Y&R Transcript Monday 7/8/19
Episode #11652 ~ Adam opens up to Chelsea; Paul interrogates Phyllis.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Theo: There's no point in sticking around here, listening to you obsess over your ex.
Summer: I promise I will not say one more word about kyle.
Theo: I'll call you when i get back. Maybe then you'll be ready to move on?
Devon: I just think that with the proper mentoring, you could really be a great producer. And I've found the perfect person to set you up with. You've worked with him before. He's right there.
Ana: You think someone who tweets all day is more capable than I am?
Chelsea: I tried to forget you, and I tried to forget what we meant to each other, but i couldn'T. You mattered to me, nick, more than anybody.
Chelsea: [ Crying ] I have a new life now, adam. I can't just go back to the way things were.
Adam: But you can.
Chelsea: I don't want to.
Chelsea: He's dead, nick. My husband is dead.
Paul: I am sorry for your loss.
Chelsea: Thanks, paul.
Nick: I didn't realize calvin's death was a police matter. Is there something we should know?
Paul: Well, it's standard operating procedure when somebody dies in a hotel room. If you're up to it, I would like to ask you a few questions.
Chelsea: Yeah. Whatever you need to know.
Paul: Okay. Do you mind if we sit down? Um...first of all, can you tell me what happened?
Chelsea: It was just like any normal night. We went to bed. I fell asleep. I don't know how much time passed, but I woke up, and calvin was just -- just still. So when I realized he wasn't breathing, I dialed 911, and then I called nick.
Paul: If he wasn't moving, what made you make up?
Chelsea: I have no idea. If only I had opened my eyes sooner, maybe I could have...
Nick: Okay. Um...we good? I mean, can we let her get some rest?
Paul: Yeah, of course. Uh...do you have any idea where you're planning on staying?
Chelsea: [ Sniffles ] Um... the -- the manager said that he would find me another room.
Nick: Well, I have plenty of room at my place.
Chelsea: Oh, no. I-I couldn'T. I don't want to be a burden.
Nick: You're not. There's no way I'm gonna let you be alone right now.
Chelsea: I appreciate that.
Paul: Alright. If I have any more questions, I'll be in touch. Thank you.
Nick: Thank you.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Nick: Well, I'll get your bag.
Chelsea: Thanks.
Nick: Were you out here the whole time?
Adam: Chelsea, if you want to go back to the penthouse --
Chelsea: I can'T. Please.
Adam: Even if it's just to talk.
Nick: She said no.
Chelsea: Can we go? I need some fresh air.
Nick: Yeah. Come on.
Phyllis: You take one more step... and you're making the biggest mistake of your lifetime.
Adam: What are you doing here?
Phyllis: Um... I live here. And I had an inkling that you would be lurking the halls. You just can't tear yourself away, can you, even after the paramedics took chelsea's dead husband away?
Adam: I stayed because I am worried about her.
Phyllis: The newly minted widow who wants to avoid you like the plague?
Adam: She's in shock, phyllis.
Phyllis: She pulled herself together enough to call nick. Mm. Why nick gives her the time of day, I have no idea, but, you know, if you want my advice --
Adam: Now, you know I don'T.
Phyllis: Well, you have two choices. You either follow chelsea to nick's place and you smother her with attention or you do the right thing and you give chelsea breathing room.
Adam: Have a good run, phyllis.
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Ana: Hey.
Nate: Hey.
Ana: Thanks for coming by.
Nate: Your text seemed urgent. Is it about devon? Did he have another panic attack?
Ana: No, no, no. Nothing like that. It's about my job.
Nate: Are you sure I'm the best guy to give you business advice?
Ana: Last night, before devon left on his business trip, he hired a consultant to mentor me at lp.
Nate: No harm in learning from somebody with more experience.
Ana: I'm not a child. I can do this.
Nate: Give it some time. Devon will see what a phenom you are, and you will rise to the top.
Ana: Ohh. I can't count on that, which is why I need your help.
Theo: Hey.
Summer: Hey! Hi! Uh...what's up?
Theo: Not much. Got back in yesterday from austin.
Summer: Yeah, no, I know. I saw you and ana at society last night.
Theo: Why didn't you come over?
Summer: Uh, I didn't want to intrude. You know, it seemed intense.
Theo: It was. We're working together now.
Summer: Oh, rea-- what, uh -- what are you -- what are you working on?
Theo: I'm doing some consulting at lp.
