Y&R Transcript Monday 12/31/18

Y&R Transcript Monday 12/31/18


Episode #11520 ~ Victor puts his plan in motion; Lola shocks Kyle; drama ensues at Devon's New Year's Eve party.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Lola: If you can't understand why you spending that kind of money on me makes me uncomfortable, you don't get me.

Kyle: Lola! Are you saying we're over?

Charlie: You're gonna tell the cops you hit your grandma and drove off? That's crazy stupid!

Reed: I can't keep lying to everybody.

Nate: We're in an ambulance. We've left the hospital.

Nikki: [ Weakly ] Who...?

Nate: Who's idea was this? Your husband'S. Victor's trying to save your life.

George: Who the hell is this?

Nick: Hey, mom. It's me. You okay?

Fen: In the studio, I thought that was your song.

Ana: I wrote it. But you can't tell devon.

[ Cork pops ]

Devon: Wow.

[ Chuckling ] Wow. You're a miracle worker, ana. This -- it looks amazing in here. Geez. Thank you for helping put it all together.

Ana: You're welcome.

[ Chuckles ]

Devon: That'S...

Ana: I just have one question.

Devon: What's that?

Ana: Are you sure you're up for this? Throwing a big new year's eve party? Because there's still time to cancel, and I guarantee no one will fault you for it.

Devon: No. No, no, no, no, no. I appreciate your concern. But I'm going to say goodbye to this terrible year the best way that I know how, and that's with music and food and drinks, surrounded by family and friends. So, let's toast. To better times ahead. Bring it on, 2019.

Ana: [ Giggles ]

Victoria: Hey, nick. It's me again. Where the heck are you? Phyllis and I are pulling our hair out wondering when we're gonna hear back from you about what's going on. It's been an hour since we left memorial. Call. [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: I left the same kind of voicemail. I still haven't heard anything myself.

Victoria: If somebody doesn't tell us what's going on soon...

Phyllis: Given that your mother is missing on new year's eve, I -- I would have expected nick to be back by now, or at least heard something.

Victoria: Unless he can'T.

Phyllis: What does that mean?

Victoria: What if whoever took my mom has nick? Maybe he walked right out of that hospital into a trap.

Phyllis: First victor goes missing. Then nikki. Now maybe nick. I mean, do you think someone's trying to pick off the newmans one by one?

Nick: Hey, this is all wrong. My mom is too fragile for this. We got to turn around and get back to the hospital. I don't care what my dad has planned!

[ Brakes squeal ] Hey, what's going on?

George: This is it. We're here.

Nick: No way.

Nate: What? What is this place?

Nick: It's a private airstrip. One my dad has used before.

Mia: [ Sighs ]

[ Door opens ]

Rey: Hey, there, gorgeous.

Mia: Hi! What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you at all tonight.

Rey: Well... feast your eyes.

Mia: Oh, I always do.

[ Giggles ] So, are you here to just grab a shower, and then head back out there and look for nikki? Or have you found her?

Rey: [ Sighs ] Nope, not yet.

Mia: Oh, that poor woman.

Rey: Mm.

Mia: Gets hit by a car, almost dies, and now this? She was so sweet to me, baby.

Rey: I know.

Mia: Well, I'll say a prayer that you find her, and that she's okay.

Rey: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Mia: Have you eaten already, or can I fix you something?

Rey: The force is all out looking for nikki. The investigation is well in hand. I am taking the night off to ring in the new year with my beautiful wife, so let's get dressed up and show 'em how it's done.

Mia: [ Laughs ]

Devon: This is not about me getting wasted to forget about hilary's death.

Ana: Not that kind of party, huh?

Devon: No, it is not.

[ Sighs ] Not atall. I am, uh -- I'm beyond done with that. I have found better ways to deal with my pain. I'm still seeing that therapist, and I'm getting a grip on my anxiety. You know, I -- I wish that lily and neil could be here, but I'm very grateful to have you by my side. And for all your understanding, and your support.

Ana: There's no place I'd rather be.

Devon: Aw.

Ana: Come on. [ Chuckles ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Devon: Hey. Ready? Let's get it going.

