Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/11/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/11/19


Episode #11655 ~ Nick calls on an old friend; Rey worries about Sharon's connection to Adam.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on  "the young and the restless"...

Nick: I need you to do some digging for me so I can win my custody case.

Rey: What'd you have in mind?

Nick: I want to know what adam was up to those three years in vegas where we all thought he was dead and gone.

Paul: The coroner will have to conduct additional tests to determine whether mr. Boudreaux died of natural causes.

Nick: Adam thought calvin was the one thing standing in the way of a big reunion with you and connor. If there's one person who had motive to want calvin out of the picture, it is adam.

Lola: Kyle. What do you think?

Celeste: They all start out seeming good.

Lola: Well, kyle is the best. He's nothing like dad. How long are you planning on staying?

Celeste: Through the wedding, of course. You need your mother here to keep everything on track. I didn't realize how much I'd been intruding on your life. I think it's better that I, uh, move back into the hotel.

Kyle: Any fallout since our mom moved back to the gcac?

Lola: So far only one passive-aggressive e-mail.

Kyle: Ooh. Is that a good sign?

Lola: I'm cautiously optimistic. You know, as much as I love my mother, she can be a lot.

Kyle: Mm.

Lola: And having us both in the same apartment, that was just way too much.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] So it's all clear for me to move back in?

Lola: Yes. Please.

Theo: Wait, you're moving

back in? Was there some kind of trouble in paradise?

Kyle: No. [ Sighs ]

Lola: Bye, theo.

Theo: Hey, you holding out on me? What happened?

Kyle: I temporarily moved out so lola's mom could stay with her at the apartment.

Theo: At your apartment?

Kyle: It's a long story, theo.

Theo: Okay. I'll give you the cliffsnotes. You're not even married yet and your mother-in-law is is calling the shots.

[ Knock on door ]

Celeste: Oh! [ Chuckles ] My boy! Oh, my prince. Come on in. Come in.

Rey: Hey, mom.

Celeste: Honey, it is so good to see you. Oh, my gosh!

Rey: Oh, wow. Mom --

Celeste: I got to hug you again.

Rey: Okay. Okay.

Celeste: [ Chuckles ]

Rey: I'm sorry I wasn't here when you came into town.

Celeste: Oh, well, that's okay, honey. I know my kids have priorities and lives of their own.

Rey: No, you were always my priority.

Celeste: Well, I actually wasn't referring to you this time.

Rey: What happened between you and lola?

Celeste: [ Sighs ] Well, I was at her apartment, and now I'm in this overpriced hotel, so -- uh, not by choice.

Rey: Oh, she kicked you out? What did you do?

Celeste: What did I do?

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Celeste: Just assume it's my fault. She wa-- [ Sighs ] She was making a cooking video, and I gave her a couple of tips. I mean, honest-- I gave her little suggestions just to make it better.

Rey: You know, sometimes I forget that lo's not a teenager anymore, too, and I overdo it with the advice. But the fact of the matter is, she's an adult, more than capable of handling her own restaurant and life.

Celeste: Oh, okay. I see. So I'm obsolete, then.

[ Rey groans ] Just put me out to pasture.

Rey: Oh, wait -- wait a -- nobody's putting you out to pasture, okay? Just think of it this way -- you did your job. You gave us all the tools so we could fix any mistakes on our own.

Celeste: Don't handle me, rey.

Rey: That's impossible, mom. But since you are the parent in this situation, maybe you should reach out, find a resolve with your daughter.

Celeste: Well, she was very clear. She -- she definitely wants the time and the space from me, so I'm giving it to her.

Rey: Oh, so you're gonna give her time and space so she can work on an apology?

Celeste: Maybe.

Rey: [ Chuckles ]

Celeste: [ Chuckles ] Some people need a little extra time to realize that they're wrong.

Rey: [ Scoffs ]

Celeste: And, you know, she is stubborn as a bull.

Rey: She's stubborn?

