Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/8/18

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/8/18


Episode #11484 ~ Rey makes an announcement about J.T.; Sharon crosses the line; and Nikki is backed into a corner.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Lola: You have a shot, but I'm still gonna make you work for it.

Mariah: We have come a long way since last halloween.

Tessa: I didn't make it easy.

Mariah: But you made it worth it.

Sharon: Rey and I have made very firm boundaries. We are colleagues who are also friends.

Mariah: I'm just asking -- if he wasn't married, would you and he...?

Sharon: No. No! [ Laughs ]

Victoria: I thought by now we would have heard something from whomever moved J.T.'S body from the park. Do you think that J.T. Could still be alive?

Rey: I'm taking over this site.

Arturo: That's not possible. There's a busted water pipe there. This is official city business.

Rey: So is this.

Mariah: I'm mariah copeland reporting from chancellor park. What you're witnessing behind me is no ordinary day at the park, though. As you can see, law enforcement is on the scene and they're cordoned off a small area of the park. Here is what we know so far. Local law enforcement has brought in a criminal forensics team, and they seem to be searching the area with a fine-tooth comb. What they've found or what they're looking for is anyone's guess. I'll pass along the details of this investigation as they become available. I'm mariah copeland for

gc buzz.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: Hey.

Nikki: Hey.

Victoria: Have they found anything?

Nikki: No, not that I can tell. The police called me this morning to tell me that they would be digging around out here. They wouldn't say why -- not to me, not to mariah.

Victoria: I've been in contact with phyllis and sharon. They know why.

Nikki: What?! Why didn't you say anything?

Victoria: Mom, it was late. There was nothing we could do except worry.

Nikki: Victoria, what do you know?

Victoria: Please, mom. Don't let them see you lose your cool. There are cops everywhere. While the repair crew was in there fixing the pipes, they found J.T.'S watch. And who knows what else?

Kyle: It's a little early for our date, isn't it? Besides, wasn't the plan to meet at the coffeehouse?

Lola: We're still on. I just thought you might enjoy a little taste of la vida lola.

Kyle: Oh! You brought me lunch?

Lola: I brought everyone a little bit of lunch today.

Kyle: You made all that?

Lola: Menus and free samples for my new delivery service. Place an order and get fast, free delivery right to your office door.

Kyle: This is incredible.

Lola: Yeah. This is how I make my dreams come true.

Kyle: When did you come up with all of this?

Lola: A girl's got to have some secrets.

Kyle: Lunch delivery is definitely going to be a hit around here.

Lola: I hope so. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some deliveries and some taste buds to excite.

Phyllis: Oh, boy. Here we go. "...Still no official word about the police presence in chancellor park... "...active crime scene..." "police remain silent on investigation."

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Sharon: Hello, I'm just returning your call that i received -- um, I'm gonna have to call you back.

Victoria: Apparently arturo found a watch while he and his crew were fixing the pipe that was buried underneath the sculpture, and somehow it ended up in rey's hands.

Nikki: I don't understand. Why do they think the watch belonged to J.T.?

Victoria: Because there was an inscription on the back -- "love, mac." So rey did some detective work. He tracked down mackenzie, and he brought her in for questioning.

Nikki: Oh, my god. What do we do?

Victoria: The only thing we can do. We just have to act like it's another day. Business as usual, right?

Nikki: Yeah, uh, I suppose.

Victoria: Mom, you have to hold it together. We can't fall apart. There's nothing that we can do here.

Nikki: No, there is. I have a responsibility to this park. I'm going to stay and see what i can find out.

Victoria: All right. Just let me know if you hear any more news or if anything at all.

Nikki: You'll be my first call.

Mariah: Uh, nikki! Nikki, do you have a second?

Nikki: Oh, uh, now probably isn't the best time.

Mariah: It'll be really quick, I promise. Most of you know the woman beside me as genoa city's own nikki newman, but what most of you don't know is mrs. Newman is the owner of chancellor park, which, until yesterday, was an oasis, a place for calm and quiet reflection. Nikki, do you have any statements on today's events?

Nikki: I'm afraid I'm as much in the dark as you are, mariah. I wish I could help you.

Mariah: Thank you for your time.

Nikki: Certainly.

Mariah: Oh! Detective rosales! Detective rosales, um, can you make a statement on the police presence in the park today?

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Rey: I have nothing to say at this time.

