Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/23/18
Episode #11472 ~ Jack catches Kyle in the act; Traci solves a mystery; Lily escapes reality.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Traci: The vote was to remove you as C.E.O. Of jabot, and it was unanimous.
Ashley: I tried for so long to prove that I deserved to have a piece of the family legacy, and you took that from me, too!
Dina: I love ashley! I adore her, and I can prove it!
Kyle: These papers -- they change everything. The total and complete annihilation of jabot. Was this your idea, to give ownership to ashley of all the products she created for jabot to her, forever?
Dina: What are you doing??
Lily: This is my life now, and I've accepted that, and you should, too.
Nate: What you're really saying is that the visits have gotten difficult for you. So you need to get over it and show up 'cause it is only going to get harder.
Devon: Shouldn't we be on the road?
Neil: I'm sure cane's almost ready, don't worry about it.
Cane: Hey, remember, I need you and charlie to come home right after school, okay? Uh-huh. Right. Right, right. Because bridgette's been here since 7:00 this morning, and she has to get out of here. Guys, I just have to figure some things out. Give me 5 minutes. Hey. Okay, now, listen. If you're hungry, dinner's gonna be in the oven if we run late at the prison. Okay. All right. Thanks. Five minutes top. Wait one second.
Devon: You just said that.
Cane: Mattie? Mattie? Okay.
Devon: Why is he so on edge?
Neil: Worried about your sister.
Devon: Why, did something happen to her?
Neil: Yeah, last week. Someone messed with her head.
Devon: What are you talking about, someone messed with her? Was it reported?
Neil: Wasn't something that you report, man.
Devon: Why? Was it an inmate or a guard?
Neil: Her husband.
Ashley: Stay. I want you to stay and enjoy yourself. I don't want it to be awkward, okay? I'm leaving.
Abby: No, mom, this is crazy. Just stay, finish your coffee.
Ashley: I did. See? Listen, I know it's uncomfortable for the entire family. It's not your fault, I caused this, all right? So I'm leaving.
Abby: Where are you going?
Ashley: Last time I checked, I can still pop in at jabot and see if the building's still standing. For at least a few minutes, you know, before they kick me out.
Kyle: Dina, please!
Dina: Stop it!
Kyle: Believe me, this is the best thing for everyone!
Dina: Give it to me! Stop it!
Kyle: You have to trust me, dina! Please!
Dina: Oh, I don't trust you at all!
Jack: Hey! Hey! What is going on?
Dina: Finally!
Jack: Kyle, you want to tell me what I just walked in on?
Kyle: I don't know. She asked me to drive her here. She thinks I'm her chauffeur, or something, then she turned on me. She's obviously very confused.
Dina: Oh, I am not. I know exactly what you're trying to do. And I'm not out of my mind. You know that, john.
Devon: So lily was waiting on him to visit, and he just didn't show up?-Neil: Not on that day.
Devon: And he volunteered this information to nate?
Neil: Nate said cane needed somebody to talk to, okay? Sounds like he needed to confess. It's tough to find a sympathetic ear, man.
Devon: Well, I'm sure. I mean, he's telling people that visiting his incarcerated wife is tough on her.
Neil: Yeah, that's weak, but cane's not gonna say it's difficult for him. I mean, he feels like it's nothing compared to lily being locked up.
Devon: Because it's not.
Neil: Have you seen the man? He's completely stressed to the brink. It's not healthy. He must --
Cane: Charlie, what are you doing? No! It's a midterm! You can't wait till the last minute to start! Guys, please give me one more second here. Charlie, look --
Neil: Hey.
Cane: What are you doing?
Neil: Charlie, it's your grandfather. I need to borrow your dad for a minute. Start that term paper! Love you. Here's your phone. Go take a seat. Go on!
Cane: [ Sighs ] Guys, we don't have time for this, seriously.
Devon: We're gonna make time.
Cane: All right. What?
Neil: Before we see lily, there's a couple of things that we need to discuss.
