Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/16/19
Episode #11658 ~ Victor takes care of unfinished business; Cane surprises Jill; Billy offers Jack unsolicited advice.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Nick: I want to know what adam was up to those three years in vegas where we all thought he was dead and gone. I think if you turn over enough stones, you will find some shady behavior.
Nick: As soon as I tell sharon about some of the stuff adam's pulled, she might be done with him, too.
Chelsea: She may be able to distance herself from him. He's not gonna let me do that. He wants connor, nick.
Nick: He wants you, chelsea.
Traci: I'm gonna have to go back to new york soon and get everything in motion.
Cane: When are you going? I mean, 'cause there's a seminar- that I was thinking of attending, and if we're there at the same time, we could -- I don't know -- see a show.
Jack: You've made me see that I got to make some changes in my life. And I will.
Billy: This is, uh, delia'S.
Esther: Uh...
Billy: What's it doing here?
Esther: Oh, my god. I-I have no idea. I-I packed up her things ages ago.
Billy: Delia! Dee!
[ Breathing heavily ] Dee?! Dee, where are you?! Sweetheart?! Sweetheart, come back to daddy! Dee?!
[ Crying ]
[ Engine starts ]
[ Engine revs, tires screech ]
Delia: [ Echoing ] Aaaaah!
Billy: [ Breathing heavily ]
[ Sighs ]
Rey: Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Rey: Am I late?
Nick: No. I'm early. I'm just anxious to know if you got any new information since the last time we talked.
Rey: Y-yeah, there... is more coming out of las vegas about adam's buddy... what he was up to out there.
Nick: I still just find it hard to fathom that somebody like chance would hang out with somebody like adam.
Rey: Do-gooder type?
Nick: You have no idea. But I guess my brother has always had a way of reeling people in against their better judgment.
Rey: Yeah, well, chance may have had a sterling reputation, but from what I gather, lately, he's gone in a very different direction.
Victor: There we go.
Nikki: So, no decaf today?
Victor: No, my sweetheart, because I'm sick and tired of walking around in a fog, okay?
Nikki: Oh, from your medication? Has it really gotten that bad?
Victor: No, no, no, no. I'm just joking.
Nikki: Oh.
Victor: Now, having said that... considering how strong the treatment is... that nate has administered, I must say the side effects are sort of minor.
Nikki: Well, a little caffeine now and then won't hurt you. But don't make a habit of it, because you need your sleep.
Victor: Thank you, doctor.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Now, I know you you hate not being as alert as you normally would be, especially with everything that's going on.
Victor: You've got that.
Nikki: But, fortunately, everything is in order. Victoria is managing newman enterprises, nicholas is taking care of the custody suit, with michael's help, and, in the meantime, I get to look after you.
Victor: You're doing a wonderful job.
Nikki: Well, I was about to say that.
Victor: Really?
Nikki: It is such a gift to be able to spend this time with you. I think we should make the most out of it.
Victor: Now, why do I get the feeling that... you've something on your mind? What is it?
Nikki: Ahh. I'm so glad you asked.
Victor: Yes?
Jill: So... the meat and potatoes of this colloquium you're attending?
Cane: It's about reducing the chance of parolees going back into prison by helping them ease the way they re-enter society. You know, that way they don't kind of break the law again, pretty much.
Jill: Mm. Sounds very worthwhile.
[ Both chuckle ]
Cane: Well, it is one of the better conferences in the field, so...
Jill: Of course, by next year, you do realize you will be on the panel as an expert?
Cane: Yeah, well, maybe, but you know what? I don't really care about the accolades. I just care about the work.
Jill: Oh, I don't know. A little recognition never hurt anybody.
Cane: This is true. This is true.
Jill: So, are you gonna have some time to hang out with charlie and find out about his internship?
Cane: Well, that depends -- if he wants to hang out with me. You know, he's kind of enjoying life in the big city.
Jill: Well, I'm not worried about it. It's new york. You're gonna find a lot of things to entertain yourself.
Cane: Yeah. Well, I will be there with traci, so, you know...
Jill: Oh?
Cane: Yeah. Turns out she's gonna be there at the same time, you know, because she has to see her editor about her new book.
Jill: Well... that's a fun coincidence.
Cane: Yeah. Yeah. And it turns out the publishing house is gonna throw this big, swank party, which they don't normally do at this stage in the process, but they're really excited about the potential of this novel, so there you go.
Jill: Sounds glam.
