Y&R Transcript Monday 7/1/19
Episode #11647 ~ Nick and Adam are shocked by Chelsea's return; Phyllis is suspicious of Kevin; Devon finds closure.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Ana: It's more than just a few pictures around the living room. Hilary's all over this place.
Nate: Sooner or later, you've got to rise up, move on, and -- and be free.
Adam: Phyllis. She has no idea that you're the one that kidnapped her and held her hostage. Imagine what she would do to you if she learned the truth.
Nick: He didn't make it. I'm sorry.
Chelsea: No. No!
Nick: I'm sorry.
Chelsea: [ Crying ] No! My dearest nick, by the time you read this, I will be long gone. I only ask that you believe me when I say that what I felt for you was real. I love you, nick, and I always will.
Sharon: Chelsea's married. She doesn't want you to find her, adam. You need to let this go.
Adam: All right, nick. Let's go.
Chelsea: Stop this! Stop! Now!
Chelsea: Adam...
Nick: Chelsea, why would you come here?
Adam: She came for me.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] After you both called, I figured I had to. But I didn't expect to come in here to see you about to rip each other apart.
Nick: He's been asking for it for a long time. That's why I warned you to stay away.
Adam: But you couldn'T.
Chelsea: I'm tired of running. I'm not gonna do it anymore.
Adam: Look, get out of here, nick. All right? We need a moment alone.
Nick: After everything you pulled, that is not happening.
Phyllis: Kevin! Hey! Look at this. Twice in one day. I don't see you in forever, and now you're everywhere. And you may be just the person I need.
Kevin: [ Clears throat ] What's up?
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I like to think of myself as the digital queen, but every now and then, I get stumped. And [Groans] I am. Can you take a look? I think you can help me. Here. Right here.
Kevin: Dark horse?
Phyllis: Yeah. Um... you are sitting next to the new C.E.O.
Kevin: Really? Adam put you in charge of dark horse?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yes. He did. It was, um, an agreement, suffice it to say. But he's getting the better end of the deal, because I'm very good at what I do, and I'm gonna take this company to another level altogether. So, anyway, I'm trying to write, uh, a new algorithm, um, to evaluate properties, and I keep on getting this error message.
Kevin: Yeah, let me just take a look. This action isn't defined precisely enough.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Kevin: So I will re-write it in pseudo-code.
Phyllis: Hmm.
[ Sniffs ]
Kevin: What are you doing?
Phyllis: You son of a bitch! It was you!
Ana: Hi.
Elena: Hey.
Ana: Is devon here?
Elena: No. But... I found a box of hilary's things.
Ana: Nate and I had a conversation with him earlier about hilary, and how he might be compromising his future because he's too caught up in the past.
Elena: Please tell me you didn't make this about me.
Ana: No, no, no. It was all about devon. His well-being, and how to come to terms with his loss so he can move forward. Like you said on the night of the attack.
Elena: Yeah, but I didn't say that so that you would confront him about it.
Ana: I know. But I think it was good that we did. He was defensive at first, because he's devon, but then he came around when he realized that he was holding onto his memories so tight because he was afraid of losing hilary completely.
Elena: I mean, but if he needs personal things to remember her... I can understand that.
Ana: It was his idea to move her things out of the penthouse. We left him here to pack things up.
Elena: But he's gone, and there's just a box of her things here. Maybe... maybe it was too soon.
Ana: [ Sighs ] I hope not. The last thing we wanted was to push him into a bad place. Maybe I should call nate.
Nick: There is no way I am leaving you here alone with him.
Chelsea: I'll be fine.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] Like I would ever hurt her.
Nick: You don't give a damn who you hurt.
Chelsea: Nick, I-I really appreciate it, but I have to -- I have to talk to adam alone.
Adam: You heard her.
Nick: Chelsea...
Chelsea: I can handle it.
[ Sighs ]
Adam: [ Sighs ]
[ Exhales softly ]
[ Sighs ] I'd almost given up hope. Almost.
[ Sniffles ]
Chelsea: [ Sniffles ]
[ Sighs ]
Adam: [ Sniffles ] Come on. Let's go home.
