Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/25/18

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/25/18


Episode #11516 ~ Nikki's family and friends pray for a Christmas miracle, Billy plans the perfect Christmas, and Sharon keeps the holiday spirit alive in Genoa City.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Mia: Rey and i are so much better.

Sharon: Mm.

Mia: It's like we're newlyweds.

Sharon: That's really great. Good for you.

Mia: Mm.

Rey: It's just my way of saying that, even though I'm with mia, you're still important to me.

Sharon: I tried to give tessa the benefit of the doubt --

Mariah: Why can't you just be happy for me?!

Sharon: Because I love you!

Mariah: And I love you, too. But I also love tessa, and I want both of you in my life. I'm not gonna sacrifice either of you.

[ Loud thud ]

Reed: [ Gasps ] What was that?!

Charlie: I don't know.

Reed: Last night, on the road, when we were wondering... it was my grandma.

Victoria: Dad has been there for her. He's been her love and her strength through all of those other things. And maybe she can't do it without him.

Victoria: Christmas has always been your favorite holiday. Especially christmas eve. I remember when I was little, and dad would lift me up so that I could put the star on top of the tree. And then it was nicholas' turn after that, and then abby's, and then all the grandkids. And then, sometimes, we would have people come over, and we would have hot cocoa, and you would play christmas carols on the piano, and we would all sing along. I know how important this night is to you, mom, because it's all about family and love. And hope. Nate told us that we need to prepare for the worst, but here we are, another day come and gone... and there's been no change. So I would like to think that, if you're not getting worse, then you're still fighting. So you please just keep fighting, mom. I'm just gonna keep hoping.

[ Door opens ] What are you doing here?

Mia: Ooh.

Rey: Whew...

Mia: Christmas isn't till tomorrow, but...

[ Rey chuckles ] I feel like I already got my present.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] Does that mean you're not interested in the gifts under the tree? 'Cause I can return those, you know.

Mia: Touch those presents, and you're a dead man.

Rey: [ Laughs ] You do realize you're the one person in the world who can actually say that to me?

Mia: Or do so many interesting things to you.

Rey: Definitely the only one for that.

Mia: Oh, my goodness. I cannot imagine being happier than I am right at this moment. Feeling so close to you like this. Being with you again.

Rey: [ Sighs ]

Mia: The way we used to be. It's everything I've ever wanted.

Rey: [ Sighs ]

Mariah: Throwing a pop-up holiday party. That is very hip of you, mom.

Sharon: Watch it, miss millennial, or I'll bust out my gen-x dance moves.

Mariah: Wow. Doing the macarena to "frosty the snowman." I cannot wait to see that.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Wow, that's really unique. Where's that from?

Sharon: It's from rey. Isn't it pretty?

Sharon: Your married co-worker is giving you presents. What could possibly go wrong?

Sharon: It's a christmas ornament, okay? It's not lingerie.

Mariah: Geez, mom!

Sharon: What? You're the one who insinuated there was something inappropriate about it. I don't see anything wrong with giving a colleague a gift like this. It's a token of our friendship, period. Don't go reading anything more into it.

Mariah: Are you sure that's all it is? Friendship?

Sharon: I'm sure. Could you please help me clean up this mess and the boxes? I still need to get ready and finish setting up before the guests arrive.

Jack: Merry almost christmas.

Billy: It sure is. It's about to get even merrier once you see what I got you.

Jack: Oh, whatever it is, i am sure I am gonna love it. But I won't appreciate it half as much as knowing I got my brother back.

Billy: Yeah, we've had quite a year, haven't we? Our family's had its collective butt handed to them. More than once.

Jack: Something tells me the rough waters are behind us. The abbotts are mounting a comeback.

Billy: You're sure filled with holiday spirit.

Jack: That, I am.

Billy: Any particular reason?

Kerry: Jack! Jack? Where'd you run off to? Oooh!

Billy: Jack!

Jack: [ Sighs ]

Kerry: Hello, billy.

Billy: Hello, kerry.

