Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/17/18

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/17/18


Episode #11468 ~ Jack's plan backfires, Mariah questions Sharon about Rey, and Billy is out for revenge.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Phyllis: We told you to get information, not to give it.

Sharon: I haven'T.

Nikki: You've gotten too close, sharon.

Tessa: It didn't well with those guys who helped me smuggle crystal into canada.

Mariah: What happened?

Tessa: It came time to pay them, and they wanted $20,000.

Phyllis: After everything we've been through, everything we have together, what, that's worth nothing to you now?

Billy: [ Sighs ] No. But you were right. Phyllis wasn't the woman for me. Everything is very clear now.

Jack: The paternity tests were lies. I'm john abbott's son. I have my father back.

[ Coffee mug rattling ]

Jack: Hey, I have some fantastic news.

Dina: You do?

Jack: I learned who my real father is. It's john abbott.

Dina: Did I know him?

Jack: Oh, yes.

Dina: I did?

Jack: For a very long time. You were married to him.

Dina: Really? Hm.

Jack: A better father, no kid could ever ask for.

Dina: Ohh.

Jack: He was an exceptional guy. Loving, caring. I'm trying to live up to his standards. So I want you to know, I am sorry for everything I put you through these last few months.

Dina: Oh, you -- you're always so lovely.

Jack: Well, I also want to make you a promise. I'm going to do everything I can to set this family right again.

Dina: Thank you for caring so much. Now... remind me again who you are.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Phyllis: Hi. It's, uh, me again. I'M... really glad that you're back even though you're doing your damndest to avoid me. So... could you ease up on that? Because we really need to talk. I meant it when I said I'm not gonna stop fighting for you. So you might as well call me back. Thanks.

Billy: Good morning.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Dina: Oh!

Billy: Hello.

Dina: Hello. Good morning to you, my dear.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Jack: So, you got a minute?

Billy: Yeah, sure. What is it?

Jack: Well, come with me and I'll show you.

Tessa: Do you have any idea how much I missed you?

Mariah: Oh, maybe about 1/10 of the amount that I missed you. Oh, don't do the math. Here, just --

Tessa: Okay.

Mariah: Just take this.

Tessa: What? Oh... um... okay. [ Gasps ] I -- I -- I love it!

Mariah: [ Laughs ]

Tessa: Oh, my gosh! I can't believe this!

Mariah: Yeah. It's just a little souvenir that I picked up from one of the street fairs we covered in chicago.

Tessa: But that means you were thinking of me.

Mariah: Uh, yeah. What gave it away? The barrage of texts and calls?

Tessa: Oh, but -- yeah. This -- this is -- this is another level.

Mariah: Well, I'm really glad that you like it. And the next time that I go away for "gc buzz," you should come.

Tessa: Yeah, but I can't miss a minute of work until I give those sharks what they claim I owe them.

Rey: You up for more? Or are you all copped out?

Sharon: No way. I love your many lessons. I'm getting to know your job.

Rey: Having a social-work background is going to give you an edge in all this.

Sharon: In what?

Rey: Interviewing. Reading responses. Sometimes a self-proclaimed witness -- or victim, even -- could be your perp. I'll show you. I'll be me. You be the witness.

[ Sighs ] You claim, after opening the store this morning, you discovered this tag next to its pillow-topped queen-sized mattress.

Sharon: That's right.

Rey: The tag clearly states that it can only be removed by the customer. Did you purchase the mattress for yourself?

Sharon: No.

Rey: And by your own admission, there were no other customers here, so... you agree that this was an unlawful tag removal?

Sharon: Why else would I have reported it?

Rey: Sometimes it would be too suspicious not to.

Sharon: [ Laughs ] Oh, that's funny.

Rey: I fired an accusation, pure speculation, to get a reaction. Two common signs of guilt -- aversion to eye contact and dismissing the accusation as a joke.

Sharon: No, it was funny. I mean, because the whole situation is ridiculous.

Rey: And yet you act like you did something wrong.

Traci: Breakfast?

Jack: For all of us.

Kyle: And this was your idea?

Jack: Actually, billy and i were just discussing, before you came in, how important it is for a family to break bread together.

Billy: Cute, jack.

Abby: You know, aren't we pushing it a little bit?

Kyle: Dad, sharp forks. Breakable glassware. This could require medical attention if it goes wrong.

