Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/4/19

Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/4/19


Episode #11650 ~ Phyllis challenges Jack; Cane and Traci celebrate her success.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Ana: Mariah had this idea of filming tessa singing in public places, and we're gonna put together a video to release online.

Devon: I think that's a-a waste of time.

Lola: Mom?!

Celeste: [ Laughs ] Surprise!

[ Laughs ] Ohh, baby!

Kyle: Grab anything you see that's the least bit masculine.

Mariah: Just how out of the loop is mrs. Rosales anyway?

Phyllis: I'm giving a party tonight to celebrate the new era at dark horse and its fearless leader.

Adam: Well, be sure to send me an invitation.

Phyllis: Oh, you'll be there. It's at your place.

Summer: I'm sorry I got so mad before.

Phyllis: Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be okay.

Phyllis: Mm. Mnh-mnh. Oh. No, that can't be right. Ohh. Summer, we overslept. "Drunk summer loves you a lot, mom. Sober summer needs more time." Happy fourth of july.

[ Imitates explosion ]

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Summer's on her way home to nurse that hangover.

Jack: I hate to say it. She wasn't contributing much to the meeting anyway. Is it time to start worrying about her?

Kyle: Nah, I don't think so. She's just been going a little hard lately.

Jack: Okay. It's time for us to get home anyway.

Kyle: Right -- the get-together for lola's mom. Thanks for hosting. She's excited to meet you.

Jack: I'm happy to do it. I'm looking forward to it. Isn't every father thrilled to be co-opted into a cover-up by his son?

Kyle: We didn't plan on lying to celeste about us not living together, but she wanted to stay with lola at the apartment, and...

Jack: Then you say to her...?

Kyle: "Sounds good"? Look, lola hasn't seen her mom in a while, and, to be honest, she can be a little intimidating.

Jack: So, you decided the better option was lying?

Kyle: Not better. Maybe...easier? That is, until we found out celeste wants to stay until the wedding.

Lola: Hey, mom, you don't have to do all this. I was planning on cooking.

Celeste: Honey, it's no problem. You know I love to help out. Plus, we're going to the abbotts'. Okay. You have to tell me. Is jack as handsome as he looks in all my magazines?

Lola: I don't know. I don't look at him that way because he's kyle's dad.

Celeste: And, you know, i just saw a photo spread of their house. Oh, my gosh. I cannot wait to see it in person. Can you give me a tour when we get there?

Lola: Of course, or kyle can.

Celeste: Well, I'm sure you know the house inside and out. I'm sure there all the time, visiting kyle, right?

Lola: I guess so.

Celeste: You don't have to downplay it, honey. Come on. You two are soon-to-be newlyweds. I'm sure you want to spend every second of every day together. Come on. I remember being young and in love and trying to steal any private moment you can.

Lola: We manage to find time to be together.

Celeste: Well, it must be hard. You both have your careers. You're living apart. As a matter of fact, it's making me a little worried that you're living here alone. Did you think about getting a roommate?

Lola: No, not really.

Celeste: Maybe somebody from the restaurant? No?

Lola: No. [ Scoffs ] Okay, can you, um, stop with the food for, like, a second? Thank you. Um... I can't lie to you anymore. See, the truth is that kyle and I are living together. Or we were up until last night. Look, mom, we love each other --much. And kyle is an amazing man. And, no, we didn't rush into it if that's what you're thinking.

Celeste: Sweetheart.

Lola: We just thought it was the right thing to do.

Celeste: Lola. I have eyes. I can see what's right in front of me.

Lola: [ Scoffs ] Wait. So you knew that we were living together this whole time? And you let me keep lying to you about it?

[ Scoffs ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Ana: You are not gonna believe this.

Mariah: Oh.

Tessa: [ Sighs ]

Mariah: Tessa's video?

Tessa: Oh, we've seen it a bunch of times. Like, I'm so sick of myself.

Ana: Well, you'd be the only one. Look at how many hits it's getting.

Tessa: Wait. You posted it online?

Ana: Mm-hmm.

