Y&R Transcript Monday 12/3/18
Episode #11500 ~ Lauren and Michael get a big surprise, Sharon crosses a line, and Nikki receives devastating news.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously On "the young and the restless"...Devon: So where the hell did this come from?
Cane: It was on the sofa in plain sight so anyone could see it. I spoke to shauna. She doesn't feel safe here, so she is gonna go back to colorado, and she is gonna live with her parents there.
Rey: You mean, having a few clients over?
Mia: Clients, and future clients, even the newmans.
Rey: The newmans?
Mariah: Can I hate her?
Sharon: For being protective of her husband and her marriage, for being smart enough to know that rey and I got too close? You can't hate a woman for being right.
Michael: Fenmore just told me. Our son want s to be a lawyer.
Lauren: Yes, I'm so glad our son our finally shared that with you.
Michael : It was a very nice surprise.
Michael: Mmm. Not sure whether you're more gorgeous all dolled up or after waking up first thing in the morning.
Lauren: [ Laughing ] Oh! You sweet-talker, you.
Michael: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: Please don't tell my customers, because I'm trying one of kerry's new colors.
Michael: Oh, how is the new regime at jabot?
Lauren: Actually, fantastic, and much less drama now that the women are in charge. And, speaking of which, I'm gonna be late tonight because phyllis, kerry, and I are going to a party hosted by a new makeup artist in town.
Michael: Mm. Sounds great. Good.
Lauren: Unless, of course, i meet a handsome stranger, and we decide to run off together.
Michael: Hmm? What?
Lauren: [ Giggles ] You're not listening!
Michael: I'm sorry. Doesn't that guy over there look a little like fenmore?
Lauren: What? Fen?
Michael: Fenmore.
Fenmore: Hi, mom. Hi, dad.
Devon: You ready to go?
Shauna: Yeah.
Devon: Please don't go. Because I think it's wrong.
Mia: I'll do makeovers in that chair. People can see my work there, and we'll put the bar over here. Could you help me with that, baby?
Rey: How many women did you say are coming?
Mia: I just want to make sure everyone has options. Margaritas, piņa coladas, red, white...
Rey: And green? How much is this costing us?
Mia: You cannot put a price tag on making a good impression. It takes planning and calculation to make an evening look effortless and fun.
Rey: Who knew throwing a party was so much work?
Mia: Mm, just behind the scenes, baby. On the surface, it's just gonna be cocktails and breezy banter.
Rey: Then why do I feel like you're going into battle?
Mia: Because we are bringing this town's most powerful and cut-throat ladies into our home. If they go home saying nice things about me and my mobile beauty business... then I win. [ Giggles ]
Phyllis: Oh!
Victoria: [ Gasps ]
[ Sighs ]
Phyllis: You should be using jabot products.
Victoria: I prefer brash & sassy cosmetics, thank you.
Phyllis: I thought we were done with these little charity meetings.
Victoria: But, si nce we're here, has anyone heard anything from tessa?
Sharon: I think we're in the clear as far as she's concerned.
Victoria: Good.
Phyllis: We better be, or that singing barista's gonna find herself six feet under the ground with a sculpture of her own.
Rey: You are putting a lot of pressure on yourself. It's not gonna be the end of the world if everything doesn't turn out perfect.
Mia: Why wouldn't it be perfect? Because nobody shows up and it's just a few sad randos milling around?
Rey: No, no, no, that's not what I'm saying.
Mia: [ Sighs ]
Rey: Look, you just got to town, okay? It takes a while to make friends. So if a few don't show up, it's no big deal.
Mia: You think I'm pushy for inviting people I just met. Could you try to be a little more supportive?
Rey: I -- I am being supportive. Hey, this is me being supportive. Everybody's gonna love you. You're gonna be a huge success. Just it might take a little time for it all to work out, okay?
Mia: Yeah. But no, it won'T. Oh, thank god. I thought you were gonna be late.