Nick: Nate sounded so dire. Like we needed to prepare ourselves.

Phyllis: He's just covering himself. Managing the family's expectations.

Nick: You think there's reason to be optimistic? Based on what?

Phyllis: It has been 24 hours, and nikki is still here, and that is not nothing. It's christmas eve. Miracles do happen, and you have to hang on to that. And if you can't, then you have to hang on to me.

[ Door opens ]

Nick: Hey!

[ Phyllis exclaims ] I didn't know you were coming.

Noah: [ Sniffles ] Yeah. Yeah. Come on, I had to. You know? Uh, not just for -- for christmas. I want to be here for grandma and for you.

Nick: I'm so glad you're here, son.

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[ China clinks ]

Kerry: Where's billy?

Jack: Coast is clear. He's gone. And since you've gone to the trouble of getting dressed, and since you look so good, would you do me the honor of coming with me to sharon newman's party? It's a little holiday get-together, very casual. It's at the coffeehouse.

Kerry: Sure. I'd be down for that. I think I met sharon at, uh, the boutique launch party. Billy's date, right?

Jack: Ah, very good memory. She and billy are just friends.

Kerry: Oh, well, she's gorgeous. As long as you and she are just friends, that's all I care about.

Jack: We are friends. We are also former spouses.

Kerry: You two were married to each other?

Jack: It was a decade ago. It wasn't in the cards for us.

Kerry: Wow. You do have a lot of exes scattered about. Although I suppose it speaks well of you that you maintain on such good terms with them.

Jack: I know it's odd. Every time you turn around, you're face-to-face with another part of my past. But I want to make something very clear -- you are the woman I want to be with. You are the only woman I have ever invited to bora bora. And this trip we're about to take...

[ Inhales ] I'm hoping it's just the beginning. It's been a long time since someone has made me as happy as you do. Does that help?

Kerry: It helps a lot.

Nick: Not gonna lie to you, it's been rough. Especially with your grandpa pulling another one of his disappearing acts. Phyllis has been amazing. Your mom has, too, you know. I don't know what I would have done without them.

Noah: Well, you know, that's my mom. Whenever there's a crisis, there she is, taking the high road.

Nick: Hey. Uh, any change?

Victoria: She's resting comfortably. Holding her own.

Noah: Billy.

Billy: Good to hear that. It's good that you're here.

Nick: It sure is.

Billy: Listen, you have been here since noon. I think it's, uh, time to take a break.

Victoria: Well, actually, i could use something to eat.

Billy: Well, sharon's having a little get-together at crimson lights. I thought we could swing by there before we go and see reed and the kids.

Nick: That's a good idea. I was just with faith and christian. Really picked me up.

Victoria: I'd hate to leave mom.

Nick: You know mom would just kick you out. Go and enjoy some of the holidays. I will call you if anything changes.

Victoria: Okay. Sounds like a plan.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Noah, why don't you come with us and see sharon?

Noah: No, you know what, I'm gonna see mom later. Um, just do me a favor, though. Don't let her know I'm in town. Kind of wanted to do that myself.

Victoria: Yeah, of course. I know she'll be so happy to see you.

Phyllis: Can I get you two some coffee?

Noah: [ Sighs ] No, thanks.

Nick: Yeah, I'm good, too. Thanks.

Phyllis: Well, I'm gonna go sit with nikki so you two can talk.

Nick: I appreciate that.

Sharon: That's fine, sweetie. I will see you later. Bye-bye.

Mariah: Isn't faith coming to the party?

Sharon: She is decorating cookies with christian and monique, and shethere. Which is fine with me.

Mia: The place looks beautiful!

[ Gasps ]

Sharon: Thank you so much, mia.

Rey: Wow. When you throw a party, you don't kid around, huh?

Mia: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Yeah, sharon is nothing but thorough.

[ Chuckles ]

Sharon: I'm so glad you could make it.

Mia: Of course, sharon. Mariah. You and your show -- I was riveted yesterday.

Mariah: Thank you so much.

