Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/26/19
Episode #13644 ~ Jack gains a new perspective on life; Lola gets a surprise visit from her mother.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Traci: I've been spending most of my time locked in the house, working on my book.
Jack: Well, you're here now, right?
Traci: Yeah, but it was cane's idea.
Jack: He's lucky to have you as a friend.
Traci: Well, it -- it's not like that.
Jack: Was phyllis the one behind that knock-off website?
Lauren: I thought she was my friend.
Jack: I'm very grateful that you're on my team.
Lauren: I'm very grateful to be here.
Theo: Nothing like a little pda to swear you off romance, huh? Or are you changing your mind? 'Cause there can definitely be certain perks.
Summer: Heh. Uh, yeah, no. After all the times I've been used and burned and tossed aside, no, thank you.
Kyle: Time to plan our wedding. Come on.
Lola: What was I thinking?
Abby: Everything is all set for later.
Lola: You didn't have to close the whole restaurant.
Abby: This is a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Lola: Oh, I guess you're right.
Abby: And I take my maid of honor duties very seriously. So I am going to give you the best shower anybody has ever had.
Lola: Thank you, abby.
Abby: Do you need anything? Help picking out a dress?
Lola: Um, I'm okay. You go. And it won't be long.
Abby: Okay. Well, when you're picking out a dress, just think laid-back. Easygoing.
Lola: Okay. Can I ask why?
Abby: So, I'm putting a little spin on your shower. Get ready. It is going to be full of surprises.
Summer: Hey, so are you available for a placement shoot? Okay, yes. So, I'll circle back with some dates, and I'll talk to you soon. All right. Thanks, natalia. Okay. Bye.
Jack: Well, that's everything for me today.
Kyle: Then I'm gonna head home and run some wedding ideas by lola.
Jack: I think it's great that you're so involved in the planning.
Kyle: Well, I just want everything to be perfect. I'm part loving fiancé, part control freak.
Jack: You know what? It's great. You two are planning a day you are gonna cherish for the rest of your lives. Wait, isn't -- isn't it dinnertime? Wouldn't lola be at the restaurant now?
Kyle: She's got the night off. Abby's throwing her a bridal shower.
[ Keys clacking ]
Iris: Why did you want to see me so badly? You know my husband wouldn't like it if he knew I were here.
Flynn: You mean the husband that wants me to take the dirt nap?
Iris: [ Chuckles ] Velma and I got you out of that fix. So, is there a break in the case or just looking for an excuse to get me alone?
Flynn: You can drop the act. I know everything.
Iris: [ Chuckles ] What is it that you think you know?
Flynn: I know it's the end of the line for you, sweetheart.
[ Glass clinks ]
Jack: Phyllis. You're back.
Phyllis: And better than ever.
Jack: Well, let's hope your daughter agrees. Summer was terribly worried about you during your, uh, disappearing act.
Phyllis: Well, it was much-needed r&r, which has given me a new perspective on the world.
Jack: Anything would be better than the perspective you had when you left.
Phyllis: [ Inhales sharply ] In any case, I am here to congratulate you on jabot collective. Wow! That was quite a rollout.
Jack: Thank you. Now you want to tell me why you're really here?
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Iris: Well, you must have knocked back a few too many drinks. You're not making any sense.
Flynn: No, I see everything as clear as a bell. You wanted your husband to take the fall for his mistress' murder. But I know the truth. See this? This was meant to be a red herring. 'Cause you knew I would cotton on to the affair, and that I would finger derek as cora's killer. But it wasn't him. It was you.
Iris: [ Laughs ] Oh, baby, you're all mixed up. And even if it were true, who would believe you?
Flynn: Yeah? Well, we'll find out, 'cause the cops are on their way.
Iris: Well, you turned out to be smarter than I thought.
Flynn: I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Iris: Disappointing me is the only thing you never failed at.
Flynn: To think I loved you. More that you could ever know.
Iris: You've always made bad choices, flynn.
