Y&R Transcript Friday 11/2/18
Episode #11480 ~ Victoria makes a shocking discovery; Abby offers Nick unsolicited advice; Lauren receives a surprising offer.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Traci: The job goes to... phyllis.
Lauren: Long live the queen!
Nick: I'm gonna do everything -- and I mean everything that I can -- to get us all back together.
Sharon: I just wanted a good, honest, decent man, and it turns out you're none of those.
Nikki: Three! Go!
[ Body thuds ] I killed J.T. We buried his body.
Victoria: The blackmailer wants $250,000.
Nikki: We only have two choices -- we either pay it or risk being exposed.
Victoria: Why are you getting so upset about a broken water pipe?
Nikki: This particular pipe is in chancellor park, directly underneath the sculpture.
Victoria: And J.T.
Phyllis: We have to dig up J.T. Move him before it's too late.
Nikki: All right. Let's go.
Nikki: [ Grunting ]
[ Shovels scraping ]
[ Sighs ] Why is tonight taking so much longer?
Phyllis: You know why? 'Cause we're minus one woman.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] Oh, thanks, sharon. Leaving the dirty work to us. And, boy, is it dirty. Where is she?
Phyllis: [ Coughs ] You know what she's probably doing? She's probably tipping off rey rosales, her new pal, so she can get immunity for J.T.
Victoria: No, I don't see her doing something like that.
Phyllis: Phew!
Victoria: Maybe to you, but not to me and mom.
Nikki: Ah, don't be so sure. Sharon and I have decades of unresolved issues. And now that I'm not gonna be her mother-in-law again --
Phyllis: Shh! I hear someone coming. I hear someone coming!
[ Footsteps approach ] What, am I the only adult that's not afraid of some
[Boldly] Noises in the dark?
[ Screams ]
[ Victoria and nikki scream ]
Phyllis: Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
Nikki: Oh!
Phyllis: Oh, my god.
Nikki: Sharon!
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Are you kidding me?!
Sharon: What, did you invite someone else?
Victoria: You scared the hell out of us.
Sharon: Yeah I gathered that by all the screaming.
Phyllis: You dress like a serial killer and take your kids out on halloween?
Sharon: No, I just put this on a few minutes ago. You said to blend in with halloween.
Sharon: What is the matter with you, sharon? Why are you showing up now?
Sharon: I was delayed because I had to tell nick once and for all that we're never getting back together. I would have been on time to exhume the corpse that you made us bury if you weren't such a complete slut!
[ Nikki gasps ] Sorry I'm late.
Phyllis: Okay. Don't apologize. Just dig.
[ Sighs ]
Sharon: This is about us and the love we shared. It's over. You need to accept that.
Summer: Mm. Flying solo tonight. Guess even superpowers can't force true love.
Kyle: Lola and I had a fantastic halloween.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: Together.
Summer: Mm. Is that why she decided not to stick around?
Kyle: Shouldn't you be at a party somewhere?
Summer: I just came from one. And, fyi, it was way cooler than... whatever's happening here.
Kyle: So cool you ditched it for this place. Gotcha.
Summer: It ended.
Kyle: At this hour? Wow! Must have been one hell of a rager.
Summer: It was. I'm exhausted, and that's why i wanted an espresso before i drove home.
Kyle: Mm. Is that all?
Summer: Well, it certainly wasn't to watch you parade around in that skin-tight embarrassment you have on.
Kyle: As opposed to that salute to modesty you have.
Summer: So, I guess I'll be hearing from you when you need me.
Kyle: For what?
Summer: Guess we can call it career counseling, since my mom is your new boss.
Kyle: So?
Summer: So you have two choices. Either you can start sucking up now, or you can spend the rest of your life in the back of a truck making sandwiches. I take that back.
Kyle: Really?
Summer: I say you have about two weeks before lola dumps you, because nothing kills romance like a guy in a hairnet.
Phyllis: You know, nick and I ran into each other by chance the day you broke up.
Sharon: Um, news flash. We didn't break up.
Victoria: Okay, listen. I realize that we're outdoors, but indoor voices, please.
Phyllis: You put your engagement ring on the table for him to see in plain sight. So no matter what language you speak, that is a universal sign for "the wedding is off."