Chelsea: I wish I had more to tell you. Nothing unusual happened that night. We went to the club for dinner. We ate the same meal. And then we went up to bed. He was fine. Perfectly normal.

Paul: He was in good health as far as you knew?

Chelsea: Yes. Absolutely.

Nick: That's all she knows. I don't know what else she can say to help you.

Paul: Did your husband have any enemies?

Chelsea: Uh, not that I know of.

Paul: Maybe someone that he knew before he met you?

Chelsea: I mean, calvin would occasionally mention things from his past he wasn't particularly proud of, but I didn't think anything of it.

[ Sighs ] I mean... haven't we all done a few bad things we regret?

Nick: How long do you think this investigation will take, paul?

Paul: Well, as I told you yesterday, the original results were inconclusive. So they're going to have to run some more tests. But those results should be back soon. Um... look, I understand how difficult this is for you. But I'm gonna have to ask you to stay in genoa city until then.

Chelsea: Okay. And I hope you know, I want answers more than anybody.

Nick: I'll, uh, show you out.

Paul: Thank you.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

[ Sniffles ] Paul is treating me like a suspect.

Nick: It did seem like he was fishing for something. But he's just doing his job. I mean, even if he is suspicious of you, you didn't do anything wrong.

Chelsea: Well, I know that, but, I mean, they might not.

Nick: Calvin probably died of natural causes, and the new toxicology tests are gonna prove that.

Chelsea: I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though. I mean, that paul might be suspecting me, considering my history. Why wouldn't he point the finger at me first?

Nick: That was a different time in your life. Hey, you remember what you promised me? No more running.

Chelsea: Right. [ Sighs ] No more running.

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Kyle: The whole thing with celeste was a misunderstanding. But we straightened it out.

Theo: Sounds like a power struggle. And she managed to muscle you out of your own home? Look, if that's her opening salvo, that's trouble, man.

Kyle: I can handle her. And lola's worth the trouble.

Theo: Hmm.

Kyle: What?

Theo: Heard you say that before.

Kyle: Yeah? Like when?

Theo: You said it about summer. And that girl from the met. Oh, and let's not forget "klepto kate."

Kyle: [ Growls ] She stole my watch.

Theo: Mine, too. And my wallet. She probably made off with 20 grand in valuables that weekend.

Kyle: Serves us right for holing up in a party house in the hamptons with a bunch of girls we barely knew.

Theo: True. But totally worth it.

Kyle: Maybe at the time. But that was a long time ago, in a world far, far away.

Theo: Hey, speak for yourself, all right? Look, I get that you're at a different stage of your life now, and I'm happy for you and lola, but... look, getting married doesn't mean you automatically stop having fun.

Kyle: I just know something now that you don'T. There's a middle ground between total debauchery and --

Theo: Boring, old married guy.

Kyle: I'm not boring. I'm not old. I'm not married. Yet.

Theo: There he is! There's a sign of life. Nurse! Oh. Clear! [ Mimics defibrillator ] We got to make the most of the time you have left.

Kyle: No, we don'T.

Theo: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: I'm not trying to get something out of my system before I get married, and I'm not letting you bait me into some crazy shenanigans.

Theo: Okay. How about some low-level shenanigans and a little good, clean fun? For old times' sake? You know, so you can remember a time before mothers-in-law and soul-crushing --

Lola: On the house.

Kyle: Mm!

Lola: What's going on?

Kyle: Nothing.

Theo: Just a little guy talk.

Lola: Oh. Well, yeah, I do not know what that means, and I really don't want to know. I should be able to get out of here in a few hours.

Kyle: Great. For our first night back together, can I interest you in staying at my house? Everybody will be out. We'll have the place to ourselves.

Lola: Mm. A little jacuzzi time does sound really nice.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Lola: Mm-hmm.

Theo: Mm. That does sound nice.

Kyle: Don't write me off just yet.

Celeste: So, when do I get to meet this girlfriend of yours?

Rey: Soon. I promise.

Celeste: Okay. Well, she must be pretty special if you were willing to lose your job over her.