Tessa: Oh. Oh, wow! Uh...

Mariah: That is a lot of people.

Ana: Way more than we could have ever hoped for. It's blowing up. And check out the comments section.

Tessa: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, thank you. Mnh-mnh.

Ana: No, don't worry. Most of them are rave reviews.

Tessa: No, no, 'cause I will see one bad one, and then that will haunt me for the rest of my life until I'm on my deathbed, okay? Please, will you look?

Mariah: Are you sure?

Tessa: Yeah.

Mariah: Okay. Alright. Okay. "Earthy and real." "Tessa porter is a breath of fresh air."

Tessa: Mm.

Mariah: "And," uh, "easy on the eyes." Well, I happen to agree with that one. So, is devon excited? What does he think?

Ana: He will be.

Mariah: He didn't know that it was being released?

Ana: Not exactly.

Mariah: Has he even seen it?

Ana: [ Chuckles nervously ]

Mariah: Look, ana... I've worked for devon before, so I just have one question. Are you crazy?

Phyllis: Where's my daughter?

Jack: Good morning to you, phyllis.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Summer said she was having a meeting with you two. Where is she?

Kyle: She left a little while ago.

Phyllis: Are you sure? You're not just covering for her because she's trying --

Jack: No, we absolutely are not.

Phyllis: I don't believe you.

Jack: Go ahead home. I'll be there shortly.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Jack: Yes, we did have a meeting, which didn't go terribly well because your daughter is nursing a very nasty hangover.

Phyllis: Don't hold that against her. She had a hard day.

Jack: If you want to talk to summer, why don't you call her?

Phyllis: She's not answering my phone calls.

Jack: Maybe she needs a little space.

Phyllis: Thank you... for the guidance.

[ Muttering ]

Jack: I'm -- I'm sorry. I didn't hear you.

Phyllis: I said the only time my daughter wants to see me

[Voice breaking] Is when she's miserable.

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Ana: Devon's going to love the video. He's just been tied up with other things, and I didn't really want to keep it on the shelf any longer.

Tessa: I mean, it is fourth of july. Maybe it's not a bad time to post a video?

Ana: Exactly. People are gonna be hitting the parks and the beaches. They're gonna need a soundtrack to their barbecue. I just felt like we were missing an opportunity by waiting.

Tessa: You know what? I think you're right.

Ana: Really?

Tessa: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: You do?

Tessa: Yeah. Ugh. Okay. Let's see those comments.

[ Groans ] Oh, wow. These are actually really good. Wow. They're seeing what I'm trying to do.

Ana: They're loving it. What do you think?

Mariah: Oh [Sighs] I think devon is gonna give you hell. But the video's already out, and it's getting great responses, so I feel like we should be celebrating.

Ana: I'm up for that. I have some things to do, but how about we meet up later at the carnival?

Tessa: Sounds great. Hey, um, thank you for everything. I'm really glad that we got over the hump, and I'm just really excited for what's next.

Ana: Me, too. See you guys later.

Tessa: Yeah. So... should we go to the carnival now?

Mariah: Why don't you go? I'm gonna stay here and make a few calls. I just want to make sure that we're doing everything that we can to spread the word about the video.

Tessa: You are the best girlfriend/publicist.

Mariah: Well, seeing your success is a dream come true for me, too -- both professionally and personally. See you later?

Tessa: Yeah.

Mariah: Okay.

[ Sighing ] Okay.

Tessa: Bye.

Mariah: Bye.

Kevin: You are asking for arthritis with that typing technique.

Mariah: [ Chuckling ] Noted. I'm just trying to get the word out there about tessa's new music video. I'm sorry. You just missed her. I wanted you guys to meet so badly.

Kevin: Aww. I'll catch her next time.

Mariah: Well, sit. Sit. Alright. Any change in your situation since we last spoke?

Kevin: Sort of. The situation is still a total mess, but my attitude about it is new and improved.

Mariah: Mm-kay.

Kevin: I'm gonna beat these people at their own game. I'm going to stop acting like I've already lost and start acting like I'm going to win.

