Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/9/18
Episode #11420 ~ Jack takes a chance, Summer smells victory, and Phyllis loses patience with Billy.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Kyle: You're looking for a fling. With your mother's boyfriend, for god only knows what reason.
Summer: I'm at the club and so is lauren and ashley and kyle, and it looks like they might be conspiring against you.
Billy: Ladies and gentlemen, jaboutique.
Jack: It just felt like she was giving me signals.
Summer: Really? Like what?
Jack: Doesn't matter anymore.
Summer: Do you see all those calls to and from jack? It was him! Those two got busy, like, seconds after she dumped billy.
Lily: The truth is that i ran a red light, and I'm the reason that hilary is dead.
Devon: I don't want lily to have anything to do with
gc buzz.
Lily: I don't understand. What are you saying?
Devon: I'm saying that you're fired.
Lily: Devon, you can't just fire --
Devon: Fire you? Yes, I can fire you.
Lily: What happened to hilary --
Devon: What you did to hilary.
Lily: Devon, it was an accident, okay? And getting rid of me won't help us fix this.
Devon: Lily, there's absolutely nothing for you to fix. Okay? My wife and my child are dead, and you're responsible for that. And I'm not gonna come to work, to my place of business and look at your face every single day. You have no rights to this company or my life. You lost those when you ran the red light.
Lily: Devon, we are family, okay? And getting rid of me doesn't change that. I am not going anywhere. I am right here. You have to talk to me.
Neil: Do you remember that you and I are partners in this? I'm not letting you cut lily loose. Lily, you have a place here. You always will.
Billy: Well, that sounds promising. All right, keep me posted. All right. Thanks. Thought you left with the others.
Phyllis: I wanted some one-on-one time to congratulate you on your new venture.
Billy: Well, that sounds nice. Although, it's a little surprising since you were conspiring against me just a few short hours ago.
Neil: Devon.
Devon: Stop it, neil. I really don't want to hear anything else.
Neil: Stop it? Listen, I don't know about all this.
Devon: What does that mean?
Neil: What does it mean? Look, you obviously are not listening. Every time lily opens her mouth, you're flat-out shutting her down.
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Neil: So you're gonna walk out now? You're just gonna run? I mean, that's not gonna solve anything.
Devon: And what's your deal now? You're calling the shots and telling me what to do and who i can fire?
Neil: What I'm talking about right now is the family.
Devon: You think I've forgotten that it's about family? It's always been about that. It's about the two members that were ripped away from me.
Lily: Devon... I love you. And I hate that seeing my face hurts you so much. And if you want me to go, I'll go.
Phyllis: I wasn't teaming up against you, billy.
Billy: Oh, no? That meeting with ashley and kyle, what was that? Yeah, I heard about that. Summer told me.
Phyllis: Did she leave out the part that I was sucked into that? I had no idea what I was walking in on.
Billy: Still doesn't explain why summer had to tell me and not you. She also mentioned that kyle and ashley are forming an alliance against me, like some kind of reality tv show.
Phyllis: Yeah, because obviously, uh, summer is more loyal to you than your own girlfriend. I don't know, maybe she thinks that you and she are a team, since you are so used to keeping each other's secrets.
Billy: Oh, we're gonna go there now, huh?
Phyllis: No, we're not. I couldn't pull out my phone in front of everyone. I report to lauren. She has some concerns about... your leadership.
Billy: And do you share those concerns? I mean, you weren't exactly enthusiastic about my brick-and-mortar plan.
Phyllis: Yes, I was. I said your idea had merit.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: I also have to be seen siding with lauren, with her concerns on this. If people are shopping at jabot boutiques, that is money not being spent on jabot products at fenmore'S. Fenmore's had to take on a partner because the retail market is so volatile. You knew that, and yet you still decided to take all of your r&d funds and toss it at store leases. And not just one flagship store to test it out, but a chain. And, billy, that is scary, okay? That's huge.
Billy: Yeah, it is. And it's exciting.
