Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/10/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/10/19


Episode #13654 ~ Jill returns to chaos; Adam forces Kevin to play dirty.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Mallory: Mallory armstrong. From the --

Jack: From the memory-care facility. Your dad lives next to my mother.

Chloe: Kevin said that he has to stick around. I think that he traded his freedom for mine, and that adam is using him to do his bidding.

Victoria: If I do happen to get dark horse away from adam, I'm gonna need someone to run it.

Nick: Well, good luck with that. I've got enough to focus on right now. I didn't realize calvin's death was a police matter.

Paul: If you're up to it, I-I would like to ask you a few questions.

Summer: What, did she bait you into taking her on a vacation so she can recuperate?

Nick: No. I'm gonna take her to connor's camp so she can tell her son about his stepfather.

Summer: Okay, isn't that adam's job?

Nick: I'm glad you were able to get some sleep on the plane.

Chelsea: I think I was just so relieved after seeing connor, I just crashed.

Nick: Been a rough couple days.

Chelsea: Oh, yeah. I mean, I can't thank victoria enough for letting us take the jet up and back.

Nick: Yeah. She was happy to do it.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] You know, I didn't know what to expect. How connor was gonna react about calvin's death. But if you would have been there, nick, I mean, you would have been so impressed with him.

Nick: Handled it like a trooper, huh?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I mean, he was in shock, of course, like I was. But I realized, he's gonna be okay. Which is pretty miraculous, you know? To think about all of the loss and upheaval that poor little boy has gone through in his life.

Nick: Chelsea, it's a tribute to you that he handled it the way he did.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Nick: I mean, the way you're raising him. You're doing all the things you need to do to provide a stable life for him.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Part of me was tempted to bring him back with me. But I think it's best he just stay busy and occupied at camp while I sort some things out.

Nick: Well, for what it's worth, I think you're doing the right thing. Your mother's close by if he needs anything, and you're flying back and forth to check on him.

Chelsea: Yeah. It's just hard for me, you know? Not being with him every minute.

Nick: I know. You didn't want to risk bringing him here and putting him in close proximity with adam. Trust me, I get it.

Chelsea: I owe you so much. Flying up to that camp to give me moral support so I could break that terrible news to my son.

Adam: You mean our son.

Victoria: And that's not the only good news. Nick and I were talking last night, and he tipped me off to a potential weakness at dark horse. It's called the baxley deal. It's, uh, this big, messy situation that I could possibly exploit if I'm willing to push boundaries.

Billy: Which, of course, you are.

Victoria: Well, I have my staff working to dig up all the details so I can move on it A.S.A.P.

Billy: I love seeing you like this. You're electric.

Victoria: Zzzt!

Billy: Ooh!

Victoria: [ Laughs ]

Billy: And the best thing about it, adam is on the receiving end.

Victoria: Yes, I know. And that's just the beginning.

Billy: What else is going on?

Victoria: Well --

Jill: Well! Good morning.

Billy: Mom. I, uh -- I didn't know you were in town.

Jill: Oh! Just like I didn't know that you two had a lovely re-commitment ceremony, which you didn't bother to invite me to.

Victoria: Hi, jill. It's so good to see you. I'm gonna let you and billy catch up. I have that call to make. I'll be right back.

Billy: Okay. Tha-- thanks a lot, honey.

Jill: I saw the photos online, billy, along with the rest of the world, since i wasn't invited to your event.

Billy: You were in china, mom.

Jill: Oh, well, they have planes in china, don't they?

Billy: I know. I just didn't want you to feel obligated to come all the way over here and, you know, change your trip for a wedding that actually wasn't a wedding at all.

Jill: Listen to me. I have been your biggest cheerleader for your relationship. I would have dropped anything and raced back here if only I'd been given a couple of days' notice.

Billy: I'm sorry. Okay? I am. But you're here now. And we can celebrate, and you can have us both all to yourself.

Jill: [ Chuckles ] Okay. I'm gonna hold you to that.

Billy: Good. I'm looking forward to it.

