Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/20/18

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/20/18


Episode #11513 ~  Sharon tries to make amends with Mariah, Ana pushes her luck with Devon, and Kyle cooks up a surprise for Lola.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Ana: I don't have a ton of experience or my own record label, but I know my way around a recording studio.

Fen: Producing a demo that devon's gonna want to listen to isn't cheap.

Ana: I've got it covered. All you have to do is sing.

Lola: I'm not anti-sex. I think it's probably amazing. Which is why I've been waiting.

Kyle: It's a surprise for lola.

Jack: So, if you can't take the girl to the beach...

Kyle: Bring the beach to her.

Jack: She really means a lot to you, doesn't she?

Sharon: I'm your mother, and I love you.

Mariah: And tessa loves me, too!

Sharon: If you refuse to get yourself out of a relationship with that criminal, then I am gonna have to make sure that she has no other choice.

Victoria: Maybe my mom is not the only one that they're after.

Sharon: Do you think...?

Victoria: Whoever did this could be planning to take us all out, one by one.

Victoria: Thank you. You really know a way to a kid's heart.

Sharon: Mac and cheese never fails.

Victoria: Well, johnny and katie are gonna love it. It's nice of you.

Sharon: I know you're juggling a lot. Sometimes something as simple as knowing what's for dinner can help.

Victoria: It does. Heh. And I appreciate you going out of your way. I know my mom's not your favorite person.

Sharon: We've all had our issues over the years. But we're in this together. If it's true that the person tormenting us went as far as running nikki over...

Victoria: Then who knows what they're capable of. That's why I think the three of us need to live by one simple rule from now on -- don't be alone if we can help it.

Fen: Bon appétit.

Mariah: What's up with you today? You seem very happy about your waiterly duties.

Fen: Oh, uh, and another waiter will be handling your check, 'cause I have to leave early.

Mariah: [ Gasps ] And miss out on our giant tip?

Fen: Well, hopefully I won't have to be living off your tips for much longer.

Mariah: Why is that?

Fen: I don't want to jinx it.

Tessa: [ Sighs ] Okay.

[ Chuckles ]

Mariah: You know, I hope that salad isn't part of some diet, because you're fine just the way that you are.

Tessa: No, I'm just, uh, not very hungry.

Mariah: What are you talking about? You haven't eaten, like, all day.

Tessa: Oh, I have leftovers at home, so...

Mariah: Why would you have leftovers when we're sitting in a restaurant right --

Tessa: Um, I just... I don't have a lot of extra cash right now. So...

Mariah: Because [Sighs] My mom fired you. And then she sabotaged your possible job here.

Tessa: Yeah.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Mariah: Oh! Look. It is the saboteur now. You know what? Whatever she has to say, it's not as important as you and me.

Devon: Right there. Right there. Yeah, that's perfect.

Ana: Okay.

Devon: That's perfect. All right. Let's go on to the next track.

Ana: Oh, we can'T. You've got to go.

Devon: Where do I have to go?

Ana: Dinner with that agent from L.A.

Devon: Can we reschedule that? We're on a roll right now.

Ana: Agent's only in town for one night. The song will be here tomorrow. Something good could come out of this meeting. No missed opportunities on my watch.

Devon: Since when did you get so tough?

Ana: Since always. You just never noticed because i wasn't in charge of your life.

Devon: You're in charge of my schedule, not my life.

Ana: Tomato, "tomahto."

Devon: Why don't you come to dinner with us? You might learn something.

Ana: I can'T. I got to type up these notes and get them to the engineer tonight.

Devon: That's a very good idea, so we can get back on this first thing in the morning. And block out some time, too.

Ana: Yes, sir.

Devon: Please. I like that. You should keep calling me "sir."

Ana: Don't push it. Sir.

Devon: Have a good one.

Ana: Okay. Hope it all goes well.

Devon: Thank you.

Ana: He's gone. Get over here now.

Lola: [ Yawns ]

[ Gasps ] Hi. Uh, what's this?

Kyle: An invitation.

Lola: Uh, to what?

Kyle: A celebration of sorts.

Lola: Can you tell me what we're celebrating?

Kyle: You.

Lola: Me? But it's not my birthday.