Cane: Yeah. And I'll let you know how it goes, 'cause I'm invited, 'cause, you see, I'm the inspiration for a main character.
Jill: Wait. What?
Cane: Mm-hmm. Flynn's the name. Solving crimes is the game.
[ Both laugh ]
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Cane: Well, traci read me the whole thing, and it turns out like an homage to raymond chandler, and flynn -- well, the story centers around him. I can't really tell who the real hero is -- whether it's flynn or it's velma, so...
Jill: But I don't see the connection.
Cane: What, between flynn and velma?
Jill: No, no, no. No, between you and a hard-boiled '40s detective. Private eye.
Cane: Oh. Well, basics like they're both going through all this internal conflict, you know?
Jill: Mm?
Cane: Yeah, yeah. Well, see, in the beginning of the novel, uh, you know, flynn is heartbroken from a failed relationship. Then, later on, kind of, he builds himself back up, with velma's encouragement. Um...that's his girl friday.
Jill: Honey, this doesn't bother you?
Cane: No. Why should it bother me?
Jill: Well, traci's delving into your private life, and she's putting it on public display.
Cane: I don't worry about that. Listen, I'm honored, you know? She has a gift, and she's taking something that's personal and she's making it universal.
Jill: Okay. So, this is a story that will inspire anybody who's ever had the ground fall out from under them.
Cane: Exactly. Yes.
Jill: Wow. I keep forgetting that we have a famous author in the family. When this book comes out, I'll have to get a copy.
Cane: Yeah. Yeah. Actually, you got to do more than that. Apart from all that stuff, it's got everything going for it. It's, uh -- it's suspenseful. It's entertaining. It's funny. It's romantic.
Jill: Oh, it's a romance?
Cane: Yeah, yeah. Like all of traci's novels, there's romance in it, but don't expect me to tell you who flynn ends up with...
[ Imitating james cagney ] 'Cause my lips are sealed.
Jill: [ Laughs ] No, no. I don't want any spoilers. I just love seeing you like this. You're in a good mood. You're looking forward to your trip to new york. If traci has any part in this at all, more power to her.
Jack: Aren't you cutting it kind of close?
Traci: Oh, hello! No. I'll be fine. I do so much traveling now that I've got packing down to a science.
Jack: I love how buoyant your mood has been ever since you started planning this trip. I envy it.
Traci: Well, jack, there's absolutely nothing stopping you from climbing on an airplane and going to new york city anytime you want.
Jack: It isn't the trip i envy so much as the outlook, the way you -- the way you just take life as it comes, open yourself to every opportunity, the way you went after that book. You waited for inspiration, and when it came, you followed where it led. I should take a lesson or two from you.
Traci: Oh, no. That's a terrible idea.
Jack: Is it?
Traci: Jack, a-a person should be true to their own nature.
Jack: Okay. And what's mine?
Traci: Well, you are a hard-charging, driven businessman. You are one of the most determined people I have ever known, and you, jack abbott, are the power of intention personified.
Jack: I don't know if that's good or bad.
Traci: [ Laughing ] No, it's you. It's you. It's the kind of person you are. You are never happier than when you are bending reality to your will. And if you're feeling a little at loose ends lately -- and from what you've said and how you've said it, I think you are -- it's only because you're between challenges.
Jack: Well, I guess that's one way of looking at it.
Traci: Jack, oh my gosh! Look what you just accomplished! You set jabot back up on its feet -- a major miracle! And, at the same time, you developed this amazing treatment program in neil's honor, helping musicians battle their addictions. That's saving lives!
Jack: That part's easy. That's what neil would have wanted.
Traci: Yes. But I'm proud of you, jack. And I am waiting with bated breath to see what you take on next. It will be epic and nearly impossible because that's just how you roll.
Jack: I need a new mountain to climb.
Traci: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Question is, which one?
Traci: Well, the tallest one, of course.
[ Laughs ]
Rey: My sources in vegas have picked up on various rumors. Depending on who you talk to, chance was involved in money laundering and other shady financial dealings.
Nick: Okay, this is just bizarre. He's a chancellor. He's got a crazy trust fund. He doesn't need money. Plus, it goes against everything he ever stood for.
Rey: Because of his law-enforcement background?
Nick: Chance has always been a truth-and-justice kind of guy.
Rey: [ Sniffs ] Well... my guys in vegas are pros, nick.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Alright. Then... whose money are we talking about? How are they doing it? Who's spreading these rumors?
