Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/3/19
Episode #13649 ~ Victor surprises his family; Summer pushes her luck; Victoria plots her revenge.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Theo: Got to book it back to the real world?
Summer: Delete and delete. Would you look at that? My calendar just somehow freed up.
Phyllis: You are looking
[Chuckles] At the new C.E.O. Of dark horse.
Nick: Tell me about your husband.
Chelsea: Calvin? What do you want to know?
Nick: How's he feel about all this?
Chelsea: He adores connor. He's a really great father. He's got a really gentle heart.
Adam: May I help you?
Calvin: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm chelsea's husband, calvin boudreaux.
Victor: I have what is called pnh.
Nick: Can it be fatal?
Victor: Yep.
Nate: There's been no improvement for several weeks. There's a new protocol. It's in the experimental stages, and it's very aggressive.
Victor: I will be stepping away from newman, and I want you to become C.E.O. While I'm gone.
Victoria: Oh, hello.
Victor: Am I interrupting, my sweet love?
Victoria: No, you're never interrupting. In fact, I wanted to update you on some of my newest projects.
Victor: Ohh. Well, I'm sure you have everything under control.
Victoria: Thank you.
Victor: Besides that, you know I'm just focusing on my recovery.
Victoria: Right. Well, if you're not here to discuss business, then why did you want to see me?
Abby: Hey. I got a message from dad to meet him here. Is this about his health?
Nikki: He wanted to update you on his condition.
Abby: It's bad news, isn't it?
Nikki: Come on. Let's go.
Chelsea: [ Exhales softly ]
Nick: [ Sighs ] This is nice. Us having dinner like this. Feels like old times.
Chelsea: Yeah, except not. I mean, look at this place. It'S...
Nick: [ Chuckles ] It's not the athletic club.
Chelsea: Yeah. We had a lot of good times there.
Nick: Feeling nostalgic?
Chelsea: [ Inhales ] I don't know why I thought genoa city would stand still.
Nick: Well, you didn'T.
Chelsea: No.
Nick: Where'd you go when you left? What have you been doing?
Phyllis: Yeah, you know, I'm not that much into kitchens, so can we just lose all that counter space altogether?
Yeah, no problem.
Phyllis: And, uh, that gives us room to expand the master closet...
By another six feet.
Phyllis: Six feet. Fantastic!
There you go.
Phyllis: [ Laughs ] That's great. And the elevator is private?
Phyllis: Oh, I love that. When can I move in?
Penthouse and hotel should be completed within a month.
Phyllis: Really? That's perfect!
Summer: Hey.
Theo: This ought to sober you up.
Summer: Oh, no. I'm not drunk. I'm just... wanted to wake up so I can keep the party going.
Theo: While you hit the reset button, I'm gonna check the latest metrics and see how my clients are doing.
Summer: Oh, I'm sure they are killing it, as usual.
Theo: Check this out.
Summer: Hmm?
Theo: Natalia's rocking collective merch at a club in new york.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Theo: Look how many likes she has.
Summer: [ Exclaims ] That's insane.
Theo: Yeah. You can show that to kyle if he gives you trouble for missing that meeting.
Summer: Oh, please. Jabot needs me way more than I need them. I'm sure they're all freaking out, thinking that I was a no-show 'cause i took another job or something. Watch -- any minute, I'm gonna get a text begging me to come back.
Theo: Hmm.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, what'd I tell you? What -- what a jerk!
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Elena: You're home.
Devon: I am home. I got here a little while ago.
Elena: Hi.
Devon: Hey, you. You got flowers?
Elena: [ Grunts ]
Devon: What's the occasion?
Elena: Well, I went to the market and picked up some things, and I couldn't resist.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: Hope you don't mind.
Devon: I -- no, I don't mind at all. Tells me that you are feeling more at home here.
Elena: I am.
Devon: Yeah? Beautiful. You're really feeling like that, even though everything in here was picked out by somebody else?
Elena: You still have a lovely home, devon.
