Y&R Transcript Monday 8/20/18
Episode #11427 ~ Jack plays dirty, Mariah worries about Tessa, and Nick hits Billy where it hurts.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Summer: You know, I can tell when a guy is into me. Even when he can't admit it to himself.
Billy: The answer is no, and it's always gonna be no.
Tessa: If you don't hear from me for the next little bit, it's for safety. But I'm coming back soon. For you.
Neil: Here in this office, we need to conduct ourselves professionally. You leave your personal issues outside that door.
Billy: I will remind you that I'm the ceo of this company, and jaboutique is happening.
Ashley: If dark horse was to acquire this company, maybe they would cancel the contract with jabot.
Jack: And stop billy before the first store opens. Good morning.
Nick: Morning. You're in a good mood. I assume you trip went well.
Jack: Well, foreign investors are very excited about the idea of a newman and an abbott teaming up.
Nick: Very excited, huh?
Jack: I met with venture capitalists in london, paris, and berlin. They are, to a person, interested in investing in dark horse. So, what did I miss while I was gone?
Nick: Is that your subtle way of asking if I looked into purchasing that leasing company that you suggested?
Jack: Or not so subtle.
Nick: I spoke with the owner.
Jack: Good. And?
Nick: It has potential. I'm just not sure it's the right fit for dark horse.
Jack: Really? I thought that acquisition would be great for us.
Nick: For us...or for jabot?
Jack: You've done your homework.
Nick: Capital leasing owns the leasing agreements for the stores billy's planning to open.
Jack: I believe they do.
Nick: If dark horse purchases the company, then you can stop billy from moving forward with this project.
Summer: I thought I heard someone down here.
Billy: Just on my way out.
Summer: Where are you going?
Billy: To the office.
Summer: This early?
Billy: I've got a lot to do.
Summer: Or are you just avoiding me?
Billy: Maybe I am.
Summer: Don't you at least owe me an answer to my question?
Billy: What question is that?
Summer: Come on, billy. I poured my heart out to you, and I told you how I really felt, and now I would like to know -- do you have the same feelings for me that I have for you?
Billy: 'Scuse me.
Ashley: Hey.
Neil: Mm.
Ashley: Ooh, you got one of those for me, too?
Neil: Yeah, sure, in a second. I thought you were still asleep.
Ashley: Mm. No. Early riser. I guess just like you.
Neil: So. Good morning.
Ashley: Pretty good so far.
Neil: I agree. The question is... now what?
Jack: Fantastic. Add one more investor to the list.
Nick: You are killing it, jack.
Jack: I love my job.
Nick: Is that because you like working with me or sticking it to billy?
Jack: Both. But more important than that, it's a chance to prove something to myself. Jabot no longer defines me.
Nick: But you can't let it go. That's why you keep pushing me to buy capital leasing.
Jack: Actually, this was ashley's idea to begin with, and I shot it down, too. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized, she's right. If we don't do something, billy is going to crash and burn, and drag jabot down with him.
Nick: You really don't trust billy.
Jack: Look at his history. Look what he's done at jabot since he took over there. Sleeping pods and popcorn machines and yachts.
Nick: Yeah. Summer told me about some of his "improvements."
Jack: He's treating jabot like his own private playground. And [Sighs] After the cheap shot he gave you the other day, I would think you of all people would understand my need to keep him in check.
Nick: Billy and i definitely have our issues. But that may be why it's not a good idea for me to buy this leasing company.
Jack: I'm not sure I follow.
Nick: Look, I left newman and started dark horse because i cannot stand the way my father did business. I don't want to make decisions based on personal grudges.
Jack: I respect that. But if you take jabot and your issues with billy completely out of the equation, acquiring capital leasing is a great opportunity for dark horse.
Nick: I can't deny that.
Jack: Look, I admire that you don't want to go after this company for the wrong reasons. But don't pass up an opportunity just to make a point. You don't have to be ruthless. But don't be shortsighted.
Neil: Hey.
Ashley: Hi. So -- mm.
Neil: Yeah?
Ashley: When you asked me to go listen to music last night...
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: I had no idea that jazz could be so stimulating.
