Y&R Transcript Friday 7/19/19

Y&R Transcript Friday 7/19/19


Episode #11661 ~ Nikki's night to shine spirals out of control.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Michael: Whatever you're up to, you can't go against adam by yourself. If you underestimate him for even one moment, he will flay you.

Kevin: I know what I'm doing.

Theo: Hey, your secrets are safe with me.

Kyle: What secrets?

Theo: Exactly. Just forget we had this conversation, okay?

Victor: I was sick and tired of walking around in a fog. Okay?

Nikki: Oh, from your medication. It's been far too long since we've had everybody together in one place, and it would be a wonderful reminder of how much love and support you have.

Victor: Then I guess adam will not be invited.

Phyllis: The way I see it, you have two options. You either sit there and do nothing, or you resolve the issue, and since I'm a person who returns a favor, I suggest you do the latter. Oh, that's great. I'm glad we see eye to eye. Thank you.

Adam: You mind telling me what was so urgent I had to race right over?

Phyllis: I just had a very informative conversation with rey rosales.

Adam: [ Inhales sharply ]

Phyllis: He knows about your connection to chance chancellor and vegas. He also knows I know.

Adam: The guy's wasting his time. I was a high-stakes poker player using an alias. I met all kinds of people, none of them using their real name. I took home their cash and stayed under the radar, and i lived to play another day.

Phyllis: If there is something that happened, that you don't want people knowing about, your dealings with chance in vegas... rey is a private investigator. He works for nick.

Adam: So?

Phyllis: So I am saying, if there is something that you did that would look bad in the eyes of a family court judge, nick probably knows. So plan your strategy accordingly.

Chelsea: What do you think? Is it trying too hard? I mean, it's only a family dinner.

Nick: You look gorgeous, a always.

Chelsea: Thanks. [ Sighs ]

Nick: I'm really glad you decided to come with me tonight.

Chelsea: Well, victor's a hard man to turn down.

Nick: I think he genuinely wants you there.

Chelsea: I believe he does, too. Which isn't that reassuring. I mean, I did leave town with his grandson, and... I hurt you terribly.

Nick: Look, when we walk in there together, everyone is gonna know it's all in the past. And if anyone in my family has a problem with it...

Chelsea: I don't care what anybody else thinks about me. It's you I'm concerned about. Given the fight that you're facing with adam... you can't afford to lose any allies.

Victor: Thank you.

Nikki: Thank you.

Victor: My, my, look at this. This dinner was a wonderful idea, sweetheart.

Nikki: I think so, too. It's been too long since we've had the whole family together.

Victor: And, you know, I'm glad we're all getting along.

Nikki: Yeah, with one notable exception.

Victor: Well... that situation is tragic.

Nikki: I will be by your side the entire time.

Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.

Nikki: You will be surrounded by people who love you more than anything in the world, and they would never judge you. No matter what happens.

Victor: No matter what happens?

Nikki: Right.

Abby: Let the party begin!

Victor: Well, my goodness.

Abby: Hi, daddy.

Victor: So sweet to see you.

Abby: So good to see you. Nikki, you look fabulous.

Nikki: Hi, darling. Thank you. I was about to say the same to you.

Abby: Oh, thank you!

[ Giggles ]

Victor: Is nate coming with you?

Abby: He's my plus-one.

Victor: Hello, nate.

Abby: To a lot of things recently.

Nate: Yes, more and more all the time.

Victor: Oh, yeah.

Nikki: Really? So, are the two of you dating?

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Nate: How lucky am I?

Abby: Oh, extremely lucky.

Nikki: Wow.

[ Laughter ]

Victor: Well, I couldn't be more pleased.

Abby: Wow, this is the most enthusiastic you've ever been about one of my beaus.

Victor: I've entrusted nate with my life. So you made a wise choice.

Abby: Well, I wouldn't get ahead of ourselves. I mean, we just started seeing each other, so there's no need to hand out prenups or anything.

Victor: No, of course not.