Devon: Mm-hmm. That's very kind of you to say. Sounds like something a guest would say, though, and you're not a guest in here. So if there's anything that you see that you'd like to change, like the furniture or the art, maybe, you can do it.
Elena: I mean, now that you mention it...
Devon: What?
Elena: That piano.
Devon: What's wrong with the piano?
Elena: [ Laughs ]
Devon: That's a nice piano, actually. And jett slade played that piano.
Elena: Well, he would be honored by you saying that.
Devon: Well, he is a legend. Anything else in here is free reign for you, okay?
Elena: Hmm. Thank you.
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Elena: For making me feel welcome. And I'll think about some personal touches to add.
Devon: Yeah? You can put up some pictures if you'd like to. You know, put a picture of your mom up. Put it right there next to neil.
Elena: You know, you are the most thoughtful man I have ever met.
Devon: Most thoughtful man? I thought you were gonna say I'm the sexiest man.
Elena: Mm. That, too.
Victor: Now, there's some groundbreaking work done on the treatment for pnh, and, uh, one looks particularly promising.
Abby: Nate already has you on a course of treatment.
Victor: Yeah. I now decided to start this new protocol.
Abby: Why?
Victor: [ Sighs ] The old one didn't work.
Nikki: Your father's condition wasn't improving as much as we had hoped, so it was time to try something different.
Abby: What does nate think?
Victor: He is the one who told me about the experimental trial.
Abby: Experimental?
Victor: Mm.
Abby: That doesn't sound very reassuring.
Victor: More like a human guinea pig.
Victor: Yeah. Well... there apparently are some risks involved, but so far, I feel fine.
Victoria: Wait a minute. You've already started?
Abby: Little late letting us know.
Victor: I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this before. But, you know, I didn't want you to worry in case there were some side effects.
[ Raps desk ] Knock on wood, I am fine so far.
Nikki: That's right. He's had virtually no pain, and he's eating well, and as you can see, his energy level is fine.
Victoria: Are those nate's only concerns, or do you need to watch out for something else?
Summer: Wh-where does he get off threatening me?
Theo: Maybe he's just trying to protect the family company.
Summer: N-no, he doesn't even work on the collective anymore. And you know why?
Theo: His dad thought he could make better use of kyle's skill set?
Summer: No, it's because he was so busy drooling over lola that he couldn't get any work done. Yeah, you stick him an office and nobody notices. And me, I'm out here working my butt off, schmoozing influencers, putting together packages for them, tracking all of their data, and -- and any of the influencers that I convinced to push our products, they're out there making jabot millions. So, I mean, I think I've earned a little bit of a break, right?
Theo: Right. I --
Summer: And kyle's gonna berate me for missing one meeting. And for all he knows, I could be, like, deathly ill, and does he even ask me?
[ Scoffs ] Yeah, a little too late, buster. You know, I don't even know why I thought kyle would make a good husband. He's not even a good person. Kyle is the worst. The absolute worst.
Chelsea: Well, I didn't really stay in one place for long. Staying one step ahead of your dad ain't easy.
Nick: Yeah, not a lot of people can manage that.
Chelsea: I had a lot of motivation.
Nick: Connor.
Chelsea: I knew victor was furious with me for leaving town with him.
Nick: He had so many people looking for you. I can't believe you were able to avoid all of them.
Chelsea: I learned how to lay low before I learned how to walk.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] One useful thing you learned from anita?
Chelsea: Yeah. Well, speaking of mom, we met up eventually. Down in louisiana, of all places.
Nick: She swore to me she didn't know where you were.
Chelsea: Well, she didn't in the beginning. I knew she'd be the first person victor would go see, so i stayed away from her for months.
Nick: So, once you felt like the coast was clear, you headed south?
Chelsea: You know my mom -- always wanting to reinvent herself. She changed her name. She rented a house. She even had a story about who connor and I were.
Nick: Ah. One last con for anita.
Chelsea: Yeah. But this one was for the right reasons.