Neil: Oh, yeah. No question. Some of the most sexy, sultry music that there is.
Ashley: So when you asked me to come back here and listen to clifford brown...
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: ...Did you have an ulterior motive?
Neil: He's one smooth dude, right?
Ashley: He's not the only one.
Neil: Well, what can I say? That man can blow the hell out of a trumpet.
Ashley: Mm. That's true. His music just... I don't know. I really got lost in it.
Neil: Mm. Yeah, his sound can take you places you never even imagined.
Ashley: I got totally carried away.
Neil: Someplace good, I hope.
Ashley: Yeah. I've been under so much pressure at work and with my family... nothing compared to what you've been going through. But I don't know. All that stress just disappeared. You know, like I said, I just... kind of got lost.
Neil: Was that all it was about for you?
[ Rustling, footsteps ]
Nate: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Ashley: Not at all. Um... so...
Neil: So.
Ashley: I got to go to work.
Neil: Yeah. I hear you.
Ashley: I'm gonna do that.
Neil: Okay. You do it.
Ashley: Okay, then.
Neil: I'll walk you to the door.
Ashley: Okay.
Neil: Yeah.
Ashley: Bye, nate.
Nate: Bye, ashley.
Ashley: See you. Good to see you. Bye.
Nate: Good to see you, too.
Neil: Oh, um, I'll see you later.
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Yep.
Ashley: Bye.
Nate: So, what's up with you two?
Neil: I'm not sure.
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Billy: Hey.
Cane: Hey. Thank you.
Billy: Large coffee to go, please. How you doing?
Cane: I've been better, buddy.
Billy: Yeah. Phyllis told me that lily turned herself in for causing the accident.
Cane: Yeah, it's been rough on the family. But you know what? She's been amazing keeping mattie and charlie calm, so...
Billy: Yeah, she's a tough one. I'm sure she's scared right now. Thank you.
Cane: You know what, she's trying not to show it, but she's worried about what sort of prison sentence she'll get. You know, 'cause michael said she could maybe get 20 years.
Billy: What, are you kidding me? It was an accident. It shouldn't be that --
Cane: Listen, if you're gonna blame me about making matters worse, just go ahead, all right? I shouldn't have lied to lily about running the red light, and I know if I'd told her the truth, she would have confessed earlier. But, hey, I didn'T. And you know why? 'Cause I screwed up. 'Cause that's what I do.
Billy: I wasn't gonna say anything like that.
Cane: Oh, really? You weren't, huh?
Billy: No, because I know exactly why you did what you did.
Nate: You sure you have no idea what's going on with you and ashley?
Neil: Mm... we spent the night together.
Nate: Well, that should tell you something.
Neil: Well, it should. But we've been here before, and it didn't work out. You know, we've been good friends ever since.
Nate: So you're friends with benefits?
Neil: No, not my style. I care too much about ashley to have a casual relationship with her.
Nate: Okay. So where does that leave you?
Neil: We agreed a few weeks ago that we didn't want to ruin our friendship by crossing a line, so I don't know.
Nate: Looks like it's a little late for that.
Neil: That's why I'm wondering where things stand right now, you know? But it doesn't matter. I mean, I got to focus on my family right now. I can't be worried about if ashley is interested in me or not.
Nate: Neil, you've been the rock for this family ever since the day hilary died. It's okay for you to have a life of your own and not feel guilty about it.
Neil: My man, you're adding shrink to the list of your specialties, I see.
Nate: Person that cares about you.
Neil: Okay. I appreciate that.
Nate: All right. So, what are you gonna do now?
Neil: What am I gonna do now? I'm gonna get dressed. I'm gonna head to the office. Lily told me that devon was there yesterday and it wasn't great, so I'm gonna go run some interference.
Nate: I meant what about ashley?
Neil: [ Sighs ] That's a tougher one.
Nate: You want my advice?
Neil: You're gonna give me your advice if I want it or not, so go ahead.
Nate: If you like her more than a friend, let her know. Okay?
Neil: Mm.
Cane: You know, it's not often that you and I see eye to eye on anything, right? Let me think about that. I don't think there's been a single time, right?
