Y&R Transcript Monday 10/22/18
Episode #11471 ~ Nick gives Rey a warning; Phyllis reaches out to Jack; Mariah finds herself in danger.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Phyllis: Have you seen sharon?Nick: Just saw her, actually. At her co-worker's apartment having dinner.
Sharon: Nikki did pay, sort of. She sent that foreign account $1, to push back a little.
Victoria: "You now owe $249,999. If it's not wired into my bank account by midnight tonight, the police will know what's buried under here."
Sharon: [ Gasps ]
Dina: We took the papers, and we put them in the safe together.
Kyle: At jabot?
[ Grunts ]
Dina: I wasn't lying. It's right there on the wall. Well, open it!
Kyle: [ Grunts ]
Dina: Oh! There!
Dina: Mm!
[ Giggling ] Bingo!
Kyle: Are you sure this is what you're looking for?
Dina: Absolutely. [ Laughs ]
[ Scatting ]
Kyle: Hey, hey, slow down. Those papers could be anything. I mean, who seals up a safe behind a wall without checking to make sure it's empty first?
Dina: This is proof! Proof that -- to that girl, you know --
Kyle: Ashley.
Dina: Yes! Yes! Yes! That I am a good mother, a very good mother, and she will see it! Yes! [ Sighs ]
Mr. Abbott. I didn't expect to see you here at this hour.
Billy: Getting a jump-start on tomorrow. What's keeping you here?
Trying to reorganize this so-called filing system my predecessor created.
Billy: Well, good luck with that. Gloria was one-of-a-kind. She had a brain to match.
I've got big shoes to fill.
Billy: I think you'll be just fine. Listen, can I get my hands on the latest press release for the jaboutique launch?
Oh, you didn't have to come in for that. I would have had it delivered to you at home.
Billy: To be honest, it's an excuse to get out of there. I can't shake a dead rat without hitting an abbott. Family drama -- I won't bore you with the details. Although, I know how this place works. I'm sure you heard a snippet or two around the water cooler.
Being the new guy, folks are a little tight-lipped around me. I mean, I've heard snippets here and there, but not much.
Billy: About me and phyllis?
That is the topic of choice. So, I heard about the breakup, and I'm sorry. I imagine it can't be easy.
Billy: [ Sighs ] No, it's cause for celebration. In almost no time at all, I was able to kick two bad habits -- gambling and phyllis.
Dina: Why are you avoiding this?
Kyle: I'm not.
Dina: What do you mean, you're not?
Kyle: I just had to think for a moment. And, on second thought, what if we go through the papers right here? The sooner, the better.
Dina: At john's desk?
Kyle: He won't mind.
Dina: All right. Why not?
Oh, di-dee, di-dee oh, boy. [ Chuckles ] I'm excited.
Kyle: Here we go. Just like the big boss.
Dina: [ Giggles ] Oh, yes, indeed. Yes, indeedy, deedy-do!
[ Laughs ]
[ Sighs ] Okay. Let's see.
Sharon: They know. They know that J.T.'S dead. They know that he is buried in chancellor park.
Victoria: And whoever's doing this knows we did it.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] We've got to do something. Fast. Or by tomorrow, everyone in town is gonna know.
Jack: I'll talk to the city inspectors. We'll get that finished.
Phyllis: Am I interrupting?
Jack: Uh, no, we were just finishing.
Phyllis: Oh, good. Good. Glad to hear it. Because I have had an epiphany this morning.
Nick: An epiphany?
Phyllis: Yes. I know what I need to do now. This breakup with billy has given me an opportunity to make better choices, smarter choices. You know, we are through. It's gonna remain that way because I am better off without him. So, I'm gonna grab a coffee, okay? Then we're gonna toast to new beginnings.
Dina: I know it's here! I mean, it just has to be!
Kyle: Just take your time, dina.
Dina: Please... please. I can't find it! Did you check the safe?
Kyle: We cleaned it out.
Dina: We did?
Kyle: Here, let me help.
Dina: No! Don't you touch these things. Don't you dare. I know what I'm doing, and I did the very best for my daughter.
Kyle: Of course you did. Do you know what we're searching for? Do you know what the paper says?
