Y&R Transcript Friday 9/21/18
Episode #11451 ~ Victor makes a tough decision; Traci returns home; Nick and Sharon struggle with secrets.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Kyle: Billy isn't just a guy with a gambling problem. He's a C.E.O. With an embezzling problem.
Ashley: There's another blood abbott.
Kyle: Aunt traci has zero business experience and wants nothing to do with running jabot.
Ashley: We can convince her to take the job just long enough to go to the board, get rid of the blood-abbott clause.
Matt: Jack just wants answers about his family. Aren't you curious if he belongs to ours?
Victor: I know everything there is to know about jack abbott, and so should you.
Matt: Maybe we should just drop it.
Jack: You are my last shot at finding out whether victor and I are brothers.
Victoria: If you're working for the police department, then you can keep tabs on rey and his investigation into J.T.'S disappearance.
Sharon: I would have to go to work every day and lie to my co-workers.
Victoria: Isn't it better than the idea of going to prison?
Rey: The new employee starting today. Her name is sharon newman. Yeah, no, I-I already told you -- her official title is victim liaison. Yes. That's her. Can -- can you make sure the desk that she's assigned is near mine in the bullpen? Why? Because we're gonna be working together. A lot.
Nick: Hey, you excited for your -- oh, sorry.
Sharon: It's okay. I'm on hold.
Nick: With who?
Sharon: The police station. I've decided taking this job isn't such a good idea.
Billy: Hey, you texting with ashley?
Kyle: Trying to. No luck.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah, me too. Any idea where she is?
Kyle: Nope.
Billy: She's got to sign off on these urgent orders for the new stores. I can't get ahold of her. What do you need her for?
Kyle: Minor stuff. Way below your pay grade.
Billy: All right. Well, I'm gonna have to catch up with her at the office. I'll see you later.
Ashley: Ta-da!
Traci: [ Laughing ]
Billy: Hey! Hi.
Traci: Hi!
Billy: What are you -- you're supposed to be on your book tour. What's going on?
Traci: [ Laughs ] I was. Mwah! But I decided it was time for me to come home for a while. And ashley was kind enough to get me at the airport.
Billy: Well...
Traci: Nice to see you.
Billy: You too.
Abby: Hi, dad.
Victor: Hi, there, sweetheart.
Abby: I was hoping I would find you in here when you weren't in your office.
Victor: Yes. So, what brings you by?
Abby: Well, I -- I just wanted to see how you're doing. You know, everything going on with jack.
Victor: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Jack and his ridiculous search to find out if he and i are brothers.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Victor: I don't want anything to do with that. And if he were here right now, I would tell him to stop this scavenger hunt.
Abby: That's just it. Um... I saw him yesterday. And he's not about to give up.
Jack: Matt. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate this more than you know.
Matt: I'm not here to give you the answers you want to hear.
Jack: Victor got to you.
Matt: No, he's avoiding me.
Jack: [ Sighs ]
Matt: I reached out to him several times since yesterday. He's not accepting my calls.
Jack: The last thing I wanted to do was cause a rift between the two of you. But I need answers. And since victor won't give me the dna to prove or disprove that albert's my father, you're my last resort.
Matt: You have my sympathy, but you're gonna have to get your answers from somewhere else. I'm not changing my mind on this.
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Sharon: They must be busy down there. I'll call back in a few minutes.
Nick: What's really going on?
Sharon: I just decided...
Nick: What, that this great new job that you were hand-picked for isn't so great after all?
Sharon: It's just happening so fast.
Nick: So maybe first-day jitters?
Sharon: You know, anybody would be hesitant. I barely got the cap and gown off, and rey came dangling this job.
Nick: So rey is the problem?
Sharon: Well, I don't trust him.
Nick: Why? Because he lied about who he is and what he's really doing here?
Sharon: Isn't that reason enough? He arrested you.
Nick: He is a cop. He is investigating a case. Can you hold a grudge against the guy for that?
