Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/9/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/9/19


Episode #11653 ~ Victor scores a win; Nick and Chelsea's charged moment.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victor: Apparently, there's a new drug that they're experimenting with, but there are risks.

Nick: Such as?

Victor: Diminished mental capacity.

Chelsea: [ Crying ] Thank god. I didn't know who else to call.

[ Crying ] I need to tell connor. It's gonna break his heart. I mean, he loved him so much.

Nick: This isn't something you should have to handle by yourself.

Victor: So, now, what exactly do you think I'm up to? I mean, your accusation is rather vague.

Christine: Your lawsuit against the D.A.'S office and the G.C.P.D.

Victor: Do you think it might have had to do with the bungled investigation of the J.T. Hellstrom case?

Christine: No, victor. It was a specious lawsuit about something that was put to bed months ago.

Victor: It may be in your rearview mirror, christine, but ain't in mine!

Paul: Hey.

Christine: Hey.

Paul: A beauty for a beauty.

Christine: Thank you.

Paul: You're welcome. You know, I saw that, and i thought of you, but now seeing you holding it... that poor little rose pales in comparison.

Christine: Oh, gosh. You're sweet.

Paul: Nah, just honest. So, what are you doing -- waiting for a verdict?

Christine: No, not -- not that.

Paul: Okay. Then why is your phone more interesting than... your incredibly charming, fascinating, good-looking, thoughtful husband?

Christine: Any minute, this phone is gonna ring, and [Sighs] It's gonna be bad news.

Summer: What's going on?

Nikki: Well, this has been very nice. I can't remember the last time we had a long, leisurely lunch.

Victor: Come here. Spending time with my beautiful wife is definitely one of the perks of stepping back from my job.

Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Can't deny you miss it, though -- ruling the world.

Victor: No.

Nikki: At least the world of newman enterprises.

Victor: Baby, I love spending time with you. I love it.

Nikki: Well, you're still the charmer.

Victor: What should we do? Should we go for a walk in the park, maybe, or go for a ride?

Nikki: Darling, as long as I'm with you, anything is fine.

Victor: Let me get the check. Where's the server, for heaven's sake?

Nikki: Um...

Victor: Need to talk to abby about service around here.

Nikki: Darling...

Victor: Oh.

Nikki: ...You already paid it.

Victor: I did already pay for it? My goodness. I forgot. I did.

Jack: Hello, nikki. Victor.

Nikki: Hi, jack.

Victor: Jack. I'm spending a wonderfully romantic hour at lunch with my beautiful wife. Do you mind?

Jack: I don't mind at all.

Victor: Good.

Jack: Nikki.

Nikki: Bye.

Victor: Thank you.

Billy: How's your cotton-candy hangover?

Victoria: Sugar is not my friend, but the carnival was just the break we needed.

Billy: Yeah. It was -- it was fun.

Victoria: You seemed a little restless last night.

Billy: Yeah, sorry. I hope I didn't wake you up.

Victoria: Is everything okay?

Billy: Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to tell you that, um, your dad is here with your mom.

Victoria: Oh. How does he look?

Billy: I wouldn't want to be his waiter.

Victoria: Billy!

Billy: He looks okay. You know, typical -- looking to go a few rounds.

Victoria: I'm glad. Thank you for letting me know.

Billy: Uh, listen, jack is just sitting down, so I'll call you later, okay? Okay, bye. Hey.

Jack: I cannot believe what i just witnessed.

Billy: Something wrong?

Jack: With me, no. But our friend victor might be losing it a little -- or maybe a lot.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Keep your voice down.

Summer: Why? I didn't raise it, and why do we have to talk in the hall?

Nick: Because chelsea needs her rest.

Summer: Well, she has to do that here?

Nick: I asked her to stay.

Summer: Okay. Um, at the risk of getting an answer that's not gonna make me hurl, why?

Nick: Her husband died last night.

Summer: Oh, my god.

Nick: Yeah.

Summer: So, he just died -- like, no warning, nothing?

Nick: Completely unexpected.

Summer: What happened?

Nick: I guess the guy went to sleep in his suite and just never woke up. We won't have any more details until the autopsy comes back.

Summer: That's awful. I still can't --

Nick: What?

Summer: Noth--

Nick: What?

