Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/27/18
Episode #11518 ~ Nikki shocks her family, Ana shares a secret with Fen, and Kyle and Lola hit a bump in the road.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Lola: It's gorgeous. So soft.
Kyle: Lola, it's great.
Ana: I may never get another chance to produce a hit record. I know this is the right one.
Fen: Who's the songwriter, anyway?
Ana: A guy back east.
Devon: I want to sign you.
[ Both laugh ] I want you to go to the office and print him up a contract.
Ana: But I discovered him. I listened to the demo, not you. I-I found the song!
Victor: I don't give a damn about J.T. Or the police or anyone else. I just had to come back to you.
Victoria: Maybe we could just bow our heads right now and ask for a miracle.
Victor: Oh, baby. I have to leave you now, okay? You're gonna keep fighting. You be strong. Your family needs you now. So do I, more than ever. And I promise you that you and i will be together very soon. All right?
Phyllis: Hey. Brought some coffee. Got it from the cafeteria. Put enough of these in it, might be drinkable.
Noah: Thanks, phyllis.
Phyllis: Yeah. Was thinking about going to crimson lights, but I -- I didn't want to leave the building, just in case...
Nick: They're still using the holiday ones.
Noah: Could be a good thing. You know, maybe christmas isn't over. Could be we all have a gift coming.
Victoria: Hey. Any updates?
Nick: Mom made it through the night.
Billy: That's good. That's good. Let's hold on to that, then.
Kyle: It took us precisely 22 minutes and 40 seconds to enjoy that delicious breakfast. Thanks for coming over to join me.
Lola: Thank you for inviting me.
Kyle: Oh. It took us 7 seconds to thank each other. And 2.2 seconds for you to start rolling those beautiful eyes.
Lola: Okay, I get it -- you like your watch.
Kyle: That's a severe understatement. I may never take it off.
Lola: Well, it's nice to know that you're happy with your present, because it's exactly how I feel about the purse that you got me. It's perfect in every way. Just, um, except one.
Kyle: Oh?
Lola: Yeah, I can't figure out a way to make it as goofy as you make this watch.
Kyle: Oh-ho! I have confidence you'll find a way. It's one of the many things about you that I l--
Lola: [ Laughs ] That you like?
Kyle: Exactly. And I like it all.
Lola: And I like hearing that. This is really working out, isn't it?
Kyle: Oh, don't tell me you had your doubts.
Lola: Mm, starting off, 50/50 odds, at best, yeah.
Kyle: Huh. If this chef thing doesn't work out, you'd be a terrible bookie.
Lola: Okay, you know me well.
Kyle: I believe the rom-com phrasing is, "I get you."
Lola: Yeah, you do. And as a christmas present, it's right up there with the purse.
Fen: Right here. And there you go. Enjoy. Hey.
Devon: Hey, fen.
Fen: How are you?
Devon: Doing well.
[ Indistinct talking ]
Ana: Morning.
Devon: Hey.
Fen: Hey. What's up?
Devon: Perfect timing. I was actually just about to give fen a copy of the song that he recorded.
Fen: Oh, wow! This is incredible.
Devon: Wait till you hear it.
Fen: Yeah, right after my shift.
Devon: Where are we on the contract that I want drawn up for him?
Ana: The legal team's off for a few days -- for christmas.
Devon: Sure. That's right.
Ana: Fen, I'd love a cappuccino.
Fen: Yeah, sure. Uh, devon, do you want anything?
Devon: No, I'm fine, thank you.
Ana: Do you like fen?
Devon: Yeah, I do.
Ana: And the track he cut?
Devon: Of course. I think it's a hit.
Ana: Then please stop acting like you discovered him or that you produced that hit. Because you know that was all me.
Nate: Nikki? Can you hear me?
Jack: I take it there's been no change?
Nick: No.
Jack: Nick, your mother's gonna pull out of this soon. In the meantime, I've got things handled at dark horse.
Nick: Thanks, jack.
Nate: There's been a change! She has come back. I need some time to examine her, but this may be the break we've been waiting for. Okay?
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Victoria: How long has she been out of the coma?