Sharon: You have a point, but --
Nick: Plus, I mean, he's working hard to try and figure out where J.T. Is. That's got to be a good thing.
Sharon: Yeah. Of course it is.
Nick: And remember -- rey is just the messenger. Paul's the chief. And you'll be working for him, and I know you trust him.
Sharon: Why are you pushing this? I don't want to do it, okay? Can we just leave it at that?
Nick: Yes. Sorry.
Sharon: Dealing with crime victims is very sensitive work. What if I say the wrong thing and I make a terrible situation even worse?
Nick: Or you could save people's lives, sharon.
Sharon: Me, save people's lives? Other than crimson lights, I haven't had a real job in a while.
Nick: Okay, certified counselor. You're the one with the brand-spanking-new diploma. What would you tell you? That there are people out there who need my help. And I shouldn't let old anxieties creep in. I'm a more capable and competent person now, and... I shouldn't be selfish. No matter what's going on in my own mind, I owe it to those people to show up for them.
Nick: I'm sold. How 'bout you?
Sharon: I don't want to be late for my first day of work.
Nick: There's my girl. That was for luck.
Sharon: Well, in that case, I'm gonna need more of that.
Nick: Go get 'em.
Abby: Dad, I know that you want all of this to just go away, but uncle jack is determined, and he's gonna pursue every avenue.
Victor: Well, we'll see about that.
Abby: I don't want this to cause you any unnecessary stress. It wasn't that long ago that you were seriously ill.
Victor: Sweetheart, I have a physical-therapy session later on this day. Why don't you come by? Watch me crush it?
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Victor: You know, put your worries to rest.
Abby: Dad, you can't tell me that nikki and I don't share the same concern. And we both know that M.S. Flare-ups can be caused by stress. Do you really want to risk worrying her unnecessarily?
Victor: I taught you well, didn't I? Hmm?
Abby: And I still have a lot to learn. But in order for that to happen, I need you healthy and strong.
Victor: Well, then why don't you come by and watch me work out? And see how healthy and strong I've become again, okay?
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Victor: And when I get the all-clear from the doctor, you apologize, okay? Don't you worry. You know what working out does to me? It takes my mind off all the nonsense. All right? And certainly will take my mind off jack abbott trying to search for my dna.
Abby: Mwah!
Victor: See you later, my darling.
Abby: Okay.
Victor: Okay.
Jack: A dna test does not require any monumental effort. It's one swab. That's it.
Matt: I am aware. That's not the reason I'm refusing to do this. As much as I'd like to know the truth, helping you feels just a little bit like betrayal.
Jack: Huh. Betraying victor is a measure of greatness in this town.
Matt: Well, be that as it may, the answer's still no.
Jack: Because victor's been so good to you.
Matt: We may not be close, but he's still my brother. And whatever brotherly relationship you and I might have, it's still hypothetical at this point. So if you want that dna, it's gonna have to come from victor.
Nick: Hey, jack. Sorry if I'm interrupting.
Jack: Wait, you don't know him?
Nick: No, sorry. Have we met?
Jack: Nick newman, meet your uncle, matt miller.
Nick: Oh, my dad's brother?
Matt: It's a pleasure to meet you, nick.
Jack: Join us, join us.
Nick: Uh... man, this is -- this is weird. I, uh...
[ Chuckles ] Feels like I should be meeting you at thanksgiving dinner or something, not here.
Matt: Well, victor and I are friendly, but that's about the extent of it. And I've been living in oregon.
Nick: What brings you to town?
Matt: You want to explain that?
Jack: Matt and I have been trying to figure out if you should start calling me "uncle," as well.
[ Door closes ]
Rey: I don't know who sent the plant, but the balloon was from me. I just want you to know how glad I am that you're here.
Sharon: Thanks.
Rey: Who sent it?
Sharon: Nick.
Traci: So, awesome turnout at all the venues.