Summer: It's been a long time since chelsea left town, so it's a little weird seeing you like that with her.

Nick: Like what -- caring?

Summer: Oh, okay. Come on. That looked like a lot more than that.

Nick: She just lost her husband, summer.

Summer: I am not downplaying her situation.

Nick: [ Sighs ] I'm not gonna let our bad breakup stop me from comforting her if she needs it.

Summer: Okay, look, I get that, but there is a huge difference between comforting and longing for the past.

Nick: I am not longing for the past.

Summer: Yeah, okay.

Nick: Chelsea is a friend and nothing more, and, frankly, she doesn't have a lot of those left in town, so if she needs a shoulder to lean on, I'm gonna be there for her.

Summer: Yeah, I guess so.

Nick: Just do me a favor and just stay here for a while.

Summer: What, you want me to babysit her?

Nick: Yes. Please.

Summer: Why? Where are you going?

Nick: I need to go ask your aunt victoria if I can borrow the newman jet.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, of course you do.

Nick: What is that supposed to mean?

Summer: What, did she beat you into taking her on a vacation so she can recuperate?

Nick: No. I'm gonna take her to connor's camp so she can tell her son about his stepfather.

Summer: Okay. Isn't that adam's job? That seems like something adam should be doing.

Nick: That is 100% not his job.

Summer: Why? Adam is his father.

Nick: He had no relationship with chelsea's husband, so he should not be the messenger in this situation.

Summer: Wow. She has already roped you in.

Nick: That's enough, alright? Just stay here, please. I'll be back.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ] There are three words that mean everything

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Jack: He completely forgot he paid the bill.

Billy: We've all done that.

Jack: Yeah, when there's a lot of people, when there's been drinking. This is him and his wife in the middle of the day.

Billy: I think you're making a big deal out of nothing.

Jack: I thought there was something strange about him putting victoria in charge at newman right now.

Billy: No, victoria earned that promotion, jack.

Jack: I'm not arguing that. I'm saying he wouldn't hand over the reins to anyone unless he had to. No, there's something going on there.

Billy: I thought we were getting together to discuss jabot business.

Jack: You know something.

Billy: I know that we should be working.

Jack: Spill, little brother. Let me know what's going on.

Billy: Drop it, jack. Come on. We got work to do.

Jack: Consider it dropped.

Nikki: If you want to go home and rest, I understand.

Victor: No, sweetheart. What, cut the day short?

Nikki: Are you sure you're feeling okay?

Victor: Yeah, I'm fine.

Nikki: You don't have to pretend with me.

Victor: Sweetheart, I forgot one little thing. Nothing to be worried about.

Nikki: So, who's worried?

Victor: Right. One second.

[ Cellphone rings ] Yes? Oh. Well, that's good news. That's excellent news. Thank you. Huh.

Christine: I really think you're making a mistake. Yes, I understand a decision has been made. You want me to do that? What time?

[ Sighs ] I'll be there.

Paul: So, let me guess. That was the mayor with the bad news you were expecting?

Christine: He wanted to tell me himself. Victor's lawsuit against me and the city has been deemed untenable.

Paul: Maybe he wants it to go away.

Christine: They're gonna pay victor an undisclosed amount to cover up all aspects of the suit, including the police department, and guess who's going on live tv announcing this agreement.

Paul: Oh. That's unbelievable! That's gonna make it look like you're the one that caved. You could have won this case.

Christine: Well, you never know with a jury, but I sure would have enjoyed trying.

Paul: Oh, I'm so sorry, chris. I know how personal this is for you.

Christine: [ Sighs ] Maybe too personal.

Paul: What do you mean?

Christine: Look at my history with victor. It wouldn't be unreasonable to think that people would believe that I'd go after the newmans just, you know, to make sure that he wouldn't get the better of me again.

Paul: That's ridiculous.

Christine: Is it?

Paul: Yes, it's ridiculous. You've got more integrity in your little finger than victor will ever have.

Christine: You're a little biased.

Paul: The voters agree with me.

Christine: I needed this today. You know, it reminds me that there is more to life than work.

Paul: I should have brought you a dozen.

Christine: I don't need 'em. It's time.

