Y&R Transcript Monday 6/24/19
Episode #11642 ~ Victor makes amends; Phyllis pushes Adam's buttons.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Mariah: What if we get a video of tessa in her world?
Ana: I love it! When do we start?
Hilary: Devon? What's wrong?
Elena: Devon! What's wrong?
Summer: Where's my mom?
Adam: I have no idea.
Summer: Really, because the last time that I saw her, she was with you, and now she's missing and no one's heard from her.
Adam: What are you saying? You've been held somewhere against your will?
Phyllis: Maybe because I know too much. Guess what? I know more.
Nick: Adam wants to take christian from me. So vick got scared that adam was gonna inherit the throne at newman, so she gave him everything he wanted.
Victoria: Between the two of us, we will have adam exactly where we want him, which is on the first plane out of genoa city. We can do this, together as a team. Once you agree to come on board.
Nick: So, "strings attached."
Victoria: Just one.
Nick: If I agree to come work under you, to be your second-in-command while dad's out of commission.
Victoria: You will work alongside me until we accomplish what we need to, where adam is concerned.
Nick: That means a lot, vick, that you're willing to help me fend off this custody suit from adam.
Victoria: So that's a yes? Nicholas... I want to make things right between us. I tried before. You blew me off, which, honestly, I understand. All I could offer you the first time was an apology, but now, i can give you my complete backing as C.E.O. Of newman enterprises.
Nick: C.E.O. Just rolls off the tongue. Must feel nice.
Victoria: I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I stabbed you in the back to get that position, and you're not impressed that I want to use it now to help you, right? You think I put my ambition before our relationship.
Nick: Are you denying there's any truth to that? ,
Adam: Well, if you're in vegas asking questions about spider, you probably heard all sorts of crazy rumors. I always found them highly entertaining. One of my favorites involved me being on the run from a doomsday cult. Hmm.
[ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: Hilarious. Bet you shared a lot of laughs with your pal, riza.
Adam: Mm. So you got in touch with riza. She is a trip, isn't she? Wow. But, fair warning -- she likes messing with people, seeing how gullible they can be.
Phyllis: Mm, let's stop with the games. What I learned about you is not a hoax, it wasn't a rumor. It's a verified fact.
Adam: Was it -- it was, um... it was something to do with the chancellors, you said. Hmm.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. It was just so strange to me that the notorious son a billionaire would be hanging out in vegas so long with high-rollers, completely unrecognized, for years.
Adam: Well, I was recognized. Obviously. Since the grapevine alerted victor.
Phyllis: Mm. Yet no one made the connection to genoa city royalty, did they? Chance chancellor.
Adam: Hmm.
Phyllis: Or does he like to go by philip iv?
> Thank you very much. I'll be signing a document for sanctions. Today's action follows a series of aggressive behaviors by the iranian regime in recent weeks including shoot u.S. Drones. They shot down the drone. Everybody saw that one and many other thingS. They've done many things aside from the individual dronE. You saw the tankerS. We know of other things that were not good and not appropriate. The supreme leader of iran is one that ultimately is responsible for the hostile conduct of the regime. He's respected with his country. His office oversees the most brutal instruments including the islamic revolutionary guard corpS. The sanctions that I'm about to sign will be for the supreme leader, access to key resources and financial support. The assets of the ayatollah khamenei and his office will not be spared from the sanctions. These measures represent a strong and proportionate response to iran's provocative actions. We will continue to increase pressure on tehran until the regime abandons their dangerous activities and aspirations including pursuit of nuclear weapons, increased enrichment of uranium, development of ballistic missiles and belligerent acts of the united states and its allies. The agreement was a disaster. It was not doing what it was supposed to do. Many bad things were takes place. Most importantly, it was so short term that within a very short number of years they would be able to make nuclear weapons and that's unacceptable. Never can iran have a nuclear weapon. Also included in this is we want the stoppage immediately of their sponsoring of terrorism. They sponsor terrorism at a level that nobody has ever seen before. That's been over the last number of years. They've taken all of that money that was given to them by the past administration