Nick: Can she talk? Does she know what happened?
Noah: When can we see her?
Phyllis: Can the man answer the question?
Jack: Doctor, you've got some very excited, very grateful people here.
Nate: Yeah, and I feel the same way about this upturn, okay? But this is a very delicate and crucial time for nikki. So I need you all to be patient until I know more. Okay? Making sure she's stable, that has to be our top priority.
Billy: Thanks, nate.
Nate: All right.
Billy: You okay, buddy?
Reed: Um, yeah, I -- I -- I'm fine. It's just...
Billy: It's pretty wild is what it is. Yeah, trust me, it's doing my head in, too. Come here.
Victoria: There you are. It's wonderful news, isn't it?
Reed: Yeah. It really is.
Victoria: I know that this has hit you really hard. Come here.
Billy: The worst of it is over.
Victoria: Yes, now we can finally have some hope.
Reed: Yeah. Thank god.
Nick: I mean, what happened? What could've caused this?
Noah: It doesn't even matter, dad.
Jack: Noah's right. We don't have to question this. Just accept it for the blessing that it is.
Nick: Oh, I am just so grateful mom's back.
Jack: Any word from victor?
Phyllis: No. Still missing in action.
Nick: Doesn't make sense.
Nate: Well, I could check your vitals for a third time or have a nurse do it, but I trust myself. And as for these, it's safe to say that you've made a remarkable turnaround. While you were sleeping, your body had the fight of its life to contend with. You had quite a few people around you, including me, worried whether you would win or not. I can tell them that you have. And I can also tell them that you need to rest and regain your strength. Okay, fine. You win. They can see you, but keep it brief. Just a few people at a time. Okay? So there you are with your depression
Ana: I'm the one who listened to fen's demo when you had zero interest. I'm the one who got him in the studio.
Devon: When you stole the studio time from behind my back?
Ana: I knew the only shot fen and I had was playing you a finished, professional song. It was the only way to get your attention. And it worked -- for him. Me, you blew off.
Devon: So you just want to be a producer overnight without paying your dues?
Ana: I paid them -- as a performer.
Devon: Okay, as a performer. All right. Ana, this isn't me trying to minimize your experience or your eye for talent, because you obviously have both, and you're very smart.
Ana: Thank you for noticing.
Devon: Sure. But this industry has changed a lot in the last few years, and it's continuing to change, and even seasoned vets have trouble keeping up. Do you know how difficult it is making money in the music business?
Ana: I know a hit when I hear one. That still has to count for something.
Devon: And it does, because fen is a great find for us.
Ana: So you're admitting I did a good thing?
Devon: Sure, I am, if you admit that there's a difference between just gauging raw talent and creating a viable product to compete in the marketplace. There's a whole lot more that goes into making hit records than just finding the talent.
Ana: Sure. Of course. I know that. I want to learn. I want you to teach me how to be successful.
Devon: Okay. Well, lesson one -- we have two big discoveries on our hands, thanks to you. We have fen and whoever wrote that song that you gave him.
Ana: So...you like it? On its own?
Devon: Very much so. It reminds me of why I'm excited to even be in this industry. And I want to meet the person or the team responsible. Because we are going to sign whoever it is to an exclusive writing deal as soon as possible. So, can you help me make that happen?
Ana: No, I can'T.
Nate: Okay, guys. I still think it is too early for visitors, but... I mean, ideally, nikki would spend the day resting, recharging as quietly as possible, but she disagrees, and I have to respect that. So, this isn't some momentary turnaround. She is back, and she is on the road to recovery.
Jack: Yes.
Nate: But -- but -- but it is a road, okay? And perhaps a long one. She suffered severe injuries, and they need time to heal. So, you can see her, but as quietly as possible, calm, and two to three at a time, max. Okay?
Nick: Okay, all right. Hey, we can never thank you enough.
Nate: Well, you already have. Just seeing this many happy people, it's as good as it gets. So I'm gonna write the latest in her file, gonna go home and get some rest, and just give me a call if you need anything, okay?
Victoria: We will.
Jack: Thanks, doctor.
Nate: Thanks, guys.