Ana: Yay! [ Claps ]

Abby: Happy new year! Hi! Oh! The place looks great!

Ana: Hi! You look so cute.

Abby: Oh, so do you. You look beautiful.

Ana: Thank you. Hi!

Arturo: Good to see you.

Fen: Wow.

Ana: Hi, fen.

Fen: Hey. Uh, you look -- you look great.

Ana: [ Giggles ] So do you.

Fen: Hey, uh, mister -- mr. Hamilton.

Devon: It's devon today.

Fen: Got it.

Devon: All right.

[ Anna and devon chuckle ]

Lola: Something smells really delicious.

Ana: There's tons of food.

Devon: Yes, there is. And drinks, too. Whatever you guys want, just ask the bartender.

Arturo: Sounds good.

Devon: All right?

Abby: Yeah, let's do it.

Devon: Make yourself at home.

Cane: Hey, uh, can I get scotch? And, uh, keep it coming, please. Thanks.

Nate: [ Shivers ] Yeah. Your dad better know what he's doing.

Nick: I can't take much more of this.

[ Sighs ]

Nate: If you're calling victor, I already have. Multiple times.

Nick: Someone else needs to know what's going on.

[ Shivering ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Victoria: It's nick.

Phyllis: Thank god.

Victoria: Finally! [ Sighs ] I'm here with phyllis. We were starting to get worried. Is everything okay?

Nick: Hey!

Victoria: Nick? Are you there? Hello?

Phyllis: What happened?

Victoria: The line went dead.

Nick: Hey, I'm just trying to let my sister know my mom's safe.

Nate: I know victoria. You can trust her.

George: Mr. Newman's orders. No phone calls.

Nick: What's your problem?

Nate: Be reasonable, george. Come on.

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Nick: You're not planning on using that gun, are you?

George: Not if you do what mr. Newman wants. Don't try and pull anything, and we'll get along fine.

Nate: George, believe me, we're all on the same side, okay? All we want is what's best for nikki. Keeping her safe is our top priority.

George: Whoever ran her down on that street and left her for dead is a threat to that security. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

Nick: All right. This is my family, george. It's mine.

[ Cellphone rings ] Now, you tell me where my dad is, because, clearly, we need to talk.

George: Yeah. Okay. You got it, sir. Right away. Your questions are about to be answered. Let's get mrs. Newman out of here and into the building.

Phyllis: Straight to voicemail.

Victoria: I am panicking in three, two, one...

Phyllis: No. You know what, there's got to be a reasonable explanation as to why the phone got cut off --

Victoria: Like what?

Phyllis: I don't know. Maybe his battery's dead, or it lost signal. Or, you know what, maybe he is so driven to find your mother that keeping us in the loop is not his first priority.

Victoria: Or maybe something really terrible did happen, and I have every right to be upset right now.

Phyllis: I don't want to go there, okay? Not yet.

Victoria: Well, I can't help having this feeling in my gut that this has something to do with J.T. The stable fires, the bloody clothes showing up at the house, dad being framed. You know we could be next? You know that, don't you? Um, sharon. What about sharon? She doesn't even know about any of this.

Phyllis: She is at a class for continuing education for her advocate job.

Victoria: Okay, well, I think that we should -- should warn her, and at least give her a heads up about all this. Thank you.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You're welcome. Would you mind some company tonight? At least until nick gets back in touch?

Victoria: No, that would be fine. I mean, it's probably safer that way, anyhow. The kids are upstairs asleep. I sent hannah home. Reed's off at some party.

Phyllis: Good. Then we wouldn't have to be alone, either of us. So, what do we do now? Compare new year's resolutions or braid each other's hair?

Victoria: I think I'll pass.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Please tell me you have something bubbly and cold in the refrigerator.

Victoria: Actually, I -- I do have some champagne. I just kind of...keep it there at all times. It's an old habit of mine. You know, just in case there's ever anything to celebrate. I'm not superstitious by nature, but I feel like it invites good luck into my life.

Phyllis: You and I, ringing in the new year, watching each other's back -- what could be luckier than that?

