Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/25/19
Episode #11665 ~ Michael makes good on a threat. Sparks fly between Abby and Nate.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Ana: Jett's been sick. He needed an operation, and a lot of follow-up treatments. I've been helping him pay for it. Jett's also my father.
Jett: Devon, I can't thank you enough for arranging all this, man. It's been a while since I've been on the road.
Devon: Oh, yeah. Hey, ana will get you back in your groove in no time. You'll be good.
Jett: Okay.
Judge sanders: Christian newman deserves to be raised in a safe and decent home, free from strife and bitterness. I am denying both of you custody. If there's a relative that i deem qualified, I'll ask social service to sign off on them. What does christian need?
Adam: A mother.
Nick: I need to find someone who he will let be christian's guardian.
Victoria: Are you asking me?
Kevin: What's happening? Did you have another dream?
Billy: Delia wrote this. She's trying to tell me something.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
Kevin: Well, you still look like hell.
Billy: Thank you. Don't worry. I'll look better once i get some sleep tonight.
Kevin: Yeah. No. That's not gonna happen. Not while you're still obsessing over delia.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Kevin: Thinking she's trying to reach out to you when you know that's impossible.
Billy: It's just... adam being back in town, okay? It's just seeing his face.
Kevin: Billy, you got to stop this. Don't let him do this to you. Don't let him win.
Billy: Trust me, that's not gonna happen.
Kevin: Then listen to me. Because I've been where you are, and I know what you have to do.
Judge sanders: I've heard the cases that you've made on behalf of victoria newman and sharon newman as potential guardians for christian. I've also reviewed the social worker's reports in order to learn more about both of them. Taking all that into account, this court hereby rules that it is in the best interest of the minor child that victoria newman be appointed his guardian.
Nate: So, what are we celebrating?
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Elena: Devon and I are officially living together as a couple.
Abby: [ Gasps ]
Nate: Hey, that's great, man.
Abby: Congratulations!
Elena: Oh, thanks.
Abby: Oh, my goodness! Wow! Living together. That's a major step.
Devon: It is. It is. And we're both pretty excited about it, I'd say.
Elena: Yeah.
Nate: I think I speak for abby and myself when I say how delighted we are for you two.
Devon: Oh, thank you. Same here, man. Seeing two of my favorite people together couldn't be better.
Nate: Well, it is all about making you happy.
[ Laughter ]
Elena: Hey, that is my job.
Devon: Oh. You do a very good job at it, too. And, abby, hey, I'm glad that you decided to come, with everything that's been going on.
Abby: Ah. You know what? Um, I could use a distraction. And spending time with some wonderful people is just what I need.
Nate: I second that.
Elena: Yeah. Good. Let's, uh, get right to it.
Abby: Yes.
Devon: Let's do it.
Abby: Let's do it.
Judge sanders: Victoria newman is family to both nick and adam newman. She has a longstanding, positive relationship with her nephew. Christian and her children are close.
Victoria: I will take excellent care of him, your honor.
Adam: You know what she really means by that? That she will never let me see him.
Judge sanders: Well, that's not ms. Newman's call.
Brenda: Will you please clarify that, judge?
Judge sanders: I've decided to grant both nick and your client supervised visitation. Ms. Newman or an authorized caretaker must be present whenever either of them is with the boy.
Nick: Why would you block me from being alone with my son? I'm no threat. That doesn't make any sense.
Judge sanders: It's what i deem to be best for the child at this time.
Nick: Well, you couldn't be more wrong. My brother's the one who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near my son, even with supervision.
Adam: My son, for the millionth time. And thank you for finally recognizing that I'm his biological father, ' that I have rights.
Judge sanders: Quiet down. Both of you, quiet down.
Brenda: [ Sighs ] All right. I-I apologize for my client's outburst, your honor. I can assure you that he will abide by your decision.
Judge sanders: Ms. Newman, the court directs that you take physical custody of the child this evening. Will that be a problem for you?
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: Not at all.
Judge sanders: Good. The social worker will come by your brother's home to ensure a smooth transition, and to verify for the court that the child is securely in your care.
Adam: Your honor, may i please see christian before he goes home with victoria this evening?
Judge sanders: No, you may not. He'll have enough to deal with. You can wait for an agreed-upon time.