Mariah: So, your -- your idea is to think positive?

Kevin: Until those thoughts become reality.

Mariah: So, are you the last person in the world to read "the secret"?

Kevin: I don't know what that is, but if it's anything like my plan, I would probably like it.

Celeste: Was I 100% sure that you were lying to me about living together? No, but I had a strong hunch.

Lola: You totally knew, and you were daring me to confess.

Celeste: I was encouraging you to do the right thing, as a mother does.

Lola: Oh, okay.

Celeste: Mm-hmm, and you chose to go in a different direction.

Lola: And you took advantage of my lie.

Celeste: Oh, I don't know what you mean.

Lola: You wanted kyle to move back home so that you could move in with me.

Celeste: Is it so wrong to want to spend a little quality time with my only daughter?

Lola: Ohh. A sprinkle of guilt to spice up the manipulation stew.

Celeste: "Manipulation" is overstating it. No one forced you to lie.

Lola: Oh. Where did those come from? Oh, I get it. Okay. We're even now. But from here on out...

Celeste: [ Laughs ]

Lola: ...I do the cooking, so don't be surprised if one morning you wake up and bite into a plate of eggs and get a burn so hot there will not be enough water in G.C. To cool it down.

Celeste: Oh, my princess. You forget. I like it hot.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

[ Chuckles ]

Jack: You still have issues with your daughter?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Forget I said anything.

Jack: Okay. Wait, wait. Am I -- am I gonna be sorry i asked if you're alright?

Phyllis: Probably.

Jack: Well, I'm here. I'm gonna ask. Are you alright?

Phyllis: I'm just feeling less than as a mom these days.

Jack: Nobody ever said parenting was easy.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Did summer say anything about me this morning?

Jack: No, no, nothing that i can -- in the state she was in, she didn't say much of anything.

Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, she had a few when I saw her last night. But I talked to her and i comforted her, and I really felt like we bridged a gap. Then this morning it was like nothing happened.

Jack: Like a one-night stand?

Phyllis: You're mocking me? But, yeah, I'm like that guy that you go to when you hit rock bottom and you have nothing left to lose. That's who I am.

Jack: I'm sorry I said that. You're being too dramatic.

Phyllis: No. Easy for you to say. You and kyle are like bffs all of a sudden.

Jack: Yeah, we worked at that.

Phyllis: I'm working at it.

[ Voice breaking ] I'm working at my relationship with my daughter. Believe me, I have forgiven things that have been very difficult to forgive, and she still wants nothing to do with me.

Jack: Okay. I don't know what to say. Maybe you should try... changing your entire personality.

Phyllis: Maybe you should try going right to hell.

Mariah: So, let me get this straight. Uh, your situation is the same as before. Nothing has changed...

Kevin: Correct.

Mariah: ...Except your attitude.

Kevin: Also correct.

Mariah: And you still can't tell me what's going on or who you got on the wrong side of.

Kevin: No. I can't drag you into it -- or anyone else, for that matter. Yet another reason for the attitude adjustment. I was so stressed out, I was worrying people at home, and that wasn't fair to them.

Mariah: What people -- esther and bella?

Kevin: Yeah.

Mariah: Okay. I wish that i could say that I was less worried about you, but, kev, "the power of positive thinking" -- it doesn't work.

Kevin: Tell that to oprah.

Mariah: Oprah?

Kevin: She's a very positive person.

Mariah: Great.

Kevin: Tell that to our founding fathers. They were farmers going up against the world's most powerful empire. Did they give up? No, they did not. With nothing but a positive attitude, the shirts on their backs, and probably a case of gout, they created the world they wanted to live in -- from scratch.

Mariah: And this applies to your situation how?

Kevin: I, too, have faith in myself and my cause.

Mariah: So, you're like alexander hamilton?

Kevin: More of a john adams. John adams would not be deterred by your side eye, and neither will I.

Mariah: [ Chortles ]

Kevin: So now let's get up and go celebrate america, damn it.

Mariah: At the carnival?