Victoria: Okay. Well, then, I'll crack that bad boy open.

Phyllis: Okay.

[ Sighs ] So, did you have any plans of your own tonight before things got crazy?

Victoria: Nope. Billy is gonna be hanging out with traci and dina, and the kids never stay up past 8:00 anyway.

Phyllis: Well, you weren't planning on your own private party with billy? Giving him a little kiss at the stroke of midnight for "auld lang syne's" sake?

[ Footsteps ]

[ Gurney rattling ]

Nate: What did you mean earlier, when you said victor had, uh, used this airstrip before?

Nick: He helped somebody else flee the country before. And, no, I'm not naming names.

Nate: I've heard stories about the man. I just didn't know how much was real, how much was urban legend.

Victor: Believe it all.

Rey: I got us tickets to a fancy new year's party. One of those big hotels downtown. Drinks, dinner, a live orchestra for some...

Mia: Oh. Ooh.

Rey: ...Close dancing.

Mia: [ Laughs ] That sounds fabulous. But, babe, I'll -- I'll understand if you have to work.

Rey: I've worked through the holidays. I've got plenty of backup on this. I am putting you first. And to prove it...

[ Slams cellphone ]

Mia: No phone?

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Mia: Really?

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Mia: Are you even allowed to do that?

Rey: I'm doing it. You have me till the clock strikes midnight. Now, go put on your fanciest dress, and let's get the hell out of here.

Abby: Mwah!

Cane: You know, I almost didn't come, 'cause I kind of figured I'd be lousy company.

Devon: Oh, well, I mean, I'm sure lily wouldn't want you spending night after night alone, especially on new year's eve.

Cane: I should be there with her and neil, you know? I mean, I just couldn't get away from chancellor.

Devon: Well, I'm glad you showed up, though.

Cane: Mm.

Devon: You should take it easy on that before you get some food in your stomach, all right?

Cane: [ Sighs ]

[ Laughter ]

Arturo: "Newfoundland new year"?

Abby: My friend janet was telling me all about it. So, they're two and a half hours ahead of us, so their midnight is our 9:30. So you can watch the ball drop live online, serve dessert, and then send everyone home before all the parties let out and the roads get too dicey.

Fen: Wow. Okay. In bed by 11:00 on new year's eve?

[ Cellphone chiming ] Okay, this is the, uh -- this is the midwest, all right?

[ Laughter ]

Ana: A lot to be said for a good night's sleep.

Abby: I'm with you.

Lola: My god! Stop it! Give it a break! Geez...

Fen: Who are, uh, all the texts from?

Lola: Uh, kyle. But I am gonna turn off my phone.

Arturo: He better not be standing you up.

Abby: I'm sure he's just running a little late.

Lola: Oh, actually, I didn't invite him. We broke up.

Abby: I'm so sorry. When did that happen?

Lola: Right before christmas.

Fen: Santa came early this year.

Ana: Maybe it'll be temporary.

Lola: Oh, I doubt it.

Fen: You know what you need? A chocolate martini. You can drink it while you cry on my shoulder.

Lola: Best offer I've had all night.

Fen: Come on. Hey.

Abby: I can't believe this. She was so good for him.

Arturo: [ Scoffs ] I wonder what he did to screw things up?

Abby: Hey, that's my cousin you're talking about.

Arturo: Um... more champagne. That -- that's a great idea.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Ana: I met kyle. I thought he seemed nice. And lola didn't seem exactly 100% over him.

Abby: You got that too, right?

Ana: Mm-hmm.

Abby: Hmm. Well, maybe she just needs a little shove in the right direction.

Ana: Or maybe a nudge around midnight, genoa city time?

Abby: Mm-hmm. [ Laughs ]

Victor: "Stable for now"? What do you mean by that? When -- when can we expect her to have recovered?

Nate: Victor, you know that i cannot guarantee anything, especially her long-term outlook, without continued medical attention. And by that, I do not mean shuttling her around in an ambulance.

Victor: Let me assure you, I'm not going to endanger her life.

Nick: How can you even say that? Mom has been through hell.

Victor: You don't think I know that?