Lola: I'm never late.
Mia: Okay, you can set up at the kitchen table, but make sure there's no extra clutter, okay? And you brought cutlery, right? And napkins? Not the cheap ones.
Lola: [ Exhales sharply ]
Sharon: Well, ladies, as usual, it's been lovely. Now, if you will excuse me... hi.
Rey: Hello.
Sharon: You getting ready for the party upstairs?
Rey: Yeah. I heard mia invited you.
Sharon: Mm. Can I ask -- was that your idea, or am i walking into some kind of a trap?
Fenmore: Um, late last night. I -- I forgot my apartment key, so I just crashed here. I didn't want to wake you guys up.
Michael: We t hought your winter break started next week.
Lauren: Oh, we are so happy that you're home and can't wait to hear all about your first semester.
Fenmore: Yeah.
Michael: Fenmore, law school can feel a little overwhelming at first... but I can help you with anything you might be struggling with. I mean, time's gonna fly by. Won't be long before we add your name to the office door.
Lauren: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Why don't we grab your bag and get you checked out of here, okay?
Fenmore: I actu ally -- I actually have more than one bag.
Lauren: Did
you bring me all your dirty laundry?
Fenmore: No, I can -- I can do my laundry, mom. Um, I just brought, um, a lot of stuff, um... like everything I own.
Lauren: What?
Michael: Why?
Fenmore: I'm moving back to genoa city.
Lauren: I -- I don't understand. What?
Michael: What are you talking about?
Fenmore: I'm quitting law school to become a musician.
Rey: I had nothing to do with the guest list for the, uh, makeup party.
Sharon: Of course you didn'T. So mia wants me to go.
Rey: You know, I think she's trying to get her business going, make some friends. You know a lot of people around town, but don't feel like you have to go.
Sharon: After our last few interactions, it might be awkward.
Rey: Well, if it's any consolation, I'm not gonna be there. Women only. And my sister.
Sharon: I'm sure lola would love to know that you don't think of her as a woman.
Rey: She's a runt, that kid.
Sharon: You're a caveman. I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it, but thanks for the heads up.
Rey: Okay.
Phyllis: What's the tension with detective manly?
Sharon: No, there's no tension. That's just his face. We were talking about the party his wife's throwing tonight.
Phyllis: I know. I'm invited.
Sharon: You are? Why?
Phyllis: Well, because mia did the makeup for our photo shoot, and she probably wants to get in good with the C.E.O. Of jabot.
Victoria: How many times a day do you remind people of your job title?
Phyllis: As many times as i want because I'm a C.E.O.
Victoria: Well, I was invited, too, which is a little strange since I hadn't met her ever. But it would mak e sense that she would want a newman presence there, as well.
Phyllis: Yeah. Compare, contrast. It's good.
Sharon: You both have wonderful, successful companies.
Phyllis: There's another reason why we all need to go. I think it's good to get a little chummy with rey's wife, especially with him investigating J.T.'S death.
Sharon: Well, you two go. I'm gonna sit this one out. Mia's not my biggest fan.
Phyllis: Why's that, aside from the obvious?
Victoria: Because real wife resents work wife.
Sharon: Something like that.
Victoria: It really doesn't make any sense, though, inviting half of genoa city.
Phyllis: I don't know, i mean, I'm kind of impressed she's reaching out to all the power players in genoa city.
Victoria: Did you just call me a power player?
Phyllis: Yes, I did. Look, I think we need to go. Be charming and disarming. Be like rey. Milk people for information.
Sharon: The reason why that worked is because rey is actually charming.
Phyllis: So are we, when we want to be, when we're not bickering. We will all play nice together.
Victoria: That's not a bad plan. J.T.'S body is sti ll out there, and we're not safe until he's found.
Mia: What are you doing? That's for the guests!
Lola: There will be plenty, believe me.
Mia: Because you think no one's coming.
