Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/11/18

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/11/18


Episode #11443 ~ Nick's night to shine takes a shocking twist, Kyle and Summer turn up the heat, and Rey shows his true colors.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Summer: I bet that I can bet billy into bed by the end of the month.

Kyle: Your like my ride.

Summer: Yeah, I love it.

Kyle: You win, it's yours.

Summer: You get me.

Sharon: Review tessa's past behavior. She's lied, she's hurt people, she's broken hearts. Do we really have any proof that she's telling the truth right now?

Nick: I want to create a new legacy for this family, a company that embodies everything that newman enterprises was originally supposed to be. How can you not be more excited for us?

Sharon: You're not you. Maybe I didn't take into account how much you've apparently changed.

Nick: If I can make dark horse work, then we can have it all.

Sharon: Impressive.

Nick: Hmm. Previous engagement?

Sharon: It's your party. Not mine.

Nick: But you are invited. You're expected, wanted, and needed. Do you doubt me?

Sharon: No. I'm just not sure I recognize you.

Rey: Is sharon working tonight?

Tessa: Uh, I'm not sure.

Rey: Don't you know when she'll be around?

Tessa: Not always. Excuse me.

Rey: Oh, wait, um... the launch party for nick newman's company -- that's tonight, right? It's probably why she's not here.

Tessa: I guess.

Arturo: [ Sighs ] I thought you would have taken off by now.

Rey: You think I'd leave town without seeing lola?

Arturo: [ Scoffs ] I got nothing to say to you, bro.

Rey: You can't avoid me forever, bro.

Kyle: Even though you lost the bet, I don't expect you to entertain me at your place.

Summer: I am not sleeping with you in the abbott family dormitory.

Kyle: Your privacy's guaranteed. I've booked us a room.

Summer: What, for tonight?

Kyle: You backing out?

Summer: No, it's just -- my dad really wants me at his launch party, and I haven't been exactly the greatest daughter, so I kind of owe him.

Kyle: That works. I was planning to do a drive-by to cheer my dad on, too. So we'll meet at dark horse then leave for our own private party.

Summer: Okay. I mean, might as well get it done, right? Lucky for you, tonight's the night.

Kyle: Oh, hey. I meant to tell you -- I'll be able to be there for your big night at dark horse after all.

Jack: Oh, that's great.

Kyle: You still bugged about that picture? Despite what lauren said, could neil fenmore be your dad?

Jack: Thankfully, blood types rule out that horrific possibility.

Kyle: Hey. Dina! I thought you'd gone to bed.

Dina: No, I'm watching television.

Jack: Dina, when you showed ashley and me your scrapbook, boy, we enjoyed hearing all about your family, your children.

Dina: Damn! It's not working! You broke it!

Kyle: I can fix that for you?

Dina: You can?

Kyle: Sure. Probably just have to adjust the batteries.

Dina: Oh.

Kyle: What have you been watching?

Dina: This great show set in britain. I just love the characters, especially the star. You know, he reminds me of a dashing man from my past.

Jack: Wow, you remember a lot about that show.

Dina: Well, I should. I watched it since the very first episode.

Jack: Well, maybe you could help me with something.

Dina: Certainly. What is it?

Jack: I was wondering if you could tell me who that man is.

Nick: Despite what you think, I haven't changed.

Sharon: I was watching you earlier, before you knew I was here. You were standing there, strong and indomitable in the world you've created. Despite what you think, you have changed. It's an intensity that I've never seen before.

Nick: Is that a bad thing?

Sharon: A little disconcerting. I was afraid of it, that somehow I was losing you.

Nick: And now?

Sharon: Oh, this is you, all right.

Nick: What do you think of the view?

Sharon: I like what I'm looking at right here in front of me. You've really come into your own, nick newman. Daring to go big in overcoming a lifetime of baggage? How could I not be proud of that?

Nick: Come to the party.

Sharon: It's your night.