Phyllis: See? That, right there. This risk is still a thrill to you. It's like you have just... traded in gambling at cards for gambling with jabot.
Billy: This is business. It's not poker. It's how it works. No risk, no reward.
Phyllis: But it's the same high that's feeding you. Look, this isn't some cash or a boat you could lose. If this idea tanks, it could damage jabot, and you are the only one that's gonna take the heat. You. If that happens, you are giving your enemies exactly what they want.
Kyle: You're honestly okay with these jaboutiques?
Summer: Yes, I am okay with it. I respect our C.E.O.
Kyle: Respect? Uh-huh. That's cute. You weren't there for his so-called pitch.
Summer: Billy does not need to pitch you anything. He was merely keeping you informed as our boss, as a professional courtesy. It is our job to be supportive and have his back, you know.
Kyle: Wow.
Summer: What?
Kyle: Admit it. You're a fangirl.
Summer: A fangirl?
Kyle: With a borderline obsessive crush, and for that reason alone, you can't see that these new stores are a huge risk.
Summer: As is any new business venture.. you just need to have a little faith.
Kyle: Fair enough. But, come on, that name? I can't even say it with a straight face.
Summer: Okay, well, you don't need to. You're not the target demo, and neither is ashley or lauren. I am.
Kyle: You're the demo?
Summer: Yes. I'm the most desirable consumer there is. Billy knows exactly what women like me want. It's instinct, okay? He can't help himself. And you and the others can't see it because you're busy being haters, which is why I told him about your little secret meeting.
Kyle: Smart. Very. Since he's not even your boss. Lauren is. So you're clearly trying to get fired.
Summer: It is not about a paycheck, kyle, it's about doing the right thing, and someone needs to have billy's back.
Kyle: And that someone is you? You think billy's gonna be wowed by your loyalty and dump his girlfriend, aka, your mother?
Summer: Okay, once billy finds out that my mom slept with jack, he won't even be able to run to me fast enough. And I'm gonna be waiting there with open arms. In fact, billy's gonna get the ugly truth tonight.
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Phyllis: This is not judgment. It's concern. You know that.
Billy: I know that you love me. I know that you were thrilled when I took over as C.E.O. Here. If I remember correctly, you said it was the hottest thing ever. I know that you support me 100%. But then today...
Phyllis: I'm still excited. I'm just being pragmatic.
Billy: Is it, because the last few months, it seems like you've been a little tightly wound. That is not judgment, that is just concern.
Phyllis: The past few months?
Billy: Yeah. It's like you're a little more stressed than usual. And it's not all the time, but when this new you shows up, you have this feeling like everything could spin out.
Phyllis: Because it can any second.
Phyllis: That never bothered you before.
Phyllis: Things have changed. You know? And, yeah, since hilary, I am more worried. I'm trying to hold on to what i have. And I love you, and I love your passion and your confidence and the way that you go with your gut. But, yeah, I'm scared. If this jabot boutique idea just falls flat, I just... the "blood abbott" clause does not protect you or the company from a huge financial hit.
Billy: I am telling you, i swear to you, this is gonna work. The feasibility study I did on fenmore's locations, part of that was research for jaboutique. Pinpointing the ideal city, the optimal square footage per store, understanding what products women want to purchase in person and the experience that they want to have. Is it a risk? Yes. But the win will be huge, and this has nothing to do with gambling. This is about business. Taking the opportunity of the market. I don't need a random rush. I get that with you. The biggest gamble I ever made in my life was going after you, and it pays off every day.
Phyllis: I am with you. All the way.
Phyllis: That is just a preview of what you're gonna get when I get home tonight.
Phyllis: Really? You're such a tease.
Billy: I'll make it up to you. Over and over again.
Phyllis: What time?
Billy: Late, and I'm assuming in order to keep everything on schedule here, I'm gonna have some late nights.
Phyllis: That's no problem. Gives me time to plan a surprise or two. Then once you get home, we will make the most out of every second, okay?