Dina: I still can't find it, damn it.
Kyle: Hey. Hey. We'll take our time, dina.
Dina: Yeah.
Kyle: No rush. Did it, uh, maybe have ashley's name on it?
Dina: I don't know. I can't find it!
Kyle: Hey. Hey, hey. We can do this. Here, I can help.
Dina: Then help me!
Kyle: We'll do this together, okay? Just try to stay calm. I'll read. You can tell me if I'm on the right track.
Dina: [ Gasps ] Here!
Kyle: All right. Here. "The above-named parties hereby agree to assign ashley suzanne abbott all patents, inventions, discoveries, developments, and ideas made of or conceived by her... ...excluding all others in perpetuity."
Dina: [ Giggles ] Eureka!
Billy: What was that? Who's in there?
I thought it was empty. It should be empty.
Dina: We've found it! Oh, thank you, god. We found it! There lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.
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Billy: Whoever's in this office, you've got five seconds to open the door, or I'm gonna open it for you.
Yeah, hi, it's ted. Ted, ms. Abbott's executive assistant. She's not in her office right now, but someone is, and the door's locked. Yes, I would indeed like security up here.
[ Sighs ] Disregard. Stand down. Yeah, false alarm. Thank you.
Billy: Didn't expect you to walk out of there.
Kyle: Bit of a day full of surprises.
Billy: You want to tell me why you're in that office with the door locked?
Kyle: It's dina. She got it in her head that she needed to talk to john. You know how she gets. Wouldn't believe he wasn't here, so I thought if I let her see for herself, she might calm down.
Billy: That sound calm to you, ted?
Kyle: Sorry about the noise. I was trying to get her home, but she wants to stay, wait for john. You don't mind if we hang out a little longer? I mean, nobody's using the office.
I don't have a problem with it.
Billy: Maybe I'll talk to her. Maybe she'll listen to me.
Kyle: Not a good idea. She gets like this, she needs stability and consistency.
Billy: Right, and you're the poster boy for that.
Kyle: I can handle this.
Billy: Thanks for this, ted. I'll catch up with you later.
Can I assist in some way?
Kyle: I got this, ted.
Jack: Then we're looking at the new, improved phyllis.
Phyllis: Now and forever. Billy-free.
Nick: All right, who are you, and what have you done with the real phyllis? [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: Very funny.
Jack: Well, this was more than a beautiful sunset that brought this on. What happened? I mean, what made you see the light?
Phyllis: Well, I think the details are unimportant. I would say that, uh, I don't know, I think I came to a fork in the road, you know? I could have chosen to take the path that I always have, which is the dark, dangerous one filled with quicksand and poisoned mushrooms, like a video gaming adventure...
Nick: And that is the billy path.
Phyllis: Or I could take the one that is bathed with blue skies and sunshine and the one that leads to happiness, maybe even some enlightenment.
Jack: Namaste.
Nick: They spiked her coffee, or maybe it's lack of sleep that's turning her crazy. I mean, that does happen.
Phyllis: I've come to my senses, thank you, and I've never been happier.
Jack: Maybe she realized billy is deeper in debt than he admitted.
Nick: Eh, something big must have happened. I mean, people don't just change their minds about someone this fast.
Phyllis: Yeah, you see, I do. I saw a side of billy that was very ugly, that I never want to see again, so that's all you need to know.
Nick: Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy for you. I got to go. Jack, I'll call you later.
Jack: Yeah.
Nick: Phyllis, good luck with this new outlook and the, uh, you know, sunsets and stuff.
Phyllis: Okay. I should go.
Jack: Uh, could you give me a minute first?
Phyllis: Okay, if this is where I get to hear a big, fat "I told you so"...
Jack: No, it's nothing like that. Come on, humor me.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] All right. All right, give me your best. I can take it.
Jack: Okay, I just wanted to tell you I don't remember when I've ever been any prouder of you.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: You've taken back control of your life, and I know that wasn't an easy thing. Here, nick and I were ready to do battle with whatever dragons billy sent your way or dragged in his wake... and I learned all over again you don't need protecting. You don't need rescuing. You're a bright, powerful, independent woman with so much good in you. I'm just glad you can see it again. I'm glad you can stand up for yourself. I'm glad summer gets to see just how brave her mother is.