and much of it was given out to terrorist organizations. In fact, i remember when john kerry was asked a question about whether or not this money will be spent for terror, he said yes or at least he was referring to some of it. He said yes, it will be used for terror. If you can believe that. We're giving them money. Saying yes, can it be used for terror. That was not a good answer. That was the least of it. America is a peace-loving nation. We don't seek conflict with iran. I look forward to the day when sanctions can be lifted and iran can be a peaceful prosperous and productive nation. That can go quicklY. Can it be tomorrow or in years from now. So i look forward to discussing whatever I have to discuss that anybody that wants to speak. Meantime, who knows who will happen. I can tell you that we cannot let ever iran have a nuclear weapon and it won't happen. Secondly and very importantly, we don't want money going out to sponsor terror. They are the number 1 sponsor of terror anywhere in the world. So I'll sign this order right now and I want to thank our military. I want to thank all of the people working with me over the last number of months on this. I think a lot of restraint has been shown by us a lot of restraint. That doesn't mean we're going show it in the future. I felt that we want to give this a chance. Give it a good chance. Because I think iran potentially has a phenomenal future. And I say that about north korea, too. I've said it about north korea. North korea has a phenomenal future. I think iran also has a phenomenal future. A lot of people would like to see them get to work on that great future. So I'll sign this noW. I appreciate you all being herE. Thank yoU. Okay. Thank you very much, everybody.
Is your goal to negotiate a new deal with iran?
We would love to be able to negotiate a deal if they want to. If they don't want to, that's fine, too. We would love tO. Frankly they might as well do it soon. Obviously the people of iran are great people. I know many of theM. I lived in new yorK. I haven't been there very much the last 2 1/2 years, but i know many iranians in new york and they're fantastic people. I have many friends that are iranian. It's just very sad what is happening to that country. The deal should have never been donE. It wasn't ratified by congress. It wasn't properly done as a treaty. It was incorrectly donE. But we'll get it properly done. We'll see what happens. I hope it's for the gooD. The people in iran are great people. All of the people i know, so many new york, they're great people. Okay? Anything else?
Just to be clear, is this the U.S. Response to the iranians shooting down the drone?
You can probably add that to it. But basically this was something that was going to happen anyway.
[Question inaudible]
I won't say what else do. I don't think they should do it.
What is your message for the supreme leader and do you want to meet with him one-on-one?
My only message, he has the potential to have a great country and very quickly. They should do that rather than going along this destructive path. Destructive for everybody. Destructive for everybody. We can't let them have a nuclear weapon. He says he doesn't want nuclear weapons. A great thing to say. But a lot of things have been said over the years and turns out to be not so. But he said openly and plainly for everybody to hear, he doesn't want nuclear weapons. If that's the case, we can do something quickly. Thank you very much, everybody.
So president up third reading there in the oval office announcing further sanctions against iran saying he's shown tremendous restraint. Ben tracy was in the oval office when this happened. Ben?
You might notice commotion behind me. We're told that steve mubarakwhich then you might see some criticism, some push back from american allies. So these do seem to be very targeted sanctions. We asked the president, are they in response to the shooting down of the drone last weeK. The president said it's partly for that, partly for other things I ran has done partly for attacking the tankers in the gulf there. He's come out very strongly saying that we don't see conflict with iran but he feels this is a necessary step to take. The most significant thing the president said, we have so far shown restraint but that doesn't mean we'll show restraint in the future.
Ben tracy at the white house. Once again, the president announcing further sanctions against iran and in particular the iranian leadershiP. You can watch cbs at cbsnewS.Com or downloading the cbs news an on phones or connected devices. We'll have more on your local news on your local numbers and the cbs news..
Phyllis: Wow, this is rich coming from you. Where in your harvard b-school education did they teach you to attack your business partner and throw her in an abandoned cellar?