Adam: Understood, your honor.
Judge sanders: And I'd like to say one final thing to you, mr. Newman. You never cared to know your son before your presumed death. Indeed, you went to great lengths to avoid taking any parental responsibility until now. This ruling granting you supervised visitation is an acknowledgment of your genetic connection to the boy, and should in no way be seen as an endorsement by this court. This hearing adjourned. I'm a big kid now
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Kevin: I never told you this before because you were dealing with your own grief, and, well, we've never been especially close, but... I saw delia for months after she died.
Billy: Really?
Kevin: In crowds. Walking down the street. Playing at a playground. I'd call out her name. No one would answer. And then I would realize it was just some other kid who kind of looked like her. And my mind was playing tricks on me because I missed her so much and couldn't handle her being gone.
Billy: How long did that last?
Kevin: A couple months. Eventually it stopped.
Billy: How did you move on from it?
Kevin: Well, I coped with it the way I cope with everything. I went online, I did some research. It turns out it's not exactly uncommon. People mourning someone, thinking that they see them amongst the living. And that helped me, knowing that.
Billy: Yeah. I could imagine it would.
Kevin: Also, I opened up about what losing delia did to me. How crushed I was.
Billy: You opened up.
Kevin: Yeah. I confided in michael, lauren. Even my mom. People I knew that I could talk to without feeling judged or pitied.
Billy: It's just weird, you know? I, uh, thought I had moved on from all this. Yet here I am.
Kevin: Have you talked to victoria about any of this?
Billy: No. To be honest, everything's just so good with us right now. You know, I-I don't want to... I don't want to dump this on her.
Kevin: I get that. I have a thought. You may not like it --
Billy: You want me to see a shrink?
Kevin: Heh... hey, or, if not a doctor, then at least someone who's trained so you don't have to keep all of this bottled up inside. Because, billy, if you don't get some help, it's going to overwhelm you.
Billy: Pretty much already is. But I hear you. I do. And I appreciate it. You know, things are finally going in the right direction, and I don't want my past to ruin what I have now.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I'm so sorry. I really thought this would all work out, and you would just be able to put it all behind you.
Nick: Now I got to go and pack up christian's things.
[ Chelsea sighs ] Send him home with victoria. I mean, him going home with you is a lot better than with adam, but I still can't believe I got to do this. He should be here with me, with his father.
Victoria: Nicholas, this is only temporary, like you said.
Chelsea: Yeah, uh... appeal the ruling. Ask for a new court date, and you -- you can prove that christian belongs with you.
Victoria: I have to believe that the judge would have ruled in your favor if adam hadn't arranged for that video to be released.
Nick: Definitely caught me off guard. But I'm gonna use this time wisely. Gonna build an even stronger case. I still believe I can win this.
Victoria: You can. You will. You have so much going for you. You have so many people in your corner who care.
Nick: I will give adam the fight of his life. It's gonna be a long and hard battle, especially now that the judge said adam's allowed to spend time with christian. It makes me sick to think how he's gonna use that to his advantage. I wouldn't put anything past the guy.
Adam: I was so hoping I would be allowed to bring christian home. That we'd finally get a chance to be father and son.
Sharon: You now have court-ordered visitation rights. That's huge. That'll allow you to build a real relationship with christian. And, in time, you and your lawyer can petition the court to revisit custody. You can demonstrate that you and your son have bonded, and you now deserve to have a key role in his life.
Adam: Thank you for trying to make me feel better.
Sharon: Well, somebody has to.
Adam: [ Sighs ] However, well, going on faith that somehow things will be resolved in the end, and I will magically get justice doesn't work for me.
Sharon: Then what does work for you, adam? What are you planning?
Nate: So, I walk in, and the guy's letting his 8-year-old son light sparklers left over from the 4th... inside the waiting room.
Abby: Mm!
Devon: Inside?
Abby: Oh, my god!
[ Laughs ]
Devon: What the hell is wrong with people?
Elena: Trust me, out on the streets, riding in ambulances, you see some of the most bizarre behavior.
Devon: I can imagine that. I mean, aside from that, I think everything at society's been pretty tame, unless there's something you're not telling me about, abby.
Abby: No, nothing that crazy. Um... but I do have some news to share.
Nate: Uh, good news, I hope.
