Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/29/18
Episode #11498 ~ Summer takes on a new challenge; Mia stirs the pot with Arturo; Abby takes a risk.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Devon: Ana?
Ana: I sure hope you saved some turkey for your little sister!
Devon: Oh, my god.
Nate: Devon is struggling, and that's why neil and I both thought it was a good idea that you come back here, to keep an eye on him.
Lola: When we have sex, that'll be my first time.
Kyle: Do you know what kind of pressure that puts on a guy, being the first?
Mariah: Maybe lola isn't saving herself for marriage. Maybe she's just saving herself for somebody better than you.
Sharon: Take this gift card. It's good for dinner for two at the top of the tower. I want you to have it.
Sharon newman, right? That's the name on the gift card.
Mia: Of course, yes.
Summer: I actually have a job offer. It's in dubai. It's for newman enterprises.
Phyllis: You will work for victor newman over my dead body.
Victor: We are so excited to
know that you are gonna be
arriving soon.
By the way, your apartment is
ready, and if you should want a
driver and a car, well, it's up
to you.
And in case you need a new
outfit for your new position,
there's plenty of wonderful
shopping around here, you know.
Summer: Oh, well, thank you, grandpa, but, you know, I'm going to dubai to work, not to play.
Victor: I know, I know.
You're a very conscientious
I know that, and I am very
happy that you'll be leading
our new office.
Summer: Me, too.
Phyllis: Hi there. I'd like to ask you to take your claws out my daughter. She's not going anywhere.
Victor: You have a good trip,
summer, okay?
I'm so looking forward to
seeing you.
Bye! Safe trip.
Summer: Bye.
Phyllis: You took the job? You took the job. How could you take the job?
Summer: Yes, I took the job. Ripping up my resignation letter didn't really change that.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] All right, look, I made a mistake. I apologize. I am ready to discuss it rationally now.
Summer: Yes! I would love that. I would. But, just to be clear, that doesn't mean you telling to me stay and me saying, "okay, i won't go."
Phyllis: You know from your father that working with victor is a mistake. Of epic proportions. When he burns you -- and you know he will -- it's gonna be too late. You have time now to just reassess everything.
Summer: Not before my flight this afternoon.
Phyllis: Today? What -- you can't leave today! What -- why are you doing this?
Summer: Because the position needs to be filled, and I'm ready.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ]
Summer: What, are you texting dad?
Phyllis: He is going to break land-speed records, is what he's gonna do.
Summer: Actually, you know, that's good. I can save a trip to dark horse. I'm gonna go talk to lauren, and you, me, and dad can just hang out until it's time.
Phyllis: Why -- why are you acting like this is a done deal?
Summer: Mom, I don't want to end things on bad terms, okay? So it's up to you and dad how we say goodbye.
Sharon: You went home to tessa last night.
Mariah: I did, and it was awful. Okay, we're there in this tiny little studio apartment, and it's like we're strangers, except we're not, and then every now and then, tessa will give me this look, and it makes my heart explode like confetti, and then I remember that she blackmailed you and lied to me, and that I don't know how to trust her. I also don't know how to walk away, and I don't know how to stop loving her.
Sharon: Oh, sweetheart. Look, I'm gonna support you no matter what you decide.
Mariah: Incoming.
Mia: Hello! I was hoping to find you, sharon.
Sharon: What can I do for you, mia?
Mia: I know you were the reason rey took me to the top of the tower last night, and you even paid for everything. Let's have a little chat about that.
Devon: There's not enough space in your apartment? You thinking of moving in here?
Nate: Uh, no, I was just checking in with ana, seeing how she's settling in.
Ana: Shauna said she'd be late after school today. I think it was debate, or coding.
Devon: She always has something going on. But it's gonna be nice for her to have another female in the house.
Ana: Good, because I might need to crash here a little longer. Until this h-w paychecks start rollin' in.
Devon: Oh, yeah, you can stay as long as you'd like.
Ana: Until you're sick of having me as your roommate and your assistant. I'm ready for the office when you are.
Devon: Oh, don't worry about that right now. I, uh -- I have plenty of stuff going on today. My schedule's full of meetings and whatnot, so just settle in, and I'll check in with you later on, okay?
Ana: Okay.