Phyllis: Okay, okay. I knew I wouldn't like it.
Jack: Wait, what did I say?
Phyllis: I don't know how you...
Jack: Really. Really. Talk to me.
Phyllis: Just stop being so nice to me. I don't deserve it.
Sharon: If we had just paid them the money the first time they asked instead of sending a dollar...
Victoria: They didn't go to the police.
Sharon: Not yet, but they will eventually if we keep playing games!
Victoria: Okay, well, we just have to stay positive!
Sharon: How?
Victoria: Well, they've given us until midnight, so that means that we have to come up with...
Sharon: What, another dollar?
Victoria: Maybe phyllis was right. Maybe they're bluffing about exposing us.
Sharon: Victoria. How long are you willing to drag this out? Every time we get another text or an e-mail, we are one step closer to somebody else find out the truth! Somebody sees a text over your shoulder, an e-mail gets opened accidentally, you leave a photo open on your computer screen...
Victoria: All right. We'll just -- we'll be more careful.
Sharon: We need to be done! Pay the money, victoria!
Victoria: Then what? Then what? They increase their demands? Today, it's $250,000. Tomorrow, it's twice as much. They're never gonna stop threatening to expose us.
Sharon: Then what are we gonna do?
Jack: I swear I get no pleasure out of seeing you like this.
Phyllis: You and your brother, like night and day.
Jack: I was so hoping he'd come from rehab a new man. It seems he's as angry and vindictive as he was during the wedding that wasn'T.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, I think all of this public flogging is a sneak preview of darker things to come.
Jack: I'm sorry to hear that, though I'm not terribly surprised.
Phyllis: My heart was breaking for him, you know? I saw it in his eyes, that he was so hurt because of me. I know that I did that to him, but all I wanted to do was make everything okay for him, you know? To help him pull the pieces together, you know, to get him back on track. And all he wanted to do was hurt me. He did that. Like a champ. By inflicting the maximum amount of indelible pain, you know, and that's the thing when you open up your heart to someone. They... they know just how to break it.
Jack: Not everyone.
Phyllis: How do you do it?
Jack: What do you mean? How do I do what?
Phyllis: You forgive the unforgivable. You just -- you're kind when you should be cruel. I just -- you are such a good man, jack abbott. You really are more than I ever deserved. And what billy and I did to you...
Jack: No, we don't have to rehash all of that.
Phyllis: It was selfish. It was heartless. I thought I was living some epic love story with that guy. You know, the two of us against the world, but I don't know how I could be so blind.
Jack: Beating yourself up doesn't solve anything.
Phyllis: I am not perfect. I make mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes. And I know words cannot take away hurt or turn back time, but they're all I've got right now. And I want to tell you how sorry I am. I am so, so sorry. For what I did to us. And what I did to you. And I hope you can find some way to forgive me. I really do.
Jack: I forgave you a long time ago.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
Dina: I knew it was here.
Kyle: That's great, dina. Really, great.
Dina: Oh, I can't wait to show this to ashley.
Kyle: Before we do that, do you mind if I take another gander at it?
Dina: No. No. I know what I'm doing. Take me home.
Kyle: In a minute.
Dina: No, no, right this minute, or you're gonna be looking for another job.
Kyle: We'll all be looking for other jobs if that contract goes public.
Dina: What do you mean? John and I agreed. We signed it together. Just the other day.
Kyle: But these papers, they change everything. The total and complete annihilation of jabot. Was this your idea, to give ownership to ashley of all the products she created for jabot to her, forever?
Dina: This is a present for ashley. I -- I had to do it. Because I need to make amends.
Kyle: Proof that you loved her as much as you love jack.
Dina: Yes. And I was a bad mother, but not anymore.
Kyle: A present for ashley.
Dina: Yes, a present for her.
Kyle: To apologize for running off without her, for breaking her heart.
Dina: I don't want to hear anymore of this. Take me home.
Kyle: So, you talked to john. You two had these contracts drawn up.
Dina: Yes. Yes. We did this together. We signed it, and no interference whatsoever. We saw to that. Not even jackie. No one.