Adam: Hmm. Well, when you put it like that, it does sound a bit heavy-handed.
Phyllis: And short-sighted. I came here to tell you that when I tell your family about your association with chance, it won't be about money, it'll be about payback.
Devon: [ Sighs ]
Elena: Hey.
Devon: Hey. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Elena: Don't just thank me. Drink it.
Devon: [ Exhales sharply ] Anybody ever tell you you have good couch-side manner?
Elena: Can we please talk about what just happened?
Devon: I'd really rather not, if you don't mind, because I -- I have a doctor -- a psychiatrist -- that I talk to about it, and it's hard enough for me to do it with them, so i really...
Elena: I don't want to talk to you as a doctor. I want to talk to you as someone who cares about you.
Devon: [ Sighs ]
Elena: When you mentioned hilary...
Devon: Yeah. Yeah. You know... this is where we lived, you know? This is where we used to spend all of our time and share everything together, and... it just hits me sometimes.
Elena: That she's gone?
Devon: No, it's more like she's not gone at all because i feel her everywhere in the house, and I still sense her, and I -- I would just like to get her to understand...
Elena: What do you want her to understand?
Devon: I would love if she would -- if she understood that, um, I love her, but I want to move on. I want to live my life. It's really rare, what happened to me just now, so it's -- I think I have it under control. I appreciate you, though, being here for me. But I'm okay. I really would just like to go upstairs and take a hot shower and relax, if you don't mind. I really would.
Victoria: Does this mean we're celebrating?
Nick: Sure, why not?
Victoria: Thank you.
[ Exhale sharply ]
Nick: You know, you were right earlier, when you said our family always had each other's backs. It hurt to think that we may have lost that.
Victoria: No, that'll never happen.
Nick: I just, you know, I didn't want to believe when i found out you wired adam all that money. At the same time, it seemed like dad and phyllis had both sided with adam against me.
Victoria: Well, phyllis is a lost cause, but I think it's a little early to write our father off. Do you know he actually acknowledged that he made a mistake trying to install adam above me at newman?
Nick: What?
Victoria: Yeah.
Nick: Victor newman. Our victor newman admitted he made a mistake?
Victoria: Yeah, well, i wouldn't go that far, but when i told him I wanted to make him proud, he said it should have been me all along.
Nick: [ Chokes ] It's in the ball park. I'll take it.
Victoria: [ Giggles ] But, you know what, it wasn't just that. There was something in his voice, and I swear it was almost like a little bit of regret.
Nick: I mean, it's nice, dad's, you know, willing to admit he screwed up by putting too much faith in adam. But I don't know, I feel like i should be taking more pleasure in this.
Victoria: Yeah. I know, I feel the same way. Part of me thinks it serves him right, but another part feels for him. As a parent, you know? Imagine, knowing that your own son is a complete moral failure.
Nick: [ Breathes deeply ] Yeah, it must be rough.
Victoria: Well, at least he has one thing to be happy about.
Nick: What's that?
Victoria: What do you mean, "what's that?" You coming back to newman at C.O.O.
Nick: I never agreed to that, and I'm not going to.
Adam: Well, it sounds like you have been through quite an ordeal. I'm sure that whoever's responsible is deeply remorseful, and would never make the same mistake again.
Phyllis: If that's your idea of an apology, feel free to shove it up your --
Adam: Well, I can only assume you're wearing a wire or you planted a bug when you broke in. So, yeah, for the record, that's as close as you're gonna get to an apology from me.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] Well, like father, like son.
Adam: [ Clears throat ] By the way, your trip to nevada sounds pretty dull compared to what's been going on here. Have you heard, uh, nick surrendered his ownership of dark horse?
Phyllis: No, actually, I hadn't heard that. Well, if you recall, I predicted that nick would rather walk away from his company than give up christian.
Adam: I haven't settled on anyone to run it yet. Now, I asked you before if you'd be interested. You didn't exactly jump at it.