Nate: And that is what I'm talking about. No real explanation about where he's going or what he's doing.
Ana: Well, I'm here now. If there's anything to worry about, I'll know, and I'll tell you right away.
Nate: Hopefully there won't be anything to tell, but, uh, I have a bad feeling about this.
Nick: Summer can't leave today.
Phyllis: According to her, she can, and will.
Nick: Why would she take a job with victor so far away? Does she have an explanation?
Phyllis: No, we didn't get that far. I was trying to be mature and rational and throw myself in front of the door before she could leave, but she has made up her mind.
Nick: [ Sighs ] So what's our next move?
Phyllis: I think you and i both know what we need to do.
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Phyllis: By all means, come on in.
Kyle: Sorry. I thought summer was in here.
Phyllis: She's speaking to lauren.
Kyle: Summer sent me a text saying she was leaving for dubai. Today.
Phyllis: Yes. And today is a big surprise for you, not the fact that she's moving 7,000 miles away?
Kyle: She mentioned her job with victor.
Phyllis: And you said, "no, summer, what a horrible idea." Right?
Kyle: It's a great opportunity. I'd kill for that kind of shot.
Phyllis: Then put on a wig, go in her place. I am not gonna let victor tuck my daughter under his evil wing and put her in a real estate division! Up against nick and dark horse? That's exactly what he did to you and jack. That's putting child against father, and you know what he's gonna do? He's gonna grab a tequila, he's gonna sit back and enjoy the show.
Kyle: I was a jerk and went along with victor because i needed to get past my own garbage. Summer isn't in the same headspace. And she loves nick. She'd never do anything to hurt him or his company. Give her some credit. She's your kid. She's not about to be anyone's pawn. So trust her already.
Nick: I'm trying to understand why you would hire an exec with zero real estate experience, other than she is my daughter.
Victor: It seems to me I have
more faith in your daughter's
abilities than you do.
Nick: This is not about her skills or her résumé, this is about you coming between me and my kid. Look, if you have a problem with me, dad, you come to me. You don't drag my daughter halfway across the world just so she can play your games.
Victor: Son, if I wanted to
confront you, I'd confront you
I don't need summer as a
Now, having said that, she's
wasting her time on that
sinking ship called jabot, and
she deserves far better than to
watch both her father and
mother implode.
Nick: Do not pretend like this is some act of concern for my daughter because we both know better.
Victor: Listen to me.
You think whatever you want.
I happen to appreciate your
daughter's abilities.
She'd do very well over here.
And the best you can do is stay
the hell out of her way.
[ Laptop slams ]
Abby: Hey, do you have a minute?
Nick: Yeah, but just a minute. I have to head over to jabot. Apparently summer has decided to take a job in dubai for newman.
Abby: But not if you can stop her.
Nick: I don't know. What's up?
Abby: I wanted to talk to you about that mixed-use building we discussed yesterday.
Nick: Yeah, abby, I love it that you're looking outside of pr. We really need that. And always come to me with these ideas, but I think this one has to be a pass for dark horse.
Abby: Absolutely. I totally get it. Bui do think there is a profit to be made there, and I would like to be the one to make it. I'm gonna be pursuing the deal. I just wanted to let you know that dark horse is my primary focus.
Nick: Look at you. You want to do this on your own?
Abby: I do.
Nick: And you know the risks?
Abby: And I'm ready for them.
Nick: Look, I, uh... I appreciate it that you came to me with this first. It shows loyalty, and that's important. And I really hope this is huge for you because then you can spend the rest of your life telling me what a mistake i made.
Abby: I look forward to doing just that.
Devon: He tried to tell me that he wrote every single part of the song, but I said there's no way in hell that he could.
[ Laughter ] It's not possible. Hey. Ana, what are you doing here?
Ana: I came to check out the office, then I saw you and thought I'd say hi.
Devon: Hey.
Ana: To you and your... friends.
Devon: Yeah. Let's go over here. Excuse me for a second, guys. I know this may seem a little off, but, you know, it's the way that business gets done in this industry.
Ana: These are people you're doing business with?
Devon: Yeah, yeah, and a few people who just tag along for the free drinks because we usually stop by the bar before we go to the studio.
Ana: Those guys are singers?