Summer: So, you're representing a stable of influencers. You're working at lp. So, what does that mean for jabot collective and... other things?
Theo: Are you asking about my workload or asking about us?
Nick: Can I get you anything else? If I'm repeating myself, just say the word and I'll back off.
Chelsea: No, you're fine. I think I'm just... still in shock.
Nick: Yeah. Well, you got a guest room with your name on it, you know, whenever you want it. You can get some rest or just be alone if that's what you want.
Chelsea: I think I'm too wound up to sleep. But I don't want to be alone. Is that okay?
Nick: Sure. Whatever you need.
Chelsea: How could this happen? How could calvin just be gone, I mean, just like that, like no -- no signs, no warning, just so quietly?
[ Sighs ]
Nick: Same thing happened to neil.
Chelsea: Neil winters?
Nick: Oh, you didn't know?
[ Sighing ] Oh, yeah. He, uh -- he went to sleep and never woke up.
Chelsea: No. Oh, my god.
[ Crying ] It isn't fair.
[ Sniffles ]
Nick: I know. Life goes by too fast.
Chelsea: Oh, god.
[ Sniffles ] Calvin made me feel like... the luckiest girl in the world. He was a good man. I just hope whatever took his life, I hope he didn't suffer. I hope he wasn't in pain.
[ Sighs ] I wish you could have gotten to know him better.
Nick: Look, chelsea, it may not seem like it right now, but you are gonna get through this. And just know I'm here for whatever you need.
[ Doorbell rings ] Sit tight. I'll be right back.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
[ Crying ]
Nick: Hey. She doesn't want to see you.
Adam: I'd like to hear that from her.
Nick: You already did. She said no.
Chelsea: It's okay, nick.
Nick: I'll be upstairs with christian if you need anything.
Adam: [ Sniffles ] Hey. Look, I know I-I shouldn't have barged in, but I had to see you.
[ Sighs ] How are you?
Chelsea: My entire life just got flipped upside down in a matter of minutes. How should I be?
Adam: Yeah. I know how scary this must be for you, but you're not alone, okay?
Chelsea: Nick's been very generous.
Adam: You have me. Whatever you need, whatever's gonna make this situation easier to manage, I want to be there with you every step of the way.
Chelsea: I --
Adam: Please just -- just let me finish, okay? I know our last conversation didn't go the way we wanted it to, and... and I wish I could take it all back. But this changes everything for us.
Chelsea: How so?
Adam: It's no more roadblocks. We can finally get back on track. We could be the way that we were meant to be.
[ Sighs ]
Theo: What kind of guy do you think I am?
Summer: Oh, I don't know. The kind of guy that travels from town to town, crashes parties, breaks hearts.
Theo: Boy, after all this time, you really don't know me at all.
Summer: I do know that you're the kind of guy that just blows people off.
Theo: Hey, if it seems that way, I apologize. But I really did need to go to that meeting in austin.
Summer: No, it's fine.
Theo: Look, I was gonna call you last night, but I ran in to devon, and he --
Summer: You don't need to explain, okay? After the way that I acted, i totally understand why you didn't want to reach out. I mean, honestly, who wants to spend time with someone that's just complaining about their lousy ex and is drinking too much? And -- and we weren't exclusive anyway, so...
Theo: Summer.
Summer: No. What I'm trying to say is... I'm done.
Theo: Wi-with me?
Summer: No, with talking about kyle and divorce and all related topics.
Theo: [ Laughing ] Well, great.
Summer: Yes. I am now going to be looking forward and accepting all the good things in my path.
Theo: To surviving, thriving, and moving on.
Summer: Yes. Just one more thing. I want to apologize for the way that our last date ended.
Theo: Ah, it's in the past.
Summer: Okay. Why are you being so nice to me?
Theo: I like you. You're funny. We have a great time together.
Summer: And?
Theo: You're smart and definitely one-of-a-kind.
Summer: Mm. Very astute.
Theo: And that's why I'd like to keep this thing between us going, if you're down for that, especially because I'll be spending most of my time here now.
Summer: Yeah, I'm down.
Theo: Here's to the future.
Ana: Theo seems nice. And he knows his stuff, but if I'm gonna get better at what i do, I want to learn from the best. That's devon, not some middleman.
Nate: I get it.
Ana: I mean, it's like one minute he's confident in me. The next, he assumes I don't know what I'm doing. I feel like no matter how much i accomplish, devon will just think of me as his kid sister, who's always a few steps behind.
Nate: Which is where i come in. You want me to convince devon to dump the mentor?