Paul: Chris --

Christine: No, we talked about this, paul. Maybe it's time I actually do it. Jardiance asks: I comparison shop for everything to get the best deal. Gas is 6 cents cheaper here. Sale rack! No! And, for loans, I go to lendingtree.Com. I wanted to consolidate my credit cards in to a personal loan to pay them off faster. Lending tree made lenders compete for my business and I ended up with a loan that saved me over $9000 and no more credit card debt. I mean $9000! It's a lot of money. Lending tree, may the best loan win.

Now you can make

any morning of the week

Paul: Chris, don't let this settlement or the mayor get to you.

Christine: It's more than that.

Paul: Look, let things settle. Go ahead. Do the press conference... and then give yourself some time to think about it.

Christine: I don't need time to think about it, paul.

Paul: Chris, this is a huge decision.

Christine: This is not out of the blue. How many nights have we sat up, eating rocky road, talking about this?

Paul: Well... more cartons than I can think of. But nobody knows about that.

Christine: [ Sighs ] People are gonna be blindsided.

Paul: No one more than the mayor.

Christine: Yeah, well, screw him. He should have had my back. I had his enough times.

Paul: I love you.

Christine: And that's another reason why I'm okay with this. I have you in my corner.

Paul: I will take on all the haters. But you're the one taking the risk.

Christine: Risk keeps you sharp.

Victor: Ohh. What a coincidence. Madam prosecutor. I understand you're gonna make an announcement today.

[ Object slams ]

[ Crunching ]

Chelsea: [ Groans softly ]

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Object scraping ]

[ Crunching continues ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Crunching continues ] Summer. Hi.

Summer: Morning.

Chelsea: Um... where's nick?

Summer: Mm. Stepped out. Asked me to keep an eye on you.

Chelsea: Oh. Um... do you...know where he went?

Summer: Yeah. He said something about making arrangements to take you to see connor.

Chelsea: He told you about my husband?

Summer: Yeah. I'm sorry.

Chelsea: It's been [Sighs] A lot. One minute, he was alive, and then the next... I-I just -- I just still can't believe it.

Summer: [ Clears throat ] Is there anything that I can do?

Chelsea: No. Thank you. I -- nick's really been amazing. He, um... he's gone above and beyond.

Summer: Yeah, no. I get that. I just can't help wondering...

Chelsea: What your dad's getting himself into?

Summer: It's hard to forget the last time that he got involved with you.

Chelsea: I never... meant to hurt nick.

Summer: Or christian. You're just like a human wrecking ball.

Chelsea: Okay. Um, I deserved that.

Summer: Yeah, and more.

Chelsea: Summer, nick and I, we've -- we've discussed all of this.

Summer: Really?

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Summer: Okay. So then what's next?

Chelsea: Well, my husband just died, and nick is helping me deal with that, so I'm just taking things one step at a time here.

Summer: Yeah, as long as one of those steps isn't on my dad's heart.

Chelsea: He can take care of himself, summer.

Summer: Oh, no. For sure. He can. Except when he sees someone that he cares about in a vulnerable spot, he gets sucked in. I have seen it happen a million times with sharon. He got the same look in his eye when he was talking about taking the newman jet to take you to see connor.

Chelsea: He's a caring man.

Summer: Yeah, no. He is. So don't take advantage of him.

Chelsea: I promise you I just want things to go back to normal.

Summer: As long as it's not at my dad's expense.

[ Door slams ]

Nick: What, are you and billy flying off to jamaica again?

Victoria: Yes, because we don't have jobs or children or any other responsibilities.

Nick: Look, if it's a jet-fuel thing, I'll pay for it myself.

Victoria: You're a newman. You have every right to use the family jet.

Nick: Then what's the problem? Why can't I help chelsea?

Victoria: That's the problem.

Nick: She just lost her husband, and I want to help her go and tell her son this terrible news.

Victoria: And I feel for chelsea and for connor, but i don't think this is something that we should get involved in.

Nick: You know, maybe you've forgotten, but if it wasn't for chelsea, you wouldn't even have johnny.

Victoria: I will never forget that.

Nick: All the more reason you should want me to do this.

Victoria: I think you're leaving one important thing out. Connor is adam's son.

Nick: He is chelsea's son. I'm doing it for her.

Victoria: I don't think that adam will see it that way.

Nick: Well, I don't give a damn about adam.