Abby: I think so. I am partnering with the grand phoenix hotel to open the coolest, hippest lounge you can possibly imagine.
Elena: Wow!
Devon: Hey. Give us the details about it.
Abby: Well, the front desk is gonna be a bar. So, when you check in, you get your favorite libation -- complimentary, of course.
Nate: And what about food?
Abby: Pick up any house tablet, and you can order room service right there. There's gonna be a pool table, big-screen tvs, killer sound system.
Devon: Oh, I like that. That sounds amazing.
Abby: Thank you. I hope you don't mind. I decided to branch out on my own this time.
Devon: Well, I mean, you know, as long as I get a vip invite to the launch party, I'm fine with it.
Abby: You got it. And thank you.
Nick: What if he tries to turn christian against me?
Victoria: That's impossible.
Nick: Like hell it is. He could start putting lies into the conversation, make christian question the way I feel about him. Or tell him that he can do things at his house that he can't do at mine, like have ice cream for breakfast or play violent video games. Make me out to be the bad guy.
Victoria: Don't forget, whenever adam stops by, I will be there. Or monique, or hannah. And we will shut him down if he tries to pull any of those stunts like that. I wouldn't normally disobey a judge's orders, but I will make it more difficult for adam to spend quality time with his son. And, naturally, my schedule would be much more open to you.
Nick: Thank you so much for agreeing to be christian's guardian.
Nick: I know you got a lot going on, vick. You're running newman, you got your own kids. While trying to make time for billy. I sure hope, when you get a chance to talk to him, he's cool with this.
Chelsea: Billy doesn't know?
Victoria: I've left him messages, but he hasn't responded. I'm sure he'll be fine with it. He's gonna want to do everything that he can to help, because he feels the same way that we do. You have to do whatever you can for the people that you love.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Adam: I didn't mean to make it sound like I was plotting something.
Sharon: Okay, good. Because it kind of sounded like you did.
Adam: I am just frustrated, okay? I -- I-I'm not one to just sit back and quietly take orders.
Sharon: This isn't victor newman we're talking about. This is a court of law. And the judge has a lot more power than you do.
Adam: Mm. Well, in theory.
Sharon: Adam.
Adam: What?
Sharon: I'm serious. I've seen how the system works up close. And if you don't abide by the rules, I guarantee you, you will regret it.
Adam: I hate -- i hate how things played out, okay? I tried to reason with nick, and he wouldn't listen. And now christian is the one that's gonna suffer the most. Okay? The judge said he was doing what's in his best interest, but the poor kid's only gonna be confused even more now.
Sharon: As much as i sympathize with everyone involved, you need to take responsibility for the outcome. I mean, you talk as if you did everything aboveboard, but you didn't play fair, and you and I both know that.
Abby: Everything was delicious.
Nate: I need this stroganoff recipe.
Devon: Yeah, okay. You got to ask the chef, here, 'cause I'm just the prep and clean-up guy.
Elena: Oh, that is not true. Devon helped the entire way. And we made a perfect team doing it.
Nate: I'll, uh, return the favor once I'm settled in. Uh, I make a mean standing rib roast.
Abby: Ohh.
Elena: Is there anything he can't do?
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: Not really?
[ Laughter ]
Devon: How's it going in the house, man?
Nate: Still unpacking boxes, moving furniture, hanging stuff on the walls. Still got a lot to do, but loving every second of it.
Abby: I'm amazed you found time to do all that.
Nate: I always find time for what matters most to me.
Devon: Well, I'm happy that you ended up getting the place. It's a good thing that cane got out of there so he can finally move on.
Nate: Yeah. Seems like we're all, uh, starting new chapters in our lives.
Devon: Yeah. We should raise a glass to that. To, uh -- to bright futures.
Elena: Cheers.
Abby: Cheers.
Devon: Cheers.
Victoria: Is that christian's backpack?
Nick: Yeah. It's, uh... it's got some toys and, uh -- and some of his books.
[ Voice breaking ] The one about the silly penguin is in there, so... he's been asking me to read that one to him a lot. Just, uh... read it to him at bedtime. It'll make him smile.
Victoria: I will. I will. And then I'm gonna give him a kiss and tell him that his daddy loves him.
Nick: I never thought I'd have to do something like this again.