Kyle: Tonight's the night you finally get a piece of billy. I mean, sure, you have no proof that phyllis and my dad actually slept together, and billy doesn't actually want a piece of you, but, hey, we're living in a post-factual society, so get it, girlfriend.
Summer: All right, my proof is that your dad still wants my mom.
Kyle: Doesn't mean he's acted on it. She left him for his brother. Tiny hurdle there.
Summer: All right, well, the heart wants what it wants. And my mom and jack should be together. I mean, why wouldn't they? What my mom has with billy isn't real.
Kyle: Oh, you keep telling yourself that.
Summer: And my mom and jack have been spending a lot of time together -- on the phone, face to face...
Kyle: Because of hilary. Because billy wasn't there when phyllis needed him.
Summer: Exactly. Billy got a taste of freedom and he liked it, and my mom doesn't know how to be single for two minutes, so she runs back to her loving and attentive ex.
Kyle: Again, doesn't mean that there's proof that the guy that was with phyllis that night was my dad.
Summer: All right, then I'll get proof.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] You have cameras in your place that night?
Summer: You know, we are so in sync, it's amazing. And don't get excited, it's in a platonic way. But, yes, cameras are involved.
Kyle: Does one of them double as a time machine, you can go back to the past?
Summer: No. But a repeat performance will do. Okay, I get my mom, you get your dad in the same place, set the mood, let the sparks fly, all while cameras are rolling, and you're gonna help me make it happen.
Kyle: Okay. Sure.
Summer: Wait, wait, wait. You're actually saying yes?
Kyle: Of course. Since we're such good platonic pals.
Summer: Wow. You really do want to get into my good graces, huh?
Kyle: I want this to explode in your face. Like a singe-off-the-eyebrows kind of explosion.
Summer: Well, you're gonna be eating your words and praising my genius by the time this is over.
Kyle: Hm. Let's make it happen.
Nate: Cane.
Cane: Hey.
Nate: I heard from neil about lily's decision.
Cane: Yeah, well, I couldn't stop her going to the police, so, uh... I don't know what's gonna happen now, but it's not gonna be good.
Nate: It's because she didn't tell them the whole truth right away.
Cane: Well, that's because she didn't know the truth 'cause I didn't tell her, and I've already told you that.
Nate: You can keep telling yourself that you were protecting her.
Cane: Well, I was, wasn't I?
Nate: Not by lying.
Cane: Well, you see, it's my lie, not hers.
Nate: Well, lily's the one that's paying for it.
Cane: Hey, you don't have to tell me that, and before you say "go to hell," you don't have to because I'm already there.
Devon: You can pack your stuff now, or I can have it packed for you and sent to your house.
Neil: Your sister is not going anywhere. No matter what, we're connected. That's not changing. Your sister is hurting, man! She's facing criminal prosecution!
Devon: Because she committed a crime!
Lily: Dad, it's fine. Devon's not gonna listen to you. And you know what, maybe i should go home. Because if I end up in prison, I'll wish I had spent more time with my kids than here.
Neil: Please, lily, don't talk like that.
Devon: Yeah, no, she's absolutely right. Where lily works next might be a moot point 'cause then you'll be out of this office and out of my life.
Neil: I understand your pain, I do, but that doesn't give you a free pass to emotionally beat up your sister.
Lily: Devon. I know what I did, okay? I replay it over and over in my head at night. And by 3:00 A.M., I am so tired that I stop being rational, that I think I can just wish it away. Like none of it ever really happened.
Devon: You know what I do at night? I wonder what baby names hilary was thinking of. Because we never got to tell each other our ideas. So I think of all of that. I think of the names that she would have liked, I think of the ones that she probably would have hated. And then right about at 3:00 A.M., Actually, I doze off, and then I wake back up and i forget what happened. Completely. And I wonder "where is hilary?" Did she go and get a drink of water, or what? But she's not there, she's gone. My bed is empty, like my life is because of you.
Neil: Okay, this is a little too much here. No more. I mean it.
Devon: It's fine. It's fine.
Neil: No, I mean it. Come on.
Devon: I mean it. I'm done here.