Phyllis: Mm. Real estate is not my expertise.
Adam: It's not important. You can hire all the experts you need. What I need is a strategic thinker. And if that person happened to have unique insight into nick's mind and could anticipate his every move, I would find that invaluable.
Phyllis: Define "invaluable."
Adam: Well, ordinarily, i would recruit you with a big salary, maybe even a signing bonus, but since you just told me you have no need for money...
Phyllis: Mm, no. No, no. I told you if I were to reveal your secret, it would not be about money. To keep your secret, you would have to pay up.
Adam: This isn't about me caving into blackmail.
Phyllis: Of course it's not.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] What's on the table is a bona fide offer. It's your golden opportunity to rejoin the heavy hitters in the business world. And how satisfying would it be to see the look on nick's face when he finds out you will be running the company he created. Come to think of it, you should be paying me to make that happen. (Announcer) do you push through migraine?
Adam: Well, just say the word. I'll have my lawyer draw up your contract. You can become a big player in the local scene overnight.
Phyllis: Well, that's an intriguing offer. I will give it some thought. But, right now, I have an appointment.
Adam: At this house?
Phyllis: Yeah. With a newman. I'll leave it to you to guess which one.
Victoria: I thought we had a deal.
Nick: You assumed we did.
Victoria: Well, I don't understand then. What are we celebrating if you're not accepting my job offer?
Nick: I got my sister back. You're my best friend, and i hated it that we weren't on great terms. But it doesn't mean I'm ready to jump back into the corporate world.
Victoria: Well, what do you call dark horse, which you were happily running no more than a couple of days ago?
Nick: I enjoyed the success i had at dark horse, but what i loved was forming my own team and making something of my own. But the actual day-to-day was just like any other job. You know? I'd get there early in the morning, I'd put out fires all day, and the whole time, I'd be daydreaming about the weekend and what I was gonna to escape.
Victoria: I would have never guessed you were that ambivalent.
Nick: Look, I had underground and crimson lights, and I was the co-founder of restless style and someday, I may start another company. But now is not the time. My family's under siege. That has to be my sole focus.
Victoria: Well... if you come back to newman, you will have all the resources you need to neutralize adam.
Nick: I already have my own plan set in motion to do that.
Victoria: What? Oh, now he tells me.
Nick: You never asked!
Victoria: I understand. Maybe you don't need newman, but newman needs you.
Nick: Come on. We both know you are perfect for this. There's nobody better to do it, and I'm just glad that dad finally realizes it.
Victoria: I am looking forward to stepping in. I'm up for the challenge, but... it would be a heck of a lot more fun if you were there.
Nick: I'm always a phone call away, whether I'm on the payroll or not.
Mariah: Ana! Hi!
Ana: Oh! Mariah. Hi. Hey, tessa.
Tessa: Hey, how's it going?
Ana: Uh, next question. How was your day?
Mariah: Uh, it was fantastic. We just finished up the rough edit on tessa's video, and it looks even more fantastic than i could have imagined.
Ana: Great! I can't wait to see it.
Tessa: Mariah did a phenomenal job. You're gonna love it.
Ana: I'm sure I will.
Mariah: Uh, well, I can send it to you and devon so you can make some finishing touches.
Ana: Um, send it to just me, will you?
Mariah: How come?
Ana: Because I just want to have the chance to go over it first, see if it needs any final tweaks.
Tessa: Well, you're gonna send it on to devon, right?
Ana: Sure!
Mariah: Uh, why I get the sense that there's a problem that we don't know about?
Ana: Because there is? Devon's not sold on this video.
Mariah: Not sold, meaning what?
Ana: He's concerned that tessa will look like a sellout doing some cheesy infomercial for jabot.
Tessa: But that's not the vibe at all.
Mariah: How could he even think that?
Ana: I tried to explain to him what we were going for, but devon shut me down. My timing was bad. He's been under so much pressure lately trying to keep too many balls in the air.