Rey: I don't have those answers yet.
Nick: Well, keep digging. If we can somehow get proof that adam has an association with a criminal enterprise, it can go a long way in proving to the court that he is an unfit father.
Victor: A family dinner? Ah!
Nikki: Yes. It's been far too long since we've had everybody together in one place...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: ...And it would be a wonderful reminder of how much love and support you have.
Victor: Hmm. Who do you think of inviting?
Nikki: Well, I was thinking it would be a grown-up evening. You know, the kids can join us next time.
Victor: I agree with you. Yeah.
Nikki: Okay. Well, thankfully, nicholas and victoria have ironed out their differences, so they will be there, and billy and abby and summer.
Victor: Mm-hmm. But I guess... adam will not be invited.
Nikki: Do you have a problem with that?
Victor: No. He's trying to take christian away from nicholas, and, uh... I think it'll be a long time before those two sit down at a table and break bread together.
Nikki: Yeah. Well, I am willing to hold out hope that he will come around sometime in the future, but, for now, things are what they are.
Victor: Your instincts are absolutely right on.
Nikki: I'm glad you're able to accept that. I know adam is a difficult subject.
Victor: And always will be.
Nikki: Yeah. Oh. I'm gonna be late for my meeting with the park supervisor.
Victor: Oh.
Nikki: Would you like to come with me? I mean, it won't take very long.
Victor: You go ahead. I'll see you there, okay? I need to take care of something else before. Alright?
Nikki: Do I even want to know?
Victor: Uh, no.
Rey: You, too, baby. Alright. Well, I better get back to my meeting. Alright. Talk soon.
Nick: Sounds like things are better between you two.
Rey: She told me about the two of you confronting adam. It really got to her, the way that he went to paul, made it seem that chelsea was responsible for her husband's death. Just goes to show what kind of low-life scum the guy is.
Nick: Well, I really hope it sunk in. Sharon needs to stop rooting for this guy to have a miraculous change of heart and see him for the serious threat that he is.
Rey: I-I think she does now, finally.
Nick: And it was a real wake-up call for chelsea, too. Until you mentioned what adam had done, I could tell there was a small part of her that refused to believe there wasn't anything left of the man she used to love.
Rey: What did these two women with so much going on ever see in this jerk?
Nick: Man, I have no idea. But the important thing is their eyes are open now. You and I have to make sure that the judge's are open, too.
Jill: So, have you had any lucky selling your house yet?
Cane: Uh, no offers yet, but the agent's gonna keep showing it to people while I'm out of town. Uh, so... what's next you? What are your plans? Ooh, what's on your bucket list?
Jill: Well, it's funny you should ask. I'm off to bali.
Cane: Mmm. I've always wanted to go to bali.
Jill: It's supposed to be spectacular.
Cane: Mm-hmm. I've heard.
Jill: There's waterfalls and beaches. The food is to die for.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Jill: I'm pretty excited about it.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Jill: Oh, my god. There is this monkey rainforest where the monkeys come right up to you.
Cane: Yeah. Sounds like an amazing experience. Make sure you take pictures, okay?
Jill: I will. Why are you looking at me that way?
Cane: Well, you're an inspiration to me.
Jill: Aww, sweetie. Listen, if you weren't going to new york, I would take you to bali with me.
Cane: Yeah. Well... I can go there another time, so...
Jill: Tell me something. What [Clears throat] Does lily think about your trip to new york?
Cane: Uh, I don't know. I haven't spoken to her about it, and I'm not sure if charlie's mentioned it. If he has, I don't know. I have no clue.
Jill: Well, houston, we have a breakthrough.
[ Both chuckle ]
Cane: Alright. What is that meant to mean?
Jill: Just that, for the first time since your breakup, I don't get the sense that you're doing something to impress lily or to prove something to her, and I call that "progress."
Cane: Yeah, well, you may be right, 'cause it does feel like a step forward. I do know that.
Jill: Mm.
Billy: Hey. Uh, can I get a scotch on the rocks, please?
Jill: Good morning, billy.
Cane: Hey.
Billy: Hey, mom.
Jill: Hi, sweetie. Mwah! Would you like to join us? Cane has to leave soon.
Billy: No, I'm -- I'm fine.
Jill: Are you meeting someone?
Billy: No, I'm just taking a little break from work.
Jill: Then sit down! Cane has to leave soon, but he can tell you all about his trip to new york. Oh, what am I thinking? You've probably heard all about it from traci already.
