Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/19/18
Episode #11449 ~ Sharon celebrates a milestone; Phyllis receives shocking news; Ashley faces a moral dilemma.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Kyle: That big betting syndicate you told me about in manhattan -- is that still around? Not for me. Far too rich for my blood. But I know someone who might be interested.
Billy: "Join us in the winner's circle. Amazing opportunity for elite gamblers." I need you to take care of one thing before you take off. I'm sorry to do this.
Gloria: [ Sighs ]
Billy: This is a confidential wire transfer from the jabot account.
Rey: Now we know when hellstrom was spotted for real, the night of the women's party at victoria newman's house. Right there lies the path to the truth.
Sharon: Hi. Didn't hear you.
Nick: What are you doing? Your last final was weeks ago. Today's the big day. The hard part is over.
Sharon: Actually, it's not over until I walk away from the podium. I'm giving the student address.
Nick: What? Seriously? Are you nervous?
Sharon: More like excited. This is the payoff, nick. The big finish.
Gloria: Oh, good morning! Coffee's on your desk, along with documents for your signature. And, what, miss phyllis didn't join you this morning?
Billy: She was up and out early this morning.
Gloria: Mm-hmm, should I send her in when she gets here?
Billy: No, just give me a minute. I have a few things I need to handle. Thank you for last night. Again, I appreciate it.
Gloria: I'm sure there will be a little something extra in my check this week.
Billy: A big ol' smiley face and some confetti.
Gloria: [ Sighs ]
Billy: Hi. This is billy abbott. I just wanted to confirm you got my wire transfer last night. Excellent. So you know where to send the winnings when they start rolling in.
Ashley: Oh, by all means.
Kyle: Thank you.
Ashley: You look very pleased with yourself.
Kyle: Quite.
Ashley: I'm kind of busy, so if you have something to say...
Kyle: We agreed to let billy implode on his own. Inevitable fall from grace. What if I told you that wait was over?
Ashley: What did you do?
Kyle: Not me, billy. He's diving into the deep end of the betting pool and stealing from the company to fund his habit.
Gloria: Unh, unh, unh, unh! Billy is behind closed doors, as you can see.
Billy: I'll call you back. Hey. Everything okay?
Phyllis: You didn't wake me last night when you got home. Late.
Billy: You didn't wake me this morning when you left. Early.
Phyllis: Summer and I had a huge talk, put everything on the table.
Billy: Everything?
Phyllis: It wasn't pretty. We discussed her, me... and you.
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Paul: We need to talk.
Rey: Yeah. We do. I had an interesting conversation with victor newman yesterday.
Paul: Well, unless he told you where J.T. Is hiding out, it really doesn't matter.
Rey: I was brought in to run this investigation.
Paul: Right, by the police commission, not by me. And I went with it for a while, but I have to justify what you're costing my department, and, right now, you haven't given me a good reason.
Rey: So they brought me in, but you're shutting me down.
Paul: You have nothing to show for your time here.
Rey: [ Scoffs ] If I close this thing, you're the one that's gonna get the credit.
Paul: It's not about credit, it's about solving the case.
Rey: Which I will. I have a plan. Just -- just hear me out.
Phyllis: The things that summer said -- deep down, I suspected all of them. And it's a hell of a thing for a mother to hear, you know? It was brutal. But I think it had to happen.
Billy: You said that I was in the mix.
Phyllis: Yeah. You were. She was painfully honest about pursuing you, and it was all about me, making me suffer. And, you know, I get it. Daughters have to detach from their mothers, you know? It can be bitter, it can be resentful with a constant look of disdain on their face, but that usually happens when they're teens. Summer has saved it all up. She's a full-blown adult who has gone after my boyfriend. And she knew -- she knew what would make me bleed and what would try to drive a wedge between us, but it did not work. Because you and I are fine. As far as summer, you know, we are not about to let this destroy us.
Billy: Sounds like a conversation that would take a lot out of you.
Phyllis: Yeah, but it's better, though, that I know what's going on in her head. Without that connection, what do we have?
Billy: Can we get out of here? There's more to talk about.
Phyllis: Yeah. Okay.
Billy: Gloria, phyllis and i are leaving the office for a little while.
Gloria: New york got cut off, but they're on line 2.
Billy: Tell them I will call them back. Thank you.