Kyle: But john didn't see things your way. He wouldn'T. How could he? It would be crazy for him to give over the keys to the kingdom like that. He was a brilliant businessman, but no way he would sign that.
Dina: Yes, but...
Kyle: It's okay, dina. He meant well, but the contract is null and void without his signature.
Dina: [ Laughs ] "John abbott." See? He signed it. Oh, and he had such beautiful handwriting. Oh! Now, take me home.
Nikki: "And they lived happily ever after." The end! That was a good one. But I know what you really want to be doing. Just a minute! I have something very special oh! A coloring book! And new crayons -- look at that! This is filled with cars and trucks and trains --
Rey: Hey, nikki. It's good to see you.
Nikki: Oh, um, hello.
Rey: Who's this little guy?
Nikki: Well, this is my genius grandson christian.
Rey: Oh! Hey, christian. I'm rey. Oh, let me see that coloring technique, buddy. What you got there?
Nick: Sorry I'm late, mom.
Nikki: Oh! Don't worry. Like I would complain about spending extra time with favorite little guy?
Rey: Hey, nick. How's it going?
Nick: Never better. Did you have fun with grandma?
Nikki: You got held up at work?
Nick: Did you not get my text?
Nikki: Oh! I'm sorry. I turned my ringer off during nap time. There's probably a million messages on here from your father.
Nick: Good job, man. Everything okay?
Nikki: Yeah. Yeah. Just something I have to do at work.
Phyllis: Uh, jack, I actually need to go.
Jack: Wait, what could be so important?
Phyllis: I just have some time-sensitive material that i need to get in tomorrow. You know how it is.
Jack: Okay, well, I'll walk you to the door.
Phyllis: No, thank you so much for everything, really.
Nick: But you don't have --
Nikki: Honey, I have to. I'm sorry, it's a last-minute charity meeting. I'll call you later.
Nick: What the heck was that?
Rey: Crazy. Same thing happened with sharon at work today.
Sharon: You really think you can pull this off?
Nikki: Now, what exactly are you doing?
Phyllis: With any luck, I am going to trace the digital fingerprints from this e-mail and track down our blackmailer.
Sharon: Before midnight, right?
Phyllis: Way before midnight.
Sharon: And then what?
Victoria: We find out who they are. And we turn the tables on them.
Sharon: As soon as you can give me a name, I can run it in the database at the station.
Phyllis: All right, it's not gonna be that much longer.
Nikki: Well, at least then we can rule out that the e-mails were coming from the police just trying to scare the life out of us.
Victoria: How could anyone know what we did?
Nikki: They couldn't have seen us! Could they? I mean, you didn't have anybody lurking in your house, did you?
Victoria: No!
Phyllis: We didn't see any random people hanging out in the park, right? There weren't any security cameras in the park.
Nikki: No. None.
Sharon: Then how?
Nikki: I don't know, I mean, could we have been seen by somebody who was just passing by?
Victoria: Why would they wait all of this time to start threatening us?
Sharon: Maybe it's their first foray into the whole "blackmail" thing.
Nikki: [ Scoffs ] Yeah. Ours, too.
Phyllis: Well, first we find out who, they we find out how, then why.
Sharon: And if they won't tell us?
Phyllis: One step at a time, but in the next few seconds, we're gonna find out exactly who we're dealing with.
Nick: Look at that.
[ Christian babbling ]
Rey: So, since you're so good at coloring cars, I thought you might want one of your own, hmm?
[ Chuckles ]
Nick: Look at that. Squad car of your own. What do you say, dude?
Christian: Mm...
Rey: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: That was "thank you."
Rey: Yeah, we got a whole slew of them at work in case we get a kid who's stuck there until someone can take them home or into care.
Nick: Must be rough.
Rey: It can be. Being taken to a police station is probably the worst night of a kid's life. So the car, it's just a reminder that we're still the good guys.
Nick: Hmm. So no kids of your own?
Rey: Haven't been that lucky.
Nick: Yeah, but there's a wife out there, right? I mean, you don't talk about her much, but she's out there.
Rey: I'm kind of private like that.