[ Door slams ]
Lily: [ Sniffles ]
Cane: You see, ever since charlie told me what happened, I've been living this nightmare because it's my job as a man to keep my family safe. I mean, anyone can run chancellor, but, you know, looking after lily and the kids, that's up to me. My instincts kick in, and... it doesn't matter if it's moral, only if it works. And, you see, I know that you being this upstanding, righteous doctor wouldn't understand that.
Nate: I don't understand what it's like to lie to my family and to people I care about. But that other stuff, I hear you. I know what it's like to think that I'm the only one that can solve the problem, that it's up to me play god. Just -- it never works out that way, and when you realize that, it's when the fear kicks in. Cane, there's this blind panic that you can't control the future. It's coming at you like a freight train. But you can't let the fear take over. Lily needs you way too much. You need to be her rock.
Cane: I will always be her rock. That is never gonna change.
Kyle: That your date for the evening? Your tablet?
Jack: I got some business to handle for dark horse.
Kyle: It's just -- it's sad. I mean, it's great you've gotten something meaty to chew on, but you know you still need a social life, right?
Jack: I have that.
Kyle: Really? Because, for months, it was about getting jabot back, then finding your father, and now nick's company. My whole life, you've had this live-work balance, and by live, I mean women. Now, not so much. Unless there's someone...
Jack: There is someone. I was interested, she unfortunately was not.
Kyle: You sure about that?
Jack: Very sure.
Kyle: Well, the right person's out there for you. Anyway, I'll let you get back to work.
Phyllis: Oh, hey, honey. I thought you had plans tonight.
Summer: No, um, I do. I was just making some last-minute hair tweaks. Um, what about you? Are you alone since billy's probably working late?
Phyllis: Well, I just saw him. He has quite a bit on his plate.
Summer: Mm.
Phyllis: And about billy... don't you worry about calling him with secret updates, okay? I'll keep him in the loop about every little detail, okay?
Summer: Well, I just knew that you had a lot on your plate with lauren and the others, and I was just doing you a favor by keeping billy in the loop, so...
Phyllis: Well...
Summer: I knew you'd want me to have his back.
Phyllis: Okay. Looking after him is my job.
Summer: All right. Gotcha. Well, I am out of here.
Phyllis: All right.
Summer: Oh, um, one more thing. Did you talk to jack today?
Phyllis: No. Why?
Summer: Well, I saw him today and, I don't know, he just seems kind of down lately. I don't know, I think the whole paternity thing and not finding his dad has really, I don't know, broken him down a little bit.
Phyllis: You think so?
Summer: Yeah, I just wish that there was something that i could do or say. I don't know, I just think that he really needs someone to lean on right now. With the whole abbott thing going on, I just don't know what to do. He's been so good to me and to us. Who knows? Maybe he'll reach out to you.
Phyllis: Well, he knows I'm there for him.
Summer: Good, I'm glad. Hey, but please don't mention that I said any of this to you because I know that he's really sensitive about the whole paternity thing, and I don't want him to think I was talking behind his back, you know?
Phyllis: Nope. Not a word. I will do what I can. Thank you for letting me know.
Summer: Yeah. My pleasure.
Phyllis: Okay.
Summer: Bye.
Phyllis: Bye.
Summer: Jack. Please tell me that this is not how you are spending your evening.
Jack: Funny, kyle had the same reaction.
Summer: Mm, I guess he's right about some things.
Jack: Have a seat. So, what do you have going on this evening?
Summer: Honestly, um, anything to be away from home.
Jack: What's wrong there?
Summer: Just some weird vibes.
Jack: Between you and your mom?
Summer: Mm, no, between mom and billy. Just a lot of weird tension.
Jack: What happened to their joyous reconciliation?
Summer: Mm, not so joyous-anymore. No, I mean, honestly, I think that they're just hanging on by a thread. Billy's at work really late, so mom is just at home, worried, and... I don't know how to make any of it better, you know? And it's not like mom has hilary to talk to anymore. I mean, I can try to talk to her, but you know she's never gonna open up to me, so... I don't know, maybe you want to talk to her.