Mariah: You'd be doing a public service by setting the record straight. Please, just a couple words.

Rey: Sure. No comment.

Mariah: I'm just trying to do my job.

Rey: Me, too. When I know more, you'll know more, okay?

Mariah: Okay. Okay, let's go.

[ Car door shuts ]

[ Car engine starts ]

Nikki: [ Gasps ] Um...

Rey: Nikki. I'm glad I caught you.

Nikki: Is everything all right?

Rey: I need a word.

Phyllis: You aren't ted.

Kyle: So I've heard.

Phyllis: Why aren't you working on the project I gave you yesterday?

Kyle: I am. I'm waiting on a call from the west coast, and I need their numbers before I can complete the spreadsheet. No one's in their offices for the next two hours.

Phyllis: I expected you to be further along.

Kyle: So did I.

Phyllis: Look, if there's a reason you can't get this job done, or if it's too much for you to handle...

Kyle: I thought you'd rather have it done thoroughly into a high standard as opposed to fast.

Phyllis: I'm sure there's a way to accomplish all three at once. So get on it.

Lola: Well, well, I'm guessing you're here to tell me how amazing my samples were.

Kyle: I was just getting some last-minute guidance from my boss.

Lola: Ah, yes. Congratulations! I heard about the big news.

Phyllis: Thank you, lola.

Lola: I know you're very busy, but I wanted to hand this to you personal, courtesy of la vida lola. Try our new delivery service. Fast, free, and fantastic.

Phyllis: Thank you very much.

Lola: One bite, and you'll be transported.

Phyllis: Well, I need that. Thank you. I trust you'll get your work done.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Door opens ]

Phyllis: Don't you have a job to do?

Nikki: I don't see how anything I have to say could assist in a police investigation.

Rey: You are the park's owner.

Nikki: Well, yes, but --

Rey: You're privy to certain information that's going to help me put a few of the missing pieces together.

Nikki: Such as?

Rey: Who does the park's landscaping, upkeep? Who created the sculpture?

Nikki: I really wish I could help you, but I'm really not involved in the day-to-day details.

Rey: Well, maybe somebody in your office.

Nikki: You know, if you could tell me what you're looking for and why, I'm sure that I could narrow things down for you.

Rey: I can't say anything until I have all the facts. So you'll get that information for me?

Nikki: As soon as I head to the office.

Rey: Name of the companies, their employees, dates of services -- everything.

Nikki: I'll put my best people on it.

Rey: Thank you, nikki. I look forward to hearing from you.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Sharon: Nikki, where are you, and what is going on?

Nikki: Rey wants to know everything about the park, like who tends to the garden, who maintains the sculpture. Do you know that they have put a tent --

Sharon: Victoria told you about the watch.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Yes. I find it hard to believe that this whole place is crawling with police over a little watch.

Sharon: It's evidence of a man who's presumed missing. Of course there's going to be an investigation, but with any luck...

Nikki: If we had had any luck, we would have been the ones to find that watch when we dug up that empty grave.

Sharon: Look at the big picture. There's no reason to believe that they have any evidence that we had anything to do with J.T. Going missing. And without a body, there is no murder.

Nikki: Until one shows up!

Sharon: Do you think that J.T. Is really alive, and he's out there planting this incriminating evidence against us?

Nikki: [ Sighs ] I don't know. We don't have time to speculate on that. You're the one who works at the station. You're friends with the lead investigator. We need answers, and you are the one in the best position to get them.

Phyllis: Double skim latte. Please.

Tessa: Uh, is that with or without cyanide? Well, I'm just assuming you have a death wish coming in here, where there's about a 90% chance you're gonna run into sharon.

Phyllis: She's not here now.

Tessa: She will be soon.

Phyllis: How much for the coffee without an attitude?

Tessa: So I'm assuming you're taking it to go?

Phyllis: I'm gonna be taking it right over there. Thank you.

Nick: Hey. How's it going?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Little miss millennial is getting a little too big for her britches without sharon to keep her on track. How about you?

Nick: I've just been following the news at chancellor park. You know anything about that?

Phyllis: Mm, small talk. You a little nervous to be seen with me since we spent last night together?

Nick: Let's sit down.

Phyllis: It's not like we planned for that to happen. Again.

Nick: Right.

Phyllis: Even if we did, you know, I would have chosen another place besides your office.

Nick: Could have gone to a nice hotel room.

Phyllis: Yeah, where we wouldn't have gotten busted like a couple of teenagers.