Nick: Eh, private with some, not-so-private with others. I mean, I bet sharon knows about her, right? I mean, she does know about your new mattress.
Rey: [ Chuckles ] Listen, nick, about that, she was only saying that --
Nick: What, how long have you known her, a couple months? I've known sharon practically my whole life. There isn't anything that we don't know about each other. But, please, go ahead and tell me about her.
Rey: It's not like that.
Nick: Yeah? I see you. I know your type. You've buddied up next to sharon, you've made her think you're kind of like the last of the good guys. Well, you have not fooled me. No way. I'm onto you.
Kyle: Do you have any idea what this means?
Dina: It's a present for ashley's future.
Kyle: It's air-tight. No loopholes, no exclusions, or exemptions.
Dina: I know. John's attorneys saw to all that. Now, you've looked at it enough. Give it back.
Kyle: Whose idea was it to give ashley ownership of all of her patents?
Dina: Mine, and john agreed.
Kyle: What were you thinking?
Dina: I'm a good mother, and she needed to know.
Kyle: You want to prove you're mother of the year? You buy her a car. You put her in the will. You leave her a house, maybe the family jewels. What you don't do is sign over the lifeblood of the company.
Dina: Lifeblood? What are you talking about?
Kyle: Sole ownership of all of the patents for all of the products ashley created for jabot.
Dina: Is that a lot?
Kyle: It's practically everything.
Dina: [ Chuckles ] Good for her.
Kyle: John signed away all the rights to her patents. Years ago, when you had this drawn up, it was, what, a handful of products, maybe? But now, it -- ashley owns pretty much all of jabot's major product lines. He may -- he may well have signed over the entire company to her.
Dina: Watch yourself. I don't like your tone, mister.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry, dina. I made a mistake.
Dina: You sure did.
Kyle: I shouldn't have talked to you like that.
Dina: No, you shouldn't have.
Kyle: We all make mistakes, and this was a serious error in judgment. No one needs to know about this. I'll take care of it. I promise.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Billy: Jack?
Jack: Hey, it's me. I know you're with dina. I'm not sure when you're coming home. Give me a call, let me know. Sorry.
Billy: They're at jabot.
Jack: They're at jabot? Why would he take her to jabot?
Billy: I have no idea, but it sounds like she might be in one of those time-warp things. Maybe she wanted to get away.
Jack: From what?
Billy: From the present tense and all that crap that's going on here.
Jack: How'd she look?
Billy: Don't know. Kyle had her locked in the office. Said he was trying to keep her calm, but between you and me, he wasn't doing a very good job. She kind of freaked out.
Dina: I want to see john. Do you know where he is? Tell me where you're keeping him.
Kyle: Don't you trust me?
Dina: Absolutely not.
Kyle: I'm sorry things got out of hand.
Dina: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Everything's better now, right?
Dina: I want you gone.
Kyle: Well, who will take you home?
Dina: John will. And if he can't do it, he'll arrange for someone else. John! John, it's me! It's dina!
Kyle: Hey, he had to go away. Remember?
Dina: [ Gasps ]
Kyle: He's probably at home.
Dina: Oh, yes, of course he is.
Kyle: I'm sure the cook is just making him dinner.
Dina: Oh, john always loves a good steak. Especially with a side of
haricot vert.
Kyle: Mm, sounds delicious.
Dina: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: What should we have for dessert?
Dina: I want you gone. And this stays with me. For ashley.
Sharon: What happened? Why'd you stop?
Phyllis: The e-mailer is using a vpn.
Nikki: Could we have that in english, please?
Phyllis: It's a virtual private network. It's like using a digital mask to hide behind. The data's been encrypted, so we can't find out who sent it or where it's being sent from. It's like wiping off the fingerprints from a murder weapon.
Sharon: A ghost.
Phyllis: The metadata's been stripped from the picture when it was uploaded, so whoever this is, they know what they're doing.
Nikki: So that means they could be sending these e-mails from anywhere in the world or around the corner.
Phyllis: Looks that way. Now, their only good card is that they know where the body is buried.
Sharon: Literally.
Nikki: It's a pretty powerful card.
Phyllis: It is. Unless we move the body.
Nikki: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.
Victoria: We can't do that.
