesn't have to do anything.
Sharon: I don't think that's fair.
Billy: Doesn't matter if it's fair. It's just true. The mere presence of him puts everybody on edge, and it just -- it does a number on you. You know, you're constantly worried where the next bomb is gonna go off and what damage it's gonna cause, and... like I said, the guy is poisonous.
Sharon: You know, I've studied hypervigilance, and it can be exhausting.
Billy: Tell me about it.
Sharon: You're still not sleeping, are you?
Billy: Well, when I sleep, I don't actually get any rest. It's like I'm living in a constant nightmare.
Sharon: Dreaming about delia?
Billy: Every night's the same. I -- I'm searching for her. I'm trying to save her. Trying to... save her from adam. And I hear her calling my name. And as soon as I get close, it's -- I wake up, and I'm too late. Just like the night I lost her. I'm always too late.
Phyllis: Hello. You're very busy. For a guy who just dumped a high-profile client.
Michael: That's right. Very busy.
Phyllis: Even for an old friend?
Michael: [ Sighs ] By all means, phyllis, j-- join me.
Phyllis: Don't mind if I do. What were we saying? Oh, yes, yes. Um... we were talking about how you bailed on nick just hours before the custody hearing.
Michael: I had a conflict.
Phyllis: Oh, well, that's bad luck for nick. Because if you would have been there, the outcome would have been very different.
Michael: I told nick to get a continuance. I told nick to find a lawyer. He chose to go it alone. It backfired. That is on him.
Phyllis: Ooh, harsh.
Michael: Nick should have listened to me.
Phyllis: Sounds like you have an inside track.
Michael: [ Clears throat ] I did. Years of experience as an attorney.
Phyllis: Mm. Well, at least christian didn't end up with adam.
Michael: I never thought he would.
Phyllis: Years of experience?
Michael: Adam's track record.
Phyllis: Yeah, I tried to tell adam he wasn't dad material, but he wasn't having it.
[ Sighs ] So I guess nick and adam aren't that different, after all. They both think they know better.
Michael: Yeah, it's genetically linked.
Phyllis: I hope they don't find a cure. Because, um, I'm finding that adam's arrogance is giving me endless opportunities.
[ Chuckles ]
Michael: I am absolutely certain that I don't want to know what you're talking about.
Phyllis: I think you do want to know.
Michael: No, no, no, no, no, no.
Phyllis: You don't see possibilities with adam?
Michael: I steer as far away from your boss as humanly possible.
Phyllis: Oh. So you say.
Adam: Well, I have nothing against day drinking, but I hope this isn't a sign you and sharon are having trouble.
[ Sighs ] You know, I just -- I just realized that I offered my gratitude to sharon for letting me submit her name to the judge, but I never thanked you. Yeah, I know if christian was with you and sharon, you would have helped her make my son feel safe and loved. I wouldn't have asked otherwise.
Rey: Yeah. We both know that's not why you asked her.
Adam: Because she is the best person to mother christian.
Rey: Sharon may buy that, but I don'T.
Adam: Okay. What other reason, then?
Rey: You knew there was no way that the judge would choose sharon over victoria. So you used your son's custody hearing to suck her further into your sick little world.
Adam: Wow. I am, uh, not sure where all this vitriol is coming from. Wait. Wait a minute. I -- I did cause problems for you guys. Man, I am -- I am so sorry.
Lola: I'm glad she got back safely to miami. Yeah. She is. Really mad at me. Hopefully. Can you just tell mom that i love her?
[ Snorts softly ] Thanks, arturo.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] She made it home okay?
Lola: Mia and arturo went to go check on her.
Kyle: I'm surprised she didn't throw them out.
Lola: Oh, she was really mad at him. And then the baby kicked, and they let her touch it, and she forgot all about it.
Kyle: Right. If arturo hadn't have been screwing around with mia, she-never would have gone after abby, and you wouldn't have ended up in the hospital.
Lola: Yeah. He basically caused this whole fiasco, and yet I am the one mom's not speaking to.
Kyle: Yeah. It's pretty messed up.
Lola: Welcome to my world. Or should I say arturo's world. There is nothing that woman won't forgive him for.
Kyle: Which means she'll eventually come around with you.
Lola: Yeah, that's what arturo said.
Kyle: And you don't believe it?
Lola: When it comes to my mom, "eventually" can be a very long way off.
Kyle: Or it could be another 10 minutes from now.
Lola: [ Snorts ] Ever the optimist.
Kyle: It's out of our control. Unlike our wedding.
Lola: Hmm. I guess you forgot. I have no say in that, either.
Kyle: You already made the most important choice.
Lola: And I could have sworn I chose a more humble model.
Kyle: You saying you're changing your mind?
Lola: Does that answer your question?
Kyle: Not sure.
Lola: Okay. How 'bout now?
Kyle: Mnh-mnh.
Lola: Oh, okay.
Kyle: No.
Lola: How 'bout now?
Kyle: Uh, closer.
Lola: [ Laughs ]
Sharon: If you're dead set on not seeing a therapist, you've got to come up with some way to deal with these dreams you're having.
Billy: I'm open to suggestions.
Sharon: Well, how about cutting back on caffeine?
Billy: [ Sighs ] It's the only thing that keeps me awake during the day.
Sharon: Yeah, but it also prevents you from sleeping at night. And that's important, billy, or you won't be any good to anybody.
Billy: I know. I'm -- I'm -- my body's out of whack, and I do need to get it back on schedule.
Sharon: How about yoga or acupuncture? Really, any form of exercise.
Billy: Well, I was actually thinking of something a little more simple.
Sharon: Like what?
Billy: Victoria was taking sleeping pills when she was dealing with all the J.T. Stuff. So...
Sharon: Yeah. That could work. But you need to see a doctor.
Billy: Yeah, no. Of course.
Sharon: Pills can help you sleep, but you're not really dealing with the problem. And they can be really addictive.
Adam: Okay, the last thing I want to do is hurt sharon. She is the only person that has been on my side since I came back to genoa city. She has gone out of her way to support and defend me, even when it wasn't a popular thing to do. She has been a much better friend than I deserve.
Rey: No argument here.
Adam: Okay. Then what is it? Why does the idea of me and sharon being friends light you up so much?
Rey: [ Chuckles ] You know, it's ironic how you both keep using that word. Since you are so much more than a friend to sharon, and she is so much less to you.
Adam: Mm. [ Chuckles ] Okay, how do you think I see sharon, dr. Rosales?
Rey: As prey.
Adam: Hmm. Well, if that were true, I would have to hunt her down. And I don'T. Because she's going to come to me, rey.
Rey: Yeah. Maybe sooner than you think.
Nick: So, what can I do for you, mr. Tulane?
Daryl: Please, call me daryl.
Nick: All right, daryl. You said you're an attorney. Are you here to see me?
Daryl: Actually, I need to see chelsea boudreaux. I understand she's staying here.
Nick: You mind if I ask what this is about?
Daryl: No need to worry about this. I have some good news for her.
Chelsea: Hey, nick, do you -- daryl!
Daryl: Hello, chelsea.
Chelsea: What are you doing here?
Daryl: I'm about to make you a very rich woman.
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