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Cane: I would love to have a chat with you guys. Can we do it later, though, 'cause I don't want to miss the start of lily's visitation window, okay?
Devon: I bet you don't, since you missed the whole thing the other day.
Cane: So you talked to nate.
Neil: No. I did.
Cane: All right. Listen, listen, listen. Okay, listen. It was selfish of me. It's just -- my last visit with her was rough, all right? Because that place is changing her, and I just feel like everything's being dumped on me right now. It's just beating me down. But I'm gonna suck it up because I know that she's suffering compared to what I'm going through, okay? So, good, we've discussed it now. Thank you. Can we please leave? I'd appreciate it.
Neil: Hey. I wish it were that simple. Look, don't you see it?
Cane: See what? What am I meant to see?
Neil: You say you're tough enough to deal, but you're setting yourself up for more of the same.
Jack: Whatever is upsetting you, we can pinpoint the problem and we can solve it.
Dina: We did solve it. But that atrocious boy --
Jack: Tell me about that. What did he do to you?
Dina: It's not my thing. You agreed as a favor to me, and I wanted to protect you both.
Jack: Wait. Both of us?
Dina: The side contract. You put it in writing. Everything we talked about.
Jack: I did?
Dina: Yes, john. I saw it today in the safe.
Jack: Wait. What safe?
Dina: There! Right there! And he just was trying to get rid of me. So that he could feed it to that.
Jack: To what?
Dina: That. You -- you wanted to make me look like a liar. Like I made it all up. Like I really didn't love my daughter.
Jack: Okay, perhaps you can remind me. This side contract -- can you remind me what it was about?
Dina: The one for ashley. To protect her from jack. You really don't remember. You don'T. And it wasn't that long ago.
Kyle: Look what I found! See? I didn't shred it. It just got...misplaced. Dad, I can explain. Or, better yet, read it.
Jack: May I?
Neil: "I got this." Ask a guy about any pressing issues in his life, and that's probably what he's gonna say every time.Devon: Yeah, I mean, we're men, we're taught to say that we're fine even if it's not the truth.
Neil: It's like saying "I need help" is really saying "I'm weak." It's actually the opposite because it means you have the confidence to recognize a problem. You're able to deal with it.
Devon: Still my default sometimes. I remember before gps, I used to have this issue with asking for directions, and it would drive lily insane.
Neil: Yeah, and I feel like the guy who, you know, created those three words "I got this."
[ Laughs ] It used to be my catchphrase. But now, sometimes I know it's okay, I got this. And sometimes I don'T. I'm cool with that.
Cane: All right, listen, i know what you guys are doing, and I really appreciate it, okay, but, you see, I'm not the one who's been told when they can eat, when they can sleep, and only gets to go outside for an hour a day, okay? So my problems don't compare to lily'S. What problems do I even have?
Devon: You obviously have some problems. You have enough to skip out on visiting your wife who's dealing with a lot of loneliness on top of everything else.
Neil: You got to accept it, man. This situation with lily -- I mean, you got to man up. You got to be brave and strong. Admitting that these issues are causing problems for you, that doesn't diminish your strength one damn bit.
Cane: I miss her. I miss her.
Neil: Hey. We all do. We all just have to put one foot in front of the other and try to cross that finish line. We need to do that together.
Devon: And if you need help around the house or with the kids, you know you have us.
Neil: What do you say? Hmm?
Cane: I say "thank you." Thank you. I don't deserve you guys, but lily does, and... I love her too much to mess this up.
Jack: I had no idea dad's old safe was still here. And this...
Dina: It's still the same, and it makes things right for ashley. Traci has her writing, and jack's charm and his ambition -- he's become a star here. He's going to rise, and so will jabot. But ashley --
Jack: Ashley could get left behind.
Dina: Exactly. John, I know how much I -- i hurt you and the kids so terribly, and I would never ask you to forgive me, but this will make things better. More fair. Long after we're gone. Ah-tuh-tuh-tuh! Don't you go near that contract!
Kyle: Yes, ma'am.
Dina: You better stay away.