Devon: These guys are musicians. The singer's actually late.
Ana: This is how it works.
Devon: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is just work for me, but it's -- it's good. It keeps me focused and it keeps me moving forward.
Ana: I know I've never been at this level of the music industry, but it just looks like partying to me. Like an escape from the real world.
Devon: Why would you say that?
Ana: What do you mean?
Devon: The "escape" part. It doesn't really sound like you.
Ana: I know you're grieving, and I can't imagine, but it's the middle of the day.
Devon: I know that it is, but, look, you just got here, and, I promise you, there's businessmen all over this town who are having cocktails with their lunch meetings. It's just the way it goes down. They do their thing, we do ours. But you talking about me trying to escape kind of sounds like something that neil or nate or cane would say, which makes me wonder if you really came to town just to look out for me when they can'T. There lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.
Sharon: You don't have to thank me. I was happy to give rey the gift card. Honestly, it was nothing. It would have only gone to waste.
Mia: It was fabulous. The top of the tower is so classy and elegant. Is she always this generous?
Mariah: She just can't help herself.
Mia: And it was so nice to dress up and to show rey off, too. That man can wear a suit well. And just so you know, I didn't let on to rey that I knew you'd given him the nudge. We kept the focus on romance, and it was amazing. Just how I knew it would be, getting back together.
Sharon: That's -- you know, I should --
Mia: And since I know you're on our side now, can I ask one favor?
Mariah: Do you want a refill, or...?
Mia: I want to make things wonderful again tonight. Flowers, candles, music. But my best room is not the kitchen, if you know what i mean.
Sharon: Um, the athletic club has a great menu, and you can order to-go.
Mia: If you say it's good, it must be. And with any luck, I'll owe you another thank-you tomorrow.
Mariah: Can I hate her?
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] No, you cannot hate her.
Mariah: But I really want to.
Sharon: For being protective of her husband and her marriage, for being smart enough to know that rey and I got too close? You can't hate a woman for being right.
Mariah: So you sent them out on a date together, and you paid for it. Why would you do that?
Sharon: To prove to myself that I can do the right thing where rey is concerned, no matter how hard it is for me.
Ana: You don't think I missed you?
Devon: I didn't say that.
Ana: You're my brother, and we've hardly ever had the chance to live together. When neil reached out, it all just clicked for me. I wanted to be with family again, and I thought you might need me, too. For emotional support.
Devon: Well, I appreciate that, but it's just the timing because you didn't show up when hilary passed away or when lily went to jail.
Ana: You're right. I should have come sooner.
Devon: I'm not saying it to make you feel guilty, I'm just curious to why now?
Ana: Christmas, devon. All the holidays. All the days where things won't be the way you imagined they'd be because hilary won't be here.
Devon: Or is it because when neil moved up to be closer to lily, he dragged you down here to keep an eye on me? Because I'm sure he's been talking to you.
Ana: You lost your wife, devon. People are gonna look out for you. That's how family works.
Devon: Right.
Ana: If you're fine, great. If you're not fine, I want to help.
Devon: I am fine, though. I'm very fine. I'm back in the studio, I'm back to work, I'm living my life.
Ana: Mm.
Devon: You know? You guys can relax. I promise you. The singer is here. I have to go, all right?
Phyllis: Your father's on his way.
Summer: Good. We can have a group hug, and you can wish me well.
Phyllis: Yeah, or, you know, just a thought -- we might have a question or two about what is the need for you to leave the country now? Is this about billy?
Summer: Mom, I --
Phyllis: I have not said anything. Your father does not know about you and billy and what happened because he would go to prison. For assault. Or murder. But I need to know for sure.
Summer: Mom, it's not about billy, okay?
Phyllis: Is it me? I thought you and I were in a good place. I thought we bounced back. I thought we were close again.
Summer: Mom, I love you. I really do.
Phyllis: I love you, too, honey. Please, tell me what this is about. Is this about your father and all the drama with sharon?
Nick: Is that it, supergirl?
Summer: Oh, we have retired that name.
Nick: Sorry, old habits. Look, I was thinking driving over here. Just come work at dark horse. It's real estate. You say you want to see the world? Then let's make it happen. You can go work with noah in london.
