Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/23/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/23/19


Episode #11663 ~ Nick's charade is exposed. Summer sees a new side to Theo. Sharon and Chelsea rehash their past.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Theo: I mean, you know some seriously insane stuff went down in new york, and you may be blocking it out or in denial, or whatever, but it's a part of who you are. All I'm saying is, new york defined both of us.

Nick: Sharon, you there?


Chelsea: [ Panting ]

Nick: I don't understand what a donation has to do with you representing me.

Michael: I need to withdraw, I need to step down.

Nick: No. He got to you.

Michael: What?

Nick: Adam. Somehow, he convinced you to do his bidding.

I assume mr. Baldwin's on his way.

Nick: Actually, no. Something has come up.

Adam: According to the

chronicle, nick terrorized his father by disguising himself as J.T. Hellstrom.

Nick: Your honor, I can explain.

Brenda: A man who tried to kill victor newman twice.

Adam: How could you do that to our father?

Adam: For months, nicholas newman impersonated J.T. Hellstrom, the man that tried to kill his father and also abused his sister.

Nick: Adam planted that story so he could hurt me.

Adam: I don't read gossip sites, okay? But an exclusive like this is probably spreading around town like wildfire. But, more importantly, is it true?

Nick: Adam. I did it so I could lure J.T. Out in the open so he could pay for what he did.

Brenda: All the while intimidating your father and raiding his company.

Nick: Nobody intimidates my father, and that video doesn't give full context for what really happened. I will agree that I went too far, but I've made amends to my family, and my father and sister have both forgiven me, and that is all that matters.

Well, I disagree. The purpose of this hearing is to evaluate the family environment in which a child could be raised.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Well, it's not a coincidence that this is coming out the morning of christian's custody hearing.

Abby: It has adam written all over it.

Nick: I regret what I did. I truly do.

Brenda: Yet, uh, what did he to do show his remorse? Nothing. He continued to run his company he built by stealing his father's assets. To apologize now...

Nick: I am sorry that I had to stoop to my brother's level in some of my business dealings, but, even at my worst, it doesn't come close to what my brother has done. He went behind my back and stole my company, bought up the debt. He then tried to trade the company for my son. He tried to use that little boy as a bargaining chip.

Adam: Okay, that's a bit dramatic.&

Nick: But he still owns my company because I will never, ever barter with my son. Not ever. That is the difference between you and me and why he has no business raising my son.

Kyle: Hey.

Lola: Hi.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry I wasn't able to talk about this yesterday. I needed a little time.

Lola: It's okay. I understand.

Kyle: I can see you looking at me differently because of what you overheard, or whatever theo told you --

Lola: I don't care about what theo said.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: I care about what you have to say. So can you just talk to me?

Kyle: When I think about those days, it feels like another lifetime, like I'm talking about a different person.

Lola: I know, kyle. I know. I know that you've changed, okay? But that wasn't that long ago. And I can see your wheels turning, trying to figure out what to say to me to make me feel better. Can you just tell me the truth?

Kyle: It scared me, hearing that my past might keep you from wanting to get married.

Lola: I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out as an ultimatum. But the more reluctant you are to talk to me about all this, the more worried that I get, kyle. Look, whatever happened... I'm hoping that we can get it all out there, okay? So we can deal with it and put it behind us.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] If that's what you need... I'll tell you everything.

Brenda: We just saw the video, showing the lengths nick was willing to go to start dark horse. Knowing how much it obviously meant to him, it makes perfect that adam might offer the company back to nick in hopes that he would convince him to do right by christian.

Adam: That footage tells us everything we need to know about how nick treats family.

Nick: Oh, spare me the phony outrage. Your honor, adam told me weeks ago that he had this video. Now, I wasn't sure how he was planning to use it against me, but I knew it would come out, and I knew it wouldn't be subtle. The fact that he released it to the tabloids on this day, of all days, just proves it is a desperate ploy, one to distract you from the fact that I have been a great father to this boy. I have loved and cared for him every day that he has been with me, even during the time adam was off skulking around in vegas playing in high-stakes poker games and doing god knows what else.

