Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/27/19
Episode #11645 ~ Kevin and Chloe reunite; Cane and Traci celebrate her success.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on the young and the restless"...Ana: Mariah had this idea of filming tessa singing in public places, and we're gonna put together a video to release online.
Devon: I think that's a waste of time.
Kevin: [ Gasps ] What- what is going on? Everybody thinks you're gone. Nobody is looking for us. We get to portland, we start our new life, happily ever after.
Kevin: You tracked her down and had her kidnapped, and now you're gonna give her back to me.
Adam: I intend to hold up my end. If you successfully complete the next job I give you.
Kevin: Which is?
Adam: Find information that makes nick look like an unfit parent.
Traci: I finished my book.
Traci: It's incredible. You're incredible.
Cane: [ Sighs ]
Traci: Um...
[ Sighs ] I, um... think that I'm so happy about finishing my book, that I -- to the point of being giddy.
Cane: Yeah, um, I guess it's, uh -- it must be contagious.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Kevin: In case you were wondering, I don't love being woken up and told I got to race right over.
Adam: Well, I don't love the way you keep stalling me. Where is the dirt on nick that's gonna bury him and win me custody of my kid?
Kevin: These things take time.
Adam: Okay, sleep less.
Kevin: Look, I spent all day at nick's old computer, going through individual files, thousands of them. It's not like he has a folder labeled "top secret stuff that could screw me in court."
Adam: Well, I find it odd you are not more motivated to speed things along.
Kevin: Dude, I am working as fast as I can.
Adam: Is that why you haven't looked me in the eye once since you've been here?
Kevin: What? No, I'm just --
Adam: You are lying through your teeth. You did find something, didn't you? And if you're this reluctant to tell me about it, it must be big enough and bad enough to take nick newman down.
Jack: You want another?
Billy: No. I'm good.
Jack: Oh, I almost forgot. Have you heard the latest news about my favorite redhead?
Billy: What's phyllis up to now?
Jack: Phyllis is officially running things at dark horse.
Billy: Are you kidding me right now?
Jack: I wish I were. Adam hired her as C.E.O.
Billy: Jack, this isn't good. That's not good at all. We know what's she capable of. Now she's in deep with a guy like adam? How did you find out?
Jack: Ah, she took great pleasure in delivering the news in person, along with an elaborate gift basket.
Billy: What, seasonal fruit and plastic explosives?
Jack: The moment she walked out of the door, I started checking it for cameras and listening devices.
Billy: That was gonna be next guess. So, what is it? A warning sign fired directly at jabot?
Jack: I don't know. I do know we're gonna have to keep our eyes and ears open.
Billy: Yes, we're gonna have to do that because adam might have just given phyllis the arsenal to move in for the kill.
Kevin: If I'd found anything you could use, I would come running. The stakes are too high for me to hold out on you.
Adam: Don't you want to see chloe free from her captivity? How long are you gonna let her suffer, kevin? Hmm?
Kevin: Chloe had better be all right, adam, or I swear to god --
Adam: You want to see her for yourself? It's simple. Cough up whatever it is you have on nick that he wouldn't want a judge to know about.
Kevin: Okay. Okay, you're right. I did uncover something incriminating, and it wasn't easy. Nick fried the server on purpose, probably right before handing over the keys.
Adam: Huh. Well, what do you know? Nick is more strategic than i realized.
Kevin: I had to do a lot of recovery work, but it paid off. I got into some of victor's files, and there it was, something super juicy that can cause major damage to nick's case.
Adam: Okay, great. Let's hear it.
Kevin: Not until chloe's free.
Adam: Listen carefully while I explained to you exactly how this works. I have the woman you love stashed away somewhere that you will never find her, whereas you claim you have information i might find valuable. Now you tell me -- which one of us has more leverage?
Kevin: I do.
Adam: How do you figure that?
Kevin: Because I am going to give you a bombshell that your lawyer can lob at nick and stay in town until you've decided you've gotten your pound of flesh. But this has to end -- tonight. You cannot continue to hold chloe hostage indefinitely.
Adam: I don't know, the way i see it, all of the attempts she's made on my life give me the right to a little retribution.
Kevin: [ Sighs ] You know who's suffering through all of this? It isn't chloe or me. It's bella. A very sweet girl who misses her mother every minute of every day. Chloe is bella's whole life, and she doesn't understand any of this.
Adam: Mm.
Kevin: You have already taken one child from chloe, are you gonna keep bella from her, too?
