Y&R Transcript Monday 7/15/19
Episode #11657 ~ Nick asks Chelsea to stay in Genoa City; Rey shares a family secret; Sharon is ambushed.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Rey: Why would dad think that he's welcome to lola's wedding, let alone walking her down the aisle?
Nick: Is sharon okay?
Rey: Well, things got a little tense while we were away.
Nick: Because of adam? Of course because of adam.
Adam: We can go back.
Chelsea: No, we -- we can'T. The adam I loved, the adam I wanted a future with, he had made peace with his family. You are a different man.
Adam: You don't understand what I am trying to do, chelsea.
Chelsea: Adam, all you do is talk about how much you love me. Yet you didn't hesitate for one second to stab me in the back.
Nick: What's wrong?
Chelsea: My husband died.
[ Sighs ] Adam is threatening to come after connor. I mean, my -- my head is all over the place.
Nick: Well, I'm more concerned about your heart.
Faith: Oh! Do you know how long it's been since I've had junk food?
Sharon: No brownies at soccer camp?
Faith: Ugh, no. Healthy everything. If I had to drink one more kale smoothie...
Sharon: Oh. Well, athletes have to stay fit.
Faith: Well, it worked. Wait till you see my scissor kick.
Sharon: You can show dad and me all your new moves.
Faith: Are we going to his house?
Sharon: Nope. We're meeting him and christian in the park.
Faith: [ Sighs ] I can't wait to see them.
Sharon: They've been looking forward to this family reunion, too.
Faith: Wow. Adam, hi.
Adam: Hi, faith. Welcome home.
Faith: Thanks. You, too.
Adam: I, uh -- I didn't mean to interrupt.
Sharon: We were catching up. I just brought faith home from camp.
Adam: Yeah, I heard you were out of town. Glad you're back.
Celeste: I miss you, too, baby. Uh, yeah. It's -- it's especially worse at night.
[ Chuckles ] No, don'T. You're making it worse. I know. I can't wait to see you, too.
[ Door slams ] All right. Oh! Uh... I got to go. Yeah. Uh, okay. Bye. Hey.
Lola: Who was that?
Celeste: That, uh, was someone from back home.
Lola: Who?
Celeste: Nobody that you know. You don't know him.
Lola: Well, you obviously know him really well.
Celeste: Yes, because we're friends.
Lola: Friends with benefits?
Celeste: That's personal.
Lola: Please. How many personal questions do you ask me?
Celeste: Because I'm the mama. I'm supposed to ask the questions. Like, how was your day?
Lola: Oh, my day was so great. My turn. Do you have a boyfriend?
Chelsea: Listen, nick, I --
[ Doorbell rings ] I'll grab it.
Nick: Somebody will get that.
Chelsea: It's okay. I don't mind.
Nick: No, no, no. Chelsea. Chelsea, I want to know where things stand.
Chelsea: And I wish I had an answer --
Rey: Housekeeper let me in. If -- if this is a bad time, I could...
Nick: Actually --
Chelsea: No. No, it's fine.
Nick: Uh, yeah, no. It's fine.
Rey: You must be chelsea.
Chelsea: Yes.
Rey: I'm rey rosales.
Chelsea: Well, it's nice to meet you. I-I hear you're doing some work for nick.
Rey: Yeah, that's why I'm here. I have some information.
Chelsea: Okay, well, I'll let you two talk.
Rey: No, you should stay. You're gonna want to hear this.
Nick: What is it?
Rey: It's about adam. And it's not good. I wanted to consolidate my credit cards in to a personal loan to pay them off faster. Lending tree made lenders compete for my business and i ended up with a loan that saved me over $9000 and no more credit card debt. I mean $9000!
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Celeste: I'm gonna go make you something to eat, and then you can tell me all about your day.
Lola: First, answer my question.
Celeste: What question?
Lola: I heard you on the phone, mama.
Celeste: Did I never teach you how impolite it is to eavesdrop on a private conversation?
Lola: Did you forget that this is my apartment?
