Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/28/18

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/28/18


Episode #11433 ~ Jack faces the truth, Kyle schemes with Ashley, and Nikki covers for Victoria.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Billy: I think it's time.

Phyllis: For what?

Billy: To move out.

Ashley: So you mean billy provided a fake invoice to accounting, and they cut him a check.

Kyle: So we nail him for embezzlement.

Ashley: It's a very good start, but I think we need a little bit more.

Kyle: I have a feeling there's plenty where that came from.

Ashley: Whatever's happened this last year, what's been thrown at us, by life, by mother, by each other, I'm really glad that we can still do this.

Nikki: I told him about your ordeal with J.T.

Victoria: You did what?

Nikki: Just calm down and try to understand. You can deny it all you want, but I am your mother, and you are not yourself. Nate is an excellent doctor. He's very discreet.

Victoria: Mom, you had no right!

Mariah: Hi, guys. I thought that this would be the perfect place to plan sharon's bridal shower because she's not in right now. So thank you guys for coming.

Abby: Thanks for having us.

Mariah: Should we dive in?

Nikki: What about summer?

Mariah: I left her a couple of voicemails, but I haven't heard anything back.

Abby: Well, I say we get started, since we're all taking time from work.

Mariah: Yes, you are. Which I am -- I am super grateful about. Planning a bridal shower is kind of alien territory for me, so having three event experts on board is a huge relief. Thank you.

Victoria: How can we help?

Mariah: Well, I want this to be super special for sharon, so I was thinking something unique and out of the ordinary.

Abby: Hmm.

Mariah: Thoughts?

Victoria: Um, maybe something outdoors? You know, even if it's just outside of her house.

Nikki: Yes. We could do lunch among the flowers under the trees.

Abby: Yeah. I mean, there's lots of different themes that could go along with that. Although we will probably need plenty of heaters, 'cause it'll be september.

Nikki: Yeah. Well, we could do, you know, woodland fairy tale, you know? Lots of twinkling lights, and we could wear floral crowns and have rustic gift wrap.

Abby: Yeah.

Nikki: What do you think?

Victoria: [ Gasps ] Oh, sorry. I spaced out. I guess I-I need some coffee.

Jack: How was your breakfast?

Dina: Oh, it was delicious. I think I'm going to take the rest of it home for my dog, piper.

Jack: You let him eat people food?

Dina: Well, I did last night. We had steak. Only, not the kind I like. It was too rare. But piper, he loved it.

Jack: He's a lot of fun, isn't he?

Dina: Oh, yes. He was a wonderful birthday present.

Jack: You know what? I'll have the waiter wrap up the scraps, here, and then I'll drop you off at home.

Dina: It's not your home, too?

Jack: Not anymore.

Dina: Oh.

Jack: It was once. And don't worry. I'm finding a new home.

Kyle: Another day, another dollar.

Ashley: Yes. Hopefully another step closer to billy ending his term as ceo.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Phyllis: Good morning.

Ashley: What's going on?

Billy: We're moving in.

Mariah: Well, I think that sharon would really love all the ideas that nikki and victoria came up with. But does anybody have any other thoughts?

Abby: Oh, yeah. Um... I'm all about putting a spin on tradition. Um... okay. Why don't we break into teams and, um... yeah. Nikki with mariah and victoria with me.

Victoria: You and me? Really?

Abby: Sure. Why not?

Victoria: Well, you didn't want to work with me at newman.

[ Sighs ] Look, all I can think about is the work that's piling up at my desk. So you guys do whatever you think is best for the shower. You don't need my vote. Now, excuse me.

Billy: So, what room you thinking?

Ashley: I'd rather hear what you're thinking.

Phyllis: It's only temporary, until we find our own place.

Ashley: I'd like to hear billy say it.

Billy: Really?

Ashley: I'll wait.

Phyllis: Is this necessary?

Billy: Yeah. You think we're gonna get comfortable and shack up for the long haul?

Ashley: Well, you got pretty comfortable at summer's, so I'm just going by what I've seen before.

Phyllis: Okay. I tell you what. Uh, you know, since we -- we don't want to interfere with your daily routine, why don't we just stay --

Ashley: At the gcac. What a fantastic idea. I'm gonna call devon right now and see if there's anything available. Two singles?

Billy: Mm. That's cute.