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Traci: Um, thank you so much for being such a willing participant audience. You know, you listened to the entire book, and you didn't fall asleep once.
Cane: You're kidding, right? I mean, the whole thing was gripping from the beginning to the end.
Traci: I'm so pleased you liked it.
Cane: I didn't like it, i loved it. And what I said to you before about everything, I meant that, and... thank you. Thank you for sharing something so special with me. What's the next step?
Traci: What? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Do we even have a next step?
Cane: [ Chuckles ] No, no. I meant -- I meant, what's the next step for your book? What is -- what is the next step for the book?
Traci: [ Sighs ] Oh.
Mariah: Ta-da! Your video is vibrant, touching, and it's finally done.
Tessa: Maybe we should look at it just one more time.
Mariah: No, no, no! We would be second-guessing ourselves. Ana's notes were brilliant, and they were easily incorporated. It's perfect the way that it is.
Tessa: I mean, agree, okay? Actually, I love it. But will the rest of the world? That's the part I'm not so sure of.
Mariah: Tess, you need to trust me. This is gold. And very soon now, the rest of the world is gonna know how talented you are.
Jack: Billy. Hey! I appreciate your concern. There's no reason to panic just yet.
Billy: Okay, then I'll do it for the both of us.
Jack: Billy...
Billy: No, jack, did you forget that dark horse is a landlord for all of the jaboutiques? Or that phyllis is itching for payback because we fired her as C.E.O. Without a dime of severance? Now she's running the company that adam stole from nick? And she's taking the time to come over and gloat to you about it? Let's not forget about this little scheme that she had to knock off our accessory line and profit from it. If you're not worried, jack, I'm actually worried about you.
Jack: We know what phyllis is capable of. We will both be vigilant. But she answers to adam, who i consider a friend, and if he sees she's trying to retaliate against jabot, I think he'll put a stop to it.
Billy: You know, every time you that piece of human excrement as a friend, it makes my skin crawl. And now we have to rely on him to keep our company safe.
Jack: Billy, billy. Easy.
Billy: No, when she walked in to my commitment ceremony with adam on her arm, I knew we were in trouble.
Jack: If phyllis comes after jabot, we will fend her off. You have my word. Now, could we please get on to brighter subjects? How are things going with you and victoria, now that you're all but married again?
Billy: We're good. We're great. She's really stepping up at newman, too.
Jack: Oh?
Billy: Yeah. Uh, victor gave her the C.E.O. Job. Hopefully, this time, it'll be for good.
Jack: What?
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: I honestly thought he'd hold on to that seat until he keeled over. What -- what caused this seismic shift?
Billy: I don't know, I guess his priorities have changed now that his number-two son is back in the mix.
Jack: Wow, at this rate, adam's resurrection is going to affect everyone in this town.
[ Door opens ]
Chloe: I'm not hungry. Leave me alone.
Adam: Might want to reconsider. I brought you a surprise.
Chloe: [ Whimpers ]
Chloe: [ Whimpers ] Hi. Oh, my god.
Adam: I will give you some privacy.
Kevin: Are you okay? Did anybody hurt you?
Chloe: No. No one hurt me.
Kevin: Oh, thank god.
Chloe: I'm so grateful that you found me. I knew that you'd rescue me.
Kevin: You're all I was able to think about.
Chloe: How's my angel?
Kevin: Bella is great. I mean, she misses us, of course, but she's doing fantastic.
Chloe: I hate not being with her. Just -- it's good knowing that she's -- she's happy and she's well.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah.
Chloe: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I can't --
Kevin: Okay, listen, you don't need to apologize, all right? Not for that, anyway.
Chloe: I know. I'm sorry I didn't -- I shouldn't have left the way i did without telling you, but knowing that adam was alive and taking his life back... I couldn'T. It was too much.
Kevin: Yeah, I get that. But it was still wrong because bella needs her mother. And if you keep going after adam, you are going to end up back in prison or in a psych ward, and that cannot happen. Bella and I cannot lose you again.
Chloe: Listen, being locked up in here, it gave me a lot of time to think, and I know I have to walk away from adam and complete banish him from my mind. I just -- please. Can we please -- can we -- let's go home. Back to our happy life. Okay? Can we just leave this place and move on?
Kevin: I -- I worked it out with adam. You can head back to portland to be with bella, but I can'T. Not yet.
Chloe: Why not?
Kevin: I'm -- I'm helping michael with some stuff. It's a big case he's working on.
Chloe: [ Scoffs ] What could be more important that being with your family?