Billy: Not "if." When.

Traci: Jack, I know you have the best intention--

Jack: Yes, I do. We all need this. So? What do you say?

Dina: Marvelous! Now, would you please all sit down?

[ Chuckles ]

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Abby: Mom. I thought you left.

Ashley: I had just gone for a walk. Oh, look. One last seat. I think I'll take it. I mean, they can vote us out as C.E.O., But they can't vote us out of our very own family, right, billy?

Jack: We would love for you to join us. Please.

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Mariah: So, how is the forced fundraising going?

Tessa: Well, sharon's letting me schedule an unlimited amount of shifts, and nick said that there's more work to do at dark horse, so I should be able to make my second payment this week.

Mariah: Second payment out of how many installments?

Tessa: I-in -- in about a year, I'll be done. Uh, maybe less than that. Maybe -- maybe 10 months.

Mariah: I hate that this is taking over your whole life.

Tessa: It's not my whole life. Because you're in it. And every time I remind myself of that, the debt goes on autopilot.

[ Door opens ] All right, well, it looks like we're getting busy again. Go talk to sharon. She missed you, too.

Mariah: Has she been hanging out more with rey?

Tessa: I guess. Lola did make them dinner the other night.

Mariah: She did? Hmm.

Sharon: Here you go.

Rey: You don't have to do that.

Sharon: Well, that's the least I could do for the free seminar.

Rey: I didn't mean to come down on you like that. It's just, I get a little caught up when it comes to the job.

Sharon: No, I didn't feel persecuted. I have never removed a mattress tag in my whole life.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] Well, feel free, though. Like you saw in the exercise, the statute only applies to mattress merchants.

Sharon: See that? I graduate college, and the learning just continues. From perp-grilling tips to feeling the freedom to do whatever I want in my own bedroom. On the mattress.

Rey: Oh.

Sharon: Uh, with the mattress, I mean. With the tags still on.

Rey: Uh-huh.

Sharon: Till I decide to give it a good yank.

Rey: Yeah.

Sharon: Um...

Mariah: Hi.

Sharon: Hi!

Mariah: [ Laughs ]

Sharon: That's perfect timing. Um, you know, rey has a lot of detection to do, so why don't you and i come over here and catch up?

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: Um, so, uh... welcome home. Tell me everything.

Mariah: Thank you. Well, I could describe illinois' five scariest corn mazes, but I kind of left you in a maze of your own. How have you been?

Sharon: Um, you know, I'm just trying to be strong, and keeping a regular routine, for faith -- and for myself.

Mariah: Any second thoughts about nick? Seeing if you guys could work it out?

Sharon: Definitely not. Telling me the truth, you did the right thing. And so did I, by breaking it off. No more going backwards for me. From now on, it is forward and upward.

Mariah: Well, I applaud you. And I'm not being judgy. I'm just curious.

Sharon: Okay?

Mariah: Is, uh, he gonna help you go up, up and away?

Sharon: Rey?! Um... mariah just forgot to say hello...

Mariah: I did.

Sharon: ...Earlier.

Mariah: I did. Hi. Hi.

[ Chuckles ]

Dina: Why is it so dreadfully quiet in this dining room?

Traci: Um... I think it's because people have a lot on their minds.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Jack: I didn't call this breakfast so that mrs. Martinez could feel important.

Billy: No, you want us all to pretend that we're peachy.

Jack: No, that is not my purpose, I promise. Look, speaking for myself, it's not easy for me to sit at this table with ashley, feeling as angry and betrayed as I do. But she is still my sister. I can't cut her out of my life. Eventually, we have to talk. Eventually, there has to be a conversation.

Ashley: I would like to discuss the plan for jabot now that my ejection is a done deal.

Billy: No, ash, you don't get to do that. Not after the sabotage job you did on my position as C.E.O. You don't get to sit there and complain about how unfairly you think you're being treated.

Ashley: Billy, I told you --

Traci: You know, uh, maybe you have something positive that you could share instead?

Billy: Yeah, sure. Why not?