Kevin: You bet your ass.

Mariah: Okay. You know what? You win. You have won me over with your relentless positivity.

Kevin: I told you it works.

Mariah: Hey, wasn't john adams the funny-looking one?

Kevin: I think so.

Traci: Oh, sweetheart, you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about. You've already met lola's mother, and everything went great, right?

Kyle: Yes, but she hasn't met our family yet.

Traci: Well, billy and abby aren't even coming, so, what are you afraid I'm gonna embarrass you?

Kyle: No. No, no, no. I-I didn't mean that. But we have to keep up the cover story that I live here and not with lola, okay?

Traci: I think I can keep that straight.

Kyle: Aunt traci, I just want this to go well.

Traci: And you have no reason to think it won'T.

Kyle: Well, dad's not here. That's one.

Traci: He's on his way, for sure.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Kyle: Great. This is getting off to a fine start.

Traci: Kyle, kyle, kyle, look at me. Just relax. Take a breath. Okay. Everything's gonna be great. Go, go, go!

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: [ Clears throat ] Hi!

Celeste: Hi.

Kyle: Welcome. Let me take this from you.

Celeste: Thank you. This is a very special appetizer that I made. It's red cherry tomatoes, it's white crema, and blue corn tortillas, all in honor of america's birthday.

Kyle: Ooh! It looks so good, I hate to eat it, but I will because I'm not gonna miss a chance to try your cooking.

Lola: Mm, smooth.

Kyle: Ahh.

Lola: Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? You haven't been answering your phone.

Kyle: Yeah, in a second, okay? I want to introduce your mom to aunt traci. Celeste, aunt traci. Aunt traci, celeste.

Celeste: Oh, the famous novelist! I've read all your books!

Traci: Oh, it's lovely to meet you.

Celeste: Lovely to meet you. I'm a hugger. Do you mind?

Traci: Oh. [ Chuckles ]

Celeste: Ohh. And where's your father?

Kyle: He should be here any minute.

Celeste: Well, if we have a minute, then, I was telling lola I would really love to have a tour of the house. It's so much more beautiful than I even imagined.

Kyle: Of course! I'd be glad to show you around.

Lola: Hey, kyle --

Kyle: I live in the poolhouse, so I usually get up first thing, do some laps...

Lola: Kyle.

Kyle: ...And then have breakfast with my family. It's so nice being close to my dad, my aunt, my uncle. Family is the most important thing.

Celeste: Can never be too close.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Traci: And it is a great gift to be able to all live here together under this roof.

Lola: Oh, god. Please stop.

Kyle: Stop what? Talking about what a loving, happy family we are?

Celeste: [ Chuckles ]

Lola: The jig is up. She knows.

Kyle: Oh. Great! What does she know exactly?

Celeste: She knows that you're living with her daughter.

Kyle: Uh... and when did you find this out?

Celeste: Pretty much when you two knuckleheads started lying about it.

Lola: [ Groans ]

Traci: Well, I guess it's, um, probably a relief to have the truth out now, right? And we are a loving family, and -- and it's just like some families. We have a funny way of showing it. And we rarely have breakfast together.

Lola: And I don't think I've ever seen you swim a lap in that pool.

Celeste: Yeah. Kyle, you're a pretty bad liar.

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Celeste: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: Okay. Okay. I'm glad you all are having a good laugh at my

[Laughing] Expense.

Jack: I didn't intend for my response to be snarky.

Phyllis: Mission not accomplished

Jack: All I'm saying is if you want to stop summer from avoiding you, maybe you need to be the person she needs you to be.

Phyllis: That's who I was last night. That's who I was. Jack, my daughter is hurting. I mean, she is hurting. And I talked to her and i comforted her, and we -- we curled up together, and i felt like I put our problems behind us. I mean, I felt like our problems were behind us.

Jack: That's one night. I'm talking about day after day. The problems you have with summer are not fixed in one conversation.

Phyllis: What are the problems I have with summer, in your opinion?

Jack: Really? You want to go there?

