Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/25/19
Episode #11643 ~ Nikki makes a promise; Devon and Elena's relationship is tested.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Devon: She's not gone at all, because I feel her everywhere in the house, and I still sense her.
Victor: I have what is called pnh.
Nick: Can it be fatal?
Victor: Yep.
Kevin: I came to town, I laid low, and I spied on adam. I saw him with phyllis a few times, and I figured they were a couple. So I kidnapped her. To trade for chloe.
Nick: You're lucky I don't shove those papers right down your throat.
Victoria: What's wrong? What happened?
Nick: Adam's suing me for full custody of christian.
Adam: How satisfying will it be to see the look on nick's face when he finds out you will be running the company he created?
Phyllis: Nick? Nick! I know you're here! Hello?
[ Door closes ]
[ Sighs ]
Nick: It's you.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] No, "welcome back"? No, "where you been"?
Nick: What do you want?
Phyllis: Uh, I just... I wanted to tell you I was back. Uh, I know you were worried when I dropped off the grid.
Nick: I didn't even know you were gone.
Phyllis: Summer told me that you were upset.
Nick: For her. Which, clearly, you weren'T.
Phyllis: Well, I texted her. It's not my fault she didn't get my message.
Nick: Not taking responsibility. Wow, that's new.
Phyllis: The only thing I'm guilty of is taking some time off to clear my head.
Nick: So, while you were off "clearing your head," adam stole my company out from under me.
Phyllis: What?
Nick: Oh, save it! It was you. I know it was you. You hacked into dark horse's servers for adam.
Phyllis: All right. Okay. So that's why you're upset. At the thought of adam running the company that you built?
Nick: Adam doesn't give a damn about my company. He wanted dark horse so he could use it to take my son. Which you knew. And you still helped him, because you don't give a damn about anyone but yourself.
Phyllis: That is not true. That is not true, and you know it. I got very close to christian when we were together. You know that. And I know how much you care about that little boy.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Yep. Which makes what you did even more disgusting.
Phyllis: I would never do anything to christian, ever. You know that.
Nick: I'm not gonna believe another word that ever comes out of your mouth. Get out of my house.
Kevin: Who did you blackmail to get this place back?
Adam: I'm busy, kevin, so if there's a reason you stopped by --
Kevin: Do you still have that secret passageway you built here?
Adam: Yeah. I'm using it to spy on devon.
Kevin: Or maybe to hide chloe.
Adam: [ Snorts softly ] What part of your brain is telling you that I would ever give you information about chloe's whereabouts?
Kevin: The part that did what you asked.
Adam: Mm. Well, you weren't listening, kev. I told you to bring me useful information. Which you didn'T.
Kevin: Stop screwing with me, adam. We had a deal.
Adam: I intend to hold up my end. If you successfully complete the next job I give you.
Kevin: Which is?
Adam: Find information that makes nick look like an unfit parent.
Devon: Um, I think that's everything, unless there's something else you want to go over.
Ana: Actually, there is.
Devon: Yeah? Is it about the person that i want to hire to oversee you? 'Cause I know you've been worried about that.
Ana: I have. But right now I'm worried about you.
Devon: Why are you worried about me?
Ana: I know what happened last night after the dedication.
Devon: You know I had a panic attack. It's not a big deal.
Ana: That's not what elena said.
Devon: Why did elena say anything to you?
Ana: I saw the pills. She just confirmed what i suspected.
Devon: Well, yeah. I did have one. It was because of neil's dedication. It brought on feelings.
Ana: So you spoke to your doctor?
Devon: No. There's no reason to.
Ana: Of course there is. Obviously the meds he prescribed aren't working.
Devon: It was just a one-time episode.
Ana: Still, it won't hurt to talk to your doctor.
Devon: It's not gonna help me.
Ana: Why not?
Devon: Because I stopped taking my medication.
Kevin: No way. I'm not helping you take nick's kid away from him.
Adam: No, christian is my son. He belongs with me.
Kevin: You let nick raise him all these years. Now you decide you want him back?
Adam: I should have never let him go.