Kevin: Nothing. No, that's not what I -- um, it's -- it's privileged.
Chloe: Uh-huh. Tell me the truth.
Kevin: Babe, I promise, i will get back to you as soon as I can, but, right now, you can't waste any more time in genoa city. You need to head right home and make sure nobody else sees you.
Chloe: Okay, so you're telling me that I just have to deal with it, that I have no say in this?
Kevin: This is the way it has to be. Just for now. Please. Don't fight me on this.
Chloe: Kevin.
Kevin: The faster I get done, the sooner I get back to you and our girl.
Chloe: [ Sighs ] You're not gonna be in any danger?
Kevin: No.
Chloe: Swear to me.
Kevin: I swear to you. On a stack of comic books. First editions.
Chloe: [ Sighs ] Okay. You win. I'll go alone.
Kevin: Thank you. I'm gonna make this up to you.
Chloe: You better.
[ Door opens ]
Adam: Well, I guess this is goodbye. Forever, this time. There is a limit to my sense of humor on these little murder attempts, which I have now reached.
Chloe: Understood.
Adam: Matthew will take you to the airport. There is a red eye leaving at midnight so you can get home to bella by morning. I'm sure you're anxious to get out of here, so...
Chloe: Before I go, I want a moment with you. Alone.
Traci: And then, I send the rough draft to my editor, and she reads it, and she gives me her notes and her feedback, and then I, um, revise it and rewrite it, and rewrite it again until it's perfect.
Cane: But it's already perfect.
Traci: Oh, no, I -- I've never seen a first draft that was ready for the shelves.
Cane: All right, so what happens then when you send it out and everyone's happy with it, and they sign off? What happens then?
Traci: Then the publisher picks a release date, and then there are typeset galleys and arcs. That's advanced readers' copies.
Cane: Okay.
Traci: Because we send those to get blurbs from writers and industry folks and critics for the book jacket for the hardcover. And then it's sent out in the bookstore, it's available online, and it's this huge process, and it's not really just an event.
Cane: Okay, but all the hard work is already done, right? I mean, you came up with the concept, and you shaped the story, and you put all the words inside it that made it a full-length novel, all right? Which took all this time, this effort, and this talent, and it culminated in this work of art that kept me spellbound for hours, right?
Traci: [ Laughs ] "This work of art." Thank you. It is very nice to be appreciated.
[ Laughs ]
Cane: You know what we should do?
Traci: What should we do?
Cane: We should celebrate. And I don't mean just like have a couple of drinks. We need to throw a party. That's what we need to do.
Traci: Oh, no, no. Cane, I -- I'm very flattered, but that's a bit much.
Cane: No, I disagree.
Traci: There is a book release party that's thrown by the publisher, but we're not even close to that far along.
Cane: Okay, no, no. I'm not talking about some, like, pro forma marketing obligation here. I'm talking about a "hey! I just finished my manuscript!" Bash, okay? All right? We invite your friends and your family. We celebrate this massive accomplishment.
Traci: No, I don't think so. I don't think so.
Cane: You leave this up to me, I will do all the work. You just have to show up, and you're gonna have to bask in your glory. Okay? Just give me some dates, and i will put together the guest list, all right? Okay?
Traci: Cane. Cane, but I -- it --
Cane: There's no "buts." You deserve your place in the sun.
Traci: [ Giggling ] What just happened?
Kevin: Sweetheart, no. You and adam alone in a room together? That is a bad idea.
Adam: No, I'm sure it'll be fine. There's not much to make a shiv from.
Chloe: I'm not plotting any kind of attack, and I don't have a shiv or anything else that can harm you.
Kevin: Why would you want to spend even one more second with this jerk?
Adam: I think I know why. Chloe and I have some unfinished business that needs to be settled.
Kevin: I got you out of this. Leave now while you still can.
Chloe: I will, I promise. I just need to have one last talk with him.
Kevin: What could you possibly have to say to him?
Chloe: [ Sighs ] I have a lot weighing on my shoulders. I have a lot that I need to get off my chest. Okay? Just -- just trust me. Let me do this so I can move on.
Kevin: I'm gonna be right outside that door. If I hear so much as a raised voice...
Adam: Yeah, we get it, you'll come busting in like mighty mouse to save the day. We get it. As long as she agrees to behave herself, so will I.
Chloe: I'm okay. I'm okay.
Adam: [ Clears throat ] Okay. Boyfriend's gone. You can stop playing nice. We both know you would kill me right now if you could.