Victoria: I don't think you're seeing the big picture. Chelsea and connor and adam are all tied together. It's an explosive situation, and she's drawing you into it.

Nick: I offered to help.

Victoria: Because that's what you do. You see people in trouble, and you try to rescue them. That's who you are.

Nick: What, are you and summer comparing notes?

Victoria: It's not a bad thing, nicholas. I just -- I don't want to see you get burned again.

Nick: Look, I'm trying to help a friend. And chelsea is done with adam.

Victoria: How many times has she told us that?

Nick: She hates what he is trying to do to me. He's basically doing the same thing to her. Before her husband died, he was making all these demands about connor.

Victoria: And that surprises you?

Nick: I mean, the guy's body wasn't even cold and he was pressuring her to get back together with him. She sees what a dirtbag he is. She wants nothing to do with him.

Victoria: Nicholas... it's a love-hate relationship. Eventually, the pendulum is gonna swing back the other way. And where does that leave you?

Jack: Hiring two chemists was a big risk, but it looks like it's gonna pay off. We should have a new line of cosmetics and fragrances by the first of the year.

Billy: That's great.

Jack: Have you seen the new jcv numbers?

Billy: Yeah, I have.

Jack: I want to discuss those. I got to say --

Billy: Jack, do you mind if we, uh, table this for now?

Jack: You have somewhere you have to be?

Billy: Something -- something I got to take care of, and it's, uh, personal, if you don't mind.

Jack: Everything okay?

Billy: Yeah. Everything's fine.

Jack: Okay. Go. Go. Do what you got to do.

Summer: Oh, good. You're both here.

Billy: Uh, I'm on my way out, actually.

Summer: No, don't leave yet, because I have an idea that i want to pitch, and I think you are really gonna get it.

Jack: Sounds like you don't think I will.

Summer: No. Uh, you're just going to have to think outside the box.

Jack: I think maybe I could pull that off.

Summer: Alright. So, picture this -- me as an influencer. I'd be going to clubs, music festivals, concerts, red-carpet events.

Billy: Basically just living your life?

Summer: Yes, but I would be wearing, using, and promoting all of our products, getting even more buzz going for jcv.

Jack: What about your job here at jabot?

Summer: I would still keep it. I mean, this is just a side gig for me to do on the weekends and at night, and it's not gonna take very long for me to build an online presence. I mean, I really think that this could work to our advantage. The more followers that I get, then --

Billy: More sales for us.

Summer: Yeah. Win-win.

Jack: Most influencers promote lots of brands. That could create unwanted competition.

Summer: No, you're right. I mean, I would be working with other companies, but, I mean, if I choose products that complement rather that compete with ours, it could really work. I mean, we could do some cross-promotions with some of my other sponsors, even.

Billy: I think it has potential.

Jack: I agree, but why you? I mean, there are plenty of influencers out there, some of them already pushing collective products.

Summer: No, you are right. But with me, you would have full control, and I think that i could do a better job than anybody else out there.

Jack: And what makes you think that?

Summer: Because an expert in the field told me.

Jack: His name wouldn't be theo, would it?

Summer: Is there a problem?

Paul: Come on, chris. Let's go.

Christine: No, it's okay. Yes, victor, I will be making an announcement on tv today. I'm sure you've heard your lawsuit's been settled.

Victor: Yeah. My attorney just called me.

Christine: No need to watch my press conference, then.

Victor: Oh, I wouldn't miss it for anything... although you deserve far more than public humiliation for what you put my wife and my daughter through.

Paul: Look, you got your victory. Let this be the end of it.

Victor: No, paul. Let it not be the end of it. Christine deserves to be in a jail cell.

Paul: Victor, I am warning --

Christine: He's allowed to his opinion, even if it's wrong.

Victor: I'm not the only one who thinks that you're responsible for the most egregious miscarriage of justice.

Cristine: Victor, you act as if you've beaten me, but i guarantee you, by the end of the day, I will be the real winner.

Victor: Oh! I can hardly wait. My arling, let us go. I hate being around delusional people.

Christine: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Nick: Vick, I appreciate your concern, but I got this.

Victoria: Look, you can't blame me for being worried when it comes to chelsea.

Nick: Well, if you heard her talking about adam earlier, you would have no question about her feelings for him.