Kyle: I know. It's just a general celebration of your amazingness.

Lola: Well, I like the sound of that.

[ Sighs ] But I don't have to cook, do I? 'Cause I am so beat.

Kyle: Absolutely not. The opposite. This is a night of me doting on you. All you have to do is show up to casa de abbott -- my house -- and dress appropriately.

Lola: Oh, for winter? Not a problem. I don't go outside without two pairs of mittens.

Kyle: Mm. On this particular night, that would be inappropriate, because the forecast is hot and humid in the tropics. See you tonight at 7:00?

Lola: Uh, yeah. See you tonight.

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Billy: So, johnny is singing at the christmas pageant tomorrow?

Victoria: Yes. "Jingle bells." And he's nervous about it for some reason, so I'm gonna go upstairs and work on it with him after dinner.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: We're having mac and cheese, by the way. Sharon dropped it off.

Billy: Oh, well, that was thoughtful.

Victoria: That was very thoughtful. And, uh, listen, I can't thank you enough for all of the help you've been providing... with mom and everything.

Billy: Well, we're family, right? That's what we do. How's she doing?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Seems like she's not really getting any better. There hasn't been any good news. It's just been bad.

Billy: I'm sorry, vick. I know that your family's been through a lot lately. And this seems so random and out of the blue.

Victoria: I know it does.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: What are you doing?

Billy: Well, I'm not going anywhere, because I'm not gonna desert you. There's mac and cheese that needs to be put on the table, and our son needs to learn a new song for the christmas pageant.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Mariah: Tessa, I really don't want you worrying about your finances.

Tessa: Mariah --

Mariah: I've got it covered, okay?

Tessa: Seriously, you don't have to do this.

Mariah: It's fine. It's not a problem. And, you know, you're gonna make a little bit of money off the thing you're doing for kyle tonight.

Tessa: Not much. What I really need is a steady paycheck. Because I hate leaning on you.

Mariah: I'm probably gonna have to lean on you one day, too, and it'll go back and forth.

Tessa: It's not just the money, okay? I hate the fact that I'm coming between you and sharon. And I think it's only getting worse.

Mariah: Because she's being vindictive. When I think about you in the back of that car, them threatening you, tessa, it makes me sick.

Tessa: Sharon wasn't the ringleader, though.

Mariah: It doesn't matter. You have made mistakes. Big ones. I know that. But at least you are genuinely sorry about the things that you've done. In a way that sharon isn'T. So she asked me to make a choice, and I made one. And it was you. And she has to find a way to come to terms with that.

Tessa: I can understand why it's hard for her, though.

Mariah: She's not even trying right now, choosing to see everything in black and white. She's good. I'm good. You're bad. And she's completely failing to see the complexity of the situation. Or show compassion, which is totally unlike her. And I don't understand why she is acting this way. But you and I are together, so if she goes after you, she goes after me, too.

[ Cellphone rings ] Wow. She really doesn't know when to quit. Hi.

Sharon: I'm so glad you answered, honey. Um, listen. I know you're upset with me, but I was thinking maybe you could come over, we could talk.

Mariah: About what? You've made your point very clear.

Sharon: If you just let me explain, I would feel a lot better.

Mariah: Well, you know what? Then, great. I will come right over. Because what I want to do right now is come to your house and help you feel better about yourself.

Sharon: That's not what I meant.

Mariah: You know what you did to tessa was wrong, and you just won't admit it.

Sharon: Just, please, hear me out.

Mariah: No. I have already heard what you have to say. That you want me and tessa to break up. Well, that's not gonna happen. I don't think that I will be getting any more calls after that.

Tessa: I don't want you to push your mom away because of me.

Mariah: It's not because of you. It's because of her.

Tessa: But she sounded really upset and anxious, like she needed you.

Mariah: So I'm just supposed to go running because she summoned me?

Tessa: Yes. Because she's your mom, and she's reaching out, and I think you should reach back.

Fen: [ Breathlessly ] Sorry. I, uh -- I got here as soon as I could.

Ana: What took you so long? Did you walk here?