Kyle: The power of social media.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Ashley: And really, really good writing.
Traci: Oh! [ Laughs ] And my readers. They're just amazing. They never fail to make me feel appreciated and validated.
Billy: Thought you had several weeks left on the tour. Why are you back so soon?
Traci: Well, ashley called me, and we had a nice long talk.
Billy: Is that right? What about?
Traci: Um... how mother is declining. I know that jack has moved back in to try to help out, and I really felt that I needed to be here, too.
Billy: Okay. Well, that's great. Um, listen, I was supposed to go to the office, but I feel bad jamming out when you just got here.
Ashley: Why don't we have breakfast together?
Traci: Oh, I would love that.
Ashley: Okay?
Traci: You know, I'm going to go say hello to mrs. Martinez and tell her that I'm here.
Billy: I'll come with you. She'll be glad to see you.
Kyle: You just happened to call traci and tell her about dina when traci's the one you're relying on to take over for billy?
Ashley: I'm not having this conversation with you. I want to reconnect with my sister.
Kyle: Why are you sidelining me? You don't still think I had something to do with billy's gambling? Come on!
Ashley: You told me you had nothing to do with it. So why would I doubt you? I think the real question here is, why do you keep forcing it?
Nate: Well, since I last saw you, I wasn't expecting a big change --
Victor: Why, nor should you. But thank you for reassuring my daughter.
Nate: Everything checks out fine. His blood pressure's excellent.
Abby: Thank you, nate.
[ Chuckles ]
Nate: So, is there any new stress that you're dealing with?
Victor: Mm... nothing out of the ordinary, no. So, you see? Nothing to worry about.
Abby: I will try to contain my worry.
Victor: Well, sweetheart, as you can see, I'm in perfectly capable hands. And you come by and check in on me any time.
Abby: I sure will.
Victor: Okay. Bye, now.
Abby: Bye, dad. Thank you, nate. Bye.
Nate: So, was that the, uh -- was that the truth just now? About there not being any new stress? 'Cause I picked up on a vibe.
Nick: This search for jack's father, that's what brings you to town?
Matt: Well, I happened to be in madison, and when i got the call from jack, it was an easy detour. Easy from a geographical standpoint, at least.
Nick: What do you mean?
Jack: Because victor refuses to verify that we share the same father, being the good guy that he is, matt does not want to go behind victor's back.
Nick: Well, that would make you the polar opposite of your brother, then.
Matt: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: Would a dna sample from me help?
Jack: No. Thank you, but I think the definitive sample has to come from matt or victor.
Nick: Look, it's none of my business, but are you sure you don't want to help jack? I know that I would want to know what's what if it were me.
Matt: Victor and I never got a chance to have a one-on-one yesterday. Clearly he didn't like being surprised at finding me talking to jack. But how about this -- what if I go to victor, see if a compromise can't be struck?
Jack: I would be so grateful.
Nick: Sounds like a long shot. I don't know anyone who can talk victor newman into anything. And you -- be careful what you wish for.
Sharon: This looks like a mug shot.
Rey: Yeah, that's because the guy who does the photo I.D.S also does the mug shots. He has a style.
Sharon: You didn't have to go with me to human resources, or buy me the balloon.
Rey: Yes, I did. You're mad at me, so this is me chipping away at that to create a happy and conducive work environment. How am I doing?
Sharon: You have a long way to go.
Rey: So, who's running the coffeehouse now?
Sharon: Um, my staff. I always knew that one day I would step back when I got my career up and running. And if this job tanks, there's always cappuccinos.
Rey: It is not going to tank. You are a natural. You just tell me if you need anything, and I will set you up.
Sharon: I could use a pen.
Rey: Here. Take mine. Ivy. Thank you for coming. Here, we can talk right in there. That woman's connected with a drug gang in the city.
Sharon: She's a criminal? She looks like a victim.