Jill: And, by the way, I had another horrible surprise when i dropped my baggage off at the house. What the hell is going on there?

Victoria: That's excellent work. Keep this up, and you and matt will both get bonuses. Yes, I'm very serious about that. You should get back to it. Keep digging. Just bring me all the ammunition that you can. Okay. Bye-bye.

Victor: Well, well, well.

Victoria: Hey, daddy! Mwah!

Victor: Your day is going well?

Victoria: Uh, extremely well.

Victor: Yeah?

Victoria: Being C.E.O. Is every bit as satisfying as i thought it would be.

Victor: I love to hear that.

Victoria: How are you? Are you feeling okay?

Victor: I'm fine. I'd much rather talk about what you're working on at newman.

Victoria: Well, I intended to tell you when my plans were further down the road. But I've been working on a very special acquisition.

Victor: Oh, yeah? Anything specific you have in mind?

Victoria: Dark horse. I'm gonna yank it out from underneath adam. My brother will never know what hit him.

Victor: Ohh. I see.

Mariah: Picture this -- you posting cooking videos online. Sharing little secrets from your mom's recipes, talking about how you developed your signature cuisine, which leads to lola's cookbooks, lola-catered cruises, lola-branded meals in grocery stores everywhere, which culminates in a tv show starring the master herself. So what do you think?

Lola: That you are super

loca, mariah.

Tessa: [ Laughs ]

Lola: I'm serious. That's just everything that i wouldn't do. That is so not me.

Tessa: Okay, well, I felt the same way when mariah wanted to manage my career, but it turns out that she has pretty amazing instincts.

Mariah: Not that you're biased at all.

Tessa: Sure I am. But that doesn't make it any less true.

Lola: But you guys are used to getting up in front of people and performing, and that's just really not me. I am behind the scenes. I work alone. And I like it that way, guys.

Mariah: But you're so friendly and outgoing. I'm sure that you might learn to like this, too.

Lola: Whenever I see those people online doing how-to videos, I am just so grateful it's not me.

[ Scoffs ] I just -- I'm a private person, and I can't just let it all hang out.

Mariah: Okay. Do you remember when I made you do the "gc buzz" interview when this place opened?

[ Lola sighs ] You didn't want to do that, either, but you ended up being amazing.

Tessa: I mean, it's because you're not all polished that you're gonna be great. You're real. People can relate to you.

Mariah: That's what we did with tessa's video, and it worked. It's become a hit.

Lola: You're asking me to commit a bunch of time to this when I already have a very demanding job. I work for abby.

Mariah: Abby's totally on board.

Lola: Wait. You already pitched this to her?

Mariah: Abby wants to open another society someday. Maybe even more than one. The opportunities for cross-promotion are endless.

Lola: Wow. You have an answer for everything.

Tessa: You got where you are because you worked hard and you're willing to take risks. Keep building on that success.

Mariah: From the food truck to the pop-up at crimson lights to being the head chef of the hottest new restaurant in town. This could take you to the next level. The only person limiting how high you can go is you.

Lola: Okay. You've convinced me. I'm willing to try it. But I don't even know where to start.

Mariah: Why don't you leave that to me?

Adam: Telling connor about calvin's death? That is such a monumental thing. I'm his father. I should have gone with you. Why would you choose my brother over me?

Chelsea: It's not a contest, adam.

Nick: You already know the answer to that -- she can't trust you. No one can.

Adam: What -- what's important is connor, all right? His well-being. That you made it clear to him that he will always be loved and taken care of, and you found a comforting way to let him know his stepdad is in a better place. Nothing else matters.

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Victoria: I decided to go after dark horse because of the synergies.

Victor: Wow. That's a bold move.

Victoria: Thank you.

Victor: I am pleased to hear that.

Victoria: I'm glad.

Victor: Yeah. You know, when nicholas raided my real-estate division and created his own company, I, um, was furious. But then I was rather proud of what he created. Now that adam has taken it from him, and assigning phyllis to run it, I think it's a travesty.

Victoria: I couldn't agree more.

Victor: Yeah. Just let me remind you -- when you tangle with adam, when you go up against him, you've got to do it with all guns blazing. And win.