Phyllis: Well, tell me quick, before I change my mind.

Jack: The phyllis I know has always been tough and tenacious. This new phyllis 2.0 is angry and vindictive and full of vengeance and -- and bitterness. Look, if the idea is bridging the gap with summer, maybe you need a reset.

Phyllis: Wow. Well, thank you, jack. How much do you charge by the hour?

Jack: You asked me to be honest with you.

Phyllis: You could not be more wrong about me. I am on top of the world right now. We are both C.E.O.S, and, by the way, dark horse is doing very, very well. We are making deals left and right. In fact, we have a new hotel opening up.

Jack: Congratulations.

Phyllis: Thank you very much. Adam and I are having a party tonight. Are you coming?

Jack: Now, why would I come to that?

Phyllis: You would come to that so you could see the real phyllis 2.0, not this woman that you've conjured up in your mind.

Jack: And she would be...?

Phyllis: Successful, gracious, eloquent.

Jack: Oh. What a generous way to describe yourself.

Phyllis: We're peers now. The social circle in genoa city is very, very small. I say that we conduct ourselves like enlightened human beings that we are.

Lola: I'm just glad we don't have to lie anymore because that was really stressful.

Kyle: And I hope it doesn't affect the way you feel about your future son-in-law.

Celeste: No, of course not.

Kyle: Phew! So... does that mean I can come home?

Lola: Yes.

Celeste: No. No! My plans haven't changed. I'm still really excited to catch up with you, honey, before the wedding. I think it would be a really nice idea, too, if you spent a little quality time with your family before you become a married man. Family is the most important thing, right?

Traci: Oh.

[ All chuckle ]

Celeste: Alright. Good. So, it's settled.

Kyle: Okay. Who needs a drink?

Traci: I do.

Lola: Yes, please.

Kyle: Coming right up. We have...

Celeste: Oh, my gosh. So, are you writing a new book?

Traci: Um, actually, I just finished one.

Celeste: You did?

Traci: Yes.

Celeste: Okay. Can you give, like, a little inside secret to your number-one fan? My friends would be so jealous.

Traci: Well, okay. Technically, it's a detective story, but it's really about love.

Celeste: Well, isn't every great story?

Traci: Touché.

Celeste: [ Chuckles ]

[ Door opens ]

Traci: Oh, here he is.

Kyle: Oh, thank god.

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Celeste: The one and only.

Jack: Well, hello, there. You must be celeste.

Celeste: And you are jack abbott. Oh, I could pick those blue eyes out from space.

Lola: Mama!

Jack: It's quite alright. It isn't very often that an old gent like me gets compliments like that anymore.

Celeste: Well, there's plenty where that came from.

Lola: Oh, my god.

Kyle: Glad you made it. Could have used you a lot earlier.

Jack: Well, sorry. I was kind of held up, but i hope one of you has let celeste know how happy and excited we are that lola's about to become part of this family.

Celeste: Well, your son is just a chip off the old block. You've raised a really fine boy.

Traci: There. See? I told you it would be perfect.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Jack: Oh. I'll get that.

Traci: Oh, me, too. Me, too.

Jack: Cane.

Traci: Come in, come in, come in. I invited cane to join the celebration.

Cane: I hope I'm not intruding.

Jack: No, not at all. No, the more, the merrier.

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Cane: Hey.

Celeste: Hi.

Phyllis: Adam?! Adam? Hey. Hey, adam! You here?! Hey, adam, you better not be primping. You're not supposed to be prettier than me.

[ Chuckles ] Adam?

[ Sighs ] "I'll try to make it when I can"? What kind of garbage is that?

[ Sighs ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Cane: Yeah. The food at society is the talk of the town. You must be really proud.

Kyle: She's probably too modest to say it, so I will. I'm very, very proud.

[ Laughter ]

Celeste: I mean, this house is like a castle fit for a king!

Jack: Oh, I don't know about that. If there was a king, it was my father. Oh, I didn't show you the poolhouse. That's where kyle lives.

Lola: Oh, no. Make it stop.