[ Sighs ] It's just -- you turned me down before because you said you wanted to stay at fenmore's, but now that that's not an issue...
Summer: What, are you gonna buy me a pony and a pink car, too?
Nick: Is that what it'll take?
Phyllis: We'll buy you a fleet of cars, if that's what it takes.
Nick: Look, my dad says he's going to mentor you in dubai, but he is not gonna stay there forever. He's going to leave you there alone after he throws you into the deep end.
Summer: Okay, I have watched grandpa up close my entire life, so I'm really not worried about his methods. And, plus, I'm gonna be working directly with grandma, so you guys really have nothing to worry about.
Nick: Sorry, it's part of the job description.
Phyllis: Your father's right. You know, the last time you left town, it ended in stolen cars and poker games. I'm not saying any of that could happen again --
Summer: Good, because that's not who I am anymore. And I am not running away from anything this time, mom. I promise you. I just need to try something new. I need to try to be a responsible adult who has the chance of a lifetime. And, dad, I mean, how long did it take you to find your passion with dark horse? And maybe this is my chance to find that now instead of later. I just want you to cheer me on, not try to get me to stay put.
Phyllis: Hooray.
Summer: I can work with that.
Nick: Look, if this is what you want, and you feel like you are ready, then your mother and I can support you.
Phyllis: We can cheer you on and still worry about you at the same time, okay? And I reserve that right. Come here. May this adventure be everything you want, okay? I love you.
Mariah: Do they cover stress eating in psych classes? Because it's awesome!
Sharon: The thing is, I'm sure I'd like mia in a different circumstance.
Mariah: Or not. That, too.
Sharon: Rey loves her, and he's my friend, so maybe i should be happy for both of them.
Mariah: Sharon, you've taken the high road, and if you go any higher, you're gonna need an oxygen tank. You and rey didn't cross any lines.
Sharon: Well, I'm not sure that's true. Emotionally. I do feel guilty about that. I should have put more distance between us.
Mariah: You did. You have.
Sharon: My focus should have been on you and christian and faith, not some romantic complications.
Mariah: Why, because you're not allowed to have feelings?
Sharon: Well, I fell for a married man. I mean, just a crush, but still, I knew better. Now I have to face the consequences.
Mariah: Okay, okay, you are passing judgment and you're handing out punishment for being human. You know what you need? More brownies. Come on. Let's go.
Arturo: To genoa city's newest real estate mogul.
Abby: [ Giggles ] You know what, it feels so good to have you in my corner. And nick, too. He's not threatened or dismissive. Now I just need the seller to accept my offer.
Arturo: Well, it's a fair price. It allows for all the necessary renovations, so...
Abby: Hmm, I wonder who I can get to do those.
Arturo: I have no idea.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] Mm, and I know what food truck will be visiting the construction site.
Arturo: Oh!
Lola: Oh, you two slacking off?
Arturo: We are celebrating. Abby has some news.
Abby: Pending, possibly. Definitely.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Arturo: That is the foreman at the roxenburg site. Hey, why don't you order a drink? It's on me. I'll get this and be right back.
Lola: Bye.
Abby: Okay. What's wrong?
Lola:Oh, nothing.
Abby: I saw your face when you walked in here. Is it kyle-related?
Lola: Abby, things just feel...weird. I woke up to a text from him saying that he was sorry that he couldn't make time for me yesterday, that we'll "talk soon." But what does that even mean? It's like, "hey, I'll see you later today?" Or "wow, you're a virgin, and I am out."
Abby: I can't be positive, but I don't think even kyle is that big of a jerk.
Lola: Well, "virgin" doesn't mean wilting flower, so I texted him to meet me here.
Abby: That's good.
Lola: But I haven't heard back.
Abby: Well, there's a lot going on at jabot right now. Maybe there's a meeting, or whatever, he got sucked into. Let me see what I can do.
Nikki: There's a cashmere wrap and some other luxuries for the flight. Victoria's sorry she couldn't get here in time to see you off.
Summer: Oh, thank you. This is really sweet. Tell aunt vicki that I promise to send all of my cousins fun gifts from dubai.
Nikki: Mm. This feels so right knowing that you'll be a part of newman's future.