Jill: I looked high and low. No esther. And there are all these empty food containers and pizza boxes all over the place.

Billy: I don't think there's any reason to panic. I heard the resident slob is kevin. Supposedly he's staying there.

Jill: Kevin? Why would esther open the house to kevin and then leave town?

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Jill: Well, I can only imagine. She's probably with bella.

Billy: Yeah. I have no idea.

Jill: Something's not right.

Jack: [ Sighs ]

Mallory: Everything okay?

Jack: Uh -- uh, yeah. It'S... it's my mother. She's not having a very good day.

Mallory: Sorry to hear that.

Jack: How's your dad? Mallory? What -- oh, dear god.

Chelsea: No, nick. It's not fair. I don't want to put you in the middle of this.

Nick: Look, you and connor are dealing with a lot right now, all right? I will help you any way I can. If that means running interference with adam, then it's done.

Chelsea: Calvin's death makes it harder to justify keeping the two of them apart. And at the end of the day, whatever issues I have with adam, I mean, he is connor's father. Oh, god. I'm -- I'm sorry. I -- I sh-- [ Sighs ] Here you are, in the middle of your own custody battle over christian. I didn't mean that.

Nick: No, no. It -- don't worry about it.

Chelsea: I didn't mean to come off insensitive.

Nick: Look, the fact that adam was plotting to take connor from you gives you reason to distrust him. He thought you were gonna have to go right back to him because you didn't have any other choices, but you do.

Paul: [ Knocks ] 'Scuse me. Sorry to interrupt. Christian's nanny let me in.

Nick: Yeah, no worries. What's up?

Paul: Well, actually, I'm here to talk to chelsea about the results of mr. Boudreaux's autopsy report.

Lola: You can put everything in the kitchen while I --

Celeste: Hey.

Lola: Mom?

Celeste: What are you doing home?

Lola: Well, I --

Celeste: Something go wrong?

Lola: Well, I'm done with lunch prep. Um... and you're --

Mariah: We are gonna make a video of lola, and we're gonna post it online.

Celeste: A video?

Lola: Yeah, of me cooking. A demo, like the ones on viewclick.

Celeste: Okay. I'm just trying to make things nice. Oh, honey.

[ Scoffs ]

Lola: You guys can put everything on top of the kitchen counter while I grab the equipment that I need.

Tessa: Yeah. Got it.

Mariah: Uh, I'm gonna check out some angles.

Celeste: Hey, um... honey, with all these, you know, thousands of strangers watching you in this video, is that safe?

Lola: Mom, relax. It's not like I'm giving out my address. I'm just gonna be cooking and talking about food.

Celeste: Okay. In that?

Tessa: Well, mariah wants it to be a more casual feel.

Mariah: What she's wearing is perfect.

Celeste: Oh-kay. If -- yeah, I mean, if you say so.

Mariah: Yeah, I do. And since I'm the director, any comments or questions you have, you can just send them right to me. Okay. [ Sighs ] I'm gonna take some test footage on my phone. And remember -- what we're going for is spontaneity. So just do what you normally would do, just be yourself, and, uh, we'll cut it together later.

Lola: Okay.

Mariah: All right? Whenever you're ready. Five, four, three, two...

Lola: Hi! Uh... I'm -- I'm lola. Ros-rosales. And today I'm gonna be teaching you how to cook a chicken dish -- oh, crap. I forgot the olive oil.

Mariah: Okay, uh -- uh, cut. Why don't we cut. Um... it was great. It was great. Good news -- I found a really great angle for you. But, um... I need you to relax.

Tessa: Yeah, just pretend it's -- it's friends, you know? Just us.

Mariah: Exactly.

Tessa: One-to-one, teaching us how to cook.

Lola: Okay. Yeah. I -- I can do this.

Mariah: Absolutely. Attagirl.

Celeste: Big smile.

Mariah: Thank you, uh, celeste. Remember who the director is.

Celeste: [ Chuckles ] Remember who the mama is.