Kyle: Just making sure mr. Abbott's clear on everything. He is the boss. I'm only concerned things have changed slightly since the original contract was drafted, and some of the terms may be hazardous to jabot's corporate health.
Dina: Oh, stop trying to change the issue. John would never, ever do anything to hurt this company. And he's a hell of a lot sharper than you are.
Kyle: You see it, don't you?
Jack: With painful clarity. This gives ashley ownership of all the patents for every product she developed at jabot.
Kyle: Yeah, there must be dozens.
Jack: And dozens and dozens and plenty more after this thing was written. Those patents represent the core of jabot's financial engine. If we pay ashley according to this contract...
Kyle: So you get why I wanted to bury it?
Jack: [ Exhales sharply ] This company would be bankrupt in a week.
Lily: Hey.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Oh, wow! It's both of you!
Cane: Yeah, well, it would have been a three-pack, but neil had a work emergency, so he's gonna come by later.
Lily: That's okay. Hi.
Cane: Come here. Oh! It's good to see you.
Lily: Likewise. Hi.
Devon: How you doing?
Lily: Mm.
Devon: I miss you all the time.
Lily: I know you how feel. Let's sit down. [ Chuckles ] I'm surprised to see you. I didn't think I'd see you for a few days.
Devon: Yeah, well, I moved my schedule around a little bit to, uh, make time for you.
Lily: Thanks.
Cane: I'm sorry I stood you up last time.
Lily: It's all right. It was a little unnerving. It's hard to use the phone in here, so I asked nate to check on you and make sure you were alive and kicking.
Cane: All I'm doing is kicking myself. I let you down, and I promise you it will not happen again. So, uh, what's this? This is different. I like this.
Lily: [ Laughs ]
Devon: Yeah, you're wearing makeup, huh?
Lily: Yeah. [ Chuckles ]
Devon: I thought that cosmetics were contraband.
Lily: No, this is all legit. I was, uh, in the library looking up makeup hacks.
[ Laughs ] You get candy shells and put it in water, and then you can use it as lipstick and eye shadow.
Cane: Okay, and what about the glitter? How did you do that?
Lily: Uh, I took it from the cards the kids gave me.
Cane: [ Laughs ]
Lily: I know. It's funny how doing something so small makes you feel human again.
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: I know it seems silly to worry about putting on makeup in here, but... I don't know, as a woman, you're taught from the time you're little to wear it, and then to come in here and try and cut it cold turkey, it's, uh... it's rough.
Cane: Well, I have to say not only did you make everything from scratch, it actually looks really good on you.
Lily: Thank you. I've heard that from a few people.
Devon: Really? What's the prison etiquette on taking a compliment in here?
Lily: You know, I just offer to teach them how to do it. And you just have to sound confident, like you know what you're talking about. That's the way to not become a target in here.
Devon: But you didn't learn that the hard way, did you?
Lily: No. No, no, no. Just observation.
Devon: Yeah?
Lily: I'm serious, okay? There's just, uh, some things that you do around here that make life easier.
Cane: Like what?
Lily: Um, knowing what free time activities to do and which women to hang out with.
Cane: Okay, I just thought -- you know, we talked about when you came in here that you would keep to yourself and not attract attention, you know?
Lily: Yeah, but then that also makes you a target by being an outsider. I'm gonna be here a while, so i just -- I want to make my life as easy as possible.
Cane: I'm so proud of you.
Lily: Really? I thought you would worry about me mingling with the "gen pop."
Cane: No, no. If coaching the other inmates in makeup tips makes your life easier, then I say don't think small, think big.
Lily: Okay. Sounds like you have an idea.
Cane: Only one that may improve every day you spend in here.
Abby: Mom!
Ashley: Hi, honey. What are you doing here?
Abby: Well, after you left crimson lights, I started to order and I thought, I couldn't just sit there drinking a triple mocha cappuccino like there's nothing wrong. I was hoping that we could talk. There's a huge amount of damage, but none of it's gonna get fixed without some serious effort. I was hoping you could come with me, take the first step, see where it goes.