Nick: And if we had done that, then maybe jack wouldn't have found your jabot id that you left on the couch.

Phyllis: Jack isn't the only one who knows.

Nick: Who else?

Phyllis: Billy. Summer.

Nick: [ Sighs ] So it's out there.

Phyllis: Yeah. It's scandalous.

Nick: Yeah, but why? Why is it scandalous? We're both consenting adults. We can do whatever we want. With whoever we want.

Phyllis: It's good. It's therapeutic. It's aerobic. All-together fun.

Nick: Definitely fun. Uh, you know, if you ever want to grab dinner, you know, maybe we do something a little more upscale than the heartburn-y cheeseburgers and chili fries. You know? If you do, then just hit me up.

Phyllis: Nick newman, are you asking me out on a date?

Kyle: Hey, tessa.

Tessa: Hey yourself! What brings you by?

Kyle: Looking for lola. Have you seen her?

Tessa: Uh, not yet.

Kyle: Huh. We're supposed to meet up here before we go out.

Tessa: Oh.

Kyle: Ah!

Lola: I hope you weren't waiting too long. I had to go back home and change. Hi, tessa.

Tessa: Hi! You look great. Doesn't she, kyle?

Kyle: Um... beautiful. Yeah. Hi.

Lola: Thanks.

Kyle: We have a while before the movie starts. Can I get you anything?

Lola: Something warm.

Tessa: Say no more.

Kyle: Everybody at jabot is raving about your samples.

Lola: Yeah?

Kyle: Yeah, they couldn't get enough.

Lola: I got so many thumbs up on my website. I couldn't believe it.

Kyle: You have a website?

Lola: Yeah, it needs some tweaks here and there, but it is the biggest thing that I've done since I got my truck.

Kyle: Instant success.

Lola: So, how was the rest of your day?

Kyle: Pretty good, thanks to you.

Lola: What did I do?

Kyle: The way you stepped in with your free food samples and saved me from phyllis. Pretty smooth.

Lola: Well, it's the power of good food.

Kyle: Mm. Mm-hmm.

Lola: Is she an okay boss to work for?

Kyle: Eh. I think of it more as working with her. She's new to the C.E.O. Game, I'm an abbott, so it's only natural that she looks to me for some guidance. Some expertise in marketing and the day-to-day operations of jabot. Once our new stores open, she can step back, see what she needs to change. I'm sure I'll be a top candidate for the C.O.O. Position.

Lola: Kyle, you know you don't have to impress me, right?

Kyle: I wasn't trying to --

Lola: I like you already. For you, for who you are. Not where you work. So just be kyle. That's enough.

Kyle: I have never met anyone like you.

Lola: No?

Kyle: Mnh-mnh. I've spent most of my life with people who say one thing and do the opposite, who judge a person by who they know, how many followers they have, or how much money they make. And when they get close and they pat you on the back, they're only doing it so they know where to stick the knife.

Lola: Horrible. How do you survive that?

Kyle: By putting up a front. Never let them close. Don't let them get in.

Lola: Well, it sounds exhausting.

Kyle: You have no idea.

Lola: So let's try this again, okay? Be real. How was the rest of your day?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Not bad. Had an amazing lunch, hand-delivered by the nicest woman. You should meet her. You would like her.

[ Chuckles ] And that big project I told you about, it is actually a big deal, but I found out that I didn't get it on my own merit.

Lola: You were recommended.

Kyle: Summer. She put in a good word with my boss.

Lola: Who also happens to be her mom.

Kyle: That's right. I told you already.

Lola: Yes. You did.

Kyle: I'm sorry to bring her up again. I swear, there's nothing more than that.

Lola: No, I know. That conversation that i overheard of you and summer convinced me. Besides, I'm not one of those women who need constant reassurance.

Kyle: Where have you been all my life?

Tessa: How about I get you guys something to go?

Nick: Actually, we're good. Thank yo-- okay, uh, about the date...

Phyllis: Backpedal away.

Nick: No, I wasn't asking you on a date. I'm just saying if you wanted to, you know, hang out, it could be fun.

Phyllis: We do have fun.

Nick: We do have fun. Why don't you come check out my new bricks? I'll give you the grand tour. Or we could just go grab dinner somewhere.

Phyllis: [ Gasps ] And be seen in public together? That'll give them something to talk about.

Nick: Let them talk.