Victoria: Hello, everyone.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Victoria: Hello. Mwah! Hi, mom. Mwah.

Nikki: Hi, sweetheart.

Victoria: How are you?

Victor: I'm so happy you came.

Billy: Does that include me?

Victor: Yes, billy, it does. Welcome.

Billy: Well, thank you.

Victoria: Boy, I'm parched.

Billy: What would you like, champagne?

Victoria: Yes, please.

Billy: Vicor, want tequila?

Victor: Nothing right now. Thank you, billy.

Nikki: I'm good, thank you.

Victoria: This is nice.

Victor: My sweetheart, while they're doing that, uh, let's discuss the randolph merger.

Victoria: Daddy, it's a special evening.

Victor: I know, sweetheart.

Victoria: We don't want to get bogged down with business talk.

Victor: Yeah, but when I went through the deal memo, I noticed something that you may have missed.

Summer: So there will be two more influencers besides me promoting the same accessory line. Sweet! [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: You're really into this.

Summer: Yeah, I mean, I've made some really great connections, thanks to theo. I just love that he makes things happen, you know?

Kyle: You're doing a fine job using your online following to promote jabot collective. And he'S... got a good handle on our market.

Summer: Okay. Why do I hear a "but" coming? What, some kind of warning about theo? You can save it because I've already got an earful from my mom. I know exactly who he is, and i know what I've gotten myself into, okay?

Kyle: Yeah. I'm not so sure you do.

Lola: [ Humming ]

Theo: Hey! You wanted to see me?

Lola: Hi. Yes. Uh, thank you for coming. There's something I wanted to talk to you about.

Theo: I'm happy to get a chance to know you better -- the woman who tamed kyle abbott.

Lola: Yeah, I was going to ask you about the untamed kyle, what his life was like in new york. Every time I bring it up, he avoids the question.

Theo: Uh, you know, a man's got to have some secrets.

Lola: Look, theo, I love kyle. I really, really do. And I do trust him. But after meeting don don and some of your crew, and the way that you and kyle were talking...

Theo: Hey, look, new york was a different time, and kyle was a different guy. I'm sure you have stuff in your past you feel the same way about.

Lola: Actually, I don'T. I wasn't into partying, not that I'm a prude. I'm just curious. The way that kyle dances around --

Theo: Look, he probably just doesn't want you to think about him that way. You know?

Lola: And what way is that, theo? What exactly went on in kyle's life when he was in new york city? I comparison shop for everything to get the best deal. Gas is 6 cents cheaper here. Sale rack! No! And, for loans, I go to lendingtree.Com. I wanted to consolidate my credit cards in to a personal loan to pay them off faster. Lending tree made lenders compete for my business and I ended up with a loan that saved me over $9000 and no more credit card debt. I mean $9000! It's a lot of money. Lending tree, may the best loan win.

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Lola: Sorry about that.

Theo: Oh, no worries. Look, what went on with us guys back east -- I mean, seriously, lola, it was no big deal.

Lola: Yeah, kyle told me that, too, using those exact same words.

Theo: Well, I mean, the dude's trying really hard to be a different guy now. Uh, I mean, he is. Kyle's doing it, you know? I can see how serious he is about you. But, I mean, you're so different from the other women he's been with, he's being cautious. Maybe overly cautious because you're smart and obviously hip to what people are like when they're, you know...

Lola: That's just it, I don't know, and that worries me.

Theo: Okay, if I swear to you it's not that bad and there's no cause for alarm, will you let this go?

Lola: Theo, I hardly know you. I don't even know if you're trustworthy.

Theo: Ouch.

Lola: Look, I'm sorry, no offense. I'm just stating a fact. And the more we talk, the more it's making me wonder.

Theo: What? How well you really know kyle? Come on, that's crazy.

Lola: Then you shouldn't have a problem being straight-up with me because the whole "it's no big deal" and "it's not that bad" and however else you want to downplay it -- theo, if all that is true, then what is there to hide about my fiancé's past behavior?