Tessa: Okay, so what happens now? We post it online?
Mariah: No, uh, we need to show it to ana first, get her to-sign off on it. She's probably still up.
Tessa: You think?
Mariah: Yeah, I mean everybody was wired after lola's bridal shower.
Tessa: Okay, well, say she says it's go. I mean, how do we roll it out? What are the logistics?-Mariah: Well, don't freak out, but I don't exactly know.
Tessa: Are you serious?
Mariah: Look, it's my first project since starting at power communications, you know? There are learning curves that i can't afford to let anyone know about.
Tessa: Oh, boy.
Mariah: If I flub this up, it's gonna look to devon like i don't know what I'm doing. Which I don'T. But I don't want him to know that.
Tessa: Okay, well, um, you are smart, you are resourceful, and you will figure this out, okay? You've got this, mariah. No sweat.
Mariah: Mm-hmm. So now it's my time for the pep talk.
Tessa: You have amazing instincts. Trust them. And both of us trust adam. I mean, between the three of us, we are a force to be reckoned with.
Mariah: Yeah. You're right. And when you're right, you're right. So... come on, let's go.
Billy: No, hey, hey, hey.
Cane: Hey.
Billy: Come on. Let me buy you a drink.
Cane: Why?
Billy: Why not? Sit down.
Cane: Okay.
Billy: What are you having?
Cane: Uh, what do you have, a beer? A beer is cool.
Billy: Uh, two. Two more of these, please.
[ Sighs ]
Cane: So... I understand that congratulations are in order because, uh, you almost got victoria down the aisle again, but not quite.
Billy: Not yet.
Cane: Well, I stand corrected.
Billy: Although, in my mind, our commitment ceremony was just as important as any of our other weddings. Maybe even more.
Cane: Yeah? Listen, don't take this the wrong way, all right? But, uh, you know, you and vicki were made for each other, you know that, right?
Billy: I appreciate that.
Cane: Yeah? So... thank you, man. To you and victoria.
Billy: Cheers.
Cane: Yeah. You know, it's funny how, uh, things change. You know, a little while back, you know, the abbott family didn't look like -- it had some rough road ahead of it, and now, you know, it looks like things are back on track again.
Billy: It does, doesn't it?
Cane: Yeah. You know, you and vicki are back together, where you belong, with the kids, and... and jack is back in his chair running the company. Uh, the jabot collective's a big hit, and, uh... oh! You know, traci just finished her new novel, and it's amazing.
Billy: How do you know that?
Chloe: Would I like to see the life ebbing out of your body? Would I like to hear you cry and beg for mercy? Would I like to see you as broken as you've made me? Yes. Absolutely.
Adam: So does this mean we are doomed to keep living out this vicious circle?
Chloe: I want you to feel my pain, adam. I want you to feel every inch of suffering that I have been through and that I continue to go through. The despair and emptiness I feel, it hasn't gone away. It hasn't faded in the least. Bella -- I -- I mean, bella is a joy. She is a miracle. She is pure magic, but she only gets half a mother because the other half is so consumed with hatred for you.
Adam: Hmm. Well, that's a shame.
Chloe: I hate that this is the person I've become, that my entire life -- my entire life revolves around someone so despicable and evil. And because of that, part of me wants to get just as evil.
Adam: Oh. Well, you haven't sunk to my level, okay? You never could.
Chloe: You want to bet?
Adam: And the reason I say that is because you were driven by a mother's love. Okay, me? I don't know. I don't know what drives me anymore. Nothing good, that's for sure.
[ Sighs ] You know, if it helps, I am haunted by that horrible night. I -- I replay it constantly inside my head, wishing things had played out differently. I see myself hitting the brakes, stopping, opening the car door, looking around, my heart pounding, wondering if I hit something. Then a dog runs off into the trees, and I am relieved, figured that's all it was. God, if only I would have gotten out of the car and walked all the way around, I might have seen delia. I could have phoned for an ambulance right away. Who knows, maybe those few minutes might have made all the difference. Instead, when I found out later a child had died, I panicked, and I covered it up. It was the worst choice I have ever made in a lifetime full of bad decisions. It has left a stain on my soul that will never go away.
Chloe: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Adam: Hey, I know it doesn'T. But I also know that if we keep this up, it is going to end up with one of us dead, and even if it's me on that slab, your life as bella's mother will be over. You can't get away with it, chloe. Okay? I won't let you. I refuse to be responsible for you losing another little girl by getting sent to prison, or worse. So forget about me and my miserable life. Stay hidden and free. I won't tell a soul that you are alive, okay? I owe you that much and more. But this has to be the end. Spit on me one last time, leave this place, and do not come back. Go home. Hug your kid. Live your life for her. Not for revenge.