Billy: You know, as much as we personally don't like each other, we do have something in common.
Cane: We're both screw-ups.
Billy: [ Sighs ] We can't help but make bad choices. And convince ourselves we're doing it for the right reasons.
Cane: Yeah. You know, I thought I was protecting lily by keeping the truth from her about the accident. Well, that's what I told myself.
Billy: See, but that's the way it goes, right? You got a devil on this shoulder telling you you're doing the right thing. You got an angel on this side trying to warn you that you're making a big mistake. Of course, you shoo her away like a pesky little fly. Because bluffing, lying, withholding the truth is our currency. It's our stock in trade. We try to be better. We strive for the best. But [Sighs] We just keep giving in to temptation. We follow our worst instincts. And that's not gonna change, cane, because that's who we are.
Cane: Thank you for making me feel worse. I appreciate it.
Billy: Just speaking the truth. For both of us.
Billy: Good luck, okay, for you and lily. Please give her my best.
Cane: I will. Thanks, man.
Neil: Hi, baby.
Lily: Hi. You know, I, uh... I saw devon's car downstairs.
Lily: Yeah. [ Sighs ] After yesterday, I don't want to make things harder for him.
Neil: I know.
Lily: I just wish I could take it all back.
Neil: It was an accident, sweetheart.
Lily: Yeah, but the way that I treated hilary, you know, all that anger and meanness... it's like, what was the point? All it did was cause pain.
Neil: Well, you know what was happening -- you were looking out for devon and me.
Lily: I know, but I should have been more understanding, less judgmental. You know, hilary had a hard life. And I made it harder. It's like, I don't blame devon for hating me. I'd hate me, too.
Neil: Lily, stop. He doesn't hate you.
Lily: Yeah? You see the way that he looks at me.
Neil: That's because he's in a lot of pain.
Lily: How do I make it better?
Neil: You keep trying.
Lily: I feel like that just makes it worse.
Neil: Well, you got to walk through all that and come out the other side, all right? I am gonna be right there with you. All right? Come on. Let's go in.
Devon: Morning, neil.
Neil: Mornin. Yep. How's it going?
Devon: It's fine.
Neil: Good. Well, is there anything I can help you with?
Devon: I'm just going over lp's latest user metrics.
Neil: Good, good. Why don't you send them to me when you get the chance?
Devon: Sure.
Neil: Okay. Uh... if there's anything you want to talk about, I'd love to talk to you.
Devon: I'd love to just work.
Neil: All right. If that's the case, your sister has some potential models that she'd like us to take a look at.
Devon: That's your department.
Lily: Devon, please.
Devon: I'm gonna work from home today.
Neil: Hey, wait. No. Wait, wait. Wait. Take a look at your sister. You are both adults. But you're also my children. And, see, I know what's happening here. I do. But I can't fix it. That's what father's do. They fix things. They hold the family together. And I have always been able to do that. But, you know, see, wait, wait. Now, I see both sides here. Devon, you're grieving. I get it. I've been right where you are. I have grieved. And it crushes you from the outside in. Man, you can't even take a breath. And you. I know this agony that you must be feeling. I do.
Lily: I feel terrible.
Neil: Yeah, I see that. See, you two, you've always been able to get along. Always. Devon, when you lost your hearing, who was there for you, right by your side, the whole time? This girl. And when she got cancer. You were her strength. You were her champion. And the love you feel for each other, it is strong, it is deep, it is unwavering. And that is some real talk. And that -- that couldn't have just disappeared.
Devon: It didn't just disappear. Lily killed it when she killed my wife and my kid. And whatever we meant to each other is gone, as well, so...
Lily: Devon, please don't say that.
Devon: It is the truth, and there's nothing that you can do to change that, neil.
Neil: Do you know where I am right now? I feel so helpless. Like, I feel like I've failed you both.
Lily: No, dad. That's not true. You are an amazing father.
Devon: You didn't fail anyone.
Neil: Okay. So tell me -- how can I save our family?
Devon: [ Sighs ]
[ Grunts ] All right. All right. I just e-mailed you those user metrics.
Neil: Hey, devon, let me talk to you for a --
Devon: Just call me when you're ready to discuss them.