Victoria: Just try to relax. No, no, no. Conserve your strength.
Nick: Yeah, don't try and do too much, okay? That big scare you gave us was plenty. Can you tell us what happened the night of the party?
Nikki: Where is... where's your father?
Nick: Uh, sorry, mom, um... he's not here. We haven't been able to reach him.
Victoria: Not yet, anyway.
Nikki: I had a dream.
Victoria: Did you dream about dad?
Nikki: He was here.
Nick: In the room with you?
Nikki: He saved me. He gave me... strength.
Victoria: I believe you. The hard work you put into lowering your
Lola: Thank you. Bye-bye.
Kerry: Hi!
Lola: Kerry, hi!
Kerry: Craving one of those legendary sandwiches.
Lola: Oh, if that's how they're being described nowadays -- here you go -- please don't be shy about spreading the word.
Kerry: I'm sorry. Is that the new kelli diane?
Lola: The what?
Kerry: Kelli diane, the designer of that purse.
Lola: Um... I don't know. I'm not sure. It was a gift from kyle.
Kerry: Ooh, nice! Like father, like son, I guess. When it comes to christmas presents. Jack got me a five-star resort holiday on bora bora. And you got that. I actually have one of these from a few seasons ago, before the brand and the prices skyrocketed. You have no idea how limited-edition they are. They made 800 of these this year. Can you believe that?
Lola: No. Not at all.
Kerry: May I?
Lola: Mm-hmm.
Kerry: Oh. Exquisite. Look. Number 427.
Lola: Yeah. Um, so, enjoy your trip and your lunch.
Kerry: Thank you. You enjoy that luscious bag. I am officially envious.
Lola: Okay. Bye-bye!
Kerry: Bye.
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Ana: The songwriter lives back east. He's made a conscious decision to stay away from the business side of the music industry.
Devon: And why is that?
Ana: I'm not totally sure. Maybe he was burned at some point. I just know he's happy devoting himself to the craft of songwriting while avoiding the phonier side of things. That's why he uses a pen name.
Devon: Okay. Yeah, well, I don't know about you, but I'd like to know a little more about him. You know? Hey, fen, come over here for a second. What's your honest opinion of the song that you just recorded? I'm talking about the writing.
Fen: Um, well, I never thought about singing anyone else's work, you know, other than for fun. That -- that song was killer. I mean, whoever wrote it knows what a hit sounds like. I would really love to hear more where that came from.
Evon: I completely agree with you. Are you sure that this guy isn't interested in a publishing deal? 'Cause I'm very surprised he doesn't already have one.
Ana: He doesn'T.
Devon: Yes, okay. Well, can we try and make that happen?
Ana: Okay. But you have to understand, there will be restrictions.
Devon: That's fine. I've worked with artists before. I'm not gonna get in the way of his creative process, but I think that if I pay him what he's worth, one meeting isn't too much to ask for, right?
Ana: I'll see what I can do.
Devon: Fair enough. I'll catch up with you guys later, all right?
Fen: Yeah. Um... look, I -- I owe you an apology.
Ana: Agreed.
Fen: Devon's head honcho, okay? And when he came into the studio, I felt like I had to fall in line.
Ana: Mm-hmm. Even though I was the one --
Fen: Even though, yes, you're the one who got me in there and gave me that song... and made me sound so good. Yes. Look, I hated seeing devon dismiss you like that, okay? But I didn't think calling him out on his bad behavior was the best way to kick things off with your brother. I mean, you get that, right?
Ana: I do. I probably would've done the same thing. You only get so many chances in this industry, sometimes just one.
Fen: And you're gonna say that to the songwriter?
Ana: I don't know what I'm gonna tell him.
Fen: "Him"? Come on, all right? It's just us now. You can drop the pretense.
Ana: What pretense? I don'T...know what you mean.
Fen: That was your song. You wrote it.
Victoria: Come in.
Jack: Kind of feel like I'm jumping the line a little bit. Noah's out there, reed's out there.
Nick: Mom asked for you.
Victoria: Just be gentle with her, okay? Doctor's orders.
Jack: Understood.