Kyle: She knows, dad.

Jack: Wait, what?

Kyle: I'll tell you later.

[ Laughter ]

Jack: Okay. Then maybe it's time to propose a toast. Shall we?

Traci: Okay.

Kyle: It's not a true abbott get-together until dad gives one of his signature toasts.

Jack: I'm sorry that a few people are missing today, but i think these gatherings are terribly important in the run-up to a wedding, as two families join together and get to know each other. So, if I may... to celeste. I hope it's been as much fun meeting the abbott family as we've had meeting you. Cheers.

Celeste: Cheers. Thank you.

Kyle: Cheers.

Lola: Cheers!

Cane: Thank you.

Celeste: Cheers!

[ Laughter ]

Kyle: Hey, dad, is it okay if I add on?

Jack: By all means.

Kyle: I was a little nervous.

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Kyle: Am a little nervous.

[ Laughter ] I want to make a good impression on you, celeste. You're probably the most important person in lola's life, which means you're just as important to me. So, I'd like to make you a promise... that I will love and honor and treasure your daughter... for the rest of my life. I've made some mistakes that put into question whether this day would come, but it's here. And lola and I are together, and I couldn't be more grateful or humbled. I never want to forget this feeling. Lola said fate would have to decide if we were meant to be together... so... I owe fate big-time... because fate has made me the luckiest guy in the world. To fate.

Celeste: To fate.

Jack: To fate.

Cane: To fate.

[ Glasses clinking ]

Jack: You asked about my father. Let me show you a picture.

Lola: I was really worried there for a minute, but you pulled it off. And that is how you win over your future mother-in-law.

Kyle: Hmm.

Lola: Hmm.

[ Both chuckle ]

Phyllis: Oh, come on. That can't be right.

[ Doorbell rings ] Oh! Yay! Alright. Here we go! Party! Look sharp! Look sharp!

[ Chuckles ] Hey! Oh, ahh. Hi.

Lauren: Well, thanks for the warm welcome.

Michael: Yeah. Are we early, I hope?

Phyllis: Um, no. I mean, yeah. I mean, here. Get in. Come on. Come on.

Lauren: No, no. We're late, actually.

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, let's not dwell on that, lauren.

Lauren: Uh, why do you think people aren't here?

Phyllis: I don't know. I don't know. Uh, why should I know?

Lauren: Really? You don't think it has anything to do with you and adam teaming up against the world and people don't know what to make of that?

Phyllis: What's your point?

Lauren: Don't shoot the messenger, okay? Michael and I are here.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, thank you for coming. I appreciate it. Thank you. Get -- get a drink.

Michael: Yay.

Lauren: I would love to.

Michael: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: And you.

Michael: Uh...

Phyllis: Thank you for not inviting kevin. We have a non-kidnapper rule here.

Michael: What?

Phyllis: You lectured me about adam, and all the while, you knew that kevin had me locked up in a dungeon.

Michael: Oh. Have you already been dipping into the vino?

[ Clicks tongue ]

Phyllis: Oh, don't even lie to me. I know that kevin doesn't even tie his shoes without consulting you.

Michael: All right. This is not the time or pla--

Lauren: It's not the time or the place for what?

Michael: For one of phyllis' rants. I told her if she wants to complain about how everyone is out to get her, she should pay a therapist to listen. After all, this is... a party, isn't it?

[ Clears throat ] Oh, shrimp cocktail.

[ Chuckles ] Shall we?

Lauren: Mm-hmm. Definitely.

Michael: Mm-hmm. Mmm!

Mariah: So, we just posted the video today, and it's getting a crazy amount of hits and mostly positive feedback, so I'm hoping it's gonna be a really big break for tessa.

Kevin: That is so great!

Mariah: Yeah, and you're finally gonna meet her, because she just texted, and she and ana are around here somewhere. You should see ana now. She's like, grown up and then some, and she and tessa kind of got off to a rough start, but they worked things out, they're totally in sync, and I think that we are a force to be reckoned with.

Kevin: Hey!