Nick: No. This is for our family. It's for you. I'm going to give you the kind of life you deserve, sharon.

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Tessa: Well, look at you, all dolled up like a total tv star.

Mariah: Is sharon around?

Tessa: Uh, I -- I didn't expect her. Isn't she at the --

Mariah: Yeah, uh, nick's thing. I was hoping to catch her because I have a few more interview questions to prep.

Tessa: Oh, well, you could text her.

Mariah: You know what, i can't talk now. I really have to work on this.

Rey: It shouldn't be like this between us. We're brothers.

Arturo: You wanted me out of your life, all right? You got it. Looks like I got what I wanted, too. I mean, I'm working steady, I'm dating a great girl. So being out of your life, that works for me.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] You know, abby may have second thoughts about you if she knew what you did.

Arturo: [ Chuckles ] Is that a threat?

Rey: Not if you tell me where lola is.

Arturo: I'll let our sister know you're in town, let her decide if she wants to see you.

Tessa: Whatever's bothering you, you can tell me. Mariah, talk to me.

Mariah: Are you using me?

Dina: I just don't understand why you're pressuring me.

Kyle: Hey, hey, hey. It's okay! Let's watch your show.

Dina: No, no, no, no. I -- why is this man asking me all kinds of questions about a photo I know nothing about?

Kyle: Okay, don't worry about him. I bet you haven't had dinner, and I'm starved. Keep me company while I eat something?

Dina: Oh, certainly.

Abby: [ Sighs ] No luck getting dina to id the mystery man?

Jack: [ Groans ] I thought it was such a good idea, and all I managed to do was upset her. There's got to be some other way to get to the bottom of this.

Abby: Hey, why don't I post the photo to my social media accounts? I have over 100,000 followers. Maybe one of them will recognize the guy. Stranger things have happened.

Jack: Wait, you would do that?

Abby: I can't blame you for wanting to know where you came from.

Jack: Thank you, abby. And, by the way, no one can know why we want to know who this is.

Abby: Consider it handled. See you at the launch party?

Jack: Big night for you, miss head of public relations.

Ashley: And everything will go as planned.

Nick: Arturo.

Arturo: Your design turned out better than I imagined, man. Sleek, modern. It's perfect.

Nick: Well, we would not be standing here admiring the finished product if it wasn't for you. You brought this project in on time and under budget.

Arturo: Just doing what I do.

Nick: Nah, you surpassed that, you know it. You proved to not just be an excellent contractor. You have an eye. You see things that other people don'T.

Arturo: All these compliments are making me nervous, nick. You about to hit me up for a loan?

Nick: Eh, something like that.

Arturo: What do you need?

Nick: I want to offer you a job, full time, at dark horse, as head of construction.

Arturo: [ Laughing ] Wow. I didn't expect that, man.

Nick: When can you start?

Arturo: I, um... I mean, I can'T. I'm flattered, but I need to think about it.

Nikki: We really should be there tonight for your brother, but...

Victoria: Dad would see it as a slap in the face, particularly from me. As angry as I am at nick for pretending to be J.T., He did stand up for me with dad, and I don't think that dad would have offered me the job as C.O.O. If nick hadn't first offered me the position at dark horse.

Nikki: I really didn't even think this party would be on his radar at all. Then that rey rosales had to say something about it when we ran into him.

Victoria: How is it even his business?

Nikki: Oh, I don't know, apparently he and nicholas really hit it off. I can see you don't like the sound of that, either.

Victoria: Well, it just gives me more reason to go to this party. To support my brother and to warn him about rey.

Nikki: Well, I already pretended that I didn't know the launch party was tonight, so i can't go. I don't want to keep any more secrets from your father.

Victoria: And then there's the added problem that we would be fraternizing with former execs that nick has stolen from newman.

Nikki: Ugh, victor would hate that.

Victor: Well, now, I'm glad you're both here because I was just about to invite you to dinner.