Nick: Mom, she hasn't even got on the plane yet. It's a new job, it's a new environment... if it doesn't gel or it doesn't work out, there's no harm, no foul.
Phyllis: And considering victor has turned on every one of his children at one point or another, I certainly hope he demonstrates self-control with this next generation.
Summer: My parents know that I am an adult who makes my own decisions, and this is just a last-minute display of their protective instincts.
Nikki: Which I completely understand. Fortunately, you are my direct report, so I will know immediately if there any issues, and I will make that clear with your mother and father.
Phyllis: Yeah, we're standing right here.
Nikki: Oh, it looks like there's someone else here to see you.
Summer: Are you sure it's for me? You know, I should --
Nick: We don't have much time to talk, so...
Summer: Hey. Didn't think you'd come.
Kyle: How could I not?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Ana: It was the middle of the day, and they were acting like it was a late-night after party. Devon can say this is how they do business, but it wasn't always that way. Devon's been rich for a minute now. He's too smart to get used. He knows those guys just want someone to pick up the bar tab, but it's like he doesn't care anymore. As long as it fills up the hours in his day.
Nate: That's right. Anything to keep from thinking about hilary or the baby. Any he's calling it work.
Ana: I don't think devon is accomplishing anything business-related at this point, and all I'm doing is annoying him and making his paranoid.
Nate: Just give him some time, okay? If anybody can through to him, you can.
[ Door opens ]
Devon: Well, look at that. It's right where you two started.
Nate: Just figuring out what we're gonna eat for dinner.
Ana: I thought you'd be in the studio.
Devon: Yeah, the, uh, singer wasn't feeling well, so we had to reschedule.
Ana: Then come out with us.
Devon: I can't do that. I just stopped by to change real quick because I'm going out with some buddies tonight, and it's probably gonna be a late night, so I wouldn't wait up for me, okay?
Ana: Okay, well, I'll let shauna know.
Devon: Thank you.
Nick: Why are you so eager to send summer halfway around the world? You know dad is going to find a way to leave her hanging.
Phyllis: This is your granddaughter.
Nikki: Yes, which is why i support this change. I have seen her mature over the past few months. She has proven to be clever and creative, and she has a level of fearlessness that all newmans share. This way, she can put it to good use without anybody hovering.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] Like you don't hover over victoria?
Nikki: And please don't think that I have an agenda in this because I don'T. This was strictly between victor and summer, but I am personally thrilled because she is ready.
Nick: How can she be ready? She has no idea what she's in for.
Nikki: If it doesn't work out, summer can come home, so relax. Please. Your daughter deserves to be sent off with hugs and smiles.
Kyle: You're going to love the shopping --
Summer: Don't! Don't say that. Everyone has been saying that as if I'm not going to work at all.
Kyle: Never mind.
Summer: Okay, I'm just kidding. We all know I'm gonna shop there.
Kyle: I'm glad you said yes.
Summer: Yeah, I got that when you made it clear that I should go.
Kyle: And your mom will come around. I told her you could handle yourself.
Summer: You did?
Kyle: Victor isn't about to just bend you to his will. You play to win.
Summer: Yeah, but that doesn't always mean that I get what I want. You know, I wonder -- I wonder, if things had been different... if I had been different...
Kyle: There's a lot out there for you, summer. Go get it.
Summer: I'll miss you.
Kyle: I'll miss you, too.
Abby: There you are. You should check your phone. Lola's waiting for you at the club.
Kyle: Really? Uh, okay. Uh, I'm on my way. Fly safe.
Summer: Bye, kyle.
Kyle: Bye, summer. Thanks for the message.
Abby: Yeah, tell arturo I'll be right behind you.
Summer: Seriously? You come all the way down here just to pry kyle out of my clutches?
Abby: I passed along a message from a friend, but i would have come anyway. To give you a message from me.
Sharon: How is it that you're always looking out for me?
Mariah: That is ridiculous. I've been in a state of domestic meltdown for I don't know how long.
Sharon: Then I should be looking out for you.
Mariah: You already do. All the time. So now it's my turn to be soothing and optimistic. So one last deep and meaningful message. This too shall pass. You and rey are good people, and you want to do the right thing. I have faith in you, have faith in yourself.
Sharon: He is a good person. But no matter how hard he tries with mia...