Celeste: Well, if I wanted to share something with you, I would have.
Lola: Oh. Okay. So you get to know every detail about my personal life, but I'm not allowed to know anything about yours?
Celeste: Exactly.
[ Laughs ]
Lola: Wow. Okay. So, whatever it is that you're hiding must be really juicy, huh? Oh, come on! Now you have to tell me.
Celeste: Ugh... honey, go. Change. Get comfortable. I'm gonna go run out and grab us something for dinner, okay?
Lola: Don't think I'm gonna let this go.
Celeste: [ Chuckles ]
Rey: Buddy of mine on the force said that calvin boudreaux died of natural causes.
Nick: Yeah, a massive coronary.
Rey: You heard.
Nick: Uh, paul came out and gave the news to chelsea himself.
Rey: I'm sorry for your loss.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Rey: Did the chief say anything else?
Chelsea: That I should watch my back where adam is concerned.
Rey: He's right.
Nick: Why? What'd he do?
Rey: Adam tried to implicate you in your husband's death.
Nick: That son of a bitch!
Chelsea: How?
Rey: He gave paul a recording of a conversation the two of you had. You were talking about your husband, and --
Nick: Well, how is that incriminating?
Rey: Well, chelsea's husband wanted to help adam get custody of their son. Apparently you expressed some pretty strong feelings about your husband.
Chelsea: [ Stammers ] So that was supposed to be my motive for killing him?
Nick: That just shows you how desperate he is.
Rey: Good thing is, the case is closed, so the tape is worthless.
Nick: All right. Well, thank you for telling us.
Chelsea: Yes. Thank you.
Nick: If you hear anything else --
Rey: You will be my first call.
Nick: All right. I'll, uh -- I'll walk you out.
Rey: Okay. Nice meeting you.
Chelsea: You, too.
Nick: Sharon's back.
Rey: I heard.
Nick: I guess you didn't tell her about your trip to vegas?
Rey: Not yet.
Nick: Don't let adam get in your head.
Rey: The way he has sharon's?
Nick: Hopefully soon even sharon will see who he really is.
Rey: Maybe.
Nick: Did you learn anything new about chance chancellor?
Rey: Nothing's panned out yet.
Nick: Well, keep digging. There's something out there that will help us bury my brother. We both need you to find it.
Rey: Yeah. I'm on it.
Nick: Thanks, man.
Nick: You okay?
Chelsea: I will be.
Adam: I hope seeing a ghost in the middle of crimson lights didn't freak you out.
Faith: Well, mom told me you were alive, but it's still kind of weird seeing you here.
Adam: Mm. Well, at least now you can believe in happy endings.
Faith: No, I'm a realist. But I'm glad you got yours.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Well, thank you.
Sharon: We should get going.
Faith: Okay.
Adam: Big plans?
Faith: Well, we're --
Sharon: You know what, faith, could you just grab a to-go box quickly for your brownie?
Faith: Yeah, sure. Nice seeing you, adam.
Adam: Really?
Faith: Eh.
Adam: [ Chuckles ]
Sharon: Faith's just gonna settle in today, take it easy.
Adam: Well, there's so much to fill her in on.
Sharon: She hasn't been gone that long.
Adam: You haven't heard.
Sharon: What?
Adam: Chelsea's back.
Sharon: Oh, my god.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: Have you gotten a chance to see her, talk to her about your marriage and connor?
Adam: Well, she doesn't want to have a conversation with me about anything.
Sharon: Then why is she back in town?
Adam: You're gonna have to ask her that. She's staying with nick.
Sharon: What?
Adam: Mm-hmm. My ego is telling me she could only reunite with one of us, so she flipped a coin.
Sharon: Those two are together?
Adam: Well, she's staying in his house, won't let me have any contact with my son. You do the math. Anyway, I will let you and faith get back to your day.
Sharon: Thanks.
Faith: Can we talk about how messed up this is?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] In the car. Come on. We don't want to be late to meet your dad and christian.