Nick: So, you were hiding out with your mom, and then you met your husband.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Nick: Must have been quite the romance.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Nick: Well, you said you traveled around a lot before you got to louisiana.
Chelsea: I did.
Nick: But you're already married to calvin, and he's adopted connor. I guess it was love at first sight.
Victor: The list of damn side effects is so long, I couldn't remember. Maybe [Chuckles] Memory loss is one of them. I don't know.
Victoria: You kept the truth from us, so there must be some particular side effect that has you worried.
Nikki: No, not really. Uh, nate said to watch out for muscle pain, tiredness, confusion, headaches, and shorter temper than usual.
Victor: Can you imagine that? Shorter temper than usual? Mm?
Abby: How are you able to joke about this?
Victor: Sweetheart, because i refuse to sit in a corner somewhere and cower in fear, you know?
Abby: I know. I mean, you are the strongest, bravest, most stubborn man I know.
Nikki: Well, he's blaming that last one on the new treatment.
Victor: That's right.
Victoria: His family knows better. Where's nick, by the way.
Victor: Uh, I already told him.
Victori: Before you started the treatment?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Sweetheart, your father wasn't trying to exclude you.
Victoria: Uh... no. I -- dad has to handle this in the way that he feels is best. I totally understand.
Abby: So do I. I'm glad that nick was able to help you with your decision.
Victoria: Me too. And thank you for including us. And we're here for you, whatever you need.
Victor: So, having nicholas' and your support means more to me than you will ever know.
Nick: So [Sighs] Not love at first sight.
Chelsea: Well, I mean, not exactly.
Nick: I get the feeling you don't want to talk about your husband.
Chelsea: Well, because i already told you -- calvin's wonderful. He's sweet, attentive. With me and connor. We have a really solid marriage.
Nick: Great. How'd you meet?
Chelsea: Um... uh, my mom introduced us. Sort of.
Nick: "Sort of" like a blind date?
Chelsea: Her date. Mom had her sights set on calvin. She thought he was perfect marriage material.
Nick: [ Giggles ] So, he takes one look at you and then ditches your mom.
Chelsea: Pretty much.
Nick: Awkward.
Chelsea: No. Listen, mom realized it's the best of both worlds. She gets financial stability without having to give up one of her favorite things -- men.
Nick: Well, this guy calvin sounds like a really, really interesting guy.
Chelsea: What is that supposed -- is that code for, "wow, this guy jumped from dating your mom to marrying you in a heartbeat"?
Nick: No. No, no, no. I'm just trying to figure out what his story is.
Chelsea: Well, he didn't ask about my past, so I didn't ask about his.
Nick: Must make for a nice change. After worrying for so long that I was gonna figure out your secrets.
Chelsea: I wasn't worried.
Nick: Yeah, well, enough to abandon the life we had.
Chelsea: I mean, I-I told you I'm so sorry about everything. I...
Nick: [ Sighs ] No, I'm sorry. I really don't mean to make you feel bad.
Chelsea: Trust me, nothing could make me feel worse than i already do about leaving you and christian.
Nick: You did it to protect your family, which I understand.
Chelsea: Thank you for saying that.
Nick: [ Sighs ] I just wish that, uh, you know, you could have trusted me instead of running away.
Chelsea: At the time, you would have been too angry to forgive me. You know I'm right.
Nick: We'll never know, because you never gave us a chance.
Theo: I have a few hours before I need to pack. We can hit up a couple clubs or just hang here...talk. If you can tear yourself away from your phone.
Summer: I'm sorry. No more distractions.
Theo: And not more talk about kyle.
Summer: Mnh-mnh. I promise.
Theo: So, what do you want to do?
Summer: Mm... I want to talk about your trip to austin.
Theo: I'm meeting with a music photographer. Dude is a genius behind the camera. The shots he gets at festivals and concerts -- extraordinary.
Summer: What are you doing with him?