Lola: Because I'm a professional, and I know how much food to make.
Mia: Why is no one here yet? Excuse me. [ Sighs ]
Lola: You need to relax, girl. It's called being fash ionably late.
Mia: You're right. How's my fashion? Hmm? It's a copy of a $5,000 dress. I had a kid from the fashion institute make it for me. Do I look okay?
Lola: You look great. Like always.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Mia: Ooh!
Lola: I'll get it.
Mia: No! I'll get it.
Lola: Okay.
Mia: Welcome to casa rosales. Hope you're hungry and ready to hear all about what I can do for you.
Phyllis: Well , we came to be impressed.
Victoria: I guess she's all business tonight.
Mia: Good. It'll keep me on my toes.
Victoria: I'm victoria.
Mia: Hi, yes, I've read all about you for years. I probably know more about you than you know about yourself. Sharon.
Sharon: Mia.
Shauna: I'm gonna miss you so much, but I really think this is the right thing to do.
Devon: And are you saying this to convince me or yourself, or is this cane talking?
Shauna: It isn't him.
Devon: Because you know he has no say in this whatsoever. And as far as I'm concerned, this is your home, and you can stay for as long as you'd like.
Shauna: This place will always feel like home, and i will never forget how you opened your life to me. You know, without you, i wouldn't even know this kind of life existed. I wouldn't know what kind of life I want for myself.
Devon: Well, what's the problem?
Shauna: For me to be here means that I have to be away from my family, and I miss them. When I went back home for thanksgiving, things were really good. My parents are a bet ter place, my brother's sober, and now that I'm older, we can really talk. You know, there's less pressure on everyone.
Devon: No, I understand all that, but, shauna, I made a promise to hilary to take care of you and to give you every opportunity that life has to offer, and I still want to do that.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Lauren: When did you decide this?
Michael: Yo u didn't think you should maybe discuss this with us first?
Fenmore: No, because I knew what you would say.
Michael: Yeah, that you worked so hard to get into law school, and now you're just throwing it all away.
Fenmore: Yes, I figured it'd be something like that.
Lauren: Are you in trouble?
Fenmore: What? No.
Lauren: Is it pills? I mean, is it something else?
Fenmore: No! Mom, I'm clean, all right? I promise.
Michael: All right, then explain this to us. What is this about?
Fenmore: I just don't have the same passion for law that you do, okay? I've been trying my hardest to make this work, busting my butt to get good grades, but my heart's just not in it.
Michael: Eh, well... your heart's in music. Now, don't take this the wrong way, but...since when?
Fenmore: Um, since I met a girl at a bar. She plays at this place on campus on tuesday nights, okay? And we just became friends, and then...more than friends, but she convinced me to sing onstage with her one night.
Michael: All right, let me stop you right there. You are not quitting law school over a girl.
Fenmore: You're rig ht, I'm not. Okay? We broke up, but
I'm still in love with singing.
Michael: Okay. Fenmore, here's the truth. You have made an extremely impulsive decision that you really haven't thought through yet.
Fenmore: No, but I have! Okay? I know how hard it is to make it in the music business, so I've come up with a sensible and practical plan to streamline my goals, maximize my productivity, stick to a budget.
Lauren: I'm afraid to ask.
Fenmore: I'm gonna move back in with you guys.
Michael: [ Scoffs, chuckles ]
Esther: Thank you. I'll be over there. Hey, uh, could I get one of your makeovers? I would just love to see what you would do with this face.
Mia: Oh! [ Laughs ] Maybe in a few minutes, esther. I love to pair a natural foundation with vibrant colors for the eye and lip.
Victoria: I see you have some brash & sassy. That brand was my baby.
Phyllis: You might want to put this baby in a retirement home. Jabot's coming up with a whole new fresh line of products this spring.
Mia: I am just truly star-struck to have two titans of the cosmetic business in my home. It's just incredible that two women can be such rivals and also such good friends.