Mariah: The dedication for neil. It was today.
Ana: Yeah, but I think the problem goes even deeper. Devon just doesn't trust me. He doesn't take me seriously as an artist. Not that I think that I'm perfect and have nothing to learn, but he's constantly shutting down my ideas. He won't even listen to me.
Tessa: Gee, that sounds terrible.
Ana: Oh. That's exactly what I did to you, isn't it?
Mariah: Pretty much.
Nick: Come on in the den. It's a little more private.
Victor: Thank you, son.
Nick: You want a drink, maybe some tequila? Or would that affect your medication?
Victor: That's very nice to offer, but I don't feel like it, thank you.
Nick: All right. Are you and vick, uh, tag-teaming me now?
Victor: What, your sister was just here?
Nick: Yeah.
Victor: Oh!
Nick: She told me about your decision to promote her to C.E.O. Good job. I'm proud of you. The company's in good hands.
Victor: Thanks, son. I just wish I had rewarded her loyalty earlier, you know? And that brings me to another reason why I came to see you. Uh... I got to do something that is -- that should be have been done a long time ago.
Calling all sunscreen haters.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nick: I suspect you've come to talk to me about playing some role at newman.
Victor: Is that what you think?
Nick: I mean, vick was just here, offered me the C.O.O. Position.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Nick: Which I turned now, not because I'm upset with her or I'm trying to make a point. I just -- I got to focus on christian right now. You may not understand that.
Victor: Oh, I do understand, son. I really understand. And I also know that adam is suing for custody.
Nick: Yep. What a guy, huh?
Victor: Yeah. What a guy. I'm here to tell you that, um... I confronted him and I told him to pack his things and get off the damn ranch.
Nick: Wow. Um... thanks.
Victor: You know, my boy, it's kind of difficult for me, but, um... I haven't always been the best father to you, you know? We've had our differences. But you know that I sued you for custody of christian because i was afraid that you were not gonna let me see my grandson. I was worried about that. And, uh... I was wrong. Because you're that boy's father in every way that counts. You're a great father, a great dad. I appreciate it.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Man, when you... I didn't expect to hear this from you tonight.
Victor: Well, I'm late, hopefully not too late, to tell you that, um... or to ask you... if you can forgive me for the times that I was not a good father.
Mariah: [ Gasps ] You got us bubbly?
Ana: I wanted to toast your latest accomplishment. Getting the video in such good shape.
Tessa: I will drink to that.
Ana: To you, ladies. And getting things accomplished.
Mariah: Hear, hear.
Tessa: This is so sweet of you.
Mariah: It was, thank you.
Ana: And I'm totally on board with your direction now. Even if I wasn't as supportive as I could have been when we started working together.
Tessa: Well, you know, it's, uh -- it's all part of the creative process. When you get artists together, there are going to be different opinions.
Mariah: And just like you and devon, you know... I think you guys are gonna work it out. I mean, he's your brother and he loves you.
Ana: In this case, that may be more of a disadvantage. Devon has a hard time seeing me as a professional, not just his little sister.
Tessa: Well, I mean, you do the same, don't you? I mean, you see him as your overbearing big brother and not the talented music producer that everyone else sees.
Ana: You may be right, as much as I hate to admit it. Enjoy your champagne, ladies. I'm going to go home and see if I can figure out a way to make peace with my overbearing but talented brother.
Mariah: Good luck.
Ana: Thanks. I'm gonna need it.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: Oh, my gosh. Thank god you are safe! Mom, what happened? Where have you been this entire time?
Phyllis: Oh, listen, that's -- that doesn't matter. I'd rather talk about you. What's been going on --
Summer: Wait. No, no, no, no, no. Don't -- don't change the subject. Mom, I was terrified when you went missing, especially when devon let me into your room and I realized that you hadn't taken any of your stuff with you.