Lola: How was vegas?
Rey: I am happy to be home.
Lola: If only it were a little bit sooner.
Rey: Mm.
Lola: You want some coffee?
Rey: Please. I heard mom's been giving you a hard time.
Lola: Yeah, you -- you could say that.
Rey: Yeah. Yeah, I heard she gave you a critique about your video.
Lola: Did she tell you that she moved back in with me?
Rey: Oh, how's that going?
Lola: [ Inhales sharply ] Interesting?
Rey: Is that code for "kill me now"?
Lola: You know, I think sometimes we forget that she's more than just our mom.
Rey: Oh, wow. That sounds like she gave you one of her famous guilt trips.
Lola: No, no, no. You see, I overheard her talking on the phone. Rey, I think mom has a boyfriend.
Rey: Did you -- did you ask her about that?
Lola: She clammed up.
Rey: Maybe you should drop it.
Lola: I think it's someone we know, otherwise why would she keep it a secret?
Rey: I'm sure she has her reasons.
Lola: Arturo. He has to know.
[ Gasps ] I hope it's the guy who owns that bakery. What's his name? Oh, he's such a cutie. Alberto! Oh, alberto would treat mom like a queen.
Rey: It's dad.
Lola: What?
Rey: Mom's been seeing dad.
Lola: No.
Rey: Yeah. She told me they've been talking.
Lola: [ Huffs ] Talking?
Rey: Mm-hmm. And she's loaning him money.
Lola: Are they back together? Oh, god.
Rey: [ Sighs ] Yeah. There's more. He, uh... he wants to come to your wedding and walk you down the aisle.
Lola: [ Scoffs ] I am sorry. What?!
Rey: You know, lo, I didn't want to tell you any of this.
Lola: Okay, so what did you say to her?
Rey: I told her that that -- that's never gonna happen, and she dropped it, okay? But... you know, I doubt that's the end of it.
Lola: Does he seriously believe that he can just walk back into our lives after leaving us?
Rey: That's not what happened.
Lola: Of course it is. What are you talking about?
Rey: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. Mom kicked him out after she found out he cheated on her.
Lola: Okay, so she's been lying to us all of these years?
Rey: [ Sighs ]
Lola: You know what? Doesn't even matter. He ruined our family, rey, and now he's trying to do it again. What the hell is mom thinking?
Rey: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe she's lonely.
Lola: Lonely? Well, then, find somebody else. Literally, rey, anybody. Anybody else.
Rey: We will talk to her when she gets back.
Lola: No, you know what, I need to handle this.
Rey: Lo, listen to me --
Lola: Rey, this is my wedding. I will be the one asking the questions.
Rey: And once she answers them?
Lola: I am going to set things straight.
Faith: I was hoping dad and christian would be here.
Sharon: Well, we're a little early.
Faith: Then why'd we rush out of the coffee house?
Sharon: I wasn't rushing.
Faith: You practically pushed me out the door.
Sharon: I knew how anxious you were to see them.
Faith: I actually would believe that. If your mood didn't completely change after we ran into adam.
Sharon: I just -- I wasn't expecting to see him.
Faith: Why'd you lie to him?
Sharon: What?
Faith: Unless you said something when I was at the counter.
Sharon: About what?
Faith: Us coming to see dad and christian.
Sharon: I didn't lie. I just didn't tell him what our plans were.
Faith: Why?
Sharon: Because it's none of his business.
Faith: If you say so.
Nick: [ Sighs ] As soon as I tell sharon about some of the stuff adam's pulled, she might be done with him, too.
Chelsea: She may be able to distance herself from him. He's not gonna let me do that. He wants connor, nick.
Nick: He wants you, chelsea.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Right. Yeah. Framing me for murder is his way of showing love?
Nick: Look, he gets reckless when he doesn't get what he wants.
Chelsea: I honestly thought getting his life back would make him more...
Nick: Human?
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] There is a decent man inside there. I have seen him.