Theo: I'm thinking book deal. May-maybe a documentary. You know, something raw, real.
Summer: Real?
[ Scoffs ] I'm sorry. Real does not exist. No, everybody is putting on a show. Onstage, off. Fun houses.
Theo: Our fun-house adventure seemed pretty real.
Summer: Fake. Just like me.
Theo: Strongly disagree.
Summer: Uh, well, i
[Chuckles] Went to lola's bridal shower. Her freakin' bridal shower. Why? Because I wanted to show her how cool I was with her marrying my husband.
Theo: Nothing wrong with that.
Summer: Yeah, except I wasn't cool. I was -- I was pissed. And hurt. You know, everyone thinks that I don't have a heart, but what kyle did, I mean, that really stung.
Theo: Yeah, I know the feeling.
Summer: Wh-where are we going?
Theo: I'm going to austin.
Summer: I thought that that wasn't till tomorrow.
Theo: Yeah, there's -- there's no point in sticking around here listening to you obsess over your ex.
Summer: Okay. I -- I promise I will not say one more word about kyle.
Theo: I'll call you when I get back. Maybe then you'll be ready to move on. For real this time.
Nikki: [ Gasps ] Victor newman, get away from that desk.
Victor: Ohh, you are back.
Nikki: Yes, I am, and you're doing what you promised you wouldn'T.
Victor: Did you get everything that you wanted to get done?
Nikki: Ah! Don't change the subject, now. You said, if we met with the girls here, you would resist the temptation to start working again.
Victor: Well, I have an explanation, though, because victoria just started a new project...
Nikki: Uh-huh.
Victor: ...And she wanted me to see how things were going, you know, so...
Nikki: Hmm.
Victor: That's all. I mean... I'm just gonna take a quick peek inside.
Nikki: Not right now. You have plans.
Victor: I do?
Nikki: You do. There is a driver downstairs waiting for you, and he is gonna take you to a place where you can forget all about your illness, your new treatment, newman enterprises, everything.
Victor: Really? I can't imagine such a thing.
Nikki: Well, you come with me and you won't have to.
Victor: Well, okay. Lead me there.
Victoria: Ah. It's true. Adam actually put you in charge.
Phyllis: Checking out the competition, are you?
Victoria: You don't actually think that you're on the same level with me, do you?
Phyllis: Well, we both are C.E.O.S.
Victoria: [ Inhales ] I earned my title. You got in bed with the devil. Why else would adam hire you to run his company?
Phyllis: Um, well, possibly because, while you're running your daddy's empire into the ground, I'm going to be busy making dark horse a household name, and adam the most powerful newman in genoa city.
Victoria: With no expertise in real estate?
Phyllis: Real estate is just like anything else. You see what you want, you go after it. Boom. Success.
Victoria: Oh. The same approach you take when it comes to other women's husbands.
Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. Are you here to trade insults? 'Cause I have a few for you.
Victoria: I'm here out of professional courtesy.
Phyllis: Very considerate.
Victoria: I have just finalized the deal for the purchase of ealing technologies.
Phyllis: Congratulations.
Victoria: Ohh. Your inexperience is showing already. But don't worry. I will save you the trouble of looking it up. Ealing is the flagship tenant for dark horse's newest high rise.
Phyllis: And let me guess -- they're moving into a newman-owned property in town.
Victoria: They've already served notice.
Phyllis: Okay. So is this move directed at me or adam?
Victoria: Well, you know, that's the nice thing about the two of you teaming up -- I don't have to choose.
Phyllis: I wonder what your father would say about the way you're wielding all the power he gave to you?
Victoria: "Well done," I suspect.
Phyllis: I wouldn't think that you'd care about petty revenge, victoria.
Victoria: You nearly cost me 10 years of my life. 10 years away from my children and my family. I will always make time for you.
Phyllis: See, that's the difference between the two of us, is I don't want to spend one more minute thinking of you.
Victoria: Right. Because you have to find another tenant, don't you? Good luck with that.