Phyllis: You know, if you'd let me finish, I was gonna suggest we stay in the pool house.

Billy: I think that's a great idea. Plenty of privacy, and we don't have to take part in these kind of conversations.

Kyle: Better get used to them, 'cause the pool house is occupied.

Billy: Take it there's no wiggle room in this?

Ashley: I would have told you that if you had bothered to phone first, instead of barging in here and ambushing us.

Billy: "Ambush"?

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Billy: This is the abbott home, built by john abbott. I am his son, so I have every right to be here. Whether you two like it or not.

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Ashley: Gosh, billy. That comment you made about being dad's son was... unnecessary. I mean, of course you have every right to stay here.

Billy: Yeah. As you said a few weeks ago, when phyllis and i were on our break. Our very short break. But I am not surprised by your fake hospitality since you've been conspiring against me the whole time.

Ashley: If I'm such a horrible person, why do you want to live with me in this house?

Billy: Because this is my house, too. And until we find a more permanent place, why not the old homestead?

Kyle: So, why decide to leave summer's place all of a sudden?

Phyllis: Too crowded.

Ashley: Oh, well, I mean, this house might be bigger, but it's full. And you might want to consider that. You know, for privacy and comfort's sake.

Billy: We're not fussy. Plus, I can keep an eye on the two of you. It'll make up for the inconvenience. How's the guest room over the garden sound? See you in a little bit.

Mariah: Iced herbal tea. Iced latte.

Nikki: Thank you, dear.

Mariah: All right. So, are we ready to dive back in?

Abby: One thing before we do. What was up with victoria and her attitude and the whole "big pile of work" thing? I mean, is newman still trying to recover from those recent hits?

Nikki: No. We bounced back from that quite smoothly.

Abby: Oh, my god. Wait. Well, is J.T. Back? Has he surfaced again? Has he done something?

Nikki: No! Why on earth would you think that?

Abby: Well, because I know that would freak out victoria and put her on edge.

Nikki: Look, there is nothing new regarding J.T. He is gone, and I don't think he is ever coming back. It's much too risky for him. And as far as victoria goes, she's just overworked with newman and with the kids. So, please, don't either of you take that personally.

Mariah: Okay. Uh... good to know. So, uh, building on the theme --

Nikki: You know what, forgive me. Abby, you might have a point where victoria's attitude is concerned. I better check in with her and make sure that there's nothing more. Uh, we'll talk soon.

Mariah: Uh -- you know, I'm not used to this whole shower thing. Is this normally how it goes? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Phyllis: Billy's unpacking.

Kyle: And ashley left. So now you can tell me what's really going on. The last thing I heard from summer was that billy canceled his trip to philadelphia and texted her to meet on jaboat.

Phyllis: Well, you know, desperate times. I am the one who sent that text using billy's account. I decided that summer has earned a week-long private cruise. Very luxurious, with one exception -- no wi-fi, no cell service. And lots of time to think.

Kyle: Mad skills. What I'd have given to see summer's face when she realized billy wasn't showing up. And the moving out? That was you, too? I mean, why give her all-access hours to your boyfriend?

Phyllis: It was a mutual decision between billy and me. You know, we had an adult chat about my daughter, got everything out in the open air. And, you know what, we're fully committed, so... my daughter's just gonna have to accept that.

Kyle: Well, as I'm sure you've noticed, she doesn't give up easily. Takes after her mom.

Phyllis: Mm. Which means I don't give up, either, without a fight. And now that I've reminded her how things work, I expect no more ill-advised stunts.

Billy: All unpacked. Your stuff, too. You can tip me later.

Phyllis: Remind me. Hey. Are you okay with everything? I mean, is it gonna drive you nuts sharing meals and sharing air with people who are trying to undermine you constantly?

Billy: As long as I'm sharing a big ol' guest bed with you, everything will just be fine.

[ Door closes ]

Phyllis: Hi, there. Hiya, dina.

Jack: Wow. This is a surprise.

Dina: How do you do?

Billy: Hi.

Dina: Uh... who are you here to see?

Phyllis: We are gonna be, uh, staying here with you.

Dina: Oh?

Jack: Well, I'm sure there's a fascinating story behind that.

Dina: Well, you know, we don't have that many rooms. Are you taking my room? Where -- where are piper and i going to sleep?

Billy: No, no. We're not gonna take your room. Don't -- don't you worry about that. There'll be plenty of space for you and, um...