Ashley: I told you that billy's gambling was off limits. You told me that you respected my decision. Now, if you're trying to prey on his addiction --
Kyle: Let's be clear. I didn't convince billy to lose the company yacht in a poker game. That was all him. His deal. Did he hit any 12-step meetings after, get a sober coach to keep him from the tables? No, because he is who he is. The guy's a grenade, waiting to go off, and he pulled the pin himself, not me.
Ashley: You are talking about your uncle, kyle.
Kyle: Yeah, I know. The brother you're happy to take down.
Ashley: You watch your mouth.
Kyle: Do you want to know what billy's up to -- of his own volition -- or not?
Ashley: Go on.
Kyle: I have a wall street buddy who knows a guy who runs a betting syndicate. Members pool their money, huge bets are made. They each get a cut of the winnings. Big risk, big reward, big excitement. My friend said the syndicate guy was bragging about signing up a C.E.O. From gc. Someone who sounds a lot like billy. And the key here is, the buy-in is huge. We're talking mid-six figures.
Ashley: That's it? That's all you've got, a rumor out of new york? That can't be billy. He doesn't have access to that kind of liquid cash.
Kyle: He didn't use his own money to bail out jaboat. Did he?
Ashley: He's not gonna get that kind of amount. Are you kidding me? Through accounting? It wouldn't happen.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] See those? New files on the jabot server. Financial transactions made after hours last night, password-protected.
Ashley: Well, this could be anything.
Kyle: Or it could be billy using jabot money to play big spender.
Ashley: You're seeing what you want to see.
Kyle: Actually, I can't see anything with a password lock.
Ashley: Hello. I'm C.O.O. They're not gonna lock me out of the company files, are they?
Kyle: Have at it. Prove me wrong.
Ashley: I'm locked out, too.
Billy: Probably just a technical difficulty. The longer you ignore what billy is doing, the more damage he can do to jabot.
Ashley: You know, this grudge you have against your uncle, whatever it is, I think it's clouding your judgment. You shouldn't waste your time on it, and certainly you shouldn't be wasting mine.
Sharon: A few weeks ago, the department chair asked us to submit ideas, what we would like to say as psych grads, and i hadn't thought about it again after that.
Nick: But they chose you.
Sharon: Even though other student had higher gpas and even though I'm not your typical college student...
Nick: Sharon, you're not a student, you are a graduate. And why wouldn't they pick you? No one in that class worked harder than you, and you're still working.
Sharon: Well, I think I have my speech right where I want it now.
Nick: Look at you, all fired up for public speaking. I mean, you were the spokesperson for jabot and newman cosmetics.
Sharon: But this is about me, not face cream, so it's personal. So it's more intimidating.
Nick: You know what you should do? Do that public speaking thing where you just imagine everyone in their underwear.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: Except for me. I won't be wearing any underwear.
Sharon: And then I'll leap off the stage into your arms and I'll never be invited to another alumni event.
Nick: Never.
[ Both laugh ]
Mariah: [ Gasps ] Oh, my gosh! The cap and the gown! It's official. My baby is growing up.
Nick: And your mother has some news.
Sharon: I'm giving the student address for my department.
Mariah: Like, onstage? To the audience? That's amazing!
Sharon: Yeah, so, um, you're the pro. I need your help. Come on.
Mariah: Me? I just talk to a bunch of pas and a camera. Live, with an audience there? No, no. It's not my jam.
Sharon: Oh, come on. You must have some pointers.
Mariah: Um, okay, uh... find one person, focus on them, look them in the eye. Bring the audience on a journey with you. And, after that, just be your warm and inviting self. Because the truth is... you reach people on a day-to-day basis. It's part of who you are, with or without the degree. So if you flub a line or you stumble, it doesn't really matter because you're just being a real person. And that means so much more than being perfect.
Nick: Mariah's right. You have so much to offer. And people deserve to hear it.
Sharon: Well, no one's going to hear it if we don't get going.
Nick: We're out of here. Let's go!
Kyle: It's pete's birthday, so mags brought cupcakes. I snagged you a red velvet before the hordes descend.
Gloria: My favorite. How very thoughtful. But the answer is no.
Kyle: Ah, don't tell me you're no-carbing it.
Gloria: You obviously want something. I have no interest in giving you anything. As I said, the answer is no.