Rey: I lost my job because I was fixing a mistake that I made.

Celeste: Whaaat? You made a mistake?

Rey: [ Chuckles ]

Celeste: So you actually do need your mother's advice?

[ Chuckles ]

Rey: Maybe. I'm just saying, sharon didn't cost me anything. In fact, she quit her job in solidarity.

Celeste: So she quit her job for a man.

Rey: Can we talk about something else?

Celeste: Yes. Sure. Why haven't you called your brother?

Rey: I haven't gotten around to it.

Celeste: You're not even in the least bit curious about how he and mia and the baby are doing?

Rey: I know all that I need to know.

Celeste: Okay. Honey, I know that you...

[ Sighs ] I know that you're feeling a lot of hurt about that. But this baby is gonna be your first niece or nephew, my first grandchild. And no matter what went on with all of you, I just feel like we have to pull together as a family for this baby.

Rey: [ Snickers quietly ] You're asking for a lot, mom. Too much.

Celeste: Arturo is your brother. That's forever.

Rey: Yeah, and I-I told him that I hope he and mia find what they are looking for. And that's all I got right now.

Celeste: Okay. Well, he's -- he's made great strides since he's been home. And the most important thing to him right now is being a great father.

Rey: Well, I wish him the best of luck with that. He had a hell of a role model.

Celeste: Okay, well, you don't have to speak badly about your father.

Rey: I'm sorry I brought it up.

Celeste: I'm glad that you did bring it up, actually. Um... 'cause there's something I need to talk to you about.

Rey: What?

Celeste: Your father wants to come to the wedding. And walk lola down the aisle.

Rey: Hell no.

Paul: Hey, nick. This a coincidence or are you following me?

[ Chuckles ]

Nick: I did want to talk to you without chelsea around. All your, uh, questions about calvin's death kind of freaked her out. You're not seriously looking at chelsea as a suspect in this, are you?

Paul: It's just routine questioning. I mean, I'm not jumping to any conclusions, but I'm not ruling out any possible scenarios, either.

Nick: All right. Well, that sounds good.

Paul: All right. But tracking me down here to find out what I'm thinking kind of sends up a pretty big red flag. I mean, why would chelsea be worried if she didn't have anything to do with her husband's death?

Nick: You know why.

Paul: Because she's done some unscrupulous things in the past.

Nick: In another life.

Paul: That life wasn't that long ago.

Nick: Look, anything that chelsea may have done in her past pales in comparison to some of the things adam's done.

Paul: Adam?

Nick: Nobody has bigger motive than adam to want chelsea's husband dead. I mean, he wants chelsea back. Her husband was the biggest obstacle. He gets rid of calvin, the path is clear.

Paul: Another theory would be that chelsea's husband is a wealthy, older man that may have left her a lot of money. Have you heard anything about a will or an insurance policy?

Nick: Look, I don't know anything about that. But what I know is, chelsea is not a killer. She's not even grifting anymore.

Paul: I'll take your words under advisement.

Nick: Look, if there is anything suspicious going on here, you need to be looking at adam.

Paul: Okay, nick. What you need to do is take a deep breath and let us do our work. Right now, we don't have any proof at all that this is anything but a natural death. Okay?

Why would dad think that he's welcome to lola's wedding, let alone walking her down the aisle?

Celeste: He's her father. It's custom.

Rey: Yeah, father's don't abandon their kids and then waltz back into their lives pretending that nothing happened. I mean, where does he even get off calling you, putting you in the middle of all this?

Celeste: He didn't call. He -- actually, he's the one who drove me to the airport when I was coming here.

Rey: What? Wait, wait. That's not something that deadbeat husbands do.

Celeste: He's actually been in touch lately.

Rey: Since when? A-and why? What could he possibly have to say to you after all these years?

Celeste: He just calls on occasion. We have -- you know, we talk about you kids. And [Sighs] The weather, he sometimes asks for money...

Rey: [ Scoffing ] Oh, my -- are you -- are you kidding me? Tell me you don't give it to him.

