Y&R Transcript Friday 7/26/19
Episode #11666 ~ Victor takes care of unfinished business. Rey questions Sharon's bond with Adam. Phyllis receives an intriguing proposition.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Celeste: You and your brothers have shut me out of your lives.
Rey: Adam got inside your head, but I don't believe for one second he was ever in your heart.
Sharon: Never.
Sharon: Everything is in place for summertime, inc. I want you to pull the trigger on the second acquisition we discussed.
This court hereby rules that it is in the best interest of the minor child that victoria newman be appointed his guardian.
Nikki: Okay, so victoria's assistant said that she had a few hours in between meetings, so she's spending some time with christian.
Victor: Yeah. Well, I'm glad that she took him in. I'm sure that will make nicholas very happy.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] It just galls me that the judge even found that to be necessary.
Victor: I know.
Nikki: There was no reason to remove christian from his home. This is exactly what nicholas has been worried about from the moment he found out adam was alive.
Victor: Well, how could we have known?
Nikki: We told him he was getting ahead of himself, that maybe adam wouldn't want to stay in genoa city or have any interest in being a father. Then we told him there's no way that adam could win this custody suit. I mean, every nightmare scenario he had came true.
Victor: I know. I was so hoping that bringing adam back to genoa city would heal this family.
Nikki: I know. Unfortunately, all he's done is tear us apart.
Victor: He didn't win custody of the boy, you know? He was placed with someone he knows and loves.
Nikki: Well, thank god for that.
Victor: Yeah.
Victoria: Wow, that is the coolest boat ever! How about when I'm off this call, we take it to the pond and we can christen its first adventure. You want to? Okay. Hey, I'm sorry about that.
Chelsea: Oh, don't even worry about it. Christian comes first.
Victoria: Listen, I've been trying to track down nick all morning. Do you have any idea where he is?
Chelsea: Uh, no, I was running an errand. And not a creature is stirring.
Victoria: So you haven't spoken to him today?
Chelsea: No, but is everything okay?
Victoria: Yeah, everything's fine.
Chelsea: Christian?
Victoria: He got up early, he had a big breakfast, and now we're just hanging out at the park.
Chelsea: Great, well, if i see nick, I'll -- I'll let him know. I'm sure he'd love to join you guys.
Victoria: Yeah. Tell him to call me.
Chelsea: Okay, will do. Bye. Nick? You home?
Celeste: Excuse me, are you phyllis summers?
Phyllis: Who wants to know?
Celeste: Celeste rosales. Your summer's mother.
Phyllis: Uh, yes, I am. Oh! Okay. Okay, well, I'm not much of a hugger, but why not? Yeah.
Celeste: Oh, thank god for your lovely daughter. Your -- your beautiful, selfless angelic daughter. She saved my little girl's life.
[ Sighs ] Honestly, you must be so proud of her.
Phyllis: I-I am. I am, more than she knows.
Victoria: What'cha got there, buddy?
Monique: He found a beetle.
Victoria: Ah. That's a really big one. I'll bet you like all the colors on him, don't you? Are we sure that he is dead and completely harmless?
Monique: I did a search on my phone, it's fine.
Victoria: Great. So, what are we gonna do with this ginormous bug?
Monique: We decided to give him a burial at sea.
Victoria: Oh! Like a viking. Yeah, that's a good idea. You could make a little raft out of a leaf and put buttercups all around it and send him out to float on the pond.
Christian: Yeah!
[ Laughter ]
Monique: Let's go make him a raft, okay, kiddo?
Victoria: Um, I'll catch up with you in a minute.
Monique: Come on.
Sharon: He looks happy.
Victoria: Yeah, so far, so good. Luckily, we have the help of his nanny.
Sharon: Well, the less disruption in his life, the better.
Victoria: Do you really think so?
Sharon: Of course.
Victoria: Then why did you show up to court with adam and offer to take christian yourself? What's up with that, sharon?
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Celeste: I had no idea about any of it! I didn't -- not the transplant, not kyle and summer's marriage. I didn't even know that lola was in a coma.