Billy: Are you going to new york with traci?
Jill: Oh, they'll just be there at the same time.
Cane: Yeah. We're flying out together and actually staying in the same hotel.
Billy: Okay. Why don't you tell me what the hell kind of game you think you're playing?
Chelsea: I only called to see how my son is doing at camp. No! I'm not answering any questions about calvin's will! Because it's not my priority right now. Mom... mom. Mom! Okay. You know what? That's it. I have to go. Just tell connor that I love him and that I will be seeing him soon. Ugh! My mother is driving me absolutely crazy!
Victor: Whoa. Why do you look so surprised? You must have known that you would have to face me someday again. I wanted to consolidate my credit cards in to a personal loan to pay them off faster. Lending tree made lenders compete for my business and i ended up with a loan that saved me over $9000 and no more credit card debt. I mean $9000!
Cane: There's no reason for you to worry, okay? I'm going to be in new york at a conference, and when I'm finished with my day, we're gonna spend some time together. That's all, okay?
Billy: Whose idea was that?
Cane: It was my idea, and i suggested we have some dinner and maybe go see a show. Besides that, my son's there doing an internship.
Billy: Yeah, but you're not staying with charlie, are you?
Cane: No, I'm not staying with charlie, billy, because, you see, I'm not a big fan of couch surfing, and I don't really want to crash his style.
Billy: I just don't get why you would think it's a good idea that you tag along with my sister.
Jill: Just the way I don't get why you're interrogating cane.
Billy: Because this is an important trip for my sister. She needs to focus to make sure that her book is a success.
Cane: That is right, and i would like the book to be successful.
Billy: Oh. Well, then you would agree that you don't belong there, because you have nothing to do with my sister's career, right? In fact, I'm sure you're just a major distraction for her.
Jill: Billy, billy, billy, honey, you're wrong, because traci's book is about cane, or at least her main character is based on him.
Cane: [ Sighs ] Crazy, I know.
Jill: And plus her publisher wants to meet him. I'm sure he'll take a look at you and want you to pose for the cover.
Cane: Alright, listen. I swear there's nothing in this for me. Let me rephrase that, okay? Traci and I have gotten a lot out of our relationship, okay? And I'm not taking advantage of her, alright? We -- we appreciate our friendship. That's -- we do, alright? And case in point -- when dina went into memory care, it was really hard on your family, and your sister had no one to talk to, alright? And I was there for her.
Billy: She's got plenty of people to talk to about that, cane. She doesn't need you.
Cane: Okay. In that case, why don't they come to new york, as well, 'cause the more, the merrier? Listen, I don't know why you're doing this and you're turning it into something more than it is. You don't have to, billy, okay? It's not a big deal. We just enjoy spending our time together. That's it. Okay?
Jill: It's that simple, honey.
Cane: Right. Thank you.
Jill: Come on. Pull up a chair.
Billy: No, I'm fine. I lost my appetite.
Jill: Ohh!
Cane: Why am I not surprised?
Jill: What, that he was so rude to you?
Cane: No, no, no. It's -- I know he's just being protective of traci. I mean, that's --
Jill: Oh, please. Traci's a grown woman. She doesn't need her little brother picking out her friends for her. You just go to new york and you have a ball, okay? And don't give billy a second thought.
Chelsea: Can I... get you something to drink?
Victor: No, thank you. Very kind of you to offer. You've made yourself quite at home here.
Chelsea: Same could be said for you. Do you always just walk in unannounced?
Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, that's because your housekeeper let me in, you know. I guess you didn't hear that because you were... in an argument with your mother. Anita -- is that still her name, or has she changed it?
Chelsea: No, she changed it.
Victor: Oh, she changed her name. I see. Well, that's a good way to keep her daughter hidden.
Chelsea: My mom and I both did what we thought was best for connor.
Victor: Uh-huh. To keep connor away from me?
Chelsea: To keep his mother out of jail.
Victor: I see.
Chelsea: Connor's my world. I will do anything and everything to keep him safe and make sure we're together. I'm not gonna apologize for that to anyone.
Victor: Mm-hmm. But you're not together now, are you?
Chelsea: No, but I'm -- I'm going to see him soon.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: I didn't intend to be in town for this long.
Victor: Mm. I'm sorry about your loss. Was he close to his stepfather?
Chelsea: He was very close.