Victoria: Oh! I would love that, but, um...

Victor: But what? You are going to nicholas' launch party?

Victoria: How did you know?

Victor: Isn't that where you said you were gonna meet jack abbott to discuss the housing project?

Nikki: Well, that was a half-truth. Jack will be at the launch party. I'm sorry, darling. I just didn't want to upset you.

Victor: Oh. Did you think that I was going to throw a wrench into nicholas' launch party, is that it?

Nikki: Well, are you?

Victor: No. I want you and victoria to go to the party with my blessing.

Kyle: Left dina with her nurse.

Jack: Hey, thank you for stepping in there.

Kyle: Hey, as soon as we were in the other room, she was already onto the next thing.

Jack: Boy, talk about living in the moment, huh?

Kyle: Mm. It'd be something, to be able to forget about all the bad times, the way someone hurt you in the past. You could start with a clean slate, be friends. Fall in love all over again.

Jack: Speaking about someone in particular?

Kyle: Ah, just riffing. Imagining "what if."

Mariah: You claim that there are bad people threatening you unless you come up with this huge payout. Tessa, that's extortion. Maybe you could even go to the police, but you don't really seem all that --

Tessa: Okay, so what -- what would you be doing? Calling up the people squeezing me out for cash and trying to get them to sit down and have a little chat?

Mariah: There has to be texts or voicemails, right?

Tessa: I've gotten two phone calls.

Mariah: Great, show me.

Tessa: From a blocked number.

Mariah: Awesome. So there's no record. There's no proof of anything you're telling me.

Tessa: But that's kind of why they do it that way.

Mariah: I can't be late.

Tessa: Why -- why won't you believe me?

Mariah: I want to, but without any evidence, any -- anything... I just -- I can'T.

Nick: Is this a negotiating tactic?

Arturo: Come on, nick. You know I've always been straight up with you, man.

Abby: Arturo! Hi!

Arturo: What's up, baby?

Abby: Oh, my gosh. When did you get back? When were you gonna let me know?

Arturo: I only just arrived, and this is me letting you know I couldn't wait to see you.

Abby: After you saw nick?

Nick: That's on me. I called in arturo to discuss some business.

Abby: What kind of business?

Nick: I was hoping to announce at the event tonight that arturo would be our new head of construction for dark horse.

Abby: That's wonderful!

Arturo: I didn't take the job.

Abby: Why not?

Nick: We didn't get that far.

Arturo: Well, it's a long story.

Abby: Can I talk to my boyfriend, please? Alone.

Nick: Sure.

Abby: How many times have you said that you love working with nick?

Arturo: Lots.

Abby: Okay, then why aren't you jumping at the opportunity to join dark horse?

Arturo: Well, because I just had a run-in with rey.

Abby: What does that have to do with the job?

Arturo: A new job with rey lurking, plus all the tension and drama that comes with that...

Abby: Okay. [ Laughs ] You're talking to me about tension and drama? I grew up with the newmans and the abbotts, okay? A double dose of emotional gymnastics. If I can survive that, you can survive one annoying brother.

Arturo: [ Sighs ] I don't know about that.

Abby: Look, I wish that i could fix things with you. I even talked to rey.

Arturo: Why would you do that?

Abby: It wasn't planned. I ran into him, and I asked him to tell me the truth. About why you can't stand being in the same room with him.

Arturo: And what'd he say?

Abby: Just enough to make it obvious that he was messing with me to get to you.

Arturo: You really got to stay away from him, abby.

Abby: Okay. Now, can I tell you what to do?

Arturo: [ Scoffs ] Can I stop you?

Abby: Pretend that rey isn't here. Keep living your life like he is a million miles away.

Arturo: But every time --

Abby: Look. Are you really willing to pass up this opportunity with nick because of some old grudge with your brother? Don't let him ruin this for you, on top of whatever else he's done.