Kevin: Do you know how sick this is? First you rip delia from chloe, a-and now you want me to help you take nick's son away from him?
Adam: If you want your girlfriend, yes.
Kevin: You really are a bastard. You destroyed chloe's life, and now you want to use her to blow up nick'S.
Adam: Okay, "poor, innocent chloe" has tried to kill me several times for what was a tragic accident.
Kevin: It is not an accident when you leave someone to die in the middle of the road.
Adam: Okay, I'm truly sorry about what happened to that little girl --
Kevin: Delia. Her name was delia.
Adam: I am sorry about what happened. But there are limits to my patience. Do you really want to test them?
Kevin: [ Sucks teeth ] I'll see what I can find out about nick.
Adam: I have faith in you. Here's a cheat sheet to help you.
Kevin: What is this?
Adam: It's passwords to all of nick's personal and business accounts.
Kevin: [ Sighs ] I won't ask how you got these.
Adam: Well, that's probably best.
Kevin: Yeah, I wouldn't want to be implicated in anything shady.
Adam: Hey, listen, I may be the black sheep of my family, but I know there is something out there that proves nick isn't the perfect father that he pretends to be.
Victor: Give it to me straight, doc.
Nate: [ Sighs ] The treatments have reached a plateau. There's been no improvement for several weeks.
Nikki: And you don't think that that might change?
Nate: Not if we continue with this protocol.
Nikki: Okay. Well, um... I have looked into some other options.
Victor: As you can imagine, nikki has been very worried.
Nikki: It's not that i question your ability, nate. Not at all. But I reached out to some people I know in the medical field to see if there are any other treatments available.
Nate: I-I welcome their opinions.
Nikki: I asked them to look into any new drugs or clinical trials that might be available.
Nate: I've been researching alternative treatments, too.
Victor: And...? Find anything?
Nate: There's a new protocol. It's in the experimental stages, and it's very aggressive.
Nikki: That's a good thing.
Nate: It can be.
Victor: You think this treatment is my best hope?
Nate: I do.
Victor: All right. Well, then, um... what are we waiting for?
Nate: Before you start, there is something you need to know. An element I'm not sure you'll be willing to deal with.
Nikki: What on earth could possibly make victor not want to do this?
Nate: There are significant side effects.
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Adam: Coffee?
Phyllis: Are you having some?
Adam: [ Scoffs ] Afraid I'll poison you?
Phyllis: Well, I mean, you did kidnap me and lock me in a basement, even after I gave you the information you wanted to take dark horse away from nick.
Adam: Well, I paid you for your services. Not to mention the immense satisfaction you got from sticking it to nick.
Phyllis: Well, now, you see, that's what happens to people who cross me.
Adam: Mm-hmm. I'm a lot smarter than my brother.
Phyllis: Not so smart i couldn't escape from the dungeon you had me locked up in.
Adam: I had no reason to keep you hostage.
Phyllis: Are you at all worried about the information I have on you? What I learned in vegas about you and chance chancellor?
Adam: Las vegas is the past. I'm looking to the future.
Phyllis: Work on your poker face.
Adam: [ Slurps coffee ] So, no to the coffee?
Phyllis: Aww, same old adam. Cool and calm on the outside, storm brewing on the inside.
Adam: Careful. Storms can be very destructive.
Phyllis: Oh, I was ripping around genoa city when you were milking cows in kansas.
Adam: Uh-huh. I bet you were. But I prefer you as an ally. That's why I asked you to run dark horse.
Phyllis: Oh, you don't care about dark horse.
[ Sighs ] That's a means to an end for you.
Adam: Well, it can be for you, too.
Phyllis: Maybe.
Adam: [ Sighs ] What? Don't tell me you're worried about what people will think about you.
Phyllis: I have never, ever been worried about what people think of me.
Adam: Don't lose that edge now. Not when it can serve you most.
Phyllis: And you.
Adam: Mm-hmm. You'd be a fool not to take the job.
Phyllis: I'm taking the job. Oh, I'm definitely taking the job. But you know, about that edge? Uh... it cuts both ways.