Phyllis: That's crazy.
Celeste: Yeah.
Phyllis: What were they thinking?
Celeste: I -- they said that they didn't want to worry me.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] You're preaching to the choir because that's what summer said, too.
Celeste: No!
Phyllis: Yes. I didn't even know about the liver donation until summer was at home recuperating.
Celeste: [ Gasps ] Why were they so anxious to hide the truth? What is that?
Phyllis: I mean, I think, in summer's case, she thought i would disapprove or try to talk her out of it.
Celeste: Would you have?
Phyllis: Honestly? I mean, I would have interrogated the doctors, and i would have been by her side, and I would have changed places with her, for sure. And I would have tried harder to talk her out of marrying kyle.
Celeste: Mm.
Phyllis: Her liver, her choice, right?
[ Laughs ]
Celeste: But they never listen...
Phyllis: No, they don'T.
Celeste: I just wish that they would -- I mean, if they could just learn from some of our mistakes instead of making a million of their own.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I think they equate a mother's worry into criticism and judgment.
Celeste: Every decision that I've ever made...
Phyllis: Uh-huh.
Celeste: ...For 20 years...
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Celeste: ...Has been for lola.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Celeste: So, like, seriously, if she doesn't realize how much I care about her, then I -- honestly, I can'T...
Phyllis: I can't, either. It's crazy. And the only time they're gonna realize it is when they have daughters of their own. And then they'll know for sure, and -- oh, my god! I sound like my mom. I'm my mom right now. No...
Celeste: [ Laughs ]
Phyllis: [ Groans ]
Celeste: Well, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. Thank you. It's really good to talk to somebody who's going through the same thing.
Phyllis: You're welcome.
Celeste: Yeah, thank you.
Phyllis: Well... [ Laughs ] Good luck!
Celeste: [ Laughs ]
Phyllis: I hear it gets better.
Celeste: Yeah, well, I hope so. Hope you're right.
Lola: Mama knows. What are we gonna do, though, rey? Mama feels like we kicked her to the curb, and what's worse is that she's taking it out on kyle, which is totally unfair. It is.
Rey: Okay, listen, any decent parent would have their doubts if they found out that their little girl got engaged to a guy who was already married when he proposed to her.
Lola: When are you all gonna get it through your heads? I am not a kid, rey! I have a life!
Rey: You are her life.
Lola: Not fair. You know, I am the only one she's this overprotective about. Arturo gets his brother's wife pregnant, mama says nothing. You are living with a woman who's entire life is one big, giant red flag -- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I like sharon, rey. I really do, it's just...
Rey: It's just the truth. Sharon's got a lot of baggage. Maybe too much for a guy like me to handle.
Victoria: You allowed adam to submit your name as guardian. Do you still think of christian as your own son?
Sharon: No! Nothing like that. I just wanted to help, that's all.
Victoria: Oh, and you think you could have done a better job than the child's own family?
Sharon: That never crossed my mind.
Victoria: Then why didn't you want him placed with me and billy?
Sharon: Adam had some concerns.
Victoria: Regarding?
Sharon: Visitation. He was afraid that maybe you wouldn't let him get to know christian.
Victoria: And that's something that you would encourage.
Sharon: It's important that they build a relationship. Adam deserves the right to get to know his son.
Victoria: Oh. There it is. That good judgment that you're so famous for.
Sharon: We can't keep adam walled off from christian for the rest of his life. At some point, christian's going to learn the truth, and wouldn't it be better if they weren't total strangers when that happened?
Victoria: He's too young.
Sharon: Okay, I disagree.
Victoria: Adam is dangerous. He's a master manipulator, exploiting anyone that he thinks he can use. Even an adult with a degree is psychology. How the hell is a preschooler supposed to protect himself from that? We have to keep christian safe for as long as possible.
Sharon: Does that mean you're going to ignore the court order?
Victoria: The judge said "supervised visitation," so he will be watched very closely to make sure he doesn't plant any ugly seeds in my nephew's mind.