Nick: There may have been some decency at some point. But once he got his memory back, he put a list together of all the things he wanted to reclaim, and you and connor were at the top.
Chelsea: It's not gonna happen.
Nick: So, are you gonna stick around now that the police have closed calvin's case?
Chelsea: Baton rouge is connor's home. I mean, the kid has had so much upheaval in his life...
Nick: Look, I get it. You've been through a lot, so I'm not gonna press you.
Chelsea: Thank you. For everything. (Avo) do you push through migraine?
Celeste: Sorry that took so long. I couldn't find cilantro.
Lola: Hmm?
Celeste: Whatcha looking at?
Lola: Your social-media page.
Celeste: Are you stalking me?
Lola: I'm just trying to find this mystery man of yours. If you two are as hot and heavy as I think you are, you had to have posted a photo of him.
Celeste: I thought you were gonna drop this.
Lola: Come on, mom. I just want to see what he looks like. Is he tall, handsome? Is he super dreamy? Does he have dark eyes and brown hair? Or is he blond and blue-eyed?
Celeste: You know what, I'm not doing this.
Lola: Or maybe... he looks exactly like dad.
Celeste: You talked to rey.
Lola: Were you ever going to tell me?
Celeste: Yes. Yes, of course I was --
[ Sighs ] I was trying to... figure out what I was gonna say.
Lola: How about, "I'm seeing your deadbeat dad"?
Celeste: Well, I didn't want you to find out like this.
Lola: Is there any good way to find out that the man who trashed our lives is back?
Celeste: You have every right to be angry.
Lola: You're damn right I do, mom.
Celeste: But things change. Honey, wounds heal.
Lola: Sure. Maybe your wounds have healed. But mine have not. That poor excuse of a man, remember, he walked out on us.
Celeste: Rey didn't tell you?
Lola: What? That you kicked him out? Come on, mom, like that makes a difference. You know, he could have stayed if he wanted to.
Celeste: Lola, you're young. And when you've had a little more experience with relationships, I think --
Lola: Oh, my god! I do not need relationship experience to know that adrian rosales is not a good man, mom!
Celeste: Baby --
Lola: No! We have known that our entire lives. And you know what? I'm having a really hard time right now seeing the good in you.
Celeste: Don't say that.
Lola: You know, and I know exactly why you lied about hooking up with him. Because apparently you were trying to figure out how to tell me that he wants to come to my wedding. That he wants to walk me down the aisle?
Celeste: There is so much that you don't understand.
Lola: Yeah, you're right about that. Here, tell me one thing, 'cause I just have on question, mom. Are you in love with him? Whew! This cannot be happening.
Faith: Oh, dad! I can't breathe!
Nick: That's what you get for deserting me.
Faith: I went to soccer camp, not coachella.
Nick: You are never, ever allowed to go to coachella. Ever.
Faith: Oh, okay. Whatever you say, dad. Oh, my gosh! Christian! You're getting so big, little big man! Soon I'm gonna take you to coachella.
Nick: Hey, don't listen to her, dude. There's no such thing as that.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] You want to know what is? That insane new jungle gym I saw on the way in. Let's go check it out, okay? Okay. Let's rock and roll. It'll be good practice.
Nick: Who hit fast-forward on my life?
Sharon: Right?
Nick: How was your trip to vegas?
Sharon: Short. I had to get back to faith.
Nick: Right.
Sharon: I heard some, uh, things happened while I was away. Some things that are pretty hard to believe.
Nick: Well, I can help you separate fact from fiction. What have you heard?
Sharon: That chelsea's back in town.
Nick: That's true.
Sharon: And that she's living with you.
Nick: Sort of true. She is staying with me, but it's just because she's had a rough time because her husband died.
Sharon: Her husband died? Adam didn't mention that.
Nick: I guess he also didn't mention that he tried to frame her for his death. When are you gonna see him for who he really is?
Sharon: I guess when you see chelsea for who she is.
Nick: You're not seriously comparing the two, are you?
Sharon: They made a good team, once.