Chelsea: I can't stand watching you go through this. Knowing it's my fault. That I could have stopped this from happening.
Sharon: Are you planning on pulling any more dirty tricks?
Adam: What do you mean by "more"?
Sharon: I wish you would just be honest with me. That video of nick intimidating victor. You made sure it hit the news cycle right when it would do the most damage.
Adam: Okay, well, however it came to light, it was the truth. The world got to see a side of nick newman that he likes to pretend doesn't exist.
Sharon: I know how desperate you are to be with your son.
Adam: Oh, no. I want the life that is supposed to be mine. With my kids. To have a loving family. I have lost everything. I don't have christian. Chelsea has kept connor from me. I mean, people think that I'm heartless, but my heart bleeds just as much as theirs do, sharon.
Sharon: I know that it does. But this rage you have inside you, it makes me worry about what it'll drive you to. What can I do?
Adam: Nothing. At least not right now. I just -- I-I need some time to be alone, all right?
Sharon: Well, I don't want to lave you until I know that you're okay.
Adam: Look, I can lie to a lot of people. But never you. I will be okay. I promise.
Sharon: Call if you need me.
Adam: I will.
Kevin: Damn it. Christian should be with nick. Not that victoria won't make a fine guardian.
Michael: Well, evidently the judge is so dismayed with both nick and adam that he's got them cooling their heels. Then whoever makes the best case that he should be allowed to raise christian, then...
Kevin: I could tell him that now. And you could have, too, if you didn't leave your client high and dry.
Michael: Which I did to save you from making the legal blunder of your life.
Kevin: So adam has you leave nick in the lurch, and I still end up having to appease that jerk and leak that video.
Michael: Look, as crummy as I feel about nick not winning outright, I am more afraid of what adam may demand of us next.
Kevin: I already told you. There's a way for us to put an end to this once and for all.
This was me
six years ago...
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Elena: I would say our first official dinner party was a success.
Devon: It's the first of many milestones in our life, baby.
Ana: Are you kidding me? No, I-I'm glad you called. No, I'll pack a bag and head out tonight. I want to. Okay? Whatever else I have going on here can wait. Of course. I-I'll see you soon. I love you, too.
Devon: What happened?
Ana: That was my dad. He's in the hospital.
Victoria: How can you blame yourself for any of this?
Chelsea: If I'd gone back to adam with connor, he said he would drop the lawsuit against nick. Christian wouldn't be leaving his home tonight.
Nick: Chelsea, no. I'm not gonna let you think that for one more second. You don't want to be with adam. You don't want him having any influence over connor. And it wasn't a real offer. It was a test. It was a mind game.
Chelsea: But it would have bought us time. I could have stalled bringing connor here 'cause he's at camp. In the meantime, maybe I could have gotten through to adam, convinced him to drop this fight against you.
Nick: No. You are powerful. And incredibly persuasive. But there isn't anything you could have done to get him to back off fighting for custody of christian.
Victoria: Yeah, nicholas is right. You would just be demeaning yourself. And it would confuse connor, and you would gain nothing.
Chelsea: I just wish I could have done something to help.
Nick: You are. Just by being here.
[ Cellphone rings ] Nick newman. Okay. Um... we'll be ready. Social worker's on the way. It's time.
Victoria: Billy, hey. It's me. Again. Um... look, everything's okay, but I need to talk to you. It's important. So call me as soon as you get this.
Sharon: This seat taken?
Billy: Hi. No. Please, have a seat. Take a load off.
Sharon: Thanks.
Billy: Uh, let me get you a drink menu.
Sharon: Sure.
Billy: How are you? How's your day?
Sharon: Um... eventful. Heh. I'm sure you heard about the custody hearing.
Billy: No, I haven't, actually. Did the judge make a decision? My phone died a while ago, so I don't know. Just please don't tell me that adam ended up with custody of that sweet boy.
Sharon: Neither nick or adam won.
Billy: How is that possible?
Sharon: Well, it's complicated. But I really think victoria is gonna want to be the one to fill you in.
Billy: Okay. I'll talk to her when I get home. Um... I'm actually glad you sat down. I was -- I was gonna reach out to you.
Sharon: What's going on?