Jack: Summer, I'm sorry. Your mother doesn't want to talk to me about any of these things. She knows how I feel about her getting back together with billy. She's made her choice.
Summer: I am telling you, jack, they are not happy anymore. Now it's just about saving face, which, yeah, I mean I guess it makes sense. I mean, she threw away her life with you for billy, and to admit that that was a mistake, she --
Jack: She doesn't feel that way.
Summer: Okay, well, I am telling you that she was ready to throw her pride aside as soon as billy left the picture.
Jack: Wait, what does that mean?
Summer: It's just... the way that she looks when she talks about you... the things that she says... honestly, I thought that you guys were ready to try again.
Jack: Whatever you thought, whatever I thought, phyllis is back together with billy. She's made her choice.
Summer: You love her still. There's something between you guys. Am I right? Go with that feeling, jack. This thing with billy, it's just gonna drag my mom down. So be her lifeboat. Pull her back from the abyss. Before it's too late.
Cane: Hey. So, uh, what did he say?
Lily: I can'T. Not yet.
Cane: Okay. But, uh, you told him confessed, right? I mean, that had to make a difference.
Lily: No, he thinks the only way that hilary can have justice is if I'm punished.
Cane: That's what he said?
Lily: That, and so much more.
[ Voice breaking ] He hates me. And I think even if I am punished, it won't be enough for him.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Sighs deeply ]
Neil: Devon, he's absolutely full of rage, you know? I mean, it's a continuous flow. Sometimes he's fired up, sometimes he's icy cold. You know, I know you said to let him grieve in his own way, but i am watching him spiral into a dark, vicious world. I mean, nate, this isn't the man that I know.
Nate: You feel like you need to do something now.
Neil: [ Sighs ] Will you help me?
Nate: Whatever you need.
[ Knocks on door ]
Devon: Okay, we're not doing this right now.
Neil: Hey, come on. Wait, no, hold on. Nate and I aren't leaving until you hear us out.
Devon: Lily is a grown woman, neil. She committed a crime, she can deal with the consequences.
Neil: Listen to me. We're here for you. We're here to save you from yourself.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Phyllis: Jack! Hi.
Jack: Bad time?
Phyllis: No. Just me and the tv. Come on in.
Jack: Thanks.
Phyllis: Sure.
Jack: I wasn't sure you were gonna let me in after the last time we spoke.
Phyllis: What? Oh, the rooftop. You think I'm silly for taking billy back. Thank god you and I will always be friends. Please, have a seat.
Jack: Thanks.
Billy: Come in. Hey.
Summer: Hey.
Billy: What are you doing here?
Summer: Well, I slacked off all week, so I'm running behind on a marketing proposal, and i have to stay late to make up for it. Got a little hungry, so i thought I'd bring you some food, too.
Billy: Just a heads up -- that actually sounds like slacking.
Summer: All right, fine. I lied. The food is just trojan horse for me to get into the door. There's something that I really wanted to talk to you about.
Devon: I know you guys are trying to do this intervention thing where you want to tell me how I'm supposed to mourn my wife and child, but you already have made yourselves very clear, so you don't have to do it again.
Neil: Okay, let me make this clear. We're not here to judge you, man. We're not here to correct you. Nate's been there. I've been there. We're your family. We know what you're going through.
Devon: Do you really?
Nate: Yeah, when I lost my girlfriend, I couldn't hear anything. No sounds, voices, the world. It's like I had headphones on and I was drowning everything out. All the stuff people said to me, them trying to help me, and it was the same way in my heart. I didn't want to feel anything. I mean, I even stopped practicing medicine because if i couldn't save my own girlfriend, what's the point? I was angry. I was bitter. And I was lost. I could have gotten help. I should have gotten help. But I didn'T. I just kept piling pain on top of pain, man.