Kevin: [ Sighs ]
[ Door opens ]
Nick: I got here as soon as I could. What's up? Did something happen?
Nikki: Uh... nate was just here to talk about your father's latest lab results.
Nick: Okay. Bottom line iT.
Victor: The treatment I've been getting is no longer working.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. What's next?
Victor: Apparently there's a new drug that they're experimenting with, and, um... there's a trial coming up, and, uh, I would qualify for it.
Nick: Well, that's great.
Victor: Well, but there are risks.
Nick: [ Sighs ] I think the rest of the family should be here.
Victor: Let us hold off with that, okay, until I've made the decision whether I want to join that trial or not.
Nick: All right. What do you need from me?
Victor: Your advice, my boy. Weigh the pros and cons, you know?
Well, it sounds like the obvious pro here is, this is your best bet to beat the disease.
Nikki: Yes. Nate thinks so.
Nick: But you said there are risks?
Victor: There are side effects.
Nick: Such as?
Victor: [ Sighs ] Diminished mental capacity.
Ana: Why stop taking something that's working?
Devon: Because, yeah, the medication was helping me with my panic attacks, and it was helping to numb my pain and my anxiety. But at the same time, it was numbing all of my feelings. I wasn't able to feel happy or sad or angry. I couldn't feel anything.
Ana: Maybe that's what you needed.
Devon: I don't think that's what I needed at all. 'Cause when neil passed away, I wanted to feel the pain, not numb it. I think that I owed that to him.
Ana: Well, neil was a big believer in people admitting when they needed help. I'm sure he wouldn't think taking meds was a sign of weakness.
Devon: Well, I do. So...
Ana: Devon, your doctor prescribed those pills for a reason. You can't just stop taking them.
Devon: Uh, well, tell me, how am I ever supposed to truly deal with neil passing away if I'm on drugs to help cope with the grief?
Ana: No shame in getting help.
Devon: Nobody's saying that lily, or charlie and mattie and nate, and they lost neil.
Ana: None of them lost their wife. That's when your panic attacks started.
Devon: I know that. But I told you that hilary had nothing to do with the attack last night. It was brought on by neil's dedication.
Ana: I'm not so sure.
Devon: I'm very sure. It was an isolated incident that I have under control, okay?
Nick: I can see why you're hesitant.
Victor: [ Sighs heavily ]
[ Sucks teeth ] I don't relish not being in control, you know?
Nikki: Well, darling, you never have.
Victor: Yeah. Well, the few times in my life when I had to rely on others have been some of the most difficult periods of my life.
Nick: I remember how frustrated you were after J.T. Attacked you.
Victor: Yeah, remember? The doctors said I'd never walk and talk again?
Nick: And you beat those odds, too, dad.
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: Just like you will this time.
Nick: If you can handle not being in control for a while.
Victor: So, what do you think?
Nick: Well, it sure as hell beats the alternative.
Victor: Yeah.
Nick: Look, you wanted my opinion. But this is your decision, dad.
Nikki: I'll be by your side every step of the way.
Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.
Nick: Vick's gonna be running things around here, so you know newman's in good hands.
Nikki: You'll have a lot of support.
Nick: And your grandson is gonna need you around a lot longer. He loved having you at his tee-ball game the other day. Soccer season's right around the corner, and he'd love to have you coach him in that.
Nikki: Mm. What do you say?
Victor: Some of my greatest successes have always been accomplished by enormous risk.
[ Sighs ]
Nikki: Then you'll do it?
Victor: I'll call the doctor tomorrow, okay?
Nikki: Oh!
Kevin: I did what he asked. He still won't let me see chloe.
Michael: Well, that's what you get for making a deal with the devil.
Kevin: What was i supposed to do? Bella needs her mother. I want her back, too.
Michael: Did he tell you what it would take to make that happen?
Kevin: He wants me to dig up dirt on someone. Dirt that will blow up a lot of lives.
Michael: That's his specialty.
[ Kevin huffs ] Did you do it?
Kevin: I couldn't find what he wanted at first, but I-I kept digging, and...