Devon: Do you want to go to dinner saturday night?
Elena: Can'T. Working 3:00 to 11:00. How about monday?
Devon: I'm in chicago on monday. What about tomorrow?
Elena: Not good for me.
Devon: Well, I can do -- thank you.
Elena: Mm-hmm.
Devon: I can do lunch or dinner, though.
Elena: Working a double.
Devon: Okay. What about tonight, then?
Elena: You mean like right now?
Devon: Yes, right now. We're both free.
Elena: I mean, it usually takes me a little time to get ready. This is a formal date, right?
Devon: It is a formal date. It's actually our first date.
Elena: Can you have more than one first date?
Devon: Technically, yeah.
Elena: Okay, so, our date at opening night of society doesn't count?
Devon: Well, I -- I had a great time with you that night. But it ended with my dad passing away, and I think that we deserve a do-over. Don't you?
Elena: Hmm. So, like, a second first date.
Devon: Exactly like a second first date. That way, every time we look back on it, we will only remember us.
Elena: Huh.
Devon: Huh?
Elena: Okay.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: I guess I should go get ready, then.
Devon: Oh, whoa, no. No. I think you're dressed just perfect for where I want to take you.
Elena: Yeah?
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: Where are we going?
Devon: Back in time.
Elena: Huh.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I never imagined a place like this in genoa city.
Nick: Like I said, a lot has changed.
Chelsea: Not everything.
Nick: [ Sighs ] I still, uh... I don't know. I didn't know what to think when you started texting me.
Chelsea: Well, I knew what to think when you didn't respond.
Nick: It was a tough time.
Chelsea: I know. And I'm really glad you had my number. And I'm glad you gave it to adam.
Nick: Actually, that was vick. She stole your number from my phone. I still thought it was best if you thought adam was dead.
Chelsea: No, I needed to know.
Nick: You didn't need to come back and see him.
Chelsea: Nick, looking into his eyes and telling him how i felt was the only way to convince him that we were through.
Nick: Do you seriously believe that seeing you would make him want you less?
Chelsea: Do you seriously believe I just came back to town to get back together with him?
Nick: Well, if not, what were you hoping to gain by the trip?
Calvin: Go ahead, darlin'. I'd like to hear your answer, as well.
Chelsea: Hi! I -- uh, what are you doing here?
Calvin: Aren't you gonna introduce me to your date?
Chelsea: Oh, no, he's -- he's not my date. Um, this is nick newman. Nick, this is calvin boudreaux. My husband.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
[ Devon and elena laughing ]
Elena: You were right, this is a blast from the past. I haven't been to a carnival since I was a kid.
Devon: I know, right?
Elena: Mm-hmm.
Devon: I figured it would make a memorable second first date.
[ Both chuckles ]
Elena: You were right. How can I forget cotton candy...
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: ...And beating you at all these games.
Devon: Whoa! Who said you're gonna beat me at any games?
Elena: You realize i played basketball when I was in high school?
Devon: Did you?
Elena: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Wow. Do you realize I was the king of the basketball courts out here?
Elena: You know, you shouldn't talk trash if you can't back it up.
Devon: I can definitely back it up. But I should probably go easy on you 'cause you -- you got the tab.
Elena: Mm-hmm. Cotton candy. Student loans. I think we're even. But maybe we should get popcorn.
Devon: Mmm.
Elena: And ice cream. And hot dogs.
Devon: Oh, boy. If I eat all that kind of stuff, I'm gonna need my own personal emt/doctor.
Elena: Aww, all that fancy food has made you soft. Maybe we can find a booth with foie gras and caviar, something a little more suitable for your palate.
Devon: Oh-kay. Why you gonna give me a hard time? You know I didn't eat that stuff growing up.
Elena: 'Cause I like when you smile.
Phyllis: Hi.
Summer: Oh, god. Go away, mom.
[ Groans ]
Phyllis: Well, I would rather pick what's under dark cloud number one instead.