Ana: I'm his sister. He should trust me.
Nate: What makes you think he'll listen?
Ana: Neil put you on the board of hamilton-winters for a reason -- because he knew devon needed someone to balance him out, give another perspective. That's the nate I need right now.
Nate: I understand the frustration, but I think you're getting way ahead of yourself.
Ana: Which means you won't talk to him.
Nate: Why not see how things develop with theo? Make a solid effort, a show of good faith. At that point, if devon hasn't come around and you still feel like he's holding you back, let me know. In the meantime, don't let your work consume you.
Ana: Easier said than done.
Nate: Not if you get a life -- a personal life. Make some friends and live it up.
Ana: I don't have time.
Nate: Make the time. Look, fun is good for the soul. It makes everything, including work, richer. And in the end, who knows? Everything might pan out.
Ana: You sound so confident.
Nate: That's 'cause I know you and I know devon. So...just keep believing in yourself and your brother.
Chelsea: My husband died a few hours ago, and you're already trying to rekindle our relationship? Are you out of your mind?!
Adam: I didn't mean it like that.
Chelsea: Well, then, please, explain it to me.
Adam: Look [Sighs] I want to be the one to help you through this.
Chelsea: You can't, adam.
Adam: I know you cared for calvin, and I am glad that he was there to make you feel safe and secure, but you didn't love him -- not the way we loved each other, not even close. Tell me I'm wrong.
Chelsea: We can't just turn back time.
Adam: Every choice that you have made since the cabin exploded was because you thought you had lost the man you loved -- me. Okay? We have been given this gift of a second chance, to make things right.
Chelsea: Calvin's death was not a gift.
Adam: Um... we were ready to sacrifice everything to be together. You remember how beautiful that day was? There was not a cloud in the sky, nothing but fresh air and sunshine and you in my arms. That was paradise.
Chelsea: That was also years ago.
Adam: Look... you said you would never stop waiting for me, for us. That kind of love happens once in a lifetime, and those feelings -- those feelings don't go away. Okay. When I said I didn't want you to give up your freedom by going on the run with me, you were the one that wanted us to stay together. That connor needed both his parents, knowing that we would always love and be there for him. Please don't tell me you've forgotten that.
Chelsea: I haven't forgotten anything.
Adam: We still got it. We're going on a magical adventure. Okay? And we've never stopped fighting for each other, for our family. That is what I want. That's why I'm here, because i want that... with all of my heart.
Summer: Well, austin sounds fantastic.
Theo: It was like this nonstop party -- I mean, musicians and songwriters everywhere I went. You've got to check it out.
Summer: Well, it's definitely on my bucket list.
Theo: We'll go together next time.
Summer: Alright. I'll hold you to that.
Theo: You cool if she joins us?
Summer: Uh, yeah. That's fine.
Theo: Ana. Come on over. Hey.
Ana: Hi, summer.
Summer: Hi.
Ana: Hi.
Theo: I was looking over the roster of artists at lp, and i have some ideas I'd like to run by you.
Ana: Oh, lay 'em on me.
Summer: Uh, I'm gonna go grab you a coffee.
Ana: To go. Thank you.
Summer: Okay.
Ana: So, you said you had ideas?
Theo: About jett slade. I was brainstorming ways to introduce him to a younger audience.
Ana: Well, I'd love to hear what you've come up with.
Theo: What if we get jett... in the studio with one of lp's hip-hop acts?
Ana: So, what, a duet?
Theo: Imagine the publicity. Crossover hit. Millennials and gen z-ers will get to know jett. Gen x-ers will get to know jett. Win-win. What do you think?
Ana: I think I have a pretty good handle on what will benefit my father's career.
Theo: Okay, look. Sometimes a third party can come at a project with fresh eyes.
Ana: Well, maybe you should shift your energy in another direction.
Theo: Alright. Look, last night you said you didn't have a problem when it came to working with me. Now you're singing a different tune. Are we gonna butt heads forever, or is this just a bump in the road? Hmm?
Chelsea: I can still see the look on your face... when you kissed me and said that you would see me soon. I loved you... so much. But that woman doesn't exist anymore.
Adam: We can go back.
Chelsea: No, we -- we can'T. The adam I loved, the adam i wanted a future with -- he had made peace with his family. You were a different man. But now --
Adam: Okay. I can change. You can help me be that person again, chelsea.
Chelsea: I don't think anybody can. All you have done since you got this incredible second chance is attack and manipulate everyone. These people gave you their life again, and all you've done is made their lives hell. I mean, why would I want to be with a man like that?