Mariah: She'll always kind of be a --
Sharon: No, he's always gonna know her better than we do. But I don't think he sees the problems and how deep they run.
Mariah: Sharon, you can't shrink him, and you can't fix his marriage.
Sharon: I'm right here watching this car crash happen in slow motion, and there's nothing I can do to help.
Mia: Champagne? What's the occasion?
Arturo: It's a small celebration. Abby and kyle are on their way.
Mia: I just put in an order for dinner. You don't mind if I sit with you while I wait.
Arturo: Actually...
Summer: Really? So that's why you came all this way? To actually give me helpful advice? Why would you do that?
Abby: Because we're family.
Summer: Yeah, we were also family when you slept with my husband, so...
Abby: Okay, summer, look, I've been where you are, so listen to me or not. But I know exactly what's gonna happen. My dad makes you feel like you're the chosen one, worthy to carry on his legacy. Then my dad will take you under his wing, and he will say that you have time to learn and grow. But that first mistake... not even the first mistake, the first time you do something your way and not his, it's gonna get ugly, and it will make you wonder if you have any value in this world at all.
Summer: Well, I've worked for grandpa before, so...
Summer: As an intern. This is real.
Summer: Well, I'm not you, so...
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Summer: But thank you very much. But I think I'll be okay.
Abby: Sure, you will. Good luck, summer. That's right, you won't need it.
Nikki: Oh, abby, I didn't expect to see you.
Abby: Hi.
Nikki: Hi, sweetheart.
Summer: She was just giving me a little pep talk.
Nikki: Oh, how nice.
Summer: [ Chuckles ]
Nikki: Summer, I have to leave for a meeting. Let me know as soon as you have landed, and please give your grandfather a big hug for me?
Summer: I will. Thank you everything, grandma.
Nikki: Oh, of course. I'm so excited for you. It's going to be wonderful. Oh, I love you.
Summer: I love you.
Kyle: Sorry I'm late.
Arturo: It's all right, man. We got you covered.
Kyle: Oh!
Lola: Hey. Why don't we grab some seats over there?
Kyle: Great. Abby's on her way.
Arturo: Thanks.
Mia: That's not a good sign, that abby keeps you waiting.
Arturo: Does that ever work? On anyone? You pretending to be helpful?
Mia: No matter how much you hurt me, I'll always care about you, okay? Now, do you really think someone like abby newman will get serious with you? Or maybe that's the draw, you know, since you don't believe in marriage. This is all nice and meaningless, just the way you like it.
Arturo: Mia, what abby and i have is real.
Mia: Maybe it is. But only to you.
Kyle: I just felt like... no matter what, we were friends at some point.
Lola: And how do you feel about her leaving?
Kyle: Her parents are freaked out, but this will be good for her.
Lola: I'm not used to feeling weird with you, and that's why I asked you to meet.
Kyle: And I should have been ready sooner, but work was just --
Lola: I get it.
Kyle: No, it was crazy. It was like my brain couldn't handle both things at once.
Lola: Because what I told you was so huge.
Kyle: I just assumed you'd had...
Lola: Sex before?
Kyle: And that was my fault.
Lola: I'm sure everyone assumes, except maybe my brothers.
Kyle: But you haven't, and I needed a second to process.
Lola: Just so you know, I'm not anti-sex. I don't think it's bad or evil or anything like that. I think it's probably amazing, and important, too. Which is why I've been waiting for something real and committed and maybe even after that. I've seen what sex does in a relationship. It connects you to someone, and I still have work to focus on -- my truck, I want to open up a restaurant.
Kyle: And all of that matters.
Lola: And you matter, too. I really like being around you. And if you asked me to spend the weekend with you again... I would say yes. But only if you understand that I'm not going to change my mind about this. So... where does that leave us now?
Nate: Do you see how he basically forgot that she lives here? And he cares about shauna, I know it. But, right now, nothing else matters, so... I don't know. I mean, that is how it -- how it is when you lose someone you love, especially the way that he loved hilary, you know? You find other things to fill you up. But it's just -- devon hasn't found those things yet.
Ana: I keep hearing this one place has amazing meatballs.