Sharon: There is nothing in adam's history to say that he would do something like that to a child. He was a good father to connor, even chelsea would admit to that.
Chelsea: To what, exactly am I admitting? What did I miss?
Sharon: Victoria's worried about letting adam spend time with christian.
Victoria: Yes, and good ol' sharon here thinks that it's a fabulous idea.
Sharon: Don't put words in my mouth. I never wanted nick to lose custody of christian, and I know you think there's something i could have done to prevent it, but --
Chelsea: I'm sorry, I never should have blamed you for the judge's decision. I'm just searching for a way to put an end to all of this insanity.
Victoria: Look, there's nothing that we can do to change things. We just have to hope that nick can get the ruling overturned.
Sharon: If there's anything i can do to help...
Victoria: Thank you.
Chelsea: You know, um, christian, he has these glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling, and he always picks a star, you know, one for him and one for his daddy...
Sharon: Maybe you could take him out in the yard at night and look at some constellations, just point out a couple...
Chelsea: Yeah. Also, uh, sometimes, he has bad dreams, so, when he does, nick takes him throughout the house, and they show how brave they are by exterminating all the monsters.
[ Chuckles ]
Victoria: Well, god knows that little boy has enough monsters in his real life to beware of.
Chelsea: And they have, um, that have that fun bedtime ritual -- do you know?
Sharon: I think I know the one.
Chelsea: Yeah, yeah. When all of christian's stuff is all over the floor, they race to see who can pick up the most toys in the shortest amount of time.
Sharon: They both rush to see who will win.
Chelsea: Last night, after christian left, nick, he just -- he did it alone, toy by toy, till there was nothing left, and he just stood there. No one to read a story to, nobody to kiss good night.
Lola: It makes sense why mom doesn't worry about you as much. You make mistakes, you face them, learn from them. Like you did with mia. You knew she was never gonna change, so you sent her packing. You're never going to get stuck in a relationship like that again.
Rey: Nobody's ever "stuck." We just decide what we're willing to accept and what we're not.
Lola: And then there's arturo, who keeps making the same mistake over and over and over again because he has zero impulse control.
Rey: I don't think mom's comparing you to me and arturo. I think... she sees herself in you, and she wants you to learn from her mistakes.
Lola: But I'm not mom, and kyle is nothing like our father. Even if things got bad between us, I would still have the restaurant, my friends, my family... yeah, it would totally suck, but I would survive it.
Rey: Yeah, well, no wonder mom's worried about you. The end of a marriage is brutal.
Lola: I've been through it -- with our parents, with you twice... it's the worst movie ever.
Rey: Yeah? Well, imagine starring in it, and you didn't see the worst of what I went through. I kept it hidden from you. As for mom, well, you weren't even born when dad left. You don't remember, but I do. And the only other time I've seen grief that intense is when I had to notify family members that their loved one had died. That's what the end of a marriage is like. Death. It's the end of dreams and hopes and plans. It's like something inside of you is destroyed. And you go on, but... you're not the same. That's what mom was trying to protect you from.
Lola: Yeah, that's what she said.
Rey: So, yeah, maybe she's wrong about kyle or overreacting, but it's because you're her heart. She can't live through another heartbreak, kiddo.
Summer: Mrs. Rosales. Hi. I'm summer newman.
Celeste: Summer. You are the reason I still have a daughter. Sit down, please.
Summer: Okay.
Celeste: I -- I can never thank you enough for the sacrifice that you made for lola.
Summer: Oh, I just did something that anybody would have done, so...
Celeste: Oh, you -- you underestimate yourself. Because if my husband had told me he was in love with another woman, the last thing I would want to do is save her life.
[ Chuckles ]
Summer: You know all the deets, don't ya?
Celeste: I do.
Summer: Um, yeah, I just want you to know that lola was completely blameless in this whole situation. I mean, she was in a coma when all these big decisions were made. She didn't know that I was gonna be the donor or that kyle and i were gonna get married, and i have no doubt that if she did, she would have squashed the whole shebang, especially the marriage part.