Kyle: It's not like I'm asking you to book me a week on
jaboat. I just need access to some files.
Gloria: Oh, which files?
Kyle: Financials from last night. Billy was supposed to give me password access, but he's awol.
Gloria: That's it? Well, of course!
Kyle: You'll help me out?
Gloria: No. But I will tell you when billy comes in, and I'm sure he'll be happy to give you the passwords.
Kyle: Gloria. I need these files to do my work. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can get you another cupcake.
Gloria: Really? Isn't it wonderful? I can make it to the break room on my own!
Kyle: Would have been easier if you just said yes the first time. Now we have to do this the hard way.
Billy: I called ahead. Everybody's gone. Dina's with her caregiver, and mrs. Martinez is at the market.
Phyllis: Well, you said there was more to discuss. I just assumed it was about my talk with summer, but I'm kind of getting the feeling like there's something else.
Billy: There is.
Phyllis: Okay.
Billy: Why did you tell me everything about you and summer?
Phyllis: Why wouldn't I? You're the person I tell things to. I mean, that's -- that's what we do. If there's something going on, I tell you. That's how it works, or at least how it should.
Billy: Yeah, see, that last part right there -- somewhere in there, is there a little hidden message? I mean, it is who we are, right? We put everything on the table, and we work it out together, no matter what it is.
Phyllis: It is who we are. Isn't it?
Billy: It is. And you felt like you had to remind me of my end of the bargain.
Phyllis: This is true, but, yeah, I do feel like something is up. It's been since vegas. I mean, you...are different. You're itchy, and yesterday's conversation about the gambling opportunity.
Billy: It's a double-edge sword how well you know me.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] Billy, if there's something going on...
Billy: Then I better damn well tell you about it.
Rey: I have attacked this case like any good investigator. I found the leads, followed up with them, but this thing with nick newman pretending to be J.T. Sent me down a dead end.
Paul: Oh, so you admit you make mistakes. They told me you were the best of the best.
Rey: Anybody who says they don't make mistakes is a liar. Me, I know how to learn from them. That, and knowing when to walk away makes me the best. I am not about to let this case beat me.
Paul: [ Scoffs ] You see, that's exactly what I don't want to hear. That's your rep. You get personally involved.
Rey: What, you're not personally involved with this, chief? It's laid out all over J.T.'S file. You're the one who brought him back to town to dig into the newman business. And he goes off the rails on your watch, so that makes me wonder. Are you worried that I won't find him, or that I will?
Paul: You better watch yourself, detective. You're wasting your time, my department's resources, and you are pissing me off in the process.
Rey: My plan is to go back to the night J.T. Disappeared. He was in that house with five women, and then took off without a trace. I start there, and follow the trail right to him.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Mariah: Whoo!
Esteemed faculty, fellow graduates, friends, and family, as I stand here before you, i imagine what I look like through your eyes. Not a typical student. Maybe I look like a mother. Which I am, which is the reason why I didn't complete my degree sooner. I thought about going back to school for years, but I never did. Not until my life felt like it wasn't mine anymore. When it felt like broken pieces of something that could never fit back together again. I had to rebuild, one book at a time, one paper, one lecture. Each one was a new tool that i could use. A new foundation. I suffer from a mental illness, and, for a while, I thought that it would be the end of me. The end of my real self. But one thing I learned from my classmates and professors is that the people who need us, they are us. We are them. Our weaknesses, our fears, and our lowest moments, these are the things that are going to make us great at what we do. One meeting at a time, one client, one success. Here's what I learned at gcu. Pick up all of the obstacles in your way, lay them down side by side. All of the burdens, failures, losses, they are not a wall for you to climb over. They are a foundation for you to plant your feet on. A foundation to plant your flag on and declare... "I am here, and I won't be beaten."
[ Applause ]
Kyle: It's come to my attention that a chunk of jabot change was wired out-of-state yesterday.
Gloria: Yeah, this is a really big company. Transactions happen all the time.
Kyle: This company has layers of executives and administrators, checks and balances, to keep one push of a button from blowing things up. So whoever sits in this office, or his assistant, can't zap money from point a to point b without some oversight. But these files -- the chief operating officer can't get access, and that sets off all sorts of alarms.
Gloria: Yeah, well, if ashley has a problem, I will be happy to discuss it with her.
Kyle: I want to know who authorized the transaction, gloria.