Dina: John! John! Bring me the contract! We'll lock it back up in the safe until we can tell ashley. What -- what are you doing?
Jack: This means as much to me as it does to you, but since we had this drafted...
Dina: Yes?
Jack: A lot of things have changed here at jabot, enough that I can see we can protect ashley both now and in the future so much better in another way.
Dina: Oh. Well...
Jack: Do you believe me?
Dina: Yes. Yes, of course I do, now that you have said it. Yes, john.
Jack: Thank you.
Dina: [ Cries ]
Jack: Thank you.
Dina: You're welcome.
Jack: But... now, for ashley's sake, we have to make sure this contract doesn't confuse anyone else.
Abby: Thank you for doing this.
Ashley: Well, if you're willing, I can't really turn you down.
[ Paper shredder whirring ]
Abby: What is it?
Ashley: I thought I just heard something coming from the office. Some sound. Did you hear that?
Abby: No, I didn't hear anything.
Ashley: Mm. Okay. No big deal.
[ Dina crying, gasping ]
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Ashley: I don't even know how to begin with this whole thing, honey.
Abby: [ Sighs ] I've tried to see it from your perspective. And what you did, it must have felt valid to you. I guess the problem that I'm having is, um... well, I'm still in shock that you could do something so horrible to uncle jack.
Ashley: What about the horrible things he did to me?
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Ashley: I'm sorry. I know this is not productive.
Abby: I just -- I don't want another repeat of the last abbott family breakfast.
Ashley: I don't, either. I don't, either. So let me -- let me start over again. Okay, so... I did what I did not just because I was trying to get revenge on jack or because i wanted to be C.E.O. I also did it because I wanted to make myself equal in this family again. Dna was used against me, abby. I decided to use dna to reassert myself back into the family, my place in this family, and your place, too.
Abby: Oh, mom, please -- please stop claiming that you did this for my sake.
Ashley: It's the truth! What jack did to me, he did to you with all the consequences regarding jabot.
Abby: Then I wish you would have asked me first. And I would have told you to stop. And I would have helped you find a way to accomplish it without some sneaky, covert attack. Because now you are worse off than when you started.
Jack: Dina's asleep. I was worried she was too wound up, but as soon as she stretched out, she nodded off.
Kyle: The last few hours were pretty draining for her.
Jack: Yeah, it wasn't exactly a sunday at the lake for you and me.
Kyle: [ Exhales sharply ] Glad you were there. You saw what a catastrophe that contract would have been.
Jack: It was an act of love from both of my parents, and without that hidden safe, jabot might have folded years ago. I understand your instinct to want to get rid of it, but...
Kyle: [ Sighs ] It killed me to freak dina out so badly, but I -- I didn't see any other choice. I yanked a ticking time bomb out of the wall. I had to take action before it went off. I was hoping not to involve anyone else, but.. even with everything ashley pulled, I was hoping not to force a dilemma on you.
Jack: I never thought I would be standing over a shredder getting rid of the most important gift my father ever gave my sister, a gift he obviously felt she deserved.
Kyle: Not if he had known it might mean the end of jabot or that ashley could orchestrate such a vicious plot to convince you he wasn't your father.
Jack: If he put that document into effect while he was still alive, she never would have gone down that road.
Traci: Hello there!
Jack: Hey!
Traci: How's mother? I've been out all day.
Kyle: She's upstairs resting.
Traci: Good. She having a good day, or is she still feeling the effects of ashley's rampage?
Jack: Oh, I think we're all still feeling the effects of that. But, you know what, we're abbotts. We're gonna get past this. We always come together. That includes ashley. Eventually, we will come together, even if it takes some time.
Kyle: Still, jabot can't wait indefinitely to find a new C.E.O.
Jack: We have time to reflect and repair. The last thing jabot needs right now is for us to make a major decision in a rush. Seems to me we're dealing with the consequences of that as we speak. Oh, god, I've got a dark horse meeting with nick at the club. I got to go.