Victoria: I'm sure she meant every word, but our brother has a way of sucking her back in.

Nick: Not this time. There's too much at stake.

Victoria: Nicholas... just forget about adam for one minute. I want you to tell me what's really going on here.

Nick: [ Sighs ] I'm asking to borrow the jet.

Victoria: You know what i mean.

Nick: What do you want me to say?

Victoria: I want the truth!

Nick: Okay, fine. My friend's world got blown up last night. She is devastated. And she has a little boy that's gonna need a lot of love and support. So if you won't do this for me or for chelsea, then do it for him.

Victoria: Hey. Prep the jet. My brother's taking a trip.

Are you a sunrise

cycle snacker?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: I wasn't aware you were getting career advice from theo.

Summer: Yeah. He offered.

Jack: Did he?

Summer: He has got lots of experience with social influencers, and devon just hired him to consult at lp.

Jack: Sounds like he's got a lot of irons in the fire.

Summer: Yeah, but you didn't seem to mind that when you hired him to create brand awareness.

Jack: I just don't want to see you getting in over your head.

Summer: You're right. I have never done this before. But when theo mentioned it, it just felt like a natural fit. I mean, what do you think?

Billy: I'm good with it. It's up to him.

Summer: Can we just try it?

Jack: [ Sighs ] Given your instincts, I'd be an idiot to say no.

Summer: Ah! Thank you!

Jack: [ Groans ]

Summer: Thank you, thank you! Okay. I'm gonna call theo. We will get started. This is gonna be great. So, what are you not saying about theo?

Jack: Oh, he's got a stellar résumé. There's no doubt about it.

Billy: Okay. Then what is it?

Jack: In new york, he and kyle got very close, and, boy, they got into a lot of trouble. I just -- I think kyle's out of that phase.

Billy: You don't think theo is.

Jack: I think the jury's still out, and I don't want to see her get too tied up with that guy.

Billy: Jack, summer is an adult. If she...makes a mistake, she's gonna have to deal with it.

Jack: I can't just let her fend for herself.

Billy: I hear you, and I know you care about her, but you're not her father. That's nick.

Paul: Ready, champ?

Christine: As I'll ever be.

Paul: Well, let's go knock 'em dead.

Christine: Um... I need to do this alone.

Paul: You sure?

Christine: Positive.

Paul: No second thoughts?

Christine: You're not gonna talk me out of this.

Paul: Well, you can't blame a guy for trying.

Christine: I'll be fine.

Paul: I know you will.

Christine: [ Sighs ] Showtime.

Paul: Okay. I'll be watching.

Christine: Okay.

Nick: Well, I should get going. Chelsea's very anxious to see connor.

Victoria: Tell chelsea I'm sorry.

Nick: I will. Thanks again for everything.

Victoria: Let me know if there's anything else I can do.

Nick: You know, you've done more than enough already. In fact, I just thought of a way that I can repay you.

Victoria: No, nicholas. That's not necessary.

Nick: Fine. If you don't want to hear of a way that you can one-up adam...

Victoria: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on one second. You can't say something like that and think that you're gonna leave.

Nick: You just said you weren't interested.

Victoria: Spill.

Nick: Alright. The last deal I closed when i was with dark horse was with baxley.

Victoria: Wow. They're big-time players in the real-estate industry.

Nick: One of the biggest in the state.

Victoria: That's quite a coup, partnering with them.

Nick: It was a tough negotiation, a lot of mistrust on both sides.

Victoria: But you were able to agree to terms?

Nick: We did. They're building a $115 million high-rise for us. I mean... dark horse.

Victoria: That's a very big investment. You must have been confident that it would pay off.

Nick: It will... assuming nothing comes up.

Victoria: Such as?

Nick: What I'm saying is if the project were to hit any snags -- you know, like A... time delay or some permit issues, it would be a very big problem for dark horse.

Victoria: That would be a shame, wouldn't it?

Nick: Yeah. And, of course, you didn't hear any of this from me.

Victoria: And, of course, you didn't hear from me that if I do happen to get dark horse away from adam, I'm gonna need someone to run it -- someone with experience.

Nick: Well, good luck with that. I've got enough to focus on right now.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] That's what worries me.