Theo: You make a good case. I mean, it's only fair that you know what went on. All right, I'll tell you the truth.

Summer: This is one of your best buds from new york, so what, are you worried about me going out with him?

Kyle: You can take care of yourself, for the most part, but theo -- he's got this way. He knows how to work people.

Summer: Yeah, it's called charm.

Kyle: And sometimes that so-called charm can suck you into a party that you don't leave until two days later. The guy's dangerous, summer.

Summer: Oh, my god, I'm not lola.

Kyle: I know, but --

Summer: I used to be just as wild, maybe even more. And, yeah, I don't go a berserk as I used to, but I still have no interested in settled and boring. And theo happens to be really good at his job. I mean, his instincts are spot-on, sales are through the roof, so... you're worried about nothing, kyle.

Kyle: Okay. Just felt like I ought to say something.

Adam: I hope you're not trying to talk me out of fighting for my son again.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] On the contrary. I'm doing you a solid favor. I'm giving you useful information as it comes to me.

Adam: Mm. Out of the goodness of your heart?

Phyllis: I owe you, adam. Everybody else in town wanted me to crash and burn, and you gave me a chance to turn everything around. I mean, our business relationship is unconventional.

Adam: Mm. You think?

Phyllis: But I value it. I'm just giving you a tip that can help you in your court case so you can get in front of it, you know what I mean? This is what good partners do.

Adam: Good?

Phyllis: Effective. Which I can only be if you speak to me as freely in return. What happened between you and chance in vegas?

Adam: Thanks for the heads up, phyllis.

Phyllis: I thought you trusted me.

Adam: More than I trust anyone else at the moment.

Phyllis: Between zero and 1%.

Adam: You know, I value our partnership, too, phyllis. In fact, I'd like to show you my appreciation.

Victoria: What is it that you think I've overlooked?

Victor: My darling, there is a sunset clause in the deal memo that you may have overlooked, and that could affect the valuation of the company we're about to acquire.

Victoria: Is this concerning the disposition of stock options in the event of a merger?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Because legal gave me their opinion on that last week. The provision only affects a few employees. It would be a minor hit, so...

Victor: I see.

Victoria: They advised us to close the deal.

Victor: Mm. So you've done your homework.

Victoria: I have. I had an incredible mentor who taught that the devil is in the details.

Victor: Really? Did he, now?

Victoria: He did.

Victor: Really?

Victoria: Yes. Oh!

Billy: Your bubbly, madame.

Victoria: Excuse me, dad. Thank you. Merci beau coup.

Billy: Cheers.

Victoria: Cheers.

Nikki: Oh! Here's nicholas!

Victor: Look who's there.

Nick: What'd we miss?

Victoria: Not a thing.

Nikki: Hi, darling. It's good to see you.

Nick: Hi, mom. Dad.

Victor: Hello, chelsea.

Nikki: Hi, chelsea.

Chelsea: Nikki.

Abby: You look amazing.

Chelsea: Oh, thank you. Everybody looks marvelous. Hi, there.

Billy: Hey, chels.

Victoria: It's been a while.

Chelsea: It certainly has.

Billy: It's good to see you.

Chelsea: You too, billy.

Victoria: We're very sorry to hear about your loss.

Chelsea: Thank you. It's been a rough week.

Billy: I'm sure it has been.

Victor: Thank you for taking me up on my invitation.

Chelsea: I was surprised you extended it, after everything that's happened.

Victor: Well, you're the mother of my grandson, you know. It means that you and I could have a fresh start.

Abby: Chelsea. I would love for you to meet my date. This is dr. Nate hastings.

Chelsea: Oh!

Abby: This is chelsea lawson. Is it lawson? I'm sorry. I'm not sure what name you're going by now.

Chelsea: Uh, frankly, I'm not really sure, either. It's nice to meet you, doctor.

Nate: Please, call me nate.

Abby: Chelsea just came back to town after being gone for a while.