Celeste: It actually feels pretty good having him come to me on bended knee, needing something from me, after i booted him out all those years ago.

Rey: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You mean... after he walked out on us.

Celeste: He cheated. I helped him out the door. What's the difference?

Rey: Okay, look, nobody understands the destruction that cheating causes more than I do, okay. I've been a husband trying to save a marriage, and a boy trying to protect his mother. Which is why I don't understand how you can let dad back into your life. He broke you into a thousand pieces. He broke all of us.

Celeste: I know. Let's just -- you know, let's just drop it right now, okay? Can we just forget that i mentioned it?

Rey: Yeah.

Celeste: Okay.

Rey: It's already forgotten. But you cannot mention this to lola. It's not fair to dump this on her before her wedding.

Celeste: Okay.

Rey: Promise me you will drop this.

Celeste: I will.

Rey: Because lola's big day should be about lola. And what she needs right now is her mother, who has always been there for her.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Cellphone rings ] Hey. I left a little while ago. What's up?

Theo: A new plan for tonight.

Kyle: Nah, I'm good. I'm in for the evening.

Theo: Don-don's in town.

Kyle: Don-don del rio?

Theo: You know another one? He hasn't seen you in forever, and he misses you.

Kyle: Uh, we're not the kind of friends that miss each other. And he's the guy at the party that always breaks something.

Theo: [ Chuckles ] Yeah.

Kyle: Why is he here?

Theo: Oh, he heard about my new gig and wanted to celebrate. So he packed up his jet with his crew from new york. They're landing now. So grab lola and get back here.

Kyle: That sounds...fun, but I'm out. Tell him I'll catch up with him tomorrow night.

Theo: But they're flying out in the morning. Oh, come on. What, are you worried about your mommy-in-law finding out?

Kyle: Nice try.

[ Knock on door ] I got to go. I'll talk to you later. Oh! I'm so glad to see you.

Lola: Me too. Who was that?

Kyle: Doesn't matter. All that matters is you, me, this big house, and making up for lost time.

Lola: Mm.

Nick: Hey.

Rey: Sorry I'm late.

Nick: No, it's all good. I got a lot going on, too. But nothing's more important than this custody case, so i want to hear everything that happened in vegas.

Rey: Yeah, well, it was interesting.

Nick: All right, first, can you just tell me, is sharon okay?

Rey: Why?

Nick: I called her to see if she needed me to pick up faith from soccer camp and... I don't know. She sounded a little off.

Rey: In what way?

Nick: It's kind of hard to explain. It's just something in her voice. You know, from years of experience.

Rey: Well, things got a little tense while we were away.

Nick: Why? Because of adam? Of course because of adam.

[ Sighs ] Why did she go with you, anyway?

Rey: She wanted to get out of town. Though we could make it a romantic getaway. But it was a mistake. Doesn't matter what we do or where we go these days. Your brother is always in her head.

Nick: Look, rey, just say the word, you know, if this is hitting too close to home. I can find somebody else to look into it.

Rey: There's no way that I am walking away from this now. Even if you weren't paying me, I'd still be digging up dirt on this guy. I cannot let him get his hooks any deeper into sharon. And I think I may have found something.

Nick: Really? What do you got?

Rey: Well, most of what adam said about his time in vegas was true. Although he did whitewash some of spider's gambling exploits.

Nick: Not a surprise.

Rey: But the big thing he neglected to mention was that he was hanging out with someone else from genoa city.

Nick: From genoa city?

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Who?

Rey: A guy by the name of phillip chancellor iv.

Nick: Chance? Are you sure?

Rey: Yeah. I confirmed it with multiple sources.

Nick: I mean, that'S... I can't believe that. I mean, the chance that I knew was such a great guy.

Rey: Well, maybe he's changed since the last time you two talked. I pulled up his rap sheet. He got busted for assault. Guess who bailed him out?

Nick: Adam?

Nick: This sounds crazy to me, I mean, that they would even cross paths. Talk about two completely different people. Where's chance now?