Phyllis: And you don't mind sharon seeing us keep company?

Nick: Sharon's made it very clear that we are done.

Phyllis: Oh. So I'm your rebound girl.

Sharon: Hey. What are you doing here?

Mariah: Oh, I was, um -- I was just gonna see if you needed anyone to hang out with faith tonight, in case you're working late on this big case.

Sharon: No, uh, I mean, I've got it handled. Thanks, though.

Mariah: Anytime.

Sharon: You know, for a minute, I wondered if maybe you came all the way down here to see if you could get the latest scoop.

Mariah: What? No! Why can't I just want to hang out with -- detective rosales! Hi! What a coincidence. It's crazy.

Rey: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were following me.

Mariah: Well, then, thank goodness you are a better detective than that, you know, because technically I got here first, so who's following who? But, um, now that fate has brought us together again, I was wondering if there are any new developments, anything you want to comment on.

Rey: She always like this?

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Rey: Like I told you when you asked me before. When I find out something, i hope you will be front and center at the news conference. But, right now, it is too early to make statements, okay?

Sharon: Stay there. I'll be right back.

Mariah: Okay.

Rey: It has been like this all day -- news outlets, social media, people in the street pumping me for information about what's going on in the park.

Sharon: Can you blame them? It's big news. I -- I got to be honest. I'm just as intrigued as everyone else is, especially after I saw you talking to mac yesterday.

Rey: Just between the two of us... this thing at the park could be a significant clue into J.T.'S disappearance. The csi team that's working this is the best in the business. If there's even the slightest piece of evidence there, they are going find it. That's great, right?

Sharon: Yeah. That's great.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Phyllis: All I'm saying is that it's good to be clear what this is or what this isn'T.

Nick: How many different kinds of sex are there?

Phyllis: An infinite amount. There's sex with an ex, there's revenge sex, tiramisu sex...

Nick: Ooh, tira-- what is that?

Phyllis: It's delicious, decadent, complex, and layered. Makes you want to come back for seconds and thirds.

Nick: Oh, okay.

Phyllis: Then there's gravitational sex. That's when you're in the same orbit as someone, and you have an irresistible pull, and you just have to give into it, and the earth shakes and the stars collide, and it's powerful, and like, "oh!" Out of this world.

Nick: Well, I don't know what it was, but it wasn't revenge sex.

Phyllis: You didn't want to get back at sharon just a little bit?

Nick: No. It's because of that look in your eye. It made me just wanna...

Phyllis: Tiramisu?

Nick: Yeah, something like that.

Phyllis: I did. I did get a kick out of telling billy that we slept together after what he --

Nick: What? What did billy do? Did he do something to you?

Phyllis: It's not important. What you need to know is that i will always have your back. No matter what.

Nick: Ditto. And what a sexy back.

Sharon: What the --

Mariah: No, please --

Sharon: On what planet is it okay for you to show up to my place of business with this wrecking ball?

Nick: That's not how this happened.

Sharon: No, uh, spare me the details. Billy already told me "how it happened" the other night. Phyllis, nice to see you're keeping it classy.

Phyllis: That's right. I forgot, you are so much better than I am.

Sharon: Well, at least I have morals, and when given the choice between right and wrong, I don't choose another woman's man.

Phyllis: Oh, that's right. Sanctimonious sharon. You would never cross that line. That would be beyond you, but don't forget we all have dirt under our fingernails.

Mariah: You know what, sharon, please don't let her drag you down to her level, all right?

Nick: I swear to you, we did not plan this. I didn't even know she was here.

Sharon: She is here, and you stayed. Why, so that you can rub it in my face, try to make me feel jealous? It's not gonna work!

Phyllis: Okay, just slow the roll.

Sharon: She doesn't even know what it feels like to actually be in love with somebody else.

Phyllis: You don't know one thing about me.

Sharon: Well, what I do know, I loathe. You know what, I hope you do fall in love, phyllis. I really do. Head over heels, heart and soul, and then I hope someone comes and takes him away from you, and I want a front-row seat to that, your heart breaking in ways that you never even imagined!

Nick: Okay. No, no, no, no. All right, we're leaving. We're leaving. Get your stuff. We're leaving. Sharon, I never --

Rey: Go. Just go, nick. There's -- there's nothing left to be said.

Rey: Hey. I was gonna step in and help, but it looked like you were doing a hell of a job all by yourself. You okay? Come with me. Come on.