Nick: Where were you when she needed you most?

Victor: I was right here by her side. While you were celebrating christmas with the children, I held her in my arms, I talked to her, tried to give her courage and strength so that she can come back to us. And I think she heard me.

Nate: It is possible. Nikki's recovery was sudden and dramatic. It was the last thing that I was anticipating.

Victor: Did you tell him what we intend to do?

Nick: I want to hear it from you.

Victor: I want to protect your mother. Not only from the bastard who tried to kill her. I want to take her somewhere where she has peace of mind so that she can recover and come back to us. Because of the false allegations against me, I have to take her somewhere else. I can't stay here. They'll arrest me.

Nick: All right. So what's the plan? You just gonna jet mom off to some other country, probably one without extradition?

Victor: I don't need to tell you where we are going. But you best say goodbye to your mother, because you may not see either one of us again for some time. The hard work you put into lowering your

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. I didn't realize there were so many cooking shows on tv.

Victoria: Are you, um, hungry? Because I-I can throw something together.

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. Popcorn's fine, thank you. I mean, unless you want something.

Victoria: No, no. I'm -- I'm good.

Phyllis: Okay. So, what were we talking about? Oh, that's right. You and billy.

Victoria: Oh, wow. [ Sighs ] I told you, phyllis, there is no "me and billy." We're just friends. We're...co-parents. That's all.

Phyllis: Mm. Friends with benefits?

Victoria: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Come on. You know how seductive he can be.

Victoria: Yes, so do you. But I don't see you trying to rekindle things.

Phyllis: That's 'cause i wised up.

Victoria: Mm. And yet here you are, acting so very territorial when you are "deliriously happy" with nick.

Phyllis: I stand by my quote. Billy's in my rearview mirror.

Victoria: Me too.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. But you could still understand how some people would think there is something more going on between you two, since you were his date at the jabot holiday party.

Victoria: I was purely a plus-one. Why are you so interested if you're so... not, you know, interested?

Phyllis: I am not trying to push you two together, believe me, okay? I'm just saying that, you know, some people could think that it would be the perfect "happily ever after" -- you know, family reunited. So...

Victoria: Like you and nick, you mean.

Phyllis: Our kid is a grown-up. At least in theory. And I don't think I am ready to be stepmom to faith and christian just yet.

Victoria: You know, going back to a past love can be nice. But I learned the hard way what a trap that can be, thinking that you can fix things that were broken to begin with.

Phyllis: Yeah, they call it a break up because it was broken.

Victoria: Exactly. I thought that J.T. Was the answer to that, but he ended up being the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.

Phyllis: Please don't tell me you're comparing J.T. To billy.

Victoria: God, no. Of course not. They're completely different. I [Sighs] Am just leery of going backwards when my future is thataway.

Nick: I cannot believe you were just gonna disappear with mom without telling anyone. Does mom even get a vote in this?

Victor: [ Inhales ] If your mother wants to leave me, she's free to go. I promise you.

Nick: I can put an end to this right now --

Victor: But you won'T. Because you know damn well that's not what your mother wants. She feels safe with me. Safer than anywhere, and with anyone else.

Nikki: Listen to your father.

Victor: My sweet baby. You heard all that? You were awake? Look into your beautiful eyes.

Nate: You're on board with victor's plan?

Nikki: Yes, I am. Nicholas... [ Sighs ] Your father and I need to be together.

Nick: No, mom. Mom, the risk that you're taking --

Nikki: None of that matters.

Nick: It matters to me.

Nikki: Please... don't fight this.

Nate: Listen... I'd like to examine my patient, if you don't mind.

Victor: Not at all.

Nick: This is wrong. This is wrong! There has to be another way without you tearing apart our family again.

Victor: This is not your decision, son.

Nick: But doesn't this make you look even more guilty? Or is that the point? Are you guilty? Did you kill J.T.?

Rey: [ Sighs ] How's it going in there? You almost ready?

Mia: Baby, you can't rush perfection.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] Don't I know it.

Mia: So...

Rey: [ Chuckles ] Oh, ho!

Mia: ...What do you think?

Rey: Yeah.