Neil: Listen, man, I -- hey, look at me. Look at me. You're not an angry man. You know? You're not built that way. Any time you tried to lash out when you were a kid or when you grew up, I could tell how much it hurt you. And it's happening all over again. You are completely consumed with anger. Look at what happened to me. Like you, I lost my best friend. I lost my wife, tragically, and I pushed everyone away that loved me. I fell off the wagon. I started drinking. I pushed you and your sister away. I didn't want to feel better. I felt like I didn't deserve to. I don't want to see what happened to me happen to you. So I'm gonna ask you -- would hilary want this for you?
Lily: You know, sometimes i think maybe I should just let devon fire me because he looks at me and he sees what happened to hilary, and I can't blame him for that. But then I think if I do just disappear, he can just pretend like I don't exist. And we'll just drift farther and farther apart. But, you know what, maybe it doesn't even matter because if i end up in prison, we won't see each other anyway.
Cane: Listen, I'm not gonna let you think like this, okay? Because you love your work, and you've poured yourself into this business.
Lily: It's not about the job. He's my brother.
Cane: Exactly, he's your brother, and when you wanted to start this agency, he asked you to do it here at hamilton-winters group, and he can't offer you that and just take it away from you. What happened, baby, it was an accident. And he can't just punish you for that. This could have happened to anyone.
Lily: Answer me honestly. If hilary were driving and i died, would you forgive her?
Cane: But that didn't happen. Baby, you're still here, and I'm so grateful for that, so... you can't make yourself suffer, okay, for something you regret with your whole heart. You can't do to yourself.
Lily: We both know how you'd feel. So I can't blame devon. I am the reason his wife is gone, and nothing I do will ever make things right with him. I mean, my family has been through so much, and this might be the things that breaks us apart forever.
Phyllis: So I get out my phone, and I'm ready to tap out some bitchy text -- half real, and half because I know it'll make hilary laugh, but then, you know, I realize...
Jack: I know. I was thinking about devon earlier, everything he's facing. You plan your whole life with somebody, and suddenly they're gone. I do know one thing for sure. You have to let the people you care about know how you feel.
Phyllis: Absolutely.
Jack: To that end... I want you to know, next time you feel like tapping out a bitchy text, send it to me.
Phyllis: [ Giggles ]
Jack: Hilary's not the only person who always got a kick out of your sense of humor. I want you to know, in case you don't know, I'm here for you to lean on.
Phyllis: I'm always here for you, too, to listen to what you want to say, or not say.
Jack: Thanks. I mean that.
Phyllis: You know, you haven't said anything about the search for your father. I mean, now that you know it's not philip chancellor, I mean, what are you thinking?
Jack: Well, I'm still thinking it's someone at the country club. Dina's too fragile to ask right now. I mean, she has her good days, but I don't want to waste that time dragging her through that, making her feel like a failure because she can't tell me what i need to know.
Phyllis: I mean, there's got to be other sources.
Jack: Well, I've got the old country club ledger full of names I don't recognize and people who probably passed away. I'm gonna keep trying, though.
Phyllis: That can't be easy, all that uncertainty. Not knowing if you'll ever get the answer you want.
Jack: Dark horse has helped. It's given me something to focus on. I really appreciate having a new challenge.
Phyllis: I hear you. You got to stay sharp to take on the world.
Summer: To jaboutiques.
Billy: Thank you for that.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Although, you didn't have to come all the way down here just to prove to me that you like the idea.
Summer: Okay, well, I'm not sucking up to the C.E.O., If that's what you think. I just really liked your idea, and I want to help out any way that I can.
Billy: [ Clears throat ] You are a fenmore's employee. Lauren already thinks that I'm stepping all over her profits, so you don't want to go down that road.
[ Groans ]
Summer: What's wrong?
Billy: Nothing.
Summer: What, did you pull something?
Billy: No, it's fine.
Summer: Okay, billy, I can see the knots in your shoulders from across the room. I think you need an ergonomic chair or keyboard or something, and maybe not work at your desk for 12 hours a day.
Billy: All right, I will take that into consideration.
Summer: Here. Okay, don't be such a baby. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Billy:You don't have to do this, you know.