Brenda: My client had no memory of his son because he had amnesia resulting from an attempt on his life.

Nick: Not the first time someone has tried to kill you. That should tell you something.

Okay, mr. Newman.

Brenda: Once adam got his memory back, he wanted nothing more than to be reunited with christian.

Nick: Oh, yeah, he tried to haggle for my son. I got to give him credit. He did go all-in.

Adam: No, I tried to work with nick to find a solution regarding custody because I know how he can get when things don't go his way. He becomes ruthless, angry, cruel. A real nick is right there on that security footage. By the way, where was christian when you were running around in the mask, terrorizing dad? I am worried about leaving that little boy in my brother's custody. He is obviously lackng in sound judgment, and he cannot control his impulses...

Counselor, please.

Adam: ...Which makes him an unsuitable guardian.

Nick: You gave up any rights to that boy when you changed the paternity test, when you gave him to me for his own good. Now, you want to talk about who is cruel and ruthless, let's do that because you wrote the book on it.

Sharon: I heard you were back in town. Returning to the scene of the crime?

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Phyllis: Well, I tried to talk adam out of suing for custody, but you know there's no stopping him.

Abby: Well, he's in for a big surprise if he thinks he can steamroll nick.

Phyllis: Nick's a great father, we all know that.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: He has a solid case. And adam should not underestimate nick's ability to fight dirty.

Abby: They're both formidable. Speaking of, have you thought any more about my proposition? I really want to lease space in your new hotel.

Phyllis: I know you do, and I have thought about it. Now, I want to ask you this question. Do you think it's realistic to be able to replicate the success of society in another location?

Abby: Look, I thought a lot about that recently, and you're right. I don't want to repeat myself. So I refined my idea to fit your space. I want the whole first floor of the hotel to be a lounge. Soft music with an infectious groove, a common area with bars, drinks flowing, a pink felt pool table. I want it to feel like an exclusive house party where work meets play.

Phyllis: I wanted to hate it.

Abby: But you don't?

Phyllis: I don'T.

Abby: You don't?

Phyllis: It's pretty great. It has a lot of potential. But we have one obvious problem -- both sides of your family hate me. Why should I do business with you?

Chelsea: I want to apologize for knocking you unconscious the night I left town. And for putting you in the hospital.

Sharon: Really?

Chelsea: I was feeling cornered and desperate.

Sharon: Okay, because we were never actually able to prove that that was you. So the fact that you're admitting it now, that's something.

Chelsea: I'm trying to own what I've done, sharon, acknowledge that people were hurt by my actions.

Sharon: Okay, well, thank you for that.

Chelsea: And are you feeling guilty for anything you've done?

Sharon: What would I have to feel guilty about?

Chelsea: Um, encouraging adam's interest in connor and christian? Look what that has led to. He is trying to take christian away from nick. I mean, sending the tabloids, that bogus article, releasing that video? We both know that was adam's doing.

Sharon: I'm sure it was, but I have nothing to do with it.

Chelsea: You awoke something else in him instead. I mean, you may have been trying to appeal to his better angel, but now he's got all sorts of a god complex, okay? I mean, he really thinks that he's the only man on the planet that can raise those two boys, and he doesn't care who he has to step on to get that done!

Sharon: And you're trying to blame that on me? Adam is a grown man. Why don't we blame him for his own behavior? I actually told him that I think what he's doing is wrong, and in our last conversation, I even called him a cold-hearted bastard.

Chelsea: Well, I think you came to that realization a little too late.

Sharon: Come on, chelsea. You are the one responsible for putting adam on his current path. Hiding connor from him and deciding to stay with nick? I mean, you had to know how adam was gonna react to that.

Chelsea: My husband had just passed away.

Sharon: Well, I'm sorry. But why did you come back to genoa city in the first place after you said you had no interest in adam and you were apparently happily remarried and living a new life?

Chelsea: I knew adam would never accept the fact that I'd moved on. I knew I had to handle it myself, in person.

Sharon: You're probably right about that. Because when adam first got back here, you're all he talked about. You and connor. And when he finally realized there was no hope of a reconciliation, that's when he started spinning out.