Sharon: After all this time? Do you know what happens to a body that has not been embalmed? And it's been buried for several months. I mean, the smell alone...
Phyllis: Okay, well, I hate to disturb your delicate sensibilities, ladies, but these are desperate times, desperate measures.
Sharon: We have got to drawn the line somewhere.
Phyllis: Okay, well, sharon do you have a better idea? Because I'd really like to hear it.
Sharon: Yes! An idea I've shared about 250,000 times. Just pay the money and be done with it! But you don't want to hear that. And since I can't convince any of you it's the right thing to do, if you'll excuse me...
Phyllis: Where are you going?
Sharon: Home, to my daughters, since it might be the last night we spend together before the four of us are arrested for murder. It's where I belong.
Rey: Look, nick, before you go... I know what it looks like, but you got it all wrong about me and sharon.
Nick: Yeah?
Rey: Yeah. We work together, I live upstairs, but nothing is going on.
Nick: Is that what you tell yourself to make this all seem okay? Let me ask you something -- what would you do every time you turn around, your wife was hugging up on some other guy?
Rey: Now, wait a minute, that's not --
Nick: I know you want to believe you're just providing this warm shoulder for this lonely woman, and technically, nothing is going on because you have remained faithful to this invisible wife.
Rey: So now you're the authority on faithfulness?
Nick: You think I don't know that I screwed up? I'm reminded of it every day, every night, every hour because sharon isn't with me, because that's where she belongs -- with me and my kids under the same roof at the same dinner table laughing at the same stupid jokes we've been laughing at our whole lives. Because trust me when I say this -- that's how this is gonna end. So you can provide every roadblock that you want, keep pretending like you're this knight in shining armor, rescuing this damsel in distress, but know this -- you keep playing these games, whatever they are, but while that's happening, it just means it's one more night that christian isn't in sharon's arms. Or one more night that I don't get to tuck in my little girl before she goes to bed at night. You want to be the hero, rey? See, I can see it in your eyes you do. It's real simple. Just do the right thing and stay out of this. Let's go, bro. Come on.
[ Groans ] Here we go.
Jack: Having a cocktail, huh?
Billy: Join me.
Jack: They didn't say anything in rehab about substituting an addiction with another addiction?
Billy: I kicked two bad habits at once. It's time to celebrate.
Jack: I saw phyllis earlier.
Billy: Oh, yeah? How long did it take before she gave you a sob story and threw herself at you?
Jack: Don't do that.
Billy: Don't do what?
Jack: Say things you'll regret later.
Billy: That's what I do, jack, it's who I am. I say the unspeakable.
Jack: Do the unspeakable?
Billy: Whatever phyllis told you...
Jack: She wouldn't say anything negative about you. But from her reaction and tone, I gathered you hit a new low, even for you.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Bound to happen sooner or later, right?
Jack: I don't know what the hell happened to you.
Billy: I'm a riddle wrapped in a mystery at the bottom of an empty scotch glass.
Jack: With a gargantuan gift for shooting yourself in the foot.
Billy: I had a problem. Problem solved. Was it an elegant solution? No. Was it effective? Most definitely.
Jack: How so?
Billy: Well, phyllis isn't blowing up my phone with empty apologies anymore.
Jack: Funny you should say that, she apologized to me today.
Billy: Yeah. That is funny.
Jack: I appreciated it. It meant a lot to me.
Billy: Well, good for you, jack. I'm gonna go finish this in peace. If you need somebody to save tonight, jack, you might want to save your mother from kyle. I'm not a betting man anymore, but if I was, I'd say she needs it.
Dina: Now, I can't wait to see john's face when I show him what I've found.
Kyle: Why don't we leave the papers here, head home, sort this out tomorrow?
Dina: Absolutely not.
Kyle: It's proof that you're a good mother, I know. But what happens if you lose those? Is that your only copy?
Dina: I, uh...I don't know.
Kyle: If we keep them in the safe right here, they'll stay secure.
Dina: But ashley needs to see that I gave her her future.
Kyle: She will. She will, and to ensure that, let's keep those locked up.
Dina: In there?
Kyle: Exactly. Where they'll be safe. And secure. Forever.