Rey: Sometimes you can be both. Come here. She was just released because the charges against her were dropped. Now I'm trying to get her into delivering state's evidence in order to testify against the gang. But it's been tricky.
Sharon: Why are you involved in local cases? I thought that you were just here investigating what happened to J.T.?
Rey: Paul's determined to get his department's money's worth out of me, and I don't mind chipping in. Take a look at this. Get caught up. Fast. I think I could use your help in there. Welcome to the show.
Billy: You've had my money for less than 48 hours, and you're telling me I'm 50 grand down? I thought the whole idea was to minimize risk, and you're telling me I'm not gonna have a payout this week. This better not happen again.
Ashley: I know. [ Laughs ]
Billy: [ Sighs ] Just keep me posted.
Kyle: Everything all right?
Billy: Yeah. Just a supplier that's gonna miss a deadline. I'm gonna have to get to the office.
Traci: Oh. Will you be home for dinner?
Billy: Yes. Absolutely. For you, of course.
Traci: Oh. Mwah!
Ashley: And I took care of that order you texted me about. Okay? And I think I'm gonna work from a little bit today.
Billy: That's fine. Um... I'll see you later.
Traci: Okay. You know, ashley, you really don't have to hang around here just for me. Actually, I was planning to spend a little time with mother today.
Ashley: Okay. Well, do you want me to go up with you?
Traci: No, thank you. I -- I'm fine on my own. You know, she always seems to like me, even though she doesn't remember I'm her daughter.
[ Chuckles ]
Ashley: Oh! Well, I'm here if you need me.
Traci: Thank you. And thank you for calling me and getting me home.
Ashley: Of course. Yeah.
Traci: And... I am so grateful that everyone is here for her. It doesn't make it any easier, though.
Ashley: I know.
Kyle: Did you notice billy's mood? He usually doesn't get that tense with suppliers missing deadlines.
Ashley: Yeah. Maybe he doesn't like to have his addiction manipulated by a family member.
Kyle: I told you, I had nothing --
Ashley: I know, and I heard you the first several times.
Kyle: But thanks to me, we do know billy's gambling again, and it's led to him stealing from his own company.
Ashley: Okay. I don't want to hurt billy. But I have an obligation to jabot.
Kyle: And right now, traci's the only one who can replace billy if he's ousted. Isn't that the real reason you called her?
Ashley: I've always put the needs of jabot first. You can draw any conclusions you'd like from that.
Kyle: I've always been in your corner. And still am.
Ashley: Good to know.
Victor: How's neil, by the way?
Nate: I --
Matt: [ Knocks ]
Victor: Matt! My brother, matt miller.
Nate: Nate hastings.
Victor: Nate is a friend of the family.
Matt: Nice to meet you.
Nate: Likewise. I'm gonna take off. But, uh, I'll talk to you later.
Victor: Thank you for coming by. Matt miller. I'll be damned. You came by for another chat, or what?
Matt: No, actually, victor, I came by to apologize. I'm sorry my arrival here has caused you so much tension.
Victor: You and I haven't really talked a lot, have we, over the years? But as my brother, I thought I could rely on your understanding. Most of all, your loyalty.
Matt: Of course you can. You and I hashed out what albert meant to each of us a long time ago.
Victor: Then why the hell were you talking to jack abbott?
Matt: Just clarifying what he needed.
Victor: Mmm. Honestly, I never thought i would ever talk about my father again.
Matt: Is that really a workable solution? To pretend that jack's questions about his paternity don't exist?
Victor: You're the only brother I want.
Sharon: [ Sighs ]
Rey: Come in. I hope you don't mind, I suggest to one of my assoc--
Sharon: Hi, ivy. I'm sharon newman. My job here is victim liaison. Do you know what that means?
Ivy: I'm not sure.
Sharon: It means that I'm an advocate for people like you, whose lives have been affected by crime. Basically, my job is to look out for you. And to help when things get complicated or confusing. Simply said, I'm on your side.