Neil: Where you going?
Devon: I'm working from home, like I told you.
Neil: Yeah, right. Right, right, right, right, right.
Lily: I should have been the one to go.
Neil: Baby, that doesn't solve anything, any more than devon leaving did.
Lily: He can't even stand to be in the same room as me.
Neil: I get you. But he shut me out, too, didn't he?
Lily: He's so angry.
Neil: He's grieving.
Lily: I can just feel all of his rage directed at me. And I was so afraid that this would happen, but it has. I lost my brother.
Summer: 'Scuse me. Have you seen billy abbott?
Nick: Why are you looking for billy?
Summer: Dad.
Nick: Are you keeping up your end of our deal?
Summer: That hurts.
[ Stomps ] I'm surprised that you don't trust me.
Nick: Why, because you do everything so honorably?
Summer: Oh, that's funny coming from you.
Nick: Just answer the question, summer.
Summer: I came to discuss some business with billy, but since he's not here... I'll buy you a drink. And I can afford the good stuff.
Nick: You think it's funny that I had to buy your silence?
Summer: I think it's sad that you put a price on honesty. But, you know, if that's the way that you want to roll, then I won't tell billy and sharon that you and mom cheated on them.
Nick: Okay. For the record, your mom and billy were broken up. And I thought my engagement to sharon was off. So, technically, no one was cheating.
Summer: So what's the big secret for?
Nick: Just drop it.
Summer: Fine. Did you see billy downstairs?
Nick: You know, I'm curious why you're so interested in your mother's boyfriend. And don't say because you work together.
Summer: It's true.
Nick: Really? Well, that usually happens in an office, not at a bar by a pool.
Summer: Are you trying to suggest that my interest in billy is anything other than professional?
Nick: Is it?
Summer: Well, that's hilarious. And kind of gross, because he's like your age.
Nick: Do you have a crush on him?
Summer: "A crush"? [ Scoffs ] Okay, I'm pretty sure that I'm not faith.
Nick: Well, summer, I don't recognize you anymore.
Summer: You and mom are so disappointed in me, which is ironic considering the fact --
Nick: It was one night.
Summer: Yeah. One night. Just like the one night that i was conceived, and the one night that faith was conceived. You guys are serial cheaters, and you don't care who you hurt.
Nick: Is that what this is about? Payback? That's why you're doing this? To hurt me and your mom? Going after billy.
Summer: You are mom are the ones doing the hurting. And as far as billy goes, he gets me, and he's been good to me, so that's why it pisses me off so much that mom cheated on him.
Nick: I already told you --
Summer: Yeah, "technically" mom didn't cheat. But she sure took advantage of them being on a "break." If you see billy, tell him that I'm looking for him.
Ashley: Well, good morning. Or should I say good afternoon?
Billy: I got your text.
Ashley: Yeah. Well, I thought I'd see you earlier than this.
Billy: Yeah, I'm not really a morning person. Doesn't mean I'm not putting in the hours. I was here long after everybody else had gone home last night.
Ashley: I know how hard you work, billy. I'm sorry if I've been a little tough on you lately.
Billy: Mm. Does that mean you're gonna change your mind on the boutiques?
Ashley: Um... well, I'm still worried we might lose a lot of money. But you are ceo, and my job as coo is to support you. So instead of fighting your plan, I'm gonna do whatever i can to make your stores a success.
Billy: Is that right?
Ashley: Yes. In fact, I'm looking into ways to do that. There's a trade show in philadelphia this weekend for retail businesses. Specifically, how to launch and sustain a profitable one. I sent you a link.
Billy: Great. I'll take a look at it.
Ashley: Great opportunity for you to get all sorts of information on how the brick-and-mortar businesses function, and maybe, I don't know, create some awareness for the jaboutique brand.
Billy: Wow. [ Clears throat ] Look at that.
Ashley: Yeah.
Billy: And the bonus of getting me out of town.
Ashley: You mean the way that you sent me to berlin? But, billy, that's not my style.
Billy: So you're not trying to pull a fast one on me?