Jack: Piper.

Dina: My dog.

Jack: Her dog.

Billy: Okay.

Dina: Why are they moving in?

Billy: Uh, we're -- we're friends of you and -- and your family'S. And don't worry, we won't be staying long.

Phyllis: It's gonna be fun, spending time together.

Dina: [ Chuckles ] Okey dokey. Just hope you like dogs.

Jack: You know what, we can tell them all about piper later. Let's get you down for your nap before lunch, okay?

Dina: Okay. Did you ever eat dog food? I mean, just to try it? I haven't, but sometimes I do wonder.

Billy: Poor dina.

Phyllis: Poor jack.

Abby: If we do decide to go with the whole luau/tiki theme, there's lots of cool options.

Mariah: Yeah, there are so, so many.

Abby: And you've got enthusiasm and creativity on your side.

Mariah: Heh.

Abby: And you've got me. So it's gonna be totally awesome.

Mariah: Thank you so much for doing this. To be honest, I didn't think that you would be so into it.

Abby: Are you kidding me? I love parties.

Mariah: I know. I just mean that you would be doing it for sharon, you know? I was even more surprised when she asked you to be a bridesmaid, and you accepted.

Abby: Yes, the whole thing threw me for a loop. But I am happy that we were able to clear the air and work things out. And we are gonna be family again. Look, quite honestly, I'M... I'm really only doing this whole thing for nick. But please don't mention that to sharon.

Mariah: Yeah. She's not gonna hear it from me. I guess nick's just happy that you're a part of the wedding.

Abby: And if nick is happy, then so am I. When I think about lily and devon and how their relationship has been torn apart, it makes me value my brother that much more. Wait. Do you think that's why victoria was acting that way today?

Mariah: Wh-what? Because of you and nick?

Abby: Well, they've always been so tight. I mean, maybe she resents me for going to work for him. Maybe that's why she was being so defensive.

Mariah: Seems spot-on to me.

Abby: Should i reach out to her? Should I -- should I try to fix things? The wedding is still in planning stages.

Mariah: You know, you know victoria a lot better than I do, but um, I wouldn'T. Not now, especially with the way that she tore out of here.

Abby: So I should leave her to nikki.

Mariah: Yeah, so you don't get caught in the cross fire.

Victoria: I did receive the report, I just didn't have a chance to review it. Uh, let me get back to you. Okay.

[ Telephone rings ] Victoria newman. Uh, yes, damien. I pulled the file for you. Can -- can we deal with this later? It's here somewhere. Oh-- okay.

Nikki: Well, maybe I can find it for you.

Victoria: No, I-it's here. I'll handle it.

Nikki: Honey, you have enough to handle right now, and I am here, so delegate.

Victoria: No. Mom, look. This isn't your area. You wouldn't know what to do. No more than you know what to do when it comes to my personal life.

Nikki: Victoria --

Victoria: Mom, look. I have tried to be nice, but you're not listening to me. Please leave me the hell alone.

Kyle: Hey.

Mariah: Hey.

Kyle: What's up?

Mariah: Nothing much. Just prepping for the next "gc buzz" show.

Kyle: Oh, it's a beautiful day for it.

Mariah: It is. Clear skies. No snowflakes in the forecast.

Kyle: Is that a bad thing?

Mariah: Not in general. But I was looking for summer earlier. Uh, wedding business. Have you seen her?

Kyle: You know, I am able to function without her.

Mariah: Okay. Well, not only are you two always up here together "working," but you seem dead set on winning her back, god help you.

Kyle: That's on hold. Summer... took a last-minute holiday.

Mariah: She vacations without her cellphone? Please. A call back would have been polite. Not that I can't plan sharon's bridal shower without her.

Kyle: Look at you, taking this maid-of-honor stuff so seriously.

Mariah: Yeah. The word is "honor," not "dishonor." See the difference?

Kyle: It's good. Having a project to focus on.

Mariah: So I don't get a stomach ulcer over tessa. Who I still have not heard from, by the way.

Kyle: Keep in mind, my private investigator is top-notch. And the search just started.

Mariah: I know. And I am beyond grateful for you setting all of that up.

Kyle: Happy to help.

Mariah: But what if tessa doesn't want to be found? No, I-I'm serious. Listen.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Mariah: What if tessa decided that she is done with genoa city and everyone in it?