Sharon: [ Scoffs ]
Nikki: Ladies, I am begging you. Can you please rehash this in a therapist's office or
gc buzz -- anywhere but here? This job [Grunts] Is more crucial than anything.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] You're right. This is a huge problem. And I have the perfect solution. How about phyllis leaves town and takes J.T.'S body with her?
Victoria: Are we really stopping for this?
Sharon: No, it's perfect. Just think about it. She can disappear. No one here would ever care if she took off. Because you know what? Nobody respects you, and nobody gives a damn about you. You can go and pimp fenmore's online from anywhere. Why don't you tell me one thing that's actually keeping you here.
Nikki: Sharon --
Phyllis: I guess you have been so busy empowering yourself that you haven't been reading any of the headlines.
Sharon: Let me take a wild guess -- you got your claws into someone else's man?
Phyllis: No, no. A little bit different. I got my claws into someone else's company. That's right. I was just elected C.E.O. Of jabot cosmetics. So, ladies, you are slinging soil with genoa city's newest power player.
Nikki: Phyllis, this is halloween, not april fools' day.
Victoria: No, she's not lying.
Nikki: Well, then, she's delusional.
[ Scoffs ] As if you'd run jabot.
[ Laughs ]
Victoria: The board of directors voted, and phyllis won.
Phyllis: Eh-heh... well, god help jabot.
Sharon: And all of their employees.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone rings ]
Sharon: Oh!
Victoria: Oh. It's mine.
[ Sighs ] It's billy.
Phyllis: No, no. Don't answer that.
Victoria: Hey, billy. How are the kids?
Billy: Yeah, the kids are awesome. You gonna be done soon?
Victoria: Uh... [ Sighs ] Not sure. I still have a lot of work in front of me.
Billy: Okay, well, I just wanted to call you and let you know that johnny and katie should be upstairs sleeping, although they might be up there passing candy back and forth, 'cause these bags are a lot lighter than they should be.
Victoria: Yeah. I figured they'd be a little frisky before their sugar comas hit. But thanks for calling. Um...
[ Sighs ] I got to go.
Billy: Oh, hold on a second. Listen, don't work too hard, all right? It's halloween. Even adults can have fun.
Victoria: Heh. Not this one. Uh... I-I'll talk to you later. Bye. I-I-I'll be by to pick up the kids in the morning.
[ Sighs ]
Nikki: Honey, do you think that was wise?
Victoria: Mom, he has the kids. If I didn't, it would have been odd. Plus, it establishes an alibi, that I was at newman tower.
Phyllis: Until the cops triangulate your call and -- and --
Victoria: Cops?
Phyllis: Yeah, and they figure out that you weren't anywhere near there.
Victoria: Well, if they get involved, then it'll be too late.
Sharon: Hey, somebody get me out of here.
Nikki: Sharon, come on.
[ Grunts ]
Sharon: Okay. Let's get this over with. Okay. I think we've dug down as far as we did last time. Will somebody shine a light in there and see where we're at?
Phyllis: All right. Just brace yourselves, okay, 'cause it's not like we're gonna be looking on the top of a discreet coffin. Whew...
Victoria: I can'T.
Nikki: Uh, here, here. Let me do it. Hold on.
[ Gasps ] Oh, my god.
Phyllis: This is really, really not good.
Victoria: Where's J.T.?
Nikki: I have no idea. There lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.
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Victoria: [ Gasps ]
[ Grunts ] What are you doing? He still has to be here!
Sharon: She's right. Let her dig!
Nikki: No, no. We've dug deep enough.
Victoria: Well, if that were the case, we would be looking at a corpse right now. So if any of you have some other explanation as to why there's nothing down there...
Sharon: Could the water from the broken pipe have moved him?
Phyllis: Please tell me you're joking.
Sharon: I'm just trying to come up with a reason here.
Phyllis: That's fine. But come up with a logical one next time.
Sharon: I don't hear you coming up with any explanations.
Phyllis: That's because I'm trying to get my mind around your stupidity. Do you really think that the water pressure would move a corpse that big, send it tunneling under the earth like some zombie gopher?
Victoria: What does it mean? Do you think that somebody moved it already?
Phyllis: Or the body moved itself.
Nikki: J.T. Could still be alive.