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Elena: Hi.
Devon: Hey.
Elena: I wasn't looking through your things. I just --
Ana: I told her you were packing up some of hilary's things.
Devon: I remember this episode. It's episode 213. None of hilary's guests showed up this day. And instead of canceling the show, she decided to ad-lib the entire episode. Did I ever tell you about that?
Ana: No.
Elena: But... we'd love to hear the story.
Kevin: Get off of me! I'm not in high school anymore.
Phyllis: Well, the next time you abduct somebody, don't slather on a bunch of cologne like a goober at his junior prom.
Kevin: What are you talking about? Why would I do something like that?
Phyllis: I don't know! I-I thought we were cool. I mean, we were even partners in crime one time. Why would you do that to me?
Kevin: I didn't! You and I are friends. I just fixed your algorithm.
Phyllis: You also locked me in a basement like some small-time thug!
Kevin: That doesn't make any sense.
Phyllis: No, it doesn'T. Neither does you making the rounds here in genoa city. Why are you here?
Kevin: I'm visiting michael.
Phyllis: Without bella?
Kevin: It's a quick trip.
Phyllis: Ooh! You are lying to me. You're here for some reason, and you're gonna tell me what it is.
Chelsea: You're living here again?
Adam: Yes.
Chelsea: Wow. It's so surreal to be back.
Adam: Yeah. I felt the same way when I first walked in. All the, uh -- all the memories came crashing over me.
Chelsea: That's right. I forgot. You lost everything. Getting it all back at once must have been a lot to deal with.
Adam: Mm-hmm. Oh, it was. Some people thought I faked my amnesia, you know... like if I would have remembered you before, I would have been able to stay away. I'm ready to. I want to make this place a home again.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Adam [Clears throat] We have a lot to talk about.
Adam: I know.
[ Chelsea sighs ] Starting with connor. How, uh -- how is he?
Chelsea: He's good. Yeah, he's so smart. Um... and growing up so fast.
[ Chuckles ] You know, he's at the stage where he doesn't really want anything to do with me. Like, everything I do is, like, "don't, mom. Stop."
[ Adam chuckles ] But then he'll have these moments where he looks up at me, like before he's about to fall asleep, and he just looks like such a little boy, and I just feel like my heart's gonna burst.
[ Sighs ] Um... I, uh -- I dropped him off at sleep-away camp before I came here, and just watching him walk off with his little duffel bag, I thought I was -- I thought i was gonna completely lose it.
Adam: [ Laughs ] Oh, I can't wait to see him. In fact, we could go get him right now. I, um -- I can book us flights.
Chelsea: Adam. Adam, stop.
Adam: What?
Chelsea: That's not why i came back.
Adam: Why, then?
Chelsea: To tell you to let me go.
Devon: So, I remember, there was 20 minutes to go before we went on-air, and there wasn't enough time to replace everybody that didn't show up. And I remember telling hilary that we can just show a rerun. Uh, but she wasn't having that at all. 'Cause she felt like she had just started building up her fan base, and she owed it to everybody to do a show. And I said, "what show are we gonna do? We don't have a show at all." And something came over her when the camera came on, and she just lit up the screen.
Ana: So, what did she do for a whole hour?
Devon: She answered viewer e-mails. I remember the first one. The first one was this teenage girl who was being body shamed by some guy at her school. And hilary just found a way to relate to her, and started talking about how she would get bullied when she was a little girl 'cause her mom had a drinking problem. And she would talk about how she tried to make herself seem invisible 'cause her mom didn't wash her clothes that day or braid her hair.
Ana: That's so... heartbreaking.
Devon: She had a special way of opening up and making people feel like they weren't alone.
Elena: That's really beautiful.
Devon: And she really let that body-shamer have it. I remember. She didn't cuss or anything, but she -- our censors were nervous.
[ Chuckles ]
Ana: So she took audience questions for the whole show?
Devon: Uh-huh. I mean, well, she could have and she would have, but, uh... I remember, the camera guy's great dane got loose and ran on the set.
Ana: No.
Devon: Yeah.
Ana: What did she do?
Devon: Yeah. She let the dog jump on her lap and start licking her face.