Mariah: Right. Of course. Of course. Absolutely. All right. So, deep breath. Gonna try this again. For real this time. Five, four, three, two...

Lola: Hi! I am lola rosales, and I love to cook! Um, today I will be teaching you how to make, um, my favorite, uh... no. Stop. I can't do this.

Mariah: Hey, what's wrong?

Lola: No, I'm hideous. This is a terrible idea. I told you that I-I couldn't -- I couldn't do this.

Mariah: Okay, I agree that it's not working. But I think I may have an idea how to fix it.

Billy: Maybe esther took bella out of town so kevin could concentrate on business.

Jill: What business could kevin possibly be --

Victoria: Hi. Sorry that took so long.

Billy: Hi.

Victoria: I'm back.

Billy: It's no problem.

Victoria: Jill, it really is so nice to see you. I've really -- I've been swamped at newman, but we should make a plan to get together. I know the kids would so excited to see their nana.

Billy: Yes, they would love that.

Jill: Hmm. Well, I'm delighted to see you two so happy. I'm not gonna be in town long, so if you want to have a get-together, we'd better do it soon.

Billy: I'll call you. We'll, uh -- we'll figure something out, okay?

Jill: Great. Have a lovely day.

Billy: Bye, mom.

Victoria: You, too. Bye. Whew!

Billy: You're in a good mood.

Victoria: I just saw my dad. He's right over there. I told him about my plan to take dark horse away from adam.

Billy: And?

Victoria: He gave me his blessing. He's had it with adam, too. And phyllis.

Billy: Wow. For once, victor and I are on the same page.

Victoria: Also, my team has been very busy. It turns out that the baxley deal isn't the only trouble at dark horse.

Billy: Go on.

Victoria: You know that big hotel complex that they're building? It's no longer owned by the parent company. Another entity owns it. A summertime development.

Billy: That has got to be --

Victoria: Phyllis! Phyllis. Who else?

Billy: That's fascinating.

Victoria: What do you want to bet that she peeled off that project, and she took it solo without adam knowing?

Billy: It's not something she can hide for very long. I mean, why the risk? Stealing a hotel? That's brazen, even for her.

Victoria: Or maybe we're wrong. Maybe they cooked it up together.

Billy: Occam's razor, baby. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Victoria: Do you really think that phyllis is stabbing him in the back already?

Billy: If adam finds out --

when adam finds out, it's gonna put an end to their twisted partnership. Which gives you a little more space to work your magic. A little chaos is a good thing.

Kevin: This whole waking me up at the crack of dawn has got to stop.

Adam: It's after 10:00.

Kevin: Do you want to know how late I was up last night working on your never-ending --

Adam: No. No. I need you to put your hacker skills to work again.

Kevin: Fine.

Adam: Could you take a little longer with that?

Kevin: Ugh, you're in a snit. Your portfolio take a hit? Conscience keeping you awake at night?

Adam: No, it is my son connor. Chelsea is adamant she doesn't want him knowing I'm still alive. So when she flew to his summer camp to tell him in person about calvin's death, guess who she asked to go with her. Nick. Her faithful golden retriever.

[ Sighs ] Should have been me.

Kevin: Aw. I'll muster up some sympathy once I'm back in portland with chloe and bella.

Adam: Your next assignment -- the police are investigating calvin boudreaux's death. I want to know everything they've turned up. What? This should be an easy one for you since you used to work there.

Kevin: Yeah. I also re-designed their entire database. Left myself a back door I can slide into any time I want. Like...now.

Adam: Great. Are you in?

Kevin: Of course I'm in. I'll do a general search on boudreaux, and... here we are.

Adam: You see anything that jumps out at you?

Kevin: You mean like the results of the man's autopsy?

Paul: You know we ordered a postmortem exam for your husband.

Chelsea: Right.

Paul: Well, the initial tox screen was inconclusive.

Nick: What does that mean?

Paul: It means the coroner will have to conduct additional tests to determine whether mr. Boudreaux died of natural causes.

Chelsea: Well, of course h-he -- if not natural causes, how do you think he died?