Summer: [ Scoffs ] Well, my crappy day just got crappier.
Phyllis: What's wrong?
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong.
Summer: [ Clears throat ] Okay. Well, short story is, uh,
[Chuckles] My life sucks, and I just ordered a car to take me home so I could run away from the rest of the world. But now that you're here, um, I'm gonna wait outside. So, that's the end of the story.
Phyllis: Whoa, whoa! Whoa, stop. Are you -- hey, are you okay?
Summer: I'm fantastic.
Phyllis: You've had a -- a lot to drink, apparently --
Summer: Yeah, mom. It's self-medication, okay? Alcohol numbs pain. It's just not great for walking.
Phyllis: All right, well, let me help you.
Summer: No, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, summeR.
Summer: I'm perfect.
Phyllis: You're not fine. I'm not letting you walk out here alone like that. Come on, let's go. Okay?
Summer: Well, thanks for showing up when the rest of the world bails on me.
Phyllis: I will always be here for you. Always. Come on.
Summer: [ Groans ]
Phyllis: I got you. I got you. Just lean on me. All good.
Summer: I can get it.
Phyllis: I got it.
Summer: I got --
Phyllis: Well, I got it, too. We both can get it.
Victor: Well!
Nikki: Well, what does it feel like getting out of your comfort zone?
Victor: What do you mean, my comfort zone? You don't think this is my jam?
Nikki: Your "jam"?
Victor: My jam. That's what reed taught me.
Nikki: Ohh. Well, is it? Your jam, man?
Victor: Well... [ Laughs ]
Nikki: [ Laughs ] I don't like roller coasters, but I would love it if you read to me what this fortune-teller machine tells you.
Nikki: Oh, yes. Um... "I see for you a long, prosperous life."
Victor: Oh, really? And I paid $1 to find that out? Something I already know?
Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Hey, I'd have paid $100 for the added peace of mind.
Victor: Yeah? So happy you took me here.
Nikki: You needed it.
Victor: An evening out with you, my baby, is the best medicine there is.
Nikki: I'm so glad.
Victor: Yeah, and I'm also very glad that you asked me to tell both abby and victoria about my treatment.
Nikki: Well, darling, they would have been upset if you hadn'T.
Victor: Yeah. Well... and you know what is so nice to find out? Is that my children love me. Well, most of them.
Nikki: Victor, they all love you. And so do I.
Victor: And I adore you.
Nikki: Well, in that case, I have something I want you to do for me.
Victor: Name it.
Nikki: Step right over here, sir. Win the little lady a prize.
Victor: Oooh.
Nikki: Right this way.
Nick: I take it this is an impromptu visit?
Calvin: Well, once I learned my wife was in genoa city, i couldn't resist coming to your fair town.
Chelsea: How did you know I was here?
Calvin: I sent flowers to the spa where you were supposed to be. Imagine my surprise when the florist called and told me that nobody by your name was registered there.
Chelsea: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you.
Calvin: Ah, I couldn't care less what a desk clerk at some spa thinks.
Chelsea: So, um, it still doesn't explain how you knew i was here.
Calvin: Well, even if you hadn't left a digital trail, I'd have figured it out.
Chelsea: Well, I... I wanted to make sure adam knew where I stood.
Calvin: How'd that go?
Chelsea: It was fine.
Calvin: You could have told me what you were planning to do.
Chelsea: I didn't want to worry you.
Calvin: Is that the only reason?
Chelsea: [ Stammers ] I w-- I was afraid you'd try to talk me out of coming.
Calvin: As if anybody could talk you out of doing something that you set your mind to. Had any luck with that, nick?
Nick: Can't say that I have.
Devon: Mr. And mrs. Newman!
Nikki: Oh, devon!
Victor: Well!
Nikki: So good to see you.
Victor: Look who's here.
Devon: How you doing?
Nikki: How are you? Good!
Devon: Doing well. I want to introduce you to elena dawson.
Elena: Hi.
Victor: Hello, elena.