[ Clears throat ] I take responsibility for my destructive choices, my [Sighs] Relapse in gambling. But we all know that my addictive behavior didn't occur in a vacuum, either. True, nobody held a gun to my head. This person was much more... subtle and shady. And I think it's time that he own his choices. Choices that were clear mitigating factors impacting my slide back into the gutter just before I was voted out as C.E.O. Kyle calculated a plot to orchestrate a train wreck spectacular enough to knock my ass out of that chair. Now, would it be nice if everybody acknowledged his heartless treachery? Yes. But, more importantly, I would rather you acknowledge my position right now in my treatment, in my choices to lead a gamble-free lifestyle... thus, reinstate me as C.E.O. Of jabot.

Kyle: But even before your high-stakes betting and felony embezzlement, you were still gambling. Pardon the pun, but that's how you roll -- making reckless, executive moves, risking huge chunks of the budget to fulfill your own thrills.

Jack: I-if I may. We're finally talking. Y-yes, mostly trashing each other, but we're talking. The ice is starting to break. That is a good thing. Another jabot board meeting was not what I had intended. Obsession with business is mostly why we find ourselves in pieces today. It seems to me, to heal ourselves, we're going to have to set business aside and focus on being a family. A family of uniquely different individuals who love each other despite those differences. Who protect that love. A love that has pushed every single one of us at this table to acts of selflessness, of heroism... and forgiveness for the sake of everyone else. If john abbott were at this table, I know in my heart, this is what he would be telling us. That there is no task more important than repairing and nurturing a family that meant everything to him.

Dina: [ Whimpers ]

Jack: I'm willing to try. Who's with me? Please tell me I'm not alone in this.

Mariah: All I'm saying is, you canceled your wedding, nick moved out, and your heart is in a vulnerable place. And now there is this charismatic, insanely fine guy. At your job. Here, at your other job. He lives upstairs. You're having dinner with him. I mean, it could get very complicated.

Sharon: It won'T. Rey has been very valuable to me at the gcpd. Plus, he helped me land the job. And, yeah, since he's been living upstairs, we've become friends. That's it. Just friends.

Mariah: Understood. It just wasn't that long ago that you were furious with rey. And now it seems like you've done a complete 180, and you trust him more than ever.

Sharon: Well, I mean, we talked, you know. And that investigation, it wasn't anything personal. He was just doing a job that he takes a lot of pride in. And I trust him. So, trust me. I've got way too much going on to shove a rebound onto my plate.

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: Oh, wonderful.

Mariah: You know what? It's about time that we throw her man-poaching carcass out of crimson lights for good. And you know what? We have a cop here to make sure she understands.

Sharon: Oh, you know what, no. Thanks for your loyalty, but it's not worth it. Phyllis and I still have business together. I can't avoid her.

Mariah: What business?

Sharon: Our...charity work.

Mariah: Please do something charitable for yourself and cut the evil tart out of your life now.

Sharon: Oh, god. I'm so used to phyllis' behavior, it doesn't shock me anymore.

Mariah: Oh, really? Like helping herself to your naked ex-fiancé?

Sharon: I can handle the bitch.

Phyllis: Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. 'Cause this bitch has something to discuss. In private.

Sharon: Of course. Let's make it quick.

Traci: We can survive this, jack. Like we have so many dark times.

Jack: As long as we are all at this table, it is possible.

Traci: And we're willing to make an effort. Start forgiving.

Abby: Right now, I think I'm still in shock. Over what billy did. What he resorted to to try and cover it up. And the lengths that kyle went to to try to expose it. But you, mom, what you did, not just at the company, but in this house, it's just so much worse. You used me. You used my special bond with my grandmother to try and punish uncle jack. I know that you were hurt. I just never thought that you could do something so horrible.

Ashley: I'm really, really sorry. I never should have pulled you into this. And I never meant to make you feel that way. Billy. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that you didn't matter, and that I didn't respect you. That was wrong of me. Because it's -- it's not how I feel. I've made these two apologies, and whether or not you all want to believe them, they're sincere. But I'm not gonna be apologizing to jack, and I am not going to be begging for anybody's forgiveness. You're all aware of the sadistic decision that jack made to use my paternity against me. And, frankly, I think it's something that you should all feel very sickened by. I mean, right now, you should feel sickened by this. But... apparently not. Um... for some strange reason, jack, and everybody else who commits a crime against this family, gets a free pass, right? I mean, you colluded with victor to take jabot public. You used your uncle's gambling addiction against him until he hit rock bottom. And, billy, you -- you hid that addiction, and you stole money from your family's company, just like you stole your brother's wife.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Ashley: But I'm the monster here, right? I mean, is that something that we can all agree on? I'm the monster? But don't you dare, any one of you, try to act like you're better than me.