Ashley: Of course not. Hey, if I was gonna do something behind your back, I would be a lot more subtle. Okay? See you later.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
[Music playing]
[ Doorbell rings ]
Devon: Hey.
Mariah: Hi.
Devon: What are you doing here?
Mariah: Um, I was just in the neighborhood.
Devon: You were just cruising the penthouse hallways?
Mariah: [ Sucks teeth ] Yeah, I didn't think that was gonna fly.
Devon: Get in here. Come in. Can I get you anything? Something to drink or --
Mariah: No, I'm good, thanks.
Devon: No? So, uh... what are you actually doing here?
Mariah: Don't be mad at me, but I came to check on you. See how you're doing. So, how are you doing?
Devon: Um... I don't know. To be honest with you. I, uh... I wake up, and I put on my clothes, and I go to work, but it still feels like nothing is real. I keep thinking that I'm gonna wake up and realize that nothing has happened at all. But then I open my eyes in the morning, and she's still gone. So...
Mariah: That's terrible.
Devon: I remember times when she would drive me so crazy that I didn't think I could live in the same world as her.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: And now I... I just have no idea how I'm gonna survive without her.
Mariah: She left a giant void in everybody's lives. Especially yours.
Devon: And just there's reminders of her everywhere.
[ Sighs ] So I've, um... I've decided to pack up some of her clothes and donate them to charity.
Mariah: She would love that.
Devon: So...
Mariah: Actually... who am I kidding? She would hate that.
Devon: [ Laughs ] Well, you're probably right, but I, uh, need to do it.
Mariah: Do you want some help?
Devon: I actually think that would be something that she would really like. Thank you.
Neil: Hey. You headed out?
Lily: Uh, yeah. I'm just meeting cane for lunch. Do you want to join us?
Neil: No, no. I, uh... I have some things I need to take care of.
Lily: You sure?
Neil: Yeah, I am sure. You need to spend some time alone with cane.
Lily: I'm worried about you. Carrying so much on your own.
Neil: I just want things to be the way they were for our family.
Lily: [ Sighs ] Well, thank you for trying with devon.
Neil: He didn't mean what he said.
Lily: [ Exhales softly ] You really are the best dad.
Neil: Do you know how much I love you?
Lily: I know. I love you, too. I'll see you later.
Neil: Okay. Take care.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Nick: All right. Thanks, man. See you later.
Billy: Oh, what? You want to fight again?
Nick: Just the opposite, actually.
Billy: Oh, really? So you want to forgive and forget?
Nick: I was thinking more like forgive and move on.
Billy: That's a pretty quick 180, nick. So I got to ask -- what's in it for you?
Nick: I don't know. Maybe I just realized what a jerk I was.
Billy: Well, that's for sure. But I still don't buy this mea culpa.
Nick: Fair enough. Summer and phyllis aren't exactly thrilled that we're not getting along. And by "not exactly thrilled," I mean really pissed off. And I'm sure I don't need to tell you what a double dose of fun that can be.
Billy: Yeah, I live with them. I get it.
Nick: So, truce?
Billy: Yeah, why not? Want to hug it out?
Nick: No. I'm just glad, you know, 'cause I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with my new tenant.
Billy: Um, what is that supposed to mean?
Nick: I bought the leasing company that owns the properties where you're planning to open your new stores.
Billy: Pardon me?
Nick: Yeah. We just worked out the deal. Paperwork's gonna be in by the end of the day. Say hello to your new landlord. Oh. I got to run. See you around, billy.
Nick: Sorry to make you come back here. But I have some news.
Jack: Good news, I hope.
Nick: Good for dark horse. Maybe not so much for billy.
Jack: You bought the leasing company.
Nick: It was a sound business decision.
Jack: And doesn't hurt that it has certain fringe benefits.
Nick: That is not why I did it.
Jack: It was a good move. No matter what your reasons were.
Cane: Ahh.
Lily: You sure you don't have to go back to the office? I mean, we already had lunch together.
Cane: No. Perks of being the boss.
Lily: Mm. Well, I don't want to get you in trouble at work.
Cane: Oh, please. Don't tell jill, but chancellor practically runs itself.
Lily: [ Laughs ]
Cane: It's great to see you laugh. I love that.