Rey: Fell off the grid. Maybe he bolted when people started asking questions about spider. Or maybe there's more to it.

Kyle: You hear the sound of that? The sound of nobody?

[ Sighs ] Is your mom really okay being back at the hotel?

Lola: I am sure she's complaining up a storm to whoever will listen -- the front-desk guys, the bellboys, rey.

Kyle: I don't want to cause a problem between you and your mom.

Lola: No, you have been great. And she has not made things easy for any of us. But this will be fine. It's par for the course with a rosales woman. She just doesn't want her baby girl to grow up. But it's already happened.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: So she needs to come to terms with it. She will.

Kyle: I think it all comes from a good place. 'Cause she loves you.

Lola: I know, and I love her, too, so much. I promise, I will call her tomorrow and smooth things over. But for tonight, we have this entire place to ourselves, so why don't we just take advantage of it?

[ Knocking on door ]

Kyle: [ Groans ]

[ Knocking continues ]

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

[ Knocking continues ]

Kyle: Hey.

Theo: Hey! [ Laughs ]

Kyle: What -- what are you doing here?

Theo: Hey, everyone, come on in!

Kyle: Um --

Theo: Come on! Let's go!

[ Laughs ]

Kyle: I -- no --

[ Stammering ] This is not a party.

Theo: Oh, hold on, hold on. I saved the best for last. And bringing up the rear, at 180 pounds of hipster hair, we have the savant of silicon alley, the wolf of williamsburg -- because two dons are better than one, don-don del rio!

Kyle: How you doing, man?

Don-don: I told him no fancy show, but when does theo listen, huh?

Theo: Oh, please. You practically wrote the thing down for me.

Kyle: It's good to see you. Though tomorrow night would have been better.

Theo: [ Laughing ]

Kyle: Why would you bring everyone here when I was crystal clear --

Theo: You guys bailed on the party, so we brought the party to you.

Kyle: [ Sighs angrily ]

Theo: Oh, come on. We won't stay long. Come on.

Summer: Ah, ah, ah! Don't start the party without me.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

[ Music playing ]

Kyle: Pop-up party was not on the agenda for tonight. Just give me a few minutes and I'll kick everyone out.

Lola: It's okay.

Theo: Uh, this isn't kyle's fault at all. Our buddy came in for one night and really wanted to see him.

Lola: I get it. It's not like I hate parties. I'm down to hang.

Kyle: Really?

Theo: The lady said she's down to hang. This calls for a round of shots.

Lola: I think I'll pass on the shots, but I'm still down to hang.

Kyle: Thank you for rolling with this. I owe you one.

Theo: Get over here, man. Don-don's been dying to meet the woman who bagged kyle abbott.

Lola: Yeah, I would be okay if I never heard that again.

Kyle: Lola, this is an old friend of mine. Don-don, this is my fiancéE.

Lola: Hi. Nice to meet you. So, why do they call you don-don?

Don-don: Oh, don was my father. I'm twice the fun.

[ Snickers ]

Lola: Cute. Heh, heh...

Kyle: Lola is the chef at society. It's one of the hottest spots in the city.

Don-don: Oh, yeah? I own a restaurant in brooklyn.

Lola: What kind of food?

Don-don: Uh, curated, sort of artisanal meets gastropub, that kind of thing.

Lola: Huh. Okay. Yeah, not exactly sure what that means.

Summer: All right. Enough of the chitchat! Who is down to go skinny-dipping?

[ All cheer ]

Theo: Whoo!


Theo: Hey! Everybody, take it off!

[ Laughter ]

[ Yelling ]

Jill: Hello, nick. What brings you by?

Nick: Uh, victoria told me you were back in town.

Jill: That, I am. Did you just come by for a friendly visit?

Nick: Well, this might seem a little odd and out of the blue, but I need to ask you a few questions about your grandson.

Jill: Chance? What about him?

Nick: I think he might be my best shot at stopping adam from stealing my son.