Phyllis: It was spur-of-the-moment. It was very spur-of-the-moment, and, um, I didn't expect to be gone so long.
Summer: Okay. Okay. Well, I mean, you could have called me, at least. I was worried sick about you. I mean, seriously, mom, I left you probably, I don't know, 50 messages. I even had dad call the police.
Phyllis: Okay. It's very sweet. Summer, I texted you. Did you not get my text?
Summer: Wait. No. When did you text me?
Phyllis: Okay, well, i just --
Summer: No, I -- I don't see anything here.
Phyllis: I figured you didn't get back to me because you were still mad at me.
Phyllis: Well, yeah, we are gonna talk about the stunts that you pulled -- crashing jack's party, walking in on victoria and billy's commitment ceremony, with adam, of all people!
Phyllis: Yeah, well, I mean, that was impulsive.
Summer: Yeah, kind of like your trip that you just took. Let me guess -- did adam have something to do with that little getaway?
Phyllis: I don't know how to answer that, um...
Summer: Wait, seriously, mom? Seriously, why would you get involved with that guy?
Phyllis: Oh, I'm not involved with adam, believe me. I'm not involved with adam. Listen. Listen, listen. The whole reason I went to vegas --
Summer: Wait, um -- vegas?
[ Scoffs ] Vegas. So I've been sitting here worried sick about you, thinking that you're having some kind of massive breakdown, and you're out in vegas catching rays and playing slots.
Phyllis: Um...
Summer: Mom, what the hell?
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Tessa: Mm, so what are we drinking to now?
Mariah: Your brilliant future.
Tessa: Uh, our brilliant future.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Tessa: Which I hope includes a lot of this fizzy stuff.
Mariah: Oh, absolutely. Whatever my favorite client's heart desires.
Tessa: Well, I do feel a bit guilty.
Mariah: Why?
Tessa: Because our cool little video caused a rift between ana and devon.
Mariah: Hey, if it wasn't the video, it would have been something else, I promise you.
Tessa: You think?
Mariah: Yeah, ana went from being devon's assistant to mostly a partner in his favorite division. I mean, that is a big adjustment. But I think that they'll work it out.
Tessa: You know, I wouldn't have had a clue how to stand up for myself if it wasn't for you.
Mariah: Any time.
Tessa: No, no. Really. Really, mariah. I was about to give up on the music career that I've wanted my entire life. And now look -- it's about to happen for me.
Mariah: You just needed somebody to believe in you. And I do believe in you. So much.
Ana: Devon?
Elena: Hey there.
Ana: Hey! Is devon home?
Elena: Yeah. He's upstairs. I think he's asleep.
Ana: Oh, I wanted to talk to him. I'll go see if his light's still on.
Elena: Actually, I think it might be better if you wait until the morning. Tonight really wiped him out, and he really needs to get some rest.
Ana: Did he another panic attack?
Phyllis: Trust me. You have the wrong idea about adam and me.
Summer: Okay, you know what, mom, I am so sick of your promises and your excuses lately. Because, in case you care, I've been going through a lot lately between the surgery, the divorce, trying to stay on top of my job, dealing with kyle being in my face all the time, which -- oh, by the way, he and lola are engaged. Yeah. Isn't that special? And it would have been nice to have a little bit of support from my mom, but, no, you were just so busy, out shopping, apparently, because that's a new outfit, and you couldn't take five minutes to call your daughter.
Phyllis: Okay. I just wanted to talk to you when we could be face to face. That's all.
Summer: Really, well, you know what, maybe I'm too busy now. Maybe I'm just a little sick of being all wound up, worrying about someone who doesn't even care about me.
Phyllis: Okay, you know that's not the case.
Summer: No, I don't! And, actually, how could I when you think it's okay to disappear off the face of the earth, and I've been the only one keeping this relationship here alive? So I'm done.
Phyllis: Okay, summer --
Summer: No, this is me walking away.
Phyllis: Summer!
Nick: Man, if I had nickel for every time you admitted you were wrong...