Mia: Yeah?

Rey: Yeah, yeah. You look... amazing.

Mia: Thank you. I've been dying to wear this dress.

Rey: Whatever I paid for it, it was worth it.

Mia: I'll have you know, I bought this dress with my makeup-consulting fees.

Rey: Oh. Oh.

Mia: Mm-hmm.

Rey: Oh, I am --

Mia: You're sorry? Good. 'Cause you know what? These shoes is what you bought to go with it.

Rey: I did good. So, you ready to go? The night's not getting any younger.

Mia: No. First things first. We need to take a picture.

Rey: Okay.

Mia: Come here. Get close to me. Cheek-to-cheek.

Rey: Okay.

Mia: Mm-hmm.

Rey: How's this?

Mia: Mm. Mm. No. Uh, bad background.

Rey: No? Oh, okay.

Mia: Ah! Okay, here.

Rey: All right.

Mia: Come over here.

Rey: All right.

Mia: Close to me, baby.

Rey: Okay.

Mia: Okay.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Rey: Ignore it. I'm off-duty. Take -- take the picture.

Mia: Okay.

Rey: [ Clears throat ]

Mia: You ready?

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Mia: Smile!

[ Both laugh ] Okay. Another one. Kiss me!

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Rey: Mmph. Don't even look at it. Don't even look at it.

Mia: [ Chuckles ] Okay. You sure?

Rey: I'm sure. Mm...

[ Cellphone chiming ] You know what? You know what? I'm gonna turn it off again so we can just head out.

Mia: Um, rey... thank you. I know you tried, but I-I know what it's doing to you not knowing what's going on here.

Rey: Yeah.

Mia: [ Sighs ] Look -- no, at least... see what it's about. Okay? So you can enjoy yourself, and -- and not worry about what's going on at the station.

Rey: [ Clears throat ] It's from the team out in the field looking for nikki.

[ Sighs ] Whoa. This may have just busted the case wide open.

"The young and the restless"

will continue. Look. It's over.

Victor: So, you think your own father is capable of murder? I bet you you entertained that thought, didn't you, when you found out what that monster had done to your sister?

Nick: Well, I would never act on those impulses.

Victor: But you think I would?

Nick: Your words.

Victor: I didn't kill J.T. Hellstrom, for your information. Once I have cleared my name, I will bring your mother back to genoa city. Meanwhile, you, once again, have misjudged your father.

George: Mr. Newman. The jet's all fueled up and ready to go.

Victor: Okay, george. Kindly help dr. Hastings transport her onto the plane. It's all right, george.

Nick: I hate saying goodbye. Especially like this.

Nikki: It's better than the alternative.

Nick: No. I can -- I can put guards outside your room 24 hours a day --

Nikki: Son, there's no time.

Nick: I love you.

Nikki: I love you, too. It's not forever, you know.

Nick: It feels like it is.

Nikki: Just... reassure everyone... that I'm fine. And wish them all a happy new year... from victor and me.

Nate: Nicholas, I -- I'm sorry to interrupt. I -- I have a few concerns. The flight. How long will you be airborne? And I assume that you've arranged for a qualified doctor to take over at your destination?

Victor: I don't want you to be concerned, all right? She'll be well taken care of by her own, very capable physician.

Nate: No.

Victoria: Yes. Not up for debate. You're coming with us.

Rey: I was concerned that nick newman was gonna go off on his own and interfere with the case, so I had my team track his phone. He just made a phone call from a private airfield not far from genoa city. My team is headed over there right now.

Mia: Why would nick be there?

Rey: Could be he lied about his mom. Maybe he's helping victor get her out of the country.

Mia: You really think that's possible?

Rey: My team is headed over there now. We're gonna find out soon enough.

Mia: You should be there with them.

Rey: No, I -- I have plans with you, remember? In fact -- in fact, i am going to contact the team leader right now and tell him to pursue this lead without me.

Mia: Rey, look at me. I love you. And thank you so much for trying, but... you've worked so hard to apprehend victor, and to make sure nikki's in safe hands. No fancy hotel party's gonna be worth missing out on that.