[ Music playing ]

Lola: Hey, can I steal him for a sec? I'm a little tired. I think I'm gonna head home.

Kyle: Really? Okay, just, uh, give me a minutes to clear everyone out, and I'll go with you.

Lola: No, don't do that. Stay and hang out with your friends. And please do not read into this. I'm just super beat.

Kyle: Are you sure?

Lola: Absolutely.

Kyle: Listen, I-I'll tell everyone --

Lola: I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I see you every single night. This is a one-time thing, so enjoy. I love you.

Theo: Where's she going? Things are just getting good.

Kyle: Eh, this isn't exactly her scene.

Theo: Oh, but it is yours. At least, it used to be. So let's crank it up a notch, huh? Where is it?

[ Music continues ]

[ Volume increases ]

Kyle: Hey, could you use a coaster? Thanks. Hey, this is my grandmother's favorite chair.

[ Decanter smashes ] Okay! All right, that's it. Party's over. Party's over. You treat your own house like this? Yeah. Sleep it off. You'll thank me tomorrow. See you in another three years, don-don. Come on. Let's go. Come on!

Theo: All right, I-I -- I'm so sorry. We did not mean to cause problems between you and your girl.

Kyle: Yeah, lola had nothing to do with this. I'm just done for tonight.

Summer: Lola left because of me, didn't she?

Kyle: Nope.

Summer: Mm. Really? Because I know that you didn't end it because something broke, 'cause you could have just replaced that with a swipe of your credit card.

Kyle: Just calling it a night, summer.

Summer: I purposely stayed away from you and lola so that no one would feel uncomfortable.

Kyle: And nobody did. Till now.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] You are right. He has lost all capacity to have fun.

Kyle: Oh, great. You two were talking about me?

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Yeah, because we're worried. I mean, you are turning into your father. Actually, no. Jack knows how to have a good time. You are turning into your grandfather. John abbott only cared about business and making his wife happy. To no avail.

Kyle: How 'bout you leave my grandparents out of this? Take the party somewhere else.

Theo: Okay.

Summer: Fine. No problem. Get me out of here. This place is like a stuffy library, and I'm sure that this little do-gooder has some reading to do.

Theo: Look, I-I'm sorry, man. I guess we can agree on this -- sometimes it's smart to do what your lady tells you. And...it's kind of hot to be bossed around.

Kyle: Yeah, lola doesn't boss me around. Please. Get out.

Theo: [ Stammers ] Are you mad? Hey. Don't be mad. Come on. Hey! I got to get my clothes. All right! All right!

Kyle: Bye, theo.

[ Door slams ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Knock on door ]

Lola: Get in here.

Nick: I am christian's father in every way but one. But if I'm gonna win this custody suit against adam, i have to use everything I can or he's gonna take my son.

Jill: No, I understand. And I'm with you on this, all right? Adam is a snake. I just don't see what this has to do with chance.

Nick: I recently hired someone to look into adam's past -- the last three years in vegas. You know, to see if I can come up with something I can use against him in court. I can't make sense of one piece of information he uncovered, and that's that adam and chance might be friends.

Jill: What? Not possible. No. Your investigator must have been misinformed.

Nick: Look, I thought it was a little odd, too.

Jill: It's not odd, nick. Come on! My grandson would never hang out with the likes of adam newman. He's honest and decent.

Nick: Have you heard from him lately?

Jill: No. And neither have phillip or nina.

Nick: I mean, that's strange. He hasn't checked in with his parents in a while?

Jill: Well, you know, he quit the defense department, and we just figured that he was just taking some time off so he could figure out what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.

Nick: Do you know why he left?

Jill: No, but I'm sure it was nothing dishonest or immoral.

Nick: I'm not implying that it was. I'm just trying to piece together this puzzle.

Jill: All right. Chance likes to travel. He went overseas a lot for his job. And last year he went on a trip through the himalayas with his father, and he was incommunicado the whole time. So it's not really out of character for him to be out of touch for something like that. But in vegas, hanging out with adam newman? That's not like chance.