Kevin: Are you okay/
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just -- I need you to do me a huge favor. Please don't say no.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Tessa: Do you think you could love me, love me
love me, love me
[ Song ends ]
Mariah: So... what do you think?
Ana: It's amazing. I love it.
Mariah: Seriously?
Ana: It's so good. Perfect showcase for tessa. Authentic and cool enough to go viral.
Tessa: Oh, we were hoping you'd say that.
Ana: I just want to take it into the studio and tweak the audio, but then it'll be good to go.
Mariah: Yeah, of course. I-I'm gonna need a little bit of help with that last part, you know, how to drop it to make the most impact.
Ana: No problem. We're a team, remember?
Tessa: This is so sick, and i am so excited for this to be a raging success. But... there is one thing that could bring this whole thing to a screeching halt.
Mariah: One thing, or one person?
Ana: You're talking about devon.
Tessa: Is he gonna veto all of our hard work?
[ Doors closes ]
Jack: Hey! I wasn't sure you'd still be up.
Traci: Oh! Hello. Why, what time is it?
Jack: Well, I -- I guess it's not that late, given that you've become a night owl ever since you started this book. Haven't asked about that in a while. How's it going? Any closer to a finish line? Traci? Did you hear a word of what i just said?
Traci: I am so sorry. What?
Jack: Where were you just now? And what put that smile on your face?
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Cane: Well, traci's been working on the book now for a while, and, uh, you know, we talk. We're, uh -- we're kind of friends.
Billy: I mean, I think -- I think that's great. I just thought she would have told her family first.
Cane: Well, I think it had something to do with the fact that she just typed the end before I just walked in the room and saw.
Billy: Well, I'll have to follow up with her and tell her congratulations.
Cane: Yeah. Yeah, she'd appreciate that.
Billy: Now that we're talking about changes... what's this I hear about you walking away from chancellor?
Cane: Yeah, yeah. It was, uh -- you know, it was time, so...
Billy: Why now? You went after that job with a vengeance.
Cane: Well, I suppose watching your family fall apart because of your actions, it kind of makes you question, you know, your priorities and your values, you know, and you kind of, you know, want to stop chasing the money and the prestige and do something more meaningful, you know?
Billy: Amen to that.
Cane: Mm. Cheers.
Billy: What are you up to now?
Cane: I'm working with, uh, former inmates, you know, I'm helping them get their lives back on track, helping them polish up their résumés and work on their interviews skills because, you know, if they can't find a decent job after they get out of prison, you know, sooner or later, they'll end up back behind bars.
Billy: Wow. Look at you.
Cane: Yeah. Look at me.
Billy: That's definitely worthwhile work right there.
Cane: [ Chuckles ] Well, you know, you can't fix anything or anyone until you fix yourself first.
Billy: What pundit said that?
Cane: That was your sister traci.
Esther: Kevin, uh, come on. What are we doing here at this hour? What is the big mystery?
Kevin: I think, um -- I'll let someone else explain.
Esther: [ Scoffs ] What?
Kevin: Trust me, esther. It's a good thing. Brace yourself. And turn around.
Esther: Brace myself? Oh, my god. What in the world have you gotten me into?
Chloe: Mom? It's not a hallucination. I'm here. I'm alive. It's me. Hi. Hi.
Esther: Oh, my god.
Chloe: I know.
Esther: [ Whimpering ]
Chloe: I know. It's okay.
[ Esther sobbing ] I know, it's okay.
[ Mouthing ] Thank you. It's okay. It's okay. I know.
Esther: Oh, my god. This is real.
Chloe: This is real.
Esther: You are really real.
Chloe: I know. I know. I'm real, I know. It's -- it's very surreal, I know.
Esther: I have -- I have prayed for this. I have wanted this so badly. But how can this even be possible?
Chloe: Well, it's kind of a long story, but since I -- I faked my death. I've been -- I've been in hiding with bella and kevin, and we've been living far away from the midwest.
Esther: Okay, look. Why don't you just come home with me and we can talk? We can really talk. And I'll make something for you and kevin to eat. Oh, god, just let me look at you.
Chloe: Mom, I can'T. I -- mom, I have to leave. Okay? I -- I tried to kill adam again.
Esther: What?