Victor: [ Chuckles ] You would have had 5 cents.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, something like that.
Victor: Yeah. You know, your mother often says that I'm too stubborn for my own good.
Nick: Well, all kidding aside, you know I never thought you'd apologize for what you did. But now that you have, I realize... you didn't have to. I've already forgiven you.
Victor: You know, I felt that the other day when you invited me to christian's t-ball game. At that time, you didn't even know whose side I was on, yours or adam'S.
Nick: You're my dad. And I love you. It's not because you haven't done anything wrong, because you have. Or because you haven't hurt me, because you have. It's because you have given this family everything you have to give. You were willing to spend your life behind bars for mom and vick, and that blew me away. You're the bravest man I've ever known, dad, and I want christian to have you in his life so he learns to love you as much as i do.
Victor: There's nothing you could have said... that would have meant more to me.
Nick: Look, we've spent most of our lives with all this hostility between us. And it's just a waste of energy. So I'm willing to put that behind us if you are.
Adam: Does dad know you sneak into his office to sit at his desk when he's not around?
Victoria: I'm exactly where i belong because I'm C.E.O. Now.
Adam: Is that right? Well, in that case... you're welcome.
Ana: I shouldn't have argued with him. Devon had enough to deal with. Then finding out that nate sold neil's penthouse, that really sent him into orbit.
Elena: You're not responsible, okay? Devon was definitely stressed, but... there's more to it than either of us could have realized.
Ana: What else is going on?
Elena: I'm not sure how much you've picked up on, but... devon and I have been spending a lot of time together, and it's been getting kind of serious.
Ana: I guessed that. And I think it's great. Unless... did you guys get in a fight tonight, too?
Elena: No. We're actually great. I don't know, maybe we got ahead of ourselves, it was too much, too soon?
Ana: Did devon say that?
Elena: Not in those exact words. I think he feels guilty.
Ana: About what?
Elena: When he had his panic attack, he mentioned hilary. I think he feels she wouldn't want him to be romantically involved with anyone else.
Nick: Think he heard grandpa's voice, wanted to come out and join the party, huh?
Victor: Yes. What's this? What's this?
Christian: Pterodactyl.
Nick: Pterodactyl!
Victor: Oh! You know what that is! Wow! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know, I hope to come to one of your t-ball games again.
Nick: Would you like that?
Christian: Yeah.
Nick: Yeah.
Victor: Yeah?
Nick: Let's get grandpa the schedule. Yeah.
Victor: Say that again. What is this? What is this?
Christian: Pterodactyl.
Victor: Pterodactyl.
Christian: Pterodactyl.
Victor: Oh! I would not know how to spell that right now, I really wouldn'T.
Nick: Well, I'll tell you what, we got to get you to bed. But you can play dinosaurs and do t-ball later, okay?
Victor: Yes.
Nick: Why don't you go give grandpa a hug good night?
Victor: Okay. Good night. Good night, my boy. Okay? Good night. And I'll come to your t-ball game again, okay? Let's see. Oh!
Christian: [ Growls ]
Victor: I'm afraid now! I'm scared. Oh!
Victoria: Just when I thought you couldn't be any more shameless, you want to take credit for my promotion.
Adam: Oh, you forget, I am the one that recommended you for the gig. I'm glad to see victor took my advice.
Victoria: I have a lot to do. I assume that you're here to see our father, and since he's not here...
Adam: You know, it is so cute, how you are throwing yourself into this. Almost as if you think you're gonna have actual control over what goes on here.
Victoria: I'm a figurehead, is that it?
Adam: No. Not at all. You are totally in control. Right up until the moment you make a decision victor doesn't agree with. Then you'll get the hook. And those aren't conditions that I'd be willing to work under, but I know some people are satisfied with just the appearance of authority.
Victoria: Good night, adam.
Adam: Night, sis. Congratulations.
Phyllis: I'll have another one of these, please.
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