Chelsea: I think adam just put his focus on me so he could distract himself from what he really wanted.

Sharon: Which is what?

Chelsea: You, sharon. I knew it the first time I heard your voice when you left me that message on his behalf.

Sharon: I was calling you because he wanted to try to spare you the shock of hearing a voice from a dead man.

Chelsea: And yet, he chose to ask you for help over anybody else. And that's because, for adam, it's always been you.

Nick: When it comes to adam's character, shady business dealings are just the ground floor. He begins with embezzlement, and the goes to blackmail, and then goes up from there.

Brenda: He's making wild accusations, your honor.

Nick: He faked his own death, he tried to frame me for murder. He's been charged with murder himself.

Brenda: Charges that were dropped due to lack of evidence. This is character assassination.

Nick: And this is the man you want to give my son to?

That's enough, mr. Newman. Perhaps you should have retained a new attorney to prevent you from making these sorts of outbursts.

Nick: You know he stole my other child, too, faith? When she was a baby, right away from her mother.

Adam: You really want to drag sharon into this, nick?

Nick: You shouldn't be allowed anywhere near her -- faith, either.

Gentlemen! Gentlemen!

Brenda: Again, there were any charges brought, no proof of what he's saying.

Nick: Because he lies and manipulates his way out of trouble.

Adam: You might want to take a breath, man.

Nick: Shut up.

Adam: Your honor, my brother is grasping at straws, trying to act like he's some paragon of virtue, but you saw the video surveillance, which is concrete evidence of his character.

Nick: Adam is an expert at covering his tracks and erasing his bad deeds, and since he released that video, I have no proof, which means he's gonna get away with it because he gets away with everything. Well, I guess not everything. Not delia.

Kyle: I was on the rebound and fell in with theo and his friends, got caught up in a lifestyle... let me back up. I wasn't caught up. I was on board. And some of it was fun, like, really fun. We did the bars in brooklyn, late dinners in manhattan, weekends in the hamptons...

Lola: You were young guys in the city partying.

Kyle: For days on ends and nights that never seemed to. When you have unlimited funds and bottomless drinks, and... designer drugs, it can make you feel invincible.

Lola: I assume it wasn't just you and the guys.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] There were women. Lots of women. Most of the time when I hooked up, we were using each other. They wanted to hang out in a certain crowd, and I wanted to escape. Some of the girls wanted more, but I didn't care how they felt. I only cared about my feelings, or lack thereof. There was a certain numbness that appealed to me. Lola, I'm laying out the unvarnished truth because you asked me to. So, please, just say something.

Sharon: You're wrong about adam and me. I mean, yes, we've had a long and complicated relationship, but, clearly, adam is in love with you.

Chelsea: We loved each other very deeply, yeah. And I know he loved our life with connor, but... it's not the same.

Sharon: Well, I have moved on. I am living with a great guy now.

Chelsea: But it must have gotten a little complicated when adam returned from the dead and you got all tangled up with him again.

Sharon: Um, rey understood that I was just trying to help a friend. And adam is not gonna be an issue for us anymore.

Chelsea: There is a reason victor enlisted you to help adam gain his memory back. He knows that you can get through to him more than anybody else.

Sharon: Victor didn't know how to find you.

Chelsea: You've always been the constant in his life, sharon. For better or for worse. I mean, you understand him in ways that nobody else does. So... you can steer him away from his worst impulses.

Sharon: I tried, and i failed. Like you said, I maybe made things worse.

Chelsea: But try again!

Sharon: I can'T. I have got to remove myself from this whole situation.

Chelsea: He is going after christian. Before we know it, he's gonna be coming after connor.

Sharon: That's not my fight. Have you thought about sitting down with adam and trying to reason with him? You and nick. Try to come up with a plan that works for all of you.

Chelsea: Reason with him? Really?

Sharon: Look, I've told adam that I hate the way he's handled this. But, honestly, adam is connor and christian's biological father. Doesn't he deserve to have some role in their lives?

Chelsea: Not this version of adam.