Elena: Nice to meet you both.
Victor: Nice to meet you.
Nikki: Oh, very nice to meet you, elena.
Devon: Yeah.
Victor: Oh, wait a minute.
Nikki: Look at that!
Victor: You won that?
Devon: I can't take the credit for this one, no.
Nikki: Whoa!
Victor: You won this?
Devon: She sure did.
Victor: Ohh!
Devon: Shooting threes like steph curry tonight.
Elena: I tried to warn him.
[ Laughter ]
Devon: I had an off day.
Victor: You did?
Devon: That's how it is.
Victor: Why don't you try the shooting range? You might get luckier, you know?
Devon: I couldn't have done worse.
Victor: Really?
Devon: No. I couldn'T.
Elena: Aw, don't be sad. He won, too.
Nikki: Oh, yeah?
Elena: Wait, let me show you his...
Devon: You -- you don't have to show it.
Elena: It's a little small, but...
Devon: You don't have to.
Nikki: Ohh!
Devon: There it is.
Elena: Look at that little guy. Isn't that the sweetest thing you ever saw?
Nikki: That is adorable.
Victor: Devon, give me five, man.
Devon: It's not bad, right?
Nikki: Nice work.
Devon: Thank you. Thanks so much.
Victor: Try the shooting range, all right?
Devon: Yeah.
Nikki: It is so good to see you smile.
Devon: Oh. Thank you. That seems to be the general consensus.
Victor: You bet.
Devon: But it was nice to run into you guys. We should let you go.
Elena: Great to meet you.
Nikki: Good to meet you.
Elena: Have fun.
Devon: Enjoy the rest of the night.
Victor: Shooting range, right over here.
Devon: Shooting range. I'm gonna try it.
Nikki: The goldfish are over there.
Devon: Okay. [ Chuckles ]
Victor: Hey, devon, and don't feel bad.
Devon: Thank you.
Nikki: Wow. It's amazing how he's bounced back, huh?
Victor: Uh-huh. Especially after losing both hilary and neil. That's amazing, indeed.
Nikki: It would have been understandable if he hadn'T.
Victor: Yeah. You know, it takes a lot of strength.
Nikki: I really don't know how he did it.
Victor: Well, my baby, we often don't know how strong we are until we have to prove it. Let's go.
Summer: I mean, I don't know what theo's problem is. I said kyle's name like once. I mean, maybe twice. Max three times.
Phyllis: Okay. Take these.
Summer: Wait, what is it?
Phyllis: Something you'll thank me for in the morning. Here you go. Good job. Good job.
Summer: And he doesn't have a right to be jealous. You know why? I'm gonna tell you why.
Phyllis: Oh.
Summer: Because this was a no-strings-attached kind of relationship. We agreed. That was the deal. And then I said kyle's name once. I mean, talk about a fragile ego. He wants to go be a big baby about it, that's fine. But how dare he walk out on me?
Phyllis: Well, then, I'm glad I showed up.
[ Chuckles ]
Summer: He does not know who he is messing with.
Phyllis: What are you doing?
Summer: I am gonna tell theo exactly what I think of him.
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no.
Summer: Yes.
Phyllis: No, no. We're not gonna do that, that's for sure. Nope. Not a good idea.
Summer: I think he needs to know what a pathetic jerk he is.
Phyllis: Okay, didn't you say he was on a plane somewhere?
Summer: Yes. Yeah. And you know what, that's actually really weird that he just flew off instead of saying, "hey, summer, we need to talk about this."
Phyllis: Well, are you sure he didn't say that? You...
Summer: No. I don't know. Maybe. Okay, you know, it doesn't matter, because it's not like i was sitting there talking about kyle's insanely hot body or his killer dimples, you know? I was -- I was talking about what a jerk he is, and how stupid I was to marry him. You know, trust hi with my heart. Not to mention my liver.
[ Scoffs ]
[ Murmurs ] Oh, whatever. You know, it's independence day. Well, almost. And there is nobody more independent than me. Mnh-mnh. No. I am going to light up the sky with my independence.