Mia: You have so much poise on camera. I would just love to use my expertise to play on that strength even more.

Mariah: Your expertise?

Mia: As a stylist.

Mariah: Oh.

Rey: Baby, it's a -- it's a party.

Mia: Oh! Heh... honey, but no one's here yet. And you know what? You don't mind, right?

Mariah: Uh, you know, actually, right now, as far as staff goes, we're kind of filled to the max, so...

Mia: No, still, you don't want to get stuck in a rut, okay? A woman in the spotlight should have a fresh look for the holidays, for the new year, okay? You know what? Let's come on over here. I'm just gonna throw some ideas at you.

Mariah: Okay...

Sharon: You and mia seem like you're in a good place.

Rey: I think it's the happiest she's been since we were newlyweds.

Sharon: And are you happy, too?

Rey: You know, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to reconnect with her. Let go of my anger. But I have. So... I guess I am.

Sharon: Well, that's all I ever wanted for you.

Mariah: Hey!

Tessa: Hi.

Mariah: You're here.

Tessa: Yeah, maybe not for long.

Mariah: What are you talking about?

Tessa: I don't want to make sharon mad.

Mariah: No, y-you know, we talked the other night, and she and I came to an understanding.

Tessa: Does she know that?

Mariah: She doesn't like that you and I are still together, but she's gonna have to learn to accept it.

Sharon: Well, this is a surprise.

Mariah: Yeah. I invited tessa, because it's christmas eve, and I want to be with the two people in my life that mean the most to me. Is that okay?

Jack: Thank you for having us.

Sharon: Thank you for coming out. It's nice to see you again, kerry.

Kerry: You too.

Sharon: Um, so, there's treats over there. Can I get either of you a beverage?

Kerry: Uh... in a bit.

Jack: Yeah, in a bit.

Sharon: Okay. Enjoy.

Mariah: You've barely said two words to tessa.

Sharon: I've been busy.

Mariah: Look, I don't expect you to fawn all over her, but you could at least make her feel welcome.

Sharon: Victoria, I didn't expect to see you. I'm so glad you came.

Billy: Yeah, I had to persuade her to take a break from the icu, but we're here.

Sharon: Well done.

Jack: Hello, you two.

Billy: Hey, hi.

Victoria: Hi. Merry christmas.

Jack: How's nikki doing? I assume the fact that you're here means things are steady in the hospital?

Victoria: There's been no change in her condition, if that's what you call steady.

Jack: Well, under the circumstances, I'll take anything I can get.

Kerry: We've all been there. It's, uh... it's good to take breaks, to decompress. See some other faces.

Billy: See? She speaks the truth.

Sharon: Um... rey is here.

Victoria: If I had known who else was on the guest list --

Sharon: He's just here to unwind, like everyone else.

Billy: Yeah. We'll just ignore him. We'll share a brownie, we'll drink our mochas, and we'll be on our way.

Sharon: I'll have lizzy start those drinks. Excuse me.

Billy: Thank you.

Mariah: Hey.

Tessa: Hi.

Mariah: What's wrong?

Tessa: Uh, I just... I got a text from crystal.

Mariah: Is she okay?

Tessa: Yes and no. She just... she doesn't know a soul in canada, and she's so lonely, and I figured I should go and spend christmas with her.

Mariah: Wait. You're gonna leave tonight?

Tessa: Well, I checked. The -- the roads are fine.

Mariah: No, you can't -- give me your phone.

Tessa: Why?

Mariah: Because I want you to show me the text. Unless you can't because there isn't one.

Tessa: Look, I'm trying to do the right thing.

Mariah: I shouldn't have to choose between you and my mother!

Tessa: Sharon is never going to accept me. She hates me. And you know what? I understand why. After all the crap that I've pulled with her? I think that the best gift that I can give you is to leave.

Mariah: No. I love you. I would be miserable without you.

Tessa: Well, you'd be miserable with me. Maybe in a different way. But then you would start to resent me for coming between you and her.

Mariah: No. That's not gonna happen.