Rey: Ivy and I were just talking about her possibly helping out the department by testifying. Is there something you want to contribute?
Sharon: Yes, there is. Here's the thing you need to remember, ivy -- you don't have to do anything you don't want to, and that includes testifying.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Matt: What's sad is, I was as close as madison, and never thought to come by and say hello.
Victor: Well, you know, even... closeness between brothers depends on both sides, you know, working on it.
Matt: Is that an accusation or a confession?
Victor: Oh, well, it's both. I mean, let's put it this way -- even people who live with you, sometimes one has a relationship with them that isn't what one had envisioned, you know?
Matt: All the more reason to give jack all the information he needs. Maybe it'll turn a page between the two of you, lead to something unexpected.
Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I have absolutely no interest, zero interest, in establishing any kind of a relationship with jack abbott, okay? The man has no spine.
Matt: It takes a strong man to search out his origins, overcome his past, and look toward an uncertain future... as did you. You dropped the "christian miller" name.
Victor: Yeah.
Matt: Made a new man of yourself. Look at everything you made of yourself, everything you've created for yourself.
Victor: There is no comparison between jack abbott and me on any level.
Matt: Okay. I get it. You can't stand the guy.
Victor: No.
Matt: Then why even entertain the idea that you might be related?
Victor: Right. Why, indeed?
Matt: Maybe because it has something to do with father.
Victor: Oh, come on.
Matt: Now, just hear me out on this.
Victor: Are you insinuating that albert miller still has a presence in my life? He has none! Doesn't exist for me. He's banished.
Matt: I know. I know. I know. We all went through this, and we agreed that we're better off without the bastard in our lives.
Victor: Right.
Matt: Sounds great. Now's your chance to prove it.
Victor: Oh, come on. What, is this a challenge or what?
Sharon: It must have been a relief to have those homicide charges dropped.
Ivy: Yes.
Rey: Ivy was defending herself. It doesn't matter that you were in that man's room to get drugs. You had the right to fight back when he attacked you, and the D.A. Understood that.
Sharon: And now you're being asked to testify against the man that drug dealer worked for, and that scares you.
Rey: Well, that's where we come in. The police department protects witnesses.
Sharon: Do you know anything about witness protection?
Ivy: Just the movies.
Sharon: Where the bad guys always somehow find the witness. That's not how it is. I happen to know someone in witness protection. It's been years, and there's no word that he's ever been found, so --
Ivy: He must be okay.
Sharon: After years of being terrorized by your dealer and his friends, I'm sure it's hard to imagine ever letting go of that fear, no matter how many cops promise that you will be protected.
Ivy: Did it happen to you, too?
Sharon: I have a friend who was abused.
Ivy: Yeah. Right.
Sharon: I know from her experience, being certain that your abuser will never harm you again, that is the most important thing.
Rey: Ivy, as much as I want to arrest the next bad guy, I would never put you in danger to add another notch on my belt. I take pride in keeping my promises. I will not let them get to you.
Ivy: My family...
Rey: Well, they --
Sharon: You know, I've reviewed your case very carefully. Getting hooked on opiates was not a choice of yours. You were in a car accident, right? And then things got more difficult from there.
Ivy: Yeah.
Sharon: Well, you've seen that before, haven't you, detective?
Rey: Yeah. The drugs take hold. Then you're on to something else. You start going for harder stuff, and before you know it, you're hanging out with questionable people just to keep the supply going. You lose control of your life.
Sharon: Are you afraid of your husband?
Ivy: No. I thought he'd walk away, take the kids. Not to hurt me.
Sharon: But to protect them.
Ivy: Mm-hmm. He tried to understand, to help.
Sharon: He loves you.
Ivy: He used to.
Sharon: Did you get help?
Ivy: [ Scoffs ] Rehab. But I kept doing the drugs anyway.
Sharon: And that's when you lost your husband and your family.
Ivy: I broke the trust. I lied to him. He couldn't take it.
Sharon: What do you want, ivy?