Sharon: You know why he's lashing out and why his relationship with his sons is so important to him. He didn't know victor, and, because of that, it really shaped adam's life, and it made him feel like an outsider. He's just trying to spare christian from having that same feeling.

Chelsea: But christian doesn't need to be spared. From anything! He has a wonderful father, a father that adam actually chose for him.

Sharon: I agree with you.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: So, is the current plan to keep the kids away from their father the rest of their lives?

Chelsea: I am just worried about today. I'm worried about the well-being of those two innocent boys.

Sharon: And you can't see things from adam's point of view at all?

Chelsea: Not when he's acting out of vindictive rage, no. My priority is to protect those kids. And the one thing I am counting is adam has always had one line that he would never cross, and that is hurting his children. But if he continues with this custody case and really rips christian away from nick, that is exactly what he will be doing. It will be the end of the adam you and I ever knew, sharon. He will be a lost cause. You'll never believe he's a lost cause, will you? Then you need to be the one to talk him out of this.

Adam: I was wondering how low you would be willing to sink, but this...

Nick: You ran over a little girl.

Adam: It was an accident. A terrible accident!

Brenda: Which my client has paid for in many ways.

Nick: Only after he got caught. He lied to everyone about it, including delia's parents.

Control yourself, mr. Newman.

Nick: He then took advantage of their grief by convincing them to have delia be an organ donor for his son.

Adam: Don't do this, nick. Don't do it. It's beneath you.

Nick: You are the only one who will do and say anything to get what you want, but christian is my son. Do you hear me? He is mine, and I will not let you get away with this!


Nick: Your honor, I --

Not another word. I know this a highly charged situation. And, frankly, I need some time to review all of this new material. I will let you know when I've made a decision. This hearing is adjourned.

Abby: Listen. I understand why you would be wary about going into business with me, but I am just as wary of you.

Phyllis: So why take the chance?

Abby: Because I want something from you, and you need something from me. We're both smart, and we both have learned enough life lessons to know how to watch our backs.

Phyllis: Okay, so are you willing to take the blowback from your family?

Abby: I will tell them exactly what I will tell you right now. You are going into business with me and not my family.

Phyllis: I mean, we're not friends.

Abby: No.

Phyllis: No.

Abby: No, just like you're in business with adam, and you're not friends with him, right?

Phyllis: Touché.

Abby: Listen, we have everything we need to do this deal right now. We can build off of each other's momentum, we can expand our brands, and we can make a lot of money in the process.

Phyllis: It's a really good pitch, as long as it goes how you're describing it.

Abby: Yes, there's always risks, but I never pictured you as being risk-adverse.

Phyllis: No. Nobody has ever accused me of that.

Abby: Unless you're getting to that point in your life where you have to be a little bit more, you know, conservative.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] If you're trying to work me, you have to work a little harder than that.

Abby: Point taken. What do you say?

Phyllis: Um... hey, what the hell? Get me the numbers. Let's go for it.

Abby: It's gonna be a wild ride.

Chelsea: How did it go? I saw the video of you impersonating J.T.

Nick: Yeah, I'm sure the whole world's seen it by now. I'm not proud of what I did. Don't really have an excuse.

[ Sighs ] I was just mad, you know? Mad at my dad, mad at the whole world.

Chelsea: You don't have to explain. I know who you are. I also know this was adam's vicious attempt to try to paint you in the worst possible light.

Nick: Well, I think I did a pretty good of that myself today in court. Everything I said came out wrong. Now I'm really concerned that I may lose christian.

Let's see, aleve is

proven better on pain

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Phyllis: Hey! Right on time, I like that.

Theo: I wouldn't show up late to meet genoa city's hottest new real estate developer.

Phyllis: Mm, thank you. Okay, well, we have a million things to take care of before the opening of the hotel. So, one of the main things is i still have not decided on a name. If you have any ideas, I mean...

Theo: I might.

Phyllis: Shoot.

Theo: I've been thinking about your story, how you rose from the ashes after jabot. How about the grand phoenix?

Phyllis: That's actually on the list. Wow, um, I like it. It's catchy. But it's not exactly subtle.

Theo: Neither are you.