Michael: You found something?
Kevin: [ Sighs ] It's bad. Adam can hurt a lot of people with it.
Michael: Do you really want that on your head?
Kevin: Of course not. But if I don't give it to him, he's not gonna give chloe back to me.
Michael: Yeah, but what if you hand over this information, and adam just keeps demanding that you dig up more dirt for him?
Kevin: That he uses to hurt more people, and I still don't get chloe back.
Michael: [ Sighs ] I warned him what would happen if he didn't release chloe and stop forcing you to do his bidding.
Kevin: What are you gonna do?
Michael: Make good on my threat.
Kevin: Michael, no. No. I'm not gonna let you get into trouble because of me!
Michael: I am not going to sit by and let him bully my little brother.
Kevin: I don't care about that. But bella needs her mother back.
Michael: Stall him for as long as you can.
Kevin: Why?
Michael: I need time to come up with a plan.
Nate: Regular coffee, please.
Adam: Nate! Good to see you.
Nate: Adam. You, too. How's it being back in the, uh, old apartment?
Adam: Well, it's like I never left.
[ Sighs ] How 'bout you? Did you find a new place?
Nate: Not yet. I'm still looking. But, you know... I'm gonna take my time. Make sure I pick the right spot.
Adam: Well, it sounds like you'll be around for a while.
Nate: Yeah. Plan on making genoa city my home.
Adam: My dad will be happy to hear that since he roped you into being his personal doctor.
Nate: I don't feel roped in at all. If anything, I'm glad I can help. 'Scuse me.
Adam: How's, uh -- how's the old guy doing?
Nate: Heh... you know I can't discuss that.
Adam: Can you, uh, at least tell me if there's been a change in his condition?
Nate: I'm sorry. I really can'T.
Adam: Hmm. You telling me victor newman isn't immortal?
Nate: 'Scuse me.
Ana: Thanks for meeting me.
Nate: Yeah. You sounded upset on the phone. What's up?
Ana: It's devon. I'm worried about him.
Devon: Hey, you.
Elena: Hi.
Devon: How's your new job going?
Elena: Good.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: Yeah. It's -- it's nice to be able to use my training to help people again.
Devon: I bet it is.
Elena: Mm-hmm. So, how are you doing?
Devon: I'm doing great. Really great. I got a good night's sleep. I'm ready to get the day going.
Elena: That's good to hear, but I think we should talk --
Devon: I do need to get to the office, but I was thinking that we should look into, uh, taking a little vacation. Getting away so we can relax and forget about everything that's been going on. And I have some ideas that we can talk about at dinner, if you're able to, tonight.
Elena: Hey, devon.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: We need to talk about what happened last night.
Michael: [ Gasps ] Phyllis.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
Michael: Heh... thank god.
Phyllis: Did you miss me?
Michael: Y-- uh... ye-- no. Yes. I mean... actually, you're the last person I expected to be sitting behind this desk.
Phyllis: Oh, I guess you haven't heard. Um... nick no longer owns this company.
Michael: Yeah. I'm well aware of adam's dirty dealings regarding dark horse.
Phyllis: Well, as far as i know, it was a legitimate business transaction.
Michael: Well, obviously you're getting your information from adam.
Phyllis: Are you looking for him?
Michael: Yes. But in a minute. I mean, how are you? Lauren and I have been worried. I mean, you just dropped out of sight, didn't tell anyone where you were going, you --
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I needed a break. You know that. I decided to go off the grid. You know, a little r&r. Recharge my batteries.
Michael: Short trip. What brought you back home?
Phyllis: Um... unfinished business.
Michael: Ah. Please tell me it doesn't have anything to do with you sitting in adam's office.
Phyllis: It's not adam's office.
Michael: Oh, so they sold dark horse already? That didn't take long.