Nate: Oh, well, it's great meeting you. I left to go to school and came back, too, about a year ago.

Abby: There must be something in the water.

[ Laughs ] Uh, which reminds me, I am very thirsty. Hint, hint.

Nate: Excuse us.

Chelsea: Oh, sure.

Nikki: Well, chelsea, I can't help but remember the last time you attended a newman family dinner. When we all realized you and nicholas were engaged.

Theo: The boys and I partied a lot, you know, in the city, out in the hamptons... you find your 10 favorite bars and clubs, and you rotate through. Along with the various women who are swept up for the ride. This was all long before kyle met you, as I keep saying.

Lola: He's a different guy now.

Theo: Totally. Hey, you wanted me to be honest, and, well, you really can't be that surprised. You knew you weren't catching some innocent choir boy. Kyle was at the center of the scene. You know, we started calling him "sparrow," as in captain jack from the movie when he commandeered don don's yacht with this -- what was her name? I don't know, this blonde. Well, there were a lot of blondes during that time. You get the idea.

Lola: You see, theo, but when I heard you and kyle talking, I got the sense that there was much more happening than just a bunch of entitled guys clubbing and pranking on each other.

Theo: Kyle got whatever he needed to out of his system, so... time well-spent, right?

Lola: Okay, what about --

Theo: Hey, look, I don't know what you've heard, lola, but if you want any more detail, you're gonna have to ask kyle.

Lola: Thank you for your time.

Theo: Sure. No problem. Have a good one.

Summer: [ Clears throat ] Thought you were kyle's friend.

Theo: I am.

Summer: Mm, so you just lobbed grenades into his relationship?

Theo: You've got it all wrong, babe. Lola called me. She literally asked for this.

Summer: Mm. "There were a lot of blondes at that time."

Theo: What? It's true. I didn't tell her anything she didn't already suspect. And I didn't see you rush in to stop me, so I gather you were enjoying it.

Summer: I am trying to be a better person.

Theo: Why? You and I are a lot of things. "Saintly" ain't one of them.

Theo: My room. Now.

Summer: I got to go.

Theo: Hey!

Summer: Sorry, I'm booked.

Michael: What the hell are you doing?

Victor: I would like to propose a toast. The first one is to nikki. My rock. My partner in everything that counts.

Nikki: [ Giggles ]

Victor: I love you more than ever. And now, my dear abby... thank you for creating this very elegant restaurant, and I'm sure you're gonna serve wonderful food, and I would like to tell you that I really am respectful of the fact that you have become an entrepreneur, a very successful one.

Abby: Thank you for teaching me everything I know about business.

Victor: Nate. You've been taking care of both nikki and me.

Nikki: I'll second that.

Victor: And we both thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Victor: Now, my darling victoria... I've entrusted you with running newman enterprises, and you've done a very, very good job. I'm proud of you. And I'm proud of the fact that you have your own vision that you bring to the company. And that you put your own personal stamp on things.

Victoria: Thank you.

Victor: Billy boy, you and i have not always gotten along too well. That's putting it mildly, I think. But I want you to know that i appreciate that you're supporting victoria in her new and very difficult endeavor.

Billy: I'm honored to do it.

Summer: Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.

Nikki: Oh! Hi, darling!

Summer: I got held up at work.

Victor: You're not late at all. Please, have a seat over there.

Summer: Oh! Okay. Hi! Speaking of summer... I never could figure out what an influencer does.

[ Laughter ] But I know how to read a sales report. I'm impressed. So whatever marketing tool you're using, it's working, and I wish you had applied it to newman enterprises.

Summer: [ Chuckles ]

Victor: However, I'm very proud that the next newman generation is on the cutting edge of commerce. Now, nicholas, my boy. You and I have had a few father-son difficulties, which is not unusual, but you've always been a man of your own. You've always shown enormous creativity and talent and tenacity, independence. I respect you for that. But I, most of all, respect you having gotten your priorities right. You're a great father and family man. And, I must say, I respect the fact that you are, and the way you are, fighting for christian, and the way you're helping chelsea through a very difficult time. So, having said all that, I'm very happy call all of you members of my family.