Nick: We'll be close by, mom.
Jack: Well, I don't know when the last time was I had news this good. Christmas came a little late, not that I'm complaining. Hey, you don't have to talk. We could just sit here.
Nikki: Yeah, but... jack... I was... drinking.
Jack: I know that. They did a toxicology screen when you were first admitted. I wish I'd know that. It was a jabot party. I could've helped you more.
Nikki: No. It'S... it'S...on me.
Jack: Hey. Physical healing is what counts right now. That's the top priority. Obviously, one aa meeting wasn't enough. So, once you're back on your feet, we'll go to another. And another after that... for as long as it takes. I am there for you 100%.
Billy: It all sounds great. I'm really happy for nikki -- and for you, of course.
Victoria: Thank you. Well, I'm not the one who pulled myself out of a coma and away from the edge of death.
Billy: No, but you've still been suffering. And I've watched you try and keep it together, and you've done a great job, but it doesn't mean it doesn't take a toll on your nerves and your heart.
Victoria: That's true, especially when you feel like things are gonna end badly. I feel like I've been caught up in a tornado, spinning around and around for the longest time.
Billy: You mean since J.T.?
Victoria: Yeah, since J.T. But now my mom, she's conscious again, she's talking. I was in there just a few hours ago, and... I mean, I just felt like she was slipping away. She seemed really lost, just like all my hope. Thank you for being there and for having my back. I mean, since the minute this whole nightmare started...
Billy: Well, you haven't always been able to count on me. I wanted it to be different this time.
Victoria: It was. It is.
Billy: Good. Because it's not over yet.
Victoria: No, I know you're right, even though I'd like to think so. But you have been there and been supportive, and you've been loving and present for all three of the kids. And that has meant the world to them, so thank you.
"The young and the restless"
will continue. Look. It's over.
Victoria: Hey, guys. Your grandma's ready to see you now.
Nick: Yeah, just, uh -- just try and keep her calm.
Reed: Okay.
Noah: Yeah, you know, when she squeezed my hand last night, it was like she was trying to tell us she's gonna be okay. You know?
Victoria: Reed, you're coming, right?
Reed: What was grandma saying?
Nick: Well, she's not able to say much, but she's getting stronger by the minute.
Victoria: If there's something that she's trying to say and it seems important, then just let her try. Billy, would you care to join us?
Billy: Yeah, that'd be nice.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Come on.
Nick: Hey. Glad you're here. I just wanted to say... thank you for everything you've done. I mean, you've been with me here this whole time, trying to get me through this unthinkable situation.
Phyllis: You know, things worked out the way they were supposed to. And I had nothing to do with that. Sharon deserves as much credit as I do. You know, she seemed to have a better handle on how to make you feel better.
Nick: Yeah. Remind me to thank her. She was great. So are you. And so is nate. Vic and I were saying, we wish we had more of a chance to tell him how thankful we are. Grateful for him.
Phyllis: Well, I just saw him in the cafeteria not five minutes ago. Why don't you go see if you can find him? I bet you can catch him.
Nick: That's a good call. I'll be back.
Phyllis: Okay.
Fen: Ana, please wait.
Ana: I can't discuss your flattering but farfetched theory right now. You heard devon. He wants me to talk the actual songwriter into signing a deal with this music division.
Fen: Well, that shouldn't take long since it's you. Look, just... please, just talk to me for like 10 minutes.
Ana: One minute.
Fen: Thank you. Look, in the studio, I thought that was your song. Okay, that's how deep your connection to it was. And how without any producing experience, you were able to pull that performance out of me.
Ana: I wrote it.
Fen: Thank you.
Ana: But you can't tell devon.
Fen: Why not? Look, if you would've just told devon in the studio, he would've never kicked you out.
Ana: I have my reasons.
Fen: Well, I would love to hear them. All right, if you want me to keep this big secret from devon.
Ana: What is this, extortion?
Fen: What? No. No way. I just... I want to understand you and this major gift you have. Why would you want to hide it?
Ana: Here's the short answer. I was robbed.
[ Knock on door ]
Nate: Yeah, yeah. Is nikki okay?