Nick: Well, she has moved on. And if you don't do the same, you're gonna lose rey.
Sharon: Nick, have you been talking to him about me?
Nick: Let's just say you need to steer clear of adam and focus on someone who really cares about you.
Sharon: Seriously? You're giving me relationship advice?
Nick: Look, sharon --
Sharon: No, you look, nick --
Faith: Hey. We can hear every word you're saying.
Sharon: I'm sorry, sweetie.
Faith: [ Sighs ] Can't we be a normal family for five minutes? As someone in witness protection,
"The young and the restless" will continue.
Sharon: Adam...
Faith: Wasn't expecting to see you again today.
Adam: Well, it's my lucky day. Hey, bud. You remember me? I am so glad i ran into you today. I've been wanting to see you again.
Nick: Well, now you have.
Adam: You know, I was hoping we could spend a little more time together. You know, I saw an ice-cream truck over by the swings? You know, how about we go get a popsicle, you and me? It's my treat.
Nick: Yeah, uncle adam doesn't know the rules, does he? There's no spoiling your appetite with ice cream before dinner. Right?
Adam: But who needs rules?
Faith: Hype.
Sharon: Christian and nick were just leaving.
Nick: Yes, we were. Come on, son.
Sharon: Faith, you probably want to get home. I'm sure your dad won't mind driving you.
Faith: Yeah. Okay. See you there.
Adam: Bye, christian. I'll see you soon.
Sharon: How dare you?
Celeste: Okay, let's just -- let's talk about this calmly and rationally.
Lola: Are you seriously going to lecture me on rational behavior?
Celeste: I know how this looks, and --
Lola: Like you have lost your mind. How could you go back to him after everything that he has done?
Celeste: [ Sighs ] Technically, I never left him. We're -- we're still married.
Lola: Great. That's a wonderful excuse to go back and hook up with your deadbeat husband. "Whoops. The dog ate my divorce papers."
Celeste: Your dad has made mistakes.
Lola: Mistakes? Mom, a mistake is forgetting to throw out the trash. Not forgetting that you have a family.
Celeste: I believe in forgiveness.
Lola: [ Snorts ] I'm never going to forgive that man. Why should I?
Celeste: For me.
Lola: Tss. Don't do that.
Celeste: Because being with adrian makes me happy.
Lola: [ Scoffs ] Do you realize how pathetic that sounds?
Celeste: My history with your father goes back long before you kids were ever born. And when we're together, we remember those good times that we shared.
Lola: [ Snorts ] So, what, it takes you guys, what, like, an hour and a half to catch up, mom? Because he was long gone before I was even born!
Celeste: And he's sorry about that --
Lola: "Sorry about that"? Wow! Is he sorry that, what, I didn't have a father? That rey had to step up and be the man of our family? That arturo and i lost our big brother? That he shattered your heart into a million pieces, and we all had to see it? How could you, out of all people, say that? He was living the life of his dreams while we were barely hanging on.
Celeste: Because your father was weak.
Lola: [ Scoffs ]
Celeste: He was weak. But he didn't mean to hurt you.
Lola: He had everything. A girl on the way. He had two beautiful boys who loved and adored him. And, you know, he threw it all away for a meaningless fling, mom.
Celeste: Honey, you just have to --
Lola: No. You know what? And this isn't just about me losing my father. That selfish man, he took away the family that we could have had. The life that we all could have had. And we can't get that back. Okay? No matter how much he wants to.
Faith: [ Sighs ]
Rey: Hey, kiddo.
Faith: Rey! Hi!
Rey: How was camp?
Faith: [ Sighs ] Awesome.
Rey: I can't wait to get you out on that pitch, see if you can actually score on me.
Faith: Oh, you are going down, rosales.
Rey: Ooh, I better practice.
Faith: [ Chuckles ]
Rey: You alone?
Faith: Well, dad and christian are waiting outside. I'm getting a smoothie. Though I didn't tell him mom already got me a brownie.
Rey: Oh. Your secret's safe with me.