Lola: I am so glad that you could break away from work. Maybe you can help me talk mariah about of this.

Kyle: No way. When mariah told me the concept, I loved it. It's killer. You're gonna nail this.

Lola: Yes, that's easy for you to say. You're not the one that's gonna be in front of the camera.

Kyle: Hey. Hey, babe -- babe. Look at me. Just forget everyone else. Just do what you do best -- cook up a storm and have fun doing it.

Lola: Fine. I'll do it.

Kyle: Yeah?

Lola: Yeah.

Kyle: [ Groans ] Ready to rumba, boss.

Mariah: Outstanding.

Tessa: Need anything?

Lola: Uh, no. I think we're all set.

Mariah: Okay. Okay. You know the drill. Five, four, three, two...

Lola: Hi. I am lola rosales, and cooking is my passion. Today I am going to teach you how to make a chicken fricasé, which is a hearty chicken stew. And it is a favorite in cuba, and has been for generations. It is also my favorite dish, and it reminds me of home. Um, it is a dish full of rich flavors, and it smells incredibly delicious when you cook it at home. It is also very simple to make, and you can do it on a busy weeknight.

Kyle: Simple for you, maybe.

Lola: It is. I mean, even you could do it.

Kyle: Oh, trust me, you don't want to try my cooking. Except for breakfast. I make a mean toaster pastry.

Lola: [ Chuckles ] Well, that is my fiancé, kyle. He is a goofball, but he is insanely sweet, as well. And he raves about my cooking, so I think I'm going to keep him.

Kyle: Mm. You better.

Lola: To make our stew, we will need a whole chicken, boned, with the skin left on. It's going to weigh about 3 1/2 to 4 pounds. We will also be needing 1/4 cup each of fresh-squeezed lime and orange juices. I will show you a trick on how to get the most juice out of each piece of fruit. We will also need three garlic cloves, a whole onion, green bell peppers, olive oil, and some raisins for sweetness, and some dry white wine.

Kyle: How much white wine do you need?

Lola: Well, how happy are you?

[ Laughter ] There are other key ingredients that we will need, but most of which you probably already have in your pantry. But the most important ingredient of all is love. And every dish you make is a star if it comes from the heart.

Jack: I am so sorry for your loss.

Mallory: I knew it was coming.

[ Sighs ] Not that that makes it any easier.

Jack: No, I'm sure it doesn'T.

Mallory: He lived a good, long life.

[ Sighs ] And I'm glad he's not suffering anymore. Those are both things to be grateful for.

Jack: I agree. I agree.

[ Stammers ] If there's anything I can do to help, a shoulder, to help, just let me know. I-I want to be there for you.

Mallory: Mm... my father's death has clarified a lot of things for me.

Jack: How so?

Mallory: Well, the last time you and I got together, we talked about being in stasis. How we'd settled into a routine. And now that my days won't be centered around taking care of my dad, I've got options, and I want to focus more on my own life.

Jack: I think you should. I think that's what your dad would want you to do.

Mallory: So... [ Sighs ] After talking with my kids, I've decided I'm gonna move closer to where they are, just outside of seattle. I wanted to tell you in person. To let you know how much I've appreciated your support. It has been a godsend talking to you these past few weeks.

Jack: I feel the same way. Wow. Um... I'll miss you. I mean, I understand your wanting to be near your family. That's one of the things we have in common.

Mallory: You have been a bright spot in my life. You are a good man. And I've really enjoyed getting to know you. I wish you all the best, jack.

Adam: I thought autopsies were more detailed than this.

Kevin: This boudreaux guy just bought it a few days ago. The coroner is still working on the report.

Adam: Well, if it was a simple heart attack, why would the toxicology results be inconclusive?

Kevin: Because nothing is foolproof.

Adam: What, like poison? Are you suggesting he met with foul play?

Kevin: I'm just saying that people make mistakes.

Adam: And you're hoping that I'll make one.

Kevin: No. Not hoping. Expecting. Because it's inevitable. And when you do, I intend to take full advantage.

Adam: I admire your faith you can find a way out of your predicament. You think you will eventually turn the tables on me, don't you?