Phyllis: He didn't sell the company. He hired me to run it. If you're looking for dental insurance, humana has a variety of plans to fit the whole family's needs and budget. Grandma! Grandma! I lost a tooth! It's my first one, see? You'll have a lot to smile about, because humana dental plans start at just $17/month. To find out more, call the number on your screen, and we'll send you a free, personalized information booklet that includes a free quote. Or visit us online at signupforhumanadental.Com. With a humana dental plan, you'll pay little or nothing for office visits. Plus, you can get 100% coverage for in-network preventive care, such as cleanings, oral exams, and x-rays too. There are no exclusions for preexisting conditions, and no age requirements. The tooth fairy is going to visit me, grandpa. Is that so? Tonight! And you get to choose from a large network of dentists and specialists at over 200,000 locations nationwide. So call the number on your screen or visit us online at signupforhumanadental.Com, and we'll send you this free, personalized information booklet and free quote. Humana also has vision plans, with payments starting at $15 a month. And they include annual eye exams for only a $15 copayment. So, whether you're looking for a dental plan, a vision plan, or both, give us a call. And when you do, be sure to ask about our plans designed exclusively for veterans and their families. I lost another one! Call the number on your screen for your free personalized information booklet that includes a free quote. You can't be turned down. So call humana now, and we'll help you find a plan for the whole family. Call the number on your screen or visit us online at signupforhumanadental.Com.
Are you a sunrise
cycle snacker?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Ana: I feel like I'm betraying devon's trust, but i don't know what else to do.
Nate: Well, this is what we talked about after neil died. Sticking together. Leaning on each other.
Ana: I wish devon would do that.
Nate: Instead of getting off his meds and trying to face things alone?
Ana: So I'm right, aren't I? That can be dangerous.
Nate: He should have spoken to his doctor.
Ana: That's what I told him. But devon won't listen. He's convinced that the pills keep him from feeling anything.
Nate: Well, if he's taking the right medication and correct dosage, it should help him manage his feelings, make them less intense.
Ana: I'm starting to think that's not what he wants.
Nate: What do you mean?
Ana: He said his panic attack was caused by neil's dedication ceremony. All the emotions and memories it brought up.
Nate: You don't believe him?
Ana: Elena was with him when he had the attack. She told me that after she helped him through it, he said some things about hilary.
Nate: What kind of things?
Ana: The kind that make me think he's not as over her passing as he claims.
Devon: Hey. I really do appreciate you being concerned about me, but I am okay.
Elena: You weren't last night.
Devon: I know I wasn't last night, but that was a one-time thing. And I'm sorry that you even had to see it.
Elena: You don't have anything to be sorry for.
Devon: It's a little embarrassing, going through that.
Elena: There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You lost a lot of people close to you, people that you cared about deeply.
Devon: I know. And that's -- that's what brought it on, was neil's dedication. I told you that.
Elena: Okay. Look, we can't keep avoiding the truth, here.
Devon: What are you talking about?
Elena: Hilary. She's right here with us. You said it yourself. She won't let you go.
Devon: Well, I opened up to you about that 'cause I wanted to trust you with it.
Elena: And you can.
Devon: Okay. So don't -- don't use it against me right now, please.
Elena: That's not what I'm doing. I just want you to be honest about your feelings for hilary.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Devon: I got to take this, babe.
Elena: Devon --
Devon: Hey. I'm fine. I promise you, I'm fine, and we're fine. Okay? Hey, oscar. How you doing, man?
Elena: [ Sighs ]
Devon: Yeah, it's okay.
Phyllis: No congratulations?
Michael: For reaching a new low?
Phyllis: No. That was last week. I bounced back. I bounced high. You are looking [Chuckles] At the new C.E.O. Of dark horse.
Michael: Mm. Well, remember, what goes up...
Phyllis: No, I'm on top, and I'm staying there.
Michael: I think you're making a mistake.
Phyllis: Thank you very much for your support.
[ Sighs ] Seriously, I don't know a lot about real-estate development, but I've checked out dark horse's holdings, and we have a very interesting hotel division. In fact, one property that nick is working on in to-- actually, nick is not working on this. This is our baby now.
Michael: Tell me you seriously are not about to do this to nick.
Phyllis: What am i doing to nick? What am I doing to nick? Nick has treated me like a piece of garbage since I testified against nikki and victoria.