Nick: Oh, yeah. Uh, I didn't mean to scare you. I just realized that my sister and I didn't get a chance to thank you properly. Nate, you are the reason my mother is alive.
Nate: I'm glad I could play a part. Okay? But the real credit should go to your mother. She's the one that pulled through against impossible odds.
Nick: Well, you were given an incredible task, you know? But you hung in there with dedication, and it means a lot.
Nate: It's kind of the job.
Nick: Well, you're gonna find very quickly that I'm a man who knows how to show his appreciation.
Nate: You already have.
Nick: Well, I don't give my dad credit very often, but... when he hired you to be their personal doctor, it was one of the best decisions he ever made.
Nate: Thank you for that. It -- it means a lot. And, listen, I've never seen a person do a 180 like that before.
Nick: You need anything, nate -- and I mean anything -- you call me.
Nate: You got it.
Victor: Look straight ahead. Stay calm. My son was right about one thing. My family owes you a big debt of gratitude.
Nate: Listen, you need to be in the icu. Nikki needs you.
Victor: I can't do that. I cannot go back to that hospital. They'll arrest me, okay? The authorities are watching the damn place. That's why I'm doing this.
Nate: Doing what, exactly?
Victor: Listen to me very carefully. Whoever committed the hit-and-run on my wife... I don't think he's finished with the job. He's around here. He would like to finish it.
Nate: Well, then you should be talking to the police.
Victor: I can't do that. That's why I'm asking you for help. Jardiance asked-
Kyle: I got here as quickly as possible. 17 minutes and 12 seconds, to be precise.
Lola: I didn't ask you here to discuss that damn watch.
Kyle: Harsh. Did I do something wrong? Well, did I?
Lola: You did 5,000 things wrong, plus tax.
Kyle: Sorry. What?
Lola: That's how much this damn purse cost. I looked it up. Now you can help me return it.
Kyle: Well, I thought you loved it.
Lola: And I thought you were listening when I told you at the start that I wasn't in this for your money, kyle!
Kyle: Of course not. I know that.
Lola: Well, then, why the hell did you spend 5 grand on this purse?
Kyle: Because I wanted you to have the best.
Lola: Oh, yeah.
Kyle: Something that would last a lifetime. You get what you pay for.
Lola: Okay. In this case, a teeny-tiny label that says, "congratulations! Only 799 other people are as rich and stupid as you are!
Kyle: Whoa, whoa! It's stupid to want nice things? I like to have things I can depend on.
Lola: Oh, so you just better return your watch to the nearest charity thrift store, because it cost way less than 5 grand! Okay, I don't even make that in a month. So you must think everything that I own is crap, huh?
Victoria: Where's nick?
Phyllis: He went to find nate so he could thank him properly. Since we're alone, can we talk?
Victoria: Sure.
Phyllis: I want you to know how relieved I am for nikki. For nick, your whole family. I imagine you still have questions, because I do.
Victoria: About the accident?
Phyllis: If it was one. Did nikki say anything to you?
Victoria: No, not yet. She's still trying to get her bearings.
Phyllis: Obviously. I know that you're very protective of your mother. No one would ever blame you for that. But I think we need to figure out what really is going on. And better those questions come from us instead of the cops.
Nikki: Thank you for coming such a long way to see me.
Noah: Hey, knowing that you're gonna be okay, I'm gonna be sleeping the whole flight back.
Nikki: Mm.
Noah: Hey, grandma, last night, when you -- when you squeezed my hand... it seemed like you were trying to tell us something. Do you remember that?
Nikki: Mm. I don't know. Maybe, but... oh, things are still very fuzzy. It's like... I don't know -- all different pieces of a very long dream, you know?
Noah: Mm.
Nikki: Hey. You're awfully quiet.
Reed: Yeah, but I'm happy. You know, we all just wanted you to wake up and be okay.
Noah: Yeah, nobody more than this guy. Looked like he was at the end of his rope.
Nikki: It's been a very... tough year. I'm sorry everyone had to worry about me.
Noah: Okay. If you think that was your fault, we need to get dr. Hastings back in here, all right? Right, reed?