Nick: Hey, kyle. Thank you so much for coming and helping your dad and me celebrate tonight.

Kyle: Place looks fantastic.

Jack: I am thrilled to be part of this.

Nick: Oh, not just any part, an essential part. Your father was very instrumental in negotiating some key deals for dark horse.

Jack: Just doing my job.

Summer: Hi, dad.

Nick: Hey.

Summer: Hi!

Nick: Thank you for fitting me into your schedule.

Summer: Always. Hi, jack.

Jack: Kiddo.

Summer: Kyle.

Kyle: Summer.

Summer: Um, I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. I mean, I know I'm not your favorite person these days --

Nick: Hey. No, no, no. We're not talking about that right now. You look beautiful tonight, and I'm very happy that you're here.

Summer: I wouldn't have missed it.

Jack: It looks like more than one beautiful woman is going to be cheering you on tonight.

Nick: Excuse me. You are stunning.

Sharon: Well, it was either this or a crimson lights t-shirt.

Nick: Thank you.

Sharon: For what, choosing the dress?

Nick: The reality check, not letting me take myself too seriously.

Sharon: Till death do us part.

Nick: I cannot wait to marry you.

Sharon: You can save the sweet talk for later. Right now, you have a company to launch.

Abby: Hey! You're late! The other two reporters are already here.

Mariah: Wait, you promised me an exclusive.

Abby: An exclusive with nick. That's a big get, and you know that.

Mariah: Okay, well, let's get to getting.

Abby: Okay, let me see the questions that you're gonna ask him.

Mariah: Seriously? You think I would sabotage the guy who's about to be my step-father? Why would I do that?

Abby: Mm, well, everyone in my family would do that, both sides.

Mariah: How -- how do you do that? How do you let yourself love somebody who's betrayed you?

Abby: Is this on the record? Questions?

Kyle: Sorry to steal mariah, abs, but I'm on a tight schedule.

Abby: Okay, um, let's get film him at his desk.

Mariah: I cannot fall apart. I have to cover this party.

Kyle: Hey. Pinch the skin next to your thumb -- hard.

Mariah: What?

Kyle: Do it.

Mariah: No, I don't need to anymore. You just dumb-suggested me out of being weepy.

Kyle: Mission accomplished. Is this about tessa?

Mariah: Yes. I confronted her about my suspicions.

Kyle: What'd she say?

Mariah: She denied, denied, denied, but...

Kyle: But you weren't convinced.

Mariah: She's let me down before.

Kyle: And maybe she will again. Although, I'd like to think she isn't capable of exploiting you like that. There's nothing worse than finding out someone you care about is just using you.

Mariah: Kyle. Listen to yourself, seriously, before a certain someone does a number on you. Again.

Mariah: Thank you. Hi. You looking amazing.

Sharon: Thank you. So do you. Is everything okay?

Mariah: Yeah. Yeah, it's fine.

Nick: Jack. Abby. I want you to be a part of this.

Jack: Great.

Abby: Oh.

Mariah: All right, are we ready?

Nick: Yeah.

Arturo: Nick, I'm accepting your offer.

Nick: Oh, what a great way to kick off this party. Everyone, I would like to introduce you to arturo rosales, our new head of construction for dark horse.

Jack: Yes!

[ Applause ]

Abby: Don't be shy, you earned this.

Arturo: Thanks.

Mariah: Hello, gc! I am here with nick newman, the C.E.O. And founder of dark horse, at the launch of his new company. But before we get started with this interview, let me just say... how cool is this? Right? All right, nick, how do you feel about your dreams coming true?

Nick: Very satisfied. It wasn't easy to get here, but the realization of my vision and forming this company is a very proud moment for me. It's also very exciting. And none of this would be possible without this woman by my side. Sharon, could you please come here?

[ Applause ]

Kyle: Don't get any ideas.