Michael: Well, you did help christine get a murder conviction.
Phyllis: Oh, big de-- come on, no one went to prison.
Michael: Oh, well, that makes it better for everybody, then.
Phyllis: I'm not defending myself to you. I'm not defending myself to nick. Why should I turn down a great business opportunity because of nick's feelings?
Michael: Maybe because it's the decent thing to do?
Phyllis: Well, then I'm not gonna let anyone down, am I?
Michael: You do know the reason adam took control of this company was in order to steal christian away from nick?
Phyllis: That's between the two of them.
Michael: What has happened to you? Since when are you okay with adam taking nick's son?
Phyllis: Okay, a good attorney -- you know this as well as I do -- can make a case that christian is adam's son.
Michael: Oh, all right. We both know that blood does not make a father.
Phyllis: Nick has plenty of money to fight this.
Michael: I think you need to take a good, hard look at what you're doing.
Phyllis: I have. I have looked at all of this very clearly. Guess what? I like the view.
Victor: [ Grunting ]
[ Breathing heavily ] What do you want? I told you to get off the ranch.
Adam: I didn't think that meant I couldn't stop by for a visit.
Victor: What do you want?
Adam: I came by to see how you're doing.
Nikki: It's beautiful.
[ Sighs ]
Nick: The park?
Nikki: The way you and your father have recaptured the relationship you had when you were little.
Nick: We had some good times.
Nikki: Mm. I remember him taking you riding.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] I used to try for hours to catch him on sea wind.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ] You would be so exhausted, he'd have to carry you home. You looked so small in his arms. Now he's leaning on you.
Nick: [ Sighs ] I don't know if I've ever seen dad as vulnerable as he was last night. He seemed genuinely sorry that he was pushing adam to bond with christian.
Nikki: Well, I hope you were able to forgive him.
Nick: Well, the look in his eyes made it easy. But it also scared me, mom. I don't think dad would be acting like that if he wasn't worried.
Nikki: What are you saying?
Nick: [ Sighs ] I think dad may be... getting his affairs in order.
[ Victor grunting ]
Adam: I ran into nate. Asked him how you were doing. He spouted the, uh, company line -- doctor/patient confidentiality, blah, blah.
Victor: He's a good man.
Adam: Well, he's a little uptight, if you ask me. But as long as he's taking care of you. Is he?
Victor: Yeah, I'm in stable -- stable condition, son.
Adam: So the treatments are working?
Victor: [ Sighs ] The problem with this pnh is that [Sighs] Treatment takes a long time. It's not a fast road to recovery.
Adam: Well, I will keep checking in, make sure you haven't hit any road blocks. Heard you made victoria C.E.O. At newman, finally. Even I have to admit, she, uh -- she earned it. No doubt, though, you'll be keeping a close on her, making sure she doesn't stray from the course set by the true captain of the ship. We all know how much you need to be in control.
[ Victor grunting ] I hope, for her sake, and yours, you'll give her a chance to prove what she can do.
Victor: If I didn't know better, I'd think that your concern for the family is genuine.
Adam: It is.
Victor: [ Laughs ] Yeah. I know better. Okay?
Adam: Dad, I am the only one who cares enough to face what's happening.
Victor: The rest of my children are supportive of me.
Adam: No, they want to pretend you're superman. That nothing can bring you down. This can. It can kill you. Have you thought about that, dad? Seriously thought about what can happen to your precious family if you die?
Devon: What's this?
Elena: These are the dresses you gave me that belonged to hilary.
Devon: I know what they are. Why are they laid out like this, though?
Elena: See, this is what I've been trying to talk to you about. Whenever I mention hilary, you shut me down.
Devon: Because I keep telling you that hilary had nothing to do with my panic attack.
Elena: I know this is hard for you, but it needs to be said.
Devon: What, exactly, needs to be said? 'Cause I feel like I've been pretty honest with you about my feelings for her, and I really don't see the reason to talk about it anymore.
Elena: Okay, we can't keep ignoring the truth. At least, I can'T.
Devon: What truth?