Nick: Well, I don't know what's going on, but according to my source, jill, chance has been in vegas most of the last year.

Jill: A year?! That doesn't make any sense at all.

Lola: Am I crazy, or was don-don's description of his restaurant a word salad?

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I had no idea what he was talking about. Neither did he.

Lola: Okay.

Kyle: You know [Sighs] The longer I was around everyone tonight, the more I felt like an alien on their planet.

Lola: You mean the planet of pretentiousness?

Kyle: Right? I was worried maybe it was me.

[ Grumbles ] We-- I'M... I'm not turning into my grandfather, am I?

Lola: I never met your grandfather.

Kyle: Any grandfather. Like... am I an old fuddy-duddy?

Lola: A "fuddy-duddy"?

Kyle: You know what I meant.

Lola: All I see is my devastatingly hot fiancé.

[ Knock on door ]

Kyle: [ Groans ] If that is theo, I am going to kick his drunk ass to the curb.

[ Knocking continues ]

Celeste: Lola? Can we talk? I wanted to consolidate my credit cards in to a personal loan to pay them off faster. Lending tree made lenders compete for my business and i ended up with a loan that saved me over $9000 and no more credit card debt. I mean $9000! Brows for days.

[ Knocking on door ]

Kyle: We're all adults here. Let's just open the door and talk to her.

Lola: Okay, yeah. That's a really good idea. But maybe just this one time you can go hide in the bathtub. Please?

Kyle: Mm, that's not happening.

[ Knocking continues ]

Celeste: Lola? Please don't tell me you're so upset that you're not speaking to me.

Lola: Hang on, mom. I was asleep. Look, I know we should handle this like adults, but --

Kyle: You are an executive chef.

Lola: I know, baby, but it's been such a long day, and maybe just this one time, you know, you can cover up and hide in the bedroom? Please?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] This is not my proudest moment.

Lola: Oh, it's okay. You will live to fight another day, yeah?

Celeste: Hi, honey. Can I come in?

Lola: Hi, mom. I am so glad that you came over. But, you know, it's been a long night, and I'm really tired. I wanted to clear the air with you, but maybe we can do it tomorrow?

Celeste: Yeah. Sure.

Lola: Okay.

Celeste: Okay. You know I love you.

Lola: I love you, too, mom.

Celeste: Okay. Night, kyle!

Kyle: Night, celeste.

Lola: [ Laughs ] Wow.

Jill: Chance! Hi. It's your favorite grandmother. Honey, it just occurred to me that I haven't heard from you in quite a while. So I hope you can hear the tone in my voice when I tell you to call me right away and let me know that you're all right. Don't look at me like that, you old bat. I know you loved him, too. But I did not -- and I will not -- fail my grandson.

Chelsea: Hey. I'm so glad you're back. I can't stop thinking about calvin. I mean, what if he didn't die of natural causes? I keep just -- just running every horrible scenario over and over in my head.

Nick: You're gonna be okay. All right? I just talked to paul.

Chelsea: What'd you say?

Nick: I told him that if this investigation is looking like it involves foul play, then just follow the bread crumbs right to adam's penthouse.

Chelsea: I mean, you -- you really think that adam could have had something to do with this?

Nick: Chelsea, who knows what happened in that room when calvin and adam met? I mean, adam could be blackmailing calvin into siding with him over connor.

Chelsea: I know. Calvin's stance on the thing, it was so strange and out of nowhere. I mean, he loved connor. Adam must have applied some form of pressure to sway him.

Nick: That's what adam does. He leverages people. And who knows? That kind of stress, it could have caused a heart attack or a stroke or something.

Chelsea: This is all my fault.

Nick: No, no, no. Hey.

Chelsea: Yes.

Nick: Don't talk like that.

Chelsea: I never should have come back to genoa city. This never would have happened. This was a huge mistake.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: You regret coming home?

Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Nick... [ Huffs ]

Nick: Look, whatever doubts or fears you may have, chelsea, I'm right here. Just lean on me. Okay?

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