Phyllis: That's fair.

Theo: It's bold, direct, and sends a clear message.

Phyllis: I like the way your mind thinks, which is why i decided to hire you to help me with the opening of... the grand phoenix.

Theo: The grand phoenix.

Theo: I'm in.

Phyllis: Great.

Theo: Can you tell me more about your vision for the space?

Phyllis: Okay, all right. I have a very particular vision. It's a destination boutique hotel. It's fun and it has an artistic vibe, and it caters to the celebrity, the entertainer, the influencer, world traveler. Is there somebody you need to talk to?

Theo: Not at all.

Phyllis: Okay, because i don't feel like I have your full attention.

Phyllis: Just sent you the first 15 a-listers for our guest list.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Phyllis: Oh, you did. All right. Oh, a man who knows what he's doing. I like that. Terrific. Thank you.

Summer: [ Clears throat ]

Phyllis: All right, so --

Summer: Hey.

Theo: Hi.

Phyllis: I like these names.

Summer: Um, our table's ready. You ready?

Theo: Yeah, absolutely.

Phyllis: Oh, great.

Summer: Hi, mom.

Phyllis: Hey, honey.

Theo: To be continued. Your opening is in good hands. Trust me.

Phyllis: Don't make me regret this.

Lola: Thank you for being so honest. I know this is hard to talk about.

Kyle: I just hope it doesn't change things between us.

Lola: I don't want it to. I know that you had a life before me, and... that you're from a very different world that I don't know much about.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] It was a very specific time, and I was in a bad place.

Lola: You know, it breaks my heart thinking about you like that. And I can't help but wonder who could have made you feel so sad.

Kyle: What -- this was not about her.

Lola: Somehow, everything always comes back to summer.

Nick: I made such a mistake going into court without a lawyer. I felt really confident, you know? I felt like it was so obvious that he should come home with me. I really thought I could do it on my own.

Chelsea: Because christian does belong with you.

Nick: Not after today. I let my emotions get the best of me.

Chelsea: You're human. Of course you're gonna get emotional when you're fighting for your son.

Nick: And I let adam bait me. He played so perfectly. He just sat there with that smile on his face. I tried to call him out to the judge, but I just got wrapped up in his lies and his tricks, and I --

[ Sighs ] I lost sight of what i was trying to get across, which is how much I love that little boy.

Chelsea: Listen, I'm confident the judge saw your love for him, okay? It doesn't matter what you said or what you didn't say. It's in your eyes, nick. It's written all over your face. I'm sure he saw what I saw, that you are a great man and that christian belongs with you.

Nick: Thank you. I can't tell you enough how much it means to me that you're here with me. Thank you.

Adam: No, monique, I don't need an appointment to see my own brother.

Adam: Oh, well, isn't this cute? Behind every man is a woman who feels sorry for him.

Chelsea: Get the hell out of here, adam.

Adam: I only came to console nick and to tell you not to blame yourself for how today went. And to let you know that I will make the transition as smooth and painless as possible.

Nick: Pride comes before the fall, huh? Is that the saying?

Adam: Well, pride and confidence are two different things that I know how to separate.

Nick: No, you never have.

Adam: Well, it's my confidence that assures me of tomorrow's outcome.

Nick: You ain't won nothing yet.

Adam: Well, not technically.

Nick: Not legally.

Adam: Look, come on, nick. Don't fool yourself. In your heart, you know the judge is gonna rule in my favor. And the look on your face said it at all the end of the hearing.

Chelsea: All right, if you're here gloating, uh, I take it sharon didn't speak to you?

Adam: Speak to me about what?

Chelsea: I saw her earlier. She is just as angry as we are about you suing for custody.

Adam: Oh, I am quite aware. She told me. I think our conversation we had, uh, might have been our last.

Chelsea: So she didn't talk any sense into you?

Adam: Nope, but it sure is nice to know that both of you care enough to put your heads together to try to fix me.

Chelsea: Listen. Listen. Stop, stop. Listen. We are not trying to fix you. We are trying to help you. We all know why you're acting like this.

Adam: Do you?