Adam: You don't understand what I'm trying to do, chelsea.
Chelsea: What are you trying to do -- rip christian away from nick or, um... Take connor from me? That's what you said. You said it yourself.
Adam: I never should have said that, okay? It was in the heat of the moment.
Chelsea: You know... exactly what you said. Calvin told me about your entire conversation. Adam, all you do is talk about how much you love me, yet you didn't hesitate for one second to stab me in the back.
Phyllis: Chief williams! Hey! Just the man I wanted to see.
Paul: Phyllis. You don't say. Why?
Phyllis: Um, what is the statute of limitations on assault?
Paul: Idle curiosity or you have a specific case in mind?
Phyllis: It's about what chelsea did to sharon.
Paul: You're gonna have to fill -- fill in some of the blanks here, I'm afraid.
Phyllis: Oh! Well, it was chelsea who knocked sharon unconscious and left her on the floor of crimson lights before she took off to, you know, parts unknown.
Paul: Aha. Well, first of all, sharon never saw who attacked her, and she never mentioned anything about suspecting chelsea. And, furthermore, we didn't have any evidence pointing to any suspects.
Phyllis: Mm. Well, I just wanted you... to know the truth.
Paul: So... why are you bringing this to my attention now when you didn't say one word then?
Phyllis: Well, it wouldn't have mattered. Chelsea had already left.
Paul: Well, without any evidence to back up your claim, there's really not much I can do anyway. But I will keep what you said in mind.
Phyllis: That is fair. Thanks.
Paul: As long as I have you here, um, I have a few questions about...another matter that you might be able to help me with.
Phyllis: Shoot.
Paul: I haven't closed the book on your recent disappearance.
Phyllis: Oh, my spontaneous vacation? I took some personal days. Case closed.
Paul: Uh-huh.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Paul: Well, you have to know there were a lot of people worried about you when you took off without a trace.
Phyllis: Really? I didn't think anybody would care.
Paul: Not even your daughter?
Phyllis: Well, I did text my daughter. I told her that I was relaxing in the lap of luxury.
Paul: Oh, I see. And summer didn't let anyone know?
Phyllis: Well, she didn't get the message.
Paul: That's strange.
Phyllis: It's not strange.
Paul: No?
Phyllis: No. It happens a--
Paul: Forgot to push "send"?
Phyllis: [ Laughs ] I think I did. Happens all the time. I have another mile to run. I will see you.
Paul: You know, just the same, I would like to hear a lot more about this vacation of yours... and the truth this time.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Ana: I fully accept that devon brought you on board to work with me, to offer your thoughts and expertise.
Theo: I'm glad to hear it.
Ana: However, if there's anything that we're not agreeing on, I hope that we can resolve the issue by talking about it. After all, we are a team, and the goal here is to move lp forward.
Theo: Absolutely. I couldn't agree more.
Ana: Okay, then.
Theo: Oh, and if I came off at all as a know-it-all, I apologize.
Summer: Oh, once you work closely with him, you'll realize that he really is a know-it-all.
Theo: Not helping.
Ana: I mean, I'll admit i have some things to learn.
Theo: But you've got good instincts, and you can't teach that.
Ana: Well, I'm sure in time we'll produce beautiful music together.
Theo: I'm counting on it.
Ana: Okay. Give me the inside scoop on this guy. What's he really like to work with?
Summer: Uh, well, he is great at multitasking.
Ana: Okay.
Summer: He parties hard, but he works even harder. He's got great connections, and... I think he's got pretty impeccable taste.
Ana: Well, I think that about covers it. I won't keep you two any longer. We'll talk soon?
Theo: You bet.
Ana: Summer.
Summer: It was good seeing you.
Ana: You, too.
Summer: Alright. So now that the work part of your morning is over, how do you say we balance things out with a little bit of play?
Theo: After.
Summer: After...?
Theo: There's something important we need to talk about.
Paul: Let me get this straight. You reached out to your daughter only once during your, um... vacation, and when she didn't text or call you back, you -- you didn't follow up at all?
Phyllis: Mm. You know, it was not my finest mother moment. We have been on very shaky ground lately, and I didn't think she'd care.
Paul: Okay. So, you burned a lot of bridges, with the exception of, uh, adam newman. That's an interesting friendship.
Phyllis: I'd hardly call what we have a friendship.
Paul: What would you call it?