Adam: Gee, dad, you don't have any kind words for me?

New from l'oreal.

Adam: Wow, what a lovely gathering. I guess my invite got lost in the mail.

Victor: Adam, you chose to distance yourself from your family through your actions.

Adam: Hmm. My actions. Coming from you, that is rich.

Nikki: Show your father some respect.

Phyllis: Okay, come on. Let's go. There are plenty of other restaurants in town. Let's go.

Abby: Or in far-away towns.

Summer: The further, the better, really.

Billy: I hear there's a great little thai place in iowa.

Phyllis: Oh, god, you don't need this. Let's walk away. Let's walk away now.

Nate: It's good advice, man.

Adam: Wow. Look who's part of the family. Calvin's been dead a whole week. It's shocking how sudden that was.

Chelsea: Really? You're going there, again?

Adam: Mm. Mm-hmm.

Nick: Time to go.

Kevin: I can't believe you followed me.

Michael: Well, you made it very clear that you were gearing up for something impetuous. You were gonna figure out a way to get out from under adam's thumb, and yet, here we are!

Kevin: I told you, michael, this is my mess. I don't want you involved.

Michael: Shh. Well, I am involved. You're my brother. Now, you tell me exactly what's going on.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] Somehow, adam got these compromising photos of judge sanders. He ordered me to blackmail him so he's sure to get custody of christian.

Michael: [ Sighs ] If his poor mother were alive...

Kevin: Yeah, well, I guess he takes after his old man. So now you know. This is the pond scum that I'm dealing with. The good news is, as usual, he has underestimated me. Handed me leverage. A way out.

Michael: How?

Kevin: I am going to use these photos against adam and not the judge. Alert the cops to his plan and force his honor to rig his case. Adam gets nailed for that, he goes to jail, and I am finally rid of that bastard.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] Kevin.

Kevin: I know! It's brilliant, right?

Michael: No! Not brilliant. The opposite of brilliant. You haven't though any of this through!

Billy: Need any help taking out the trash?

Adam: [ Chuckles ] You wish, billy.

Victor: Adam, I think you've had your fun. It's time to move on.

Phyllis: Okay, this is so not worth it. All right?

Adam: Enjoy your fleeting moment of newman solidarity. It won't last.

Summer: What is wrong with my mother? She's become adam's, like, evil twin sidekick, or something.

Chelsea: Well, at least she was trying to steer him out of here.

Nick: Look, let's not dwell on it, all right? Tonight's about the family coming back together.

Victoria: What else did phyllis say to you?

Billy: That things with adam are what they seem.

Victoria: Whatever that means.

Billy: She's implying that she's using him, and she's got her own agenda.

Victoria: Well, that should be fun to watch.

Chelsea: Are you guys talking about adam and phyllis?

Billy: Yeah. She's not afraid to double-cross anyone, as long as she gets what she wants.

Nick: You know, adam said something that kind of struck me at the time, maybe even more so now.

Victoria: What was it?

Nick: Phyllis told him to back off of going after custody of christian. Adam assumed I put her up to it.

Billy: Which you hadn'T.

Chelsea: Do you think phyllis is trying to influence adam?

Victoria: Hmm. No, not if it jeopardizes everything he's handed her. Phyllis only cares about one thing -- phyllis. And adam's out to wreak whatever havoc he can. Who knows what he really wants?

Phyllis: One quick drink, and then we leave, deal? There's that new club in lake geneva I've been wanting to check out.

Adam: No, not interested. This night's still full of possibilities.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Michael: Once adam is arrested, what's to prevent him from announcing that chloe is alive, and even if, by some miracle, he winds up in prison, he's the kind of person who still could exact retribution from behind bars. And he will know you're behind it since he gave you the photos.

Kevin: Michael, I've got it all covered.

Michael: How?