[ Gunshot ]
Flynn: [ Gasps ]
[ Groaning ]
Iris: [ Chuckles ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Gunshot ]
[ Gasping ]
Velma: Flynn! What the devil? What -- flynn! Don't you dare go dying on me now, you big lug!
Flynn: Not a chance. 'Cause who you gonna boss around if I'm not here?
[ Chuckles ]
Traci: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Lola: What do you think? How do I look?
Kyle: [ Exhales softly ] Stunning.
Lola: How do you always have the right thing to say?
Kyle: That was an easy question.
[ Both chuckle ] Can I ask you a few?
Lola: Shoot.
Kyle: Wedding photographer. I'm going to book the first guy we looked at.
Lola: Sounds good.
Kyle: And I'm thinking white lilies for the centerpieces. They're clean and classic, and they smell good.
Lola: Great.
Kyle: Okay. I don't feel like I'm getting your full attention.
Lola: I'm sorry. It's just that I trust you to make these decisions. And as long as you show up and say, "I do," I'm all good.
Kyle: Look, I don't need your opinion on everything. But some things, I do.
Lola: Okay. [ Sighs ] You're right. I am so sorry. I am listening.
Kyle: Okay.
Lola: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: Music. It's crucial, obviously. I'm thinking three separate bands -- one for cocktails, one for the ceremony, and one for the reception.
Lola: I love it.
Kyle: Are you just saying that? 'Cause we don't have to have all three.
Lola: No. Look, I think it will make each part of the evening distinct and unique. And thank you for handling all of this, and thank you for being the best fiancé, and I love you so much.
Kyle: Mm. Good answer.
Lola: Mm.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: Okay, now give me a kiss, because I have to go.
Lola: Okay. I guess I have a couple more minutes.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Jack, I don't want anything from you.
Jack: Gee, why don't i believe that?
Phyllis: No! I came bearing gifts. Look at this. I have a custom gift basket with chocolates, cigars, champagne. I still remember some of your favorites.
Jack: I still remember some of your latest tantrums. Railing at me and the abbott family. You'll forgive me if I'm a little cautious when you come bearing gifts.
Phyllis: Ah. Gee. I was expecting the elegant and gracious jack abbot. You know, the guy who's always willing to take the high road --
Jack: After you tried to knock off jabot collective, after you called me a, uh, backstabbing hypocrite?
Phyllis: You have a point. You do have a point. You know, that was a real low time for me, after I was forced out of jabot and made to end my own venture, and I hit rock bottom. But, hey, you know, I wasn't gonna stay there.
Jack: I hadn't a single doubt that you would bounce back.
Phyllis: You open yourself up for opportunity, and opportunity finds you.
Jack: We're speaking philosophically here?
Phyllis: Something concrete.
Jack: Okay, why don't we put an end to the suspense? Or you could show yourself the door. I do have a company to run.
Phyllis: So do I. You are looking at the new C.E.O. Of dark horse.
Jack: What?
Phyllis: Yep. I accepted adam's offer.
Jack: I don't know what to say.
Phyllis: Um, "congratulations" would be good.
Jack: Yeah, no, a lot of words come to mind. "Congratulations" isn't one of them.
Phyllis: Jack. Wow! You really have nothing to say. You're never at a loss for words.
Jack: Okay. How could you?
Phyllis: Wh-what? Wait, dark horse is not competition for jabot. You should have no issue with this.
Jack: A part of me is offended for nick's sake. What, you have no loyalty at all, even to the father of your child?
Phyllis: You want to talk about loyalty? Loyalty goes both ways. All I get from nick are self-righteous lectures, judgment, and attitude.
Jack: This is cold, even for you.
Phyllis: Well, how many warm-and-fuzzy corporate titans do you know? And you're always the one that says, "don't take business personally." This was an offer I couldn't refuse.
Jack: Listen to me. Be very careful getting involved with adam.
Phyllis: Adam is your friend.