Sharon: But how? Where?
Phyllis: Who's to say? But wherever he is, he's a lot more comfortable since we just wired him $250,000.
Victoria: No. I refuse to believe that he just dug himself out of the ground.
Sharon: Okay, as improbable as that seems, J.T. Has the most motive to torment the four of us.
Phyllis: Okay, look, this was my idea, but that's all it was. Because sending threatening letters and setting up offshore accounts, that's what people do when they are alive. J.T. Was not among them when we put him in here, when we put a lot of soil on top of him.
Victoria: Okay. What do we do now? What do we do?
Nikki: Fir-- first we leave. We leave.
Sharon: We have to. This area of the park is cordoned off, but I know from the station they've got twice as many patrol cars out tonight 'cause it's halloween.
Victoria: Okay, but first we have to put the dirt back before arturo and his crew...
Nikki: Okay. Okay.
Victoria: ...Come here and find an open grave.
Nikki: That's what we're gonna do. That's what we're gonna do, and fast.
Phyllis: You know what? Good news. We're not gonna have to move a decomposing corpse.
Sharon: And the bad news -- the corpse, or whoever has it, is even a bigger threat to us now.
Nikki: [ Sighs ]
Billy: Please just let me eat my breakfast in peace.
Kyle: We need to talk strategy if you're still planning on working at jabot.
Billy: Well, I'm not going anywhere. Wouldn't give phyllis the pleasure.
Kyle: Wonderful. Look. [ Sighs ] We've been at it for months. So much of that is on me, and... I'm sorry. But now, without ashley's patents, the only jabot survives is with abbotts in high-level positions.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, I guess you're right. Just look at all the abbotts that are on the board. Her smartest move is appointing one of us C.O.O. And I want the job.
Kyle: I want the job.
Billy: Look, this isn't a slam, kyle --
Kyle: That sounds encouraging.
Billy: You're just underqualified for the job.
Kyle: My résumé says otherwise.
Billy: Oh, you mean that cushy little thing you were doing in new york?
Kyle: I worked my ass off.
Billy: Mm.
Kyle: Granted, you may have more experience behind a desk, but as far as the C.O.O. Gig goes, the jaboat sailed when phyllis found out you had sex with her daughter.
Billy: Yeah, I'm aware.
Kyle: Yet you're still inclined to toss your hat into the ring?
Billy: Okay. [ Sighs ] I guess you're right. One of us should be C.O.O.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
[ Scoffs ] Phyllis is in for it. She needs key-executive support from the get-go. You know, I wouldn't even want to be C.E.O. Now. This could be jabot's toughest struggle ever.
Billy: Yeah, that may be true. But I wouldn't underestimate phyllis.
Kyle: She's a sharp woman, no question.
Billy: With one glaring weakness -- her hatred for me.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
Lauren: [ Laughs ] I hope that feels as good as it looks.
Phyllis: I think so.
Lauren: I'm sorry. There was no one to announce me.
Phyllis: Oh, well, we'll have to make due. Uh, until further notice, I will be starting at the crack of dawn, because all of this will go away if I drop the ball.
Lauren: So don't drop the ball.-Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Well, I'm gonna need your help on that. As my trusted friend and illiant businesswoman. Look, I meant what I said. Fenmore's is going to remain the critical jewel in jabot's crown.
Lauren: And I'm delighted to hear that. And also to be a supportive board member whose last name is not abbott.
Phyllis: Another one of your pluses. A very challenging at this company. I'm gonna be fighting an internal war. Outsiders versus family. And the only way I am going to win is to kick enough ass to silence the negative voices.
Lauren: Hmm. And I cannot wait to watch it all play out.
Phyllis: I am asking you to do much more than just watch.
Nikki: Phyllis is too busy. First day as jabot's C.E.O.
Sharon: As wrong as that is, J.T. Being alive creeps me out even more.
Nikki: Possibly.
Victoria: I convinced myself that there was no possible way he could be, especially after nick admitted he was impersonating J.T. And now --
Nikki: Honey, I know it's upsetting, but we do have to explore all of the scenarios.
Sharon: I have gone over this again and again since last night. Even if J.T. Weren't dead, it's to his advantage for us to believe that, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep blackmailing us. He would never do anything to reveal that he's still alive.