Jack: We're not. If you could get over this persecution complex --

Ashley: [ Slamming table ] My god! You're gonna call me a narcissist? You, of all people? You sit in that chair, and you act like you belong there. I've got news for you. John abbott was an exceptional man. And I don't care if it's his dna that's running through your veins, you are nothing like him. And you never will be, jack.

Traci: Ashley! Ashley, what are you doing?

Billy: Oh, don't worry about it, traci. You can hear her defense. "We're all horrible. Why can't I be, too?"

[ Clears throat ] Here's the thing, ashley. You're only half right. Yeah, we've all screwed up plenty. Some of us are pretty damn good at it. But for decades, you made us believe that you were above it all. If only your newer deceptions had the same staying power. I'm gonna be at jabot. I don't need a title. I'm just gonna do everything I can to make it right.

Abby: Aunt traci.

Traci: Oh! Oh, oh! Honey! Honey, what is it? Why so sad?

Dina: [ Crying ] I don't understand why everyone is so angry.

Traci: Ohh.

Dina: You're all so angry. Why?

Traci: Oh. Okay.

Kyle: Hey.

Billy: Don't talk to me.

Kyle: Even if it's about summer and you?

Billy: I don't care what you think you know, kyle.

Kyle: You went to bed with her. After you found out phyllis did the same with nick.

Billy: It's none of your business.

Kyle: It kind of is, since she confided in me. And even though she said it meant something to her, she hasn't heard from you since.

Billy: What would you like me to do?

Kyle: Speak to her. She deserves to know where she stands, 'cause i sure as hell have no idea. Do you?

Abby: Cinnamon tea.

Dina: Oh, thank you.

Abby: Your favorite.

Dina: [ Chuckles ] Oh, thank you.

Jack: Mother, we are so very sorry we upset you.

Traci: And it will never happen again.

Dina: Okay. Okay.

Traci: Conflict and tension frighten and depress her.

Kyle: We should all think about that. Not be so selfish.

Jack: Especially during meals.

Ashley: Is there something you want to say to me?

Traci: Just how disappointed I am.

Ashley: Yeah, I'm disappointed, too. In you. It's unfortunate that I'm the only one that stands up to jack's hypocritical and self-righteous behavior.

[ Sighs ] I should go.

Traci: Probably. Don't you worry. Everything's going to be okay.

Rey: So, what's the deal?

Mariah: With?

Rey: Those two. I'm surprised your mom lets her get coffee in here, let alone talks to her.

Mariah: Yeah, sharon is too proud to let anyone think that phyllis intimidates her. Plus they have this charity project they're working on together, I guess.

Rey: I'd get a different charity. Your mom's a better woman than I am. So to speak.

Mariah: Heh. I'm dying to know what kind of person you are. Shall we?

Sharon: You being in here just comes off as bizarre.

Phyllis: I haven't received another note from our pen-pal. Have you? Thank god. I think that non-payment was a good strategy.

Sharon: Well, nikki did pay. Sort of. She sent that foreign account $1. Pushed back a little.

Phyllis: That's good. That's good. It gets our gutless creep to back off.

Sharon: Or she has enraged someone very twisted who is now plotting revenge.

Phyllis: Why are you being so negative?

Sharon: Did you really just ask me that?

Phyllis: I'm just saying, odds are, one thing could go right for us in our otherwise miserable lives.

Sharon: Not mine. I'm feeling very liberated. Much like billy, I'm guessing.

Phyllis: All I'm doing is guessing. He's avoiding every attempt at contact. I mean, I think the whole thing is just insulting. It's childish.

Sharon: Oh, well, now look who's being negative. He's in a rehab program. Just think of yourself as another toxic, destructive habit that he needs to quit.

Summer: Okay. [ Sighs ]

Billy: Come in.

Summer: Hi.

Billy: Hey. Thanks for coming. Have a seat.

Summer: Yeah. Thank you, uh, for texting me. It'S... really great to see you again. After treatment, I mean. Um... I just hope that you're feeling better. I was really worried about you.

Billy: Yeah. It was exactly what I needed to clear the fog in my head. Ready to make some positive changes.