Sharon: "Incredible" is one word for it.
Mia: [ Chuckles ] If I can be honest, I didn't expect you to come tonight.
Sharon: Why? I like to support local businesses, and you are my tenant.
Mia: Just didn't think hair and makeup was your thing.
Sharon: I don't center my life around it.
Mia: Another pretty lady in the crowd doesn't interest me. My philosophy on beauty is boldness, originality. I want every woman I work with to feel like she is totally unique, like there is no one in the world like her. So, what do you say? You open to a new look? I have a makeup chair right over there.
Sharon: Thanks. Maybe later.
Abby: [ Chuckles anxiously ] Any chance that I've having a nightmare and I'm gonna wake up any second?
Mia: [ Laughs ] I told you, didn't I? You have great taste. And here she is, proving me right again.
[ Laughs ]
Abby: Huh. Well, that's interesting stitching on the collar right there. Hmm.
Mia: Yeah , well, I figure why buy it for a fortune when you can get it for a steal?
Abby: Smart.
Mia: Yeah.
Abby: As long as you can live with knowing it's a knockoff.
Fenmore: Look, this isn't as crazy as you guys think, okay? I've already made a demo. I'm gonna get it to hamilton-winters. That's another reason why I came back home.
Michael: Now what, just wait for the money to roll in?
Fenmore: No. Not exactly. But, you know, if they don't like my first demo, I'll just make another and another until they eventually sign me.
Lauren: You know, we're just -- we're a little thrown. We need a moment to process here. I mean, I think I understand probably better than your dad because I was singing with danny romalotti when I was your age. Those were really fun times, you know? Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Michael: But...
Lauren: You know, let's not hash this out now, okay? Let's go home, get a good night's sleep, and we can talk in the morning.
Fenmore: Look, if "talk in the morning" is code for talk me out of this... you're wasting your breath. Okay? I know it's a shock for you, but... I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, all right? And I know what I want. And there's really nothing you can say to change my mind.
Charlie: I already started saving up to go to colorado.
Shauna: Maybe we can learn to ski together.
Charlie: [ Sighs ] I just can't believe this is happening. My dad should have stayed out of it.
Shauna: He wasn 't the reason. I do miss my family, and, devon... he's a wreck, and I can't help him right now. I don't want to be in the way, either.
Charlie: [ Sighs ] I'm gonna miss you a lot.
Shauna: But we're not breaking up, at least I don't want to.
Charlie: Me, neither. I'm just gonna have to upgrade my data plan.
Shauna: Who knew long-distance relationships could be so expensive?
Charlie: I'll get a part-time job.
Shauna: Aww.
Charlie: I'll get a full-time job in colorado. Who needs school, anyway?
Devon: Hey. Are you proud of yourself that you're taking this girl out of a good situation and breaking your son's heart at the same time?
Cane: All right, listen. Listen...
Devon: You think that every single thing you do is to bring this family closer together, but, in reality, that's what you're doing. You're ripping us apart.
Victoria: Look, you've had worse fashion faux-pas. Be grateful this one involves clothing.
Abby: Okay, the whole "naked heiress" thing was a campaign against animal cruelty. All right, yes, I might have gone a little too far with the knockoff comment.
Victoria: Uh, you definitely sent a message. What are you doing here, anyway? I think that a part at arturo's ex-girlfriend's house would be your last choice for an evening's entertainment.
Abby: Well, she's also his sister-in-law, which makes things a little bit more complex. We're like family. But I am not gonna let her intimidate me.
Victoria: Well, one, I didn't know you could be intimidated, and, two, intimidate you with what?
Abby: She might not be after arturo, per se, but she's definitely made it very clear that she was there before me.
Victoria: Sounds like she must be staking out her place in the family hierarchy.
Abby: Mm, well, one thing's for sure is that she loves attention.
[ Scoffs ] But she's playing those rosales brothers against each other for a long time now, and I am not about to join her game.