Summer: Okay, I took a shiatsu seminar last year, and the instructor didn't really speak a lot of english, but i think I got the gist.
Billy: Is that a joke?
Summer: Just be quiet and let me do my thing, okay?
Billy: Agh!
Summer: Seriously? Suck it up.
Billy: You're good. That's good. Thank you. No, I appreciate it. That was really good.
Summer: All right. You know, billy, I'm being serious about the better chair, and maybe even a standing desk. Because, you know, jabot can afford it, I think.
Billy: You really do know what you're doing, huh? You weren't lying.
Summer: No. I was being honest with you. Now I think it's time that you should be honest with me.
Billy: What the hell was that?
Summer: Well, it was me kissing you and you letting it happen.
Neil: Now, I know you've lost a lot, and if you let this anger eat you up, you're gonna lose even more, and I personally -- I'm not gonna let that happen.
Devon: Just relax. All right? I'm not gonna crawl into a bottle, neil. I'm not gonna give up on my work. This isn't about me spinning out because of grief. This is about justice. That's all I want, is justice for my wife and for my child. And if anyone else had been responsible, you'd have my back, but you don't, and that's fine, but what it tells me is that, to you, lily's comfort supercedes what happened to my wife and kid.
Lily: Hello? Yes. Okay. Thank you. That was michael. I'm being arraigned tomorrow.
Cane: Wait a minute, you're being arraigned? What are the charges? I mean, the D.A. Is gonna have to show you some leniency, right, and cut you a break. Right?
Lily: Two counts of vehicular homicide -- one for hilary and the unborn baby.
Cane: No, no, they can't do that, baby. You didn't mean to do this. They can't do this to you.
Lily: Oh, my god. I could be locked up for 20 years.
Cane: Come here, I got you.
Lily: Oh, my god.
Cane: I got you, baby. I got you. I got you. Come here. I got you. Come here.
Lily: [ Sobbing ]
Jack: Working with nick has been inspirational. He's reinventing himself as a man he wants to be. No hesitation, no apologies. His passion is intoxicating.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, that's definitely what he is. He's intoxicating. But I am so glad you have this new purpose. You know, what you're doing to help nick, you know, with dark horse, it's just like building something from the ground up. I just think that's very impressive.
Jack: Why not join us? No, I mean it. Step away from fenmore's, write your own ticket. Believe me, nick would take you any way he could get you.
Phyllis: That's a bad idea.
Jack: I know you feel loyal to lauren and to billy, but think about it. Really. The situation you're in now...
Phyllis: I'm fine.
Jack: Is it really fine? You could speak your mind at dark horse. You'd be appreciated, valued if you came with us. Sometimes what works, what fits for a while, isn't meant to last. Sometimes you have to move on, find what you need.
Phyllis: You're always looking out for me, aren't you?
Jack: I will always be there for you. Oh, wait, I --
Phyllis: No, what I meant was that billy and I are fine. We're good. We're truly good.
Jack: No, I'm -- I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me.
Phyllis: No, it's okay.
Jack: I'll show myself out.
Phyllis: No, no, no. Jack.
Jack: It's all right.
Phyllis: It's all right.
[ Door slams ]
Billy: I am sick of this. You got to stop this, all right? You're gonna leave me no choice but to go to the your mother.
Summer: Okay, then why wait till next time? Just pick up the phone and tell her right now.
Billy: Is that what you want me to do?
Summer: I want to hear what you want.
Billy: I want you to stop this. I want you to quit with these -- these games.
Summer: Just admit it, billy. You liked it.
Billy: My god, summer.
Summer: Okay, come on, billy. You're just hoping that it'll happen, and you're just wishing that the timing would be better. Maybe when you're drunk or when you and my mom had a fight... or when you can say yes and you just don't feel responsible. Billy, I remind you of who you used to be. Of who you wish you could be again.
Billy: The only reason why i haven't told your mother is because I don't want to be the reason your relationship blows up.
Summer: Whatever you got to tell yourself.
Billy: I'm not doing this to protect you. I'm doing this to protect her. Get out.
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