Summer: Well, you already have. This is your new and improved life, and... I'm ready to be a part of it.

Billy: Yeah. Recovery is not a destination. It's a journey. And the first year is best taken solo. Little too scary and stressful to inflict that on anybody you care about.

Summer: But if the person cares about you, then that's a decision that they'd want to make for themselves.

Billy: I don't think you're hearing me.

Summer: Look, I'm an adult, and I can decide what's best for me. I have, and... it's you.

Billy: Summer --

Summer: No, I know. I'd given up on you. I had accepted that there was nothing that was gonna happen between us. Okay? My expectations were completely zero. Till you came to me and told me that you finally realized that you needed me. And as incredible as hearing those words from you felt, our night together was a thousand times better. It was proof that it -- it really hadn't all been in my mind. You felt the same connection as I did. Billy, no illness could scare me away, okay? I care way too much about you.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Mariah: I was surprised to see how close you've gotten with sharon in the last few days.

Rey: Is it really that shocking?

Mariah: You're a busy guy. Seems like you've gone out of your way to befriend her.

Rey: Your mother was the first person in genoa city to show me any kindness. The only one in quite some time.

Mariah: Well, that's sharon. Even with all the rotten stuff she's been through, her default is to be generous and kind. See the best in people. Until proven otherwise.

Rey: Mm. Which has happened way too often

Mariah: You're a cop. You know firsthand how scummy the world can be.

Rey: Sounds like you do, too.

Mariah: Oh, yes. I learned that very early on. No law-enforcement training required.

Rey: I'm sorry to hear that.

Mariah: You're going to be much sorrier if I find out that this conveniently-located friendship includes more benefits that free coffee and cupcakes.

Rey: I got the warning.

Mariah: You think I'm joking.

Rey: No. Not at all. You remind me of my sister. That's a compliment, by the way. I respect any woman who is not afraid to bottom-line it. Especially when it comes to looking out for their mother. And in the same spirit, I'm married, so... the only thing I'm offering sharon is... friendly, platonic support. No drama.

Mariah: I'm relieved. Thank you for listening.

Rey: You're welcome. Do you have another minute?

Mariah: Yeah, sure. For what? J.T. Hellstrom. Still my case.

Mariah: How can I help?

Rey: Well, it says in the police report that you were at victoria newman's party, but slept through when J.T. Hellstrom crashed it. Is that accurate?

Mariah: Uh, yeah. I was in charge of making the margaritas, and I wanted to make sure they were perfect, which meant rigorous taste-testing and not enough time to eat.

Rey: Oh. No wonder you fell asleep.

Mariah: Let's be real. I passed out. Heh...

Rey: So, is there anything you remember that's not in the police report? It's right here if you want to take a look.

Sharon: You're both still here!

Mariah: Hey. How did it go with phyllis?

Sharon: Oh, there was no charity issue. And she left with every clump of hair on her head that she walked in with.

Rey: Ahh, you killed it.

Sharon: And I caught you using my famous and beloved daughter to sharpen your interrogation skills. Not in my coffeehouse.

Rey: Yeah, well, we can always take it down to the station. Technically you're still a witness.

Sharon: The only thing she witnessed was the effects of a tequila hangover. The next morning. At home. Hey, where's your power smoothie?

Mariah: Uh, what?

Sharon: Come on. Tessa's been waiting to make it for you.

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: Excuse us.

Rey: Wait.

Sharon: What's up?

Rey: You tell me. You seem like you've been irritated with me all morning. What'd I do?

Jack: Look, I've put off talking about this, but it can't wait.

Kyle: "It"?

Jack: Your plan to take billy down.

Kyle: Dad, listen --

Jack: Manipulating your uncle back into his addiction -- how could you possibly think that was justified? What if it was abby and she had manipulated things so that I was hooked on painkillers again because she didn't like my decisions at dark horse?

Kyle: It'd be unforgivable.

Jack: Of course it would be unforgivable. It should have occurred to you when ashley, with her vendetta against me, couldn't stomach this plan of yours.

Kyle: She was fine using the results to further her agenda, so I can't take too much of her phony moral outrage. How can you?

Jack: I guess I thought it was her last gasp. The good part of ashley crying out before the darkness and the hate swept in. And, boy, has it. What she said at that table... it cut me to the core.