Elena: Ohh! That couldn't have been pretty.
Devon: No. She knew, though, that it was -- it was comedy gold, and the fans would eat it up. And she let the camera guy come onstage and started interviewing him, and then it turned into this story about how this dog and a divorcé rescued each other. And the local shelter got a lot of press from it.
Ana: Now I really have to see the show.
Devon: It really took off after that episode. Fans felt connected to her, and they felt like they knew her.
Elena: Because they did. It sounds like she really connected in a real way without holding back.
Ana: I may not have really known her, but I respect her fearlessness. Props to a true diva.
Devon: Hm. She definitely was that.
Kevin: Look, I'm sorry about that thing that happened to you, whatever it was --
Phyllis: Felony kidnapping?
Kevin: ...But I had nothing to do with it.
Phyllis: You're not convincing me, kevin.
Kevin: Look, I have been in enough trouble to last a few lifetimes, all right? And I have a daughter to think about now. Bella is my life. I would do anything for her.
Phyllis: I know. You love your kid. That's why I don't understand this. You must have -- you must have had one hell of a reason.
Kevin: We're going around in circles here, okay? And I hate to throw water on your sleuthing skills, but they sell this cologne at fenmore's, which means half the men in genoa city probably wear it. Go sniff adam. Well, as fun as this has been, I have to go.
Phyllis: This isn't over yet, okay? Bye.
Kevin: Hey.
Nick: Kevin. You know, things were a lot quieter while you were gone.
Phyllis: I'm sure they were. I'm sure they were. What do you want to blame on me now?
Nick: Chelsea.
Phyllis: Chelsea? You're going back a long way for that one.
Nick: I just saw her.
Phyllis: What? Here in genoa ci-- what happened?
Nick: Adam happened. Now they're off somewhere together, talking.
Phyllis: Well, it was only a matter of time before she found out that he was alive. And you know those two could never stay away from each other.
Adam: Okay, le-let's just, um -- let's just slow down, okay?
Chelsea: Okay. Yeah, let'S.
Adam: I, um... I got carried away talking about connor. And I haven't taken into account everything that you have been through and -- and everything that's happened.
Chelsea: It's been three years.
Adam: But for me, time has basically stood still. That's why, when I saw you, it was like the day we were supposed to run away together. Everything melted away, and I got caught up.
Chelsea: Adam --
Adam: I know there are entanglements that you have to deal with.
Chelsea: Calvin is not an entanglement. He's my husband.
Adam: I-it will take some time. I get it.
Chelsea: I don't think you do. I can't just throw everything away for some short-sighted fantasy about you and i reuniting.
Adam: Chelsea, there is nothing short-sighted about you and me. We are forever.
Chelsea: Forever ended when you died, adam.
Adam: But I didn't die.
Chelsea: Well, I feel like I'm looking at a ghost.
Adam: Okay, listen. I am -- I'm right here, okay? I'm right here, flesh and blood.
Chelsea: Stop. You don't know what it was like for me. You have no idea. I thought I was gonna drown in it all. And I almost did. Except for connor. Once I lost you, I had to stay alive for him, to take care of him, make sure that he was taken care of, make -- make sure that he had a-a happy home that he could thrive in.
Adam: And it sounds like you did that. But there are things --
Chelsea: Yeah, it wasn't easy.
[ Sighs ] I did whatever it took. I did some things that I regret. But I made it through one day, and then I made it through the next. It was survival mode for me for a very long time, until eventually I finally came out the other side.
Adam: Listen, I -- I hate that you were hurting like that. And I am so grateful that you've healed, because now we can be together, and we can have the happy ending that we deserve.
Chelsea: You are not hearing me. I had to let you go. Okay? I had no choice.
[ Sighs ] And so I did. I have a new life now, adam. I can't just go back to the way things were.
Adam: But you can.
Chelsea: I don't want to.
Mariah: I should be furious with you.
Kevin: [ Scoffs ] I'll add you to the list.
Mariah: You come into town, and I have to find out by walking into the coffeehouse?
Kevin: I'm sorry. It's so good to see you!
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] It's good to see you, too! Hi! How are you doing? How is bella?