Kyle: Including you? That's ridiculous.

Mariah: Sharon doesn't seem to think so. Her theory is, tessa decided that she doesn't want to be with me, and is letting her silence do the talking.

Kyle: I can't believe sharon would speak to her maid of honor that way. Tessa was halfway out of town before she turned around and made her way back to this very rooftop to tell you she thinks you two belong together. Why do that and not mean it? And with your highly sophisticated ability to judge character, had tessa not been sincere, you'd know it.

Mariah: Have you heard the expression "love is blind"? What if blind is too stupid to turn on a light?

Kyle: Don't amuse me into helping you tear yourself down.

Mariah: I'm serious. Tessa told me herself that she's not the person that I thought she was.

Kyle: Maybe she's even better. Until we have proof to the contrary, I don't want to catch you in your car, windows rolled up, singing along to "total eclipse of the heart."

Mariah: Damn. I had such an amazing "dumped again" playlist put together.

[ Kyle chuckles ] Celine. Bonnie tyler. A really nice dusty springfield mix.

Kyle: Ohh. It's okay to worry. You want tessa safe, and on her way back here.

Mariah: But what if tessa doesn't want me back?

Kyle: We're not going there. Not even for 10 seconds.

Mariah: I hate this. This is why I built walls in the first place. Because the more you care, the more agony when people let you down.

Kyle: That may be right in some cases. But... at least wait until people do. Don't give up on tessa.

Jack: Okay. Before you start in about how much you resent my conspiring with ashley, I don't have the time or the energy. You two can get yourselves settled in.

Billy: Jack, just give me a minute here for a second, please. Look, I am still very much bothered that my siblings are sabotaging me behind my back. But put that aside for a second. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about dina.

Jack: Wait, what about her?

Phyllis: We're talking about her decline.

Billy: When I was staying at the house earlier this summer, I didn't see a lot of her. So seeing her now, the way that she is, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for you.

Jack: W-well, I mean, she's deteriorating but... we expected this. It's not as bad as you two are suggesting. Is it? Oh, dear god.

Phyllis: It's been a few months, but she's not the same person, jack.

Billy: She's not. To either of us.

Jack: I've been around her so much, I'D... forgotten how insidious alzheimer's really is. Whether I see it or not, each day that passes is a day closer to losing her. Forever.

Phyllis: Can I get you some coffee or some iced tea or -- what can I do?

Jack: No. No, you know what, I -- I got to get out of here.

Ashley: You left so early this morning. I thought you were going to work.

Abby: Uh, yeah. I'm headed there now. I had to come here first for a meeting.

Ashley: Oh.

Abby: We're planning sharon's bridal shower.

Ashley: Mm.

Abby: Yeah. Wait for it. Sharon asked me to be a bridesmaid. Along with faith and mariah and summer and victoria.

Ashley: How very... inclusive of her.

Abby: Well, she's gonna regret it long before she walks down the aisle. Mariah has been a dream, but victoria, she was a nervous wreck this morning.

Ashley: About the shower?

Abby: No, about something else. I don't know what it was, but she couldn't focus, and she left after 10 minutes. And summer was a no-show.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. Well, I think something's going on with summer.

Abby: Why?

Ashley: Because this morning, at the crack of dawn, phyllis and billy moved out of summer's condo and into our house. This happened after you left.

Abby: Wait, what?

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Abby: Well, you'd think they'd feel more comfortable at a hotel. Our place is getting kind of full.

Ashley: Yeah, well, billy wouldn't hear it. He's trying to get under my skin because he thinks I'm undermining him at jabot.

Abby: Are you?

Ashley: He's on a rampage. He's acting like a hyperactive 5-year-old. Every day, I have to anticipate what mess I have to clean up of his.

Abby: Well, I will keep my ears open at home and see if I overhear anything that might help you out.

Ashley: I appreciate that, honey.

[ Cellphone chimes ] 'Scuse me. Oh. It's your uncle jack. He wants me to meet him at the gcac.

Abby: He didn't say why?

Ashley: Just that it's urgent.

Abby: Oh, well, you better go. I will walk out with you.

Ashley: Thank you.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: I don't know what you're waiting for, but I don't have time for it.

Nikki: Look, the sooner we address this, the sooner we can both get back to work.

Victoria: Address what?