Kevin: Chloe has already disappeared from the place where adam thinks she's staying. I will meet her and bella at a new location, and I will get us all new identities. The longer he exploits me, the more likely it will be that i will go to prison for strangling him.

Michael: Ugh.

Kevin: This is going to work out, I know it will.

Michael: No, no. No, no.

Kevin: Failure's not an option.

Michael: Yeah, well, you will get out of here, and I will take care of this.

Kevin: Michael, I need to take care of my family.

Michael: No, you will get out of here now, or I will tear these up!

Kevin: Tear them up! I have back-ups.

Michael: You made copies?

Kevin: I took pictures with my phone.

Michael: I don't believe it.

Kevin: [ Scoffs ] Fine, I will show you.

Michael: Mm. See? I'm not a -- hey, hey! Give me -- michael, give me my phone!

Michael: No, I'm deleting them! They are too dangerous!

Kevin: Give me my phone!

Michael: I'm doing this for your own good, damn it!

Kevin: No, michael!

Michael: They're gone! They are gone!

Kevin: Listen, michael --

Michael: They are too dangerous!

Kevin: [ Panting ]

Kevin: I hate you so much right now. How am I ever gonna get back to chloe?

Michael: Do you trust me?

Kevin: After what you just did?

Michael: Do you trust me?

Kevin: Yes, with my life.

Michael: Then go. I will deal with this.

Adam: It's pretty hilarious, watching them all out in public, trying to act like a functional family.

Phyllis: Especially that gentler, sweeter victor newman. I mean, it's like a doppelganger from an alternate universe. What's up with that?

Adam: Mm. Well, he's pitting his kids against each other -- in this case, everyone else against me. He's got to make them feel welcome back into the fold so i become the pariah.

Phyllis: Oh, gosh, you know, no need to suffer through this unless you like suffering, but, um, I don't really want to do it, okay? Let's go.

Adam: Well, we could order takeout, go back to my place.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I don't know. Um, on second thought, thank you for that, and thank you for the drinks. I'm gonna stay here for a bit.

Summer: [ Clears throat ]

Adam: Good luck.

Summer: This is getting to be a habit, isn't it? Crashing newman family events with adam. It's like you're determined to alienate yourself by associating with him. And, guess what, mom? It's working.

Phyllis: In the meantime, you want things both ways, don't you? When you're down in the dumps, all you want to do is come over to your mom's place and curl up and have her tell you that everything's okay. And then when you're feeling great, you go back to being nasty and judgmental.

Summer: No, I'm just calling it like I see it.

Phyllis: Okay, can you give me a time clock on this emotional exile? What is it? One week? Two weeks? I'm your mom. I'm always gonna be your mom. That's a fact, that's never gonna change. Okay? So let's deal with this here and now.

Nick: Dinner is outstanding.

Chelsea: I second that.

Victoria: Thank you, dad, for arranging this.

Victor: Well, we must give credit where credit is due, you know? This was your mother's brainstorm.

Nikki: It was high time we all enjoyed a pleasant evening together.

Victoria: Well, it's perfect. It's exactly what we all needed.

Victor: Now that I've kept you all long enough, I think you all have a hard day's work ahead of you. So thank you for coming.

Victor: Wait, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What I meant to say, it is getting late, and, uh, and we all have, you know, a lot of work tomorrow, so.

Victoria: Right, making sure that all of the I's are fully dotted and the t's are crossed on the randolph deal.

Victor: I-I'm fine, sweetheart. I'm fine. I'm fine. I don't know, I'm still out of it. Um, I'm fine.

Nick: Hey, I'm out of it half the time, and I don't even have a good excuse.

[ Laughter ]

Victoria: Only half?

Nick: Wait! Whoa!

Billy: Hey, let's hear it for abby, hostess with the mostess.

Nick: Yeah.

Victoria: Yes.

Nikki: Yes.

Abby: It my was pleasure.

Victor: Thank you, my darling.

Nikki: And ours. Thank you, again, for everything.

Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.