Nikki: Well, that makes sense to me.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Maybe sharon's right. But maybe he's gotten enough money to start a new life, and he wants to dedicate that life to taking revenge on the four of us.
Abby: Good morning!
Nick: If you say so.
Abby: Wow. It sounds like you have a hellacious halloween night. Make that a definite. Did you sleep here?
Nick: Not very long.
Abby: Yeah, you look exhausted. Wait, you're not sick, are you? Because I don't want to catch anything.
Nick: Abby, you don't have to worry about it.
Abby: Nick, you are my boss and my big brother and my friend. I have every right to worry. Something happened last night, and I get the feeling sharon's involved.
Nick: I still love her.
Victoria: "Exploring every scenario" means J.T. Being dead, and our blackmailer moving the body.
Nikki: How is that physically possible with jill's modern-art monstrosity sitting right on top of it?
Sharon: Maybe the body was discovered before the sculpture was installed. Hell, maybe while it was being installed.
Victoria: Or maybe it was more recent. Maybe our blackmailer knew that they were gonna dig up the park, and they moved the body to maintain their leverage over us.
Sharon: It took a team of strong men to displace that sculpture.
Victoria: Well, something happened! Something very real, and something very dangerous to the four of us. Look, there are only two conclusions that we can draw here. J.T. Is not dead, or he is, and he's buried in one of a million different places.
Sharon: Shh, shh, shh!
Rey: Hello, ladies.
Sharon: Hey, you.
Nikki: Hey.
Victoria: Hi.
Rey: Oh, wait a minute. I'm -- I'm interrupting another high-level charity meeting, right?
Sharon: [ Gasps ] Busted.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Sometimes it's easier to accomplish things before a full day of work. And we have really bitten off quite a chunk for ourselves.
Rey: You know, it's -- it's funny, I just joined the gcpd's activity league. And I-I think your project would be a great way for me to get involved in the community. Tell me, how -- how can i help your cause?
Summer: Happy first C.E.O. Day, mom! Congratulations again.
Phyllis: Thank you. Thanks.
Summer: Um, I have a little office-warming gift for you.
Phyllis: Well, that's sweet.
Summer: I am going to hire an interior designer to help eradicate any trace of your predecessors. That way you can put a stamp on the office that you so, so earned.
Phyllis: That is so thoughtful. Thank you.
Summer: Yeah.
Phyllis: That means more to me than you know.
Summer: Well, uh, it's the least that I could do.
Phyllis: But I cannot accept that.
Summer: Why not?
Lauren: Why not?
Phyllis: Because I want you to save your money. Pay those credit-card bills. Look, I'd rather what I do make the statement than what furniture I sit on.
Lauren: Mm, no. No, no. Summer's onto something. This place could definitely use a face-lift. I mean...
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
Lauren: ...Seriously.
Phyllis: Okay. [ Chuckles ] All right, I'll tell you what. Why don't we do a non-surgical beauty treatment, all right? We are very smart, we're creative. And come on. Let's go. Let's go for it.
Lauren: Okay.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: Okay.
Summer: Well, there is a lot that can go over here.
Lauren: Yes. Like there's a lot, immediately.
Phyllis: Okay. All right. Well, then, let's take turns. Your idea. You go first.
Summer: All right. How about ashley's innovator of the year award?
Phyllis: Ohh.
Lauren: Yes.
Summer: That can go.
Phyllis: Okay. Lauren.
Lauren: Me? Uh, okay. Oh! Well, I'm gonna go with the abbott-family photo.
Summer: Yeah.
Phyllis: [ Laughs ]
Lauren: What do you think?
Summer: That's a good one. And, I'm sorry, but this.
Lauren: Oh, yes. Yes, yes. Definitely go.
Summer: I'm gonna help you.
Lauren: Okay.
Summer: Careful.
Phyllis: Okay. [ Laughs ]
Summer: I'm gonna hand that to you.
Phyllis: Oh, okay.
Lauren: Can you -- can you get this?
Phyllis: Yes.
Lauren: All right.
Phyllis: I got it. I got this baby.
[ Knock on door ]
Phyllis: Morning, gentlemen.
Billy: Morning.
Kyle: And to you, too, lauren.