Nikki: I am very sorry that I told nate about J.T.'S abusive behavior. But you're my daughter, and you're hurting, and I was trying to help you. Unfortunately, I betrayed your confidence, and I regret that so much. How -- how can i make it up to you? What can I do?

Victoria: Mom, look --

Nikki: When you are suffering, I --

Victoria: I am not denying that there is a problem. But I am dealing with it. With my therapist.

Nikki: Well, I'm all for therapy. But the way you've been acting, I-I don't know. It seems like your sessions with her are not being very productive.

Victoria: Mom, you can't say that. It's a very long and in-depth process, dredging up these very dark and emotional issues that have to do with abuse, and sometimes it can leave you feeling raw for days. I-I like dr. Mosely, okay? I trust her. And I really don't know how long it's gonna take for me to feel like me again. But you and I, we -- we both just have to be patient, mom.

Nikki: Honey, I get that. I truly do. It just kills me to see you go through --

Victoria: In fact, you know, I have to be at her office right now.

Nikki: You have an appointment with her today?

Victoria: I told you, I'm working on it, and it's a priority. Mom, I'm sorry. I got to go. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was shutting you out. I'll talk to you later.

Nikki: Bye, sweetie.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: Hey. Thanks for coming on such short notice.

Ashley: Sure.

Jack: I hope I didn't take you away from anything important.

Ashley: Besides fighting with billy?

Jack: Again?

Ashley: Would you like to hear his latest brainstorm, jack?

Jack: Uh, let's see. Uh... a jabot theme park.

Ashley: No. But it does involve a haunted mansion. But the one that dad built. But instead of having ghosts going bump in the night, it will be phyllis and billy, because they moved in this morning.

Jack: Yeah, they were just finishing unpacking when i brought mother home from breakfast. I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about her.

Ashley: Why? Is something wrong?

Jack: No. [ Sighs ] Yeah. Billy and phyllis were shocked at how far downhill mother had gone. I was equally surprised at their reaction. And then I realized they're probably right.

Ashley: No, I don't know --

Jack: Maybe you and I are too close to this thing to even see it creeping up on us. Seriously. When was the last time mother gave us any indication she knew where she was anymore, or who we are?

Ashley: Has it really been that long?

Jack: It's been weeks, ash. Right now, the dog she got for her birthday during the roosevelt administration is more real to her than anything that's going on now. We're losing her day by day, and we don't even know it.

Ashley: Maybe we didn't want to know it, jack. I mean, we were aware this day was coming.

Jack: Today I realized that doesn't make it any easier.

Ashley: Well, what can we do except make each day count, and make sure that she feels loved and cared for, which is exactly what we've been doing.

Jack: And I feel this urgent need to make a connection with my real father. If he's alive. Or, if he's not, then his family, if I can find them.

Ashley: Realistically, what can you do?

Jack: I put the search on hold while I helped launch dark horse.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Maybe it's time to take out that list of country-club members again and try to narrow things down. I also need a roster of the staff from the same period. For all anyone knows, it could be the gardener or the pool man or the busboy.

Ashley: [ Scoffs ]

Jack: I mean, really. Your father was the golf pro. Why not?

Ashley: It's been so long. It's like you're chasing ghosts.

Jack: Well, it's still something I can do proactively. I was thinking I could submit my dna to one of these ancestry companies. I mean, maybe my genetic profile will provide more clues.

Ashley: Okay. So then what? You find out that you're 12% northern italian. What good does it do you? You don't even have a photograph to go by, jack. You just have a list of names. I don't want to see you get hurt the way you did with the whole phillip chancellor thing. Maybe it's time for you just to accept that... maybe you're never gonna know the truth, jack.

Jack: No.

Ashley: Well... how many more times can you get your hopes up just to have them shattered by another dead end?

Jack: As many times as it takes.

Phyllis: Hey. You ready to get changed and go to the office?

Billy: What's the rush?

Phyllis: Well, people are expecting us.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I got something more important to do.

Phyllis: Uh, loo-- I can drive myself.

Billy: Like talking to you.

Phyllis: Oh. About?

Billy: [ Sighs ] When I mentioned moving back in here, you didn't argue, you didn't raise any objections, and now I'm wondering if you're really okay with it.

Phyllis: Well, why would i say yes, then?

Billy: Because it was the quickest, simplest way to get out of summer's condo.