Mariah: Wait.

Tessa: I have been trying to get those two to leave all afternoon.

Mariah: It's not your fault. It would have happened eventually. Oh, hey.

Esther: Hi.

Tessa: Hi!

Esther: Mariah, I caught your

gc buzz report today. It was so compelling!

Mariah: Oh! Thank you so much. Have you two met before?

Esther: Oh, yes. I know tessa. She always has my afternoon latte waiting.

Tessa: Oh! Yeah. Yep. I am right on it.

Mariah: Well, I'm glad that you liked the show. You know, we're trying to take it in a new direction, you know, get in the field a bit more.

Esther: I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. And then I had an idea. Now, what if -- okay, I'm just throwing this out there, okay? But what if we filmed a few segments where you interview me, and then I can reminisce about my life an times with mrs. C., And I can talk about chancellor park and what a phenomenal, unbelievable woman she was. Because it's really important for young people to know her contribution to genoa city. Mrs. C. Was bigger than life, and I want to make sure that she gets all the honor and respect that she deserves. So what do you think?

Mariah: Yeah. Yes. Uh, well, I -- I think that those are really great ideas, and I, uh -- I think I should get back to you on that and just, you know, try to figure out what direction we're -- we're gonna go in.

Esther: It's the only direction, mariah.

Mariah: Right.

Esther: Oh! Let me --

Tessa: Oh, no, no, no. It's on the house.

Esther: Thank you. I've always known that this one was destined for greatness. So I'll talk to you, soon, right?

Mariah: Right.

Esther: Yeah. Ta-ta!

Mariah: Bye.

Kyle: Hey, we saw nick and phyllis blow out of here.

Lola: And then my brother and sharon took off.

Kyle: What the hell happened in here?

Sharon: I'm so embarrassed.

Rey: Oh, don't be.

Sharon: I just don't like people seeing me like that.

Rey: What, ticked off?

Sharon: Weak.

Rey: By not backing down, facing your problems head on? That's not weak.

Sharon: You're just being kind.

Rey: No, no, I'm being honest. You're passionate. You know what you want. That's -- you should never apologize for that.

Sharon: I should have known better than to let those two get under my skin.

Rey: You know, I never understood how people could walk away from a promise to love somebody forever.

Sharon: Well, I need to walk away from that, but now I don't know how.

Rey: I think you start by asking yourself -- what do you want?

Sharon: Well, I want to live my own life. I want to be happy. I want to do what I want when i want, and I -- I don't want to feel guilty about it.

Rey: I think you're holding on to old dreams, expectations. It's time you let go and you make room for new things. New people.

Tessa: First, phyllis comes in, and I try to get her to leave, and then nick comes, and then I try to get them both out the door. I knew sharon would be coming in eventually, they knew she was gonna be here.

Mariah: And they stayed?

Tessa: Yeah, they didn't bat an eye. And I saw you coming trough the window, and I started waving my arms like crazy trying to warn you.

Mariah: Well, then my mom and I came in, and of course she saw them snuggled up together, and she went ballistic.

Lola: Who wouldn't? Too soon, you know?

Mariah: And then rey came in and he shuffled everybody to their respective corners, but not before every customer in here got an eyeful of my mother's private life.

Kyle: Got to be good for business. Come for the coffee, sta for the cat fight.

Lola: Hey...

Mariah: Ha, ha, very funny. I'm just glad rey was here. I mean, he's been so supportive of my mom. First, the job, and now with nick.

Kyle: Oh! Before I forget. I want to make sure you have a few of these.

Lola: Where did you get my menus?

Kyle: I copied the one you gave me at work. You don't mind, do you?

Lola: No, but --

Mariah: What are these?

Lola: My new delivery menu.

Tessa: What? No way!

Lola: Yeah, I started today, handed out some samples at jabot, and they ate it up -- literally.

Mariah: This is amazing, lola. First, the food truck, and now delivery?

Lola: And it's only the beginning, okay? I'm starting out small, you know, primarily in the area, just lunch, but soon I'll do dinners and catering for events and parties and meetings, and eventually, I'll have my very own la vida lola restaurant, you know, featuring my cuban fusion and building on what the truck has to offer but with the elegance of a sit-down dinner. Intimate setting with fun, flavorful food.

Mariah: You are really building your brand.

Lola: Up to the stars. And I know it won't be easier and it won't happen overnight, but I have plans drawn out, strategies.