Celeste: Well, that's really sweet. Thank you for being so honest.
Summer: I just think that you deserve to know the truth, is all.
Celeste: Well, then... let me ask you this -- is lola making a mistake, marrying kyle?
Victor: I can't believe i fell asleep. I just wanted to close my eyes for a few minutes.
Nikki: Well, you needed your rest. We both do after our little getaway.
Victor: That was a nice weekend, wasn't it?
Nikki: It was great seeing connor at his camp. But maybe we should have been here when the judge made his ruling. I mean, we could have offered to take christian in.
Victor: Well, no, because the last time christian was placed with us, we had to prove that we were both healthy, and I can't claim that right now.
Nikki: Well, we can at least offer to babysit.
Victor: Mm, I'm not so sure if nicholas would be happy about that. He's not too thrilled with me right now.
Nikki: Why? You've mended fences.
Victor: Not after adam used that tape in which nicholas impersonated J.T. To claim that nicholas was an unfit father.
Nikki: Well, it's not as if you handed it over. I mean, someone hacked into your server. By the way, isn't that a criminal act? Does that make him a suitable parent?
Victor: Well, I should have destroyed the damn thing months ago.
Nikki: All right, well, it's too late for regrets. All we can do now is focus on helping nicholas get his son back home where he belongs.
Victor: Yeah, I agree.
Nikki: But seeing as he is not responding to my messages, I guess we can go home. Are you ready?
Victor: Sweetheart, I'm gonna drop in on a few people here, okay?
Nikki: I don't mind waiting.
Victor: I'm fine.
Nikki: Okay, I won't push.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: I love you.
Victor: I love you.
Nikki: See you later.
Victor: Bye, my love.
Summer: All right. Where were we?
Celeste: Well, I had just asked you if lola was making a mistake, marrying kyle, if he would be faithful to her. But judging by how long it just took you to get the coffee, I think I have my answer.
Summer: No, I'm not -- I'm not hesitating because of kyle or something that he did. I just -- it's me.
Celeste: I don't understand.
Summer: Look, um... I've never admitted this to anyone before, maybe even to myself, but... everything that's happened is my fault. I completely took advantage of kyle's situation. Kyle is so in love with lola, and he was so desperate to save her life that there's nothing that he wouldn't do for her. I mean, I think he would have given me enough money that i never had to work again or bought me a mansion or named a cosmetics line after me, but he told me that he would marry me if I helped lola, and... I accepted.
Celeste: [ Scoffs ]
[ Clears throat ] Love makes us do the unexpected.
Summer: [ Exhales sharply ] Yeah, low-key crazy sometimes.
Celeste: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: I knew that kyle didn't feel the same way about me as I did him. But, I don't know, I just -- I thought that maybe if --
[Sighs] Enough time had gone on that he would have a change of heart or he would even grow to love me the same way that he loved lola, but... he just couldn't get lola out of his mind, so... yeah, she's -- she's it for him. She's -- she's the one. Not me.
Celeste: What made you -- what made you even share that with me?
Summer: [ Sighs ] I don't know, I -- I guess I just don't think that you should judge them based off of something that i did. You know, kyle is a great guy. He's the best, really, and i think that they're made for each other. So... yeah, you can trust him with her life, literally. [ Chuckles ]
Celeste: Well, thank you. Thank you, really, for sharing that. You're -- you're a remarkable young woman, summer. You have a huge heart. And your mother thinks so, too. But you already know that.
Victoria: What about books?
Sharon: Oh, there's this one about a daddy dinosaur, and he's trying to get his baby to go to sleep. That's his favorite one. You just read all the daddy lines, and christian knows the kid lines by heart.
Chelsea: Yeah, I can -- I can drop it off, if you want.
Victoria: That'd be great. Thank you.
Sharon: Oh, and also blocks. He likes to build towers as tall as they can go and then knock them down.
Victoria: That's funny. That's katie's favorite, too.
Chelsea: And he loves making forts.
Sharon: One day, I went to his room, and he had taken all the pillows, blankets -- everything he could find -- and he built the most fabulous fort.