Lily: I wonder if devon will laugh again.
Cane: Ah, he will. He just needs some time.
Lily: [ Sighs ] Yeah. That's what my dad said.
Cane: Yeah, well, he's a wise man. You should listen to him.
Lily: I'm just worried about him, you know? I feel like he's working so hard to keep the family together and not take sides.
Nate: Hey, you two.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Cane: You want to join us?
Nate: I can'T. Just came to see how you're doing, lily.
Lily: Oh. Um... I'm hanging in there. Just getting everything in order at work, and spending as much time with my family as I can.
Nate: Well, if there's anything I can do, just let me know.
Lily: Oh, I'm good. I'm good. Just, uh, I was telling cane, though, I'm worried about my dad. I feel like he has a lot on his shoulders, and no one to really help him through it.
Nate: I wouldn't worry about neil.
Lily: Why do you say that?
Nate: I just think he has everything under control. The person I worry about is devon. If he doesn't let someone take the pressure off of him, I'm concerned what could happen.
Mariah: Hilary has more clothes in her closet than I've had in my entire life.
Devon: Wait till you see the guest room.
Mariah: Oh, no. I can't, 'cause my head will literally explode.
Devon: [ Groans ] Yeah, hilary loved to look nice.
Mariah: In as many outfits as possible. She couldn't have worn all of these clothes if she'd lived to be -- sorry.
Devon: It's okay. It's all right. Let's see what we got in this, huh?
Mariah: Oh! I remember this one. Hilary wore this my first week as a co-host. I think I wore a burlap sack. Or at least it felt that way. And I was so in over my head in every way possible. I mean, my style, my experience, my ability to form a coherent sentence. And hilary never cut me any slack.
Devon: She never did. Not just with you.
Mariah: Yeah, but the rest of you weren't on national television. I mean, you'd think she could have waited till after the cameras were off to ask me if I'd intended for my hair to look that way, but no. Not her.
Devon: [ Snorts ]
Mariah: It's only looking back that I realize how much she taught me. About my hair. My wardrobe. [ Chuckles ] About being a co-host. About being a friend. Not your typical type of friend, but one that I was -- I was happy to have.
Devon: What kind of friendly advice you think she'd give you if she was here right now?
Mariah: "Stop blubbering and get on with it."
Devon: [ Chuckles ] I'll get the tape and we can start sealing this up.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Everything all right?
Mariah: Uh, yeah. It's just sharon. She wants some milk.
Devon: Mm-hmm. I take it that's not the text you were hoping for.
Mariah: As much as I love groceries, no, it wasn'T.
Devon: Well, who's not hitting you back?
Mariah: Nobody.
Devon: On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being completely unbelievable, that was probably, like, an 11, 12, maybe.
Mariah: [ Laughs ] It's fine. I don't -- I don't want to burden you with my insignificant crap.
Devon: It's not a burden or insignificant, and I could use the distraction.
Mariah: It's tessa. She's not returning any of my calls or texts.
Devon: I thought she said that she just needed to get away, to take a break for a little bit?
Mariah: That's what she wanted everyone to think. But it's not true. And now I'm afraid she might be in trouble.
Billy: Hey, what are you doing?
Summer: You have been avoiding me all day.
Billy: Summer, I am not in the mood.
Summer: No, you are not leaving here until you talk to me.
Mariah: And tessa said, when she found crystal and made sure she was safe, she would come back to genoa city.
Devon: You don't think she was just saying that to throw you off so you wouldn't go looking for her?
Mariah: No. No. Not after what we said to each other.
Devon: Then when's the last time you spoke to her?
Mariah: Over a week ago. But the call got cut off.
Devon: And you don't think she just lost service? You think it's something worse than that?
Mariah: She said it would be hard to communicate with her while she was gone.
Devon: But you're obviously worrying.
Mariah: Yeah, I am. But you don't understand. The -- the people that are after her sister, they are really, really bad. And it's hard not to imagine all of the horrible things that could be happening to tessa and crystal.
Devon: Well, why don't you talk to paul, then?
Mariah: No. Tessa made me promise not to go to the police. Crystal is still a fugitive, and she's afraid that she'll go to prison for killing zack.