Fen: Um... well, the guy that was supposed to cover me flaked right before I was about to leave, so I had to find another guy to cover me. That guy probably hates me now, along with half the staff, for skipping out on a shift the first week of my new job, so I'm really hoping this is gonna be worth it.

Ana: It will be.

Fen: Wow.

[ Chuckles ] This is the real deal. I mean, I-I recorded my demo in a closet with pillows duct-taped to the wall.

Ana: We should get started. Hopefully we'll have just enough time to lay a track down, but we'll only have one shot at it.

Fen: Okay.

Ana: You just focus on singing better than you ever have before. Bring your "a" game, okay?

Fen: Yeah. Yeah, got it.

Ana: Look this over, and we'll try a take.

Fen: Um... what -- what is this?

Ana: The song that you're gonna sing.

Fen: Uh... heh... no offense, but I usually -- I usually sing my own songs.

Ana: Not this time.

Fen: I mean, I-I know my materials backwards and forwards. I-I've never seen this before.

Ana: So get familiar with it. Quick. This is what professional singers do.

Fen: Look, I really think we should just do my material. Okay? That's -- that's the whole reason i pitched my demo to devon in the first place.

Ana: Look, I don't have time to massage this for you or protect your ego, so I'm just gonna say it.

[ Inhales sharply ] Your music's not that good.

Fen: Wait, what?

Ana: This one's better. Trust me.

Fen: Bu-- but you said you liked what you heard.

Ana: Your voice. Not the material.

Fen: Why should I trust you? I barely even know you. I mean, you were a-a singer once. But that didn't really work out for you.

Ana: I got us this studio, and I'm your producer. I found us this song, so we're doing it. Take it or leave it.

Kyle: No, I ordered four tiki torches that were supposed to be here by now. Whoa! Another hour and a half?! Okay. [ Sighs ] But, dude, I have a big date tonight, and mood lighting is key. Yeah, she's awesome. Yes, she's gorgeous. Uh, that's none of your business, man. Just make sure they get here soon.

[ Doorbell rings ] Yes... yeah. Ahh. Perfect! Thank you.

Lola: [ Exhales softly ]

[ Cellphone rings ] Hey.

Kyle: Hi. You getting ready?

Lola: For what?

Kyle: You won't forget tonight, I promise.

Lola: Mm, we'll see.

Kyle: I know the invitation says 7:00, but preparations are running a little behind schedule. Is 8:00 okay?

Lola: Ahh, I don't know. I had a long day at work, and I'm pretty tired.

Kyle: Oh.

Lola: I'm kidding. I will ply myself with caffeine. I'm dying of suspense.

Kyle: Me too.

Lola: Wait, why are you dying of suspense? You already know what the surprise is.

Kyle: No reason. I'm dying to see you.

[ Snorts softly ]

Lola: Me too. See you soon.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Mariah: Okay! You are being very pushy right now. Like, literally.

Tessa: I'm gonna get the bill.

Mariah: I don't want to go to sharon's, tessa.

Tessa: I know. But big picture -- she loves you, and you love her. Look, I know that you think that she should support us as a couple. But if she can't, you might have to be the one who learns to be okay with that.

Mariah: I've forgiven you. Why can't she?

Tessa: Because what she's going through right now is incredibly stressful, and I only made it worse. And because you are her daughter, and she wants to protect you. You have to let her feel the way that she feels. I already know that you're in my corner. I don't need you shutting sharon out of your life to prove that to me. And in the long run, you're gonna regret it. So, please, go and talk to her, and see what she has to say.

Fen: You know what, I-I -- I should just walk right now.

Ana: No, you shouldn't, because that would be a big mistake.

Fen: You know, you have a lot of confidence for someone who's never done this before.

Ana: This is a big opportunity for both of us. And we can pull it off. If we both do our jobs.

Fen: Mm-hmm.

Ana: Your job is to use everything you have to interpret the song so it hits the listener right here. And my job is to make sure the product is as good as it possibly can be -- starting with the song choice. I may never get another chance to produce a hit record. But I feel -- no. I know this is the right one.

Fen: Yeah, what if it's not right, um, like, for me.

Ana: I promise you, it's gonna fit your voice like a glove. The key, the arrangement. It's gonna work. If you'll just try it.

Fen: You know, my -- my songs are good, too.