Faith: Thanks.
Rey: I thought you'd be with your mom.
Faith: Well, we were at the park, and then adam showed up. Dad wasn't too happy to see him.
Rey: I bet.
Faith: Mom didn't seem too thrilled, either. I'm actually surprised she stayed to talk to him.
Rey: Did she?
Sharon: You were eavesdropping on me and faith.
Adam: Is that a statement or a question?
Sharon: Don't use me to gain access to christian. If you want to see him, find a legitimate way to do it.
Adam: Mm. Geez, why didn't I think of that? Wait, I know. Because nick hates me, and he doesn't want me anywhere near him, sharon.
Sharon: Well, maybe if you hadn't filed a custody suit.
Adam: The kid needs to get used to me. We're gonna be living together soon.
Sharon: Adam, you need to think about what you're doing.
Adam: I'm claiming my son.
Sharon: Nick is the only father that little boy has ever known. If you -- do you know what's gonna happen if you take him away from nick, if you win this case? I mean, do you even care?
Adam: I love my son.
Sharon: Then don't do this.
Adam: Why? Because nick will be hurt?
Sharon: Christian will be. He's going to be scared. He'll be confused. If he wakes up in the middle of the night and nick doesn't show up in his room, what do you think is gonna happen?
Adam: Didn't they teach you in psych class that kids are resilient?
Sharon: I know how smart and insightful they are. And christian is gonna know that you took him away from the father that he loved, and he might resent you for that. Unless you lie to him. The way that you lied to paul about chelsea being responsible for her husband's death. You must have known I would find out about that. What kind of father do you think you'd be?
Adam: Something has changed with you. I mean, we fought before, but not like this. You have been angry in a way I have never seen before.
Sharon: Yeah. I am. I'm angry all right. I'm angry with myself for not seeing the real you, for taking this long to see who you really are. Everybody warned me, and I didn't listen. But they were right. You are a selfish, cold-hearted bastard.
Adam: Mm. Well, I guess there's nothing left to say, then.
Celeste: I just -- I wish i had been honest with you, because maybe this would have been easier for you to accept.
Lola: Nothing could have prepared me for this.
Celeste: Okay, look, you -- you keep telling me that you're an adult. So I'm not gonna treat you like a child. Your father and I are still seeing each other, and that's not gonna change.
Lola: You want him back in your life? Fine. He's not gonna be back in mine.
Celeste: Well, I wish you wouldn't be like that.
Lola: You do you. Okay? But I never want to see him again.
Celeste: He wants to be at the wedding of his only daughter. And I -- I pray that you [Sighs] Understand why this is so important to him, and to me. Honey, if you can't do this for us, do it for yourself.
Lola: For myself?
Celeste: For yourself. Because you're going to regret him not being there.
Lola: No. No, I'm not, mom.
Celeste: I promise you, there's gonna come a day when you realize that you've made a huge mistake. One you can't take back.
Rey: Faith said you were with adam.
Sharon: He left. We have nothing more to say to each other.
Rey: Do we?
Sharon: I'm sorry about the way I left las vegas.
Rey: It wasn't the romantic getaway we were hoping for.
Sharon: Wrong place, wrong time.
Rey: Our problems didn't start there.
Sharon: What are you doing here?
Rey: I saw faith at the coffee house. She said you seemed upset. I wanted to make sure you were okay.
Sharon: Oh, I'm fine. Uh, thank you.
Rey: I wish I handled this whole thing with adam a lot better.
Sharon: He didn't make it easy.
Rey: My focus shouldn't have been on him.
Sharon: You were worried about what he was doing to me.
Rey: You saw some good in him. I've tried to understand that, see what you see. Mostly, I've failed.
Sharon: Because you were right. I don't know why I've been defending him.
Rey: It's hard to admit someone we care about isn't the person we think they are.
Sharon: I'm still worried how this is gonna end for nick and christian. Even chelsea.
Rey: He's not done causing trouble.