Mia: Nikki newman. Mia rosales. Thank you so much for coming.
Nikki: Thank you for having me.
Mia: Victoria and abby are already here. I'm gonna have to get a picture with all the newman ladies.
Nikki: Certainly, but not for publication.
Mia: Oh, of course not. If I could tell my 12-year-old self that you all would be my living room one day... oh! I just wish it was a little more fixed up. You're gonna have to mind the paint work. I have to talk to the old lady that owns the place about that. Can I get you a drink?
Nikki: Uh, yes, club soda, please.
Mia: Wonderful.
Phyllis: I will take another one of these, but two is the limit.
Mia: Okay.
Phyllis: Don't want you getting any secrets out of this C.E.O. Tonight. [ Giggles ]
Mia: [ Giggles ]
Nikki: I've met your husband a few times, mia, around town. He's investigating the murder of my daughter's ex-husband.
Mia: Yes, it takes up almost all his time.
Nikki: Really? Are they any new breaks in the case?
Cane: Hey. I'm sorry it had to be like this.
Charlie: It didn' t have to be.
Cane: Yeah.
Charlie: It is what it is. I just -- [ Clears throat ] Can I ask you a question?
Cane: Sure.
Charlie: If things don't work out between shauna and her parents when she gets back home, can she move in with us after the holidays?
Cane: [ Sighs ] Well, you know, that didn't kind of work out that well the first time, and I'm thinking, you know, that, uh, this time might be a little inappropriate.
Charlie: It's just -- it's unfair, you know?
Cane: I know.
Charlie: I haven't had a say in the way any of this has gone down.
Cane: I k now, I know. I do. I mean, there's been a lot of unfairness this year so far, you know? You know, I kind of wish your mum was around so we could get her take in all of this, you know?
Charlie: Me, too.
Cane: But you know we're gonna get through this, right? Yeah?
Charlie: Yeah.
Cane: I'll tell you this. It sucks missing the woman you love. It sucks, buddy.
Esther: Whoa! Who's this, mandy moore?
Mia: Glad you like it.
Esther: Like it? I love it! Watch out, ladies. Lock up your men.
Mia: Mm, you can have mine if he keeps working these late hours. Women like you and me, esther, we have needs, right?
Esther: Yeah! Damn right, we do!
Mia: [ Giggles ]
Esther: Oh, abby! Look! What do you think?
Abby: Oh, wow, esther, you look beautiful.
Mia: You want to give it a shot? I have some great anti-aging tips I think you might need.
Abby: Why don't you give them a try on yourself first, and then give me a holler?
Mia: She's so funny.
Lola: You okay?
Abby: Yeah. Let's see.
Phyllis: Mia knows squat about rey's work.
Sharon: Except for complaining about it.
Victoria: If she knows nothing, maybe there's nothing to know.
Nikki: Well, let's hope that's the case.
Phyllis: We're still gonna have to play nice in case there are any developments.
Sharon: For how long?
Abby: It's sophisticated yet cutting edge. It takes real artistry to make those styles together and make it feel so seamless and integrated.
Lola: Yeah. Oh, be careful, you do not want to drop mole sauce on that dress, okay?
Abby: Oh! [ Laughs ] Thank you.
Lola: The cleaning bill probably costs more than my rent.
Abby: Mm, you know what, seriously, lola, these are better than sex.
[ Laughs ]
Mia: Then you're probably doing it wrong. Better have a talk with arturo.
Abby: We do just fine, thanks.
Mia: [ Laughs ]
Lauren: Hey!
Esther: Hi.
Mia: No rest of the hostess. Pardon me.
Lauren: Good to see you! Hi!
Mia: Oh, lauren, thank you for making it.
Lauren: Of course, of course.
Mia: Mwah!
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Phyllis: Hi, beautiful lady. Where were you?
Lauren: Oh, don't ask.
Phyllis: Okay, well, I'll tell you what, let's get a drink. You look like you need one.