Ana: I didn't mean to sound harsh. And hopefully we'll have a lot of chances in the future to record them. But tonight, can we do this one? For us?

Fen: Yeah, okay. Who's this, um -- who's the songwriter, anyway?

Ana: A guy back east. He signed off on the rights, so it's ours.

Fen: Yeah, well, I hope he's as good as you said he is.

Ana: I've got the backing tracks synched and ready to go. All we need now is your butt in that booth.

Fen: Yeah, okay, fine.

Ana: Thank god.

Fen: Hey, uh, you know, your bedside manner with the artist could use a lighter touch.

Ana: Noted. Now do your thing.

Billy: Whoa! No, no, no. Come on. I'll take care of that. You leave that. Come on. Over to the couch and relax. Put your feet up for a little while.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Thanks.

Billy: What can I get you? A glass of wine?

Victoria: Can you, uh, bring my father back home?

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I just -- I really wish he was here.

Billy: Yeah, so do I.

Victoria: Wow, that was good. I really appreciate the effort.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] Okay. So what's going on with johnny?

[ Victoria sighs ] Why is he so nervous about this pageant?

Victoria: His teacher called yesterday...

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: ...And said that he doesn't know his lines, and he refuses to participate. She doesn't know why. But I think I might have an idea.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: There's just been so much upheaval. You know, reed's back home, and maybe johnny's not getting as much attention as he's used to. And the accident. We've all been so focused on that.

[ Sighs ] I don't know. Maybe this is just his way of getting noticed. And I've been working so hard to keep everything normal, and to keep everybody on their schedule, and --

Billy: You have done a great job managing everyone, as always.

Victoria: I don't know about that.

Billy: Well, as far as johnny, maybe it's just, you know, old-school stage fright. And if that's the case, he didn't get it from me.

Victoria: I'm just worried about johnny -- and all of the kids. What kind of an effect this is having on everyone.

[ Inhales sharply ] You know what? No, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna set the table and get dinner. It's faster that way. No offense.

Sharon: [ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ] Don't be alone if we can help it. Big fail on that.

[ Sighs ]

[ Loud thump ] Who's there? Is someone out there?

[ Sighs ]

[ Rustling ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Women scream ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Sharon: What are you --

Mariah: What are you? What were you gonna do, hit me with that thing?

Sharon: No, of course not. I just thought...

[ Sighs ] Never mind. Uh, come on in.

Mariah: Geez.

Sharon: Um, I wasn't expecting to hear from you after our phone call today. I -- you hung up on me.

Mariah: Yeah. That, uh -- that might have been overkill.

Sharon: So, what were you doing outside of my window?

Mariah: Well, I dropped my bag on the way to the door, and I was using the flashlight on my telephone to look for my stuff.

Sharon: What stuff?

Mariah: Supplies. Um... popcorn. Wine. I thought we could stream "thelma & louise."

Sharon: I love that movie.

Mariah: Sounded like you needed company for the long haul tonight, so I came prepared.

Sharon: I just didn't think that was even a possibility after our phone call.

Mariah: Well, it was pointed out to me by somebody much more level-headed and generous that I was maybe being a bit short-sighted.

Sharon: Tessa.

Mariah: Evil tessa suggested that i come over here and spend the night with you because you sounded distressed on the phone.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] Maybe my mind's running a little wild, but I just don't feel that comfortable being alone since nikki's accident.

Mariah: Why?

Sharon: I just keep thinking... what if the hit-and-run was connected to the fire in the stables?

Mariah: Was done by the same person who moved J.T.'S body?

Sharon: There's no proof of that. But the thought has rattled me. It means the world to me that you came over here.

Mariah: Yeah, of course. I mean, I didn't know all of that was going on.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] I don't know when this nightmare is gonna end. It feels like J.T. Is gonna haunt all of us forever.

Billy: "Jingle bells." It's a classic. Everybody knows it. Let's give it a go. Ready?