Jack: He is my friend. That doesn't mean I am blind to his dark side, which you seem to be playing right into right now.
Phyllis: Well, I am just taking my rightful position in the business world, and I am looking forward to a future of endless possibilities.
Theo: Hey, man.
Kyle: Hey. Thanks for coming over, man.
Theo: You kidding? I can't remember the last time we just hung out and it didn't involve work.
Kyle: Yeah, it's been a while. You want a beer?
Theo: Don't mind if I do.
Kyle: All right.
[ Sighs ] I haven't had a lot of free time with, you know...
Theo: The launch and wedding plans?
Kyle: Yeah. They've kept me pretty busy. Not that you've been available much, either, lately. Long nights at the office, long nights with summer.
Theo: She's a great girl. Yeah, I don't know why you'd let somebody like that go, but I'm kind of glad you did, for my sake.
Kyle: Uh... I didn't mean to hurt her. But I'm in love with lola, so it wasn't fair to summer.
Theo: I get it.
Kyle: Yeah. I was actually kind of surprised you weren't with her tonight.
Theo: She's tied up till later.
Kyle: Mm. Guess you're stuck with me, then.
Theo: You know, you're not as cute, but I'll make due.
[ Indistinct conversation ]
[ Women exclaim ]
[ Applause ]
Mariah: She's here!
Tessa: Hey!
Mariah: Hi!
Abby: The woman of the hour.
Lola: It looks so great in here! You didn't have to do all of this.
Abby: Yes, I did. For kyle mostly. I needed to prove that I can pull my weight on team abbott-rosales.
Lola: I love that he's into the whole wedding-planning thing, and I feel super lucky 'cause he's so sweet.
Mariah: Uh, he's the lucky one, and he knows it.
Abby: Well, since you are my friend and he is my cousin, I have to say that you are both lucky. But I am so happy that he left this bridal shower to me, 'cause I have a feeling we were planning two very different kinds of parties.
Lola: What does that mean?
Abby: Well, I didn't want us to feel like we were at work, so I gave the staff the night off, and I arranged for something a little different. Come on in, gentlemen!
[ Women cheer ]
Mariah: Yay! Okay.
[ Laughter ]
May I interest you in a --
Tessa: Oh, don't mind if I do, handsome.
Mariah: I'm sorry, what?
Tessa: What? I have eyes.
Mariah: Okay. Why don't you just get over there.
Ana: [ Giggling ] Oh... heh...
Elena: Ana. Ana.
Ana: What? Oh. Heh... I am liking this shower so far.
[ All giggle ]
Lola: Cheers to that.
All: Cheers!
Abby: Cheers to lola!
Mariah: Yes.
Abby: Yeah.
Elena: Ana.
Ana: Uh-oh.
Tessa: Oh, no.
Mariah: Oh, hell, no.
Abby: This is not happening.
Lola: What's wrong?
Summer: Hey, everybody. Bad timing?
Abbhat do you think you're doing?
Summer: I'm having dinner. I mean, this is a restaurant, right?
Tessa: Well, didn't you see the sign that said "closed for a private party"?
Mariah: No, she saw it. She's crashing.
Abby: I wouldn't put it past you. But what I don't understand is why you would want to be here if no one else wants you here.
Summer: Fine. I'm sorry.
Lola: Wait. You can stay if you'd like.
Abby: Are you sure? This is your shower.
Lola: And I wouldn't be here without summer. She saved my life. The least I could do is offer her some cocktails and canapes.
Summer: Well, thanks. That's generous of you.
Elena: Uh, I think we could use another round of drinks over here.
Mariah: Yeah, make mine a double.
Abby: Lola chose to be the bigger person, so I'm gonna follow her lead. But any false moves and you're out of here.
Summer: I'm not gonna make any trouble.
Phyllis: Gosh. I don't want to end on a low note. I really did come here on a goodwill mission.
Jack: Gee, it feels like you came here to gloat.