Lauren: [ Laughs ] Yes, i could definitely use one.
Mia: Right over here. You know, I wanted to run something by you two, and kerry, if she's coming.
Lauren: Uh, she's cancelled. I'm not exactly sure why.
Mia: Oh, no, not a problem. Well, you know I loved doing the photo shoot with you two, and i hope my business thrives here in genoa city, but I do like to have a few irons in the fire, so to speak. And, um, my message is all about positivity through glamour, and I feel like yours is, too. So I was thinking, with our powers combined, our forces could grow exponentially.
Phyllis: Like the wonder women of jabot, huh?
Mia: Exactly like that.
Phyllis: Are you looking for a job?
Mia: Only if it's something that is the right fit.
Lauren: Uh...
Phyllis: Uh, you know what, let's think about what might be right, strategically.
Lauren: Yeah.
Sharon: What are you talking about?
Phyllis: Uh, mia possibly working at jabot.
Mia: Only if it's the right fit. For both rey and I. Not that he's not supportive of my career or anything, no. And he's so into his, he wouldn't even notice I'm gone.
Sharon: He works long hours because he's devoted to protecting and serving our community.
Mia: Yes, but there's a point where that devotion can be obsession, and it's not healthy.
Sharon: Since when is having a noble calling unhealthy?
Mia: Forgive me, but this is really none of your business?
Sharon: You know what, you're right. It's just infuriating li stening to you gripe about your saint of a husband who works day and night sacrificing to try to make the world a better place.
Shauna: Charlie's in my room checking one more time to make sure I didn't leave anything. I'll just go get him.
Cane: The last thing I want to do is hurt my son, but I'm doing what is best for shauna and for you right now. Do you understand that?
Devon: You think this is what's best for us?
Cane: Yeah. Yeah, I do, because she misses her parents. Okay? See, you're not giving
her away. You're doing what's responsible.
Devon: Right, because I've been responsible enough to take care of her and look after her this whole time, and I've been able to keep my promise to hilary up until today, thanks to you.
Cane: You found
drugs, okay, in the cushion of your couch. Do you think hilary would approve of that? Her brother is an addict, okay? I'm not saying she would have done them, but why would you put her in that position when this is supposed to be a safe place for her?
Devon: I didn't k now they were here.
Cane: And that is the problem, isn't it?
Devon: It wasn't gonna happen again, either.
Cane: You rescued shauna from a very bad situation, and you nurtured her and you loved her, and I know that and she knows that, but, listen, you have to just let it go.
Devon: And if she's gone, that means another part of hilary is gone, too, you understand that?
Cane: I know, I do, and I'm sorry. But, devon, there comes a time when you have to stop living your life for hilary and you have to start living it for yourself.
Devon: So lily took her away from me, and you're trying to erase her from my memory.
Mia: Please, tell me more about my husband.
Sharon: What would you like to know? That he's a good man with a strong moral code, spends his days helping people and bringing criminals to justice?
Mia: You would know better than me these days.
Lola: Anyone want more croquettas?
Esther: Oh, I would love some, honey. They are delicious.
Sharon: Call me crazy, but i don't understand being resentful of your husband's job. You're not a '50s housewife.
Mia: [ Scoffs ] Far from it. You don't know anything about my marriage.
Sharon: You got that right. I don't understand your marriage at all.
Mia: Maybe because the pretty girl next door doesn't know anything about passion.
Sharon: I know there's a lot more to marriage than that. There is support and understanding and talking from the heart and truly listening.
Mia: He should be coming home in a few minutes if you want to wait for him. I'm sure you two will have a lot to talk about.
Sharon: I'm sorry, mia. I have to go.
Mia: No, you don't have to leave.
Sharon: Yes, I -- I do.
[ Door closes ]
Rey: Hey. I thought the party would be going on for at least a few more hours.
Sharon: It's ot done, but i am.