Rey: I'm not giving up our plans so I can go back to work.

Mia: And I love you so much for saying that, baby. I do. But I think we both know where you need to be right now. You're a cop. This is who you are.

Rey: [ Sighs ]

Mia: Okay? The world is a better, safer place because of you. And thanks to you. Now, go be that amazing cop that I love so much. Go now, before I boot you out myself. Go. Mm...

Rey: I am going to make this up to you, I promise.

Mia: Don't worry. You will.

Devon: Hey, man. You having a good time?

Cane: [ Sniffles ] I'm trying.

Devon: Yeah?

Cane: Yeah.

Devon: Have you heard from lily?

Cane: Uh... she's, uh, looking forward to the holidays being over.

Devon: Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure. It's been tough for everybody. At least she has neil up there, though, she he can visit her often.

Cane: Yeah, I just feel so guilty, you know? It's like, I don't want to neglect her. I also don't want to neglect the kids and sam and work. You know, I mean... her sentence is only halfway over. I just -- I don't know how we're gonna do this.

Fen: Hey.

Lola: Hey.

Fen: Have you, uh -- have you figured that menu out yet?

Lola: Still working on it.

[ Sighs ] The whole idea of, uh, being in charge of an entire restaurant kitchen, it's a little nerve-racking.

Abby: You're gonna be a star. You have nothing to be nervous about.

Arturo: Yeah. Lola, you were meant to do this.

Fen: Yeah, I second that.

Lola: Thank you so much, guys.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

The day after chemo shouldn't

mean going back to

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Lola: Did you crash this party just to pressure me?

Kyle: Look, abby invited me last minute.

Lola: Okay. You must have had a good idea that I would be here, since devon and abby are my new bosses.

Kyle: Of course I did. And I leapt at the chance to see you. I was hoping we could just talk things out.

Lola: [ Scoffs ] Here? I mean, are you crazy?

Kyle: No, I was thinking that we could maybe just --

Lola: No.

Kyle: Lola -- lola, wait!

Devon: Hey. Have you, uh, heard from your writer friend? Is he on his way or what?

Ana: Uh, the invitation came so late, he couldn't make the trip.

Devon: Are you serious? He passed up a trip on a private jet and a great job opportunity because it was inconvenient, or what?

Fen: Yeah, that's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He should have jumped at the chance.

Devon: Yeah, can we pursue this guy, please? Because I'd love to get him in the studio with fen so they can both collaborate on an album together.

Fen: Agreed. I mean, someone with that much talent shouldn't go on keeping it to themselves.

Devon: Yeah. Absolutely.

Fen: Ow! How long do you think you can keep this up for?

Ana: I just need to buy some time. I'll figure it out, okay?

Cane: Hey, have you seen nate? He should be here by now, right?

Ana: I can only assume he got called in on some emergency.

Cane: Oh, okay.

Nick: You're kidnapping mom's doctor now?

Victor: It is not kidnapping if the doc comes voluntarily.

Nate: The thing is, this -- I was not prepared for this. At all. I cannot just fly off to god knows where for who knows how long. I have a life here. I have a job at memorial. I have patients who are counting on me.

Victor: I understand that, doc. But you promised me, and you promised nikki.

Nate: Victor, with all due respect --

Victor: You're not gonna bail out on us now.

Nate: I am afraid I'm going to have to.

Victor: We made a deal, didn't we?

Nate: Yes. And my understanding was --

Victor: Your understanding is the following, my friend -- you promised me, and you promised nikki, that you would take care of her to the best of your ability.

Nick: Dad, you cannot expect the man to just drop everything and get on a plane with you with no warning!

Victor: The man who tried to murder your mother is still out there. May come back any time. If I'm locked up, there's no one here to protect her. She's coming with me.

Nate: [ Scoffs ]

Nate: [ Sucks teeth ] Okay. I'll go. For nikki's sake.

Victor: I'm glad to hear that, doc. George, we need to all get on board that plane. Let's go. Hope the day will come soon when all this is behind us. We'll all be reunited. Until then...

Nick: You take care of her.

Victor: You know I will.