Phyllis: Common interests. He needs someone to run his company. I needed a job. I don't want to tell you how to do yours, but I think that you should focus your attention elsewhere.
Paul: [ Laughs ] That's funny, 'cause the -- the guilty ones always say that.
Phyllis: Chelsea has been in town just a couple days, and all the sudden, her husband drops dead, and all you're interested in is my vacation. Paul, you're slipping.
Paul: No signs of foul play.
Phyllis: When did lack of evidence ever stop you from solving a mystery?
Chelsea: My eyes are wide open. I see you, adam.
Adam: Yes. Calvin paid me a visit. We talked man to man. He is the one that thought connor should be with me.
Chelsea: [ Laughs ] You are delusional.
Adam: Oh. Oh, it's true. He thought connor and I should reconnect. Said it was the right thing to do.
Chelsea: Stop. Stop that right now. Calvin loved connor like his own son. There's no way he would ever consent to just handing him off to somebody else, especially you.
Adam: You think I had something to do with him changing his mind?
Chelsea: Of course you did!-That's what you do, adam! So, what was it this time -- blackmail, coercion? You offered him some deal he couldn't refuse so you could get connor all to yourself?
Adam: You know me, chelsea.
Chelsea: Yeah, and I know exactly how far you will go.
Adam: We simply saw the situation the same way. And at no point did we discuss cutting connor out of your life.
Chelsea: From the second i turned you down, you have been looking for a way to take my son from me.
Adam: I want us together. We belong together, chelsea.
Chelsea: If I wanted you in my life, adam, you would be in it.
Adam: What do you want?
Chelsea: I want to be free of you!
Nick: You heard her. She's done.
Adam: Look, there is -- there is so much more that i need to say, okay?
Chelsea: Why are you doing this to me?
Adam: I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry for everything -- for upsetting you, for -- for your loss. But we are not done, okay? Not by a long shot.
Nick: Time to go.
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Theo: Every nightclub I went to, every new influencer I met, all I thought was, "summer should be here. Summer would love this."
Summer: Well, like you said, next time I will be there with you.
Theo: I've been all over the world and met all kinds of women, but I have never encountered anyone who's as brilliant, beautiful, and sexy as you are. You have this -- I don't know -- this quality, this... glow about you that just draws me in.
Summer: Alright. Alright. You got the girl. You can stop with the compliments.
Theo: You know, I would... but I think it's been a long time since someone reminded you of how fantastic you are.
Summer: Thank you. Alright. So tell me about this big idea that you have.
Theo: Well...
Nate: Elena.
Elena: Hey.
Nate: I, uh, thought you would have gone straight home after the hospital.
Elena: [ Sighs ] Too wound up.
Nate: After a 12-hour shift? Got to pull up a chair for this.
Elena: I should warn you, I'm not the best company right now.
Nate: When I was, uh, wrapping things up last night, i saw you and the other emts bring in a doa. It's rough showing up and the patient's past saving.
Elena: Yeah. I just wish we could have gotten a chance to try, you know? I kept thinking, "what if we had gotten there faster?" Or what if his wife were awake or maybe there were symptoms that went ignored or what if we could just do the whole thing over? Better timing, better traffic. How do you stop yourself from second-guessing everything?
Nate: You learn to focus on doing what you can for the ones you're able to save. Tell me something. Is that the first patient you lost since you started the emt gig?
Elena: Yeah.
Nate: Is the job triggering memories about your mom passing?
Elena: I wasn't there for her when she needed me the most. The one time I could have done something, I could have helped her, and everything else would have been so different right now. If only --
Nate: No wonder you can't sleep.
Elena: Yeah. What am I supposed to do?
Nate: Decide. Can you handle a job where you're dealing with life-or-death situations... or is it time to do something different with your life?
Chelsea: We had so much more time. I mean... we had so many more plans. I need to find out what happened.
Nick: With what?
Chelsea: Adam's conversation with calvin. Adam convinced him to give up custody of connor.
Nick: He'd known him for like five minutes. That's insane.
Chelsea: I know. And if you knew how much calvin loved that little boy -- I mean, there's -- there's no way my husband would have agreed to this.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Alright. Well, we're not gonna let it happen.
Chelsea: What are we gonna do? Now that calvin's gone, adam's gonna have greater legal claim to connor.
Nick: We'll get you a lawyer. There's got to be a way around this.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] And I need to tell connor. It's gonna break his heart. I mean, he -- he loved him so much.
[ Sighs ]
Nick: What are you gonna do -- break the news to him at camp?