Lauren: Hi, boys.
Kyle: Nice to see you, summer.
Summer: Sure. Thanks. You too.
Phyllis: Thank you both for coming in so early.
Kyle: We wouldn't miss this meeting. Right, billy?
Billy: Never. Here to serve. And I have a pretty good idea what the thrust is. You're gonna dump my jaboutiques. Even though you have a valid reason -- we don't have product for the shelves. Although it's gonna cost a pretty penny to pull the plug.
Kyle: I already did the cost analysis for ashley.
Phyllis: Okay. I'm not gonna scrap them just because they're you're baby. In fact, they're such a terrific idea, I'm expanding on them.
Kyle: That's a huge undertaking. You'll need help with that. And as I mentioned, I'm intimately familiar with the project, so I'd love to offer my services as your C.O.O.
Billy: [ Sighs ] As up as kyle may be on it, jaboutiques are my baby, and I would nominate myself for that job.
Phyllis: I'm loving the enthusiasm, you guys, really. This team spirit is exactly what I'm looking for. But I have chosen a C.O.O. Already. And to answer your question, yes, that person is here in the room.
Billy: Wow. Okay.
Kyle: Who is it? Billy or me?
Phyllis: Actually, lauren.
Summer: [ Laughs ] It is?
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: And she accepted? Did you?
Lauren: You better believe i did. And I am thrilled and honored by my dear friend's faith in me. How could I say no? And thank you. I will not let you down.
Phyllis: That's why I asked.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Sharon: I don't think this is really the right project for you.
Rey: Well, the activity league asked me to find something to sponsor, so --
Nikki: We are already so deep in this that there really isn't that much left to do.
Rey: Well... whatever y'all say. You know, it's -- it's funny, though. Details are my business. But I've never heard once what your charity actually is. Tell me, who's so lucky to have you spending all this time helping?
Nikki: We're collecting clothes.
Victoria: For women in need.
Rey: Oh.
Nikki: Homeless women.
Victoria: Sharon's crisis hotline.
Rey: Which is it?
Sharon: It's both, actually. Um, at first we were targeting women I got to know from my work at the hotline, but as we got more deeply involved with them and their story, we decided to expand our outreach.
Rey: Mm.
Nikki: Full disclosure -- heh -- seeing as our mission statement is "woman helping women," and at the risk of sounding sexist or discriminatory, you don't really fit that profile.
[ Chuckles ]
Rey: Yeah.
Nikki: But I think it's wonderful that you want to help. I'm gonna send you a brochure on new hope, my charity housing project.
Rey: That's great.
Sharon: Oh, you know, at the risk of sounding sexist myself, care to walk a girl to her car? We don't want to both be late to the station.
Rey: [ Sighs ] Love to. Enjoy your day, ladies.
Victoria: Thank you.
Nikki: Bye-bye.
[ Sighs ] I hope we covered that little blunder of ours with him.
Victoria: I think sharon saved it. But rey is gonna be one of many gigantic problems if we don't find J.T.'S body.
Nick: I really thought i could get sharon back.
Abby: Nick, look, I'm on your side, but you did cheat. With phyllis.
Nick: One bad decision. It shouldn't cancel out this love that sharon and I have for each other.
Abby: I know it doesn't seem fair, but --
Nick: I really thought, like, you know, a night together on halloween would remind her of everything we'd be giving up if we stayed apart, or at least nudge her in the right direction.
Abby: But she didn't give you the chance?
Nick: [ Sighs ] She thinks I've changed for the worse because of this business I've started, which is complete bull, right?
Abby: Look, I'm not saying this as a negative, but, yeah, it absolutely was a big change.
Nick: [ Sighs ] But that's just it. I mean, sharon has had so many big, life-changing moments. I stood by her every time. Why can't she stand by me on this?
Abby: I'm gonna go back to the torrid night of passion with her nemesis.
Nick: It was just one night.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Nick: Look, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I just have to come up with something else. Something to prove to her how much she means to me. Something bigger and grander and just --
Abby: Okay, nick, stop. Okay? You can't do that.
Nick: Then what, abby? Tell me.
Abby: You need to back off.
Phyllis: Lauren and I have a meeting in just a few minutes, so I won't leave you in any suspense. Kyle, you are gonna continue in your current role. At the same highly efficient level, I hope.