Jingle bells, jingle bells no? Okay. We'll ease into it. All right. Well, how about we sing it together, okay? I'll count us in. On three, okay? One, two, three.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle -- come on. Nothing? All right. Okay. You're a little nervous. I feel ya. I get ya. You know, I had to sing in one of these christmas pageants myself when I was about your age. And the song was, uh, "'twas the night before christmas." And my line was, "the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that st. Nicholas soon would be there." And, just fyi, st. Nick is another word for santa claus. It's not your uncle st. Nick, because, well, he's not a saint. But we're not gonna go there right now. Um... so, I feel you. Because I remember, when I had to remember the line, I really got nervous. I got in my head that I wasn't gonna remember it. It wasn't fun. Is that what's going on with you right now? Yeah? You nervous you're gonna not remember the line? Yeah. Okay. The best thing about that is, I figured it out. This is what you got to do. Listen to the song, and when you hear the line before yours, when you get to your line, you just open your mouth, and the line's gonna come out. Because you know the line. You sang it like a hundred times. You don't have to worry about that part. So all you got to do is just have fun with the song, and listen to it, and when the line comes before yours, you just open your mouth, and it's like a christmas miracle. Okay? So you want to try it? Okay. Good. Let's change positions. Let's mix it up a little bit. You ready? Okay. Deep breath. You good? Phew! Okay. I'm gonna start. And then, when you hear the line before yours, you're gonna follow through with your line. Okay? Ready?

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way

Johnny: Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh


Billy: Hey! Yes! You did it, buddy! Ah! I love you. Good job. I'm proud of you.

Kyle: No offense, but this feels off.

Tessa: Ugh. No offense taken. This blows.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I don't know where she could be. I talked to her a couple hours ago.

Tessa: Maybe call her again?

Kyle: I might be veering into stalker territory at this point.

Tessa: It's better than just sitting here.

Kyle: You'll bail me out of stalker jail?

Tessa: Yeah, 'cause I'm rolling in the cash right now.

Kyle: Hmm.

[ Cellphone buzzing ]

Kyle: [ Sighs ] This is not like her. At all.

Tessa: All right, well, then, you should go to her.

Kyle: Maybe she'S... standing me up. I can't imagine it's the truth. She seemed excited. But --

Tessa: Then that is all the more reason to go pay her a visit. Make something happen. Like I did with mariah. I mean... that is, if you feel the same way about lola. Which, uh... I think you do.

Kyle: Okay. You're right. But I'm not going alone. Grab that guitar.

Tessa: Uh, o-okay. Oh. Okay. Thank you.

Fen: Baby, don't keep me waitin'

so hurry up, I can't take it

Ana: Oh, hold up. There's not enough, uh, emotion there. Try it one more time.

Fen: All right. I'll give it a shot.

[ Sighs ]

[ Music plays ]

Baby, don't keep me waitin'

so hurry up, I can't take it

yeah-eah, yeah

come and bring it over to me

and show me what you're workin' with

show me how you do it


I'm talkin' about all night long

yeah, let's do it all night long heh...

[ Laughs ]

Ana: [ Laughing ]

Fen: That was, um -- that was incredible!

Ana: [ Laughs ]

Fen: I mean, um, wasn't it?

Ana: It really was.

Fen: Yeah. You were right about that song. I-I mean, it was -- it was -- it was great. I -- I'm sorry I -- I'm sorry I doubted you.

Ana: Not a problem. I think we each got what we wanted.

Fen: Yeah. You know, wh-when I'm in the zone like that, I get such a -- such a rush. I mean, do you ever think about going back to singing?

Ana: Uh... not right now. My goal is to produce a hit song. So I'm okay with being behind the scenes.

Fen: Yeah, well, that makes one of us.

Ana: That's why you're the star and I'm the producer.

Fen: Did you just say "star"?

Ana: We have time for one more take.

Fen: Okay.

Devon: One more take of what?

[ Guitar playing ]

Tessa: Joy to the world the lord is come

let earth receive her king

Lola: What the hell are you doing?!

Kyle: [ Shivering ] I was getting worried you were gonna miss our date.

Lola: Oh, my god. I am so sorry. I fell asleep!

Kyle: Not a problem. I brought the date to you.

Lola: Why aren't you wearing a coat, you maniac?

Kyle: I'm proving... something...to -- to you. Not sure what, though, 'cause my brain's frozen.