Nick: I love you.

Victoria: Love you.

Billy: Nick.

Nick: Billy.

Victoria: Hi.

Billy: Everything okay?

Victoria: I hope so. Hey.

Billy: Hi.

Victoria: I wasn't expecting you.

Billy: Yeah, I know. Something came up. It's about your dad.

Jack: Hi.

Mallory: Hi. I wasn't sure you were gonna make it.

Jack: Oh, my little brother's playing hooky. I figured, "why can't I?"

Mallory: Ah. If I didn't get out of that care facility for a few hours, I was gonna lose -- I shouldn't have said that.

Jack: You don't have to apologize. Believe me, I understand.

Mallory: I know you do.

Jack: You're carrying a lot. If I had to shoulder the burden of my mother's failing health all by myself, I don't know what I'd do.

Mallory: I try to spend as much time as I can with my dad... even though most days he doesn't know me.

[ Sighs ] My kids ask why I keep coming back.

Jack: What do you tell them?

Mallory: "Dad doesn't know me, but I know him."

Jack: Yeah. A little hard forgetting who they really were.

Mallory: I look at him, and i still see the same man whose first words to me after i totaled his car were, "are you okay?" He's still the same man who worked two jobs to put me through college... put aside his own grief when my mother died to comfort me. I could always count on him. He said it was a privilege to be there for me. It was his job.

Jack: Sounds like a great guy. Sounds a lot like my dad.

Mallory: [ Chuckles softly ] He was so proud... so strong and independent. Now... now it's my turn to be there for him.

Jack: For what it's worth, i think you're doing an amazing job.

Mallory: Is it awful I wish i had a little bit of my life back?

Jack: No. I think we all feel that way sometimes.

Billy: I didn't confirm jack's suspicion. I just thought you should know what he heard, and I'm sure it's nothing.

Victoria: Or it could be something -- something serious.

Billy: He forgot one thing. I wouldn't stress about it.

Victoria: Normally, I wouldn't, but he and mom told us the other day the possible side effects to his new treatment -- mom slipped in "confusion."

Billy: Okay. Well, there you go. That makes sense, then.

Victoria: Dad acted like it wasn't a big deal, billy.

Billy: 'Cause it probably wasn't, vick.

Victoria: Yes, but I could tell he was worried about it.

Billy: Well, I'm sure that has more to do with being embarrassed. He's a proud man.

Victoria: I just didn't think that it would happen this fast over something so simple.

Billy: Hey, come on. I mean, think about it. How many times have one of us forgot something as simple as paying a check?

Victoria: Yeah. He must hate this. You know if jack knows?

Billy: No. Okay, first of all, jack doesn't know, and, second of all, he would never use this against your dad.

Victoria: [ Scoffs ] The two of them live to hurt each other.

Billy: I know that, but not like this. Okay? He knows how devastating memory loss can be.

Victoria: You don't think that dad will end up like...

Billy: No. I don'T. I think this is a side effect of the treatment, and once he's done with the treatment, he'll go back to being himself, spreading doom and gloom everywhere he goes.

[ Knock on door ]

Victoria: I'm just so worried about him. That's all.

Victor: You're worried about who?

Chelsea: You're back.&

Nick: Yeah. Where's summer?

Chelsea: She left.

Nick: I told her to stay here.

Chelsea: It's fine. I was awake.

Nick: Okay. Did you get some sleep?

Chelsea: A little.

Nick: If you need to rest your eyes some more --

Chelsea: What I actually need is to go see connor, and I know you said you would come with me, but I'm just gonna go alone.

Nick: No, no. You don't have to.

Chelsea: It's fine. I've already been looking at flights and everything.

Nick: Well, I already arranged for the newman jet to take us.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] You didn't have to do that.

Nick: Well, I wanted to. And I understand this impulse to want to handle this situation on your own, but I'm more than willing... to come with you if that's what you want.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Nick: What?

Chelsea: Aren't you worried... about how it will look if you come with me?

Nick: Not at all.

Chelsea: If adam finds out --

Nick: I don't care what adam thinks, or anyone else, for that matter. This is our business. So, do you want me to come with you or not?

Chelsea: I do.

Jack: So, traci and I take turns visiting mother. Ashley makes regular trips in from paris, and when the three of us can't make it, abby and kyle fill in.