Mariah: Hey! Dinner is served.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Fantastic. Here.
Mariah: Oh. Hi. What was that about?
Sharon: I just missed you.
Mariah: Are you all right?
Sharon: Yeah. I'm fine. Why?
Mariah: I don't know, it kind of looks like you've been crying. Nick?
Sharon: No, no. This is just what I look like when I'm famished. Looks like you got enough to feed an army!
Mariah: Well, yeah, I figured since faith is at her sleepover and we have the house to ourselves, we could get our grub on and stay up late, maybe watch a movie.
Sharon: Perfect. Oh, but no romances.
Mariah: 86 the rom-coms.
Sharon: And, you know, nothing too scary.
Mariah: Ix-nay the zombies.
Sharon: Also, you think --
[ Cellphone rings ]
Mariah: Wait, hold on. Hello? Hello?
Sharon: Who was that?
Mariah: No clue. Unknown number. That's weird. It's like the 10th time that's happened today. I say "hello?" And the line goes dead.
Sharon: Ugh, I hate those robo-calls.
Mariah: Yeah, but the thing is, I can hear someone breathing on the other end. It's very creepy.
Sharon: Do you think it's a prank? Maybe a fan? Is it gc buzz?
Mariah: Well, I wasn't gonna tell you this...
Sharon: Tell me what?
Mariah: Promise me you won't freak out.
Sharon: No! Why? What happened?
Mariah: I -- okay, I got the feeling a couple times today, like... like I was being followed.
Sharon: Mariah, talk to me.
Mariah: See, I told you you would freak out.
Sharon: Well, of course I'm gonna freak out. I'm your mother! What happened?
Mariah: Well, it sounds ridiculous now that I'm saying it out loud, but...
[ Sighs ] Okay, I was driving home from work, and I was listening to this podcast -- true crime. Very scary stuff, and I looked in my rearview mirror, and there was this car that was following behind me, and I would turn left, they would turn left, i would turn right, they'd turn right. And it wasn't the first time.
Sharon: What did you do?
Mariah: Well, I thought about driving to the police station.
Mariah: Why didn't you?
Mariah: Because by the time i looked up again, they were gone.
Sharon: Are you sure? Did you get a look at the license plate, or maybe the make of the car? The driver?
Mariah: No, it was too dark, and they weren't following close enough. Look, mom, this is ridiculous. It's close to halloween. No more creepy podcasts for me. I promise. Let's just have some food, relax because I am starving. So I'm gonna get the wine and some glasses, okay?
Nick: Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh! [ Crash! ] Whoa! Man, that dude's a bad driver! He needs some lessons, huh? You know what, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. But the most important thing -- you're doing whatever you can to make it right. For everybody that matters. Right? Give me some knucks. Ahh! That's right.
Victoria: Was mariah absolutely sure that she was being followed?
Sharon: No, but --
Phyllis: Could it have been a
gc buzz fan or a coincidence?
Victoria: Unless we're absolutely certain that these things are related...
Sharon: It was a warning that they can get to us and everyone we love anytime they want.
Nikki: Oh, my god. Do you really think they will do that?
Sharon: They come for us, that's one thing. They come for my kids, it's game over.
Phyllis: None of the e-mails mentioned anyone's kids.
Sharon: They are willing to send us to prison. You think they would stop there?
Victoria: Look, sharon, i know that you're scared, but...
Sharon: What will these people have to do to prove to you that this not a game we can win?
Nikki: Okay, I've made a decision. I'll pay the money tonight.
Victoria: Mom....
Nikki: Listen, I made a promise to myself the day you were born, the same promise i made the night J.T. Died. There is nothing I won't do to keep you and all of us safe. That's a promise I intend to keep.
Kyle: What do you want to do after dinner? How about a marlon brando movie?
Dina: Oh, I think I'd like that very much.
Kyle: Consider it done.
Dina: Okay.
Kyle: Just leave everything to me. Would you believe it? I must have left my keys on the desk.
Dina: Oh, my lord. You call yourself a chauffeur.
[ Sighs ] What are you doing?!
Kyle: It's for the best, dina, I'm sorry.
Dina: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it right now! Stop it, I said!
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