Phyllis: Oh! Shame on us. Managed to polish off a whole bottle without even toasting one another.

Victoria: I have a swallow left. I'll make one.

[ Sighs ] To you, phyllis, for distracting me from my problems tonight. Which I sorely needed.

Phyllis: Well... glad I could help.

Victoria: Now back to reality.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: Still no word from nick. No sign of my mother. Just when I thought I could stop being upset about her dying, she's disappeared.

[ Voice breaking ] What if i never see her again?

Phyllis: Hey.

Victoria: [ Crying ]

Phyllis: Hang in there.

[ Murmuring ]

[ Front door opens, closes ]

Reed: Mom? What's wrong?

Victoria: Nothing, honey. I'm okay. I'm fine. What are you doing here? You should be at the party. It's so early.

Reed: I wasn't in the mood. I didn't go. But I can tell you're hiding something.

Phyllis: Hey, now that reed's here, I will, uh, scoot out. I'm gonna call a car. But, uh, please call me if you hear anything, all right?

Victoria: Thanks.

Phyllis: Happy new year.

Victoria: Bye.

Reed: Mom. [ Sighs ] You wouldn't be at home crying on new year's eve if something wasn't wrong.

Victoria: Honey --

Reed: Please.

Victoria: It's just been a really rough night.

Reed: Is it grandma? Did she --

Victoria: The last time I saw grandma, she was doing better. We were all breathing a sigh of relief. But then... out of nowhere, she was just gone out of her bed. And the police talked to everyone there, and it looks like maybe... she's been taken from the hospital.

Reed: What? What are you --

Victoria: I don't --

Reed: Who would do that?!

Victoria: Your uncle nick and I think that maybe it was whoever hit grandma with their car.

Reed: No! No.

[ Airplane engines rumbling ]

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Victor: [ Sighs ] Sorry about all this, doc. You're a good man. Whatever happens, I'll look after you, okay?

Nate: Let's just focus on the here and now.

Victor: Yes.

Nate: Nikki's well-being.

Nikki: I can't thank you enough.

Victor: Yes, we're all in your debt.

Nate: Better strap up.

[ Sighs ]

George: Prepare for takeoff!

[ Laughter ]

Devon: All right, everyone! It's almost midnight!

[ All cheer ]

[ Noisemakers blowing ] All right. Let's count down! Ready?


Abby: Whoo!

All: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy new year!

[ All cheer ]

[ Laughter ]

Arturo: Happy new year, baby. 2019 is going to be our year.

Abby: Yes!

[ Fireworks exploding outside ]

[ Party horn blows ]

[ Fireworks exploding ]

George: We have a problem.

Victor: I don't give a damn. We need to take off.

Nikki: What's going on?

Victor: What the hell is going on out there? What are you talking about?

[ Sirens wailing ] Get us in the air now!

George: Sir, we're not gonna make it. It's too late. Abort takeoff!

Victoria: I know you're upset about your grandma. So am I. But... you know, everybody's doing everything that they can to find her and bring her back so that she can finish her recovery. And the horrible person that did this thing is gonna be caught and punished. But in the meantime, I'm just really glad that we have each other to lean on during this --

Reed: No, mom. Whoever kidnapped her was not the person who was driving the car.

Victoria: How do you know that?

Reed: Because it was me. I was driving.

Nikki: We had a huge head start. Why didn't we take off when we could?!

Nate: Nikki, you have to stay calm. You've been through an ordeal.

Victor: It ain't over yet.

Rey: All right! Nobody move! Hands where I can see them! Victor newman... you're under arrest.

Next week on

"the young and the restless"...

Jack: You really ready to try again with victoria?

Billy: Yeah.

Jill: Keep your mouth shut. Never breathe this to another living soul.

Kyle: I know her a lot better than you do.

Fen: Yeah, that doesn't mean she belongs to you.

Lola: Just so we're clear -- I don't belong to anyone.

Christine: There has been a decision made on another outstanding case. Victor newman, you're being charged with the murder of J.T. Hellstrom.

Nikki: I have to tell the police. I have to tell them I'm the one that killed J.T.

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