Victoria: Look, I know that no one can take nick's place, but I'm gonna make sure that christian has as much fun as he can until nick takes him home again.
Phyllis: Well, hello. This must be the "other mother" convention for christian.
[ Chuckles ] I'm surprised you didn't invite me. Never fear, aunt phyllis is here.
Victoria: Thanks, but we've got it covered without you.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Phyllis: Okay, well, I know I'm not your favorite person, but... christian needs all the support and love he can get, so I want to help.
Victoria: Oh, really? The same that you helped when you dug up that video on nick and handed it over to adam?
Phyllis: I had nothing to do with that.
Victoria: You only hacked into the server at dark horse and helped adam steal it from nick.
Phyllis: Says the woman who walked into court arm-in-arm with the man who's trying to take christian from nick. And you, you're the one who gave adam the money that paid for his takeover of dark horse, along with the legal fees in this custody battle. I only work for the guy, but, all of a sudden, I'm to blame for this. I don't --
Chelsea: You took that job as C.E.O. Just to punish nick. There's no telling how far you'll go.
Phyllis: Wow! Now I know I'm living in an alternate universe because chelsea lawson is lecturing me on devastating people.
[ Laughs ] My goodness, she broke your brother's heart, and I think last time you two were in a room together, she knocked you unconscious. But somehow she's part of the scooby gang, and I'm twisting in the wind. 'Kay. Well, you two deserve any con she's gonna pull on you next, I'm just saying.
Chelsea: Okay, I've heard enough of this. I will text you later. I guess she has to scope out all the early-bird diners for her next rich retiree.
Sharon: Um, victoria, I'm gonna text you later if I can think of anything that might help with christian.
Victoria: Thank you. Thanks.
Phyllis: Hey, um, sharon, tell me -- how did rey take it when, um, you gave him the news that he would be helping you raise nick's son?
Sharon: Rey was in the room with me when adam asked me. We don't keep things from each other.
Phyllis: Okay, so rey knows that adam has you wrapped around his finger.
Sharon: Victoria, let's talk later.
Victoria: Wow. You really know how to clear a room.
Phyllis: So I've been told. Victoria, come on, you're a fool to trust either one of them. But don't -- don't tell me I didn't warn you.
Victoria: Phyllis, wait! I have a question.
Phyllis: Shoot.
Victoria: So, what's the deal with summertime, inc.?
Rey: Look, I know you found out about lola's transplant and her coma, and that you are upset. I get that, it's totally understandable, but I -- I hope you will let me explain.
Celeste: I -- I get it.-You, uh -- you thought you had it handled, thought you didn't need me, and that I wasn't eligible to be her donor, so what use was I?
Rey: No -- mom, that's not what it was at all.
Celeste: Okay, then explain to me what it was.
Rey: Okay, lola was in the hospital, my marriage was falling apart for the second time, and I was a wreck.
Celeste: Rey, have I -- have I ever ignored you? Have I ever not been there for my children?
Rey: How could I tell you, mom? The last thing you told me before I left miami was, "make sure you take care of your sister." You thought that I would keep lola safe, and I failed you.
Celeste: What? You have always been my strongest child, rey.
Rey: Yeah, well, too weak to say those words. So I waited and I prayed.
Celeste: And then, when her health improved, then what?
Rey: It seemed easier not to say anything at all.
Celeste: [ Scoffs ] So what if, god forbid, lola had died? Then what would you have done? How would you have found those words?
Rey: She didn'T.
Celeste: Because of summer.
Rey: And kyle, okay? He is the one who convinced summer to go through with the surgery. It's because of him that lola's life is safe. And, yes, he went to extremes, but he would do anything for her, mom.
Celeste: I know, and I think I was probably wrong about kyle. But kyle's history with summer...
Rey: It is complicated.
Celeste: Messy. He says he's over her. But arturo said the same thing about mia, and look what happened to you, honey.
Rey: No, no, no. Mom, it's not the same thing! Lola and kyle are super young and they need our support and guidance.