Traci: Okay. Bye, jack.
Jack: Yeah.
Kyle: See you later.
Traci: He's right, you know. About the C.E.O. Job. We can't be hasty. And we can't be carried away with personal ambition. At this moment, doing what's right for jabot is doing what's right for this family.
Kyle: I get that. In fact, I've already made my chief focus.
Cane: You see? So it looks like you found your own thing in here because you are now officially an alternative beauty consultant. So I say you take this to the next level, all right? And you ask the warden whether you can set up, like, an official place and time so you can offer this to the other inmates. Yeah?
Devon: It's like a salon.
Cane: Like a salon.
Lily: That's true. I mean, the administration might go for that. Could be a reward for good behavior or, you know, helping self-esteem.
Devon: I like that. You could weed out the scary clientele.
Lily: That's true.
Cane: Yeah, yeah, and if it helps you get on with other inmates, you know, that's good, and who knows? Maybe when, you know, you get out of here, they could leave it up and running for the other women.
Lily: Yeah. Actually, I like that idea.
Cane: There you go.
Lily: [ Laughs ] Thanks for thinking of me, guys, and reminding me of what's waiting for me at home.
Cane: Don't forget about that for one second.
Lily: I won'T. Oh, god, I can't believe time is already almost up.
Cane: Yeah, well, I don't want to waste one second of this, so...
Devon: Well, the clock's ticking, so I'll give you guys some privacy.
Cane: Thank you.
Devon: I love you.
Lily: I love you, too. Thanks for coming.
Devon: Of course.
Cane: See you.
Ashley: Abby, when you were little, I used to look into your big, gorgeous blue eyes, and I used to think to myself, "there's no way that my mother is not gonna be a part of this." I mean, just because she didn't have the time of day for me, i mean, this is different, right? I mean, she's got to come back.
Abby: Well, you were right, sort of.
Ashley: Yeah, sort of. I was always so angry and bitter with her because, I mean, how could a mother be so unloving and selfish? I vowed to myself the day you were born that I was never gonna be like her. And I know, honey, that we've had our moments, but things have been going so great between us for so long, I just -- I can't bear the thought that you would feel the same way about me that I did about my mother for so long. I just can't bear it.
Abby: Oh, I don't -- I don't want that, either. I just -- I really, really hope that we can fix this.
Ashley: I do, too.
Abby: You want to talk to him.
Ashley: Oh, do I? Really?
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: Mm, I don't want to cause a scene.
Abby: Hey. Maybe you won'T.
Ashley: This is better, right? Please, just a little bit better.
Abby: I think we made a promising start.
Ashley: I think so, too.
Abby: But, um, I have to -- I have to get to a meeting, for real.
Ashley: Oh, no! Okay. I love you so much.
Abby: I love you, mom.
Ashley: Hey. So... that unfortunate breakfast we had the other day, you mentioned something about trying to move past all this, and I don't know if you're still willing, but, um... is this seat taken?
Jack: It is now.
Traci: Hey! You going out?
Kyle: Yeah. I'm trying to find this person I've been seeing. Or trying to see, at least.
Traci: Oh, let me guess. This must be lola.
[ Laughs ] It looks like you've got it bad. Do people still say that?
Kyle: I do. On both accounts. She might be doing a shift in her food truck, so I'm going to hit the streets.
Traci: Good, you should, and convince her to give you another chance. I bet she will because you're a catch, kyle, and you have the best heart.
Kyle: Sometimes. Not always. Bye, aunt traci.
Traci: Bye, sweetie.
Dina: That boy was here again.
Traci: Do you mean kyle?
Dina: I don't remember his name, but john seemed to trust him. But not me. He's a liar.
Traci: What did he say to you?
Dina: That he wanted to help me.
Traci: Help you with what?
Dina: Help me with ashley. To make things right for her.
Traci: And he didn't help you with that?
Dina: No. At least I -- I don't think he did. Well, it's family business, and I shouldn't be sharing it with someone I just don't know.
Traci: Listen, hmm? I'm traci.