Devon: Yeah? What's it called? I know you were just telling nate about everything that I did today, and, yes, I was at the bar instead of at the office, and then I went to the studio, and now I came back here. I'm gonna go out again, and I'm probably gonna be out all night long. So you can tell that to neil. That way, you guys don't have to argue about who's gonna take the next shift watching over me, all right?
Ana: I meant what I said, devon. I'm here just to be with you.
Devon: Then do that. Just be my sister. You don't have to be my warden. All right? I have people waiting for me, so I'm gonna take off, if you don't mind.
Nate: Devon! Those -- those people don't care about you. We do, okay? So you need to sit down and hear us out.
Mia: Those women, those people -- it's different for them. They always get what they want. They never had to fight. So nothing has value. They just -- they don't fix things that break. They just throw them away and get a new one.
Arturo: And you fix things?
Mia: Mm-hmm.
Arturo: How's your marriage to my brother?
Mia: I keep trying. I'm reaching out. Rey's holding back, I can feel it.
Arturo: All that energy that you're wasting on me, use it on rey.
Abby: Uh-oh! Party crasher.
Arturo: Our table's ready.
Abby: Mm, fabulous. Bye.
Mia: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: You're not like any girl I've ever known.
Lola: That sounds like "you're a great girl, but..."
Kyle: No. No, no, no. It's not that at all.
Lola: Then be honest with me.
Kyle: That's what I'm trying to do. You want what you want. You've explained it, and I understand. And I'm right here. No sex, then okay, because what you and I have so far, I'm not about to give that up.
Lola: Most guys would bolt.
Kyle: They'd be idiots. Me? I'm a genius.
[ Chuckles ] I'm trying to be the guy you deserve.
Summer: All right, well, the car is downstairs, and my luggage is in.
Phyllis: Already?
Summer: Mom, I --
Phyllis: Look, I --
[ Sighs ] Do you remember when you were a little girl and we went away, and it was just you and me? We were trying to get you strong and healthy?
Summer: Mm-hmm. Please --
Phyllis: I mean, that was just yesterday. I'm just saying that you are my heart, and I will be there for you if you need anything, okay? You know, "mom, I'm lonely." Boom, I will catch the next flight -- I mean it!
Nick: And I will be right there with her.
Summer: You know that's not gonna happen, right?
Phyllis: Well, would you give me something to hang onto, please?
Summer: Okay.
Nick: We're really proud of you.
Phyllis: We really love you.
Summer: I love you, too, mom.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Okay.
Summer: Okay. Come here.
[ Sighs ] Love you guys.
Phyllis: Love you.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Devon: All right, nate, i don't have time for another lecture, man, I don'T.
Nate: This isn't a lecture, devon. Okay? Ana and I were both concerned.
Ana: You were right before. I should have come back to genoa city sooner. I wasn't there for you, but I want to be now. And it doesn't have to be some deep conversation, devon. Let me take you out for dinner. A thank-you for a job and a place to stay.
Devon: I have people waiting for me, though. I have a job to do. I need to live my life.
Nate: This is your family you're talking to. Are we not a part of your life?
Ana: Those guys, the people you're spending your time with, I'm not sure they care about what's going on with you.
Devon: Well, why should they care what's going on with me? I work with them. They're not a support group. I don't ask them what's going on in their head, they don't ask me. If they did, I probably wouldn't hang out with them.
Nate: So that is what you want, then? A bunch of vultures that expect you to open up your wallet and just put down your credit card?
Devon: Yes, nate, right now, that's what I want.
Nate: You're self-medicating, devon! Instead of getting help, you're trying to go numb!
Ana: But those feelings, they're still there, devon. They don't just miraculously go away.
Devon: Well, this is obviously why you came back to town because you sound just like them, and you guys need to realize you don't get a get say in my life.
Ana: I'm your sister. I think I do.
Nate: You're spiraling down, devon. It could get worse. And, listen, I don't know if we'll be able to drag you back up.
Devon: Drag me back up from what, nate? From what? You don't know me, man! You don't know how I feel. This isn't me going numb. This isn't grief. This is me moving on, and it's obviously making you feel some kind of way because I'm not crying on your shoulders, or something, and it's pissing you off, but I'm not gonna make myself miserable to make you feel better about yourself. It's not gonna happen.
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