Tessa: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: You have the talent and the dream. Now you just need the financing.

Lola: And luck.

Tessa: But, lucky for you, you have friends who can pass these out and get you some new customers.

Mariah: That's us. We're the friends.

Tessa: Mm-hmm.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Tessa: Oh! And if you need any extra hands, I'm your girl.

Lola: You're on, but it is going to be long hours and hard work, and it could be tough on a couple.

Mariah: Hey! Bring it on. We love tough, right?

Tessa: Yeah, we make beautiful music together.

Mariah: We do.

Nick: Maybe if we hadn't been at crimson lights. You know, it's a little close to home.

Phyllis: So, what, we walk on eggshells because she decides to end it?

Nick: For my kids' sake, i just don't want them growing up seeing me and sharon at each other's throats.

Phyllis: She made it abundantly clear that she wanted you out of her life. That's her choice. But she does not get to tell you who you can choose to let into yours. She can't have it both ways, nick.

Nick: Yeah, but if this gets back to faith and christian...

Phyllis: You protect yourself, you protect your kids, and you cut sharon loose. You give her what she wants.

Rey: People think that relationships are this abstract thing. But they're not. They're -- they're as real as this plant. You both need to take care of it, tend to it. Water it, give it sunlight. If one of you thinks you can just stick it in the corner and forget about it and act like it's gonna take of itself, it'S... it's not gonna survive. It takes work. Every day. But when it succeeds, it is beautiful. It blossoms, grows. It may change over time, but in a good way.

Sharon: You can't be the only one who cares.

Rey: Mnh-mnh. You need a partner. Someone who gives you 100%, respects you, brings out the best in you. You deserve nothing less.

Sharon: Rey's a romantic.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] Sharon's got a heart of gold.

Sharon: I like talking to you like this and being here with you.

Rey: Me, too. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Sharon: Uh, no. No, it was me. I just --

Rey: No, I didn't -- I shouldn't have --

Sharon: I wasn't thinking. I don't know where my head went.

Rey: No, we're fine.

Sharon: Are we?

Rey: Always.

[ Cellphone rings ] Rosales. I'm on my way.

Sharon: Is everything okay?

Rey: It's a break in the case. Um, stay here as long as you need to. My place is technically yours. Wish me luck.

Sharon: Yeah.

[ Sighs deeply ] I need all that luck for me.

Kyle: That was fun, just hanging out.

Lola: But you still owe me a movie.

Kyle: As long as your brothers aren't chaperoning.

Lola: Oh, but they have to. It's in the family tradition, if I'm with a boy in the dark, they have to be within 25 feet away. Arturo's been chilling in that corner all night.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] The way you say things, you just make me believe you. Like your business plans for la vida lola. I really think you can make that happen.

Lola: I will. Eventually.

Kyle: I want to help.

Lola: How?

Kyle: All you need is money. I have some. My family, my friends. What if I organize a group of people to invest in you? Not eventually. Now.

Lola: I mean, that's really generous, kyle, but I -- i can'T.

Kyle: Well, why not?

Lola: I mean, what if we stop seeing each other? What if we keep seeing each other and we don't agree how the business should run?

Kyle: I want to help make you dreams come true.

Lola: And they will. And it won't happen overnight, and I know it's going to be hard, but... I like you. And money changes everything. So I don't want your money. I'll make my own.

Kyle: Then tell me -- what do you want that I can give you?

Lola: Tonight, you can walk me home and maybe let me wear your jacket 'cause it's freezing, and this -- I don't know how you stand it.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Guess I'm just used to it.

Lola: Perfect. Just what I needed.

Kyle: Mm.

Tessa: Oh! There are such a cute couple.

Mariah: Are you still spying on them?

Tessa: I just think it's cool when two people that you never pictured together end up being the perfect couple.

Mariah: Like us?

Tessa: Well, I know I'm happier than I ever thought i would be.

Mariah: I am, too. I, um... never mind.

Tessa: No, no. What's wrong?

Mariah: Nothing. There's just something that I've been wanting to say to you all night.

Tessa: Okay, well, whatever it is, you know you can talk to me. Just say it. No. No. I hate -- okay. You can't just start saying something and then brush it off. I hate when people do that.

Mariah: It's totally understandable if you say no.

Tessa: Say no to what? Come on, just say it. Hey. Just breathe, and say it.

Mariah: What if we lived together?

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