Kevin: She's great.
[ Sighs ] I am fine.
Mariah: Yeah, you look fine.
Kevin: Well, I'm as fine as i can be while screwing up my life in monumental ways.
Mariah: Perfect.
Kevin: Huh?
Mariah: Well, it -- it's just like old times. So why don't you tell me your problems, and I'll help you fix them?
Nick: Thank you. Adam and chelsea wouldn't be off god-knows-where right now if it weren't for you.
Phyllis: Uh... how do you figure? I didn't bring adam back from the dead. And I certainly didn't call chelsea up and tell her that he was alive.
Nick: You drove her out of town in the first place.
Phyllis: Um, I'm sorry, but your memory is fuzzy.
Nick: Who knows what would have happened if she had stayed. We'd probably be married right now.
Phyllis: [ Clears throat ] Well, that would have been a marriage built on lies. If you recall, chelsea was ripping off fenmore's, and then she threatened to reveal christian's paternity just so she could get away with it. So... you know. And -- and it was not I who knocked sharon unconscious and put her in the hospital.
Nick: Well, at least sharon wanted to tell the truth. She was the only one who cared enough to be honest with me.
Phyllis: Okay, nick. Um... you got me there. Yeah, I did not want to tell you that adam was christian's biological father because I knew it would crush you. And I didn't want to see you devastated. And chelsea counted on the fact that I didn't want to hurt you, and she used it. So... you tell me -- who's the bad guy here, and who's the angel?
Nick: No one is the angel in this situation, but thank you for staying true to form.
Phyllis: By telling it like it is.
Nick: No, for never, ever accepting responsibility.
Phyllis: Wow. You think you see me so clearly, don't you? Chelsea lied, she stole, and she abandoned you when you were engaged. Why are you so quick to defend her?
Adam: We don't have to go back to the way things were, okay? We don't have to live here. We can leave genoa city. We can go anywhere in the world. Back to paris if you want. Okay? I have enough money for us. We can go anywhere.
Chelsea: I'm married, adam. Calvin adopted connor.
Adam: Because I was gone. But now I am back. And -- and whether you want to admit it, that changes everything.
Chelsea: I know you don't want to hear this, but it doesn'T.
Adam: Look -- look, whatever you have with this guy, it can't come close to what we had. And what we can have again. You know it, and I know it, and I'm sure calvin knows it, too.
Chelsea: He's kind and he's generous and he's -- he's wonderful to me, he's great with connor.
Adam: That is all fine, but tell me this -- do you love him?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
At havertys,
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Chelsea: Calvin and i have a good life. We have everything we need.
Adam: [ Snorts quietly ] You didn't answer my question.
Chelsea: I don't think I owe you an answer.
Adam: But I have a right to know. The man is raising my son. He's getting to do everything i should be doing -- picking him up from school, helping him with his homework.
[ Sniffles ] I mean, connor probably calls him dad, right?
Chelsea: Calvin became the father that connor so desperately needed after losing you, yeah.
Adam: Okay, and I am grateful that he had a stabilizing influence during that time, chelsea.
Chelsea: He's happy and he's loved and -- and he's safe.
[ Stammers ] Calvin treats him like his own.
Adam: But he's not.
Chelsea: It doesn't matter. If you really care about connor, you will do what's best for him.
Adam: That means letting him go and -- and pretending he doesn't exist?
Chelsea: No, that means keeping him in a stable situation. That poor kid has had so much upheaval in his life, adam. It's too much trauma for a boy that young. When you died, he was so lost. He was confused. He became more quiet. He became more withdrawn.
[ Sighs ] I just wanted to take all of his pain away, so we worked together as a family to do so -- me, connor, and calvin.
Adam: Okay. Yes. I-I understand that losing me would bond you together. But this can't be the life that you want for yourself and connor now that you know that I'm alive. And I want to be with you.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] This is just the way things have to be. I beg of you, if you really, really care about connor, please just put him first.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] How is it putting him first by letting him live a lie? Like I did?
Kevin: Thanks for the offer. It's the best one I've gotten since I've been back.