Reed: 'Cause it so wasn'T.
Nikki: Oh. I don't know. What kind of grandma... ruins christmas?
Noah: [ Chuckles ] Okay. All right.
Nate: What you're asking, it's insane.
Victor: Listen to me. I understand this isn't orthodox. I wouldn't ask you this if it wasn't necessary, but this is an emergency.
Nate: Listen, never mind the rest of your plan, okay? Strictly speaking, nikki's condition, a few hours ago, her prognosis was beyond grim. "Trending downward" doesn't even begin to describe it, okay? She's barely pulled out of this, and now you want to just --
Victor: Stop. It's not what I want. It's what needs to be done. Do I need to explain this to you again?
Nate: No, I understand the situation. That is not it.
Victor: You know, you will be well-compensated for this, doc.
Nate: I'm on your payroll, remember? I'm already well-compensated.
Victor: Let's cut to the chase. Are you willing to help me for nikki's sake, or am i wasting my time here right now?
Ana: So, the passion and energy I devoted into interpreting other people's songs, I put that into becoming a creator, facing down a scary, blank page and trusting myself to fill it. I found a mentor who was giving and accomplished and saw even more potential in me than I saw in myself. He showed me how to tap into it. Soon, I was writing every day, coming up with song after song, refining and polishing the ones that he liked and recording the best of the best. I ended up with a five-track ep. Me, performing my own songs. I was so proud of it. And then, this industry pro asked if he could shop it around, try to find me a record deal. I was so blown away, I barely scanned the release form he said he needed to submit the ep to producers and labels.
Fen: Uh-oh.
Ana: I never saw or heard from him again. Or got paid when he sold my work, which was legally his work. I signed it over without noticing.
Fen: Damn.
[ Scoffs ] Well, no wonder you'd want to take the stealth route this time.
Ana: It's the only route from now on. I'm fine with being behind the scenes, maintaining control over my work. I don't need to be famous. I'll leave that to you.
Fen: Okay, fine, but I'm gonna need your help to get there. And it'd be cool for both of us to, you know -- I don't know -- make this happen together. I mean, don't you think?
Ana: Don't mention anything to devon about my secret identity, and I'll see what I can do.
Kerry: Mm! Are you sure?
Jack: I'm absolutely sure. What nikki pulled off today is nothing short of a miracle. Now that I don't have to worry about her or her family, I can focus on pampering you. And what better place to do that than bora bora? You know what the place is famous for?
Kerry: Mnh-mnh.
Jack: Over-water bungalows and the best tahitian vanilla-bean ice cream in the world.
Kerry: Then I just want to say I am extra sorry for judging your close relationship with your ex.
Jack: I'm glad. It was nikki who insisted we jet off right away.
Kerry: Well, after the week she's had, let's not disappoint her.
Jack: No, we certainly can'T.
Kyle: Can we please back this up so I have another shot at this? I don't think cost is the only way to judge something's worth. I love this watch, and you love that purse.
Lola: Loved. Past tense. Do you know how crummy it feels to give you something so out of proportion to what you gave me?
Kyle: Why should it? I make more than you do. Lola, you were so happy on christmas. That label didn't bother you then.
Lola: Only because I am so clueless to overpriced accessories.
Kyle: I wanted to get you something you'd like. Is there anything I can say to fix this?
Lola: If you can't understand why you spending that kind of money on me makes me uncomfortable, then I was wrong. You don't get me. And if you think that I'm overreacting, you don't respect me, either. And I can't be with someone who doesn'T. Hold this.
Kyle: What? What are you doing? What are you -- lola, are you saying we're over?
Nick: Hey, noah just texted me. He said he dropped reed off. I'm gonna go in and see mom again.
Victoria: You look so exhausted. Why don't you take a nap? I'll stay.
Nick: Thanks. I just -- I didn't get to see mom much earlier, so...
Victoria: Okay. Well, I'll join you.
Nick: Okay. Phyllis, you want to come?
Phyllis: Sure, yeah.
Nick: Okay, mom, we're here to tuck you in.
Phyllis: Where did she go?
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