Phyllis: I came here to tell you that I let go of the past. And I was hoping you could do the same.
Jack: You want to let bygones be bygones?
Phyllis: Anger [Sighs] Rots you from the inside. Forgiveness is good for the soul. I need to move forward, so I am here to tell you I forgive you, jack abbott.
Jack: You --
Lauren: You forgive him? And hello. I was worried about you.
Phyllis: And I wanted to tell you, my friend lauren, that I forgive you, too.
Lauren: [ Scoffs ] Okay.
Phyllis: You're welcome.
Lauren: Is she serious? I mean, what was that?
Jack: I have no idea.
Velma: Don't you dare go dying on me now, you big lug!
Fen: Not a chance. 'Cause who you gonna boss around if I'm not here?
[ Chuckles ]
Cane: You know, we have to stop meeting like this.
Traci: What?
Cane: Of all' the gin joints.
Traci: Uh...
Cane: I'm saying it's a -- it's a coincidence, running into you.
Traci: [ Exhales softly ] Uh... I am beginning to believe that there are no coincidences. For me to run into you, of all people, right now...
[ Chuckles ] It's downright poetic.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Traci: Since my main character is loosely based on you -- very loosely --
Cane: All right.
Traci: ...It is only fitting that you're the first person to hear the news. I finished my book.
Cane: That's fantastic! I didn't know you were wrapping it up. That's fantastic.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] I didn't, either. Uh... after I saw you the other night, I went home and sat down to write, and I basically just kept going and never stopped.
Cane: Well? What are we gonna do to celebrate?
Traci: Um, I don't know. I didn't think about it.
Cane: Well, I know we can do better than iced coffee. Oh. What would your characters do? Hmm?
Cane: Okay. For you.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Cane: To the most brilliant woman I know.
Traci: Well, I don't know about that, but I'm certainly not gonna overthink it. Cheers.
Cane: Cheers. I'm being serious. Because the strength and the discipline it takes to finish a novel, let alone as many as you have, I mean... I couldn't imagine doing it.
Traci: Well, I can't imagine doing anything else.
[ Sighs ] It's an emotional roller coaster, make no mistake. The thrill of getting the first inspiration, you know, and the -- the fear of that blank screen, and the joy of getting your first ideas down, and the dread of the long road ahead.
[ Can chuckles ] Sometimes... sometimes the story just takes on a life of its own, and it's almost like you're channeling it through you. And when the story is flowing like that, it'S... I don't know. It's -- it's like riding a bike downhill.
[ Sighs ] And when it's not flowing, mm, heh... it's more like pushing a giant rock up that hill.
[ Both chuckle ] But, really, the -- the true, unadulterated joy comes the moment after you type "the end." It's all yours. No one's read it yet. And there is no more pure and perfect feeling in all the world, cane.
Cane: That's beautiful.
[ Inhales sharply ] Um... let me ask you, do you -- do you feel like, when people read it, it kind of ruins that for you?
Traci: Well, no, it just changes. It goes from being just mine to belonging to everyone. And, really, that's beautiful, too.
Cane: Okay. All right. Then, well, considering that other people are gonna read it, I don't know, maybe... can I get a sneak peek? I mean, if I'm being pushy, tell me. Say, "hey, you're being pushy." It's okay.
Traci: [ Exhales softly ] No, I-I'm -- I'm flattered. I mean, there's still parts that need to be polished up a bit, but, um... what do you think about audiobooks?
Cane: I love audiobooks.
Traci: Okay. How 'bout this? How about you get to listen to it as an audiobook, but this one will be read live by the author? How does that sound?
Cane: I would be honored.
Traci: [ Laughs ] Okay. Let's see, here.
[ Sighs ] "It was 1946. America had won the war overseas. But flynn had lost the war at home."
Theo: It was one of the worst ice storms in the history of new york city, and you had a date with that girl who worked at the met. Who, by the way, we both bumped into at the same time. But she chose you.