Gloria: You know something, I'm gonna tell you this instead. I've had to deal with big, bad monsters my entire life. That little performance out there -- ooh, bravo. You will not intimidate me. You are a fleck, a speck, a fly to be flicked away!
Kyle: If billy goes down, you go down with him. So you can do what you've done with all those monsters -- protect yourself.
Gloria: [ Laughs ] From you?
Kyle: From the fallout, from the scandal, and legal shrapnel. We sign, you give me the password, then I go about my business.
Gloria: Flick.
Kyle: Since the second you weaseled your way back to jabot, the whole world has been waiting for you to end up out on your ass or in a cell, and billy will cheerfully let you take the fall if there's anything compromising in those files.
Gloria: You're making a lot of assumptions.
Kyle: This is a fact. Billy will always save his own skin. So now you have to make the call, gloria. Save your own skin instead.
Billy: This syndicate is the next practical play. It's basically a group of like-minded people who share in the risk and the reward.
Phyllis: Like-minded people.
Billy: Yeah. Think of it like a hedge fund with money in a kitty.
Phyllis: Okay. So, if it's the same, why not play the stock market?
Billy: No, this is better. I mean, the stock market, you could be locked up for years. This, you win, you're liquid instantly.
Phyllis: I mean, it's not exactly my thing, but I get the concept. So you talked about... a monthly budget. Is this how all of this works, or...?
Billy: It's an initial buy-in.
Phyllis: Okay. $10,000? $20,000?
Billy: Fair warning, it'S... more than that. And I should have been clear with you. It's six figures.
Phyllis: Six. Six. Six. You said "monthly budget." Is that a monthly for you?
Billy: No, no, no. No. It's just one-time buy-in, and I realize that it sounds big.
Phyllis: Because it is.
Billy: I know, and I -- i shouldn't have minimized it with you before, okay? I should have been honest with you because I don't want to make it sound like I don't trust you or that I don't think this is a good idea, because that's not what this is it, at all.
Phyllis: Billy, this is not fantasy football, okay? Not six figures. Where did this even come from?
Billy: Where do these kind of things come from?
Phyllis: Billy.
Billy: It's under control, though, phyllis, I've got this.
Phyllis: Is this what you didn't want to get into yesterday?
Billy: I'm telling you today because I want to be honest with you.
Phyllis: Okay, okay. All right, you know what? Seriously, anything else? I mean, small, I don't care. Big figures, just -- anything else you're not telling me? Because between this and summer...
Billy: No. That's it. That's everything. You know it all.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Sharon: [ Laughs ] When did you find time to do all this?
Nick: Oh, no, no, no. This was the graduation elves. They go house to house, but they only hook up the most awesome of students.
Mariah: Nick wanted to book the biggest venue in town, but i suggested something small and cozy so we compromised, and we found this great little catering company that does things like vintage champagne and lobster mac-and-cheese.
Nick: So I got the message loud and clear. I mean, eventually, I got it.
Mariah: Thank you.
Nick: But can you blame me? I want to celebrate my fiancée's success. Sharon, what you accomplished today is huge. It's a lifelong goal. And you made it happen.
Sharon: Thank you. I am proud. But I can't think of any place that I would rather celebrate than here.
Mariah: Oh, wait, wait! No, no, no! One more photo. Please. Under the sign? Okay.
Sharon: [ Giggles ]
Nick: More pictures.
Mariah: Yes, just a few more. Okay. Wonderful. Perfect. All right, now time for some bubbly.
Sharon: Yes, ma'am.
Mariah: [ Giggles ]
Nick: Bubbly's coming. There we go.
Sharon: Thank you.
Mariah: All right. A toast to the oldest college graduate.
Sharon: Hey!
Mariah: I'm just kidding. I'm kidding! A toast to my mother, the graduate, raising kids, running a business, rescuing strangers, and hitting the books. You fought so hard for that degree. I mean, writing and reviewing and studying, you did it before work, after work, during work, with christian on your lap, putting dinner on the table. You are my hero. And this is just one more reason why I hope to be just like you someday.
Sharon: Aww. My sweet girl.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] Okay, my turn.
Mariah: [ Laughs ]
Nick: Watching you give your speech today, I was so proud of you. I was also feeling a little guilty.
Sharon: No, why?