Mariah: Yeah. Oh! There they are.

Kevin: Oh.

Mariah: Hey! Hey, guys! I would like you to meet my friend kevin.

Cane: Hey, thanks for inviting me over to the house, you know? Yeah, it's good to see two kids in love like that, although i got to admit that jack was kind of looking at me sideways.

Traci: Wait. He was?

Cane: Oh, yeah.

Traci: What?!

Cane: Yeah.

Traci: Oh, well, you pay him no mind. That house is as much mine as it is his, and I am really glad that you came.

Cane: Thank you.

Traci: Mm-hmm.

Cane: You know, you should do a story about kyle and lola.

Traci: Wait. I just finished a book, and now you want me to start thinking about writing another one?

Cane: But I'm kind of intrigued by the way you take reality and you just make it magical. You have a gift.

Traci: Thank you, cane.

Cane: You know what? Have you ever thought about doing, like, a sequel for flynn and velma?

Traci: I haven't given very much thought about what's next for them.

Cane: 'Cause they're good characters.

Traci: They are.

Cane: You know, they got chemistry, and, you know, they must pop into your head still, you know, every now and then. You know, I can kind of see them in a place like this, you know -- a story in a carnival.

Traci: You know, you're absolutely right. This is right up flynn and velma's alley. That's for sure. And I don't know. Old-fashioned carnies and card sharks lurking in the shadows, you know? Um...maybe flynn is being chased by some bad guy. His legs feel like lead, and his forehead is glistening with sweat, and, um, he looks back over his shoulder, and his eyes go wide because the bad guy is right on his tail. And just before he thinks he's about to get caught, someone grabs him from behind.

Cane: Velma?

Traci: [ Chuckles ] And she pulls him into a booth, and the bad guy runs on past, and he doesn't even spot them, so they realize they're safe.

Flynn: I didn't ask to be rescued.

Velma: Lucky for you, i didn't wait to be asked.

Flynn: Yeah.

Velma: Hey, today might be a good day to ask for a raise.

Flynn: Yeah? How 'bout I do one better?

Velma: Yeah?

Flynn: Yeah.

Velma: [ Chuckles ]

Cane: Then what happens?

Traci: Uh... oh. Oh, no, no, no, no.

[ Chuckles ]

Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight?

Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight

and dance by the light of the moon?

[ Laughs ]

Lola: Mama just wanted one more look at the gardens.

Kyle: I still can't believe she let us go on with the charade about not living together.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: Well, she just wants to spend some alone time with me. She probably feels like things will change after the wedding, which they will.

Kyle: In a good way?

Lola: In the best way.

Kyle: Do you think part of this had something to do with wanting to keep us out of the same bedroom?

Lola: Oh, of course. But she knows that we're adults who do adult things. I'm just her only daughter.

Kyle: And you're my only fiancée, and I miss you.

Lola: Mm.

Celeste: What a wonderful day -- I mean, just a joy from start to finish.

Kyle: We feel the same, celeste.

Celeste: [ Chuckles ] I'm betting that there are some great fireworks on tv tonight. What do you say we watch? Where do you guys -- where do you keep your clicker?

Mariah: I swear he was just here a minute ago.

Ana: Maybe he saw someone he knew.

Tessa: I'm sure that he'll show up.

Mariah: Yeah. I hope so. It's just -- it's not like him to just disappear.

Tessa: Are you okay? You seem worried.

Mariah: Yeah. Just, um...

Ana: [ Laughing ] Oh!

Mariah: Oh, my gosh.

Tessa: Wait.

Mariah: Oh, my gosh!

Tessa: I know!

Mariah: Oh, my god!

[ Laughter ] Hi! Oh, my gosh! This is tessa's song!

Kevin: Yeah. Who do you think paid the guy running the sound system to play it?

Ana: Oh, my god!

Mariah: That was you?! Thank you so much! Thank you!

Tessa: This is kevin, my new favorite person.

Kevin: Hi! Hi! [ Laughs ]

Ana: Oh, my gosh. This is awesome. We owe you one. We --

Mariah: Yeah.