Kyle: Yeah, what can I say? The best man won.
[ Chuckles ]
Theo: You were a pretty impressive guy back then. Kind of wild.
Kyle: I was trying to move on 'cause my heart was broken.
Theo: You had it bad for summer.
Kyle: Yeah, it just shows you how much things change. Lola's the one for me.
Theo: Till death do you part?
Kyle: Well, when you say it like that...
Theo: No, I -- [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Theo: I mean, I'm happy for you, man. It's just... you said the same vows to summer not that long ago.
Kyle: The situation was complicated, and I could have handled it better. Look, I hurt summer. In a way I wouldn't wish on anyone. But I'm grateful she found a way to work through it and come out the other side.
Theo: You think she has? I mean... think she's really over you? Asking for a friend.
Kyle: Feels like she's turning a corner.
Theo: I like her. Given what's gone down between you two, she's been pretty forgiving. I'm not sure I would have handled things as well as she has.
Thank you.
Here you go, ladies.
Tessa: Thank you.
Mariah: Thank you. So, kyle is such a big old softy, and is always doing these grand gestures for lola.
Ana: So, what's the most romantic thing he's done?
Lola: Well, he's done a lot of things. He's bought us a star, tried to build us a bookshelf.
[ Laughter ] Um, but the most romantic was probably tessa serenading me under my window.
Tessa: Oh!
Mariah: See? You're so good, you're actually the most romantic part of other couples' stories.
Tessa: Oh, my god. I'm not gonna lie. Kyle and I were freezing our butts off that night.
Lola: That's because you were dressed for the tropics.
Mariah: So, kyle built a beach in the abbott living room.
Lola: And I fell asleep after a long day of work.
Ana: Lola.
Tessa: Well, when we decided to come to you, I was smart enough to put a coat and boots on. That dummy was in flip-flops.
Lola: [ Chuckles ] Well, I made sure he was warm once he came inside.
Ana: Ohh.
Mariah: Oh, okay.
[ Laughter ]
Lola: Excuse me for a sec.
Mariah: Yeah, okay.
Summer: Hey. I'm, uh, liking your new waiters. Society should hire them full time.
Lola: I will let management know. So, did you get enough food?
Summer: Uh, not a bodily-organ's worth, but... I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.
Lola: So, I have been meaning to ask, um, how's your mom?
Summer: Oh, um, she's, um... she's good. She's -- she's home.
Lola: Good. I know how worried you were.
Summer: Yeah, thank you for letting me talk to you about that the other day. I didn't mean to verbally vomit all over you.
Lola: I understand. Did you ever find out what was going on?
Summer: Uh, no. Not really. So I'm just trying to put it behind me and move on.
Abby: Okay, everyone. It's time for presents.
[ All cheer ] Sit. I told everyone to be bold with their gifts. Think less wedding, more
[Singsong voice] Wedding night.
[ All exclaim ] Here you go.
Lola: Thank you so much, elena.
Abby: Oh, that's nice.
Elena: You're welcome.
Elena: Good job.
Abby: Okay. Here's this one. Let me get this for you.
Lola: Thank you.
Ana: Oh, that one's from me.
Lola: Oh, it's a gift certificate for a couples' massage.
Tessa: Aww.
Mariah: That's great.
Lola: Thank you so much.
Ana: Of course.
Abby: This one's from me.
[ Laughter ]
[ All exclaiming ]
Mariah: Ah, there we go! There we go.
Lola: It's gorgeous. Like a sexy angel.
Abby: Yes.
Mariah: Well, this one is more for your devilish side. And, uh, they actually go together, so...
Lola: Okay.
Ana: Ohh.
Tessa: Oww!
Elena: Wow.
Mariah: That's nice.
[ Laughter ]
[ All cheering, laughing ]
Mariah: It's so cute, though.
Lola: Thank you, guys.
Mariah: No, no. Kyle is the one who should, clearly, be thankful.