Mallory: Oh, that's nice. That allows all of you to have time for other things.

Jack: Yeah. Traci finished her book.

Mallory: [ Gasps ] That's exciting! When's it coming out?

Jack: It's a process -- her words. I'll let you know when I have a real answer.

Mallory: Oh, it's amazing she was able to focus on something that takes up so much time and energy. Making dinner is a challenge for me.

Jack: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. We're all there to support her.

Mallory: Oh. I don't know how writers do it. I can't imagine typing up a whole novel. And traci's written how many?

Jack: Uh...I've lost count. This particular novel, she's had, uh, extra inspiration.

Mallory: You?

Jack: For her romantic lead? No, no. She has a new guy in her life, i believe, and he's worked his way into her book.

Mallory: Ah. And her heart?

Jack: Possibly.

Mallory: I would think you'd be happy for her.

Jack: Traci's special, and this guy comes with a lot of baggage.

Mallory: Oh, what -- he's not good enough for your little sister?

Jack: I'm not sure anybody is.

Mallory: [ Chuckles ] Wow. You sound like my dad.

Jack: Yeah. With traci, maybe I am old-school.

Mallory: That's sweet. But does this man make her happy?

Jack: Traci is happier than I've seen her in a very long time.

Mallory: [ Gasps ] So?

Jack: So, you're right. You're right. Who am I to deprive her of that? When you manage to find happiness, you grab on to it, right?

Mallory: I agree.

Victor: What were you worried about?

Billy: Uh, it's nothing. It's, uh -- it's johnny at camp. He's having a little bit of a hard time.

Nikki: He's not being bullied, is he?

Billy: No, no. It's just some kid stuff. He's gonna be fine.

Victoria: How are you feeling?

Victor: I feel great!

Victoria: So, everything's going okay? There's no problems with the treatment?

Victor: No! What does it look like?

Victoria: You seem to be in high spirits.

Victor: I'm in excellent spirits. I was just awarded a huge settlement from the city.

Victoria: Oh. Your lawsuit.

Victor: That's right. Christine williams is about to make an announcement. As a matter of fact, right now. Kindly bring it up on the laptop, okay?

Victoria: Of course.

Victor: Sorry, sweetheart.

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Christine: I'm district attorney christine williams, and I have a statement to make about the lawsuit that's currently pending against my office and the G.C.P.D.

Paul: Can you turn this up, please?

Christine: My statement is the only time that I will address this issue, and I will not be taking any questions at the end. The city attorney, in conjunction with the mayor's office, has determined that it wouldn't be prudent to spend taxpayer dollars on a lawsuit which may not be won. Therefore, it's been decided that we will not contest mr. Newman's claim that the G.C.P.D. And the D.A.'S office acted in a negligent manner which resulted in emotional distress to mr. Newman and his family. A financial settlement has been reached. As of today, the D.A.'S office and the G.C.P.D. Consider this matter officially closed.

[ Camera shutters clicking ] There's something else I'd like to add. Um... after... much consideration, I've reached a decision, a personal decision, that I will finish out my term as D.A. But I will not be seeking re-election.

Jack: What?!

Victor: Good.

Christine: It has been my privilege to serve this great city, but it's time for me to move on and explore other possibilities.

[ Camera shutters clicking ] I'd like to thank the people of& genoa city for this amazing opportunity. I have done my best to keep the city safe. I don't think anyone in this position ever feels that they've accomplished all they set out to do. But I hope my successor will follow in my footsteps and... fight for what's just and fair. Thank you.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Jack: Hey. Give her my best.

Paul: I will. Thanks, jack.

[ Cellphone rings ] Yeah? Chief williams. Calvin boudreaux. Right. What did the autopsy show?

Nick: Hey, pete. It's nick. I, uh, just wanted to check in and make sure everything's lined up and we're ready to go. Oh, perfect. We're on our way. We'll see you soon. Jet's ready to go.

Chelsea: Finally. Sorry. I-I didn't mean it like that. I just want to get this over with.

Nick: Yeah, no. It's okay. We're gonna be there before you know it. I got it.

Chelsea: You sure?

Nick: Yeah. You focus on connor. I'll take care of everything else.

Chelsea: Thank you.

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