Dina: Traci?
Traci: Yes, and I'm going to help you any way I can. All right, come on. Let's get you seated over here and comfy. Come and sit down.
Dina: Oh, okay.
Traci: Okay. There. Now, that's better.
Dina: [ Exhales sharply ]
Traci: So, what's all this about ashley?
Dina: Oh, well, he said he -- john promised me -- he promised that he would help ashley. But then somehow, the plans changed, and the document is gone for good.
Traci: What document?
Dina: The kind you keep in a safe. It -- it's john's office. And I'm sure it's the right place because, well, he changed everything. He redecorated.
Traci: Wait, you were at john's office today?
Dina: Yes! Aren't you listening? To show that boy the document. But then -- then he and john well, they put it in that thing, and now it's in a million pieces.
Traci: They shredded it?
Dina: Yes. It's gone. And now I don't know if ashley's going to get anything. Oh! Oh, who -- who is this beautiful girl?
Traci: Oh, that's ashley!
Dina: No, it's not. That's not ashley, and if you can't help me, I'll sure as hell find someone who can.
Lily: [ Sighs ] The guard's gonna be back soon.
Cane: Close your eyes.
Lily: Uh, okay.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: I'm going to, uh, take you on a trip. Paris, bora bora -- you pick the place, okay? And I will paint the picture.
Lily: Mmm. Dinner at the athletic club.
Cane: Really? At the athletic club? I mean, it's not like we're using miles for this.
Lily: I know, but... I just want to be back in genoa city with you.
Cane: Okay. I don't have to describe it for you.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] I'm at our favorite table, sipping a fabulous pinot noir, waiting for you. And I'm wearing a dress that i bought just for tonight.
Cane: Oh, you see, I see you because I just walked in, and you are a vision.
Lily: And you're even more handsome than the day I met you.
Cane: "Are you, uh, expecting someone?" I ask.
Lily: And I say, "yes. The man of my life."
Cane: "You see, I know that guy, and he's the luckiest man in the world." In the next 90 seconds, what can I do to make this magical night even more special and unforgettable?
Lily: Just be with me. I'm thrilled to be sitting across from my husband, looking into his beautiful eyes, knowing that we have our whole lives together.
Cane: I am so good with that. Because I want you to hold onto this. It's our moment. And no one can take it away. And whenever you're feeling down, come back to it. Keep it going. Knowing wherever and whatever I'm doing, my heart's there with you. I will be making this a reality as soon as humanly possible.
Lily: And only one thing could make this more perfect, and that's a kiss.
Cane: Well, then...
Ashley: So, I didn't have, um, that long to speak with abby, but, you know, it was a start. And, uh, maybe I shouldn't expect the same from you, but if you're willing... I mean, you did offer me a seat, so I guess there's a little bit of hope.
Jack: I want to hear what you have to say.
Ashley: Okay, well, I could start at the very beginning and talk to you about what my motivation was to do all this, without the venom this time.
Jack: You know what, I think we can skip that part. As damaging and painful as it all was, I've been taking a pretty hard look at myself. The things I've done, the things I didn't do that may have pushed you to that point.
Ashley: I see. So...?
Jack: So I just wish there was some way we could put all that anger, all that resentment, all that...pain and mistake behind us. Set it aside, just move on. Maybe starting now, tonight.
Ashley: Okay, yeah. I can't take 100% responsibility, though, jack, for everything that's happened because that wouldn't be honest, and if we're gonna move forward, then we have to be transparent, right? But... I will confess, that I felt like a complete outsider in my own family. I mean, it's almost as bad as when I found out that brent davis was my father. Actually, you know what, it's kind of worse. Because I made these decisions. So... if there's any way for us to make our way back, I would really love that. More than I can even tell you.
Jack: Maybe it's a good thing that neither of us works at jabot for a while. Give us a chance to focus on getting back what we once had. I think it's worth it. How about you?
Ashley: Yeah. Almost more than anything.
Traci: What?! Oh, my god. Oh, no.
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