Tessa: It's better this way.

Mariah: Not for me.

Tessa: Do you honestly believe that you're gonna be okay with splitting your life? One part with me, one part with sharon?

Mariah: Yes, if I have to.

Tessa: That's no way to live.

Mariah: Well, you know what, I will find a way, because I am not going to lose either one of you.

Phyllis: Well, I know you hate being stuck here in this hospital. You should be home with your family. Sitting in front of a roaring fire, opening gifts, telling the staff how many places to set for dinner.

[ Sighs ] Whoever mowed you down and wrecked your christmas, they should pay. That bastard shouldn't get away with it. So channel that anger and wake up. And start feeling better. If that isn't motivation enough, then think about victor. I...personally... would not have a problem with... victor going down for J.T.'S murder. But I know that you were determined to prove that vto is being framed. But you cannot do that from this bed. So wake the hell up. Or things may not go the way you want them to. Come on, nikki. Open your eyes. You're needed here.

Nick: I'm sorry you had to come home under these circumstances. Really grateful. Hope you know that.

Noah: I talked to summer about joining us, but she thought it'd be best if she stayed in dubai in case grandpa showed up. You know, she's worried about him, too.

Nick: I don't know what's worse -- thinking that something terrible happened to my dad, or that he may have murdered reed's father...

Noah: [ Sighs ]

Nick: ...And he's hiding underground to avoid being arrested.

Noah: Or there's some other explanation that we haven't thought of yet.

Nick: Either way, it's terrible timing.

Noah: Look, I'm just gonna assume that you and vicki have looked every place you can think of.

Nick: Two sets of pi'S. Nobody's come up with anything. But he needs to come home. For mom. It is the only thing that matters.

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Nick: Hey, nate. Nate! Uh, you got a second?

Nate: Yeah.

Nick: I just wanted to introduce you to my son. Noah, this is dr. Hastings.

Noah: Nice to meet you.& Doctor, uh, hastings --

Nate: Call me nate.

Noah: ...What's going on with my grandma? Is she gonna be okay? Is she gonna make a full recovery?

Nate: I took a look at nikki's latest tests, and still no change.

Noah: Is she deteriorating?

Nate: She should have regained consciousness long before now. And just the fact that she hasn't is concerning.

Nick: I just need you to level with us. If that was your mom in there... would you expect her to turn around anytime soon?

Nate: I think the rest of the family ought to get down here now. I-I wouldn't wait.

Billy: Anyway, johnny and katie are basically looking everywhere -- in the closet, the back of my car. Anywhere where mom and dad would hide the christmas presents.

Victoria: Such little stinkers.

Jack: I'm sure we were just as bad when we were their age.

Kerry: Oh, no, no. Not me. I was an angel. Can you not see my halo?

Jack: Oh, I actually can.

Kerry: Yeah? [ Chuckles ]

Jack: So, where are you hiding the gifts?

Billy: In the extra refrigerator in the garage. She has it padlocked.

Victoria: Well, you know, safety first.

Kerry: Sheer genius.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: And get this.

Victoria: What? Oh! Well, because, uh, they think that it's full of spinach.

Billy: [ Laughs ]

Kerry: Ohh!

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Perfect, right?

Victoria: [ Laughs ] Yes.

Billy: There it is!

Victoria: What?

Billy: That smile of yours. I've missed it.

Victoria: Thanks for helping me get it back.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: [ Giggles ]

Sharon: I know it's awkward, but I think it's best to just give victoria a little breathing room. She's practically living at the hospital.

Rey: Oh, no. I understand. I'm just glad to hear that nikki's still holding on.

Kerry: Hello, mia.

Mia: [ Gasps ] Merry christmas! Ifeliz navidad!

Kerry: [ Laughs ] You too.

Kerry: Oh!

Mia: [ Laughs ] You two have met? [ Laughs ]

Rey: Kerry, right?

Kerry: Oh! Good memory.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] Occupational hazard.

Kerry: Oh.