Phyllis: I am fine with housemates in varying degrees of toxicity, so... don't sweat it.

Billy: You sure? Because there's a bigger issue. And his name is jack.

Ashley: Hi.

Kyle: Some morning, huh?

Ashley: Can you believe the nerve of billy, just barging in without warning, just his luggage? How completely obnoxious.

Kyle: I'll refrain from piling on, since I kind of did the exact same thing.

Ashley: No, you did not. You were living in a hotel, looking for a home. And you didn't drag along your girlfriend. Phyllis and billy already had a home, and summer doesn't take much room up, so I'm sure he was just playing mind games with us.

Kyle: No, there's way more to it. I know why they had to flee summer's apartment. It's related to what I tried to tell you the other day.

Ashley: I don't want to hear about his --

Kyle: Now I have the whole story --

Ashley: I don't want to hear about his personal drama, kyle. I need something major and work-related, okay, to use against him.

Kyle: Then you'll want to hear this.

Billy: It's my fault [Sighs] For not thinking this through and, uh, barreling ahead like an insensitive jerk. And I'm sorry.

Phyllis: No apology necessary.

Billy: Come on. You haven't been yourself since you walked in the door. And I couldn't help but notice the way you were with jack.

Phyllis: Oh, what -- what way?

Billy: Phyllis, this was your house, too.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's strange. It's strange. You know, it's weird. You know, the last time I was here, I was married to jack, you know. So this house is filled with a lot of memories. You know -- good, bad, hideous. Like the day jack threw me out.

Billy: Because of me.

Phyllis: Us. Team effort. And being here with you, you know, and with jack living somewhere else... I just -- I can't help but feel a little bit queasy. And him walking in and discovering all that, that... that's the real ambush.

Billy: Well, you just say the word, and I march upstairs, repack our stuff, and we, uh -- we gun it for the athletic club.

Phyllis: If it bothered me that much, I would have said something. No. Like we said to ashley, this is only temporary.

Billy: You reserve the right to change your mind at any point, okay?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I appreciate that.

Billy: Just be honest with what you're feeling. That's all I ask.

Phyllis: Yes. Total, uncensored honesty. You can count on that.

Kyle: So, phyllis arranged for summer to be stuck on jaboat alone, indefinitely, circling the lake with no wi-fi or cellphone coverage.

Ashley: I don't know why I'm surprised by this. I mean, summer has been fawning over billy since she started at fenmore'S. And god knows phyllis has never had boundaries where men are concerned. So obviously it's genetic.

Kyle: And that particular man happens to be our ceo.

Ashley: Do you think it's mutual? Do you think he actually acted on this?

Kyle: According to summer.

Ashley: What else is she gonna say? I mean, obviously there can't be proof. I mean, if phyllis thought this actually happened, she wouldn't be sharing a room with billy at our house or anybody else'S.

Kyle: Billy is a guy who has impulse-control issues. If he is interested, we might be able to catch him making a move. The scandal would finish him. And summer does have her, uh, charms.

Ashley: Okay. I guess I'll just have to take your word for that. But he's not gonna jeopardize his position here, or his relationship with phyllis, over her. But we do know what tempts billy, and that's playing fast and loose with company funds. He loves the thrill of high-stakes financial fraud.

Kyle: I have some intel in that area, too. Summer told me billy has a big-time rival at the poker table. A woman named sinead. He lost jaboat to her, and then won enough money to buy it back.

Ashley: Well, that explains it. The whole "jaboat needs repairs" story that he had going. He wanted to get it back before anybody found out it was actually missing.

Kyle: And the 30 grand he expensed the company for to cover phony repairs was to help him pay sinead for jaboat -- or maybe buy into the poker game where he won enough cash to get it back. That's huge.

Ashley: But there's no proof. If we try to take this to the board, billy's just gonna talk his way out of this. We only have one shot, kyle. It has to be rock-solid. Because you know that billy's gonna have a story ready and waiting to cover his ass.

Kyle: Not if it isn't an isolated incident. If billy borrows another chunk of money from jabot, it is a pattern. One the board couldn't dismiss. Billy tried it once, got away with it. Chances are, he'll try it again.

Ashley: 'Cause he loves the thrill of getting away with things. You might be onto something. This might be the plan that works. We have to wait, monitor the company's finances and any direction that billy takes towards them.