Nick: Because you gave up your dream of getting a degree when noah was a baby. You made that sacrifice for him. For us. No one has given more than you, sharon. This is all you. You don't have to share it with anyone. No one can take any credit. This is your time to shine. And I cannot wait to see what you do next.
[ Glasses clink ]
Billy: Look at the range of the bets. There's always something going on. It's super exciting.
Phyllis: Yeah...
Billy: Look. I should have told you about the amount, okay? That's my bad. I apologize for that.
Phyllis: Did you think I was gonna talk you out of it?
Billy: Your voice is always in my head, so sometimes I feel like we had a conversation, but we didn'T. Either way, I always feel better when you know everything.
Phyllis: I understand the impulse to hold things back. I did the same thing with summer, you know? I hovered and I snarked and accused, and, really, I just didn't talk to her. I didn't let her talk to me, all right? But, you know, we are moving past that, I hope, and if I had started a few months ago, that would have been a good idea.
Billy: Yeah, but you can't look back now.
Phyllis: No, I know, but sometimes, you know, you have to. To be honest, to move forward. So... in the spirit of full disclosure... vegas.
Billy: Yeah. What about it?
Phyllis: I told you that i wanted to go with you because i was on board with your gambling.
Billy: And that's not true?
Phyllis: Not really. Not at all.
Ashley: Honestly, kyle, what are you looking for now? Betting slips, lottery tickets?
Kyle: I think billy's gone beyond betting slips.
Ashley: Well, I don't know what you think you're showing me. I still don't have a code.
Kyle: Gloria was able to get into the files you were locked out of. What do we have? A $500,000 wire transfer last night to new york city. And the receiving bank account, the same as the betting syndicate.
Ashley: You can't possibly know that this is the same account.
Kyle: My contact confirmed the routing number. Company funds left jabot and are now living with other people's money waiting for the next "sure thing." Billy isn't just a guy with a gambling problem. He's a C.E.O. With an embezzling problem.
Phyllis: I love you. And I love what we have together, you know? Which means supporting you, understanding you, you know? Climbing inside that sexy brain of yours. So I wanted to go to vegas with you so I could feel what you feel, why gambling is such a draw for you, and... I get it. It's a thrill, you know? Winning is validation. And, you know, losing can sting, but it just makes you want to take that shot that much more, you know? But, you know, for me... vegas did not feel the same way as it did for you. Because, for me, it was enough. But for you... that tournament, it wasn'T. It made you want it more, and I, um... I don't know what the end game is here, billy. I don't know what the goal is. But right now... this is starting to feel pretty dangerous.
Rey: Half the information i got when I was put on this case was leading up to the night J.T. Took off. The other half was about his sudden reappearance on his way back to genoa city. Now, you throw that information in the trash, where it belongs. You take nick newman out of the situation, and trail ends the night J.T. Showed up to victoria's house. Now, we know he ran into cane ashby at crimson lights, where there was vague talk about J.T. Packing it in and whatever else mr. Ashby would hear about it. Then, according to victoria newman, he shows up at her house and her guests had no idea.
Paul: The party.
Rey: Yeah, with five women who claim to dislike each other all helping her get over her breakup.
Paul: Which is why i questioned them all repeatedly, officially and unofficially.
Rey: And that's the only reason victoria ever admitted to helping J.T. Leave town. Now, we can piece together his time before he got to the house. Reports after the fact are clear. He was emotionally abusing victoria. You throw in some physicality in there just to prove what a tool he is. But then that night, victoria's house, she helped him. She covers for him. The only time she says a word is when she cracks. Meanwhile, where did J.T. Go? There's no security footage, there's no plane tickets, there's no car rental. The homeless guy with the phone. There's not one straight line. I subpoenaed the newman flight records -- nothing. Now, you and I both know that someone can't just disappear. This idea that J.T. Is a security expert -- that's not enough to convince me that he cannot be found. So we go back to victoria. Now, she's withheld information before, and there is no doubt in my mind that she's doing it again, but it's not just her. It's the three other women. Four, if you include mariah copeland, who was passed out. Now, I've met with all these women before, admittedly under false pretenses, but I am rebuilding those relationships, and it is time, chief, to go back in.
Paul: Okay, so you're thinking about working them one at a time? Who do you think you would start with?