Mia: Kerry is jabot's creative genius, inventing amazing new products in the lab.

Rey: Mm.

Kerry: I wanted to talk to you, actually.

Mariah: What's this?

Sharon: Hot apple cider. I thought you might enjoy it.

Mariah: Peace offering?

Sharon: Call it whatever you want.

Tessa: Thank you, sharon.

Sharon: You're welcome.

Tessa: I can never apologize enough for what I've put you through.

Sharon: You can tell me you're sorry as much as you want. I'm not going to just forgive and forget. But... because it is christmas... I can't bear the thought of making my daughter unhappy when we're so lucky to have each other. So I promise to be civil. That's the best I can do. Hopefully it will be enough that we can all coexist. For mariah's sake. I love you.

Mariah: I love you. No more talk of you leaving, okay?

Tessa: I'm not going anywhere.

Sharon: Can I get you anything else?

Jack: Uh, not me, thank you.

Billy: I think we're good, too, thank you.

Victoria: This has been a lovely respite. But billy and i really should get going.

Sharon: Well, I'm glad it helped.

Victoria: Uh, sharon, do you mind if I grab some sugar cookies so the kids can leave them out for santa?

Sharon: Absolutely! Come and pick out what you want. It's on the house.

Victoria: Oh, wow. Thank you.

Billy: So, you and your little, uh, scientist lady friend there seem to have a good thing going on.

Jack: So good that we are headed to bora bora right after christmas.

Billy: Wow. That's a bold move for someone you don't know all that well.

Jack: You know what? With everything nikki's going through, it's just one more reminder of how quickly things change. I like her. I'm ready to go for it.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Oh, my gosh. Thanks again for everything. This is great.

Sharon: You are so welcome.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Victoria: Oh, that's me. Excuse me. Hey, nick. [ Sighs ] What's going on?

Nick: I spoke with nate. Everyone needs to come down here to... say their goodbyes.

Victoria: [ Gasps ] Oh, my god. Okay. Um... I understand. I'll be there soon.

[ Sighs ]

Billy: What did nick say?

Victoria: My mom might not live to see tomorrow morning.

Billy: Vick -- my mom might be dying. And you still don't know who was driving the car that hit her!

Billy: Come on. We don't have time for this.

Sharon: I knew that nikki was in bad shape, but I-I didn't want to believe --

Mia: We're gonna get going. Um, thanks again for inviting us. Merry christmas.

Rey: And I promise that I am going to do everything in my power to find this person who did this and bring them to justice.

Sharon: Mariah, I -- I want to go to the hospital, but I-I don't want to intrude on nick and victoria's time with nikki --

Mariah: Mom, you're family. You wouldn't be intruding, and I'm sure they would appreciate all the support they can get.

Jack: She's right. I agree.

Kerry: Jack, you need to be there, too. Don't worry about me getting home or our trip. Just, uh, know that nikki's the only thing that matters now.

Jack: Thank you. Thank you for understanding.

Mariah: I'm gonna close up.

Tessa: No, no, no. I'll do it. Your mom needs you right now.

Mariah: Thank you.

Jack: It can't end now. Not -- not on christmas eve.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nick: How can mom be dying? How can she go from "no change" to "no hope"?

Noah: [ Sighs ] I'm just glad I got here when I did.

Nick: Yeah, me too.

Phyllis: Nick, listen, I think what nate told you is excellent advice. The newmans should be here. Pulling for nikki. Sending their good and healing energy. But what I don't remember is nate saying that this is gonna be her last night with us.

Noah: Listen, phyllis, all due respect, but you were in there with grandma, and nate strongly implied --

Phyllis: Okay, but there could have been a misunderstanding. It happens, right? I mean [Sighs] This has been dragging on. I mean, I could understand why you were gonna jump to the scariest conclusion --

Noah: "Get everybody down here. Prepare yourselves." How is that not terrifying?

Phyllis: Nikki still may come out of this. No one knows what's gonna happen tonight.

Nick: You're right. You're right. Let's be positive. Mom wouldn't give up on us, so we're not gonna give up on her.