Abby: Of course. Mwah! I'm gonna go check on dessert. Excuse me.

Victor: Thank you.

Summer: If you were serious about wanting to make things right between us, then there is something that you can actually do.

Phyllis: Lay it on me.

Summer: Break ties with adam and give dark horse back to dad.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Okay, first of all, I run dark horse, I don't own dark horse. Adam does. Even if I quit my job, it's not my company to give back. Second, my working relationship with adam has nothing to do with our relationship.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] That's what you think.

Phyllis: Summer...

Summer: Mom, I have watched you make hurtful choice after hurtful choice, and that does start to affect us.

Phyllis: Make another demand. No! I'm not doing it. I have suffered so many losses. Everybody in this town, including most of the people at that table, have wanted to see me crash and burn. I love my job at dark horse. It's very important to me. And, you know what, sometimes you have to deal with people you don't particularly like if you want to go where you want to go in this world, okay? That is true in life. That is true in business. And I wish everybody wouldn't be reading so much into this relationship, including yourself. Why are you trying to emotionally manipulate me like this?

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Everything I've learned about manipulating, I learned it from you.

Phyllis: You are a stellar pupil! Stellar!

Adam: How did you get in here?

Michael: Ugh, my brother broke in, I followed him. You and I need to talk.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] That's not your honor's best angle.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] Not yours, either.

Adam: No?

Michael: You're slipping, adam.

Adam: I assume you were here to turn the tables on me, go to the cops with these photos, or the judge. Tell them all about my dastardly scheme. It would make a pretty flimsy case, though, on top of what you just admitted -- you broke in.

Michael: That was my brother's plan. A bad one. I put a stop to it.

Adam: So what is it you want?

Kyle: Hey! I got your text.

Lola: We need to have a serious talk.

Kyle: Okay. Sure. What's bothering you?

Lola: The same thing that's been bothering me ever since that weird, awkward, spur-of-the-moment, kind of disturbing party at your house.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: I need you to tell me about your time in new york, kyle.

Kyle: That was so long ago.

Lola: And don't tell me it's no big deal because that's not why you're holding back. I need you to be completely honest with me. Even about the things that happened before I knew you. I need to know who you really are before I can marry you.

Victoria: Are you okay?

Billy: Yeah. I think.

Victoria: It seemed like you were having a bad dream.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I don't know. I think it was a combination of adam showing up for dinner, the stress of covering for jack.

Victoria: When does jack get back, anyway? Maybe you need to hire a temp or delegate.

Billy: I'm all right. I'm just wiped.

Nick: So, how was it for you?

Chelsea: The dinner?

Nick: Yeah. Any regrets about joining us? I know you had zero expectations.

Chelsea: I was surprised how comforting it was being around your family tonight.

Nick: With the exception of adam and phyllis showing up, I thought it was pretty low-key. That helped.

Chelsea: It reminded me of what connor's gonna miss out on now that his step-father won't be in his life. But I have always managed to figure out how to do what's best for me and my son. I'm determined to do it again.

Nick: I'm sure you will.

Chelsea: It's a lot less daunting knowing that you're in my corner. You've been a really great friend to me. I mean, the way you stood up to adam... you can count on me. No matter what.

Chelsea: I don't need anybody fighting my battles for me, but it does feel good knowing I'm not alone. Well, good night.

Nick: You, too. Sleep well.

Chelsea: You, too.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Michael: You've backed my brother into a corner. So desperate that -- he thinks he can do something like this and get away with it. I don't want to see him do something more reckless, something he may not be able to come back from.

Adam: So you are saving him from himself. How admirable.

Michael: We both know it really wasn't kevin you were after. It's me.

Adam: Mm.

Michael: That's what I'm here. To make a deal with you.

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Nick: Your honor, nick newman. I'm here for the custody hearing.

I assume mr. Baldwin's on his way.

Nick: Actually, no. Something has come up.

Sharon: I heard you were back in town, returning to the scene of the crime.

Billy: Delia wrote this. She's trying to tell me something.

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