Billy: [ Sighs ] I haven't really told anybody about this at all. I haven't talked to anyone. But, uh... adam being alive and back in town is really... messing with my head. I'm having some pretty heavy thoughts about delia's death.
Sharon: I'm so sorry to hear that.
Billy: Yeah. You know, I've tried to kind of just... be normal and, you know, kind of bury the feelings. But, uh, it's not working.
Sharon: Um... well, how bad has it gotten?
Billy: A few nights ago, I got a gun out. I wasn't gonna hurt myself. That wasn't a thought. I didn't plan on using the gun at all, but... you know, god help me, I sat there with it in my hands, and I fantasized about getting rid of adam.
Kevin: I wasn't suggesting we murder him. Given adam's track record, I don't think it would stick, anyway.
Michael: Mm. Good point.
Kevin: I'm talking about finding a way to get him off of our backs permanently. Adam thinks he's invincible. He's forgotten who we are and what we're capable of. I think it's time we remind him. If any two people can come up with a plan to put adam in his place, it's us.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Sighs ] It's chloe. Wondering when I'm gonna be able to meet up with her and bella. I-I wish I knew what to tell her.
Michael: I have the perfect answer. Tell her you're leaving right now.
I'm jimmy dean and uh,
Kevin: Michael, how can i leave when adam in const--
Michael: Yeah, forget adam. This is your chance to get away.
Kevin: How do you figure?
Michael: Right now, he's preoccupied with the court ruling. You need to get to chloe and bella before he realizes you're gone and tracks you down again. You -- you use those identities you created, and you just -- you -- you vanish into thin air.
Kevin: I can't abandon you to deal with him on your own.
Michael: Sure you can! Look, the only reason I agreed to do adam's bidding was to take the heat off of you so you could get back to your family.
Kevin: [ Sighs ] I hate that you're in this position because of me.
Michael: All right. You know what? No more debates. The clock is ticking. Go. Grab your things. Go! Go while you still can. Please, just go.
Devon: I don't get it. I thought that jett had surgery to fix his vocal chords.
Ana: It doesn't mean the nodules can't come back.
Elena: What exactly did he say?
Ana: He was performing last night in lansing, felt his voice get rough and scratchy. This morning when he woke up, it was worse, so he checked himself in.
Devon: Geez.
Ana: The doctors ran some tests. I want to be there when the results get back.
Devon: Yeah, so do I.
Elena: Same here.
Ana: No, you guys. I can handle this on my own.
Devon: He's family to us all.
Elena: Yeah. And technically, I'm his nurse. And besides, I kind of want to boss the old man around again.
Ana: I'll be sure to tell him you said that.
Elena: No need to. I'll be there.
Devon: Exactly. Why don't you guys pack a bag. I'll call my pilot. Okay?
Ana: Look, I appreciate what you're willing to do, but you both have responsibilities here in town.
Devon: It doesn't matter, ana. Friends and family come first.
Elena: Yeah. And I don't think the hospital would mind if I took a couple of days off to go check on a former patient.
Ana: I'm floored by your generosity.
Devon: It's not generosity. It's what we do for each other. It's normal. Get used to it.
Ana: Love you.
Sharon: So that's really all it was? Just a fleeting thought?
Billy: Yes. It was. I-I just -- I found myself sitting there with a gun, having bad thoughts about adam. But then I -- I locked it away again.
Sharon: Billy, when you found out that adam was responsible for delia's death, you held a gun to him, and you wanted him dead.
Billy: I know, sharon. But I'm not that guy anymore. I'm not gonna kill anyone. Look, would my life be better without adam in it? Yes. But I am not going to sacrifice what I have right now -- victoria and my kids, okay -- just to get rid of adam. I'm not gonna do that. That's the truth. To be honest, I'm more concerned about what happened since then. I'm having these dreams about delia all the time, and I'm waking up with anxiety and this overwhelming feeling like there's something wrong.
Sharon: I've had those dreams before. Right after cassie died. I still dream about her sometimes.
Billy: Is that good or bad?
Sharon: Um... I think it's good. It comforts me.
Billy: Yeah, mine are different. They're...pretty intense. And they stay with me for days.
Sharon: I'm so sorry.
Billy: I kind of have this feeling like, uh, my daughter's haunting me. Like she's trying to tell me something.
Sharon: How do you mean?