Mariah: Well, if you thought I was good at problem-solving before, it's kind of in my job description now.
Kevin: What?
Mariah: I'm a professional fixer, image-maker, and the new head of P.R. At hamilton-winters.
Kevin: Wha-- you're running power communications?
Mariah: Yes, I am. I loved "gc buzz," but I kind of felt like it was time to move on, and I happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Kevin: I am so proud of you.
Mariah: Thank you.
Kevin: [ Chuckles ] And if I was having an image problem, you'd be the first one I would turn to. But this is, um, more of a personal predicament.
Mariah: It's not about bella, is it?
Kevin: No, no. She's in portland with esther.
Mariah: Oh, esther must be in grandma heaven.
Kevin: Yeah.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] So, what's going on with you? Let's figure it out.
Kevin: [ Groans ] All I can say is I've managed to piss off some powerful people who like to hold a grudge.
Mariah: And? Oh, come on. You have to give me more than that. What people? What kind of grudge?
Kevin: Believe me, it's better that you don't know.
Devon: Hey, thank you for earlier. It really did help talking to you and nate.
Ana: Well, we just want to be here for you.
Devon: You guys made me realize, I don't need to be surrounded by hilary's things to honor her memory, you know?
Ana: Yeah.
Devon: [ Sighs ] And thank you for helping me get to this point.
Elena: I didn't do anything.
Devon: Yes, you did. You really did. Just being by my side gave me the strength to confront the things that I needed to. I appreciate you. Um... I want to keep some things, but most of it, I want to donate to the church. Would you guys mind helping me take it there?
Ana: Oh, no.
Elena: Of course not.
Devon: Thank you. Oh, man! Hey. I remember this. Hilary swiped this from the set of "gc buzz" the first day on set.
[ Chuckles ]
Hilary: So, I am hilary hamilton, and I hope you join me on this journey. So? How did I do?
Devon: How did you do? Ladies and gentlemen, I think a star has just been born! That's how I think you did.
[ Applause ] Mwah! You were great!
Devon: That girl was born ready for her close-up.
[ Chuckles ] Hey. Look at this right here. Um... so, my nephew, charlie, and that girl, shauna, that I told you guys about, they were going to prom together, and hilary was helping shauna out. And she got her all these dressed and all this jewelry. And I learned that day that hilary got cheated out of being prom queen herself when she was a teenager. Uh, so we had a little second prom.
Devon: Whatever had happened to you, I just wanted to make it right.
Hilary: Why?
Devon: Because after a job well done, I think that a brilliant, beautiful, fairy godmother like yourself deserves some magic in her life.
Hilary: [ Laughs ]
Devon: Is that okay with you, your royal highness?
Devon: She was also helping shauna study for the sats. She really expected a lot out of that girl.
Hilary: Come on. What is with all the doubts?
Shauna: Even if I manage to get a decent score, I won't be able to afford college.
Hilary: If you are determined enough, and you believe in yourself, there are ways. There are scholarships, work-study programs, financial aid. That's what I did. And between all of those things, I cobbled together enough money to put myself through school.
Shauna: I wouldn't even know where to start.
Hilary: Sure you do. You just call me, and you say, "hilary, what is with all this damn paperwork?" And then I say, "don't worry, sweetie. We are gonna tackle this sucker together."
Devon: I hope that hilary can touch the life of another kid in some small way.
Hilary: When I was a kid, I used to think that all of those twinkling lights were dancing.
Devon: Really? [ Chuckles ]
Hilary: But back then, everything was about dance. I even thought I would do it professionally one day.
Devon: Get out of here.
Hilary: Yeah. You know, when I dance, everything goes away. It's like, for that brief moment in time, the world is a perfect place.
Devon: May I?
Elena: [ Giggles ]
Mariah: Well, you haven't given me a lot to go on. But if I were you, I would take ownership of whatever it is that you've done, make a sincere apology, and then a plan for restitution.
Kevin: That's good advice. I'd say you might have found your calling.
Mariah: Well, do you think it'll work in your case?
Kevin: I'm not sure. These people aren't exactly forgiving types.
Mariah: So you give them no choice but to forgive and move on. You take charge of the narrative. Give them something that they can't say no to.