Devon: Then talk to a pi.
Mariah: What would i tell them? I don't know where tessa is, or where to even begin finding her. Maybe I'm overreacting.
Devon: Well, maybe you're not, though.
Mariah: What -- thank you for dialing up my freak-out factor.
Devon: I don't mean to freak you out. I really don'T. I just -- I know how much you care about tessa.
Mariah: I don't know. I'm not good at this whole "admitting my feelings" thing. So do you mind telling me where you're going with this?
Devon: I mean, we think we have a lot of time here, but that's not always the case. We're connected to life by a thin thread, and every single day, there's a million things that can break that connection. Most of the time, we beat the odds. Until we don'T. And then we just have memories. And photos. And clothes. And regrets of all the things that we took for granted. It's finite, the time that we have with the people we love, mariah. You don't want to waste one second of that. So I think you should do whatever it takes to find tessa.
Mariah: We should finish boxing these things up.
Devon: Sure. Actually, you know what? I-I, um... I don't -- I think I'm gonna hold off on, uh, donating this stuff.
Mariah: Yeah. Yeah, you should hold onto them for however long you need.
Devon: I appreciate you helping me pack it all up, though.
Mariah: Of course.
Devon: And anytime you're in the neighborhood...
Mariah: I'll see you soon. See ya.
Devon: See ya.
Jack: Ooh, champagne.
Ashley: You said you had good news.
Jack: Well, I've already celebrated with nick.
Ashley: He bought the leasing company?
Jack: Knowing full well they own all the leases to billy's boutiques.
Ashley: So nick's on board with keeping billy in check?
Jack: I think he liked the idea of having some leverage over our little brother.
Ashley: I'm just so happy you were able to talk him into buying that leasing company.
Jack: Billy's still planning on moving ahead with the stores?
Ashley: I'm done trying to talk him out of it, jack. The more I fight, the more billy digs his heels in. So right now, I'm being the supportive coo. Billy thinks he's golden. Till you cancel the leases on those 30 stores, and he's not gonna know what hit him.
Jack: To your very clever, very devious plan.
Ashley: Here's to restoring order at jabot.
Jack: Hear, hear.
Billy: Move, summer.
Summer: Not until you admit that you have feelings for me.
Billy: I don'T.
Summer: You kissed me.
Billy: You kissed me.
Summer: You didn't push me away. In fact --
Billy: "In fact" nothing. You kissed me. I pushed you away. End of story.
Summer: Fine. You ended the kiss. Eventually. But you didn't want to. You wanted to keep kissing me, and you wanted it to go even further than that.
Billy: No, I did not.
Summer: Own it, billy. Own whatever you are feeling right now.
Billy: You want to know what I'm feeling? I am feeling angry. Stop playing these games.
Summer: This isn't my version of a good time, but I am happy to show you what is.
Billy: Why don't you just go to the rooftop deck, hit on some 20-something-year-old kid? I'm sure kyle's there somewhere.
Summer: Kyle is a boy. I want a man, billy. I want you. And I know that you want me just as bad. You know that you do. You're just too scared to admit it.
Billy: Fine. Maybe, in some alternative universe where your mother doesn't exist, I would find you attractive. So what?
Summer: Why?
Billy: Seriously?
Summer: Tell me why you're attracted to me.
Billy: You're beautiful. You're gorgeous. You're exciting, and you're frustratingly unpredictable.
Summer: Then why are you resisting me?
Billy: Because I am in love with your mother. Madly, deeply in love with your mother. And you know what the kicker is? I am committed to her. You know, you might not understand this, but as an adult, you can be attracted to somebody and not act on it.
Summer: And you think that my mom is just as committed to you?
Billy: I know she is.
[ Sighs ] Now, I have to go out of town for business, and I've got a lot to do, so please move.
Summer: Are you really that desperate to get away from me?
Billy: I think it's good that we both have some time and space away from each other.
Summer: Because you can't stand to be near me. What's the matter, billy? Are you afraid of something that you might do? Stop fighting this. Everything in you is telling you that you want this, so just go for it.
Billy: [ Punches button ] Game over.
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