Elena: You really want me to spell it out? There's another person in this relationship.
Ana: I just wish devon would admit what's going on. He won't talk to me about what he's feeling.
Nate: Maybe he's not ready.
Ana: And he'll never be ready as long as hilary's right there in the penthouse.
Nate: What do you mean, because he has some of her things there?
Ana: Some? He has pictures of her everywhere. He's kept a lot of her clothes. Her perfume is still in the bathroom.
Nate: It's a bit much.
[ Sighs ]
Ana: It's wrong. What's even more wrong is what he's doing to elena.
Nate: I got the impression he cared for her.
Ana: Well, that's the problem. He's let things get serious between them, but he hadn't moved on yet.
Nate: Just because he's still grieving --
Ana: Nate, he has elena living in a shrine to hilary.
Devon: So, is this just about me giving you the dresses?
Elena: It's part of it.
Devon: Elena, if you felt that uncomfortable when I gave them to you, you could have said something to me. I didn't force you to take them.
Elena: No, you didn'T. Not at all. But I kept trying to convince myself that it wasn't weird that you were giving me hilary's dresses. You know, and even though we're together, there are still pictures of hilary everywhere. You know, you have her personal items still in the bathroom, still in the kitchen. And I kept trying to convince myself that all of this was okay, because I care about you. And I wanted this to work.
Devon: It's working. We're fine.
Elena: Okay. Look, you've been honest with me about your feelings for hilary, about how much you love her, and how much you miss her.
Devon: Right. I know I have. And tell me what I can do now for you. Do you want me to get rid of all my memories and the photos and --
Elena: No.
Devon: What can I do?
Elena: Not at all. I want you to grieve however you need to, however long you need to. I just should have been more sensitive to that.
Devon: I think you've been very sensitive to it.
Elena: No. I was caught up in my own feelings.
Devon: It's not just your feelings. It's our feelings, babe. I feel the same things for you right now that you do.
Elena: [ Exhales softly ] We shouldn't have slept together.
Devon: You don't mean that.
Elena: It was too soon.
Devon: Too soon for who? For me?
Elena: For both of us. You still have a long way to go before you're done grieving hilary, and I can't compete.
Devon: You don't have to compete. I'm not trying to make you do that at all. She is somebody -- she was somebody that I loved. That's all it is.
Elena: You're not over hilary! Okay? And I respect that. I'm just asking you to respect my feelings, too.
Nikki: I refuse to think that way, nicholas.
Nick: I know, but we have to face reality.
Nikki: I have faith that this new treatment will cure your father.
Nick: I want to believe that, too, but we need to be prepared for any possibility.
Nikki: Well, I'm going to put all of my energy in focusing on getting your father well.
Nick: Look, even if the treatment cures the pnh, dad's gonna be facing a long road ahead.
Nikki: I understand the risks, son. If the side effects are bad, I plan on making sure that nobody knows about your father's condition.
Nick: Well, you might not be able to do that.
Nikki: Victor has always been my protector. Now it's my time to be his.
Adam: Look, I know you think you're invincible, but, trust me, your family isn't, all right? Victoria, abby, nikki, even nick, they will fall apart if you kick it.
Victor: But not you, huh?
Adam: I've done just fine without you for most of my life.
Victor: Be useful and hold the bag for me, come on. Come on. Put your shoulder behind it.
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Victor: I know that look, you know. It's your game look, isn't it? Huh? My. You think you can do things on your own? You've always had someone do the heavy lifting for you, son. Remember when you and jack abbott conspired to accuse me of murder? Remember that?
Adam: That was a long time ago, okay? I call the shots now.
Victor: Ohh, you do? Wow! Wow. I love that.
[ Grunting ] I want to see that. Remember chance chancellor? Huh? You didn't think I would find out? I'm always on top of things. I'm in control. As you said.
[ Grunts ]
Adam: [ Sighs ] Good talk, dad.
Victor: [ Chuckling ] Oh, yeah. You got a lot to learn, son.
[ Door closes ]
[ Chuckles ] Young punks.
[ Grunting loudly ]
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