Paul: The point of our investigation is to find out what caused your husband's death. I'm not making any assumptions. But at this point, I can't rule anything out.

Chelsea: Calvin was a kind, generous, decent man. There's no reason anyone would want to harm him.

Paul: Well, since you were the last person to see him alive, we're going to have to have a more in-depth conversation about your final hours together.

Nick: Uh, before that happens, could you just give chelsea some time to process what you told her?

Paul: Our talk can wait till tomorrow. I'll show myself out.

Nick: Thanks, paul.

Chelsea: Be honest with me.

Nick: Always.

Chelsea: Do you think paul suspects I'm somehow involved in calvin's death? I wanted to consolidate my credit cards in to a personal loan to pay them off faster. Lending tree made lenders compete for my business and i ended up with a loan that saved me over $9000 and no more credit card debt. I mean $9000!

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Tessa: Oh! Oh, this is my favorite part.

Mariah: [ Giggles ]

Lola: Where I spilled the raisins everywhere?

Tessa: No, you were, like, eating them and popping them in your mouth. It was so cute.

Mariah: I agree. It was totally natural. I loved that part.

Kyle: I liked the wine bit at the beginning, where we all cracked up.

Mariah: Yeah. Yep.

Tessa: Oh, this video is gonna be a smash. 'Cause you were totally right -- it is super easy, and it smells amazing in here.

Kyle: I know. It's not even lunchtime and I'm starved.

Lola: Mariah, thank you so much for being patient. You know, you actually made me look good on camera.

Mariah: I had a secret weapon. Kyle. He got you to unwind. And you had fun.

Kyle: You know, this video is gonna show the world what i already know -- that lola is incredibly talented and beautiful.

Celeste: And she would have been even more beautiful if she'd worn a little more lively clothes. And a little more makeup. Just, this outfit is so drab, honey.

Lola: Why do you always do that?

Celeste: Do what?

Lola: Make me feel bad about something that I am incredibly proud of? Everything doesn't always have to be about you.

Nick: Paul's just being thorough. It's routine.

Chelsea: Yeah, I-I hope you're right.

Nick: Was calvin on any medications that could have muddied up the test results? I mean, there could be a simple explanation to this.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, it's michael. About my custody hearing.

Chelsea: Everything okay?

Nick: Yeah. He just wants to go over some things, talk some strategy. When you're dealing with adam, you have to be prepared for anything, 'cause he'll go to any lengths. Look, adam thought calvin was the one thing standing in the way of a big reunion with you and connor. He thought the three of you could pick up right where you left off. If there's one person who had motive to want calvin out of the picture, it is adam.

Victoria: Speaking of chaos.

Billy: Have fun.

Victoria: Don't I always? Hello, adam.

Adam: I'm not in the mood.

Victoria: Yeah, I can see that.

Adam: Is there something wrong?

Victoria: I don't know. Is there?

Adam: Can I get a scotch, neat, please? What do you want, victoria?

Victoria: I'm here to do you a courtesy.

Adam: Mm. That'll be the day.

Victoria: There's something that you need to know about dark horse.

Adam: All right, well, whatever it is, I have more important things on my mind, so take it up with phyllis.

Victoria: Oh, you really have given her carte blanche to run the company, haven't you?

Adam: So?

Victoria: I just find it surprising, is all. You've never been this trusting. Or this careless. see this video.

Celeste: Hundreds if not thousands of people are gonna see this video. Can a mother not express her opinion?

Lola: That is all you have been doing.

Kyle: Hon. Hon, it's -- it's okay.

Lola: No, it is definitely not okay! You have been criticizing and picking at me since the minute you arrived to genoa city, from my apartment to what I'm wearing to how many hours I ought to be working to how close kyle and i should be before we get married. I am a grown woman, and I wish you just treated me that way. Respect me instead of putting me down all the time.

Celeste: I, uh -- I didn't realize how much I'd been intruding on your life.