Kyle: I'm at your service.
Phyllis: And you, billy --
Billy: If you plan on giving me the axe, I'm still on the board.
Phyllis: What I was going to say is that I think you should stay. We need your talents here, and i would like you to resume your old job in marketing.
Billy: Okay.
[ Knock on door ]
Phyllis: Come in.
Lauren: Look who I was able to pry out of the lab.
Phyllis: Kerry! Both of you have met kerry, yes, our amazing new lead chemist?
Billy: Yes, we go way back.
Kerry: Hello again. Lauren just told me her incredibly exciting news.
Lauren: [ Laughs ] Yes. We are all in for one hell of an adventure.
Kerry: Perfect. I could use one.
Phyllis: Good. Now that we know who's doing what, welcome, everyone, to the new jabot family.
Kyle: With a brand-new girl-power management style.
Kerry: Do you have a problem with that?
Kyle: No. Not if it's equal adventure for the guys on staff.
Billy: Including the ones with the last name of abbott.
Phyllis: It is. It's an inclusive company.
Billy: Good. 'Cause I would hate to see the abbotts being marginalized in their own family business.
Phyllis: Well, let's not be paranoid, either one of you. I think we have all learned that, uh, possessing a certain brand of blood shouldn't give entitlements that have not been earned.
Lauren: Mm-hmm. Everyone on the board certainly has.
Kyle: Can we go now? Get the adventure started?
Phyllis: Yes. Absolutely. Go ahead. Thank you. Oh, billy. Could you take this to the house when you leave tonight? I'm trying to cut costs on messengers. Thank you.
Lauren: And would you mind closing the door? Thanks, sweetie.
Nick: [ Sighs ] You telling me to give up on sharon doesn't sound like you're on my side, abby.
Abby: Look, winning sharon back is going to be a massive, long-term endeavor. And step one is respecting her enough to give her space.
Nick: It sounds like you're asking me to give up the love of my life.
Abby: No, the difference is you holding onto the dream and hoping that one day sharon will want the same thing. But that day will never come if you defy her and keep forcing the issue.
Nick: It's so frustrating! It's killing me. The only reason I was willing to do all this to -- to get my company started, the reason why I was willing to cross lines I never considered crossing before was for her and my kids. It's why I impersonated J.T., Who was abusing and terrorizing our sister, who tried to kill our dad. I just wanted a life of my own, completely free of my dad. And you want to know the thing that really blows my mind? I actually think that, someday, sharon could, in her heart, forgive me for this stupid, selfish night with phyllis. But for everything I did to protect my family, that's gonna be the deal-breaker. That is going to be the reason for our undoing. And I really hope someday it makes a lot more sense than it does right now. I need some air.
Phyllis: This will be brief. I prefer to bottom-line it. Since almost every big-selling product was developed by ashley abbott, jabot needs replacements, pronto. So, let's get a list of every discontinued product that is non-ashley based, and let's get it back and re-market it.
Lauren: Right. Why don't we just own it? You know, "back by popular demand." "Limited-edition classics." And, you know, we can even call it something different, like jabot'S... timeless beauty.
Phyllis: Yeah, no, I love that. And we are gonna have to come up with a vast array of products. Kerry is going to whip up some anti-aging creams and sunscreens and fragrances with similar popular scents and attributes that ashley left town with.
Lauren: And we release them A.S.A.P. New-and-improved jabot re-brands.
Phyllis: Unfortunately, A.S.A.P. Is not gonna be enough time for our big launch.
Lauren: Uh, we need to line shelves, though.
Phyllis: Well, we will. Just with other companies' products.
Lauren: What?
Phyllis: Just...hear me out. I've given this a lot of thought, and it's gonna work. We fill all of the stores with what we can from jabot. The empty shelf space, we pick exclusive, very-difficult-to-find beauty products from around the world. The more variety we have, the bigger customer base we have. We're gonna have a guaranteed audience for kerry's products when she wants to market them. And this all adds up to profits for fenmore's and jabot.
Lauren: Mm. That, uh...
[Chuckles] Is brilliant. It's brilliant.
Phyllis: Thank you.