Abby: Okay, now that we're done with all the formalities, guys, we're getting a little thirsty over here. We need some more drinks.
Mariah: Yes!
Summer: I'm sorry, but could I...
[ Chuckles ] Um, I didn't bring a gift, obviously, but there's something that I'd like to say.
Jack: Phyllis' stated reason for coming here was to congratulate me for the success of jabot collective. The real reason -- to let me know she's the new C.E.O. Over at dark horse.
Lauren: Michael told me about adam hiring her. I mean, it's such an unusual choice.
Jack: It's trouble with a capital "T."
Lauren: Care to tell me what you're doing?
Jack: I'm looking for listening devices. It wouldn't be the first time somebody brought one of these baskets as a trojan horse. Who knows? Maybe she's been talking to ashley.
Lauren: You might be a bit paranoid, but better to be safe than sorry.
Jack: We are talking about a woman who asked her daughter to break into the jabot servers not long ago.
Lauren: Well, that's true. Did you find anything?
Jack: No, just a lot of high-end snacks and a very nice bottle of champagne.
Lauren: Yeah, phyllis always had impeccable taste.
Jack: I know you came here to talk business, but this is the end of a very long business day, and... what harm could there be in indulging a bit? Care to join me?
Lauren: Do I look like a woman who would turn down fine champagne and chocolate?
Kyle: Summer deserves to be with a guy who appreciates her, who can give her a real relationship.
I can't tell if you think I'm that guy or not. And we're not together, per se. Neither of us is looking for anything serious.
Kyle: Well, you have any desire to settle down?
Theo: Easy, old man. Just because you're hanging up your skates doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Kyle: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Theo: I have lots more living to do before I, you know...
Kyle: Die?
Theo: [ Snorts ] Yes. Like, part of you is dying. I'm gonna miss the old kyle. Lived in the moment and partied with the best of them.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Theo: May that guy rest in peace, hm?
Kyle: Ehh... it's all fun and games until something goes wrong.
Theo: You had to go there.
Kyle: What did you expect?
Theo: Let's change the subject. How about I throw you a bachelor party?
Kyle: Oh.
[ Scoffs ] Wow. Yeah, maybe not.
Theo: Dude, come on. It'll be on the up and up, I swear. Seriously, you -- you got to let me do this.
Kyle: [ Groans ] Nothing too crazy.
Theo: Of course not. We will send you off to the land of married men in style.
[ Kyle groans ] To an eternity of books on the nightstand and matching pajamas.
Kyle: Oooh. We don't have matching pajamas.
Theo: Not yet.
[ Both chuckle ] So what do you say?
Kyle: Mm... okay. Sure.
Summer: Look, I know that things have been complicated between us. And, uh, I'm not gonna lie to you and say that it's been easy for me to move on from what's happened, and i haven't always handled it gracefully. And I know that we're never gonna be best friends. But I appreciate you asking me to stay tonight. And the whole reason why I said yes... is because I want us to be able to coexist. Okay? I want you to know that I'm not your enemy, and I'm not trying to sabotage you and kyle. I'm out living my own life, and it feels really good. So... I don't know. I'm just hoping that we can put the past behind us and move forward from here.
Lola: I would really like that. It would be a relief, actually.
Summer: Well, I do really wish you guys well.
Lola: Thank you.
Summer: All right, well, um, I should get going, so... enjoy the rest of your shower, lola.
Abby: That was...a twist.
Tessa: I did not see that coming.
Ana: She seemed pretty sincere.
Mariah: And surprisingly mature.
Lola: It must have been really hard for her to say that. I respect her for it.
Abby: The only downside is it put a damper on our festivities. But I am confident that I can get things back on track with one more surprise.
Lola: I don't know if I can handle any more surprises. Can you just tell me what it is?
Abby: I'll let you see for yourself.
Lola: Mom?!
Celeste: [ Laughs ] Surprise!
[ Squeals ] Ohh, baby!