Kyle: Me too. Afterwards, I regretted siding with her against billy. Now he hates me. Like you probably do.

Jack: No, no. I hate -- I hate what you did. But I understand it better now. Look, give billy time. I know he doesn't like the way you reacted, but he's to blame for most of it.

Kyle: He can stay pissed at me for 60 years if he never gambles again.

Jack: Fortunately, it doesn't work that way. If an addict truly wants to recover, they have to learn to forgive.

Kyle: Hope that happens.

Jack: That makes two of us, son.

Ashley: Oh, god. Look, I'm not in the mood to hear you gloat, so either you leave or I do.

Kyle: Gloating would indicate malicious glee, or some kind of satisfaction in all this.

Ashley: Okay. So, then, why are you here?

Kyle: You've always been so meticulous. Never making a move without calculating the outcome to the closest probable degree. I think it's the chemist in you. But this time you lost control of the experiment, and what resulted was a mess beyond anything you imagined. You were so angry. Your only focus was tasting vengeance as quickly as possible. And so arrogant!

Ashley: Kyle. You can't talk to me about arrogance. That's priceless.

Kyle: So is the lesson you taught me on how to ruin a dream opportunity. You almost got away with it. If you'd only paid your genetics crony andrew with your own money, you would have succeeded.

[ Scoffs ] And I'd be the one who helped you do it. To my dad. To billy. Hell, to the whole family.

Ashley: Yeah, I think you're forgetting your enormous enthusiasm for the task. Using your uncle's gambling addiction against him.

Kyle: I'll never forget that. Or stop regretting what a heartless, ignorant mistake I made. I had the audacity to think I was better than billy. More cutting-edge. Smarter. Future of jabot. And I proved how wrong I was by choosing to team up with you. You thought you were invincible. But you got sloppy. Just like billy. At least billy could blame his gambling.

Billy: I think we're looking at what happened through different lenses.

Summer: One thing was very clear -- that we wanted each other. And I was just as into it as you were. Billy, something beautiful can be born out of the most tragic conditions, and I really do think that you and I could be great together.

Summer: Okay, when you were at rock bottom, there was a reason that you called me.

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Tessa: Hi.

Mariah: I have noticed a lot of weird things going on today. Okay. Well, maybe just two. But still.

Tessa: Okay.

Mariah: So, first, sharon's welcoming, mature behavior, it's uncalled for.

Tessa: Well, the customers seem to like it.

Mariah: No, no, I-I -- I mean with phyllis.

Tessa: Oh.

Mariah: Why is she even talking to that sex-crazed barracuda? What could they possibly be discussing?

Tessa: I don't know. I stayed away.

Mariah: It's weird. That's all I'm saying. And -- and with this rey thing.

Tessa: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Okay. If it's so organic, and it's so healthy, then why did she practically pull me up from the table like I needed the heimlich? Something is going on with her. And we need to find out what.

Rey: I needed to ask mariah some questions about hellstrom. I don't suspect her of anything. So what's the problem?

Sharon: Okay. I'll just tell you. I made mariah go to victoria's that night. And the only plus was that she blacked out so that she didn't see him crash the party. Say I'm obstructing. But I'm her mom. I want her left out of it.

Rey: Mariah's equipped to take care of herself. And kick some ass if need be. You missed her interrogating me.

Sharon: How'd you hold up?

Rey: I told her the truth. You and I are just friends. Accurate?

Sharon: Well, of course.

Ashley: How's mother?

Abby: She's resting. Doing well, for now.

Jack: We were all just discussing ways to keep mother's happiness and welfare a top priority around here.

Traci: Yes, there's just too much tension in the house with all of us living here, and we can't have another incident like this morning.

Jack: We all can do better.

Ashley: And by "we," you mean me. I mean, I am the source of the tension, so... I think the best solution is for me just to move out.

Abby: Mom, you don't have to do that.

Ashley: Yeah, I think I do. I don't want to make things worse for our mother. And I don't want to stay where I'm not wanted.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I've tried to be reasonable. Even kind. But you're not getting it, so I'll be blunt. I have no romantic interest in you. None.

[ Door opens ]

Phyllis: Hey. I heard you were in the building. What's going on here?

Billy: I was just about to tell summer that the reason why I slept with her was knowing what it would do to you when you found out. So there we go. Now you know.

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