Summer: Too late. I am having a lot of fun imagining the reaction if i grabbed mariah's microphone and told this whole room, including millions of gc buzz viewers that my dad cheated on his fiancée with his ex, who happens to be my mom.

Kyle: Might want to keep it down, unless you want the powers that be at newman to be the first to know.

[ Laughter ]

Mariah: All right, so, nick, now that you guys are up and running, what's next?

Nick: What's next is we're just gonna have a great time tonight. Is that gonna be possible? Let's go.



[ Applause ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nick: We're taking a fresh approach to ways in which we appraise, buy, and lease our properties. We want dark horse to be known not just for our quality service but also daring innovation.

Kyle: Stop glaring at me. I'm not going to spoil my dad's big day.

Kyle: You've done worse.

Summer: Okay, what kind of woman do you think I am?

Kyle: Let's explore that and other questions in private. We'll slip out separately. And soon.

Nick: But if a little crushing happens, I don't have a problem with it.

[ Laughter ]

Mariah: All right, this is dark horse, the dawning of a new age of business in genoa city.

[ Applause ]

Nick: Hey. Sorry I, uh, couldn't come over when you walked in.

Victoria: You were busy.

Nick: Where's mom?

Victoria: Just a minor ms flare-up.

Nick: Is she okay?

Victoria: Yeah, she's okay. She just thought that she should stay home and rest. Trust me, she wants you to focus on tonight. We both know how important it is. And, from what I can see, newman's real estate division has some very serious competition.

Nick: Vick, you have no idea.

Jack: Kyle. Kyle. Did you hear that? That is what's great about working for nick newman. When he talks about employees being part of the dark horse family, he means it.

Mariah: Hi, guys. I didn't mean to, uh, intrude, but that would make a great sound bite. Would you mind elaborating for our viewers?

Jack: Absolutely. Happy to.

Mariah: Hi, I am here with kyle abbott, currently of jabot cosmetics, and jack abbott, the former C.E.O. Of jabot. Jack, what makes dark horse so great?

Jack: I love nick's approach. Dark horse, low profile.

Kyle: Always on the hunt.

Jack: Coming out of nowhere to kick some serious butt. Oh, wait, can I say that?

Kyle: Uh, you just did.

Mariah: Thank you, guys. Thank so much.

Kyle: Sure.

Mariah: Okay, keep it rolling. I am sure that our viewers would love to hear from dark horse's newest member, arturo rosales.

Arturo: Thanks, I think.

Mariah: The world is watching, so tell us about your new position as head of construction.

Arturo: Uh, well, as you know, I am the head of construction, and, um, all that that entails --

Abby: He's just being modest. Hi, I'm abby newman, vp of pr at dark horse, and it should be known that my brother nick offered arturo many incentives to join his team.

Mariah: Oh, really? Why is that?

Arturo: Because he likes my work.

Abby: Not only is arturo a brilliant contractor...

Arturo: Abby.

Abby: ...He knows what his clients want better than anybody else out there.

Arturo: Abby.

Abby: Your viewers should remember the name arturo rosales!

Mariah: Oh, um... okay, you know what, we are gonna -- we're gonna come back to them when they're not so busy.

Victoria: We may be corporate rivals, but I've still got your back.

Mariah: Hi.

Nick: Oh, hey, again. Excuse me.

Mariah: Victoria, is there anything that you would like to say about your brother's new venture?

Victoria: Um, well, I'm very happy for him, and as his sister, I can sense an energy coming from nick that I've never seen before. So clearly dark horse is what he's meant to do.

Victoria: And as his father, I don't consider a company built on theft as my son's destiny.

Summer: Hmm. Nice bed. You know, I nearly lost it as soon as you registered us as mr. And mrs. Smith.

Kyle: I was trying to protect your wholesome reputation.

Summer: Mm. Ha, ha. I wonder how long it'll take our dads to realize that we bailed on the party.

Kyle: A while. They have lots of hands to shake tonight.

Summer: Here you go.

Kyle: That good, huh?