Kyle: Why wait for him to mess up? We can make it happen.

Nikki: Sweetheart?

Victoria: [ Gasps ] Oh, my god!

Nikki: I'm sorry. It's just me. It's just me. I didn't mean to startle you.

Victoria: Mom! What are you doing here?

Nikki: I followed you from newman. I've been outside in my car for almost an hour trying to decide what to do. I finally let myself in with my key.

Victoria: You have no right to spy on me and intrude like this.

Nikki: You have been sleeping in the middle of the day again, and you blow up at the slightest provocation, and you lied to me about your therapy. What else are you keeping from me?

Victoria: I'm not gonna be interrogated in my own bedroom.

Nikki: All right, then we will call it a conversation, because I am not going anywhere, and neither are you, until you make me understand what's going on. Seeing you melt down is terrifying me.

Victoria: Okay. [ Sighs ]

Nikki: Thank you.

Victoria: Fine.

Nikki: So, how long has it been since you've seen your therapist?

Victoria: I don't even know. Months?

Victoria: I had to stop seeing dr. Mosely. It was just increasing my anxiety and my stress. It wasn't reducing it. All of this non-stop talk about me and J.T., Avoiding any hint that he's dead...

Nikki: Oh, god. That's enough to rattle anybody's nerves. But bottling everything up like this, that's not working. You've got to find a way to cope with everything you've been through to get you through your days and nights.

Victoria: Well, I'm fresh out of ideas. How about you?

Nikki: Well, you seemed to like dr. Mosely. You -- you had a rapport with her. Maybe, if you went back to her and had another chance with her, maybe you can tell her --

Victoria: What? How our girls' night actually ended? You think I should entrust our freedom and our future to a woman that I've spent maybe 10 hours talking to? Because I don'T.

Nikki: I understand. You're not wrong.

[ Sighs ] God, I wish I had an answer. Because to see you like this, it's tearing you up. It devastates me.

Victoria: Me too, mom. Me too. I feel very cornered. Very trapped.

[ Sighs ] It's just like it was with J.T., Only worse. Now I don't have a monster to get rid of. I'm fighting with my own mind.

Nikki: Oh, honey.

Victoria: I'm losing control, mom. I don't know how to make it stop.

[ Sighs ]

Nikki: We'll find a way.

Billy: Just another perk of living here. Not only does mrs. Martinez mix up a ridiculous mimosa, but check this out -- straight out of the oven. Hmm?

Phyllis: Mmm! I'm feeling better already.

Billy: Really?

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Tasting food like this reassures me that I am not cut out for cooking. And I'm okay with that.

Billy: Oh, you cook. It just doesn't involve a stove or ingredients. Still delicious.

Phyllis: [ Giggles ] You don't have to clear dishes, either.

Billy: Mm. Who's got time for that?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Abby: Did you run out of places to make out?

[ Billy groans ]

Phyllis: Not yet.

Billy: No. But we just moved in this morning, so give us a couple days.

Abby: Oh, I heard. And in case no one's told you, there's no skinny-dipping in the pool.

Phyllis: Ugh! That's a shame.

Billy: Maybe ashley's right. Maybe this house is getting smaller by the minute.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Ashley: You want to lure billy back into gambling?

Kyle: Look, it won't take much effort. He won't be able to resist another go at his nemesis, sinead, or pilfering the company's coffers to bankroll him at the poker table.

Ashley: No. I am not comfortable with this. Dragging billy back into that seamy world is crossing a line. Even jack, as vengeful as he can be, he would never go there.

Kyle: It's not like we're manipulating someone who's clean to relapse into their addiction. Billy's been back at it for months.

Ashley: It's sleazy, no matter what you say.

Kyle: Hey, you're the one who called for extreme measures. Billy thinks he's in control of his gambling. Setting him up for another breach of trust -- or testing him, if you like -- and the potential consequences might be the only way to remind billy, it's the gambling that controls him. And maybe your last chance to save jabot from the reckless, power-mad tear he's been on. Are you willing to do what it takes to reclaim your father's company or not?

Ashley: Well... what if it gets out of hand and -- and he just spirals down into the abyss again? I couldn't live with myself.

Kyle: We'll be running the show the whole time. We only need billy to surrender to temptation long enough for us to get what we need on him. Then we end it, rescuing jabot at the same time. If you have a better plan, of course, I'll support it.

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