[ Laughs ]
Kerry: It alleviates a ton of pressure off of me and my team.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I figured so.
Kerry: Look, I plan to use the minimum time required to perfect my formulas. They will be reminiscent of former jabot best-sellers, but they will have their own chemical compositions. And plenty of up-to-the-minute improvements.
Phyllis: I have complete confidence in you, and whatever requirements you need to move your brilliance from the test tubes straight to our customers, okay? Ladies, let's dig in. Go jabot.
Rey: You know there may be some female officers who are interested in your clothing drive. I could send them your way.
Sharon: Sure.
Rey: Oh, I-I forgot to say that, uh, I'm sorry that I missed you last night. Uh, when I got to the party, you were already gone.
Sharon: Um... I didn't feel much like celebrating. Nick and I got into it.
Rey: That's too bad.
Sharon: Uh... it wasn't easy. Nick...didn't take it well.
Rey: You told him it was over?
Sharon: Yeah, in pretty harsh terms. But lately nick feels like he's entitled to whatever he wants, including me forgiving and forgetting, and that's just not gonna happen.
Rey: Well, if you're sure it's over, it's a good thing you told him.
Sharon: Well, somebody had to break the cycle. We've just -- we've both changed too much to be together. We want different things. Nick, he may not realize that yet, he's not ready to accept it, but it's still true.
Rey: Well, you can't force a positive attitude on somebody. I think these are positive steps you're taking.
Sharon: Thanks. Just doesn't feel so positive right now. Feels more like I'm choosing between two different forms of pain. But they are called break-ups. Feeling broken is just a given.
Rey: Well, listen, if it ever feels like it's too much and you need some support while you're putting the pieces back together, you know where to find me.
Sharon: Uh, I've got meetings. Um... so I'll just see you, um, whenever.
Rey: Yeah.
Rey: How'd your victim interviews go?
Sharon: Um, I'm getting the hang of it. But now I need to write these up.
> Rey: I won't disturb you.
Sharon: You know, when I was talking about nick and me earlier, um, that was not meant to be code that I'm single and available. I'm not looking for any kind of relationship any time soon.
Rey: You've been very clear. I get it. I was only offering support as a friend.
Sharon: Thanks for clarifying.
Rey: I always want us to be clear, open, honest.
Sharon: Me too. So, is your wife coming to visit you any time soon?
Rey: Interesting segue. We've been talking. Making slight progress.
Sharon: Good to hear. Don't be discouraged by what happened to nick and me. I'd still like to believe that love can last forever.
Billy: I think we can both clearly see how messed up this is. You and I barely like each other, let alone trust each other, yet here we are, the two last abbotts standing at a family business.
Kyle: And if we want to keep jabot that way, we need to subscribe to my dad's whole "family unity" spiel. And we got to live it. At work and everywhere else.
Billy: I agree. But we have to proceed with caution.
Kyle: We need to monitor phyllis closely, before she destroys jabot along with her résumé.
Billy: No playing dirty. I'm serious, kyle. Between what you and ashley and I did in the last year, it's --
[ Clears throat ] It tainted the abbott name and the jabot board, and it divided us just enough to give phyllis enough room to stage the coup, okay? So 100% clean. You hear me?
Kyle: Absolutely. We have to outsmart her.
Billy: It's the only sure way to seize what is ours.
Nikki: Sweetheart, I'm not sure what you expect to find here.
Victoria: Something. Anything. Some sort of clue visible in daylight. A hint of what happened to J.T., Whether he's dead or alive.
Nikki: Let's get out of here. We don't want arturo and his crew to find us lurking --
Victoria: Mom, somebody could be watching us right now.
Nikki: Honey, imagination and nerves are a bad combination. Besides, we're no worse off than we were before we started digging last night.
Victoria: I am.
Nikki: No, you're not.
Victoria: Mom, it's true. Knowing that J.T. Was dead and buried just a few feet from here was one small perverted sense of security after these past hellish months. Now I can't be sure of anything. None of us can.
[ Sighs ] It's so scary.
Nikki: Oh, baby.
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Victoria: Do you think that J.T. Could still be alive? I mean, I keep telling myself that it's too far-fetched, but I just can't let it go.
Arturo: Well, there's a busted water pipe there. This is official city business.
Rey: So is this.
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