Victoria: You just said everything that I'm thinking.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Hey, guys.

Noah: [ Chuckles ] Hey. Uh, hey, reed. How you doing?

Reed: Good.

Noah: Good to see you.

Reed: Yeah, I didn't know you were gonna be here.

Noah: Yeah, I didn't either till, uh, this morning. Just seemed like the right time to come, you know?

Phyllis: Wise decision.

Nick: How was sharon's thing at the coffeehouse?

Victoria: The party? Uh, it was -- it was -- it was nice, but, um, we didn't say long. Our favorite detective friend was there.

Phyllis: How lovely.

Billy: We stopped by to check on the kiddos, and they demanded to come and see grandma, so...

Nick: Including this beautiful little angel?

Victoria: She was playing dress-up and she didn't want to change.

[ All chuckle ]

Billy: No better time for a guardian angel, right?

Nick: Well, grandma would love it.

Victoria: Has there been any change in mom's condition since we spoke on the phone?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Nate's examining her. Uh... we're just waiting for him to say that we can go in and see her.

Billy: Hey, you two, let's go get some chocolate milk, okay? Come on.

Victoria: Where's dad?

Nick: No word.

Victoria: He should be here! At a time like this...

Nick: Yeah, I know.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Reed: Is -- is grandma in any pain?

Nate: No. Nate said, uh, she's not in any pain. They're taking very good care of her.

Sharon: Noah! You're here!

Noah: Hey, hey. How you doing?

Sharon: Hi! Oh, my gosh. It's good to see you.

Noah: You too. Yo.

Mariah: Yo, yourself.

Sharon: When did you get in?

Noah: Uh... a little while ago. I wanted to come by, I'm just...

Sharon: No, you were needed here, and I understand.

Nick: Vick brought the kids. They're in the cafeteria with billy.

Sharon: I didn't call faith. I wasn't sure how you wanted to handle it.

Nick: I think she'd want to be here, don't you?

Sharon: Definitely.

Noah: You know, I rented a car. I could, uh -- I could swing by your place, go pick her up.

Phyllis: Why don't you let me do that? You should stay with nikki and your parents.

Noah: Appreciate that.

Jack: Everybody being here like this would make nikki so proud.

Sharon: I hope that she knows that we're all here for her, and that this gives her strength.

Victoria: You're not allowed here. This is family only.

Rey: After I heard your mother had taken a turn for the worse, I felt I had to come. I reached out to dr. Hastings. Not only to get an update on her medical condition, but to ask him again about the night nikki was brought in. Maybe there was something he'd forgotten, some detail he and the emergency team didn't even realize would help me find the driver who ran her down and left the scene.

Nick: I find it fascinating that you would leave your wife on christmas eve to come down here. What, do you got some ulterior motive?

Rey: Like solving this case?

Nick: What, to lurk around and wait for my dad to show up so you can arrest him before he sees my mom?

Rey: That is not what I am --

Nick: Just get the hell out of here!

> Nate: This is an icu ward. Contain yourselves.

Nick: Sorry.

Victoria: When can we see our mother?

Nate: Now. In small groups and short visits.

Rey: May I have a word, please?

Nate: Certainly.

Victoria: I guess mom was never really a regular churchgoer, but I know that she did find a lot of comfort in prayer. So maybe we could just... we could bow our heads right now and ask for a miracle.

Tessa: Hi.

Mariah: Hey. Thank you so much for doing this.

Tessa: Your idea's really beautiful. I think it's gonna mean a lot to everyone.

Mariah: I hope so.

Victoria: Since you couldn't be home with your family on christmas, uh, well, we decided to bring your family to you.

Billy: Reed, johnny, and katie -- they're all here. Johnny and katie actually made you something.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. New christmas art for your collection. And this one. I'm gonna put them up to remind you that it's not where you are for christmas, but who's keeping you in their hearts.

Johnny: I love you, grandma.

Billy: Hey, buddy. Why don't the, uh, three of us give reed and mommy a little bit of time with grandma, okay? Come on.