Chelsea: I have to.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. Um...
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Nick: ...Well, if you want, I'll make sure you get there. This isn't something you should have to handle by yourself.
Chelsea: You would do that?
Nick: I'd do anything for you. But first you need to eat something and get some rest. Then we'll handle everything else after that, alright?
Chelsea: Okay. Nick? I can't thank you enough.
[ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Well, I can tell by your face you're not here for the latest business report.
[ Sighs ] You didn't take my advice, did you? You went over there and you cornered chelsea, even though she wanted space.
Adam: We were talking and having a very intense conversation. I was finally getting through to her. Then nick showed up.
Phyllis: What do you expect?
Adam: A little privacy, common courtesy, maybe?
Phyllis: Because you have been so good at giving him the same, right?
Adam: He is using calvin's death to try to get chelsea back in his life.
Phyllis: Well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle metal, mr. Lurking in the hallway?
Adam: You don't understand.
Phyllis: Yeah, I do understand very, very well. I think I'm the closest thing you have to a friend in the world... so let me give you some cold, hard truths. Allow me to set you straight.
Nate: So, how did the rest of your shift go?
Elena: It was okay. Everyone got to the hospital, got the help they needed. There was this woman. She was in labor. And I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty sure she's gonna name her kid after me.
[ Both chuckle ]
Nate: We get to see people on the very best and worst days of their lives. No matter how many times you lose a patient, it never gets any easier.
Elena: Great.
Nate: But you get to save the next one and the one after that. You help people through tough times -- give 'em hope, another chance, another day.
Elena: That's why I got into medicine in the first place.
Nate: Maybe it's time to think about completing your residency.
Elena: No. No. I'm taking this one baby step at a time. The last thing I need is to get in over my head. If I can't take care of myself, I can't take care of anyone else.
Nate: Like devon? He's been through a lot this past year.
Elena: Yeah, but he's doing a lot better.
Nate: Thanks to you.
Elena: Mm.
Nate: You've had a huge impact on him.
Elena: He's really helped me a lot, too.
[ Chuckles softly ] I miss him already.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] He'll be back soon enough. In the meantime, you've got friends, and... we're here if you need us.
Theo: Everywhere I went, i was surrounded by influencers.
Summer: Oh. Should I be jealous?
Theo: They should. This business is a seduction game, making people need things they never knew they wanted. And I've never seen anybody as good at that as you.
Summer: [ Chuckles ] Well, geez. Am I blushing yet?
Theo: No. If jabot could bottle you, they'd be gazillionaires. You need to use it. Be an influencer.
Summer: Me? Are you serious?
Theo: You've got your finger on the pulse of fashion and beauty. You know how to spark people's interest, get them to take notice.
Summer: Yeah, but I'm with jabot.
Theo: Look, being associated with a household name only amps your value. What I'm saying is stick with jabot. Be the jcv influencer.
Summer: Do you really think i could do that?
Theo: There's nothing you can't do as long as you want it bad enough.
Summer: Mm. Well, I'd have to talk to jack about it first.
Theo: Make this happen. I'll help you build your brand.
Summer: Alright. What are you getting out of it?
Theo: 10% and anything else you might want to give me.
[ Both laughing ]
Theo: Shirt off. Mm.
Summer: [ Giggles ] Oh.
Theo: Oh.
[ Both laughing ]
[ Both screaming playfully, laughing ]
Nick: I hope you are ready for my world-famous omelet.
Phyllis: You're caught up in what could have been. You have this...idea of chelsea that she's some goddess that you're gonna share a future with. I hate to break it to you, but chelsea is far from the, um, vision of perfection that you've created in your mind.
Adam: Well, you don't know her like I do, phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, I do know her. She's a con woman who puts herself first. You tell me... how long did it take to get over you and glom on to nick? Chelsea doesn't have loyalty. She doesn't even know the meaning of the word. She defrauded fenmore's, and then she ran when she couldn't take the heat. She was using christian's paternity as a bargaining chip. She threatened to tell everyone that nick was not the biological father of christian if I exposed the truth about her. How many red flags... do you need to see?
Adam: I'm no angel, either, okay? I am far from perfect. But when we are together -- me and connor and chelsea -- that's everything I need.
Phyllis: Alright. Well, then prepare to be disappointed, because you're not gonna get what you want in the end.
Adam: Well, connor, chelsea,-and I will be a family again. [ Sighs ] And I don't care who I have to destroy to make that happen.
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