Summer: Thank you.
Theo: I'm glad you texted.
Summer: Hey. I'm glad that you could show up. Had a bit of a rough day, so I could use some mindless fun.
Theo: Oh, my favorite kind. I was hanging out with kyle, and... so boring. It is not like it used to be.
Summer: Oh. Nothing's ever like it used to be.
Theo: But I'm talking
so dull. Flower arrangements and seating charts?
Summer: [ Chuckles ]
Theo: I think I might have dozed off for a second. It's like the guy has completely forgotten how to have a good time. But I'm gonna remind him at his bachelor party.
Summer: Ooh. What bachelor party?
Theo: The one I'm planning for him. It's gonna be a night he'll never forget.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
Lola: I had no idea. I mean, none.
[ Laughter ]
Abby: Good surprise?
Lola: The best surprise.
Abby: Yes.
Celeste: I was so touched that abby reached out to me. And I-I do want to say again how sorry I am about everything that happened with arturo.
Abby: It's all in the past.
Celeste: [ Sighs ] Well, I am so glad to see that lola has so many good friends that would throw her this -- this amazing lingerie and -- and, uh, shirtless-man shower. I never really quite got what these were about. Doesn't really cover anything. But... uh... [ Chuckles ] And this.
[ Chuckling ] What... this may be the ugliest headband I've ever seen.
Lola: Okay, mama!
Celeste: Relax, I am kidding. I was young once, too. Please. Although if my mama found me wearing this, she would have sent me right to the convent.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: It's -- it's all in good fun.
Celeste: I know, baby. I'm just so grateful to be here. I just wanted to celebrate my baby girl getting married.
[ Chuckles ] Oh, honey. Ha!
Lauren: Hmm. Very nice. Right?
Jack: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Lauren: Yeah.
Jack: So, the latest sales figures are in. Jabot collective at fenmore's is a bona fide success.
Lauren: [ Chuckles ] And not just in one location. All across the whole country.
Jack: We did it.
Lauren: No, no, no.
Jack: We did it.
Lauren: You did it. You should be very proud. It was your vision. You decided how you were going to save jabot, and that's exactly what you did.
Jack: I have to admit, it does feel good to see all of that hard work starting to pay off.
Lauren: And, you know, I hope that means that you're gonna start taking more time for yourself. It was very nice seeing you with mallory the other night.
Jack: If that is your not-so-subtle way of asking if i have taken it to the next step and officially asked her out on a date, the answer is yes.
Lauren: [ Gasps ] Terrific. And?
Jack: It was a pleasant evening. No, she's lovely company, and I enjoyed talking with her about dina. You know, she's dealing with the same thing with her father.
Lauren: Of course. So, do we think this could be a thing?
Jack: Well, let's give it a little time. As soon as I know, you'll know.
Lauren: [ Chuckles ] Right. No need to put a label on it. But I can say, I'm very happy that you put yourself out there and you took a chance. And when you talk about her, there's a smile on your face, and that's what I care about.
Jack: Thank you for always looking out for me. I'm lucky to have you as a friend.
Lauren: Likewise. I truly hope that this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. One filled with a lot of happiness.
Jack: I'll drink to that.
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Traci: "Later, in the hospital, flynn and velma talked late into the night, and into the next morning. It was a conversation that lasted the rest of their lives." What do you think? Uh... I-it's not exactly the ending that flynn expected, but -- but it's certainly the one that was needed. You know, um, surprising, and yet inevitable.
Cane: She saved him.
Traci: Well, they saved each other.
Cane: It's wonderful.
Traci: [ Laughs ] Does that mean you like it?
Cane: Like it? Um... I don't have the words.
Traci: Oh, no words are necessary. I understand.
Cane: I'm in awe of your talent. I really am.
Traci: Uh... uh, thank you.
Cane: No, thank you. I'm -- I'm proud that I could have, uh, played a small part in helping you find your story. It's incredible. You're incredible.
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