Ivy: Besides my next hit?
Sharon: You can get high again if you want to. Or you can stay sober and never testify. It's up to you. What happens next is your decision.
Ivy: I want my husband and my children to... be proud of me.
Sharon: And you can have that. By helping the police department and making sure that these dealers never do to another family what they did to yours.
Sharon: Well?
Rey: It's a done deal. Ivy's agreed to testify thanks to you.
Sharon: I just asked a few questions.
Rey: No, you heard her, and spoke her language. You gave her the chance to examine her experience, and she never wants anyone to ever go through that ordeal.
Sharon: Well, that's good.
Rey: It's exceptional. In all my experiences dealing with victims, it's rare to see that -- the depth of empathy that you showed in there.
Sharon: You didn't like it at first.
Rey: Yeah, I mean, when you told her she didn't have to testify, I almost lost it.
Sharon: Yeah, I could tell.
Rey: But because you showed her that you understand, I was able to get her to sign on the dotted line.
[ Sighs ]
Sharon: Well, you weren't so bad in there.
Rey: Hmm.
Sharon: You know, you respected ivy, and you didn't treat her like a failure, and... you were nice.
Rey: Don't say that too loud.
Sharon: Oh, you afraid I'll ruin your rep?
Rey: Oh, it's already done. At my old house, my chief used to say that -- you cannot tell anybody I told you this.
Sharon: Oh, this is strictly confidential.
Rey: He said that I have a soft touch. I'm supposed to be a tough detective, right?
Sharon: Then how did you earn the nickname?
Rey: It was during this one investigation. I decided to take one of the witnesses home with me. I just wanted the guy to have a couple nights' rest. He hadn't had a roof over his head in a couple months.
Sharon: You did that?
Rey: Yeah, well... maybe sometimes I get too personally involved. But I don't know any other way to work.
Sharon: Well, as long as we're sharing, I did the same thing once.
Rey: What? No.
Sharon: Last christmas, I took in a homeless woman and her kids.
Rey: Oh. Nick must have gotten a kick out of that.
Sharon: Well, it took a while, but he eventually saw things my way.
Rey: Well, we have something in common. Maybe working together will turn out okay.
Sharon: Maybe it will. I'm going to go back in there and keep ivy company.
Rey: Be my guest. And, sharon, um... well done. It's a good first day.
Billy: What happened last night better be a one-time thing. I'm sure I'm not the only member who's pissed off about what happened. Get it together.
[ Knock on door ]
Kyle: Still hacked at those suppliers? Want me to handle it?
Billy: It's under control.
Kyle: That's what I'm here for. To help.
Billy: I don't need it.
Kyle: Well, when you're in over your head, what good does it do to shut your trusted lieutenants out?
Billy: Who says I'm in over my head? Or that you're trusted?
Kyle: C.E.O. Is a demanding job. If you pretend otherwise, you might as well be rolling the dice with the company.
Billy: You know, kyle, you remind me of some of the stories I used to hear about your old man. Smilin' jack abbott. Cocky, calculating, even a little ruthless because there was no check on his ambition.
Kyle: What's wrong with being ambitious?
Billy: Jack got a lot of pain and disappointment for his trouble, and look where he is now. He's out at his own company, working as a subordinate for a newman, no less.
[ Sighs ] Be careful. You'll end up just like him. On the outside looking in.
Traci: [ Sighs ]
Ashley: How'd it go?
Traci: Well [Sighs] I'm used to her not recognizing me, but... ashley, mother is so disconnected now. We sat together for the longest time just holding hands. And, honestly, I don't know if she was aware it was happening.
Ashley: I know, honey.
[ Sighs ] And I really hate to add to your burden, but we have another very difficult topic to discuss.
Traci: What's wrong?
Ashley: Please sit down. You're not gonna want to hear it. I don't want to say it. I haven't talked to billy, but I'm -- I'm very worried about him.