Kevin: I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks.
Phyllis: Listen, nick...
[ Sighs ] I never wanted you to find out that adam was christian's biological father. 'Cause I knew how much you loved that little boy. And I cared so much about you. And, honestly, if I could have buried that information forever, I would have.
Nick: Hiding christian's paternity was not the answer. Even if I'd never found out, I just would have been blindsided even more when adam came back and demanded custody.
Phyllis: I know. I mean, there's no correct scenario here. But the fact remains, adam is christian's father, and he's back. And no matter how close you got to chelsea, adam is the love of her life, so...
Chelsea: Enough time has gone by now that, to connor, you're like... a myth. Someone from his past he barely remembers.
Adam: Can't you see how wrong that is? I do, because I have been in connor's shoes. I know the pain of growing up not knowing your real father. I know you think you're doing the right thing, but the secret, and the lies that you have to tell to keep it, are insidious.
[ Huffs ] And eventually, when the truth comes out, connor's pain will only be magnified. And he will blame you.
[ Scoffs ] When my mother, on her deathbed, finally told me that victor was my dad, I didn't feel happy or relieved or grateful. I didn't think, "oh, well. She did it for my own good." I felt betrayed. Because she had robbed me of all that time I could have had with him. And now you -- you are asking me to do the same thing to my own son.
Chelsea: You think keeping the secret is robbing him of a life with you. I think telling the truth is robbing him of the life he's in right now -- a very happy life with me and calvin.
Adam: I-I -- I don't want him to have calvin's last name, whatever it is. He is a newman. You don't want him to know his own family?
Chelsea: How has that worked out for you?
Adam: Yeah, you're right. No, I've always felt like an outsider. Because my parents weren't honest with me. Don't let that happen to connor.
Chelsea: It won'T. Because he's not gonna know.
Adam: [ Snorts ] Well, I wouldn't be so sure, chelsea. The truth always has a way of coming out.
Chelsea: What is that supposed to mean? What, now you're threatening to tell him? After everything I've said, you heard nothing.
Adam: No, I heard you. But you have failed to convince me that connor would be better off without me. Okay, I am grateful that you took such good care of him while I didn't know who I was. But I know who I am now. I'm connor newman's father. And there's nothing that I won't do to reclaim my son.
Devon: Seeing the look on that pastor's face felt pretty good.
Elena: You did the right thing, devon. And you managed to use your grief to help other people.
Devon: Couldn't have done it without you.
Elena: You're giving me way too much credit.
Devon: No, I'm really not. I was in a real dark place when hilary passed away. It got even darker when neil died. Mm... not to sound corny, but you've been a real light for me. Brought me back out of the dark.
Elena: Doesn't sound corny to me at all.
Phyllis: Uh, you know, whatever choices we made back then, there was no scenario that you were gonna end up with chelsea.
Nick: Maybe, maybe not. I mean, there was a time when i thought you and I were gonna go the distance.
Phyllis: Until you decided i was the devil.
Nick: If the horns fit.
Phyllis: That's okay. Half of genoa city feels the same way about me. I don't care. It's like a greek chorus of haters. Part of me is kind of happy that chelsea's back, because she's gonna start pissing people off soon enough and absorb some of the negativity that is unfairly directed my way.
Nick: [ Scoffs ] "Unfairly."
Phyllis: Unfairly, yes. You need to take off the blinders when it comes to her.
Nick: I am not letting chelsea off the hook. I have plenty of questions for her.
Chelsea: There he is. The adam newman who traffics in fear and intimidation, the person everyone used to always warn me about.
Adam: Everyone? Or nick? 'Cause if that's who you're talking about, we both kow where that warning came from.
Chelsea: Uh, his powers of observation?
Adam: No, his powerlessness over this situation. When it comes to you, he knows he can't compete with me.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Okay, adam. Why don't you break out the measuring sticks.
Adam: Oh, nick knows you have always loved me, every side of me -- light, dark, and everything in between -- with no fear or judgment.
Chelsea: That was true.
Adam: It still is.
Chelsea: No, adam. Not anymore.
[ Door closes ]
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