Lola: Uh... I don't know what to say. Except that my boyfriend is crazy.

Kyle: [ Shivers, laughs ] You -- you could also buzz me in. 'Cause I'm so cold.

Lola: Oh, my god. Yes, um... come up.

Ana: I may have taken advantage of the fact that you had a dinner tonight to use the studio.

Devon: No, you're the one who originally scheduled that meeting for me so that you can rush me out of here and commandeer the studio for this guy.

Fen: Should I -- should I leave?

Ana: No.

Devon: Yes, you should.

Devon: Ana, when I say no to someone, or to something, I mean it.

Ana: But you said no without anything to base it on. You didn't listen to the demo. I did. And I promise you, it's good. Well, maybe not the song, but the singer is.

Devon: It's good enough for you to lie to me?

Ana: Sorry I did that.

Devon: Is this really the last night that the agent was in town? I have been let down by a lot of people this year. I don't need to add you to that list. I really don'T. If I can't trust you, I don't know how this is gonna work.

Ana: I understand.

Devon: Are you sure you understand? 'Cause you're my family. And if there's anyone I should be able to count on, it should be you. Let's talk about this in the morning. Wrap this up.

Ana: Okay. But, devon, before we go, if you could just take a second to hear me out. Fen has a great voice, and the second I heard it, I instantly knew how to produce him to bring out what he has. If you just take a minute to listen to --

Devon: Ana, no. You listen to me. You cannot use this studio as your own personal playground. Doesn't work like that. Engineers cost money, okay? Can both of you get out of here right now?

Ana: Okay. We're going.

Devon: Thank you.

Ana: But not before you hear this.

[ Music plays ]

Devon: Ana, why would you test me like this? Seriously?

Fen: You ain't gotta hide it

yeah, I know you wanna try it out

Mariah: All right. Here it comes.

Sharon: Mmm, mmm! That smells amazing.

Mariah: Yes, it does. Parmesan and chili flakes.

Sharon: You hate chili flakes.

Mariah: I do. But I thought I would make one small sacrifice. For tonight only. Okay. Let's get this movie started.

Sharon: Um... would you mind if we watched something else?

Mariah: Yeah, sure. Why?

Sharon: 'Cause I just realized this movie is about women on the run after committing a crime. And then...you know how it ends.

Mariah: I did not think of that. Okay. Well, let's just, uh, see what else there is.

Sharon: You know, this isn't fair.

Mariah: What's not fair?

Sharon: You, coming over here, out of the goodness of your heart, to take care of me...

[ Mariah scoffs ]

Sharon: ...And setting aside whatever feelings you're probably having...

Mariah: It's fine.

Sharon: N-no, it's not. I appreciate you offering a kind of truce tonight regarding tessa. Maybe you're hoping that, after some time, the three of us might be able to smooth things over.

Mariah: Yeah, I think that time will help.

Sharon: It won'T. I don't doubt tessa's love for you. But then I do, too. More than words can say. Which is why my feelings about her are never going to change. I've seen who tessa is at her core, and I can't pretend otherwise. I shouldn't have asked you to come over here tonight. Uh... you know, just because I was feeling nervous about being alone. That's very selfish. And I also am not going to sit here and accept your support without making it clear to you first that, where tessa's concerned, nothing's going to change.

Lola: What were you thinking out there, half-naked?

Kyle: [ Shivering ] Figured if packer fans can go to lambeau half-naked, I -- I could do it for you.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: But it was [Huffs] Really stupid.

Lola: Yeah, it was.

Kyle: Thanks. Are you gonna leave me if I lose a toe?

Lola: For sure. Nine toes is a total deal breaker for me.

Kyle: Well, that's really superficial.

Lola: Well, I can't help it if you're grotesque.

Kyle: Grotesque? Take another look.

Lola: Oh! Ugly! Please get away from me!

[ Both laughing ] Kidding aside... that was really romantic.

Kyle: That was the idea.

Lola: Well, you pulled it off.

Kyle: Yeah? Finally impressed you?

Lola: My romeo in flip-flops.

Kyle: Ohh.

Mariah: You know, if you want me to stay tonight, for safety reasons, I can do that.

Sharon: It's okay. I'll be fine.