Rey: I see. Surprised you decided to go in the first place.
Sharon: Yeah, it wasn't the best decision I've made in the last few days.
Rey: I hope she didn't --
Sharon: No, she -- she was fine. It's fine. I'm --
Rey: Upset.
Sharon: You're probably not the person to talk to about it.
Rey: Just tell me. What happened?
Shauna: You guys go ahead. Can you give me and devon a moment?
Charlie: Yeah.
Cane: Sure.
Devon: I'll, uh... I'll go first since I'm the adult.
Shauna: Okay.
Devon: This is always your home. You're always welcome back here for any reason. And I want you to know you can call me -- anything you need. I never want you to hesitate. Day or night. If you're having problems with a teacher or with another student, you call me, and I will be on my jet and they will rue the day they messed with you, okay?
Shauna: That would be my worst nightmare.
Devon: Yes, it would.
Shauna: Because you can't hide your true feelings. That is one of the best things that I learned from you, to be open and honest.
Devon: Shauna, I just wanted to say, too, that I'm sorry that things haven't been the best around here.
Shauna: What you said before, about not living up to your promise to hilary, it's not true. You gave me love and a home and a family when I really needed one. And it may not be my place to say, but... I think you need to lean on your family now, too. Don't shut them out.
Devon: We'll be all right. I just don't know when this teenager standing in front of me turned into a wise old soul.
Shauna: If hilary's looking down on us right now, then she knows that I'm okay. And she really wants you to be, too.
[ Cries ]
Devon: It's okay.
Sharon: I don't want to talk about it. You know, I tried with mia. I really did. But it didn't work. We're never gonna be friends, or whatever.
Rey: I appreciate you making the effort.
Sharon: It's just too complicated.
Rey: I know. That's my fault.
Sharon: It's not all you. It's me, too.
Rey: I am trying to make my marriage work. I don't know if I can get past what she did or if I can ever forgive her.
Sharon: You have to keep trying.
Rey: I am trying, in a lot of different ways.
Sharon: Oh. In that way. Yeah, um, mia didn't mention that things are fine with you two in that department.
Rey: Yeah, of course she did. It's not true. I don't know if it's because i keep picturing her in bed with my brother... or I keep picturing myself with someone else.
Mia: It's too early for people to leave.
Lola: Uh, everyone stayed about the right amount of time for a work party, and, hey, aside from a few bumps on the road, it was a good night.
Mia: Was it?
Lola: Yeah. Almost everyone had a good time, and, hey, you'll definitely get some business out of this.
Mia: Oh! I forgot to hand out my business cards.
Lola: You've done enough for tonight. You should save some ene rgy for those dishes. I am off the clock, mia.
Mia: Oh, come on! Ladies, next time you have an event, I'm your girl. "Mia's moods" hair and makeup.
Nikki: Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.
Mia: I'll walk you downstairs. Give me a second.
Esther: Oh, uh, could I have one, too, please? I may need your services for a party next week for my ladies' bowling league.
Mia: Yeah. Sure.
Esther: Thank you.
Lola: Bye!
Rey: I'm fighting with mia, I'm fighting with myself. I'm fighting my feelings. And I think I'm losing. I am fighting with everyone except you.
Mia: Oh, you're down here. Did sharon tell you? The party was a big success.
Rey: She -- she did.
Mia: We should go upstairs. I feel like celebrating without so many people around. Have a good night. Drive safe, ladies.
Nikki: Oh, thank you.
Rey: Ladies.
Victoria: Well, that was a colossal waste of time.
Nikki: Oh, I don't know. I kind of like mia. She reminded me of girlfriends i used to have back in the day.
Victoria: Oh, geez, mom.
Nikki: Well...
[ Cellphone rings ] Oh! I hope this is your father. I haven't been able to reach him all day.
Victoria: Is it him?
Nikki: No. It's the ranch. Hello? What?
Victoria: Mom.
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