Celeste: No, the last thing that lola wants from me is advice. But it was the same thing with me and my mother, and the same with my mother and hers. I just thought that things with me and lola were different, but... there's just nothing more I can do, so... so I'm gonna go home.
Rey: When?
Celeste: In a few hours.
Rey: No, mom. Mom, you just got here.
Celeste: Yeah, but I have overstayed my welcome. You don't need me.
Rey: No, mom. Mom, that's -- that's not true, okay? I am sorry, all right? I should have said something. I wish I did the right thing, but, please, stay! You can scream at me. Punish me! Punish me! Do your worst, but... come on, let's talk this through. Me, you, and lola.
Celeste: No, there's nothing more to say.
Rey: Mommy, we love each other. We're not the kind of people that just run away when things get tough. You taught us that. If it's important, you fight, and nothing is more important than family.
Celeste: But you are grown. You're grown, you have your own lives, you make your own decisions, your own mistakes without me.
Rey: Mom, please, don't go.
Celeste: Honey, the one thing that I've learned in my life is that love is a verb. It's what you do that counts, not what you say. Actions always speak louder.
Victor: You got my text?
Chelsea: I did.
Victor: I wasn't sure, you know. I'm not used to being ignored.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I was just a little busy, but I'm here now.
Victor: I just wanted to clear the air regarding my visit to connor. I'm sure he told you about it.
Chelsea: He did. Thank you for not telling him about his father being alive. He already has enough to deal with.
Victor: I was impressed with him, I must say. He has grown a lot, very poised, very confident.
Chelsea: Calvin was an exceptional role model.
Victor: I'm looking forward to getting to know connor a little better. There was a time when I told you it was not right for you to keep him out of town, but I've changed my mind.
Chelsea: Excuse me? I mean, that's not up to you.
Victor: Well, I want connor to come back to genoa city to reconnect with his family.
Chelsea: No, maybe when he's older, but now is -- no, it's just not the right time.
Victor: It's the perfect time.
Chelsea: Is this a request, or an order?
Phyllis: Mm, summertime, inc. Summertime, inc. That does not sound familiar. Should it?
Victoria: You can drop the act, phyllis.
Phyllis: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Victoria: Billy told me the other day that you are working against adam while you're working for him. Are you trying to redeem yourself?
Phyllis: Do you think I need to make amends?
Victoria: After the stunts that you've pulled the last few months, yes, I do. You know, the -- the two men that I love the most in the whole world loved you once upon a time. So there must be something good in you that they care about. So what is this? Is this all talk, or is there some sort of plan with summertime, inc.?
Phyllis: You just accused me of siding with the man who's trying to take christian away from nick, so why should I tell you anything?
Victoria: Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry, you know, I just didn't get very much sleep last night. So I apologize for saying that.
Phyllis: Apology accepted.
Victoria: Good. I mean, I should have known that even you would not stoop that low. Which is a good thing because, if you had, that would mean that we couldn't work together.
Phyllis: Work with you?
Victoria: Well, yeah, if you're making moves to cut adam down to size, absolutely.
Rey: Hey.
Sharon: Hey! How's your day going so far?
Rey: Dealing with family drama.
Sharon: Yeah, I don't know anything about that.
Rey: Adam's not your family.
Sharon: Yeah, I know. I was just --
Rey: Yeah, but he is the source of most of the drama that's been in your life these past few months. Something in you craves that.
Sharon: Um, maybe when I was younger, but not now. I just want peace and stability. Is this because I offered to help adam? Because I only said yes for christian's sake. You know, this is a crisis situation.
Rey: Yeah, created by adam.
Sharon: I told him not to file for custody.
Rey: Yeah, but he knows that your actions speak louder than your words. That's what you told him, but... what did you do? Nick was right. The way this guy gets inside your head and manipulates you, it'S...
Sharon: Okay, so now -- now you believe nick over me.
Rey: Listen, sharon, I got to trust my instincts on this. After mia lied to me, went behind my back, kept denying that she had feelings for my brother...