Victor: Really?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm, and even though connor took the news of calvin's passing very well, it's gonna be a long, hard road ahead of him. That's why, in the meantime, I don't want to add to any of his confusion. I don't intend to tell him anything about adam being alive.
Victor: Right. So, you're not gonna bring him to genoa city?
Chelsea: Hard no.
Victor: Oh, yeah. I understand. Well, you know, I don't blame you. Adam has been behaving rather erratically and recklessly, I think.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Not taking a word of advice from me.
Chelsea: Yeah. Well, he hasn't listened to me, either. Given the sense of entitlement he's shown toward christian and the complete lack of respect for the bond nick has formed with him, I can't trust him around my son.
Victor: I can see how you feel that way.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Victor: Yeah.
Chelsea: I wasn't sure how you were gonna react about my decision.
Victor: Oh, did you think i would blindly side with adam?
Chelsea: Well, when you walked in here, I really wasn't quite sure what to think.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, now that you know I'm not a threat, perhaps you will... enable me to see my grandson. You know, you just tell me where he is and I'll go find him.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Chelsea: Victor... I'm not against you visiting connor, but, um... it would just have to happen the right way.
Victor: Mm. It needs to happen immediately.
Chelsea: Will you just try to see this from his perspective?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: He just lost somebody very important to him. I mean, he's lost everyone how's ever been important to him, except for his grandmother and me.
Victor: I understand, but you must understand that if... I now show up... and re-establish contact with connor, it'll remind him that he has a large family... that cares about him and that loves him.
Chelsea: Right. Um... and that's a beautiful sentiment. I just feel like this news about adam is gonna come as a shock to him. You know, he's a little boy. He's not prepared for that.
Victor: Well, let's prepare him now.
Chelsea: Okay. I mean, I can -- I can talk to him about it when I see him. You just have to promise me you won't tell him about adam if I'm not there.
Victor: I promise you I will do nothing to upset that boy, okay? So, where is he? Oh. So, this is summer camp.
Chelsea: Yeah. He's there for a few more weeks.
Victor: Uh-huh. So, kindly add my name to his list of visitors, alright?
[ Door opens ]
Nick: What's going on?
Jill: Mm. Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me.
Jack: Oh, thank you for reaching out to me. Billy told me you were in town, fresh in from china, on your way to your next adventure.
Jill: Yes, china to bali, with a short detour through genoa city. It's a little out of the way, but...
Jack: But there is no substitute for time with family.
Jill: Cane told me that you and your sisters had to put dina in a memory-care facility. I'm so sorry, honey.
Jack: Yeah. We tried to keep her at home as long as we could, but when she got too frightened and disoriented to cope with life there, I --
Jill: [ Sighs ] My heart really goes out to you. It's hard enough to lose somebody all at once, but bit by bit, day by day? I mean, that must be torture.
Jack: Yeah, we still get occasional brief glimpses of the woman she once was, but... those are rarer and rarer now.
Jill: You know, every once in a while, I have an occasional visit from katherine in my dreams. And it isn't the real thing, but at least it's a small comfort.
Jack: Funny you should mention that. I keep seeing dina in mine -- a much younger dina, and we have heart-to-hearts that... I'm not sure could ever happen again.
Jill: Really? And what does this dream version of dina have to say to you?
Jack: Oh, nothing that comforting. That was never her strong suit.
Jill: [ Laughing ] No, it never was.
Jack: She keeps pushing me, though. To do what, I-I don't know. She hasn't said. But... she keeps asking me what do i want?
Jill: And in this dream... do you have an answer to that?
Traci: [ Chuckles ] Hey!
Cane: Hey.
Traci: You're early! Come on in. Come on in.
Cane: Okay. Sure.
Traci: Oh. Wow. Uh, I'm not finished packing just yet, but I'm -- I'm close. You must be really eager to get to new york city.
[ Both chuckle ] So, did you take sam to the sitter already?
Cane: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did.
Traci: Okay.
Cane: My bags are there in the car. But, listen, there's something i want to, uh, say to you first.
Traci: Okay. What -- what is it?
Cane: [ Sighs ] If you're having second thoughts about spending time with me on this trip, you know, you can just tell me and I will, you know, steer clear of you.
Jill: The next time you have that dream, I know what you should say to dina.
Jack: Is that right? What?
Jill: You should tell her to back off -- that you've suffered serious losses, you're grieving, and you want to respect that process.
Jack: When did you become so wise?