Chloe: And if I don't disappear, then they're gonna lock me up, and they will take bella away. Okay? I just -- I had to see you. I couldn't let you continue to suffer. This is a really big secret, okay? You can't tell anyone. No matter how hard it gets, you cannot tell anybody that you know that I'm alive. Okay? You have to promise me.
Esther: You have my word. I will do anything for my katie. No one will find out from me.
Chloe: Thank you. Thank you. I love you.
Esther: I love you so much, honey.
Chloe: I'm sorry. Okay, listen. You -- you should come and spend some time with us, okay? You can arrange something with kevin, and... come spend some time with me and bella.
Esther: No, absolutely not! Look. I am not letting you again. I have just gotten you back. Please. Just let me go with you, okay?
Chloe: Okay. Okay, you -- you can come and stay for a little bit, but -- it -- it has to be quick. We need to leave now.
Esther: Okay, fine. Whatever you need. But do I have time to pack anything?
Chloe: Yeah. Yes. Go get your stuff. All right, you go home. Please, just be quick and meet me at the airport. Try to get on the same flight. I'll meet you there. I just have to do something first.
Jack: Wait, you're done? What do you mean, done?
Traci: With the first draft. All done!
Jack: That is fantastic! Congratulations. No wonder you're all smiles.
Traci: I have a lot of things to be happy about.
Jack: I'll say you do. Another best seller on the way.
Traci: [ Laughs ]
Jack: Wow, that is so cool.
Traci: Jack, "best-seller." Come on, I haven't even sent the draft to my editor.
Jack: If it's half as good as all of your other novels, i predict great things ahead.
Traci: [ Sighs ]
Jack: I'd love to read it!
Traci: Well, it's a little bit of a departure for me, and it is a love story, but I think you're gonna like it.
Jack: I have no doubt about that. We should drink to this. Scotch, brandy...
Traci: Oh, I actually had a cocktail already this evening to celebrate. With cane. He even suggested having a party.
Jack: What a wonderful idea. I wish I had thought of that. All these wonderful stories you create, I've never done anything more than been an enthusiastic reader.
Traci: Jack. I have loved all the encouragement you've given me over the years.
Jack: Really, I mean it. I want do more this time. All this joy you bring to people's lives, I don't think this family has given you the accolades you deserve. Everything's always about jabot. Well, what you do is every bit as important and worthy of recognition.
Traci: That is the sweetest thing to say.
Jack: I mean every word of it. It is high time the abbott family give your accomplishments the attention they deserve.
Traci: [ Sighs, laughs ] Wow. I've had wonderful support all along, and cane has been a great inspiration this time around.
Jack: Tell me about --
[ Cellphone rings ] Go ahead.
Traci: Oh, excuse me. Sorry. Oh! Wow. Hey, talk about incredible timing. Were your ears burning?
Cane: Who are you talking smack about me to this time?
Traci: [ Giggles ]
[ Cellphone vibrates ]
Ana: I'll handle devon. I don't need you worrying about any of that.
Tessa: I mean, it's kind of hard not to. It seems like he already said no. I mean, I don't want to be a downer. I really want this to work out.
Ana: Well, I think all the stress he's been under drove his initial reaction. But once he sees the finished product, I believe he'll love it just as much as I do. Hopefully he'll green light it and forget about bringing someone in to babysit me.
Tessa: I've seen you in action. You do not need the training wheels back on. I'd be happy to tell him that.
Mariah: Hey! Me, too.
Ana: Well, I'm counting on this all blowing over, but thank you. You two have a way of boosting my confidence.
Mariah: And we are gonna climb to the top of the charts, and we're gonna do it together.
Ana: Right on, ladies. Right on.
Traci: No, I don't mind at all that you've called. I'm just a little surprised to hear from you so soon after you left.
Cane: Well, I couldn't stop thinking about that one scene in the book.
Traci: No, you don't have to tell me which one, I know. It's the showdown at the reservoir. Right?
Cane: Dead on.
Traci: I -- I saw your face when I was reading it to you.
Cane: It was culmination of everything you'd been building to, and, you know, it was satisfying at the same time.
Traci: Thank you. That is high praise.
Cane: You know, you have to make sure your editor doesn't change one word of that, okay? Because it is letter-perfect just the way it is.
Traci: I will pass that along.
Cane: You better.
Traci: I'm so sorry. Um, so -- so, yes, I understand that you have some strong feelings about that. No! No, it's fine. I welcome your opinion.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Adam: I did my part. Now it's your turn. Hand over the information that will bury nick and get me my son back.
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