Traci: Phyllis. Has she done something to hurt him like she did with jack?
Ashley: It's not -- it's not phyllis.
Traci: That woman --
Ashley: It's not phyllis. Billy's demons have been reasserting themselves lately.
Traci: Oh, no. Is he gambling again?
Ashley: Yeah. And I didn't want to believe that it was possible, but the last couple days, I've seen documentation that have proven that billy has bought into a very high-priced gambling syndicate.
Traci: Oh, no. I've heard about those things.
Ashley: Yeah. And if it was just, you know, a poker game at an after-hours joint, or he was leaving work to go to the track, I wouldn't be so concerned. But I do know that to buy into one of these syndicates is a six-figure proposition.
Traci: Oh!
Ashley: I didn't want to believe that he could have slipped so badly. You know that I have an obligation as C.O.O. To protect jabot. Billy's got to step aside to handle this. If he doesn't do it voluntarily, then we have to use other means.
Traci: What do you mean, "other means"?
Ashley: As you know, you can't be C.E.O. Unless you are a relative of dad's -- a true abbott.
Traci: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Ashley, no. I am not qualified, under any circumstances, to run jabot.
Ashley: Traci, you won't have to be C.E.O. For long. Okay? Just -- just long enough to get rid of that stupid blood-abbott clause, then somebody else who's more qualified can take over. Qualified because of their skills, not their dna. Please tell me that you'll help. Please.
Kyle: Kind of odd, you accusing me of being blindly ambitious when you're the guy who screwed over his own brother to take over the place.
Billy: Jack screwed himself.
Kyle: Yeah, my dad wouldn't be nick's number two had you agreed to a vote on the blood-abbott clause. But once you got used to sitting in that chair, you changed your mind about repealing it. You didn't want anyone else to have that privilege except yourself. Well, actions like that have consequences.
Billy: What does that mean?
[ Door slams ]
Ashley: I am so sorry that I had to dump all this on you. I mean, your very first day back.
Traci: No, no. I'm grateful that you told me.
[ Stammers ] And... helping billy is paramount. It just can't wait.
Ashley: Right. I'm so happy you understand.
Traci: Of course. And thank you for calling me, and thank you for getting me back here. Not a moment too soon, it seems.
Ashley: So you're gonna help the company?
Traci: Ashley, I have no place running jabot, even temporarily. But I do have an idea. I have something else that might work even better. And we can implement it right away.
Ashley: What's that?
Traci: If we take away billy's job, it may make things worse. So I believe that we should stage an intervention, right away, and we should help billy quit gambling.
Nick: Hey! How was the first day?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] It was very... eye-opening.
Nick: Interesting cases?
Sharon: One in particular. The tragedy didn't end with the victim. Lots of collateral damage. Husband, kids.
Nick: Why is that?
Sharon: Because of lies, mostly.
Nick: Lies are what broke up the family?
Sharon: Yeah.
Nick: Well, I guess it's a good lesson on honesty.
Sharon: I guess.
Jack: Uh, what's going on? Your message was pretty vague.
Victor: What's going on is that we are doing this.
Jack: Doing -- meaning...?
Victor: Dr. Hastings is going to take samples from both of our cheeks, submit those samples for a dna test.
Jack: Then you came to your senses.
Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. I'm only agreeing to do this to prove once and for all that you and I are not related at all. Now let dr. Hastings do his job.
Jack: How long will this take?
Nate: We could have the results as early as tomorrow.
Victor: Hmm.
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Jill: I hear you've been gambling again, billy.
Billy: That's what this is? You dragged me here for what?
[ Scoffs ] An intervention? Okay. You've all lost your minds.
Victor: Got the results? Well, what did they say?
Matt: Is jack abbott our brother?
Your daughter's been arrested.
Lily: What?!
Nick: I'm telling sharon the truth -- that me and you had a one-time thing, and it's done.
Sharon: I need to tell nicholas the truth about J.T.'S death. All of it.
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