Jill: Mm. I went through a similar situation when my marriage to colin ended.
Jack: Yeah, I heard about that. I'm sorry that didn't work out.
Jill: Yeah, me, too, but it was for the best, and I knew it. But here's the thing. You can't launch into a new phase of your life without grieving what you're leaving behind, and once you've done that, once you've made peace with that... then the way forward will be much more clear to you.
Jack: Who knows? I may end up in bali myself.
Jill: If you're real lucky.
Jack: [ Chuckles ]
Nikki: Well, hello, you two.
Jack: Hey, nikki. How are you?
Nikki: Very well, thank you. Jill, I heard you were in for a visit.
Jill: Yes. The proverbial bad penny.
Nikki: You said that.
Jill: Mm, but you were thinking it! Anyway, on that note, I have many people to see and a very brief time to see them.
Jack: Great to see you.
Jill: Thank you.
Jack: Travel safely, and thanks for the good advice.
Jill: You're very welcome. Nikki.
Nikki: Jill. Good advice? From jill? That'll be the day.
Jack: Now, be nice.
Nikki: I was nice.
Jack: Come here. Sit down. So, were you headed anywhere in particular?
Nikki: Actually, here. Victor's joining me.
Jack: Oh, joy.
Nikki: The way you say that, it must be true.
Jack: What's that?
Nikki: I understand you and victor had a drink the other day and things were relatively civil.
Jack: You're welcome.
Nikki: So, what caused this change in attitude, not that I'm complaining?
Jack: Well, I figured with everything that victor has going on in his life, he didn't need me piling on.
Nikki: You mean with adam coming back?
Jack: Among other things.
Nikki: Mm. Well, I suppose we are all approaching that time of life when... things that seemed so far away maybe aren't anymore. And I think the only thing we can do to get through it is to cherish every moment we do have and keep moving forward as best we can. And I know you understand what i mean because you and your family just did that with dina.
Jack: Whatever victor has going on in his life, he's very lucky to have you by his side. Look, for what it's worth, I want him back behind his desk at newman as soon as possible, not that I have anything against victoria. In fact, that's the problem. I have nothing against victoria. It's just -- well, it's a lot less fun to best her than when he's at the helm.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Well, I can't say that reviving your rivalry is one of my fondest desires, but... I'll do what I can.
Traci: Have I done something or -- or said something that caused you to think I'm having second thoughts about our trip?
Cane: No. See, I was having lunch with jill.
Traci: Well, she shouldn't have a problem with this.
Cane: Yeah, it's okay, but then, see, billy came up to the table.
Traci: Oh. Oh. Now that's starting to make sense.
Cane: Yeah, and he's never been my biggest fan, and, uh...
Traci: Okay. Do you want some advice? Completely disregard anything my brother may have said. He has exactly zero insight into how I'm feeling. In fact, I didn't even tell him about our trip.
Cane: Right, and that's kind of what's given me pause here.
Traci: What do you mean?
Cane: You know, I'm thinking that if you don't want your brother knowing you're going on this trip with me, then maybe you're uncomfortable with it.
Traci: [ Sighs ] Absolutely not!
[ Scoffs ] I just know how you and billy feel about each other. I didn't mention it to him because I felt like it would be an invitation for him to weigh in. And it sounds like, from what you've said, I was right. Now... if you're having second thoughts, that's a different story.
Cane: No, no, no, no. I'm not having second thoughts. I'm okay with it if you're okay with it, you know?
Traci: I totally am. I've been making this list of all the places that I want to show you, and, well, the list is so long that we're gonna probably have to prolong our trip.
Cane: Hey, that's fine, as long as we don't let billy know about it, okay?
Traci: Okay.
Cane: Alright.
Traci: So, make yourself comfortable and I'll finish packing really quick and we can head out.
Cane: Sure. Alright. I'll be waiting.
Traci: Okay.
Cane: Okay.
Victor: Chelsea and I were just catching up while I was waiting for you to come back.
Nick: 'K. Is there something you need to tell me?
Victor: Yeah. I have an invitation for you.
Nick: Invitation to what?
Victor: A family dinner. Your mother arranged it. Would you call her, find out about time and place?
Nick: OkaY. I'm assuming at society since abby won't stand for it to be anywhere else.
Victor: You're probably right.
Nick: Alright. Kids, no kids?
Victor: No. Adults only, okay?
Nick: Alright. I'm in.
Victor: Good. Chelsea, will you join us?