Chelsea: It has everything to do with victor and nothing to do with you wanting to hurt your own child. So why don't we just -- why don't we just talk this out, come up with a solution?

Adam: You want to find a solution?

Chelsea: Yes.

Adam: Well. There might be something.

Chelsea: Tell me what it is.

Adam: Come home with me. Right now. No questions asked.

Chelsea: What?

Adam: All right? We can go back to the penthouse, we can get connor. He can live with us. Everything will go back to the way it was before I died.

Nick: Get the hell out of my house.

Adam: Not until chelsea answers my question.

Nick: Chelsea?

Adam: Nick...

Chelsea: And you would drop the custody fight for christian.

Adam: Yes. There's your solution.

Kyle: I wasn't think about summer when I was in new york. She was an excuse I used to do whatever the hell I wanted, sleep with whoever I wanted, party as hard I wanted, and not give a damn.

Lola: What about when you got back, kyle?

Kyle: Yes, I pursued her. But I was burned out and jaded, and it was like a game. There wasn't anything real left between us.

Lola: Well, she didn't think so because, eventually, she wanted you back.

Kyle: But it was too late. Because, on a random wednesday, I went to a food truck and ordered a cuban sandwich. That was the day everything changed, the day I decided i wanted to become a better man because a pretty girl smiled at me. And, in that smile, I saw...

[ Sighs ] Everything.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Summer: Uh, so you working with my mom is a little weird.

Theo: Is it? I mean, I know you guys aren't on the best of terms, but she's smart, and she has a lot going on.

Summer: Mm-hmm, yeah, and she's made an enemy of practically everyone in town.

Theo: Well, doing business at a high level won't make you a lot of friends.

Summer: Yeah, no, especially when you stab them all in the back.

Theo: Is this all about your mom, or is there something else going on?

Summer: I don't know, um... maybe it's a cumulative effect. Just everything with my mom, and dad's going through this custody suit. I just -- I don't need any more drama right now.

Theo: Well, if I do my job well, working with your mom should be drama-free.

Summer: Yeah, famous last words.

Theo: The hotel launch could be good for both of us. I can get some of the lp roster there, you can network with some other influencers, and... imagine this -- it could actually be fun.

Nick: You're not seriously considering this, right? Chelsea, don'T. We will figure out another way.

Chelsea: You'd have to be out of your mind... to think I'd go anywhere with you.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] Ow. Ouch. You really know how to hurt a guy. That should come in handy when you break his heart again. I wasn't really testing your feelings for me. I was just trying to see how far you would go for nick. Not that far, bro.

Nick: Here's a thought -- stop trying to trade things for my son because it's never gonna happen.

Adam: Okay, well, it's happening sooner than you think, as soon as the judge comes back with his ruling, nick.

Nick: What makes you think you are worthy of that boy's love?

Adam: Okay, I'm more worthy than you will ever be.

Chelsea: Stop this, both of you!


Hot pockets!

Nick: Hey, buddy. You all right? Here you go.

Adam: Hi, buddy. How you doing?

Chelsea: Are you thirsty? Huh? Why don't we go get something to drink? Okay.

Adam: All right, see you later, christian.

Kyle: I'm not going to make excuses for the things I've done or the person I was before I met you. All I can say is I've changed.

Lola: I know that. I just can't help but notice that there's a different side of that comes out when you're with theo.

Kyle: You might be right. That's why I have no interest in spending a bunch of time with him. Theo's life is vapid and self-absorbed. I don't want any part of it.

Phyllis: Yes, everything is in place for summertime, inc. I want you to pull the trigger on the second acquisition we discussed. Make it happen now.

Adam: Look, I'll admit that you took good care of my son while I was gone. And I trust that you will continue to act in his best interests while he adjusts to his new situation.

Nick: Whatever happens in court, I will make you pay for what you've done, I promise you that.

Adam: Well, forgive me for not losing sleep over your idle threats.

Nick: You know, you were right about some things today. More right than you realize. I have been a good father to christian. I'm also that guy in that video. You might want to watch it again just to remember who you're dealing with.

Adam: [ Chuckles ]

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