Lola: That is not what I said --

Celeste: No, you made yourself very clear. I think it's better that I, uh, move back into the hotel. I don't want to be a burden.-Excuse me. I'm gonna go pack.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

[ Groans quietly ]

Adam: It is just laughable, the idea of you doing me any favors.

Victoria: I understand why you would think that.

Adam: You would love to find any way to scoop up dark horse and put it under the newman umbrella. A big coup you could bring to daddy.

Victoria: This is about phyllis.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Okay.

Victoria: Call it a friendly tip.

Adam: Well, save it, victoria. I don't trust you. Or anyone else named newman. The rest of the family and chelsea are determined to keep me out of my sons' lives. Phyllis is the one person in this town who isn't trying to take anything from me.

Jack: Hey. How's it going?

Adam: Not so hot.

Jack: Well, how 'bout this. Two captains of industry in a bar while the sun's still shining.

Victor: Well. If it isn't jack abbott. I'll be damned. So, um... well, you know, some of us can afford to take a break.

Jack: Things going that well at newman, huh?

Victor: What are you saying?

Jack: May I?

Victor: Please, take a seat.

Jack: I heard about victoria taking over the helm. Not that she isn't deserving. It's just, I can't imagine for one minute you'd be content spending your day reading spy novels and being a doting grandfather. You poured too much of your life's blood into newman. So, you gonna keep your hand in it? You gonna help steer the ship to the future?

Victor: [ Chuckles ] From what I read about jabot, I guess, every so often, you run away from the turmoil, don't you?

Jack: Turmoil? What turmoil? Now that I'm C.E.O. Again, it's a well-oiled machine.

Victor: I'll be damned. A well-oiled machine. But no products to sell.

Jack: Don't count me out just yet.

Victor: Heaven forbid, jack.

Jack: You know, that's one thing you and I always had in common -- we're at our best when we've been knocked down.

Jack: You want something more than that fizzy water? I can get you some of that nasty tequila you like so much.

Victor: [ Chuckling ] Yeah. No, thank you, jack. It's a little too early in the morning.

Jack: Oh. I'll drink alone. Here's mud in your eye.

Victor: Are you taking the whole day off, or what?

Jack: No, I started the day visiting my mother. I have to admit, it knocked me off my pins a bit.

Victor: Uh-huh. What happened?

Jack: She didn't recognize me.

Victor: Oh.

Jack: Barely knew I was in the room the whole time I was there. And these [Sighs] Things are becoming more and more frequent.

Victor: Mm. I really am sorry to hear that, jack, for you and for dina.

Jack: Then I find out a friend of mine just lost her father to the same disease.

Victor: Mm.

Jack: Just reminds you of your own mortality. You know, when it comes right down to it, your family and the people that you love are a lot more important than any business triumphs. Least that's how it is for me.

Victor: Well, as you well know, everything I do is for family, you know.

Jack: Oh, I know I've heard you say that countless times. But let's be honest -- your actions haven't always matched up with your words. As hard as you've worked, as big a colossus as you've built, you've earned the right to enjoy your success by appreciating the important things.

Victor: Thank you.

Jack: From one captain of industry to another.

Victor: You have a nice day.

Victoria: Well, he basically didn't give me the time of day.

Billy: Too bad, so sad.

Victoria: For him. I was trying to do the guy a solid.

Billy: Then, what, figured, "meh, I'll let him find out about phyllis the hard way"? How duplicitous she really is?

Victoria: He was just so hostile. He wouldn't even let me get a word in edgewise. Well, screw that. If that's how he wants to treat people, then adam deserves what he gets.

Billy: Amen.

Victoria: But you know what they say -- knowledge is power. So I think I'm gonna hold onto this and use it when it will do the most damage.

Nick: Look, I'm not accusing my brother of anything. But if the police are looking for someone with motive to kill calvin, my god, adam was pushing you to take him back before your husband's body was cold. Talk about crass.

Chelsea: Could we please -- let's not even talk about that, okay? The police are not gonna back down until they find answers that they're satisfied with. They're either gonna prove that calvin died of natural causes, or the results will remain inconclusive. But...I mean...foul play? Murder? I don't want to believe adam is capable of such a thing.

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