Victoria: Honey, there's still a chance.

Reed: [ Crying ] I love you so much, grandma.

Victoria: All we want is to have you home with us for christmas, mom.

[ Door closes ]

Reed: Um... you can go -- you can go meet -- meet up with them. Um, I-I -- I can catch up.

Victoria: Oh, honey. I can wait.

Reed: Mom, I just... could you please just give me a minute?

Victoria: Okay.

Reed: [ Sighs ]

Jack: You remember that weekend we spent up at the cabin our first year of marriage? It was autumn. You said you wanted to go hiking and check out the leaves. Scenery was stunning. Bright reds and oranges and yellows, and the sun was... so high in the sky, the sky so blue, it hurt your heart. And you turned to me out of nowhere, and you said, "god surely must be a hell of a painter." I can remember you standing there, gazing up at me, your hair dappled by the sun, your eyes wide with the wonder of it all, and... it wasn't like we were kids. We were pretty jaded by then, both of us. World-weary. But in that moment, I felt like I touched the core of you.

[ Crying ] Like I'd seen your soul.

[ Sniffles ] And it damn near knocked me off my feet.

[ Sighs ] All these years later, I -- I let you down, nik. I knew you were struggling. I had no idea how bad things were, but... I should have said something. I should have insisted I go with you. 30 meetings in 30 days. You can't leave. You have to let me make it up to you. Please, nik. Don't go.

Nick: Hey, mom. It's me. I'm with sharon.

Sharon: Hi, nikki.

Nick: And guess who else is here? Noah.

Noah: Yeah, it's -- it's, uh -- it's true, grandma. I, um... I came home especially to see you this christmas, okay? And I -- I want to be with you many more christmases to come.

Nick: I know you've been hearing from everyone about how loved and needed you are. So I'm gonna say it again. You are the heart and soul of this family. And we can't go on without you. So don't even think about -- did --

Mariah: I just wanted to thank you all for coming. My mom actually inspired this idea by saying that she hoped that nikki felt our presence here. And so I wanted to ask you guys to bow your heads and join me in a moment of silence for nikki. To send her our best wishes and most heartfelt prayers. Make her feel what we're all feeling.

Nick: No, I aw it myself, and noah felt it.

Nate: Nikki definitely squeezed your son's hand?

Nick: Yes. I think she's coming back to us.

Victoria: My mother can't thank you right now, so I will on her behalf. Your love and your caring and support mean so much. Thank you.

Tessa: [ Strumming ]

Silent night, holy night

all is calm, all is bright

'round yon virgin, mother and child

holy infant, so tender and mild

sleep in heavenly peace

sleep in heavenly peace

silent night, holy night

Reed: You're detective rosales?

Rey: That's right.

Reed: I'm reed hellstrom.

Rey: I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother.

Reed: Um...can I talk to you about something?

Charlie: Hey! Reed! Come on, don't do this, man. This is a mistake.

Rey: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is this about?

Charlie: Look, reed is just really messed up about what happened to his dad. But come on, man. He can't tell you anything more than you already know. You need to be focused on your grandma and the rest of your family instead of trying to cause a scene with this detective. I mean, think of what that would do to your family. It's christmas eve, and your grandma's unconscious in intensive care?

Reed: [ Sighs ] Um... uh, I'm sorry to bother you.

Charlie: Thank god I got here before you blurted something out.

Reed: I don't know how much longer I can live with this secret.

Nick: All right, what do you think?

Noah: Is she coming through this?

Nate: I'm sorry. I examined nikki, and I think her squeezing your son's hand was an involuntary reflex. I saw nothing to indicate that she was about to regain consciousness. I'm so sorry.

Sharon: We'll keep on praying.

Nick: I need some air.

Tessa: Silent night, holy night

shepherds quake at the sight

glories stream from heaven afar

heavenly hosts sing alleluia

christ the savior is born

christ the savior is born

Victor: Merry christmas, my darling. Merry christmas.

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