Mariah: You know, I've heard so many stories over the years about your battles with nikki. How she disapproved of you being with nick, and how much that hurt you. And now you're nikki. Yeah, you're heaping all of that judgment and disapproval onto tessa, and I'm the one who's stuck in the middle, torn.

Sharon: That is the last thing that I want. I tried to give tessa the benefit of the doubt. I encouraged you to get back together with her. But then, when I saw how much she hurt you -- and I'm not just talking about the blackmail. The lies, the deceit, the lying about giving the money to charity, that teddy bear she said was a gift from her sister --

Mariah: Mom, those are the things that she did. It's not who she is.

Sharon: No, when a person is capable of lying that much to someone they love, over and over again, that's not going to change.

Maiah: Why can't you just be happy for me?!

Sharon: Because I love you!

Mariah: And I love you, too. But I also love tessa, and I want both of you in my life. I'm not gonna sacrifice either of you. So if you can't accept her, can you please just promise me that you will stop trying to hurt her?

Sharon: I don't want to lose you.

Mariah: Then you need to listen to me... and stop.

Fen: Talkin' about all night long

we can do it all night long

talkin' about all night long

[ Song ends ]

Ana: Want to hear it again? Fourth time's the charm.

Devon: [ Clicks tongue ] No, I don'T. This guy's really got something.

Ana: I know.

Fen: Um... I-I -- I-I do? I do?

Devon: Yeah. [ Sighs ] Yeah, you do. You, uh -- it's -- it's very real. It's very real. Did you write that song?

Fen: Well, I-I-I -- I do -- I do write my own songs, but, um...no. Ana found this one.

Devon: Really? It's very good.

Ana: I know.

Devon: A few more like that, and I really think that you could take off.

Fen: Look, if you just consider working with me, I promise I will not let you down. I will get a voice coach. I will take dance lessons. I will get a personality transplant if needed, okay? I will do whatever it takes.

Devon: Well, that's good to hear, 'cause that's the attitude I'm looking for.

Fen: Does -- does that mean that...?

Devon: I want to sign you. I definitely want to sign you.

[ Fen and ana giggle ] We can talk about the details another time. But right now, I want to dive back into this song.

Fen: Yeah.

Ana: Uh, I was thinking that the bass is too overpowering on the chorus.

Devon: I was thinking the very same thing, actually. Why don't you get back in the booth. We'll go through it a few more times, all right?

Fen: Yeah.

Ana: [ Giggles ]

Devon: You, I want you to go to the office and print him up a contract.

Ana: What? Right now?

Devon: Yes, right now. I can handle this.

Ana: But I discovered him. I listened to the demo, not you. I-I found the song!

Devon: I hear you. And aside from lying to me, you've done a great job up until this point. But the next few recording sessions are gonna require a more experienced hand, okay? So, if schedule permits, I would love for you to sit next to me on the sessions and listen in and give your input. But if I ask you to do something else, like go get a contract, then you need to be okay with doing that.

[ Door slams ]

Lola: [ Gasps ]

Kyle: You okay?

Lola: Um... yeah.

Kyle: I'm going too fast?

Lola: Sorry. Uh...

Kyle: Hey. There is nothing to be sorry about. I mean it.

Lola: Well, what do we do now? I guess I'll [Chuckles] Sit here and think about the reasons why I wanted to wait for a couple of minutes in my head.

Kyle: Cool. [ Sighs ] I'll go over my fantasy football lineup.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] Cool.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: You sure it's okay?

Kyle: Absolutely. I just want to be close to you.

Lola: Me too.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Thank you.

Victoria: That was pretty spectacular.

Billy: He's a pretty spectacular kid.

Victoria: You're a good dad.

Billy: Well, I hope I gave you one less thing to worry about tonight.

Victoria: You did. [ Sighs ]

Billy: [ Clears throat ]

Victoria: I just... [ Sighs ] I want to be, and I try so hard to be a good mom. As good as my mom was. I mean [Sighs] Is...

Billy: You are, vick. And your mom is gonna be fine.

Victoria: Well, that's all i want. Is for things to just finally be okay.

Billy: They will be. And, just in case they're not, I'll be here for you. And we'll get through it together.

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