Sharon: One thing I know -- he's not gonna be an issue for us anymore.
Rey: Sharon --
Sharon: No, I mean it. I don't want to lose you because of him. Please tell me that it's not too late for us.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Sorry. I'm not interested.
Chelsea: What's the matter? You can dish it out, but you can't take it?
Adam: Oh, a verbal walloping. Why didn't you say so? I never pass on that. Some liquid courage?
Chelsea: You don't scare me, adam.
Adam: Well, that's disappointing.
[ Sighs ] Let's get to it, then. What have I done now?
Chelsea: You recorded our conversation about calvin, and you gave it to paul.
Adam: Well, some people call that being a good citizen.
Chelsea: Stop, adam! Stop. You tried to set me up for murder. For once, why don't you drop the act and just be honest?
Adam: Okay. You want honesty?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: How 'bout this? You told me I couldn't see connor because it would be too confusing for him. Then you fly off with nick to see my son --
Chelsea: Nick didn't see connor, okay?! He came with me for emotional support.
Adam: Okay. I could have done that.
Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Yeah. Right. Because you love me so much.
Adam: I do.
Chelsea: You were willing to let me go to prison for a crime I didn't commit. The adam who loved me never would have done that. Whatever happened to that man?
Adam: He lost you.
Chelsea: Please.
Adam: No, it's true. Hey, when I was with you, I was different. I was better. I didn't give in to dark impulses. You brought balance to my life. I need that back. Look, I can't do this without you, chelsea. This is hal.
Celeste: Lola, your dad loves you.
Lola: Don'T.
Celeste: We -- we can't change the past. But we can have a better future.
Lola: I am not gonna let him use my wedding to try and fix the damage that he has caused.
Celeste: Every girl dreams of having her father walk her down the aisle.
Lola: The only father that I have ever know, he will be walking me down the aisle. Rey.
Celeste: Lola, that --
Lola: I am not gonna change my mind, mama. So you can go and tell adrian that.
Celeste: He's not gonna take no for an answer.
Lola: If he shows up at my wedding, I will call it off. Kyle and I, we will elope. I mean it.
Nick: Hey, uh, michael, I've got some news that might help our custody case. Uh, turns out we've learned that adam might be mixed up in some way with chance chancellor. Yeah, and my gut is, it's something shady. Rey's looking into it. Yeah. Adam also tried to frame chelsea for her husband's murder. I know. Then he ambushed me and christian at the park. Christian didn't want anything to do with him. I mean, really scared him.
[ Sighs ] But he wouldn't let it go. Just proves that he has no business raising my son.
Sharon: I'm not gonna let him manipulate me anymore, or come between us. I swear.
Rey: Sharon, I-I believe you.
Sharon: Then it's not too late for us?
Rey: Adam got inside your head. But I don't believe for one second he was ever in your heart.
Sharon: Never.
Rey: I want to make this work.
Sharon: So do I.
Rey: Let's go home.
Chelsea: No. I am not gonna let you do this to me.
Adam: What?
Chelsea: You can't make me responsible for your actions. It's not fair.
Adam: You see the good in me, chelsea.
Chelsea: But I can't be the good in you. I-I can't stop you from being a horrible person.
Adam: Wow. Is that what you think of me?
Chelsea: I loved you. And maybe that man is still in there somewhere, but you have to be the one to find him.
Adam: I cannot do this without you, chelsea.
Chelsea: You have to. You have to, adam. I can'T. You're -- you're just -- you're too much. You're too much work.
Adam: Oh. Yeah, not like nick.
Chelsea: Oh, this has nothing to do with nick! You are the one who chose to let your demons control you.
[ Sighs ] And it's a shame, too. Because the adam I loved... heh, he was special. He was one of a kind. And you chose not to be him. You can't blame me for that. And you can't blame nick. That is on you.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] Wow.
[ Sighs ] Things could have been so different for us.
Chelsea: Yeah. They really could have.
Adam: You know, next time, call. No, better yet, don't come.
[ Clears throat ]
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