Summer: Can you make me another?

Kyle: At your service.

Summer: A little adult entertainment to set the mood? Okay. Enough foreplay. Kick off your shoes. It's time to settle this bet.

Victoria: Dad, why are you here?

Victor: To congratulate the host. Nicholas invited me this afternoon.

Victoria: That's the last thing that he would want.

Victor: Oh, yes.

Nick: Dad.

Victor: Son.

Nick: Thank you for coming.

Victor: Congratulations. As I mentioned --

Nick: You are on camera.

Victor: Really? I -- I hadn't noticed. My goodness. Wow. Now, son, I disagree with how you started this whole project, but that doesn't diminish what you've accomplished so far. You've used everything I've taught you over the years, haven't you, son? You know, my son has become a formidable rival, and those are the best to beat. Any questions?

Mariah: No, uh, none. You can't get a better sound bite than that, right?

Victor: Well.

Mariah: What are you doing here? I am working. This is my first solo cover story.

Tessa: Take a break so we can talk.

Mariah: Tessa, I can't deal with this right now.

Tessa: Well, tough, because I'm gonna stay in your face and in your camera until we do. This is too important. Would you excuse us?

Abby: Okay, nick, it's time to make your speech.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Wish me luck?

Sharon: Oh, you don't need it. You got this.

Nick: Mm. I would like to start by thanking you all for coming this evening and supporting us in this venture. Tonight, I officially launch dark horse. It is a company that will completely transform the business landscape in genoa city and beyond. The newman name is a very well-known. It is a part of genoa city. Some may say an inescapable part.

[ Laughter ] But starting tonight, that is all in the past. No matter what the newman name means to you, no matter what you think you know about us, starting right now, with me and this company, everything's gonna change. I have some surprises for you.

Summer: [ Laughs ] Singing on a subway for money...

Kyle: You dared me! And that one woman gave me a dollar.

Summer: Yeah, she was paying you to stop! [ Laughs ]

Kyle: [ Laughs ]

Summer: All right. Enough with the chatter. Off with the clothes, and on with the sex.

Kyle: Too clinical. As the winner of the bet, I have to insist you at least make some kind of effort.

Summer: Unh-unh, no. Just because you won this bet doesn't mean you get everything your way.

Kyle: Okay. Maybe we do need a little entertainment to set the mood.

Summer: [ Laughs ] Oh. Oh! Oh! Wait, you know why losing a bet is better than a one-night stand?

Kyle: Why?

Summer: Because it means nothing.

Kyle: No emotional connection whatsoever?

Summer: I mean, I can pretend, if that's what you want.

Kyle: I want, as the winner of this bet, if you're willing...

Summer: Is...?

Kyle: Something in the small, black, and sexy department. Have anything like that handy?

Summer: You know, I think i have exactly what you're looking for. I'm gonna go change in the bathroom.

Kyle: You shy?

Summer: No. Dramatic. Because this demands an entrance.

Tessa: I wish I had evidence to convince you so that you would believe me.

Mariah: But you don'T.

Tessa: Look at me. If I was running a scam, would i be this scared of these people? You are the one person on this planet that I cannot lie to.

Mariah: But you did before, tessa.

Tessa: Yeah, but that was before -- I didn't come back here for the money. I didn't come back here because I made a promise to you. I didn't come back because i wanted someone to understand me and help me. I came back for one reason and that's because I love you. I love you.

Summer: Kyle. Kyle? Okay, if you don't wake up, then we're calling this bet a forfeit. There's no second chance.

Nick: So, as you can tell from the video, our plan for growth is extremely ambitious, but it is totally achievable. Our intention is to become a global competitor, but we're not gonna be like everybody else because dark horse will always be ethical in our business practices. We're also going to give back. Every single year, dark horse will give away 5% of its gross profits to new hope so they can continue to build low-income housing for those who truly need it.

[ Applause ] And that's not all.

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