Billy: Well, um... a few days ago, I went to the chancellor mansion, and I found her -- one of her favorite dolls, sitting there on the floor. Esther said that she had packed it away in the attic, but you know, there it was, just sitting there. And then I had this dream where dee had written "daddy" on the side of a-a piece of furniture. And then when I, you know, came to and woke up, I went and checked, and -- and there it was. Written in the exact same way in my dream.
Sharon: Well, I can see how that would be disconcerting.
Billy: And then I had a dream, um, where she wrote on the side of the wall, and kevin and I -- look, you get the gist of it, okay? It just -- I've had these, uh -- I don't know. These...eerie coincidences.
Sharon: You know, billy, I really think a professional counselor could help you work through what you're experiencing.
Billy: Yeah, I-I just don't want to unburden myself to a stranger, you know? I-I did that after delia -- after delia died. I did the whole group-therapy thing, and I, um... I just don't feel like telling my story to anybody else, and I know you, and you know me, and, you know, I trust you.
Sharon: Yeah, but I'm not a professional therapist.
Billy: I don't care about that.
Sharon: Okay, I'm not licensed. I honestly don't know that I could really help. You know, I'm not trained to work with patients. But I could recommend someone --
Billy: Can we just talk as friends or something, maybe, un-until I, uh -- until I have time to find an actual therapist?
Sharon: Yeah. I mean, you promise you're gonna do that?
Billy: Yeah. Absolutely. I will. I just -- I feel like I need a-a sounding board while I figure this out.
Sharon: All right. I mean, if you think I can do any good in the short term, I'm certainly willing to help if I can.
Chelsea: Here we go.
Nick: Hey, dude. Hey. Come sit down. I want to talk to you for one second.
[ Sighs ] So, uh...
[ Sighs ] You're gonna go home with your aunt victoria tonight.
Christian: Why?
Nick: Uh, you're just gonna -- you're gonna stay with -- with her and your uncle and your cousins for a little while. Um... but don't worry. 'Cause I'm gonna see you all the time. And... and monique's gonna be there. And of course, uh, you know, bearbear, he's gonna be there. And, uh... you know, if you ever get sad or scared, you just -- you just hug him.
[ Sniffles ] 'Cause I know he makes you feel better, right? Come here.
[ Sighs ] Now, you remember -- you're a newman. That means you're tough, right? Yeah. So, you got all your stuff here. And I'm counting on you to be a good boy for your aunt and your uncle.
Christian: Okay.
Nick: I love you.
Victoria: You know, your cousins, they are gonna be so happy to see you. So excited.
Nick: It's all right.
Victoria: Here. I can carry this.
Chelsea: Bye, christian. See you soon, okay?
[ Chuckles ]
Victoria: Okay. Let's go. We can get some ice cream.
[ Nick crying ] I had a heart problem.
Abby: Wow. You weren't joking about all the hard work you put into this place. I am impressed.
Nate: Thanks. I, uh, have a lot of books, so I'll be putting in more bookshelves. Then it will feel even more like home. Where are my manners? Can I offer you a drink? Would you like to sit outside and talk some more?
Nate: Then what, uh...
Michael: Oh, you travel light.
Kevin: Well, I never intended to stay this long.
Michael: And here you go -- off to the unknown.
Kevin: As thrilled as I am to have thousands of miles between adam and me, I'm worried about you.
Michael: [ Chuckles ] Don't be.
Kevin: You're replacing me as his flunky. How are you gonna extricate yourself?
Michael: Don't worry about me, little brother. Just take care of that family of yours.
Kevin: I was certain you couldn't save me this time. And you found a way.
Michael: It's what I do.
Kevin: It's your superpower.
Michael: Exactly. Now, chloe and your beautiful daughter are waiting. They need you.
Kevin: Almost as much as i need them. I love you.
Michael: Love you.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Oh, my sweet girl. I miss you so bad. Maybe that's why I'm having all these weird dreams. Maybe that's why I see all these messages that aren't there. Scary stuff. But I'm gonna get some help. 'Cause I know that I can't let myself get all screwed up again. Or lose control again. I can't do that to victoria. Can't do it to johnny or katie. Or you. Knowing that you would never want -- [ Sighs ]
Delia: Poor daddy.
Billy: [ Exhales heavily ]
[ Sighs ]
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