Rey: Well, nikki's warm on the outside but stone-cold on the inside. I know you two have a history, so you know she's gonna have nerves of steel, especially when it comes to protecting her family. Victoria's highly strung. It's too soon to go back in. The longer this goes on, the more rattled she'll become. So I'm gonna let that one ride out. Phyllis, yeah, no, she's not gonna crack. But sharon...
Paul: What about her?
Rey: From where I'm standing, she's the weakest link.
Nick: Can you believe how huge this year is for us? I mean, dark horse, your degree, our wedding. Things are a lot different than the first time we got married.
Sharon: Back then, being your wife felt like the answer to any question I ever had. But now I know more. I need more.
Nick: We were kids.
Sharon: Now we're parents, partners, and it feels better than I could have ever dreamed.
Nick: You know, watching you give your speech today, you're still that same girl that I met and fell in love with. You're as strong and as smart and as loving as ever. And it's not just reserved for me and the family. You're gonna have to share that with all your clients. There's gonna be so many people who are gonna need you to show them how to fight and how to grow.
Sharon: Is that how you see me?
Nick: Isn't that how you see yourself?
Sharon: Well, yes. I guess I do. And now we're going to stand up in front of the world and promise to be there for each other for the rest of our lives. Which has always been true, even when we weren't together.
Nick: Yeah, it's always been there. You know, sometimes it's underneath. Sometimes it's right at the surface. You know what else is close to the surface?
Sharon: I have a feeling you're gonna tell me or, should I say, show me.
Nick: Mariah's at the stables.
Sharon: That is true.
Sharon: Mm.
Nick: Whoa, wait a second.
Sharon: [ Grunts ]
[ Giggles ]
Nick: You know you could put that on.
Sharon: Oh, I could?
Nick: Yeah. Smart is very sexy.
Sharon: You know what just occurred to me? You're pretty brilliant yourself.
Rey: Today, sharon graduates with a degree in psychology with the plan to go into social work.
Paul: Right, I'm aware.
Rey: Well, it just so happens that a position of victim liaison just opened at gcpd.
Paul: And sharon would be a very strong candidate.
Rey: Her crisis hotline internship, her work with the victim in sex trafficking... she's compassionate, she's gonna work hard for her victims. And if she were here, in the office...
Paul: You could get close to her.
Rey: Something happened that night at the party. If these women are hiding something, sharon's gonna be the one to talk. You sit her right over there, and soon... I will get the answer to the J.T. Puzzle.
Billy: Well played. You know, for somebody who knows me inside and out, you really made believe in the whole "unconditional love" schtick.
Phyllis: Because I do love you, no matter what.
Billy: You let me believe -- you let me think that we were in it together in vegas. Really, I was just failing a test that I didn't know that i was taking. Here's what I think, okay? I think that you want to be this fun-loving girlfriend who's fun and sexy and free. But, really, you're just waiting for your moment to fix me, which makes you exactly like victoria.
Phyllis: Oh, my -- that is not fair.
Billy: No, you know what's not fair? Making me believe that I can be honest with you, and it's gonna be all fine. You know what it sounds like? It sounds like you think that I'm sick.
Phyllis: Oh, you know what, you are saying that so you can blame all of this on me.
Billy: Right.
Phyllis: No, I am not trying to fix you, billy, but there's something called moderation!
Billy: Oh, so you draw the line and I can bump up against it, but damn if I cross it, right?
Phyllis: Okay, I want us to be together, but I am not going to enable you, and I'm not gonna say something is okay and healthy when it's not! I want us to have a happy life together!
Billy: I am happy! If you want to be with me, fine. If you don't, then that's fine. That's your call. But you're either with me or you're not.
Phyllis: I am with you.
Billy: But...?
Phyllis: But I don't know. You say this is your happy life. But maybe I'm trying to figure out if it's mine.
Ashley: This isn't just about funds. He's my brother. And if -- and I'm not saying you're right, kyle -- but if this is happening, then he's spiraling.
Kyle: He's a grown man.
Ashley: He's an addict, and I didn't want this. I've been trying to remove him, but the right way. Not like this.
Kyle: You're going to ignore what's in front of your face and hope he fails in a more respectable way? This is where we are, ashley. Billy's gonna take down this whole company because he's over the edge. You save jabot, your save your brother. And if you don't step in, then what? Ashley, what are we going to do?
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