Tessa: Yes.

Kevin: Ladies! Ladies! I-I'm not a god.

[ Laughter ]

Ana: I can't believe it.

Mariah: Yes!

Kevin: [ Laughing ] So good.

Phyllis: You came.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Jack: What exactly did I come to -- a wake?

Phyllis: Well, you can leave if all you're bringing to my party are wisecracks.

Jack: Maybe you should look up the meaning of the word "party."

Phyllis: I'm sorry i mentioned it to you.

Jack: Mentioned it? You practically dared me to come. Remember? We're two colleagues, two C.E.O.S who are there to support each other? Where's adam? Wait. Adam is a no--

[Laughing] A no-show at his own event?

[ Sighs ]

Kyle: You could watch some fireworks on tv, or you could see some live ones at the carnival in town. Maybe we could all go check it out.

Celeste: That might be a little ambitious for me. I'm still feeling a little jet-lagged.

Kyle: Oh, okay. You want to go back to the apartment?

Celeste: Well, now, that's not a bad idea. What do you think, lola? Why don't we just call it an early night?

Lola: You know what? Why don'T...you go on back, mom? Kyle and I have been talking about going to the carnival all week, and we would really just hate to miss it, so... I'll meet you at home.

Celeste: All right, mija.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Celeste: Have fun. Mm. Good night.

Lola: Good night.

Kyle: Impressive.

Lola: We got really lucky.

[ Both chuckle ] She basically talked herself into a corner, and I just made sure she didn't wriggle herself out.

Kyle: Well, if we leave now, we can make it for the end of the fireworks.

Lola: Or we could make some of our own.

Kyle: Mm.

Cane: You know, I keep looking around the corner, expecting to see flynn and velma.

Traci: Oh, come on. No more story tonight. I'm off the clock, okay?

Cane: Okay.

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Cane: Alright. So, what happens next with the book? I mean, you told me about the editor, but what happens after that?

Traci: Pretty much endless meetings about layouts and graphics and blurbs and tours. I know it sounds kind of boring.

Cane: No, no. It's fascinating. It is. I mean, not that I had much to do with how the book turned out, but it's fascinating.

Traci: Oh, come on. You played a bigger role than you might think. Anyway, I'm gonna have to go back to new york soon and get everything in motion.

Cane: Oh, really? Wh-when are you going? I mean, 'cause there's a seminar that I was thinking of attending to do with placing ex-convicts, and if we're there at the same time, we could, I don't know, see a show, you know?

Traci: A broadway show?

Cane: No, no, no. Off-broadway show.

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Cane: We'll go see something, like, really weird and avant-garde, or you know what? We could go down to the village and listen to jazz. You know, what do you think?

Traci: Um... I think it sounds wonderful.

Cane: Cool.

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Hey, sweetie. It's your mom. We keep on missing each other. It's crazy. But I just wanted to tell you I'm having a little shindig at adam's place tonight. I'd love you to come by, and, um... I got your note, and i understand. I just -- I wanted to talk. I just...

Lauren: Something very odd is going on between phyllis and michael. I walked in on them talking. It was very clear they did not want me to know what they were saying.

Jack: Maybe it's just the awkwardness generated by a truly bad party.

Phyllis: Okay, seriously? You're eating my food. You're drinking my liquor. Have some respect.

Jack: Phyllis, what do you expect? This is painful.

Phyllis: All right. You can leave, then. Give me that. Give me that drink.

Jack: I'll do just that.

Phyllis: Okay.

Michael: Uh, perhaps we should follow suit?

Phyllis: Alright. Give me your drink. There we go.

Lauren: You know, look, i don't want to kick you while you're down, but think about what tonight means. Nobody showed up because they are wary of what you and adam are planning.

Phyllis: It's a hotel. It's just a hotel, not a nuclear bomb.

Lauren: Okay. Take care of yourself, and I'm sure we'll talk soon.

Phyllis: Okay, sure. More for me! Close the door, please.

[ Sighs ]

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