Phyllis: Yes. Yes, you are.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Yes, you are. I completely believe in you. Hey, and I will always be here for you, okay?
Summer: Yeah, unless you decide to dump me for vegas again.
Phyllis: Okay. Come on, summer. That was a one-time thing. It was a one-time thing. I'll take care of you.
Summer: I'm just tired.
Phyllis: I know. Come here. Baby, you rest. All right, love? You rest.
Summer: [ Tearfully ] Do you still love me?
Phyllis: Of course I still love you. From the moment you were born until now, and all the breaths in between.
Summer: Yeah, but i screwed up.
Phyllis: So what? Nothing you ever do could make me love you less. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
Summer: I'm sorry I got so mad before.
Phyllis: Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.
[ Summer sighs ] Everything is gonna be okay.
Calvin: Thank you. Nick... the newman chelsea didn't marry.
Nick: That would be me.
Calvin: And also the one who grew up knowing that victor was his father.
Nick: Raised by the man himself. Somewhat. It's a long story. But on a ranch just outside of town.
Calvin: Yeah, I hear it's quite the compound.
Nick: We did not want for much.
Calvin: Must have been an interesting childhood. All that indulgence, and still having to answer to a man like your father. I understand he can be a taskmaster.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] You've done your research.
Calvin: He's well-known. Some might say infamous.
Nick: My dad is old-school. But nobody is more devoted to his family. We felt that growing up. I still do.
Calvin: That's profound. The bond between a father and his son.
Chelsea: Uh, like you and connor. I told nick how you adopted him.
Calvin: That's a spirited boy.
[ Laughs ] He's smart as a whip.
Chelsea: That's calvin's way of saying he keeps us on our toes.
Calvin: Not at all. I've enjoyed watching him grow, mature.
Nick: As long as he's happy.
Chelsea: He is. We both are.
Nick: Well, I am glad. I've been wondering how you were.
Calvin: Now that you know that connor and chelsea are both taken care of, you needn't worry anymore. About either of them.
Devon: State fair is the end of summer, if you want a rematch.
Elena: Oh, bring it.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: In the meantime, you should put this guy on display. For motivation.
Devon: Ha! Mm... I think I'm gonna donate it to a hospital so that a child can enjoy it.
Elena: Ah, yeah. I guess that's a better idea. Yeah, I hope you don't mind, but I would love to put this little guy on display, too.
Devon: Boy.
Elena: I know I gave you a hard time about it, but I do love him.
Devon: Yeah. I don't mind. Do what you want.
Elena: Okay. I think I'm going to put him... right there.
Devon: Nice.
Elena: I know you wanted me to add my own personal touches, but... do we think that's weird?
Devon: No, it's not weird at all.
Elena: [ Groans ] I don't know. Everything's so nice here. Maybe I should put it somewhere else.
Devon: No. No, baby. No. I think that right there is perfect. 'Cause then every time I look at it, I will remember our second first date.
Elena: [ Giggles ] Date's not over yet.
Devon: Really? Hmm. Hey. Move it.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: Okay, baby girl. The bathroom is all yours.
Nick: Wow. That is quite a catfish.
Calvin: 10-pounder. Connor hauled it in himself.
Nick: Yeah, it looks like, uh, you had fun.
Calvin: We've become good friends.
Nick: It's nice to know he has somebody he can look up to. Must mean a lot to you.
Chelsea: Every mother wants their child to feel safe and loved.
Nick: Well, I'm sure connor wants the same for you.
Chelsea: Calvin's been very good to both of us.
Nick: Uh-huh. I can see that.
Calvin: Well, chelsea and i should be going.
Nick: Am I gonna see you again?
Chelsea: I'm not sure how much longer we're gonna be in town.
Nick: Okay. It was nice seeing you.
Chelsea: You too.
Calvin: Nice to meet you, nick.
Nick: Calvin.
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