Chelsea: Oh, I'm -- I'm heading out of town to see connor. I'm not really sure what my future plans are, so...
Victor: Ah.
Nick: Alright. Uh, well, thanks for stopping by. Hey, don't forget, christian's got a tee-ball game on thursday.
Victor: Now, would I forget that? That's already in my calendar, you know. So are the rest of the regular games.
Nick: Cool.
Victor: Okay. See you there.
Nick: See you.
Victor: Oh, by the way, um... not that you need reminding. My grandchildren are very important to me.
Nick: Not up for a newman family summit?
Chelsea: At this point, I'm not sure I should be part of your life at all. Pampers is the first and only diaper
Nick: What did my dad say to you that's got you so spun out?
Chelsea: No, it wasn't victor. Um, it was adam. It was this custody case. I mean, the last thing we ought to be doing is waving red flags in front of him. You bringing me to a newman family event would definitely qualify.
Nick: I highly doubt adam will be invited.
Chelsea: Exactly, which is just gonna make him more angry! I mean, I'm being welcomed while he's being excluded? He's going to blow a fuse. It's just gonna make him more determined to punish you by taking christian away.
Nick: Look, adam's been full throttle for a while now, okay? And at the risk of repeating myself, we cannot let him dictate the way we choose to live our lives. If you want to come to this dinner, then come.
Chelsea: What do you want me to do?
Nick: Well, obviously, it is your choice. But I'd love for you to be there.
Chelsea: You're okay with the statement that would make?
Nick: Very much so.
Cane: Oh, hey. No, no. I got that. I got that.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] Thank you.
Cane: Yeah.
Traci: Wow. If I had known there was gonna be somebody to help me with my bags, I would have gone for the bigger suitcase.
Cane: Well, famous authors shouldn't have to mule their own bags.
Traci: Oh, my gosh. That's very chivalrous of you.
Cane: Yeah, well, I can thank you for that, you know. Flynn's been a good influence on me.
Traci: Ah! That's nice to know.
Cane: So, are you ready to take the literary world by storm?
Traci: I am. Are you?
Cane: Oh, yeah. Yeah, with you by my side. A dame like you? You bet. Come on. Let's go.
Traci: [ Laughing ] Okay.
Cane: Come on.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Cane: [ Sighs ]
Traci: Thank you.
Cane: You're welcome. Madame.
Traci: Ah!
Billy: [ Sighs ] Work or play?
Jack: I'm going over the social-media metrics for jcv.
Billy: [ Sighs ] How do they look?
Jack: Pretty good. Pretty good. Room for improvement, but I'm generally happy.
Billy: That's good. Did you get the sales report i put on your desk this morning?
Jack: Yeah, I did. Not too bad.
Billy: Not too bad, jack? We overshot our targets by a bunch. It's great.
Jack: You know what? You're absolutely right. I should be able to muster more enthusiasm than that. I will get an e-mail out congratulating the whole team.
Billy: What's going on? I mean, those kind of numbers should shoot you over the moon, so what is it? Dina?
Jack: No, it's nothing that specific. I-I just have this feeling of ennui, this dissatisfaction.
Billy: You're in a funk.
Jack: Yeah, that would say it.
Billy: You want my advice?
Jack: Sure. Traci thinks that I need an epic new challenge. Jill thinks I ought to take it easy. Nikki thinks I ought to just keep moving on and focus on gratitude.
Billy: No. See, you need new sights, new sounds, jack.
Jack: That sounds like travel, and this is a bad time for that.
Billy: I think this is a perfect time. The company's doing great, dina's in good hands, and there's no looming crisis on the horizon.
Jack: Thank you for your suggestion. I will take it under advisement.
Billy: Not the answer I was looking for.
Jack: That's the best I can do right now.
Billy: I disagree.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Who are you calling?
Billy: Hey, it's billy. Uh, is the jet available? Okay. Can you let me know when it's back and fill it up with gas? It's gonna go on a trip to europe. Actually, hold on a second. You want to go to japan? New zealand, maybe?
Jack: I-I am buried with work right now.
Billy: Yeah, good idea. It's gonna go to paris. Jack is gonna go check on the competition. Suite at the georges v sounds like a great idea. Thank you very much. They're gonna let us know when it's back from atlanta.
Jack: I cannot believe you just did that.
Billy: Come on, jack. Go see ashley. It's the best thing you could do right now.
Jack: [ Sighs ]
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