Sharon: I am nothing like her.
Rey: Then why would I compare you to someone who fell in love with two brothers?
Sharon: Okay, that's not fair because... it's not the same situation, and I'm a different person than i was back then.
Rey: Oh. Who are you now?
Sharon: I'm the woman who's in love with you. Only you.
Rey: I love you, too.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Well, then there's nothing that can come between us.
Rey: I can't keep doing this dance with you. Every time you say you're gonna draw a line with adam, he crosses it because you let him.
Sharon: I only said yes because of christian, I -- I wasn't choosing adam over you.
Rey: Look, we got to -- we got to stop. We can't keep fooling ourselves here. We both know how this is gonna end. And I am sorry, I do not have the heart to go down that road with you.
Sharon: What does that mean? Rey. What are you saying?
Victoria: I think I have a fairly good idea of what your game plan is.
Phyllis: Do you? Okay, well, let's hear it.
Victoria: You found a way to transfer real estate assets from dark horse to summertime, inc.
Phyllis: Well, somebody would have to be very, very creative to do that.
Victoria: Adam hasn't been supervising his corporation too closely as of late.
Phyllis: No, he has not. Adam is very distracted with the case, and he's not much of a micromanager.
Victoria: Well, I can think of a myriad of ways that we could take advantage of that.
Phyllis: Okay, for instance?
Victoria: For instance, as C.E.O., You have the power to negotiate the sales of all assets belonging to dark horse.
Phyllis: Yes, I do, if the price is right.
Victoria: It would be.
Phyllis: Okay, well, that is a very interesting proposal. And I would consider it on one condition.
Lola: Mama? Are you home? What's up with the luggage?
Celeste: I think it's become all-too-obvious that I don't belong here.
Lola: You do. Don't say that. I want you to stay.
Celeste: No, honey, it's better that I go. And I've got a new grandchild coming, and with mia as the mother, we all know that baby's gonna need her abuelita.
[ Chuckles ]
Lola: But I need you, too.
Celeste: No, honey, you don'T. You're fine without me. You're happier, even.
Lola: What about my wedding?
Celeste: Just let me know how all of that goes.
Celeste: You'll come back for it, won't you?
Celeste: All that I know right now is that I love you. I love you very much. I love you enough to say goodbye.
Lola: No, you can't just take off like this.
Celeste: Yes. Shh, shh, shh.
Lola: Please.
Celeste: I love you. Just take care of yourself, my love, okay?
Chelsea: Adam is angry. Who knows how he'll lash out next.
Victor: All the more reason connor should be here.
Chelsea: He's safe.
Victor: He's safe with anita? How long do you think it'll be before adam finds him?
Chelsea: You want me to bring him here, where he's gonna get caught in the crossfire, like christian?
Victor: To better protect him.
Chelsea: No. As much as it kills me to be separated from my son, I'm keeping things the way that they are. Thank you for your concern.
Rey: I'll send you a text, and we can arrange a time for me to pick up the rest of my things another day.
Sharon: Rey. Don't go. Please.
Rey: I can't stay here and watch you do this to yourself.
Sharon: What about all the things you said about how much you love our life together? We were so happy!
Rey: You're right, we were. But I cannot save you if you will not save yourself.
Sharon: I am not in need of rescuing.
Rey: You see, this is exact-- you know, I should have said no when you asked to join me in vegas, and if you had just refused to help victor get through to adam, all of this would have been different.
Sharon: No, listen, you belong here. We are stronger together. This cannot be over.
Rey: That's up to you, sharon.
Sharon: Rey, wait! Please, don't go. Let's talk about this! I love you!
[ Door slams ]
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Adam: So this is the michael baldwin you were telling me about?
Michael: I warned you he was in there.
Adam: Mm, well, welcome to the dark side.
Billy: I'm scared that I'm gonna lose it, and I don't know what to do.
Rey: I miss being a cop so much. I want to come back to the force.
Kyle: Don't try to hold what happened over my head.
Theo: Look, what happens in new york stays there, right?
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